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ECW - The New Breed (2006 ECW Return)

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After the success of ECW One Night Stand (2005), Vince McMahon decided to bring ECW back as a third brand, offering an alternative to Raw and Smackdown. With a second one night stand ending in Rob Van Dam picking up the WWE Title, ECW is poised to make its debut on Tuesday nights.


Huge WWE names such as Big Show and Kurt Angle have been moved to ECW, along with a long list of originals and some new faces and, perhaps most importantly, Paul Heyman sits in the booker's seat.


While ECW looks to be off to a good start, can the niche product translate to rating success for ECW while under the WWE umbrella?





Al Snow

Balls Mahoney

Big Guido

Big Show

CM Punk

CW Anderson

Justin Credible

Kevin Thorn

Kurt Angle

Little Guido

Mike Knox

RVD (ECW Champion / WWE Champion)


The Sandman

Stevie Richards


Tommy Dreamer




Beulah McGillicutty

Kelly Kelly





Joey Styles



Authority Figures


Paul Heyman



Show Preview - ECW on Sci Fi Week 1


CM Punk Vs Justin Credible


The Sandman Vs Mike Knox W/Kelly Kelly


Plus RVD is presented with the newly remade ECW Championship

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Maybe you left these guys out based on preference, but Tony Mamaluke, Danny Doring, Roadkill, Matt Striker, Rene Dupree, and Harcore Holly were all parts of the early WWECW roster as well.


Either way, interested to see what you do here.

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<p><strong>CM Punk</strong> Vs Justin Credible</p><p> </p><p>

The Sandman Vs <strong>Mike Knox W/Kelly Kelly</strong></p><p><strong>


Plus RVD is presented with the newly remade ECW Championship</p><p> </p><p>

I'm always someone who is proud to tote being a big fan of the SciFi shows WWE ran. Haha, not even ironically. I'm here for undercarders. This roster all the way up to the Trent Barreta, Yoshi Tatsu kind of roster. I love it all haha</p><p>

Nice. Push Little Guido haha. All the talent there. Stevie, Tommy, Sabu.. then you throw in Angle, Punk, Show, and my guy Test. Helluva roster.</p>

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Thanks all for the predictions. I'll answer a couple of the questions before posting the first show.


Is there a mod for this exact time? Always wanted to save from the night after ECW ONS 2006.


I'm actually playing on TEW 2016. Sorry if this is in the wrong place, It's my first attempt at a diary so I just posted in here without really thinking. Happy for mods to move if necessary.


As such, I'm playing off a MOD I've had for years, I couldn't even tell you the name or credit the maker but it's 2005 which I've edited to add ECW as a brand.


Maybe you left these guys out based on preference, but Tony Mamaluke, Danny Doring, Roadkill, Matt Striker, Rene Dupree, and Harcore Holly were all parts of the early WWECW roster as well.


A combination of multiple factors. Danny Doring & Roadkill I had no real interest in. Matt Striker, Rene Dupree & Hardcore Holly are still on the other WWE rosters for now and Tony Mamaluke I've just checked and isn't in the game for some reason but again I didn't really plan for him.


Obviously I'm going off the memory of the shows and plus have the beauty of hindsight to help me out when signing certain workers. I can say there are a fair few workers I'm interested in and some I have signed and not listed above as want there debuts to make an impact.


Everyone above listed under roster is either an original, a transfer from the WWE roster (Show, Angle) or someone who will debut or be referenced within the first week or two. The roster is comparatively small for now as I have the firepower of being able to call on the main event WWE talent from Raw/Smackdown to be involved for the first few weeks.


As they begin to be fazed out you should see the roster build in size. Also, the show is only 1 hour for now so doesn't require a massive roster.


I'm a good 5/6 months into the save in-game time, and I've written the first months worth of shows for this so hopefully, I can get quite regular updates.


The plan is to focus solely on ECW with sporadic updates of the happenings in the wider WWE Universe.


First show going live next!!


Thanks for the support.

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ECW on Sci Fi - Episode 1


Paul Heyman opens the show by welcoming the live crowd to the debut episode of ECW on Sci-Fi. Next, he introduces the new WWE Champion, Rob Van Dam.


<a href="https://photobucket.com/images/rob%20van%20dam" target="_blank"><img src="https://i1228.photobucket.com/albums/ee460/ruben_origami/Wrestling/KYKY%20Background/R%20Images/Rob%20Van%20Dam/RobVanDam002KYKYBackground.jpg" border="0" alt="rob van dam photo: Rob Van Dam 002 KYKY Background RobVanDam002KYKYBackground.jpg"/></a>


Heyman - Rob, Congratulations. Congratulations on beating John Cena at ECW One Night Stand, Congratulations on completing a lifelong goal and congratulations on showing the world just what ECW is made of! It's my privilege to present to you, the new, reborn, better than ever, ECW Championship.


Now Rob, I have to ask, what are you going to do with the WWE championship, now you have the ECW title around your waist


RVD - Paul, first I just want to say thank you, thanks for all the support you have given me and the opportunities in my career. And you're right. At ECW One night stand I accomplished a dream, to become the champion of the world. It's an honour to be the new ECW champion, and I will defend that title AND the WWE title against anyone in that locker room or a WWE locker room, so if you want to challenge me then by all means....


You think you know me....


<a href="https://photobucket.com/images/edge%20wwe" target="_blank"><img src="https://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb424/shimmeristhebest/Edge-1.jpg" border="0" alt="edge wwe photo: EDGE Edge-1.jpg"/></a>


Edge is on ECW!!


Edge - Rob, I think Paul is right. You do deserve to be congratulated for your win a few nights ago. Of course, we both know that if I hadn't speared John Cena trough a table for you, then that WWE belt wouldn't be around your waist and I wouldn't be on this show tonight. But I am here, and I'm here Rob to say that I deserve to challenge you for that WWE title. At One Night Stand, I beat two legends of ECW, and I'll do the same to you if you put that title on the line. I'll take that belt back to where it belongs, which isn't here on ECW


Wellllll, Well it's the Big Show...


<a href="https://photobucket.com/images/big%20show" target="_blank"><img src="https://i571.photobucket.com/albums/ss151/wwe-avatars/KyKy_Base1-2.jpg" border="0" alt="big show photo: big show KyKy_Base1-2.jpg"/></a>


Show - I don't really care about your win Rob, or your moaning Edge, or Paul's shiny new ECW belt. In fact, I don't really care much at all for being on this show. The fact of the matter is that I am on ECW because Vince McMahon wanted me to be here, he wanted me to come here and show that little old ECW cannot compete with the big boys, and they don't get bigger than me! The is no man on the ECW Roster who can beat me, and the best way to prove that is too ripe that title away from you RVD. So you can hand it over now, or I can take it by force


Before RVD can answer some more iconic music hits. It's...


<a href="https://photobucket.com/images/kurt%20angle" target="_blank"><img src="https://i1127.photobucket.com/albums/l636/xStylex/Wrestling%20Superstars/KurtAngle.jpg" border="0" alt="kurt angle photo: Kurt Angle KurtAngle.jpg"/></a>


Angle - Show, last year I was just like you. I thought ECW was small-time, but I realised at last years One Night Stand just what those 3 initials mean to these fans. This year I had there support, and it gave me a feeling I'd never felt before. I see it as an honour to be here on ECW, and Rob, if you're looking for a challenger for that title, then look no further than me, and Show, if you want a shot at that title then you're going to have to go through me as well!


Rob again goes to speak and is again cut off by perhaps the biggest pop of the evening


<a href="https://photobucket.com/images/john%20cena%20tew" target="_blank"><img src="https://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg110/Poq_1/TEW/RR_JohnCena.jpg" border="0" alt="john cena tew photo: John Cena RR_JohnCena.jpg"/></a>


Cena - Well, seeing as everyone was out here shouting about title shots I thought it would be rude not to join in. Rob, speaking man to man. I have to say I respect you. I respect you after the other night as we went to war over the WWE Title. Hell, I don't even blame you for taking advantage of Edge spearing me through that table. Alls fair in love and war right?! Rob, I'm not out here to ask for a title shot. I'm here to tell you that I will be getting my title shot, as I have a rematch clause. And I came to the debut of ECW On Sci-Fi to tell you RVD, that I'll be seeing you in just under 2 weeks time, at Vengeance!!


Heyman - Well, this is certainly an exciting start to the show, and perhaps no better time to mention that Mr McMahon himself has given me some interesting powers in the world of ECW. For example, he has granted me permission to use any WWE superstar in a match, if they chose to come to ECW and make their presence known. Now, seeing as you John, and you Edge have both done that then I feel it would be a waste to not utilise that power. So tonight, in the first-ever ECW On Sci-FI main event. Edge, you will team up with the monster that is the Big Show, to take on John Cena... and Kurt Angle in a tag team match


Huge main event booked for tonight. Edge & Big Show Vs Cena & Angle.




A video package highlighting the re-debut of Test is shown to the ECW audience


CM Punk Vs Justin Credible

An impressive debut for CM Punk who shows some inventive offence on his ECW Debut. Credible does have a spell where he seems to have Punk in trouble but Punk overcomes it and hits a GTS for the win.


Winner - CM Punk




Another video package, this time highlighting the debut of the vampire-like Kevin Thorn.



Kelly Kelly appears on the stage, she introduces herself and says she loves to dance and is here to dance for the ECW fans. Kelly proceeds to give a very seductive dance on stage until Mike Knox's music hits. He berates Kelly as he enters the arena and demands she follows him down and watches his next match.


Mike Knox Vs The Sandman


The Sandman comes out with his trusty kendo stick in hand and starts by taking the fight to Knox. Knox is then able to cut off Sandman and proceeds to dominate the next few moments. With Sandman taking a big hit from Knox he is down close to Kelly Kelly, who is watching on. Kelly Kelly show concern for Sandman at which point Knox starts berating Kelly and tells her she needs to support him. As Knox berates her some more the ref tries to intervene at which point Knox's pushes the ref over. While this is going on he doesn't see Sandman rise to his feet with a Kendo Stick in hand. Sandman hits Knoxs repeatedly with the kendo stick before a glancing blow to the head puts him down in time for Sandman to cover for the 3 count.

Winner - The Sandman


The Sandman celebrates but Knox's is livid and has regained his senses, he proceeds to beat the ever-loving hell out of Sandman. Just when it looks like he may do permanent damage, Tommy Dreamer rushes to the aid of Sandman, wielding his own kendo stick and forcing Knox's to escape through the crowd.




Backstage, we head to Paul Heyman who is standing by.


Heyman - While ECW has long be remembered as the innovators of extreme. It is important that we continue to push the envelope when it comes to sports entertainment. Tonight, we have already crowned a new ECW Champion, and as of right now. I am announcing the return of one of the most unique title bets ever to grace this company. Exclusive to ECW, the Hardcore championship is coming back!!


RVD comes out to join us for the next match

Big Show & Edge Vs John Cena & Kurt Angle

A high-quality match between four high-quality workers. Angle and Edge start us off with Angle displaying some great chain wrestling. Show and Cena eventually enter and after a strong start from Cena he is cut off and proceeds to take a beating as Edge and Show double team him. Cena makes the hot tag to Angle who comes in a clears house as the match begins to break down. At one point Edge is thrown into RVD on commentary by Cena. Cena gets Edge in the ring but Edge reverses and it looks like Cena is going to get speared before RVD jumps in the ring and hits Edge with a van daminator. The referee is forced to call the match


Winners BY DQ - Big Show & Edge


Cena and RVD are left in the ring and Cena is furious with RVD for the loss. He gets in RVD's face and Angle comes in to try and calm the situation as Cena pushes RVD away. As this goes on Big Show enters and hits Angle with a knockout punch.


He goes for Cena who ducks and is able to get show up to hit the AA.


Cena and RVD go face to face again but out of nowhere Edge spears Cena. Edge looks up at RVD, smirks and makes his escape leaving RVD the last man standing in the ring as the show goes off the air.


End of Show


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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><a href="</p><a href="https://photobucket.com/images/ecw" rel="external nofollow">https://photobucket.com/images/ecw"</a> target="_blank"><img src="<a href="https://i525.photobucket.com/albums/cc338/anto_punk/ecw.jpg" rel="external nofollow">https://i525.photobucket.com/albums/cc338/anto_punk/ecw.jpg"</a> border="0" alt="ecw photo: ecw ecw.jpg"/></a><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WWE NEWS</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Notable news from Monday Night Raw. Edge, with the help of an accidental distraction by RVD, defeated John Cena to earn his place in the WWE title match at Vengeance. It will now be RVD © Vs John Cena Vs Edge in a triple threat match.</p><p> </p><p>

Also, after Paul Heyman's announcement of the return of the hardcore title, he appeared on both Smackdown and RAW to let everyone know that any superstar who wanted a shot was welcome in the land of extreme.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>ECW On Sci-Fi - Week 2 Preview</strong></p><p> </p><p>

After a chaotic debut episode, things turn to next weeks episode and Paul Heyman has announced some big matches for the show. No more so than a huge main event.</p><p> </p><p>

With RVD accidentally costing John Cena his match with Edge on Monday Night Raw. Cena has challenged RVD to a non-title match right here on ECW On Sci-Fi.</p><p> </p><p>

Next, in a rematch from last week. Mike Knox takes on the Sandman and looks for revenge after his surprise defeat.</p><p> </p><p>

and finally, Al Snow takes on CW Anderson in what promises to be a tough match of ECW Originals.</p><p>


Predictions -</strong></p><p> </p><p>

RVD Vs John Cena</p><p> </p><p>

Mike Know Vs Sandman</p><p> </p><p>

Al Snow Vs CW Anderson</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>


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