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Wrestlemania III complete!

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Ran my first Wrestlemania of my main save where I'm starting in 1987 and hoping to play atleast 10 years in game, here is the show.


Opener: Ricky Steamboat beat Randy Savage (IC Title)

Match Rating: 92

Steamboat's Rating: 92

Savage's Rating: 88


Match 2: Sherri Martel beat Fabulous Moolah (Women's Title)

Match Rating: 58

Sherri's Rating: 60

Moolah's Rating: 56


Match 3: The Undertaker beat Koko B. Ware & Young Stallions

Match Rating: 44

Taker's Rating: 36

Koko's Rating: 60

Power's Rating: 47

Roma's Rating: 47


Match 4: Honky Tonk man vs Jake Roberts

Match Rating: 80

Honky Tonk's Rating: 68

Jake the Snake's Rating: 95

Match 5: JYD vs Harley Race

Match Rating: 80

Harley's Rating: 85

JYD's Rating: 86


Match 6: British Bulldogs vs Hart Foundation (Tag Titles)

Match Rating: 62

Davey's Rating: 67

Dynamite's Rating: 72

Bret's Rating: 76

Neidhart's Rating: 58


Main Event: Hulk Hogan vs Andre the Giant (World Title)

Match Rating: 98

Hogan's Rating: 98

Andre's Rating: 95


Overall Show Rating: 91


Future Plans: I'm thinking of moving Bret to the main event and chasing after the IC Title then teaming Neidhart up with a debuting Owen Hart, Hogan vs Jake the Snake for a 6/8 month long storyline. Debuting Kerry Von Erich soon so probably having a Von Erich vs Andre storyline (David vs Goliath) and putting Kerry over big time at Mania 4. For the Tag Titles i'm thinking of bringing in either The Road Warriors or DiBiase & Stan Hansen, Women's Title is currently held by Sherri so i'll more than likely have her hold it for up to a year or 2. King of the Ring is soon so I'm thinking maybe Bret or Kerry, as for The Undertaker i'm slowly building him up by beating people in squash matches then eventually into main event matches but that'll take a couple years before he has the pop.


Any suggestions feel free to comment! :D


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