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Cool on the fly booking in middle of show?

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Hey everyone. Just wondering if anyone else has had any really cool/interesting/fun last minute changes to a show while the show is running. I didnt think I would really use the feature but I just did for something pretty awesome.


I made my own company with 0 pop. Ive just started to grow and expand into tag teams. I had a mini 1 night tournament with 4 teams. Acid and Stuntman (devil may care) won one semifinal and had johnny needham and ralph liota (the hearbreak express) win the other. I had booked Devil May Care to win finals in a ladder match. However, Heartbreak express got a REALLY good rating in their match and they also got a bonus for their tag experience. It surprised me. Because of their strong showing, I actually decided to switch it up and book Express to win the first ever Tag Titles. Also found out Stuntman and Acid were both willing to take a crazy bump.


Match ended up being good and Heartbreak Express are doing well with their tag title run so far.


Anyone else make a major change last minute like that in the middle of the show?

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No I haven't had that happen but this is by far one of the coolest features 20 has implemented. Gone are the days where a wrestler who is suppose to win a tournament gets injured in his first match but still has to go out there and win 2 more matches with a broken leg.
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