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MegaCity1 Assorted Graphics

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*This is an amazing community with a bunch of talented designers. I'm certainly inspired by a lot of the work here and while I do have my favorites, I'll leave those to my discretion. With that said, I took some time to get to know various apps and programs available. I'm no artist by any means and benefit from templates made available already. A lot of stuff will be doctored, but I will give credit where do and/or reach out for permissions. So, let's make a graphics debut here today...*


TCW (Template made by southside_hitmen)




MAW (Logo made by Christian_Shane)




USPW (Template made by southside_hitmen)



(Non-canon/Game created "Legends" as a B-Show)


FCW (Logo made by Christian_Shane)





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  • 4 months later...

With Christian_Shane's new branding of FCW, I went ahead and re-worked their event graphics with his logo. I didn't think I'd finish the set, but even surprised myself that I finished these out.


I forgot who made the original set with the original logo (I want to say praguepride), but my idea going into this was to incorporate some of those elements into these event graphics from the base background to some of the design choices.


I'm not entirely crazy about a select few of them and maybe I'll revisit at some point, but none the less, hope some parties can benefit from these and enjoy them at their leisure.

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