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The War Continues: AEW vs WWE/NXT - May 2020

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Bruce Pritchard is set as the booker for WWE, while I have HHH and Cody set as the bookers for NXT & AEW respectively. Never done a dynasty post on any sites befoer but figured I'd give it a shot and thought it'd be a neat way at the very least for me to catalog my game save. For the first few months all WWE/NXT events will be held at Full Sail while AEW will all be held at Daily's place. I'll probably do that through the summer months of the save.


Monday Night Raw May 2020 Week 1 - Live from Full Sail University


In the lone pre-show bout Carillo beat Crews, Theory & Moss when Carillo pinned Moss in 10 minutes with a Tope En Reversa - 44


To kick off the show the announcers Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton & Samoa Joe hype up a tag team match between Rollins & Murphy vs Black & Mysterio tonight. Also what's next for Edge? We will hear from him tonight! - 59


Also tonight Viking Raiders & Street Profits compete in non-wrestling competition - 39


Kicking off the action tonight will be Vink, MVP, & Thorne to take on Ricochet, Truth & Alexander - 27


Truth, Alexander & Ricochet beat Vink, Thorne & MVP when Truth pins MVP with a what's up? in 12 minutes - 50


Lashley comes down and chokes Truth out and Lashley & MVP leave together - 55


Backstage Lana tries to talk to Lashley but MVP forces hmiself and Lashley past her, ignoring her. - 51


Also backstage Zelina hypes her stable of Andrade, Garza & Theory up and has them focus on same page as Garza is in action against Tazawa next! - 54


Angel Garza defeats Akira Tozawa with a wing clipper in 11 minutes - 48


Garza taunts partner Theory after win and Zelina tells them to knock it off - 39


McIntyre comes down and gets in Andrade's face and challegnes him to a fight right now if he is man enough! - 67


Drew McIntyre beats Andrade in a hard fought match in 15 minutes with a claymore kick - 58


Drew promo: "Corbin I have seen you talking trash on social media and mocking me! You think because I'm on raw and you're on Smackdown that magically makes you safe?! I'm going to give you a chance to be a man and show up to raw next Monday night and if you don't I'm coming to Smackdown and kicking your head in!" He drops the microphone and walks away - 78


Backstage Charly Caruso interviews Asuka on winning vacant Raw title at Money In the Bank. She yells in Japanese as Kairi can't stop staring at her belt and half smiling at Asuka - 45


Mysterio sees Rollins congrats on being father he walks past in a trance like a zombie almost - 69


Natalya defeats Ruby Riott in 10 minutes with a sharpshooter - 50


After the match Shayna Baszler locks in the Kirafuda clutch on Natty and road agents/referees have to pull her off. She smiles walking up the ramp staring at natalya's lifeless body in the ring. Proud of what she has done. - 50


vignette plays showing the iiconics will be back on Raw as of Next Monday! - 45


Next up shelton benjamin beats brian kendrick from nxt in 7 minuets with a paydirt. Benjamin looks like he wants to earn some more tv time and become a factor on Raw - 23


Street profits beat Viking Raiders in game of basketball. Viking Raiders challenge Street Profits next week to a knife throwing contest - 45


Up next is the main event between Aleister Black & Rey Mysterio facing Rollins & Murphy - 63


Black & Mysterio win by DQ as Rollins begins beating Mysterio with a chair. - 68


Post match Rollins beats Rey's head into the steps with a chair laying him out! - 79


Edge says "he is past randy Orton and now asking himself what's next?" - 100


Orton comes out says "no this isn't over. You beat me in a last man standing match congratulations. But this is just starting! You are scared to face me 1v1 in the ring in a regular match because you know you don't got it anymore!" Edge stands there as the show goes off the air. - 86


Overall show rating: 67


Lost popularity in 46 regions and gained popularity in 2 regions.

General feeling so far is that WWE doesn't enough interesting storylines going on, but hopefully after Smackdown we will change that. With our roster being pretty thin WWE Raw & Smackdown may be challenging for a bit. Becky is on maternity leave, Owens has a small injury for a bit, Reigns is on hiatus, Zayn is currently at home. Jimmy Uso & Xavier Woods are out hurt. AOP unavailable, Samoa Joe also hurt. So a quite few major players are not around for us right now. It will give us an opportunity to hopefully to create a few new stars in their absences.


(the further this save goes in the further I will start swaying it from what is actually happening on tv. I'm just going with most of the major feuds currently at least for Raw until I get my footing and gain some traction on this series. Going to try to book Raw & Smackdown like they are booked in modern times with a few tweaks and NXT/AEW will also ahve their own styles to them as well.)

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<p>owner goals have shown up and are as follows:</p><p> </p><p>

WWE owner goals </p><p>

Goal 1: When time expires wwe must gaines pop in usa: expires in 2 years and is critical importance</p><p>

Goal 2: Financial balance of wwe must not fall below 10 million when 2 years expires also critical</p><p>

Goal 3: Roman reigns must be kept above 71 pop in 18 months, high importance</p><p>

Goal 4: Daniel bryan must be kept above 71 overall in 21 months, high importance </p><p>

Goal 5: Styles must be kept above 71 pop in 2 years 4 months, high importance </p><p>

Goal 6: You cant hire any wrestler with technician striker style for 1 year 2 months, average importance</p><p>

Goal 7: can't hire someone with hardcore style, average importance</p><p>

Goal 8: Cant hire wrestler with daredevil style, average importance</p><p> </p><p>

NXT Owner Goals</p><p>

Goal 1: Cannot fall below Medium size at any point, critical</p><p>

Goal 2: When 2 years 4 months expires NXT must have at least the original pop of start of mod cannot lose pop, critical</p><p>

Goal 3: Cannot hire daredevil wrestler, average</p><p>

Goal 4: Cannot hire psychopath wrestler, average</p><p>

Goal 5: cannot hire technician striker style wrestler, average</p><p> </p><p>

AEW Owner Goals</p><p>

Goal 1: Cannot fall below medium size any point, critical</p><p>

Goal 2: AEW must improve on its company ranking of #2 in 2 years time (good luck with that lol)</p><p>

Goal 3: Cannot hire or extend contract of anyone who is known to regularly have problems with law enforcement for 2.5 years, average importance</p><p>

Goal 4: cannot hire daredevil style workers, average</p><p>

Goal 5: Cannot hir or extend contract of anyone who has a reputation of less than 60 for 2 years 8 months.</p><p> </p><p>

WWE & AEW will likely be very challenging while NXT looks to be pretty simple and straight forward. Looking forward to how the save goes and turns out as time goes along. Thanks everybody. </p><p> </p><p>

PS for the opening Raw 2.84 Million people watched the show and by missing the 70 rating that was required USA Network wasn't happy with us.</p>

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Wednesday May Week 1

AEW Dark at daily's place in Fl


Shawn Spears beats El Lindaman in the opening bout to kick off the show with - 43


backstage dasha gonzalez interviews Kip Sabian, Penelope Ford & Jimmy Havoc as they confirm their recent alliance. they are tired of being overlooked on this roster. - 31


Priscilla Kelly taps out leva Bates with a tilt-a-whirl-dragon sleeper - 20


Evil Uno gives a speech about strength in numbers and safety/acceptance as long as you believe in the dark order, the dark order will believe in you. It shows Grayson, 10, John Silver, and Alex Reynolds standing at his side in front of other potential masked members. Evil Uno one says The Exhaulted One grows stronger by each passing day and so does Dark Order. - 30


Cabana and Fenix shoving match backstage they decide to settle it in the ring later tonight - 36


Proud N Powerful defeat Nakazawa & Cutler in 11 minutes - 47


Nyla Rose vignette showing her dominant run in AEW - 43


Private Party hanging out at their private bar with Pineapple Pete having drinks, when a new signee Famous B walks up and pours himself a drink and walks away leaving private party upset! - 25


In the main event for dark Fenix pins Cabana with a Meteora in 13 minutes - 51


Overall Rating for AEW Dark - 41




Next we move into AEW Dynamite


Where a pre show bout kicks things off. Riho & Yuka Sakazaki beat Diamente & Bea Priestley in 7 minutes when Yuka hits a magical girl kick on Diamente for the victory - 40


The announcers welcome us to Dynamite and thank us for tuning in. We find out we will see Mox vs Kazarian, and Archer will also be in action - 60


They also hype Le Sex Gods vs Matt hardy & Kenny Omega for the main event in a no dq falls count anywhere street fight. - 50


but first we kick off the show with a 4way #1 contenders match for women's title at Double or Nothing in 3 weeks - 33


Shida defeats Swole, Statlander and Britt Baker when she pins Swole to become #1 contender. - 35


Meanwhile outside the ring Baker and Statlander cannot stop fighting and road agents have to pull them apart - 30


graphic hypes Nyla vs Shida at D.O.N. - 32


Murderhawk lance Archer in action next! - 43


Lance Archer dominates local talent Ty Ray in 3 minutes - 51


Roberts cuts a promo post match. "Cody what you have seen lance do to his victims these past few weeks is just a small taste of what's to come at Double Or nothing! You are not the hero you think you are, and we expose you that night!" - 64


Best Friends defeat Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus when MJF attacks jungle boy to cost them the match. - 53


Post match Wardlow power bombs marko into ring post outside the ring and MJF taunts/trash talks Jungle Express as they walk up the ramp way. - 56


Bubbly Bunch vignette shows members of The Inner Circle talk about how great they are and how much better friends they are than the members of The Elite who have shown cracks lately, and have barely even shown up for dynamite. Jericho brags that tonight shall be an easy victory with Guevera by his side. - 64


Pac Defeats Janela with a Black arrow - 73


Moxley enters through the crowd with his title he is in action next! - 72


moxley defeats Kazarian in a match where Kazarian looked very good - 69


Post match Dark Order members beat down Moxley - 34


Brodie lee strolls down hits lariat on Moxley picks up his title and walks away - 63


Taz announces backstage that tnt title will decided in a 6 way ladder match at double Or nothing. the contestants will be Darby Allin, Shawn Spears, Colt Cabana, Rey Fenix, Jimmy Havoc, and Orange Cassidy. He then sees Allin offers to give him tips for the match and Allin says he doesn't need help and walks away - 49


Scorpio Sky defeats CIMA - 51


Spears backstage sees Cassidy and shoves him saying he doesn't belong in the ring with him at DON - 55


Hardy & Omega vs Le Sex Gods main event is up next! - 55


Le Sex Gods win when Jericho pins Omega with a Judas Effect after, Santana, ortiz & Hager all interfere backstage in the match. The Inner Circle were not here tonight so there was no backup for Omega & Hardy. - 70


Inner Circle hug and celebrate as Dynamite goes off the air - 51


The overall rating for Dynamite was a 63 and it increased popularity in 24 regions while 666,826 people saw the show on tv.




Also airing on Wednesday night was the rivals of AEW Dynamite, HHH's brand of entertainment, NXT.


NXT kicks off with 3 pre show bouts:


In the first matchup Kendrick & Lumis defeat Singh Bros - 39


Bout #2 saw Reina Gonzalez Dakota kai & Aliyah defeat Mia Yim, Shotzi Blackheart and Santana Garrett in a 6 woman tag match - 37


In the final pre show bout Bronson Reed beat Boa - 32


The show kicks off with camera on mauro ranallo who announers an 8 man cruiserweight single elimination tournemant. we will see the first 2 matchups tonight. Devlin vs Jake Atlas and Kushida vs Tony Nese - 48


he goes on to say we will also hear from Finn balor as he looks to find his attacker - 59


the crowd boos as we see gargano and lerae come through the curtain he kicks things off against Dijakovic - 49


After exposing the turnbuckle gargano uses the ropes for leverage and beats Dominik - 46


gargano and lerae are all smiles walking up the ramp - 44


riddle annoys thatcher during their backstage interview as he is trying to convince thatcher to join broserweight alliance - 34


in the first cruiserweight title tourney match Devlin defeats Atlas - 42


Regal informas Charlotte in his office that she defends her title next week against Io Shirai - 63


Mercedes martinez in action next - 32


Mercedes dominates kacy catanzaro in under 3 minutes - 25


balor promo: " there is a snake in the grass and the prince is going to find him. if you wanted a fight all you had to do was ask! I'm willing to fight, but since you're a coward I'm going to find you!" - 71


In the 2nd cruiserweight tourney match of the night Kushida defeats Tony Nese- 52


mauro puts over Devlin and Kushida for making it to the 2nd of the tournament - 39


Main event announced as a north american title match between keith lee and killian dain - 45


Cameron Grimes defeated Denzel Dejournette - 10


He grabs a mic and says he didn't not attack Balor but if he was out here he'd look him the in the eye and challenge him to a fight! balor walks out and gets in Grimes face and grimes puts mic down and backs away saying not tonight! - 53


Velveteen Dream goes 1v1 vs Adam Cole for NXT Title next week: he cuts a promo from a couch in a purple smokey room: " Cole be ready for an experience next week and NXT universe get ready for the purple reign because it's dreams time, and for Cole it's Dream over!" - 55


Fish & Strong defeat Burch & Lorcan - 46


Cole promo from his backyard: "Dream is right about one thing. it will be dream over next week, because he has no shot at taking the title from teh greatest champion in NXT history! As the prophecy goes, Adam Cole will continue to rule NXT and THAT IS UNDISPUTED!" - 59


Rob Stone is taking phone calls about his client Chelsea green as she poses for pictures. Snaps his fingers and tells camera men that's enough and has her follow him away - 36


Tegan Nox defeates vanessa borne - 30


karrion Kross & Scarlett vignette hype with pictures and images of chaos with screams in the background while a timer counts down. you see silhouettes of scarlett and kross mvoe towards camera. As clock strikes 0 they come into focus for a moment and he says "Next week NXT your time is up! We are coming!" - 57


keith lee successfully defends title against killian dain in event by hitting a huge powerbomb on the beast of belfast! - 56


As show is ending Gargano steps onto the stage and a staredown ensues between gargano and Lee as he holds his belt on his shoulder. - 65


Overall show rating is 50. NXT gained pop in 54 regions and lost it in 2 regions. 859,000 people saw NXT on tv.




Overall for Wednesday NXT had more eyes on their product by 200,000 people but AEW clearly had the better show beating them out 63 to 50. Will that be the case moving forward?


Next up will be Friday night Smackdown.

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<p>Friday Night Smackdown Week 1 May - from Full Sail</p><p> </p><p>

The show has 1 pre show match. A 4 way bout between jimmy Uso, Mustafa, Bo dallas & The Miz. Uso pins Bo Dalls with a Superkick in 7 minutes to pick up the win - 59</p><p> </p><p>

The show kicks off with a MITB video pacakge showing Oti win the MITB Briefcase - 70</p><p> </p><p>

Heavy Machinery and Mandy bump into Ziggler/Roode/Deville backstage where they make fun of Otis as a flash in the pan. Roode calls Otis a freak and offers mandy to come be with him. otis steps forward and they set a match up for tonight. - 56</p><p> </p><p>

Mr McMahon is shown from his desk at wwe headquarters. "Due to Sami Zayn going on a hiatus and travel restrictions during these times, we are going to have a 4 man tournament to crown the next IC Champion. Jeff Hardy, Mojo Rawley, Cesaro, and Sheamus will be in this tournement." - 64</p><p> </p><p>

Bayley & Sasha brag about dominance in women's divsion. tamina chalenges bayley after she cheated to win at mitb to a rematch. bayley declines. - 44</p><p> </p><p>

After commercial we see Tamina in the ring with Dana Brooke whom she beats with a superfly splash in 6 minutes. During the match sasha and bayley sat at ringside looking unimpressed. - 20</p><p> </p><p>

post match bayley and sasha walk away trash talking as tamina stands tall in the ring. - 45</p><p> </p><p>

Daniel bryan & Gulak discuss what's next for them together but we can't make out what they are saying. they then close the door to locker room as camera gets closer. - 64</p><p> </p><p>

Nakamura defeats Shorty G with a Kinshasa in 8 minutes - 59</p><p> </p><p>

new day having a good time backstage joking with renee young. Ryker walks up gets in Big E's face without saying a word and walk past with Cutler & Blake behind him. - 56</p><p> </p><p>

main event tonight will be Mojo & Jeff hardy vs the bar who are reunited for 1 night only pitting the 4members of the ic title tourney in a match together. - 58</p><p> </p><p>

cesaro tells Sheamus he is not interested in a bar reunion and is winning ic title tourney, but he'll cooperate tongiht together. - 56</p><p> </p><p>

John Morrisoon defeats Lince Dorado in 6 minutes with Starship pain - 55</p><p> </p><p>

We find out next week taht jaxson Ryker will go 1v1 with Big E on SD! - 51</p><p> </p><p>

Otis in action next walks with mandy. they stop as he sees Strowman and they stare each other down and nod and he moves on - 61</p><p> </p><p>

Otis defeated Robert Roode in 8 minutes with a powerslam. During the match Ziggler interfered and Sonya & Mandy brawled after jawing throughout match. - 55</p><p> </p><p>

otis pulls Mandy off Sonya and he and Tucker w/ her in tow walk up ramp staring down angry Deville, Ziggler, and Roode. - 53</p><p> </p><p>

Elias sings song backstage hyping main event as Hardy & Mojo walk by. hardy walks back and drops in Elias guitar case then moves on. - 65</p><p> </p><p>

renee young finds Corbin backstage. Asks "Corbin will you accept McIntyre's request and get in ring and do a face to face with him next monday on raw?" Corbin replies "Renee I don't have to tell you anythnig and I definitely don't have to tell that loser Mcintyre what I'm planning to do. He is a waste of time and I have nothing to gain by coming to Raw Monday." he then walks off - 62</p><p> </p><p>

We find out we will get a firefly funhouse before the night is over - 74</p><p> </p><p>

Sasha banks taps out performance center one night call up Saree in 3 minutes with the bank statement after a dominant win - 34</p><p> </p><p>

up next is our main event with hardy & Mojo vs the Bar - 56</p><p> </p><p>

the bar beat Hardy & Mojo win Sheamus pins hardy with a Brogue kick after a 10 minute bout. - 64 </p><p> </p><p>

Michael Cole and Corey ask Are we looking at the next IC Champ in Sheamus? - 69</p><p> </p><p>

Firefly Funhouse Bray in his sweater says "bray that wasn't very nice of you to play tricks on me last sunday. You played with my emotions and messed with my heart. I thought you were going to do the right thing and come home. instead you tricked me! You have angered him..this is no longer about wins and losses or even the universal title. the Fiend wants something more Braun. He wants power and control! He is coming for you and soon he will own your soul. Run!" Video glitches out with picture of the fiend and the lights go out as bray's laughter fills the arena as the show goes off the air. - 86</p><p> </p><p>

Smackdown gets a 68 overall rating. We gain popularity in 1 region and lose pop in 34. Ouch. 2 million 959,00 people watched the show but Fox was unhappy with rating as we did not hit the required score of 70 that they were looking for. </p><p>

in the coming weeks we may need to add a member or two to Smackdown and Raw to give us a little depth.</p>

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We are back for another episode of Raw Week 2 of May 2020 Live from full Sail University


We kick things off with the lone pre-show bout between on the card featuring Andrade, Apollo, and Riddick Moss when Andrade pinned Moss with a brilliante driver in 10 minutes - 54


Show opens with a graphic asking Will Corbin show up tonight on Raw to meet McIntyre in the ring? - 71


Another graphic Says Rollins plans to apologize for last week's attacks on Rey Mysterio tonight and we also get an update on Rey's condition as well. - 69


The Show begins with MVP & Lashley together in the ring after they seemed to begin an alliance last week. MVP says "Under my guidance Lashley can become that dominant force he used to and should have always been. He will truly be Almighty once again. It won't be long before Lashley will be gettgin title shots!" - 58


Lana then comes out "Bobby please talk to me! tell me what is going on!? Why haven't you been home or returning my calls or texts?" lashey turns away and MCVp says Bobby I got this. MVP says "Lana you are distraction holding Lashley back. You are messing wtih his focus and if you wouldn't mind leaving, we've got a match against R-Truth right now." - 58


Truth comes out "Where's Jerry Springer when you need him!? What you did last week attacking me from behind Lashley wasn't cool man! And also call your wife! I mean look at her if you won't take her home I will!" Truth awkwardly offers to lana as he smiles and she looks grossed out and shakes her head as she stands at ringside. Truth and Lashley kick Raw off next! - 52


Lashley defeated Truth in 6 minutes with a spear. During the amtch he was distracted by Lana trying to talk to him, and also by MVP arguing with her as well. Despite that he still picks up the victory. - 53


After the match Lashley leaves up the ramp w/ MVP while Lana yells at Lashley from the ring - 57


The announcers hype up a match between Aleister Black and Murphy still to come! - 62


Backstage Vega stands between a bickering Theory & Garza as Theory faces Tozawa next to try to one up garza who beat Tozawa last week and mocked Theory after the win - 37



Tozawa defeats Theory in 9 minutes with a flash pinfall after Theory was distracted by show boating to garza and trash talking him throughout the matchup. - 40


Vega again stands between Theory & Garza as they argue Theory feels garza costed him the match tonight - 39


Backstage Caruso interviews McIntyre and asks him "Drew do you think Corbin will meet your challenge to show up to raw tonight after trash talkingyou on Smackdown and social media over teh pas few weeks?" Drew says "If he has any guts or balls he will be in that ring by the end of Raw!" - 73


The IIconics are back in WWE & on Raw! they taunt the crowd as they make their entrance they are in tag action next! - 49


The IIConics defeat 2 local workers when Peyton pins one sof them with a Bitch Kick in 3 minutes - 16


They grab a mic and say "If Bliss & Cross have any guts at all they will come to Raw next week so we can show you what a real tag team looks like! You are fraud tag champs and you know it!" they arrogantly walk up the ramp again taunting the crowd - 40


A video shows Rollins beating Mysterios head against the steps with a chair. Rey has a concussion and his return is unknown at this time. - 69


Rollins come to the ring with Murphy. He looks down and sad. "Rey I want you to know I am truly sincerely sorry for waht I did last week. That was not me, it was like I was somebody else last week. I wasn't in any condition mentally to be here and I take full responsiiblity for my actions. When you return I hope you can forgive me and we can move on from this." - 82


Black comes out as he faces Murphy up next! - 65


Black beats Murphy in 16 minutes when Murphy gets DQ'd when Rollins hits Black with a chair. - 60


Rollins again looks like he is in a trance as he holds the chair as Black lay against the steps but this time he moves out of the way and escapes from Murphy and Rollins up the ramp relatively unharmed - 68


Asuka and Kairi are walking backstage. Kairi faces Liv Morgan next! - 56



Kairi pins Liv with a spear in 6 minutes - 45


After the match Shayna comes down and locks Kirifuda Klutch on liv before tossing her lifeless body out of the ring. she choked her out like she did Natalya last week! - 65


Shayna grabs a mic "No woman on raw or in WWE for that matter can lace my boots and stand toe to toe in this ring with me. I will continue to make examples every week. Natalya and Liv were just the beginning." - 51


After the street profits beat viking raiders last week in a basketballg ame, teh viking raiders challenged them to a viking knife contest this week. Viking raiders win that challenge easily. - 42


Randy Orton returns to action for the first time on raw since Wrestlemania next Monday! - 72


Drew McIntyre comes to the ring he is in action for the main event next! - 70


McIntyre defeats Shelton Benjamin in 10 minutes with a Future Shock DDT - 70


He then grabs a mic "Corbin you've run out of time my friend. Tonight you have proven you are the coward I wasthought that you were. Now I'm a man of my word and I will be on Smackdown this Friday night and I will walk down to this ring, and I will call you out. If you don't come out I will look for you all night and bring you to the ring myself!" - 75


Corbin then appears on the video screen "Drew Drew Drew...I do things on my terms. I go where I want when I want. I'm not going to show up there tonight because you wanted me to. Do you thing I'm that stupid? I have nothing to gain and nothing to prove by coming to Raw tonight." McIntyre smirks looking pissed off "See you Friday Coward Corbin!" He then drops the mic and raw goes off the air. - 70


Our overall show rating was a 72 which gained us pop in 19 regions adn lost us pop in 17. We Had 2,990,888 viewers on television for this week's broadcast.


News around the world shows the owner/booker of Shimmer passed away leaving those two positions available.

Also in major news Ric Flair has passed away.

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Here is a recap of the Wednesday night wars round 2 in this save.


First we start with AEW Dark


Dark kicked off with a 6man casino ladder match hype graphic for double or nothing to crown first tnt champ. Havoc, Fenix, Cassidy, Cabana,Spears and Darby are involved in the match - 42


The show kicks off with Sabian & Havoc beating Lindeman & CIMA - 43


Librarians try to shoosh backstage area as they read. Pineapple pete meanwhile tries partyingg. Avalon takes exception and a match is made for tonight - 22


10 vs QT next - 27


10 beats Qt - 12


Brandi announces newest Women free agent signings as Kelly Klein & Madison Eagles as teir contracts expired elsewhere. - 27


Pineapple Pete beats Avalon - 21


Hybrid 2 vignette showing them training on parkour moves and flipping around training facility - 27


Shanna defeats Sadie Gibbs & Emi Sakura - 18


An Inner Circle vignette is shown - 60


Darby Allin defeats Austin Gunn in the Dark main event - 37


Overall show rating of 34.


Next up is AEW Dynamite Weds Week 2 May


In a pre show bout The Bunny beats Mel, Priscill kelly & Yuka Sakazaki when she pins Mel w/ a sitout facebuster - 40


In a pre show segment Janela is annoyed by leva bates and peter avalon when they try to get him to join their book club - 26


We kick the show off with Jim ross, Shiavone & Excalibur welcoming us to Dynamite and thanking us for tuning in tonight. It's going to be a huge show just 10 days before Double or Nothing! - 56


They hype up Dustin Rhodes vs Lance Archer tonight w/ Roberts in lance's corner and Brandi in Dustin's! - 59


We will also see Pineapple Pete make his in ring debut against Le champion Chris Jericho - 60


First up we have orange cassidy & Colt Cabana vs Rey fenix & Shawn Spears - 43


Shawn Spears pins Cabana with a Death Valley Driver in 14 minutes - 59


A graphic shows the 6 man casino ladder match scheduled to crown first tnt champion at double or nothing. Spears, Cassidy, Cabana, Fenix, Darby, and Havoc are the participants hyping the match for the fans - 41


Earlier in the week Cody is at the office on teh phone with Dustin. We just catch teh tail end of the call "thanks brother for sticking up for me and taking the fight against Archer this week. Do me a favor make sure Brandi stays safe out there. I'll see you next week, love you." he hangs up the phone and we cut to commercial break. - 51


A graphic shows us next week that The Young Bucks & Cody will finally return to Dynamite as they have been away on business as VP's of AEW and also taking teh time to heal from injuries as well. - 62


Roberts promo on a chair in a dark room "Arn Anderson you should've stayed out of this while you had the chance. Yo are the on the losing side of a no win situation. I will see you in the ring tonight face to face like a man and tell you exactly what will happen to your dear Cody at Double Or Nothing at hands of the Murderhawk." - 63


Britt Baker kicks Excalibur out of the announce booth as she is going to join jim ross and tony schiavone to commentate Kris Statlander's match up next. Her and Statlander had a brawl last week post match. - 43


Statlander pinned Emi Sakura with an Area 451 in 7 minutes. Over the course of the match Baker argues with Schiavone and trash talked how worthless Kris is. - 22


Post match Baker sneak attacks Statlander from behnid on ramp then throws her face first into the ring post. - 34


Inner Circle taunt various AEW crew members backstage on their way to the ring as Jericho is in action up next! - 55


Jericho beats Pineapple Pete in 3 minutes with a Codebreaker - 56


Jericho surrounded in the ring by Inner Circle mates grabs a mic. "So with Double or Nothing 10 days away I thought what better night to finally have that Blood and Guts match that The Elite have been avoiding for weeks now with Inner circle! Le Champion santana ortiz big man hager sexy sammy g all want a piece of the Elite! Although where have you been? No hangman for weeks, the young bucks are of with cody jerking around acting like they are on business. All we've been seeing is Omega lose matches to us and he has gotten so desperate he has been hanging with that idiot matt hardy or demascus or whatever name thinks he is during his mid life crisis! So what do you say Elite?" - 57


"Christopher! The Elite will see you on the grounds of battle!" says Matt Hardy on the video tron. "it will be a wonderful time! yes! And when the odds are even you will see that the great war will be won by those who are Elite and The Circle will forever be BROKEN!" - 70


Mr Brodie Lee and 10 following at his side come to ring as Lee is in action next. He is wearing Moxley's AEW title mocking him! - 42


Brodie defeats a local talent in 2.5 minute squash match with a discus lariat. - 40


Lee walks off with Mox's belt as he runs down and fights off Jon Silver, Alex Reynolds and 10. - 44


graphic shows a confirmation of Statlander vs Britt baker for Double or Nothing in 2 weeks - 38


Next week MJF faces Marko Stunt - 42


Kip Sabin & Jimmy havoc defeat The Gunn Club (Billy & Austin Gunn) When Sabin pins Austin after a distraction from penelope ford at ringside - 44


Mox stopped backstage by Alex marvez. He is pissed off! "Brodie! If you wanted a fight at Double Or Nothing all you had to do is ask. I'm not a hard man to find! But now I'm not asking you I'm telling you! You have a fight at Double or Nothing! I will get beat you in that ring and get MY AEW TITLE BACK!" He then storms off. As marvez sends us back to the announcers to prep us for the next match - 49


Pentagon Jr defeats Sonny Kiss in 7 minutes - 58


Jake Roberts is in the ring as we return from break for his face to face confrontation with Arn Anderson. "Arn come on out here and look me eye to eye like a man so I can tell you what a loser you and your boy Cody are to your face!" - 60


Arn comes down and they intensely stare each other down. Jake: "Arn, Cody is going to get hurt at Double Or Nothing. The Murderhawk may very well end Cody's career and I can't stop it...This match isn't about titles or prestige or money. It's about doing what we want. It's about showing the world who we are. It's about pride and it's about putting our stake in the ground in this company! Lance is going to beat Cody and he is going to hurt Cody." Arn looks unhappy and irritated. "Jake you are as full of shit as you ever were. Cody always finds a way to win and survive and this time will be no different. Somebody has to teach Archer a lesson and stop him and Cody is the man to do it. He is the son of a plummer, and the son The American Dream nothing can bring him down, not even Lance Archer. The match is happening in 10 days but it won't go down like you think it will Jake!" - 50


The announcers put over our main event up next Dustin Rhodes vs Lance Archer - 47


Archer defeated Dustin in 12 minutes in a wild brawl of a match with the blackout. - 60


After the match Archer won't stop and QT runs down gets shoved into Brandi laying her out in the ring. - 54


Roberts lays himself over Brandi straddling her and then gets a snake from a cage and drapes it across her as Archer stares a hole into the camera as Dynamite goes off the air. - 60



The show got a 56 rating overall. it gained us pop in 15 regions while losing pop in 9.

The show was seen by 523,000 people.


(I found out before the show Jericho is retiring from action in 3 months and refuses to be talked out of it. I'm hoping he will accept at least an occassional wrestler. he already agreed to be a road agent and has good color skills so may use him at that at some point as well.)

I also found out Nyla Rose is planning her retirement in 3 months also.




NXT comes to you live from Full Sail University!


Ciampa defeated daivari in the lone pre show segment/match - 47


A vignette shows the life of Ric Flair and a graphic ends with RIP and a picture of him smiling next to his daughter. Mauro comes on screen in a somber tone, "Needless to say we lost the greatest of all time this week Ric Flair. his daughter Charlotte was set to defend her title tonight but she will not be here as she is taking time to be with her family. We wish her and family nothing but support during this difficult time. Ric Flair will be missed by everyone." - 47


Isaih Swerve Scott defeats Akira Tozawa to advance in teh cruiserweight title tourney - 45


Tyler Breeze defeats Arturo Ruas with an unprettier - 40


Cameron Grimes takes on Finn Balor tonight! - 52


Io Shirai vignette hyping her being in action next! - 38


Io beats Xia Li with a Moonsault - 50


Velveteen Dream promo, "Tonight dare to dream big, it's time for a new era, Dream Over!" - 50


Riddle approaches Thatcher backstage, "Hey Thatch bro! I got us a tag match next week together!" Thatcher "I told you matt I don't need you and don't want to team." Matt "Bro it's alright I got your back don't even sweat it bro! We are battling Imperium for the tag titles!" Thatcher looks annoyed and walks off. - 35


Next up cameron grimes defeats Finn balor shockingly with a double foot stomp! - 57


Grimes runs up ramp over the moon about his win acting like he just won a title! As Balor loks upset at himself - 57


Damian Priest clubs Balor from behind with nightstick and stands over him "The snake just bit you." then walked off - 63


The Grizzled young vets beat Ever-Rise in tag team action - 41


Johnny & Candace bragging on actions last week against Dijakovic, and beating Ciampa weeks prior. They then get to Keith Lee whom Gargano says "Keith Lee, he's so great! But you know what?! I'm better than him and I want to prove it to him@ And when I become North American champion, he can bask in the glory of Johnny Wrestling!" - 48


Adam Cole promo backstage: "Dream tonight your fantasy ends. Tonight the prophecy of teh greatest NXT champion of all time continues! Tonight ends with my hand raised in victory and this title over my shoulder, and that is undisputed!" - 64


In the final first round cruiserweight title tourney match El Hijo defeats jack Gallagher - 29


We get a graphic showing devlin, Swerve, El HIjo & Kushida into the semi finals of the tournament! - 37


Ripley promo backstage: "Charlotte I can't stop thinking about Wrestlemania, I can't stop thinking baout my NXT Women's championship. I can't stop thinking about getting a rematch. I can't stop until this happens. I want a shot when you come back Charlotte! - 61


Dakota Kai defeats kayden Carter - 28


Kai & reina then lay our Carter but Tegan Knox runs down for the save and they retreat - 2


Kross & Scarlett epic debut entrance! - 45


Kross beats Boa in 2 minutes dominating the matchup - 36


Mani event hype graphic cole vs dream for the nxt title! - 50


Adam Cole defeats Dream after interference from Undisputed Era! - 54


they go to attack Dream but Lumis & Kendrick come out and chase them up the ramp Cole holds title up show end! - 41


Overall rating of 51 and the show had 781,000 viewers.




AEW had the slightly better show this week with a 56 compared to NXT's 51 but NXT had about 200,000 more eyes on their product.

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