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Warrior Engine 2020 - The Family Legacy

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Friday, Week 2, October 2022

Sendai, Tohoku. Attendance: 528















The Body Hammers vs. Chip Martin & Sen Kita

Deathmatch II

In a pre-show bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, The Body Hammers defeated Chip Martin and Sen Kita in a Deathmatch II match in 7:53 when Blockbuster pinned Chip Martin with a Body Hammer.





Antonio Del Veccio & Shuga Amano vs. Isoshi Hisamatsu & Kinji Akamatsu

Deathmatch II

In a pre-show bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Antonio Del Veccio and Shuga Amano defeated Isoshi Hisamatsu and Kinji Akamatsu in a Deathmatch II match in 8:06 when Antonio Del Veccio pinned Kinji Akamatsu with an Italian DDT.

Antonio Del Veccio carried the match in terms of in-ring performance.




























ONE is in the ring and opens the show with a mic in his hand.



"Now that's a new feeling, I thought, when I was driven through a flaming table at Long Way Back From Hell by Taheiji Konoe.."


"Had it not been Hirose blinding me with the fire extinquisher, only Konoe would have been burned.."



ONE shrugs, seemingly unfazed what happened at NWBFH event.



"I know, I know, play with fire and you get burned. But believe you me, Hirose, Konoe and all the rest of you lesser beings here in this dump.."



"..There's this real BURNING within my heart, that you can't ever extinquish. F*** BHOTWG and all but don't overlook the years of elite level wrestling experience, the A* matches I've had throughout the years.. All those years of high level competition has molded me into the toughest S.O.B. You have another thing coming if you think that one table break is going to stop me."



"NOTHING. Will stop me."



"I will be the WEXX Warrior's Spirit champion for the end of days, until I've beaten each and everyone of you maggots. You messed with the wrong guy and you're going to pay for it."




".. for I am the alpha. I am the omega."

























Eiichi Umehara & Sotan Morimoto vs. Hidetoshi Chino & Shunsho Ichimonji

Deathmatch II


In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Eiichi Umehara and Sotan Morimoto defeated Hidetoshi Chino and Shunsho Ichimonji in a Deathmatch II match in 10:28 when Eiichi Umehara pinned Hidetoshi Chino with an Umehara Suplex.





















A video highlight reel is shown of the Scaffold Deathmatch between Hirose and Nakayama, highlighting the spectacular spot where Nakayama got thrown off the scaffold.


A phrase "Long way back from hell" is repeated over and over again, emphasizing the injuries and damage Nakayama sustained.





























Nobuyuki Kubo & DAEMON vs. Graves, Asylum & Gravedigga

Deathmatch II


In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Nobuyuki Kubo and DAEMON defeated Olly Graves, Asylum and Gravedigga in a Deathmatch II match in 9:38 when Kimi Kawano pinned Gravedigga with a Double Arm DDT.

In terms of in-ring work, Kimi Kawano was head and shoulders above everyone else.





















A heavily bandaged Nakayama is interviewed at the hospital. In an almost comedic fashion, Nakayama has a full body cast and looks nothing short of a mummy. The interviewer is asking multiple questions regarding the outcome of the match and the list of injuries Nakayama has sustained, but the masked man just mumbles incoherently into the mic.



















Sumiyuki Samura & Ritsu Ibata vs. Tobei Sugimura & Okura Kimiyama

Deathmatch II


In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Sumiyuki Samura and Ritsu Ibata defeated Tobei Sugimura and Okura Kimiyama in a Deathmatch II match in 11:29 when Sumiyuki Samura pinned Tobei Sugimura with a Shooting Star Press.






















Z-Factor (Kaito Doan, Zeshin Makioka, Shuga Amano, Sen Kita & Sotan Morimoto) come to the ring. Doan is furious, after losing the WEXX Fighting Spirit champion to Kajahara at LWBFH without even being in the building that night.



"Tatsu, you preached about loyalty and respect at LWBFH.."



"I gotta admit, I'm really not that loyal. It's hard being loyal when you are this good looking!"



"It's hard being loyal when you are as great of a wrestler that I am.."



"It's hard being loyal, when you are "Work of Art"!"





"But respect.."
, Doan takes a look at Makioka and other members of Z-Factor.
"I respect Zeshin Makioka. A true veteran of the sport. I respect the hard working wrestlers in this company, like my fellow Z-Factor members Shuga, Sen and Sotan.."





Doan takes a moment.





"I respect your grandfather, Ryu Kajahara. Best showman there ever was.."



"So then tell me then Kajahara.. Where was your loyalty and respect? Where was your loyalty and respect towards the company you run? Where was the loyalty and respect towards the fans in attendance that night"?




"Where was the loyalty and respect for your own grandfather, Ryu Kajahara, when you decided to do what you did."


Doan laughs.



"What kind of a man pins a pocket mirror and then claims to be a champion?"



"Tatsu, you're nothing but a spineless coward. A paper champion, through and through."



Crowd begins to chant
"Paper champion! Paper champion!"




"As far as next month's Road To Glory event goes.. I want my rematch. You, versus me, for the Fighting Spirit championship that I never lost to begin with! I don't care what the match type is, all I know is that I'm going to win the ma-"










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The new WEXX Fighting Spirit champions theme starts as Tatsu Kajahara makes his way to the the ring. The crowd boos heavily and starts chanting
"Paper champion! Paper champion!"






"Why do you boo me!? The champ is here!"


"Your new WEXX Fighting Spirit champion, me, Tatsu Kajahara!"




Kajahara stands in the middle of the ring, confronting Z-Factor.




"Kaito Doan.. Where were you?"


Doan opens his mouth, Tatsu interrupts him right away.


"You were working for WLW!"


"There's only one person to blame for your loss..




"It was your fault!"




"If you would have been a real cham-"
Doan slaps Tatsu across the face! Tatsu takes a step back and then rolls out of the ring, infuriated about being humiliated by Doan but at the same time realizing he's no match for Z-Factor on his own.




Tatsu taunts Doan, promising revenge, telling him
"You've just made the worst mistake of your life.."























Zeshin Makioka vs. Shimpei Hirose

#1 Contenders Match



Long story short, the match was amazing but we booked it way too long and the audience really started to get restless near the 20min mark. This is the absolute last time we ever do matches this long. Ufff.


In a bout that had great wrestling and good heat, Shimpei Hirose defeated Zeshin Makioka in a Deathmatch match in 23:17 by submission with a Mountain Sleeper.

Shimpei Hirose becomes the new #1 Contender for the WEXX Warrior's Spirit champion
























Shimpei Hirose is celebrating the win when the rest of Z-Factor storm the ring and start beating on Hirose. Tatsu Kajahara runs in and tries to aid Hirose but eventually gets outnumbered by Z-Factor.
















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ONE's theme starts to play and the World champ makes his way to the ring, confronting the Z-Factor group face to face. ONE tells that he's got no business with them and that's he's here for Hirose.. Z-Factor slowly exit the ring, while ONE kicks Tatsu out of the ring.















Hirose starts slowly getting back to this feet in the corner, using the ring ropes as leverage while ONE stalks his prey..



























When suddenly Taheiji Konoe comes out of nowhere and GORES ONE!!



Z-Factor jumps back in as does Tatsu and in a blink of an eye the ring is filled with WEXX's finest as the show ends in total mayhem!






















We totally fumbled the main event. Other than that, we had two very strong promos. Can't wait for the next show!











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Thursday, Week 3, October 2022.














"Hey Dad, it's been awhile since you called.."














"Huh? No, I haven't heard.."














"What .. !?"


















".. No.. .. N.. .. N.. .. Nooo..."















".. No.. Don't .. Don't say it's.. It's true.."






















































Never before had a silence been so loud.









Never before had tears burned so vividly.












Never before had a second felt like it lasted a century.


















Ryu Kajahara


August 9th 1957 - October 13th 2022






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Monday, Week 1, November 2022






It was all a blur for a week.. It was almost as if I was running on autopilot. Koichi and I decided in unison that our season finale,
"Road To Glory"
, should be renamed and rethemed. If we hadn't adressed the elephant in the room it would've been quite awkward for all parties involved, especially for me. No matter how it hurts to think about it, we had to do it. There was no way around it. The show must go on and all that crap, right?



Needless to say we pulled out all the stops to make the season finale feel special. As the condolences started pouring in, Koichi and I started contacting different promotions and their top stars for one night only appearances for the show. The focus was on honouring not only Kajahara's personal legacy but also the Modern Japan Movement, even though it's been five years since that alliance was still active.



At the same time we had to compromise, as some of the more traditional folks wouldn't agree to do any sort of hardcore match, let alone deathmatches.
We ended up getting three quest stars from WLW, BCG and EX2010. At the end of the day, I think we knocked it out of the park with the card.




I'm just hoping the show will live up to it's name..








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Sunday, Week 1, November 2022

















ONE vs. Shimpei Hirose

WEXX Warrior's Spirit

Deathmatch II


After winning the #1 Contender's match against Z-Factor leader Zeshin Makioka, the former World champ Shimpei Hirose has earned the chance to reclaim the championship for the first time since losing it back in June.



After throwing Nakayama off the scaffolding back at LWBFH event, the remourseful former champ seems to struggle with the deathmatch style, whereas ONE has been embracing it. Hirose even sprayed ONE with the fire extinguisher foam back in LWBFH, momentarily saving Taheiji Konoe until Konoe gored ONE and himself through a flaming table.



The X-factor in the equation could indeed be the former two time champion Taheiji Konoe, who's had his share of altercations with both wrestlers.












Bunrakuken Torii vs. Nobuyuki Kubo


Black Canvas Brawl


Back in March 2021, the BCG True Born Nobuyuki Kubo shocked the Japanese wrestling world by walking out on BCG, the Black Canvas Grappling. Even though Japan has had it's shocking moments of shifting allegiances harkening back to the INSPIRE crisis, the move was unheard off, as Kubo was seen as a great prospect. As if that wasn't enough, Kubo soon signed with WEXX, a stark contract to his usual style, which he later changed to the classic deathmatch Psychopath style.



Even though BCG were never part of the Ryu Kajahara's Modern Japan Movement, as soon as the news about Ryu's Memorial Show reached BCG HQ, they knew that they could kill two birds with one stone: Get revenge on Kubo's treachery and at the same time give respect to Ryu Kajahara's legacy. They weren't fooling around either, as they chose the BCG Quadruple Crown championship winner "Machine Gun" Bunrakuken Torii as the guy to get the job done.



The match will be contested with a hybrid "Black Canvas Brawl" style, mixing both promotion's product styles.











Tatsu Kajahara vs. Kaito Doan

WEXX Fighting Spirit

Deathmatch II


No one could've predicted the rollercoaster ride that Tatsu Kajahara has had to endure the past month. The WEXX Head Booker vacated Kaito Doan's WEXX Fighting Spirit championship back at LWBFH, only to reward himself with it on the basis of Doan not showing up, as he was working for WLW the same night of the fight.



Even though the move propelled the somewhat unknown prodigy out of obscurity, it infuriated the crowd as they turned their backs on the grandson of Ryu Kajahara. On top of that, few days after the Gorefest XLIX event that followed LWBFH, Ryu Kajahara, the mentor and grandfather of Tatsu, passed away at the age of 65.



No matter what will happen in this match, it's going to be an emotional one for sure. Can Kajahara defend the championship that he never won to begin with, or is "Work of Art" and the whole Z-Factor stable too much to handle for the youngster, who is still trying to cope with the loss?











Masa Kurata vs. Taheiji Konoe


Deathmatch II


In a yet another great match-up between promotions, WLW's superstar Masa Kurata will face off with WEXX's Taheiji Konoe in a match for the ages.



Kurata is the leader of PROGRESS faction in WLW and has been running white hot all year. Will WLW's Junior Heavyweight superstar be able to tame the wild man Konoe under deathmatch environment, or is the challenge too much?













Z-Factor (Makioka, Kita & Morimoto) vs. Umehara, Sugimura & Chino

Deathmatch II


Classic 3vs3 Deathmatch action between Z-Factor and WEXX regulars, honouring Kajahara's memory. After losing the #1 Contender's match, Makioka is in dire need of getting some momentum back to his faction.











Pretty Okakura vs. Sumiyuki Samura

EX2010 vs. WEXX

2 Out Of 3 Falls Tables Deathmatch


When WEXX approached EX2010 with the idea of cross-promotional match-ups for Kajahara Memorial Show, Pretty Okakura was immediately interested in taking part. When Samura heard about it, he demanded to be Okakura's opponent.



There were back and forth negotiations about the match type, as Samura wanted a Tables Deathmatch whereas Okakura thought it would be over too quickly and thus 2/3 Falls Tables Deathmatch was invented as a compromise!



This should be a true showcase of what two cocky, charismatic superstars are able to deliver given the right circumstances.













DAEMON vs. The Body Hammers

WEXX Blood Brothers

Barbed Wire Ropes Deathmatch


Even though DAEMON just defended their tag titles against The Body Hammes in the previous event, both teams agreed that they wanted to be part of the memorial show. Thus they'll run it back once more, this time in a Barbed Wire Ropes Deathmatch.







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Prediction key:

ONE vs. Hirose

Torii vs. Kubo

Kajahara vs. Doan

Kurata vs. Konoe

Z-Factor vs. Umehara, Sugimura & Chino

Okakura vs. Samura

DAEMON vs. The Body Hammers

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Now that is a stacked card. Really like your picks from other promotions, their booking and the storytelling/presentation around it all.


OOC: Yeah I'm really happy with them too, I think the choices just clicked and gave some storyline opportunities. But man it was weird to get back into the game after two months break.. I simmed few days ahead and then Ryu dies.


Truth to be told I was quite devastated. Seriously, not kidding. It's a weird feeling. :o I expect the next show to take some time to write but it's going to be a blast for sure.

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