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<p>Bully and gloomy aren't the only negative personalities likely. Well, not "negative." </p><p> </p><p>

Class clowns can create negative events. Prickly personalities aren't inherently negative, but they are in a negative environment. Insecure workers have a negative plus there's a ton of traits added this time around that can impact this, and just like in 2016 when morale gets lower the chances of negative events happening increases. Your morale is at 0% so that's all you're getting.</p><p> </p><p>

Like others are saying, the problem isn't the game, it's the converted mod that isn't designed for this version. Play something designed for the version like the c-verse and you'll see that.</p>

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agreed, But that's not his point.


If the Mod conversion puts "Bully" as an attribute for every guy from TEW 2016 it used to say was a minor nuisance for example, that would make the mod act like every worker who was considered a bit of a back stage issue was some major Ahole.


Honestly, I think this is going to be an issue until we start to get the really tuned RW mods post release.


It would be helpful if the editor let you search for workers with particular attributes, then you could decide to make changes for any you didn't agree with.

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You mostly miss the point. Read again: I removed the vast majority of bad personalities after the conversion, leaving TWO: a bully and a gloomy one on my roster. These two were enough for my backstage atmosphere to sink and it stays at 0% even after I removed all the bad guys. It never recovers. Plus, even when all the guys are a positive influence, I still get 2-3 stinkiest farts per event, and as many as 6 at times. Perhaps that causes it to stay at 0% no matter what.


At 0% it becomes an endless cycle of bad morale (because of the low backstage rating), even more incidents (because of worse morale), which drop the rating even more, making it impossible to climb out of, ESPECIALLY in a 2 month trial period.


Bad locker rooms take months to correct, if not years. I would start fresh with the new knowledge and see how far things get dropped to 0%. If it’s still an issue after you correct things before they get out of hand, then it’s probably a problem.

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It would be helpful if the editor let you search for workers with particular attributes, then you could decide to make changes for any you didn't agree with.


I'm not sure if you can do it in the editor, but you can absolutely filter for attributes on the in-game character screen.

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I'm not sure if you can do it in the editor, but you can absolutely filter for attributes on the in-game character screen.


Definitely can't in the editor. Would be good for the future because you also miss hidden ones in-game.


Also, I just checked a real world conversion I did and a lot of people come up as 'mercenary'. This is only supposed to have a small negative effect, but I guess if you had a big roster it would add up.

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Whilst I too have had around 5-8 incidents an event, I did put this down to a few factors.


*0% Backstage

*Many negative influences


The save however is in 1983 and judging by everything you here, backstage at this time was crazy, so I'm more happy to let it slide as it seems realistic for that era.


2005 though maybe not.


Only really had 1 fart lol. Mostly been taunting, road agents and fan scuffles.

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Whilst I too have had around 5-8 incidents an event, I did put this down to a few factors.


*0% Backstage

*Many negative influences


The save however is in 1983 and judging by everything you here, backstage at this time was crazy, so I'm more happy to let it slide as it seems realistic for that era.


2005 though maybe not.


Only really had 1 fart lol. Mostly been taunting, road agents and fan scuffles.


I saw the thread got locked in the Technical forum. Pretty sure this will be tweaked in today's patch.

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