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Japan Cverse - Constant vs. Touring

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<p>I'm very grateful for this thread and discussion, as this has been weighing heavily on my mind as I dabble with BCG prior to what I hope to be a long-term save. My first take was that the mechanics of the touring schedule, as is, with tons of tour shows that aren't financially viable combined with no extensive breaks in the schedule, seemed like sabotage. That said, I'm reluctant to make choices that feel like "cheat codes," either, making it too easy to make money and grow. I'm still not sure where I stand after reading and considering everyone's points of view, but it certainly won't be leaving the schedule as is. I'm probably going to completely re-do it on my own to resemble the way I played BCG in 2016, with tons of shows per month and the traditional break-period months between tours. I'll run a higher percentage of "normal" shows to counter what feel like unrealistic economic burdens, although I'm not sure if I'll completely abandon "tour" shows, so as not to make it too easy to prosper. For example, the grand prix will probably be all "normal" shows. </p><p> </p><p>

I have no qualms with any perspective voiced here. People can and should play to their preferences and priorities. I do think it is possible to bridge the gap with booking choices regardless of which path you take--you can develop talent fine without tour shows; most companies can survive with tons of tour shows, albeit with a stern degree of difficulty, etc.</p>

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<p>Yeah, I think the OP's point is that on a real life tour it's not just a bunch of minor shows and a big event at the end.</p><p> </p><p>

Does that sometime happen? Sure. Most tours though, there is a few "in-between" shows that are more special than others. Whether it is a tour opener, produce show, anniversary of someone's debut or start in wrestling, etc... That usually why NJPW does a couple stops at K-Hall for example.</p><p> </p><p>

So just going tour, tour, tour, etc... then big event isn't how it really works in real life AND drastically impacts your finances in a RW or CV save.</p><p> </p><p>

Vs. doing something that is more "realistic" with a couple of bigger events sprinkled throughout the tour to not only better sim real life tour setups, but also make the company more money.</p>

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Alright Jon I'll reload tonight and give it a month of play with regular events and see how it plays out for me, I'm not resistant for the sake of it, I simply didn't know any better than what I already thought I knew, time to learn a new hold and come back!
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Just want to chime in to say that perhaps measuring the physical health workers is a better way to see the effects of tour vs. constant than injuries.


As pointed out, injuries are a bit more random, but perhaps what would be less random would be the decrease in the physical heath (though perhaps 2 months won't be enough to see any difference).


I would suspect (or even hope) that because workers are holding back on tour shows, that they would accumulate less wear on a touring schedule vs. a constant schedule. To me, a constant schedule with puro's high intensity seems like it would be ripe for having workers getting worn down far quicker. That's kind of the trade off I would expect from a gameplay perspective.

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I mean, sure, but the comparison being discussed here isn't about realistic representation, it's about how to make the most money and gain popularity fastest, which just isn't how touring is supposed to work in reality.


Just want to chime in to say that perhaps measuring the physical health workers is a better way to see the effects of tour vs. constant than injuries.


As pointed out, injuries are a bit more random, but perhaps what would be less random would be the decrease in the physical heath (though perhaps 2 months won't be enough to see any difference).


I would suspect (or even hope) that because workers are holding back on tour shows, that they would accumulate less wear on a touring schedule vs. a constant schedule. To me, a constant schedule with puro's high intensity seems like it would be ripe for having workers getting worn down far quicker. That's kind of the trade off I would expect from a gameplay perspective.


Analysing this at the moment; will post stuff up in a bit.

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I'm very grateful for this thread and discussion, as this has been weighing heavily on my mind as I dabble with BCG prior to what I hope to be a long-term save. My first take was that the mechanics of the touring schedule, as is, with tons of tour shows that aren't financially viable combined with no extensive breaks in the schedule, seemed like sabotage. That said, I'm reluctant to make choices that feel like "cheat codes," either, making it too easy to make money and grow. I'm still not sure where I stand after reading and considering everyone's points of view, but it certainly won't be leaving the schedule as is. I'm probably going to completely re-do it on my own to resemble the way I played BCG in 2016, with tons of shows per month and the traditional break-period months between tours. I'll run a higher percentage of "normal" shows to counter what feel like unrealistic economic burdens, although I'm not sure if I'll completely abandon "tour" shows, so as not to make it too easy to prosper. For example, the grand prix will probably be all "normal" shows.


I have no qualms with any perspective voiced here. People can and should play to their preferences and priorities. I do think it is possible to bridge the gap with booking choices regardless of which path you take--you can develop talent fine without tour shows; most companies can survive with tons of tour shows, albeit with a stern degree of difficulty, etc.


I think you're doing things the right way and much like I will be doing. The happy medium is the thing I really want to stress. "Touring Intent" isnt bad but when the default "tour" schedule has that exclusively, thats where it becomes detrimental, I think.


I definitely think the best thing to do is hand-manipulate your schedule and do what you feel is realistic and the right balance. For example, when I tried to play as BHOTWG and mimic Fantasticamania, this would be a great spot to put a lot of "Touring Intent" and "Lesser Shows" to compensate for the weirder roster. But if Im in G1 season, I'll use a lot more, almost exclusively, normal intent shows.


Yeah, I think the OP's point is that on a real life tour it's not just a bunch of minor shows and a big event at the end.


Does that sometime happen? Sure. Most tours though, there is a few "in-between" shows that are more special than others. Whether it is a tour opener, produce show, anniversary of someone's debut or start in wrestling, etc... That usually why NJPW does a couple stops at K-Hall for example.


So just going tour, tour, tour, etc... then big event isn't how it really works in real life AND drastically impacts your finances in a RW or CV save.


Vs. doing something that is more "realistic" with a couple of bigger events sprinkled throughout the tour to not only better sim real life tour setups, but also make the company more money.




Alright Jon I'll reload tonight and give it a month of play with regular events and see how it plays out for me, I'm not resistant for the sake of it, I simply didn't know any better than what I already thought I knew, time to learn a new hold and come back!


Sorry if I come across like Im reprimanding you, its certainly not my intention. Like the two quotes above me say, I dont want people to just go full constant, there is a balance. Im just advocating against sticking to the touring schedule as it currently is because its simply not a good schedule compared to the alternative(s) and isnt realistic anyways so you shouldnt feel obligated to it, you know.


Do what you feel is best and works for you!


Just want to chime in to say that perhaps measuring the physical health workers is a better way to see the effects of tour vs. constant than injuries.


As pointed out, injuries are a bit more random, but perhaps what would be less random would be the decrease in the physical heath (though perhaps 2 months won't be enough to see any difference).


I would suspect (or even hope) that because workers are holding back on tour shows, that they would accumulate less wear on a touring schedule vs. a constant schedule. To me, a constant schedule with puro's high intensity seems like it would be ripe for having workers getting worn down far quicker. That's kind of the trade off I would expect from a gameplay perspective.


You're right actually. Physical health is a bigger deal than fatigue with measuring the schedule's impact on a worker's possibility for long term injuries. Unfortunately there is no real easy way to take all of that in at a glance.


I still dont really fear it because I feel like if you're angling for more realistic booking you've got a lot of options for keeping your workers at ease. Multi-man matches, days off, shorter opening matches with the young lions, keeping them for stable promos, etc. But again, the A.I. is really the bigger issue I think with this, its hard to tell if the A.I. is smart enough to manage it.


Ultimately though, Im still for sure advocating for a mix and not just constant. So I think that mix schedule will definitely help to deal with the possibility that injuries actually become an issue and again, is just plain closer to real life than touring or constant.

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For many players (arguably too many), the main goal is frankly absurd levels of financial and pop growth as quickly as possible, realism be damned. New Japan aren't booking Korakuen Hall because it's an insane money maker, and they're not throwing main event singles matches on those cards either.


If the constant schedule is bringing you more money and pop quickly, then fine, play however you want to. But realistically speaking, touring isn't supposed to achieve that, and at that point your priority isn't to reflect Japanese wrestling anyway, so what does it matter what downsides the touring schedule has?


That's basically my takeaway from this whole thread, too.


The improvements to touring were important to me because they allowed a more realistic simulation of running a puro company. I don't want to boot up a 2020 All-Japan game and overtake New Japan in a year by cleverly exploiting game mechanics. I want to run it as accurately as humanly possible.


Sure, I could make more money running a constant schedule, but if I wanted an inaccurate simulation of the puro scene I could just play 2016.

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That's basically my takeaway from this whole thread, too.


The improvements to touring were important to me because they allowed a more realistic simulation of running a puro company. I don't want to boot up a 2020 All-Japan game and overtake New Japan in a year by cleverly exploiting game mechanics. I want to run it as accurately as humanly possible.


Sure, I could make more money running a constant schedule, but if I wanted an inaccurate simulation of the puro scene I could just play 2016.


Dont post in this thread if you're not going to read it. If you watch puro then you already know the touring schedule doesnt reflect the RW one so youre just talking from a bad faith angle tbh.


Tell me more about how you're mirroring a modern AJPW in TEW 2020 when effectively your entire Champion Carnival tour will be performed in House Show tier events where wrestlers arent exerting themselves, you're not making any money, you're not broadcasting any of it except highlights, and you're paying them 10% of their actual salary.


If you wanted to even have a semblance of realism none of those events would be "Touring Intent" tier.


Furthermore, your argument is that you would surpass NJPW with no trouble which is insinuating that I want you exclusively to alter your own schedule. This is far from what I want. I want all of Japan's schedules to be altered to be more realistic. Im not stating that the user alone should have a better situation.


And tbh, if you're playing a RW mod, I hope that they're actually hand tweaking the schedule and not tossing on "Tour" and calling it a day because there's no way that'll reflect an AJPW schedule anyways.




Shoutout to Jaded because he's taking a look at one of the bigger issues that I've overlooked which is worker's physical health. I think this is useful information 100%. I dont think it will change the fact that touring still needs a mix of event types to reflect the RW no matter the result.




And for the people in the back. I dont care about making the game "easy" or powergaming. I wouldnt need to make a thread about it. If thats what I wanted I would tweak my company and not do anything about the other ones and Id call it a day. Im not putting effort or time into this because I want an easier game. I want it to more accurately simulate RW schedules.


AND AGAIN. Im not saying go for Constant, Im saying that ideally touring shouldnt be a paintbrush schedule because RW companies do not work like this. Im arguing for a mix because thats much closer to how RW touring schedules would work.

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I personally don't think worker health will be too much of an issue because even if say on constant compared to tour a worker's health deteriorates 1.5* faster, that means it'll go from 10 years of peak work to say 6.66 years of peak work. Which is still far longer than the average TEW save seems to go and still long enough to build other stars effectively in the meantime.
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Perhaps Jaded will have a better sample size. I decided to take a brief look at some of the top workers in PGHW and compare their physical state & # of matches wrestled. The top is under "Touring" the second is under "Constant" in parenthesis is # of matches wrestled.



- 71/69/75/56 (14)

- 71/69/75/55 (21)


- 70/74/79/76 (14)

- 71/74/79/76 (15)


- 78/73/79/76 (14)

- 76/71/77/75 (20)


- 80/77/80/79 (14)

- 79/77/80/79 (20)


- 76/71/77/73 (9)

- 75/30/76/71 (12)*


- 71/69/77/65 (16)

- 70/68/76/63 (17)


- 70/71/77/76 (12)

- 69/70/77/76 (19)


* Jimbo has a back injury.


I dont think 2 months is enough to really see the long term effects but it's what we have. In this sample size, it seems to me that the detoriation isnt drastic enough for it to off set the fact that PGHW are going to be big in 2 months, and have 10X their current bank account.


With a mix of both schedule types, I think it will be a complete nonfactor though, and when a human is booking and using more multi-man matches, it'll be even less of a thing.


The PGHW product is really intensive in general. Whether or not you play touring or constant, you should be booking quite carefully and keeping an eye out on the health of your workers. They're already not great to start and they'll start dying if you dont manage it imo. I think the schedule type is irrelevant in that regard.

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Dont post in this thread if you're not going to read it. If you watch puro then you already know the touring schedule doesnt reflect the RW one so youre just talking from a bad faith angle tbh.


Tell me more about how you're mirroring a modern AJPW in TEW 2020 when effectively your entire Champion Carnival tour will be performed in House Show tier events where wrestlers arent exerting themselves, you're not making any money, you're not broadcasting any of it except highlights, and you're paying them 10% of their actual salary.


If you wanted to even have a semblance of realism none of those events would be "Touring Intent" tier.


Furthermore, your argument is that you would surpass NJPW with no trouble which is insinuating that I want you exclusively to alter your own schedule. This is far from what I want. I want all of Japan's schedules to be altered to be more realistic. Im not stating that the user alone should have a better situation.


And tbh, if you're playing a RW mod, I hope that they're actually hand tweaking the schedule and not tossing on "Tour" and calling it a day because there's no way that'll reflect an AJPW schedule anyways.




Shoutout to Jaded because he's taking a look at one of the bigger issues that I've overlooked which is worker's physical health. I think this is useful information 100%. I dont think it will change the fact that touring still needs a mix of event types to reflect the RW no matter the result.




And for the people in the back. I dont care about making the game "easy" or powergaming. I wouldnt need to make a thread about it. If thats what I wanted I would tweak my company and not do anything about the other ones and Id call it a day. Im not putting effort or time into this because I want an easier game. I want it to more accurately simulate RW schedules.


AND AGAIN. Im not saying go for Constant, Im saying that ideally touring shouldnt be a paintbrush schedule because RW companies do not work like this. Im arguing for a mix because thats much closer to how RW touring schedules would work.


Dude, you need to calm the hell down. Nowhere did I disagree with your major conclusions. I'm just saying if it came down to an inaccurate touring schedule or an inaccurate constant schedule I'm going to take the inaccurate touring schedule which is at least semi-realistic over the not realistic at all constant schedule.

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I posted my work in progress schedule for PGHW over in that thread that I’m trying to base on reality. I’m not 100% happy with it and I’ll probably add a few more shows in as I go along but at the moment I’ve got a roughly 60/40 split between touring and normal intent shows.
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Dude, you need to calm the hell down. Nowhere did I disagree with your major conclusions. I'm just saying if it came down to an inaccurate touring schedule or an inaccurate constant schedule I'm going to take the inaccurate touring schedule which is at least semi-realistic over the not realistic at all constant schedule.


Re-read your own post in that case.


Your claim is that im suggesting exploiting game mechanics or innacurately simulating the puro scene when thats far from the point of the thread, and on the innacurate simulation, is in fact the exact opposite of the aim of this thread.


And in this most recent post you suggest that touring is somehow more realistic than a constant which is not true at all. In fact, that's essentially you disagreeing with one of my major conclusions. That Constant & Touring virtually reflect the RW schedules in the same manner (that is, they dont really). You only believe its closer because it has "touring" in its name. But it does not come close to reflecting RW schedules. Show me which company its reflecting or coming close to reflecting?


Wouldnt a G1 more closely be represented in a Constant schedule? Are G1 treated like glorified house shows where people half-ass, get paid 10%, no one can access except for clips? I'll keep banging that drum until people understand just how innacurate this is in simulating any of the big five puro companies.


Ultimately, your post here doesn't even address any of the points I reasonably argued about your first post. You're just angry I chastized you for not acknowledging the many things that have already been stated in this thread refuting your posts. I actively read your post and criticized each point just like Im doing again. I did not insult you, so I dont see why I need to calm down. Was I harsh in my tone, certainly, but I will be harsh in my tone to anyone that decides to blatantly ignore what's been said just to shit on the topic.


To put this to bed, if you are intent on either a) "semi-realistic schedule" or be "as accurately as human possible" then you'll have to manually go in and fix each company's schedules because touring doesnt come any closer to it than constant. If you stick to touring then clearly your interest in "realism" only went so far. Though if you are GENUINE in your intent to get a scheduling system that reflects it as accurately as possible, wouldnt it actually be smarter not for you to just dismiss this thread but actually come up with suggestions and possibilities as to how one might help this game come closer to an accurate representation just like many others are doing?


That's basically my takeaway from this whole thread, too.


The improvements to touring were important to me because they allowed a more realistic simulation of running a puro company. I don't want to boot up a 2020 All-Japan game and overtake New Japan in a year by cleverly exploiting game mechanics. I want to run it as accurately as humanly possible.


Sure, I could make more money running a constant schedule, but if I wanted an inaccurate simulation of the puro scene I could just play 2016.


^ your post here so you can reread it :rolleyes:

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I posted my work in progress schedule for PGHW over in that thread that I’m trying to base on reality. I’m not 100% happy with it and I’ll probably add a few more shows in as I go along but at the moment I’ve got a roughly 60/40 split between touring and normal intent shows.


Gonna check it out! That sounds like a pretty smart split. Im not crazy creative so I like to usually just emulate a real world companie's schedules and Ill aim for a similar ratio. I imagine a 60/40 split isnt far off from real life.

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Re-read your own post in that case.


Your claim is that im suggesting exploiting game mechanics or innacurately simulating the puro scene when thats far from the point of the thread, and on the innacurate simulation, is in fact the exact opposite of the aim of this thread.


And in this most recent post you suggest that touring is somehow more realistic than a constant which is not true at all. In fact, that's essentially you disagreeing with one of my major conclusions. That Constant & Touring virtually reflect the RW schedules in the same manner (that is, they dont really). You only believe its closer because it has "touring" in its name. But it does not come close to reflecting RW schedules. Show me which company its reflecting or coming close to reflecting?


Wouldnt a G1 more closely be represented in a Constant schedule? Are G1 treated like glorified house shows where people half-ass, get paid 10%, no one can access except for clips? I'll keep banging that drum until people understand just how innacurate this is in simulating any of the big five puro companies.


Ultimately, your post here doesn't even address any of the points I reasonably argued about your first post. You're just angry I chastized you for not acknowledging the many things that have already been stated in this thread refuting your posts. I actively read your post and criticized each point just like Im doing again. I did not insult you, so I dont see why I need to calm down. Was I harsh in my tone, certainly, but I will be harsh in my tone to anyone that decides to blatantly ignore what's been said just to shit on the topic.


To put this to bed, if you are intent on either a) "semi-realistic schedule" or be "as accurately as human possible" then you'll have to manually go in and fix each company's schedules because touring doesnt come any closer to it than constant. If you stick to touring then clearly your interest in "realism" only went so far. Though if you are GENUINE in your intent to get a scheduling system that reflects it as accurately as possible, wouldnt it actually be smarter not for you to just dismiss this thread but actually come up with suggestions and possibilities as to how one might help this game come closer to an accurate representation just like many others are doing?




^ your post here so you can reread it :rolleyes:


How did I imply that YOU were doing something when I wasn't talking to you. At all. I was responding to a different poster who was talking about the way some people play the game when YOU decided to jump down my throat acting like it was a personal attack. I'm done engaging with you.

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How did I imply that YOU were doing something when I wasn't talking to you. At all. I was responding to a different poster who was talking about the way some people play the game when YOU decided to jump down my throat acting like it was a personal attack. I'm done engaging with you.


I'm sorry you feel that way. Farewell. Thanks for your contributions, suggestions, and reasonable criticisms. I think we'll be able to better put forth suggestions to make touring as realistic as humanly possible, the way you wanted, because of your posts. They were all very appreciated.

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I think it would probably be a good idea to give out higher popularity boosts for great shows during touring dates. Even more so if you hold an event during the tour.


This way, you can have these chances at higher popularity boosts which can increase your amount of money and popularity. This means if say you have a 20-25 day tour, and you manage to successful pull off 15-20 great shows, instead of the normal 1 popularity boosts per show (so 20), you get 2 per show (now 40).


Okay, the numbers are unrealistic, also chances of you pulling off 20 great shows is low, but you get what I mean. Good tours should have the chances of increasing your popularity more than if you were constant is why you should do touring over constant.


Just because touring should have some better positives.


Also maybe lower touring show costs so that they are cheaper to run, thereby adding even more money into your own pocket.


Just a thought at least.

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I think it would probably be a good idea to give out higher popularity boosts for great shows during touring dates. Even more so if you hold an event during the tour.


This way, you can have these chances at higher popularity boosts which can increase your amount of money and popularity. This means if say you have a 20-25 day tour, and you manage to successful pull off 15-20 great shows, instead of the normal 1 popularity boosts per show (so 20), you get 2 per show (now 40).


Okay, the numbers are unrealistic, also chances of you pulling off 20 great shows is low, but you get what I mean. Good tours should have the chances of increasing your popularity more than if you were constant is why you should do touring over constant.


Just because touring should have some better positives.


Also maybe lower touring show costs so that they are cheaper to run, thereby adding even more money into your own pocket.


Just a thought at least.


I see what you mean.


- With regards to running great shows. I dont believe touring intent shows are meant to be great shows (workers take it easy, are paid less, smaller attendances). Encouraging users to book better touring shows might defeat the purpose of it, I think. A lot of the pro arguments for Touring have been about how Touring is easier to book so trying to incentivize people to book better may be counter productive.


- Lowering touring show costs I think was the aim when Adam reduced per-show cost from 25% of salary to 10% with Patch 13. Thats the patch it was simmed on and I dont think it made enough of a difference (5SSW/SAISHO still struggling). Im not sure if lowering costs is the best solution.




Here's SAISHO's finances in a touring schedule. I'm just not sure how much room there is to cut costs that would help them out. I think they need to have a greater income personally. Thoughts?




Btw, Im not sure if you could see other companies finances in other games, but I love that I can see them here. I dont think its realistic but I love it for testing reasons.

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I just mean like if you have a great show it boosts it.


Say you are Tiny, so your shows should be like say 20-25 to acceptable, 40-45 for a great show. Yet instead, you manage to pull of a 50-60 show unbelievable show. ...please bare with the numbers, I know it isn't exactly how TEW does it.


It is those blow the sealing off the place types of shows I was referring to. Not if you just happen to get a better than average show. Also this is just an added bonuses of running tours. If you blow off the house, you get that popularity boost. You don't have to aim, you can just continue to book away at your leisure.


This way, there's an incentive to go out of your way, but if you don't necessarily need to do it.




Perhaps another way of doing it is doing an overall grade of the tour and giving a possible boost via popularity and sponsor ships. That way if perform solidly over the entire course of the tour, you get rewarded for it.


This actually might be a better way to go, because then you are aiming for a good tour overall, rather than just worrying about it from a show perspective. You want the entire tour to succeed in this case. You can also just set it up as just getting a passing grade for the tour.

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I wonder if it would be practical (to develop) or part of a solution if tour shows were graded both individually and as a group. THat is, make a tour not just a specific type of show, but a more concrete concept.


That is, we can define Shows 1 through 14 in Jan/Feb to be an actual 'Show Group (or whatever)' consisting of tour shows and events, etc. Each tour show is treated similar to now (less expensive, less effort put in etc) and so forht. BUT... at the end of the tour, the aggregate of the tour as a whole is used to provide a bonus to advancement (probably equivalent to some basic exchange rate like 8 tour shows = 1 regular). So if you put on an overall good tour, it helps, but no one show will tank you. You can expect less big swings in pop/attendance sort of thing versus constant.


Even more ambitious would be to have a sort of 'meta' booking for shows where similar to booking a show itself, the game could grade a Show Group (or perhaps expanding on or having stronger pre-booking bonuses when using a tour) Thus allowing tours to build up to those big events. The downside would be similar - if you don't build up your events, people won't care. Groups might even have importance and such to replicate that really good consistent tours (presumbly based arond a strong event) are exciting to people - not because any given tour show is 'great' but because it's part of a grander event.


Seasons could work similarly.


This would be balanced against the fact that a constant-type schedule where you're just continually running events can't benefit from these bonuses. Also with constant, each show matters more... but that also means that each show matters more and you may see more swings/changes in numbers.


These kinds of mechanics might also allow players to run both depending on how they want to book their overall schedule. For instance, someone might for 9 months run a constant-type schedule but for 3 months, they run a sort of "Road to Wrestlemania" tour like schedule where everything is centered around and builds up to an event.

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I am not really familiar with NJPW or how they book shows in RW. How are they different to TEW 2020? Is it as someone wrote above? Mainly Touring shows with a few "bigger" (constant) shows sprinkled in between them? Is there more to it, or is that it?
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Here's my question; is 2020 like 2016 was in that you can run multiple shows per month with no penalties? IE, in 2016 I never toured I just did constant but set up every "tour" show manually, so I'd have say ten individual shows per month. That way I emulated the tour system without using 2016's broken system.


If there were penalties then they were very small. If that's still the case then there's absolutely no reason to use the tour system again in 2020 when setting up your own tours on constant is better in every way.

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I am not really familiar with NJPW or how they book shows in RW. How are they different to TEW 2020? Is it as someone wrote above? Mainly Touring shows with a few "bigger" (constant) shows sprinkled in between them? Is there more to it, or is that it?


Kind of depends on the tour. For the tournament tour shows it's certainly a bunch of bigger shows strung along until the finals (G-1, Battle of the Super Juniors, New Japan Cup, Tag League), other wise it's normally a bunch of what would amount to touring shows with almost exclusively multi-man matches featuring the participants of singles matches that would be featured at the final tour shows, which is kind of why the stables are figured so heavily into NJPW to make the tour show matching easier. Of course there are always shows that will be sprinkled in to break up these conventions, like retirement shows or anniversary shows.

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<p>Okay, comparisons.</p><p> </p><p>

I ran one two month sim with just Japan activated and all companies on normal touring schedules, then another, again with just Japan activated and all companies changed to constant schedules.</p><p> </p><p>

I then got MDB files and analysed them, comparing only wrestlers and deleting everyone who was unemployed in one or both games.</p><p> </p><p>

Physical health changes - on average, each wrestler's body part declined by 0.7 using constant compared to 0.08 using touring. However, wrestlers generally wrestled slightly over twice as many matches on a constant schedule. So if they'd been wrestling the same amount of matches, they'd lose, on average, 0.35 health points per body part per 2 months.</p><p> </p><p>

So it seems like in around 2 years of 'normal' touring, wrestlers should lose 1 point from each body part, compared to around 4 points from each body part if they were doing constant but having the same amount of matches. (Which, obviously, a player could control if they were running the fed.)</p><p> </p><p>

This doesn't seem a lot, to me, compared to the staggering profits available from using Constant instead of Touring, as shown in the OP. </p><p> </p><p>

Obviously, it's hard to tell using only 2 months for simming, but food for thought</p>

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I think grading a tour overall is a pretty nifty idea. My hangup is mostly that Im not sure about the odds of it being implemented in the game. But you could easily add a lot of depth if say tours ended up gaining prestige because they had consistently good tour grades. Wrestlers would be more encouraged to participate for those specific tours, and attendances might see an increase for those more prestigous tours. I can see a ton more depth in the touring mechanism if there was willingness there. But it would probably be very complicated/hard to get it in.


I am not really familiar with NJPW or how they book shows in RW. How are they different to TEW 2020? Is it as someone wrote above? Mainly Touring shows with a few "bigger" (constant) shows sprinkled in between them? Is there more to it, or is that it?


OmegaGoji's post basically sums it up. Touring schedules vary quite a deal. My pitch was that instead of just having everything be "tour tour tour event" the game would actually generate tours with varying levels of importance. Each level of importance would have different ratios of Touring Intent vs. Normal Intent shows in their schedule.


And for users it would just make generating a schedule like NJPW's way easier. "Hey, I want to set up a G1. Very High Importance tour + 18 shows in the schedule between this and that date". Game generates the tour like it usually would but because its Very High Importance, all of it is normal. But say I want to do FantasticaMania (another tour NJPW runs but has more of a mix), I go "Hey, I want to set up a FantasticaMania. Normal Importance Tour with 10 shows in the schedule between this date and that date" and it would generate 10 events, half of them normal intent, half touring.


No setting up everything individually. No paint brush everything as touring.


Kind of depends on the tour. For the tournament tour shows it's certainly a bunch of bigger shows strung along until the finals (G-1, Battle of the Super Juniors, New Japan Cup, Tag League), other wise it's normally a bunch of what would amount to touring shows with almost exclusively multi-man matches featuring the participants of singles matches that would be featured at the final tour shows, which is kind of why the stables are figured so heavily into NJPW to make the tour show matching easier. Of course there are always shows that will be sprinkled in to break up these conventions, like retirement shows or anniversary shows.


Kudos to this post.


Here's my question; is 2020 like 2016 was in that you can run multiple shows per month with no penalties? IE, in 2016 I never toured I just did constant but set up every "tour" show manually, so I'd have say ten individual shows per month. That way I emulated the tour system without using 2016's broken system.


If there were penalties then they were very small. If that's still the case then there's absolutely no reason to use the tour system again in 2020 when setting up your own tours on constant is better in every way.




(Though before I'm misquoted. I still think Mix is better).


Okay, comparisons.


I ran one two month sim with just Japan activated and all companies on normal touring schedules, then another, again with just Japan activated and all companies changed to constant schedules.


I then got MDB files and analysed them, comparing only wrestlers and deleting everyone who was unemployed in one or both games.


Physical health changes - on average, each wrestler's body part declined by 0.7 using constant compared to 0.08 using touring. However, wrestlers generally wrestled slightly over twice as many matches on a constant schedule. So if they'd been wrestling the same amount of matches, they'd lose, on average, 0.35 health points per body part per 2 months.


So it seems like in around 2 years of 'normal' touring, wrestlers should lose 1 point from each body part, compared to around 4 points from each body part if they were doing constant but having the same amount of matches. (Which, obviously, a player could control if they were running the fed.)


This doesn't seem a lot, to me, compared to the staggering profits available from using Constant instead of Touring, as shown in the OP.


Obviously, it's hard to tell using only 2 months for simming, but food for thought


Thanks a lot Jaded! Hugely appreciated!


Like you said, 2 month sample isnt enough but it's what we've got.


I think the evidence points to Constant being overwhelmingly better overall but it's still not really what Im advocating ultimately. I think the mixed idea would help bridge the gap between the two and be a much better impression of a realistic touring schedule. The injury 'issue' will be even easier to handle with a mix schedule because you could therefore incorporate a lot of the things people have been championing about touring. On those smaller tours you could go ahead and give Funakoshi a few shows off and just have him show up for that one event that actually gets broadcasted on the tour. Or heck, its a Very Low improtance tour, let him have it all off.


While Im firmly against the idea that you need touring intent shows to give your young guys opportunities (give them opportunities every show, please), then that mixed schedule still solves that issue as well.

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