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Real World Japanese Tour/Event Schedules

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Thought I'd try and help the mod makers out with the Japanese promotions schedules. The preset and created tour options in the schedules section will often add in extra events with names that aren't realistic, and not enough tour events for each tour, even with the tour dates entered in the editor. So it appears that having fixed as the schedule option with all the events and tours manually created is probably the most realistic option for their schedules.


Below is a link to a basic excel file where I have attempted to put together the real life schedules for the promotions. I've tried to get the exact amount of dates for each tour and all the various events each company runs. The level of the event is a matter of opinion. It isn't 100% correct as I don't know enough about DDT, BJW and Zero1, but I'm sure other people here will. And TEW is limited to 28 days a month for every month. I've seen elsewhere in the forums some people don't like how the game labels tour nights, so I've not entered anything like that to as not cause a debate on that here.




If the schedules are correct, or close enough, hopefully they will be useful for the mod makers as a guide to implement accurate schedules. I'm sure people here wouldn't mind creating the events for people to import into their mods. I've started, but thought it best to wait and see what everyone else's thoughts were before carrying on.

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