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Repetitive Booking Penalty

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I do. It seems pretty fair to me.


I see why people don't use it for older settings, although I'd argue the repetitive booking they are trying to simulate are really just tons of matches in what TEW would call house shows, which already don't trigger this penalty.

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It depends on what kind of game I'm playing. If it's a modern tv promotion I absolutely want it on. I should be punished for repetition. If it's a game where I dont imagine the shows are broadcast (small time indy) then I'll turn it off.
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Hmm....I know I am late to the party but this would have been a great suggestion for the new game. Adjustable booking penalty. Choose between 3-5 different types to match specific eras. Like 3 matches in 3 months, 6 matches in 3 months etc....
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Another thing to remember (if the penalty functions as it has in previous versions of the game) is that the penalty will only apply if the later matches are rated worse than any of the first 3 matches. You could book your way around the penalty with strategic use of road agent notes/match aims...in a sense purposely lowering some of the early match ratings slightly.
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<p>Worth remembering that you only get penalised if the fourth/subsequent matches aren't better than the previous ones. Edit: what he said ^</p><p> </p><p>

I always leave it on. Stops me from spamming obvious main events and forces me to be a bit more creative.</p>

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I always turn it off. Every time I leave it on I end up doing too many storylines with constant run ins and beatdowns and I add in way too many unnecessary people just to avoid the penalty. I'd rather just book the stories and feuds I want. I do try to keep it realistic though, and I don't just spam my best workers in matches on every show to get a good rating. That would be boring.
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If you're doing a Local to Global playthrough and are still a company smaller than Medium you can leave it on and basically ignore it, because the newer matches will almost always be better than the previous matches. And once you're medium, your company's roster will probably be deep enough to stop repetitive matches naturally
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Just use more multi-man matches. Tags, trios, triple threats, etc.



This is also how they got around in the 80s. Flair and Dusty really didn't have that many singles matches, it was mostly Dusty/Koloff vs Anderson/Flair or Dusty/Road Warriors Vs Arn/Tully/Flair.


Using multi-mans also has the advantage of making it easier to increase popularity for your lesser stars.

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I always keep it on, but might turn it off temporarily if I wanted to do a classic best of seven.


I like the challenge of doing a Bo7 with it on. :D Once got all the way to match 7 between Wolf Hawkins and Josh Taylor in 2016 before Hawkins was off his game, which penalised the match just enough to make it worse, which in turn tanked the rating. Brutal end to a great series. It was like the 2017 world series, you get all the way to game 7 and suddenly the Astros are up by 5 after 2. I'm sure Wolf must've used a trash can or two, come to think of it...

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I like the challenge of doing a Bo7 with it on. :D Once got all the way to match 7 between Wolf Hawkins and Josh Taylor in 2016 before Hawkins was off his game, which penalised the match just enough to make it worse, which in turn tanked the rating. Brutal end to a great series. It was like the 2017 world series, you get all the way to game 7 and suddenly the Astros are up by 5 after 2. I'm sure Wolf must've used a trash can or two, come to think of it...


This made my day

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Like others, I use either tags or trios to help with this, kind of like NJPW style booking, just not as many tags. You can have two storylines merge for a short period of time, and it helps give a rub to the people further down the card and their storyline.
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