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ZOOM! Wrestling: The Face of a New Generation (CVerse)

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Bret Kyle vs Jimmy Marino (ZOOM Championship Tournament match)


Jay Silver vs Zel Quinn (ZOOM Championship Tournament match)


Spencer Edmund vs Taylor Norton (ZOOM Championship Tournament match)


Bonus prediction: The day after the show, I found out that one of the six wrestlers on the show started dating my referee, Jenny Morgan. Who was it? Jay Silver

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Friday, Week 2 of January, 2020


We made one major change since the last show. After seeing our pretty abysmal attendance number, I made the decision to allow people to attend the show for free. We’re not going to be able to make any kind of money from ticket sales for a while, and the benefits we’d get from increased crowd sizes would more than make up for the small financial loss.


ZOOM Livewire



Show introduction and card rundown


We started things off again with Nicole and me introducing things. Not much to say here, these kinds of segments are mainly just to give us a bit more experience and confidence speaking in front of crowds.


Rating: 19

Time: 4 min




Bret Kyle vs Jimmy Marino


Ugh. This was a very disappointing match, mainly because it could have been great. Part of it was my fault. I told them to play to the crowd to get them warmed up for later, and it worked, but it also meant their match wasn’t as good as it could have been. The other big issue came a few minutes into the match, when Jimmy pulled Bret just the wrong way while he had him in a hold and gave him a strained bicep. It didn’t make him have to stop the match and he’ll be fully recovered by the next show, but it hurt the match a lot. All things considered, both sides did well, but the match just wasn’t as good as the sum of its parts. It ended just over ten minutes in when Bret hit a picture-perfect Shooting Star Press for the win. I also used Bret’s tag team partner Taylor Norton as a manager (and vice versa). He did some pretty good work here. The big bright spot is that all three of them connected with the crowd pretty well.


Rating: 21

Time: 10:01

Bret Kyle has debuted his Cocky Face gimmick. It has gotten an initial rating of Very Good.

Jimmy Marino has debuted his Street Fighter gimmick. It has gotten an initial rating of Very Good.

Taylor Norton has debuted his Wild Child gimmick. It has gotten an initial rating of Great.

Bret Kyle sustained a Strained Bicep in this match.




Jay Silver vs Zel Quinn


These two men put on a solid striker vs high flyer match. The less mobile Jay tried continuously to take out the legs of Zel to keep him grounded, and Zel used his agility to his advantage to dodge and hit aerial moves. Zel was a bit off his game, but he still was the better wrestler. As such, the ending didn’t come as much of a surprise. Zel feigned grogginess and when Jay tried to hit him with a kick, he caught the leg. One quick spin and Jay was caught in the Magic Trick. He tried in vain to escape but was ultimately forced to tap out.


Rating: 26

Time: 14:32

Jay Silver has debuted his Prize Fighter gimmick. It has gotten an initial rating of Adequate.

Zel Quinn has debuted his Crowd Pleaser gimmick. It has gotten an initial rating of Great.




Interview with Bret Kyle and Taylor Norton


After that match, it was time for our one and only pre-taped interview segment of the show. This time it was with both Bret Kyle and Taylor Norton. Bret spoke for a few minutes about his win and hyped up Taylor’s upcoming match. Taylor talked himself up as well. This wasn’t amazing, but they’re both good talkers.


Rating: 23

Time: 5 min



Spencer Edmund vs Taylor Norton


I really didn’t want to book this the way I did, but sometimes that’s just how the face-heel divide makes things line up. Still, this was just a great match, definitely a worthy successor to last week’s main event. With both men being decent all-rounders (Taylor being the better flyer and Spencer the better technician), there was a lot of variety to keep things interesting. Taylor probably put on the better performance, but he ended up on the losing end when Spencer got him in an Elevated Boston Crab around the fourteen-minute mark. Taylor struggled hard to get out, but in the end it just wasn’t possible and he had to submit. Like I said, I would have preferred to give Taylor the win, but there’s only so many slots if you want to keep things balanced.


Rating: 32

Time: 14:45



Spencer Edmund post-match promo


Fresh off his win, Spencer got a microphone and cut a good heel promo. He attacked both Taylor and Bret, who was at ringside. He ended by saying that he hoped Bret would last long enough in the tournament that Spencer could defeat him personally, but it wouldn’t be surprising if he didn’t last that long. Solid work from both Spencer and Bret and Kyle.


Rating: 27

Time: 4 min


Match summary:

Bret Kyle def. Jimmy Marino

Zel Quinn def. Jay Silver

Spencer Edmund def. Taylor Norton


Show rating: 28

Attendance: 21

Online viewership: 3,168

This show has increased our popularity in 11 regions.


Another solid show, actually a little better than the first. There was another little interesting story going on backstage, though. Apparently, last week, Taylor Norton and our referee Jenny Morgan had hit it off pretty well and this show they started dating for real. Who knows where it will go, but hey, maybe it will make Jenny see the job as more than just a paycheck. We’ll see.

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OOC: Taylor is Unfaithful and a Horndog. Poor Jenny is almost certainly going to get her heart broken.



Herrbear: 1/3


Here's the card for the next show.


ZOOM Livewire, Week 3 of January, 2020


Melvin Danzig vs Starman (ZOOM Championship Tournament match)


Jack Pryde vs Marc Perez (ZOOM Championship Tournament match)


Spencer Edmund vs Zel Quinn (ZOOM Championship Tournament match, round 2)


One last note: I've already completed the first month, and it was done under 1.00, before the iPPV rebalancing of 1.02. So the numbers for the first event will not be accurate to how it would be now.

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