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CornellVerse 2010 [Hype/Release]

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I have a link to the Alpha 1.0 version in the main area. I have not posted a picture pack yet so there will be a lot of missing images.


I am putting a lot more work into this than I did with the 2016 version so it is going to take me longer to complete and will remain a work in progress for a while.


I have decided to release new versions at different points in my progress.


All workers and companies have been imported. Future workers who debut in January 2020 or after have been edited.


I have also just completed updating the stats for the AAA roster.


My plan is to work through each company one by one and update the workers who are signed. Then once I get through all the companies, I will work on the unsigned and future workers.


I also still need to add/edit relationships, tag teams, stables, and other miscellaneous things.


If anyone downloads the Alpha version, please let me know if you find any issues with things that I have already completed.


If you plan on trying to play a little bit (I can't guarantee that a game will have good quality in it's current state) and you have a particular company you want me to work on first, let me know and I can work on them in order as requested.


I am also going to start playing a CV2020 game soon and may post a dynasty on the forums just so I don't get completely burned out with modding. I do plan on getting something done on the Mod each day just to keep the momentum going forward. Some days will be more productive than others.


Please let me know if you have problems downloading the data. I am using my Microsoft Onedrive account for all my uploads.

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<p>Alpha 1.1 is now available.</p><p> </p><p>

I am keeping a slow but steady pace. I have now completed the Rosters for AAA and 5SSW. I have also uploaded the first picture pack. It is small now but it will grow as I work my way through all the workers.</p><p> </p><p>

If you do download and look around, please let me know if you notice any problems with the work I have already completed.</p>

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Alpha 1.2 is now available.


I have completed the Rosters for BSC. I added 13 BSC events with logos that were provided by supermexdiego, which he created using images created by Kamchatka.


As always, please let me know if you see any problems with the areas I have marked as completed.

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