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Invincible Pro Wrestling: The Birth of the West Coast Wars

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Aldous Blackfriar © vs. Azathoth vs. Lug Phelan for IPW Championship (Ladder Match)

Frantic Ali vs. JOJI - Barb Wire Match

Dusty Ducont vs. Mystery Guest (bonus prize if mystery guest is guessed. Hint: they are locally very popular in the South West)

Hugh de Aske © vs. Deacon Darkhold for IPW Californian title

Canadian Hardcore © vs. Coulrophobia for IPW Tag Team Championship

Minnesota Awesomes & Mystery Fan vs. Mexican Hardcore Killers & Zombie Boy

Jules Night & Nigel Svensson vs. The Night Terrors

What is the Mystery Announcement? (for bonus prize) tournament or title


(Pre-Show) Fiasco Fierce & Lil Henry vs. Hot Taggs

(Pre-Show) Barnaby & Rudge vs. PsychoMike and Texas Hangman


NOTE: This is the final prediction for Q2. Get your results in to earn fabulous prizes!

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Aldous Blackfriar © vs. Azathoth vs. Lug Phelan for IPW Championship (Ladder Match)

Frantic Ali vs. JOJI - Barb Wire Match

Dusty Ducont vs. FRO SURE (bonus prize if mystery guest is guessed. Hint: they are locally very popular in the South West)

Hugh de Aske © vs. Deacon Darkhold for IPW Californian title

Canadian Hardcore © vs. Coulrophobia for IPW Tag Team Championship

Minnesota Awesomes & Mystery Fan vs. Mexican Hardcore Killers & Zombie Boy

Jules Night & Nigel Svensson vs. The Night Terrors

What is the Mystery Announcement? (for bonus prize) New tournament


(Pre-Show) Fiasco Fierce & Lil Henry vs. Hot Taggs

(Pre-Show) Barnaby & Rudge vs. PsychoMike and Texas Hangman


NOTE: This is the final prediction for Q2. Get your results in to earn fabulous prizes!

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Aldous Blackfriar © vs. Azathoth vs. Lug Phelan for IPW Championship (Ladder Match)

Not going with the most obvious choice here. Azathoth doesn't need a championship to be a major threat right now. In fact, I believe it might actually hurt his character.


Frantic Ali vs. JOJI - Barb Wire Match

Close call in this one. Ali might be leaving soon and you might want to put JOJI over in this match, but if not, Ali is probably more main event material for you.


Dusty Ducont vs. Mystery Guest

Never bet against the ?. Don't have the game where I'm writing this, so I'll skip on the guess because I don't know the local scene well enough.


Hugh de Aske © vs. Deacon Darkhold for IPW Californian title



Canadian Hardcore © vs. Coulrophobia for IPW Tag Team Championship

I don't see a reason for a title change here.


Minnesota Awesomes & Mystery Fan vs. Mexican Hardcore Killers & Zombie Boy

**** the Minnesota Awesomes!


Jules Night & Nigel Svensson vs. The Night Terrors



What is the Mystery Announcement? Some kind of working agreement with a bigger company?


(Pre-Show) Fiasco Fierce & Lil Henry vs. Hot Taggs

(Pre-Show) Barnaby & Rudge vs. PsychoMike and Texas Hangman

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IPW Invincibility X



Season Finale Bitches!






Los Angeles, Southwest USA

Saturday, Week 1

June 2020

Attendance: 727


Pre-Show/Bonus Features


Barnaby & Rudge vs. PsychoMike & Texas Hangman

In a pre-show bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Barnaby & Rudge defeated PsychoMike and Texas Hangman in 13:30 when Ash Barnaby pinned PsychoMike with a Double Super Kick.

Vin's Note: Not going to lie, it was nice not having to write up thsese notes. I saw what Idaho had typed up and boy does he have a way with words, or a way without words I suppose. Anyway you are probably wanting to know how I feel about this and frankly Texas Hangman is still pretty raw but he's developing faster than PsychoMike. This was our last attempt at finding PsychoMike a tag partner so now it's going to be solo work for him. Not the kind of guy suited for tag teams I suppose. Performance wise Ash and Barnaby delivered E+s, Texas had an E performance and PsychoMike was an E-

Rating: E+



Fiasco Fierce and Lil Henry call out the Hot Taggs for a match

Vin's Note: The Taggs struggled in logner segments. I was hoping they could step up but they have a long way to go before they can cut a solid promo.

Rating: E


Fiasco Fierce & Lil Henry vs. The Hot Taggs

In a pre-show bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Crimson OG defeated The Hot Taggs in 13:18 when Fiasco Fierce pinned Kalder Tagg with a Drive By.

Vin's Note: Fiasco has really been pulling his weight. He was off his game tonight only at about an E+ level but he could definitely get higher if I could ever get him off of the weed. Lil Henry was alright at an E along with Wolfie while Kalder Tagg was an E-

Rating: E+



Melvin Otto vs. Vin Tanner

In a pre-show bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Vin Tanner defeated Melvin Otto in 5:46 by pinfall with a V For Victory.

Vin's Note: Not a great match but it was nice to get back into the ring with someone I click with. At this point I don't expect too much out of me but Melvin and I can still put on a decent match, even if it's a short one. We both wrestled at an E+ level. Not bad for a fifty-year-old with a bum knee.

Rating: E+






Moses: "Welcome Hardcore Afficienados. This is IPW Invincibility, the supercard of the season. We've got hardcore action on deck. Ladder matches, barb wire matches. Tonight's the night we do it all. Joining me as always are my co-hosts Luther Judge..."


Luther: "Hey all. Ready to roll."


Moses: "And manager to the stars Anslem Briggs."


Luther: "Well...a star..."


Anslem: "Good evening to you Moses and a preliminary f*** you for you, Luther."


Luther: "If you can barely call him that these days. Frantic's in the main event tonight? No? Oh...I'm sorry to hear that..."


Anslem: "I swear to god, Luther, I am going to send you through this table one of these days."


Moses: "Fantastic. Now then to kick things off Commisisoner Tanner has checked himself out of the hospital to deliver some earth shattering news. He promised it would, <ahem>, rock IPW to its very core."


Luther: "It had better be good. Online everyone's thinking its a new tournament. That would be big, but not earth shattering, I think."


Anslem: "Well depends on whether or not my man Frantic wins it or not. Could be a big deal if Frantic wins it. Adds a sense of legitimacy to the title, you know?"


Luther: "Well he'd have to win first a match first..."


Anslem: "Oh that is it, boy! Come here!"


The announcing table turns into a scuffle as Moses is caught between the two colour commentators having a slap fight.




Commissioner Tanner limps down to the ring, microphone in one hand and leaning heavily on a cane in the other. The crowd cheers a bit as he carefully makes his way into the ring.




Vin: "Hello Los Angelese. Let me say it is great to finally be back here in the ring."


He pauses, letting the cheap pop get a reaction from a crowd. Nothing like shouting out the town that people live in to get a reaction from them.


Vin: "And let me say how f***ing appalled I am at what has happened in my absence."


The cheers die down as the tone shifts rapidly.


Vin: "I was put into the hospital for months by one of my own employees. That kind of s*** would never have happened in the past and I sure as s*** won't be taking that lying down now either. This new breed of wrestlers just don't have the respect for those of us who came before, who paved the way so you can bash your brains out night after night here and now. Back in the day if someone had done what Azathoth was doing we would have held him down in the locker room and beaten seven shades of s*** right out of him. Mad dogs get leashed or they get put down. Now I could fire him. I should fire him but he doesn't get to win like that. All of these cheaters and anarchs tearing IPW apart at its roots are going to either learn to keep it in the ring or they're going home broken and crippled.


Now I've mentioned before back in the old days there was a special school that took place, the School of Tradition, that would make sure young guns paid their dues and so I am bringing that back up. I've brought in a pair of shooters, Nigel Svensson and Jules Night. Now you might not know about them, but they do..."


He grinned and pointed back at the locker room.




Out walks the two men. No flash, no substance, just a pair of ice cold machines in matching singlets. Vin has a big grin on his face as he beckons them down. The audience is mostly quiet not knowing how to take this news.


Vin: "So why did you come out and see us? To see people get thumbtacks pushed into their legs? Get broken in half through tables? Catch barb wire bats to the face? "


He pausing letting the audience cheer for every item.


Vin: "Well they don't f***ing do any of that! You know what they do? They wrestle. They will slap on an ankle lock or a figure-four or a boston crab and make men twice their size cry like little b****es and tap out. So let this be a lesson, if you don't play ball. If you think you can rampage around and cripple half the lockerroom or spoil the matches I'm setting up, you'll find yourself facing off against these two as punishment and they will make you feel it. You will know my wrath when they wrench your arm out of hte socket or break your ankle."


Before Vin can continue rap music fills the auditoreum as Fiasco Fierce, Hustle Muvva, and Lil Henry march down, all wearing matching headbands.




Hustle: "Now hold up there V-Man. Before you go all crazy on us why don't you shut your mouth for a second and listen. Do you know who I am?"


He leaves the questioning hanging as a simple rhetorical one, pausing for dramatic effect before continuing.


Hustle: "Because the way you've been treating me lately makes me think that you don't. That you don't know who any of us are. Between the three of us are eight title reigns but you've been throwing us aside like we don't mean anything. We built this company, not you. We were there nine years ago when IPW was created. When it was run by Nemesis, a guy who really understood what hardcore was all about."


Hustle nods at Fiasco and passes him the microphone.


Fiasco: "You know why this s*** didn't happen before? Because it was run by Nemesis. A guy with real chops. A guy who would never, ever, let some punk-a** demon beat his a** bloody like that. You think bringing in a couple of boring a** enforcers will get you the respect you need to run this place? Man that is f***ing crazy."


He lets out a laugh and hands the microphone back to Hustle.


Hustle: "So just to set the record straight, you can have your little School of Tradition. You can try to bring in new workers like Remmy Skye or these two walking piles of oatmeal. You can try to squeeze the very lifeblood of IPW out from it to fit your weird vision but we're not sitting idly by. We're forming up a crew and calling ouurselves the Crimson OG. Because we were here from the beginning, our blood built this company and we're not going to let you or anyone else forget it."


Vin, Hustle and Fiasco get into a bit of an arguing match with Nigel and Jules making sure nobody gets too close to Vin. Vin even gets a savage verbal takedown on Fiasco Fierce that leaves him speechless for a second, a rarity causing a few gasps of surprise from the audience. Finally Vin has had it and brings their argument to an end.


Vin: "Enough! ENOUGH! You think I give a s*** that you were here when IPW was created? That was then, this is now. IPW is going to continue to grow and evolve and you can either adapt or get left behind. So how about this, I'm going to just let the cats out of the bag right now. Ladies, come on down!"


From the locker room a trio of women come strolling down but they aren't in skimpy dresses like normal managers but are instead geared up for matches.




Vin: "We're opening up a Hardcore Women's Division. Right here. Right now. I even had a belt made special to debut in our opening match. If you thought you were scared about the changes I was making before, get a load of this!"


Jules ducks out of the ring to a side table and brings up the newly minted IPW Hadcore Diva title.




The belt looks like it was rolled through a machine shop as the primary decoration theme appears to be buzzsaw blades. Jules holds the belt up and walks it around so the fans can get a good look at it while Vin drops the mic at Hustle's feet.


Vin announces a School of Tradition stable as well as a hardcore Women's Division. Hustle Muvva, Fiasco Fierce, and Lil Henry form a stable of their own, the Crimson OG in response.

Rating: D-




Moses: "There you have it folks, IPW is opening up a dedicated Women's Division and tonight we will crown our first champion, the first ever IPW Hardcore Diva."


Luther: "Wait is this really happening? We're about to see women in hardcore matches? Bashing each other with 2x4s and breaking one another through tables?"


Moses: "That is correct."


Anslem: "Is that going to be a problem, Luther?"


Luther: "Oh hell no, I'm just wondering why nobody thought of this sooner! Bring on the ladies! Bring on the barb wire bats!"





Steph Blake vs. Suzanne Brazzle vs. Talia Quinzel


The debut of both a women's division along with three brand new wrestlers had left the fans stunned silent. They hadn't known about this before the announcement and so it was quiet enough to hear a pin drop at the start. As soon as the bell rang the three charged in at one another resulting in a chaotic slobberknocker in the center. Steph and Talia were quite muscular for women and looked like they knew how to deliver a beatdown. Suzanne was kind of caught in the middle between two giants by comparison given her smaller size but she found ample opportunity to show off her skills and athleticism keeping pace with the other two. The first couple of minutes remained silent except for the cries of pain from the women and the sound of boots hitting the stage. Finally Steph picked up Suzanne and tossed her over the side but was clotheslined from behind by Talia out of the ring as well. That's when the match turned violent.


Once out of the ring the action spilled into the stands and the women wasted no time using their environment to the fullest. Talia busted Suzanne's face into a steel barrier enough times that she started spitting blood. Suzanne hit Steph in the head with a chair splitting her skull open. Once blood started getting splashed around it was like a dam had broken and the crowd started cheering for them. As the women brawled through the audience and back towards the ring the crowd was shouting 'IPW! IPW! IPW!" at the women. Finally Talia went for a big jump off the turnbuckle but missed, smashing into the steel barrier and going down for the count. Steph and Suzanne battled for a bit longer in the ring but Steph's bigger size allowed her to beat Suzanne down and finally hit a reverse DDT on her to pick up the pin. Steph face was so crimson she was dripping blood onto the canvass as she grabbed the title. On an impulse she spat out a big gob of blood right onto the belt before holding up and the crowd went wild.


In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Steph Blake defeated Suzanne Brazzle and Talia Quinzel in 14:15 when Steph Blake pinned Suzanne Brazzle with a Slingshot DDT. Steph Blake wins the IPW Hardcore Diva title.

Vin's Note: Seeing the kind of performance these women put on I knew I had made the right decision. I know Gil was going to be up my a** about it after the show but for now, seeing Steph covered in blood with the title held high I knew we had just changed the face of women's wrestling around the world. So far women's wrestling has kept fairly tame. Nobody had ever seen a women's wrestler covered head to toe in blood before. When I had suggested they blade during the match Steph didn't even bat an eye. Suzanne had said no but we got her to bite a blood packet and Talia had smashed one into her hair sometime during the match as well. I'm sure they will get more used to bleeding as time goes on but Steph ended up being the perfect champion to herald in the new age of hardcore women's wrestling. Performance wise Talia was the real star with a D while Steph pulled a D-. Suzanne didn't quite have the hardcore chops like the other two but still pulled off an E+ match.

Rating: D-




Luther: "That was a lot of blood."


Moses: "Well Luther it is tradition that at an Invincibility show that the first match set the tone for the rest of the night and it looks like they are going to be painting the town red."


Anslem: "That was brutal. Alright Moses, what's up next?"


Moses: "According to the card Commissioner Tanner is upset with the Night Terrors for blatently interfering with a match at the last show so he is unleashing his two shooters on the Night Terrors."


Luther: "Time to see if they are all that V-Man claimed they would be."


Moses: "This should be fantastic."





The Night Terrors vs. the School of Tradition


The Night Terrors were a bit cautious in their approach having never encountered technical masters before and Nigel and Jules used that to their advantage. They kept the Night Terrors locked up in the middle of the ring. They surgically isolated first one and then the other. They kept the match in the middle of the ring and for the first time in a long time the match never spilled out into the crowd. As Jules locked on a sleeper hold the crowd started chanting "BORING" but the match just kept going. Finally Nigel locked up Babau and made him tap out to the boos of the crowd.


In a decent match, School of Tradition defeated The Night Terrors in 12:12 when Nigel Svensson submitted Babau with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock. Jules Night was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.

Vin's Note: The crowd HATED Nigel and Jules and I couldn't help but laugh. After years of berating Moroi for not being flashy enough I could give the fans something to really boo about. Hearing them call a good wrestler like 'Moroi' a "Moron" made me snap a bit. I decided to generate the worst kind of heat and make the School (and by extension me) not for their cheating evil characters but because we're going to put on old school matches that they will find so, so boring. I can't wait for Jules to win with a sleeper hold. The fans might riot! In terms of actual performance this was a great match all around. Babau led the match, as usual, with a D while Nigel and Moroi were Ds. Jules, despite his abilities, is still pretty new and only pulled a E. He has a long way to go before he can compete at Nigel or Babau's level.

Rating: D-




Luther: "Oh my god, is it over yet? I don't think V-Man is punishing the Night Terrors I think he is punishing all of us!"


Moses: "Well there is a philosophy around any art form that says the audience is complicit in the art. By viewing it and not rejecting it we are in fact encouraging it."


Luther: "Dude. Moses. I only understand like half of what you say at any time. What the f*** is that?"


Anslem: "What are you a child? He's saying that because the crowd cheered on when Azathoth beat all those guys to a pulp that Vin is punishing the fans as well as the wrestlers."


Luther: "Wait...how long is this punishment going to last?"


Anslem: "That's a question for the V-Man. Given he was put in the hospital and is walking with a cane now, I'm guessing he's going to be pissed for awhile."


Luther: "F***. Alright Moses, give me some good news. Who's' up next?"


Moses looks down and furrows his brow.


Moses: "Well according to this Minnesota Awesome are bringing in some random fan from the audience..."


Luther: "Oh f*** my life.





Mexican Hardcore Killers & Zombie Boy vs. Minnesota Awesome & Random Fan


This match was an absolute mess, and not in any redeemable fashion. Timing was all over the place, the crowd hated Random Fan's style, especially after the last match. While the match did get a bit of a crowd reaction when Zombie Boy dove from the top turnbuckle into the second row to hit Perry with a splash it looked like Perry hit a chair that hadn't been cleared from behind him hard and he was walking funny for the rest of the match. In the end Random Fan hit a "Vegas or Bust" (Running Bulldog) on Zombie Boy.


In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Random Fan and Minnesota Awesome defeated Zombie Boy and Mexican Hardcore Killers in a Weapons match in 9:03 when Random Fan pinned Zombie Boy with a Vegas Or Bust.

Vin's Note: I think it's amazing how even after wrestling in MAW for years nobody can recognize Keith Vegas as a wrestler. If Jules and Nigel are my way of punishing the fans, Keith is Gil's way of punishing me. I can't believe I have to push this kid and boy do the fans hate him. This match...was terrible. That's all I have to say about it. EZ and Sanchez did their best but between the injury and the crowd hating on Keith with a passion the less said the better.

Rating: E-




Luther: "Where are they finding these people? Did USPW have some kind of clearance sale? If I wanted to see sleeper holds I would head over to NYCW!"


Moses: "Well as I said it seems like Minnesota Awesomes are trying to teach this random fan how to wrestle."


Luther: "And they think the best way to do that is to throw him in against some of the craziest people on the roster?"


Anslem: "Nobody, and I mean nobody, has ever accused Minnesota Awesome of being smart."


Luther: "Fair point. Moses, hit me with the next one. Let me guess, Remmy Skye is going to come out and read the phone book."


Moses: "Actually Canadian Hardcore is going to be..."


Luther: "Oh sweet Jesus. Finally some real action. Those two shaved bears know how to put on a show."





Canadian Hardcore © vs. Coulrophobia



After a couple of slow paced old-school matches having Canadian brawling masters fight psychotic clowns made the audience wake up and cheer at the top of their lungs again. Otis and Sasquatch did what they did best, bull rush their opponents out of the ring and then wade through the audience smashing one another with chairs. Unlike their previous matches this one wasn't just a wild chaotic brawl and it stayed a lot closer to the ring so more fans could see what was happening. While the clowns had some innovative attacks, like Pierrot squirting a fake flower of bleach into Otis' eyes, the two giant Canadians beat their opponents down to a bloody pulp before putting them away with the big running boot.


In a decent match, Canadian Hardcore defeated Coulrophobia in 13:27 when Sasquatch McGraw pinned Pierrot with a Running Big Boot. Canadian Hardcore make defence number one of the IPW Tag Team Championship titles.

Vin's Note: Canadian Hardcore are becoming my secret weapon. I might punish the fans with technical wrestling...or Keith Vegas...but I can always reward them again with Otis and Sasquatch. God I sound like I'm in an abusive relationship with the crowd. Anyway solid match all around with Otis, Sasquatch, and Pierrot pulling off Ds while Hellech lagged behind with an E+. Hellech is still kind of pissed from that injury from months ago and hasn't really been giving it his all like he has in the past.

Rating: D


After the match the two clowns were once again left battered and bloody in the ring when Melvin walked down and went into the ring




He crawled around, whispering into each of their ears to "wake them up" again before the three left to the back locker room together.


Melvin Otto once again whispered into the ears of Coulrophobia.

Rating: E+





Luther: "Now that is the kind of action we came here to see. Who's with me?"


Luther turns around to get the audience to chime in and the response is a growing chant of "THAT WAS AWESOME" which Luther agreed with.


Anslem: "Is nobody else concerned at all about what the f*** Melvin keeps doing showing up after the psycho clowns? Every time they lose a match he's there doing something to them."


Moses: "Perhaps he is whispering eldritch truths into their ears, that by embracing the dark and foreign elder gods that they too can be bestowed with thier unfathomable might."


Anslem: "..."


Luther: "Moses. Be honeset. Have you been talking to Melvin?"


Moses: "No. It's all right there in the Necronomicon."


Luther: "Okay Anslem, we have to get that stupid creepy skin book away from him after the show."


Anslem: "Agreed."


Moses: "I would love to see you try. Up next Deacon Darkhold is challenging the Dread Pirate Hugh de Aske for the Californian title."


Luther: "Deacon's nowhere near Hugh's level. I can't believe he issued that challenge and I can't believe Vin would put it on the books."


Anslem: "Maybe he's trying to punish Deacon for cheating? Giving him a title shot after he just had his shooters cripple Deacon's two enforcers?"





Hugh de Aske© vs. Deacon Darkhold


Deacon came to the match alone. It was clear his control of Azathoth was tenuous at best, Melvin seemed busy dealing with Coulrophobia and Nigel and Jules had really stretched out the Night Terrors. Hugh de Aske came down supremely confident and it showed as he toyed with Deacon early on. When Deacon whipped him into the ropes, Hugh halted his momentum stopping short of a dropkick from Deacon and instead of following it up he just shook his finger at Deacon mockingly. Hugh continued to toy with Deacon until Deacon actually landed a clothesline and that seemed to shock Hugh into action. He unleashed a can of weapons-grade whoop-a** on Deacon who struggled to keep up with the dread pirate's offense.


The action spilled out of the ring but as Hugh led Deacon around by the hair suddenly he was cracked in the back by a chair from the crowd. Babau and Moroi had been hiding in the crowd, almost unrecognizable without their hoods on but they donned them as they hopped over the barrier. Deacon started laughing and retreated as Babau and Moroi went to town on Hugh with chairs.


Amazingly Hugh started fighting back. Babau had a bum leg and Moroi had a sore shoulder from their earlier match that night and Hugh started focusing on those weak points to turn the tides. For several minutes he not only battled both of the Night Terrors to a standstill but started turning the tides on them. That's when Deacon decided to re-enter the fray with a spear from behind and with his momentum lost the three members of Dark Watch put the boots to Hugh and beat him down. He still fought back and kicked out of two successive pin attempts by Deacon but he could never manage to turn the tides on three opponents and after a third DDT from Deacon he was finally pinned and Deacon pulled off his second Californian title win.


In a bout that had fantastic heat and good wrestling, Deacon Darkhold defeated Hugh de Aske in 13:34 by pinfall with a Reverse DDT following interference from Babau. During the match we also had Moroi run in and attack de Aske. Deacon Darkhold wins the IPW Californian title.

Vin's Note: Given how popular Hugh had become in the Southwest it was getting to be a struggle around who he could drop the belt to. Hugh had become one of the most popular guys on our roster and anyone at his level would feel weird giving an undercard belt to. In the end Hugh decided to leave the indies for USPW so I was forced to push Deacon forward. Hugh wasn't happy but we tried to make his last match here as epic as possible to give him a good send off. He appreciated it and gave us a top notch performance at a C- while Deacon pulled off one of his better matches at a D-. We'll be sad to see Hugh go.

Rating: D




Luther: "Well if that was supposed to be a punishment match for Deacon that sure as hell backfired."


Anslem: "Pulling a stunt like that, taking a title like that on the very same night V-Man said that he wouldn't tolerate stuff like that? He is going to be pissed off."


Luther: "From Deacon's perspective, who cares? He's a champion once again and we..."


Luther trails off as there is a commotion coming from the locker room. There's a sudden roar as Azathoth appears brawling with Lug Phelan. Half the locker room is trying to pull them apart while others are trying to restrain Aldous Blackfriar from joining in. Azathoth lets out another roar and shakes off four men holding him back to charge forward and start raining big bombs down on Lug who's being held back so he can't defend himself. Vin and his enforcers appear and each of them take charge in focusing on a fighter and keeping them isolated. Several times though someone slips through their quarantine and the crowd cheers as they get into an impromptu battle on the entrance ramp but eventually Commissioner Tanner breaks them up and drags them backstage.


The Main Event starts brawling early and has to be broken up.

Rating: C-


Moses: "Fantastic."





Dusty Ducont vs. ????


Dusty comes out looking cocky even though nobody knows who he is going to face. He doesn't seem to care and shows off his physique to the crowd while he waits. He's the big hotshot star and is expecting to pick up a win. He was in for a surprise when none other than Cali Slick shows up.




The crowd goes ape-s*** seeing one of GSW's biggest stars showing up. Nobody knows how to take it, especially with the West Coast Wars in full swing. Is it an invasion? Did IPW just poach one of GSW's top talents? Dirty Dusty is surprised but puts his game face on as Cali Slick hits the ring looking for blood. Dirty Dusty has a significant size advantage but Cali is no slouch when it comes to brawling having won titles in both IPW and GSW with his fists. The two duke it out of the ring and that where Cali Slick really started to shine. While Dusty hit some big suplexes, Cali was a wizard with chairs handed to him by fans. The two battle it out in a brutal slugfest but after jabbing Dusty in the chest with a chair, Cali is set up for his Slick-Back (Running Stunner) and he picks up the pin on Dusty right in the stands as the crowd roars with approval.


In a bout that had fantastic heat and great wrestling, Cali Slick defeated Dusty Ducont in 9:31 by pinfall with a Slick-Back.

Vin's Note: I couldn't ask for a better debut. Dusty is not happy about being booked on a losing streak but he didn't know that I have my connections backstage at TCW and I knew he had secured a deal with TCW and would be leaving us in a couple of days. Like hell I'm putting him over on his way out. Still while he was pissed, he did the job. Not a great one, only a D but he didn't tank the match and Cali got to shine at a real C- level.

Rating: C-




Anslem: "That's...that's Cali Slick!


Moses: "Right you are."


Anslem: "No, I mean I used to manage him. Way back when IPW first started. I dumped him for Lil Henry."


Luther: "That's an...interesting choice."


Anslem: "Hey f*** you, Lil Heny went on to become a three-time IPW Champion with me in his corner. Still when Cali left with Brother Grimm we didn't leave on the best of terms."


Moses: "Yes, you cost him a title shot by tripping him up during a match."


Anslem: "Yeah...but that was a long time ago. I'm sure he's forgotten all about it."


Luther: "Yeah, because wrestlers are famous for not holding grudges."


Anslem: "F***."


Moses: "Indeed. It seems Commissioner Tanner is making his way down to the ring now."




Tanner, flanked by his bodyguards, limps his way down to the ring. Cali stays in the ring looking at Vin with a stone cold expression on his face. Nobody in the crowd knows what to expect as Vin rolls into the ring...and offers his hand to Cali. Cali Slick gives a nod and grins as he grabs it and shakes his hand.


Vin Tanner and Cali Slick come to some sort of arrangement.

Rating: D





Moses: "It appears that Cali Slick and Commissioner Tanner have come to some sort of arrangement."


Luther: "No s*** sherlock. Why don't you focus on what's coming up next."


Anslem: "Nah man, I got this. See how they're putting rolls of barb wire around the ropes? That's because my man Frantic is finally putting that Asian dog JOJI down once and for all. Now if you'll excuse me I need to stretch so I don't pull anything raising Frantic's arm up in victory."





Frantic Ali w/ Anslem Briggs vs. JOJI


This match has been building for nearly a year as things have slowly escalated between Frantic Ali and JOJI. Both men start off circling one another trading verbal barbs before locking up in the middle of the ring. JOJI whips Frantic towards the ropes but Frantic comes to a halt before hitting the barbwire, instead leaping backwards and hitting JOJI with a flying elbow. JOJI is back up but Frantic hits a double-handed facebuster and sends JOJI back into the mat. Anslem starts pumping up the crowd with chants of "FRANTIC! FRANTIC! FRANTIC" and Frantic smiles and nods, picking JOJI up and whipping him towards the turnbuckle. JOJI reverses it and Frantic smashes into the barb wire only to hit a dropkick to the face by JOJI. The match is on in earnest and while it stays mostly in the center they don't shy away from whipping one another into the barb wire.


Things take a turn when Frantic once again picks up some momentum and squanders it pandering to the crowd. JOJI takes it as a sign of disrespect and sends Frantic into the barb wire, tangling him up and slicing his back and arms open. While Frantic tries to untangle himself JOJI is putting the boots to him, driving his face and neck deeper into the barbwire. Anslem slides Frantic a baseball bat and JOJI gets clocked in the face when Frantic goes batter's up. Frantic goes for the pin but JOJI kicks out quickly. By this point both of them are bleeding from small cuts across their backs and arms and both are getting slow to recover. Frantic goes for the baseball bat and misses JOJI's burst of energy as he climbs up the turnbuckle and hits a giant splash onto Frantic. Anslem is shouting for Frantic to get back up but JOJI recovers first and pushes Frantic once again into the barb wire, kicking him deeper into it. Frantic finally elbows JOJI out and hits JOJI with a scoop suplex into the barb wire. JOJI is writhing in pain as he extracts himself from the barbs. Frantic can barely stand up, swaying possibly from blood loss and JOJI isn't looking much better. Anslem shouts for encouragement getting the crowd to start chanting "FRANTIC" but some of the crowd starts chanting "JOJI" instead. JOJI stumbles in front of Frantic and Frantic hits a Death Valley Driver on JOJI. The ref starts slapping the mat






Th- NO! JOJI kicks out. Frantic is looking confused and looks over at Anslem for ideas but Anslem just shrugs. JOJI lets out a growl, willing himself back up to his feet and starts unloading punches to Frantic's bloody face. The crowd starts counting along. JOJI punches Frantic into the corner and kicks him into gut before stomping him into the barb wire once more. JOJI picks Frantic up and nails him with the JOJI Miracle Explosion.






And Frantic kicks out. Both wrestlers are covered in blood and the crowd is hooting for more. It might not be the best match of the night but the hot crowd is loving all the blood and violence. JOJI unloads more punches on Frantic but Frantic starts blocking and countering them. He whips JOJI into the barb wire and as JOJI stumbles back in pain from it Frantic hits another Death Valley Driver on JOJI.








Frantic collapses with exhaustion as medics rush the arena to start bandaging the two up and technicians hurry to remove the barb wire from both the wrestlers and the ring.


In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Frantic Ali defeated JOJI in a Barbed Wire match in 9:56 by pinfall with a Death Valley Driver.

Vin's Note: JOJI's great but just not quite ready for the main event. Still this was a fantastic push for him and he has built himself into a solid upper midcarder and definitely a main event contender soon enough. Frantic pulled a D and JOJI pulled a D-. Not their best, they could have done better, but still not a bad way to end a feud.

Rating: D


After the match, arms and torsos wrapped in gauze, Frantic pushes his way past Anslem to face JOJI once again. JOJI tenses up, not knowing what to expect when Frantic offers out his hand in a sign of respect. Hesitant at first, JOJI reaches out and accepts the shake.


Frantic Ali and JOJI make peace with one another, signaling an end to the feud.

Rating: D-




Anslem: "Oh man, and that is how you handle your business."


Moses: "That was a close, and violent, match. Listen to the fans, they definitely approve."


Luther: "Someone's going to need a mop for all that blood in the ring. Nice of Frantic to offer JOJI a hand."


Anslem: "My man Frantic is nothing if not a class act through and through. Maybe now we can put that business behind us and focus on getting a belt for my man."


Luther: "Oh, clothes shopping for your boyfriend now?"


Anslem: "You know what. Doesn't bother me at all. My man just won his match in front of hundreds of fans. Nothing you say can hold me down."


Luther: "JOJI has been spitting into your coffee cup for weeks now and we never told you."


Anslem: "...you motherf-"


Moses: "Well folks it is time for our main event. Aldous Blackfriar is facing not one but two top challengers for the IPW belt. Lug Phelan has been tearing up the main event scene for months hoping for a clean title shot but after his recent rampage through the roster Commissioner Tanner has decided to put the elder god himself, the Sultan of Daemons, Nuclear Chaos Incarnate Azathoth into the match as well."


Luther: "Nothing sends a great message like beating the s*** out of your boss and getting a title shot out of it."


Moses: "He might not have had a choice in the matter. Five straight wins including several ex-IPW Champions means he earned a shot. And who knows what strings Deacon Darkhold is pulling behind the scenes."


Luther: "Wait, you think all that praying to Satan is actually paying off?"


Moses: "Maybe."


Luther: "F*** it. Hail Satan! Give me a new set of wheels."





Aldous Blackfriar© vs. Azathoth vs. Lug Phelan w/ Mary O'Ryan


As the bell rung Blackfriar and Lug gave each other a nod and then rushed Azathoth. The giant demon had so far been unstoppable but with Lug and Blackfriar working together they were finally able to cuth im down. Blackfriar stunned Azathoth with a running knee to the stomach giving Lug the time to clothesline Azathoth right out of the ring. Blackfriar and Lug paused for just a moment, standing side-by-side looking down as Azathoth was picking himself off the ground when Lug threw an elbow into Blackfriar's face and their make-shift alliance desolved into a slug fest in the middle of the ring. Blackfriar and Lug seemed evenly matched, trading big right hooks one after another.


Before either could build up any momentum, Azathoth was back and nearly took both their heads off with a double clothesline. Azathoth picked up first Blackfriar and then Lug in big powerslams, crashing them into the mat and roaring over their bodies. Surprisingly he didn't go for a pin on either of them, stalking around the ring until they recovered. Blackfriar was up first and looked to eat a powerbomb from Azathoth but Lug saved him with some kidney punches to Azathoth, stunning him long enough for Blackfriar to shift and DDT Azathoth into the mat.


Once again with Azathoth briefly stunned Blackfriar and Lug tried to finish the match. Aldous slid out of the ring to grab the ladder while Lug tried to keep Azathoth down by putting the boots to him and dropping a couple elbows as well. Just as Azathoth slid the ladder back into the ring, Azathoth surged to his feet, chokeslamming Lug into the corner turnbuckle. Mary ran around to the corner to check on him while Blackfriar used the ladder like a giant spear to keep Azathoth away. Azathoth ate several big ladder shots but he caught the ladder and easily wrenched it away from Blackfriar. He swung the ladder hard clipping Blackfriar in the shoulder and Blackfriar stumbled into the same corner as Lug. The two were side by side when Azathoth threw the ladder at them. They both caught it but then Azathoth charged into them, crushing them both under his weight and the ladder.


Again both competitors were knocked down and the ladder was right there but Azathoth made no attempts at setting it up and going for the gold. Instead he picked up Lug and began raining big hooks into his face. With Azathoth preoccupied, Blackfriar went for the gold, setting up the ladder and making a mad scramble for the title. Azathoth sensed this and whipped Lug into the ladder toppling it. Blackfriar made a desperate leap off of it, splashing down on top of Azathoth.


Lug grabbed the ladder and smashed it down on both Azathoth and Blackfriar before going to set up the ladder again. He barely made it a few steps before Blackfriar dragged him off and the two brawled for a bit again before Azathoth entered the fray, knocking them both down with big punches. While Azathoth was putting the boots to Blackfriar, Lug grabbed the ladder and smashed it down on Azathoth. Both Lug and Blackfriar grabbed an end of the ladder and ran across the ring, smashing Azathoth in the face with the ladder.


With Azathoth down once again the ladder was set up and this time Lug and Aldous were racing, each to a side. Aldous was the first to the top but seemed to struggle with the latch. Lug got to the top and the two started trading punches at the top of the ladder.


Then Azathoth recovered. With a roar he charged the ladder, toppling it. Both Aldous and Lug leaped for the title but Aldous missed, crashing down onto the mat. Lug held on for dear life, struggling with one hand to work the latch and then it happened. Lug fell and crashed into the mat, taking with him the IPW Championship title. A new champion has been crowned in IPW and the crowd goes wild.


In a bout that had fantastic heat and great wrestling, Lug Phelan defeated Azathoth and Aldous Blackfriar in a Ladder match in 15:26 when Lug Phelan retrieved the item. Lug Phelan wins the IPW Championship title. Azathoth was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.

Vin's Note: Aldous blew the roof off with a C and Lug pulled off a great match as well with a D+. Azathoth lagged behind with only a D but still a great match for our season to end on. We had learned from previous ladder matches so now we have the latch on a remote. If the workers have a problem unhooking it at the appropriate time we can release it from backstage. It's the little things that make a match like this smooth as butter.

Rating: D+


DVD Bonus Features


Black Diamond vs. Valkyrie

In an abysmal pre-show match, Valkyrie defeated Black Diamond in 13:21 by pinfall.

Vin's Note: What a shame this match. Black Diamond has so much potential but neither she nor Valkyrie are known at all here so the crowd energy was dead. Valkyrie's gimmick as an Amazon warrior was Great but she performed at an E- while Black Diamond's Superior Athlete gimmick was...okay but she's still very raw hitting an F on her debut match.

Rating: E-



Hustle Muvva vs. Jerry Pepper

In a decent post-show match, Hustle Muvva defeated Jerry Pepper in 13:18 by pinfall with a Hustler's Headbutt.

Vin's Note: Keeping Hustle working and giving some much needed training to Jerry. Hustle pulled a D while Jerry was an E.

Rating: E



Kid Fantastic vs. Remmy Skye

In a post-show bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Remmy Skye defeated Kid Fantastic in 12:45 by pinfall with a Skye Diver.

Vin's Note: Even in a dark match Remmy can't help but get the crowd worked up with a D+ performance. This was in addition to being high as a kite for the match. Kid Fantastic continues to improve pulling an E+.

Rating: E+


Overall Rating: D+




(Post-Show)Remmy Skye defeats Kid Fantastic

(Post-Show)Hustle Muvva defeats Jerry Pepper

Lug Phelan defeats Aldous Blackfriar and Azathoth for the IPW Championship

Frantic Ali and JOJI shake hands

Frantic Ali defeats JOJI

Vin Tanner and Cali Slick shake hands

Cali Slick defeats Dusty Ducont

Blackfriar, Lug, and Azathoth brawl

Deacon Darkhold defeats Hugh de Aske for the IPW Californian Championship

Melvin Otto talks to Coulrophobia

Canadian Hardcore © defeat Coulrophobia

Keith Vegas & Minnesota Awesome defeat Mexican Hardcore Killers and Zombie Boy

School of Tradition defeats the Night Terrors

Steph Blake defeats Suzanne Brazzle and Talia Quinzel for the IPW Hardcore Diva Championship

Vin announces Women's Division, formation of the School of Tradition. Crimson OG is also formed.

(Pre-Show)Vin Tanner defeats Melvin Otto

(Pre-Show)Valkyrie defeats Black Diamond

(Pre-Show)Fiasco Fierce & Lil Henry defeat the Hot Taggs

(Pre-Show)Fiasco Fierce taunts the Hot Taggs

(Pre-Show)Barnaby & Rudge defeat PscyhoMike & Texas Hangman




IPW Fan Predictions Leaderboard - Q2

  1. smw88: 23/40
  2. Xendarii: 20/28
  3. aaroncc21: 16/21
  4. MisterRomanini: 14/25
  5. Hitman74: 13/20
  6. Tiberious: 13/17
  7. Herrbear: 10/15
  8. TOTKingNothing: 10/12
  9. FINisher: 6/6
  10. Jaded: 4/6
  11. kijar: 3/5
  12. CreeperGav: 3/4
  13. Munit: 2/4


Congratulations to smw88 for being our new leaderboard winner. PM me for an exclusive offer!



Perfect Card Prediction Showcase

FINisher - 1

Xendarii - 1




19 Pages! How's that for a season finale!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Trim the Wool



My computer ate my update :(




Vin was sitting at his desk flipping through the dirt sheets in a rare good mood. The feedback from the show had been positive but intersecting women's wrestling and hardcore wrestling had caused quite the splash. Online the picture of Steph Blake covered in blood holding up the title had made the front page. Maybe not the biggest headline but front page news was a first for IPW.


There was a knock on his door and Gil entered, full of nervous energy.




Vin: "Hey Gil, how did you like the..."


Gil: "We've got a problem, Vin. A big freaking problem. How many wrestlers do we have on our books?"


Vin frowned, but didn't bother asking questions, turning to his computer and flipping over to the spreadsheet where he kept all the workers and what they were paid saved.


Gil: "It's like over fifty, right?"


Vin: "Uhhh...let's see here. We have forty-seven full time and an additional nine contracts through the Alliance."


Gil: "Yeah, that's a big problem. Do you know how many people the Coastal Zone has on their roster? Forty-three. Why do we have more workers than Coastal Zone? Are we bigger than the Coastal Zone?"


Vin gave a sigh. Gil was beating around the bush and Vin could only handle Gil's nervous energy in small doses.


Vin: "No of course not. What's your point, Gil? Where is this coming from? I thought we had agreed that I would handle the books and you could just sit back and watch the show. Did you like the show?"


Gil: "Yeah, the show was fine. You know who didn't like the show? Deadly Deadshot. You know why?"


Vin: "Because he wasn't on it?"


Gil: "Because he wasn't on it. You know who didn't like the show? James Diaz. You know why?"


Vin: "..."


Vin leveled a glare at Gil to signal him to stop playing games and get to the point. Vin had a killer glare and it helped reel Gil back in when he had spun himself up too tightly.


Gil: "We weren't able to squeeze some big names onto our show and this was our big two-hour special. What happens when we go back to our normal schedule? Addding in women's wrestling is fine but that's going to be time we already don't have to dedicate to them. We have too many people on the roster."


Vin: "Gil, it's not about the money. We only pay them when they show up."


Gil: "You've already told me in your notes that Lug and Hellech are upset about how they've been used. With a roster this big how many more are going to get upset that we promised them we were going to use them but then we don't. Isn't that going to ddisrupt pushes if we have to keep cycling people in and out? Vin, look at me. Are you saying there isn't anybody who just hasn't stepped up and could be trimmed to better focus our product?"


Vin: "..."


Gil: "There's a saying in the business: trim the wool. You've got to make cuts if you want to succeed and if you want my support for adding a women's division then you need to cut out some of the rest of the roster to give everyone space to breath. I don't want to sneak backstage anymore and here the guys...or gals...not that I'm on the women's side...look I don't want unhappy workers and neither do you. Trim the wool, Vin."


Vin gave a silent nod and the tension drained out of Gil. Gil stood up to let Vin get back to his work but paused at the door to his office.


Gil: "It was a great show, don't get me wrong, but trim that wool, Vin!"


Gil disappeared and Vin shook his head.


Vin: "I f***ing hate the wool business..."



Uh-oh! Who's going to get trimmed?

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That was one hell of a good show, prague. Extremely sad to see Hugh leaving because he's a character that I really enjoyed. Giving the title to Lug makes sense and I'm especially happy that you didn't give it to Azathoth because, once again, I don't think he needs it. Also I like the idea of having two technical wrestlers on the roster that act as heels simply because the crowd hates their style. Will be interested to see where you're going to take this storyline.
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Wool Trimmed



Trim the wool: Least hardcore saying ever!


Wednesday, Week 2



Vin had put together his list. A half dozen names that would be cut loose from the roster. It was hardly needed from a financial standpoint given IPW wasn't obligated to pay anyone but Gil had raised a valid point that they just didn't have room on a show for everyone and people had started to grumble about being left off. By trimming some of the undercard that would give them a bit more room to work with.


Vin leaned back and waited for his first appointment...






Vin stood up and shook Remmy's hand, gesturing for him to sit down.


Vin: "Hey Remmy, I'm sure you've got an idea of what is going on. With the addition of a women's division we just have to operate a bit tighter. We originally brought you in to help train up some of our rookies and you've done a great job but with the shift in storylines we just no longer need that anymore."


Remmy Honeyman didn't say a word, just nodded and reached out a hand to shake Vin's. Remmy was a pro and used to being brought on and dropped off as needed. After Remmy had left Vin let out a sigh, hoping the rest would be that easy.






Manny Alvarez looked a little surprised to have been called up to see Vin.


Vin: "Manny, have a seat. I've got...well there's no easy way to say it. I've got some bad news."


Manny cocked his head to the side but didn't say anything.


Vin: "You've been with us for a year now. You were fresh to the business then and I told you I we would take a chance on you. Bring you on and help you get your feet under you but over the last year we just aren't seeing the kind of progress we need to. The fans still don't really want to see you wrestle and we're having a..."


Without a word Manny just stood up and walked out of the door. That was a bit of a punch to Vin's gut but still, it could have been worse. Manny had never been a talkative one anyway.






The Texas Hangman was a big fellow, standing level with Vin as he took a seat.


Vin: "Hey Hangman, hope everything is going well."


Texas Hangman: "Well enough."


It was then that Vin realized that so far he had been firing a lot of people who were either quiet or loners. Maybe this day wouldn't be as bad as he had feared when he had woke up that morning.


Vin: "When I hired you the hope was that we could help get your feet grounded and get you set up for a big feud to get you out of the dark matches and into the spotlight but unfortunately that big feud was going to be with the Outlaw. You see how that would have worked well thematically and now with everything that has gone on we just don't have any plans for you. Space is tight on the cards and we just can't guarantee a spot for you anymore so instead of letting you wither on the vine I think it's best to just cut you loose now."


Texas Hangman: "Cut me loose? For my own good? Uh-huh."


Vin had thought he had put enough of a positive spin on it to soften the blow but Hangman wasn't having any of it.


Vin: "...Yeah. If things change we have your number. Who knows, maybe this is just a temporary thing..."


Texas Hangman: "Yeah. Sure."


The two sat in silence for a few moments before Vin finally just gave a nod and reached out his hand for Hangman to shake.


Vin: "Good luck. I'm sure you're land someplace else."


Texas Hangman didn't respond. He just stood up, glared at Vin's hand like it was something repulsive and then walked out the door. Vin was about to let his breath out when Texas Hangman slammed Vin's door so hard that the glass window shattered. Vin could hear the Hangman's big boots crunching on glass as he walked down the hall.


Maybe this wouldn't be so easy after all.






Before Vin could even talk Suzanne spoke up as she entered the room.


Suzanne: "Hey V-Man, what happened to your door?"


Vin motioned for Suzanne to have a seat and she shrugged and sat down.


Vin: "Yeah, someone just closed it a bit to hard."


Suzanne: "Was it you?"


Vin didn't respond. They were getting off track and he just wanted to cut to it.


Vin: "I just want to start off by saying I really appreciate the effort you put in for our debut. It wouldn't have been the same without you."


Suzanne: "Thanks."


She paused, the smile dropping from her face as she studied Vin's face.


Suzanne: "But..."


Vin: "...but we're looking to trim the roster a bit. With the inclusion of a women's division that cuts our show times by at least a match or two a night and with how much we've grown it's getting hard to juggle everyone and not leave people in the dark..."


Suzanne: "...and while my work is appreciated it just doesn't align with what the focus of this promotion?"[/b


Vin blushed a bit with embarrassment. She had sussed him out and taken the words right out of his mouth.


Suzanne: "Not going to lie, this kind of hurts. I know my style doesn't fit the hardcore environment perfectly but I'm still one of your top stars."


She leaned back and gave a loud sigh. Then a laugh that caught Vin by surprise.


Suzanne: "Aw who am I kidding. I'm looking to retire soon anyway. I don't need to spend the last few years of my career bashing my face in with a baseball bat. Have fun with your little hardcore thingj."


She reached out a hand for Vin, catching him by surprise and he shook it, feeling some of the tension drain from the air in the process. Suzanne stood up and turned back towards the office door, looking at the glass on the floor and then glancing back at Vin.


Suzanne: "I'm guessing I'm not the only one getting this news today. Well if they can't handle this...f*** 'em."


She flashed Vin a big grin and he could help but wonder how things would have been different if Suzanne had been ten years younger when she joined IPW. Next to Vin she was the oldest wrestler on their roster by nearly five years. IPW wasn't the place for a nice, easy quiet retirement.


Vin glanced down at his watch. One more name, and this one would be the hardest.






Stanley walked in with a big grin on his face, stepping lightly to get around the glass.


Vin: "Hey Stan, have a..."


Stanley Axis: "Hey V-Man, someone broke your door."


Vin paused, caught off guard. Stanley wasn't exactly the swiftest runner in the race.


Vin: "Yeah. I know. Listen why don't you take a..."


Stanley: "You want help picking it up?"


Stanley bent over to pick up one of the larger shards of glass, looking around for a trash can.


Vin: "No. Just. No, I'll take care of it. Leave the glass and have a seat."


Stanley walked over and sat down, still carrying a large jagged piece of glass in his hand.


Vin: "No. I mean leave the glass on the ground."


Stanley gave a shrug and dropped it next to him. The glass shattered on the floor creating a new explosion of shards to cover another portion of the floor in his office. Vin leaned forward and put his face in his hands.


Stanley: "Oops. Do you want me to pick it up again?"


Stanley started to get up again but Vin cut him off.


Vin: "No! No. Just sit there, and be quiet. I have something to tell you."


Stanley: "Oh. Okay."


Vin pressed a hand against his forehead. He was completely derailed and his mind churned trying to get figure out how to get back on track.


Vin: "How long have you worked at IPW? Since the beginning, right?"


Stanley: "..."


Vin: "And you've done some great work in that time. You even won...


Stanley: "Eight years. I've been hear eight years."


Vin paused, his mind slamming up against the realization that Stanley was still a sentence behind. Stanley seemed to pick up that this was the wrong thing to say.


Stanley: "Sorry. You asked me how long I had worked here and..."


Vin: "Just listen! Alright where was I? Oh yeah. You've won a title and while that was a big accomplishment I'm worried your career here has stalled. You're a solid wrestler but the fans..."


Stanley: "Californian champion. That's the belt I won."


Vin: "...Yeah...I know..."


Stanley: "You said I had a title reign but I just wanted to make sure..."




Stanley flinched as Vin lost his patience and raised his voice. Vin felt a wave of embarrassment wash over him as he realized that losing his temper while trying to fire someone was a crappy move.


Vin: "Sorry. I shouldn't have raised my voice. You're just being really distracting. Now as I was saying the fans just haven't gotten behind you. I'm sure you've heard them say so when you're out there. You're a good wrestler but your style just doesn't really fit what the fans are looking for and after eight years I thought maybe it'd be good to look for another company to work with. With our recent growth spots are tight and we just don't have the space to work you into a storyline anytime soon."


Vin finally was able to complete a thought and paused, giving Stanley time to process what he was saying and respond.


Stanley: "The fans hate Moroi but he is in a storyline."


Vin: "...well yeah but he is partnered with Babau. They've been a staple with IPW for..."


Stanley: "...eight years?"


Vin grew silent. Maybe Stanley wasn't as dimwitted as he had always seemed.


Vin: "No...yes...but not like that. Moroi has to stay because of the Dark Watch stable and storyline. He needs to be around to help drive that."


Stanley: "The fans hate Jules. You brought him in and put him in a stable and storyline. Why not me?"


Vin: "What?"


Stanley: "Why couldn't I partner with Nigel and be part of your enforcers?"


Another good point that had put Vin back on the defensive. Once again Stanley had raised a good point, one Vin hadn't considered and he had to think fast to respond to.


Vin: "Well...because he has great chemistry with Nigel. They tag really well together. I've tried to find a good tag team partner for you but it just hasn't clicked like ti did for those two. And also he's showing some real signs of improvement. The fans might not like him now but he might be able to turn that around..."


Stanley: "...Like how I didn't?"


It was such a simple question but it was like a sucker punch to Vin's gut. Communication patterns aside Stanley had been a backbone of the roster since IPW was created. That was a lot of history that was being dumped and it was hard for Vin not to empathize with Stanley's position.


Vin: "I'm sorry to have to say this but we're going to let you go."


Stanley: "Oh. Okay."


Stanley had a look in his eyes like a kicked puppy. He wasn't crying but he looked like he just didn't understand the world around him and why it was inflicting so much pain on him. Somehow that made it even worse for Vin. If Stanley had gotten angry or sad those were things he was prepared for but this feeling of disappointment had caught him off guard.


Vin: "Listen we'll keep your information on file. If we get room again and more time slots to handle more people maybe we can reach out and bring you back on board."


Stanley: "Oh! That would be great. When do you think that would happen?"


Vin: "No...I mean I don't know. It doesn't... okay. Listen, if things change we will call you but I don't think that will happen anytime soon."


Stanley: "Oh. Okay. Is that it then?"


Vin: "Yeah...yeah it is."


Stanley stood up, turned and walked out. Vin was still in the middle of reaching across the desk to give Stanley a courtesy shake but Stanley was already heading out the door. Vin sat back down and buried his face in his hands for what felt like the hundredth time that day. He felt like s*** but Gil would be happy. The wool had been trimmed...

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  • 2 weeks later...


Break time's over!


IPW's Fractured Factions!


IPW fans are gearing up for a fresh season of hardcore content and here at InvincibleProWrestling.com we'd like to highlight the three major factions that have formed and look to dominate the upcoming shows for months to come.



The Dark Watch




With Azathoth ascending to the highest tiers of IPW and with leader Deacon Darkhold securing the IPW Californian belt it seems that Dark Watch is on its way to becoming the dominant faction in IPW. Originally formed by Aldous Blackfriar, Deacon Darkhold took over leadership in a coup over who truly wielded satanic blessing. While the Dark Watch has had a series of successes there are cracks showing from within. Melvin Otto, normally a fanatical follower of Darkhold, has been seen engaging with rival tag team Coulrophobia and there have been several instances where Azathoth has ignored or even turned on other members of Dark Watch with the Night Terrors typically the subject of those frenzies.



School of Tradition




The School of Tradition harkens back to Eric Tyler's championship reign in DaVE where he created an alliance of highly technical workers to bring order and discipline to the otherwise bloody and chaotic DaVE shows. While Vin Tanner was never officially part of the School in its original incarnation he was a frequent tag partner and ally to Eric over the years and seems to be bringing that influence to bear here. Formed in direct response to Azathoth's reign of bloody terror, Vin is attempting to use technical machines Nigel and Jules to inflict punishing pain on wrestlers who disrupt his shows and turn them into chaos. In addition he secured an alliance with Cali Slick, stealing him from GSW to showcase how a proper champion should act.


The Crimson OG




Formed by original IPW workers fed up with being pushed aside by "new blood", Crimson OG is full of ex-champions with a total of 8 title reigns between the three of them. They are specifically targeting Vin Tanner and his "East Coast" Hardcore influences. So far the tag team of Fiasco Fierce and Lil Henry have been racking up wins but Hustle Muvva hasn't been in the spotlight very much recently. Still they have been showing up a lot around the ring and backstage and it seems over the past few months that they have been slowly escalating their presence, demanding to be heard and given serious title shots once again.


Next Show: IPW House of Hardcore

Aldous Blackfriar vs. Remmy Skye

Babau vs. James Diaz vs. Nigel Svensson

Crimson OG vs. Mexican Hardcore Killers

Steph Blake © vs. Valkyrie

Deacon Darkhold © vs. Deadly Deadshot

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