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quaternary Title

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We need a quaternary (4th tier) title inc add you build a large company you have the option of having a top-tier belt, upper-mid card title, lower-mid-card title and bottom-tier belt to keep the low level, jobbers and rookies busy.
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Can you cite an example? Like in WWE you had WWE/World top tier, US/IC 2nd Tier and European, Cruiserweight, Hardcore, 24/7 as a 3rd Tier. Hard to get lower than that.


First of all I said tier belts not gimmick belts hardcore, and cruiser are gimmick titles and my example above explains my scenario

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The floating title exists to fill this niche. Plus either way the classification only seems to effect starting prestige and how the AI book the titles, since there isn't prestige ceiling/floor anymore you can do whatever you want with whatever title.


Ok so want a low tier belt below 3rd tier so if I choose floating what should I be careful not to do to make sure the game does not give that belt more prestige than my 3rd tier belt? Should I always defend on my first match so it’s out of the way?

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Can you cite an example? Like in WWE you had WWE/World top tier, US/IC 2nd Tier and European, Cruiserweight, Hardcore, 24/7 as a 3rd Tier. Hard to get lower than that.


Look I wasn’t trying to be rude in my previous post but you included some titles that to me are just completely gimmick titles and don’t want them as part of the “ladder of success” titles, from bottom to top. So things like hardcore, weight limit titles, the old ROH Pure title and I know some people might get upset with me or disagree but I even include television titles has a gimmick titles. I realize that television titles 30 years ago were more gimmicky, with the rules like 10 minute time limits have to be defended at every TV episode, AWA having point systems. I realize today some people view them differently as straight 2nd tier or 3rd tier titles with no weird rules but I’m old school. But basically yeah from the example I gave so I took over WCW during the Monday night wars and they already had a large roster I added several other guys to boost over100 wrestlers. I deactivated the TV title. I wanted to demote the United States championship into the third tier title. I introduced the new international title as the secondary title and I wanted to add the Georgia state title As fourth tier. And no brand split like how WWE is now

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Ok so want a low tier belt below 3rd tier so if I choose floating what should I be careful not to do to make sure the game does not give that belt more prestige than my 3rd tier belt? Should I always defend on my first match so it’s out of the way?


Its based on match quality. So if your low card people are putting on better matches than your tertiary people the prestige will go above. So I guess make them have worse matches on purpose?

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Its based on match quality. So if your low card people are putting on better matches than your tertiary people the prestige will go above. So I guess make them have worse matches on purpose?


Ok makes sense so low low tier belt really should be for jobbers and stuff then

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