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The National Wrestling Association: The return of J.K. Stallings Jr

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Rayne Man vs Andre Jones



For the NWA Television Championship

'The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield © vs Austin Smooth



NWA Tag Team Championship Qualifier

The Boys from the Yukon vs The Bad Boys of Wrestling



For the COTT North American Championship

Frantic Ali © vs Ernest Youngman

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Match Previews


Rayne Man vs Andre Jones



For the NWA Television Championship

'The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield (c) vs Austin Smooth



NWA Tag Team Championship Qualifier

The Boys from the Yukon vs The Bad Boys of Wrestling



For the COTT North American Championship

Frantic Ali © vs Ernest Youngman

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Location: The NWA Arena (Great Lakes)

Attendance: 345 (144,209 viewers)

Shown: WrestleWorld (On Demand)

Date: Week 2, June 2020



- Joffy Laine def. Public Enemy #1 in 6:30

- Ash Campbell def. Charlie Corner in 8:05

- The Ring Generals def. The Montgomery Boys in 7:05


<hr style="color:#666666" width="100%" size="1" noshade="noshade" align="center">



Episode #4


Commentary Team


Remmington Remus, Doc Messing and Grace Harper





In the Ring


The show opens with a video recap of last week, showing the brawl as the show went off the air and Ross Henry's reaction to it. The announce team talks about the event and says that they know that Henry was not happy with the ending and is figuring out how to handle it. Rayne Man's music hits and he walks down to the ring and climbs in and pulls out a microphone.





Rayne Man: "Andre Jones.....the last two weeks you have been running your mouth from the safety of some office in the back, telling the other wrestlers here that we aren't on your level and we can't hang with you. Well the time has finally come to put up or shut up, you have said that you wanted a match this week, well I am standing here right now and I have already cleared it with Commissioner Henry....so it's time to walk the walk....get your butt out here and let's do this"!


Andre Jone's music plays and 'The Alpha Dog' walks out with a cocky swagger to him. He stands at the top of the ramp and looks around at the fans and at Rayne Man standing in the ring. He sniffs the air like a predator stalking his prey and a smirk crosses his face and he starts to slowly walk down the ramp towards the ring, circling it with his eyes glued on Rayne Man. He walks to the steps leading up to the ring and climbs them slowly and then climbs into the ring.





Opening Match





Rayne Man vs Andre Jones

* The match begins with both men locking up in the middle of the ring, neither being able to gain control early on. Jones seemed to be toying with Ranye Man, rolling outside the ring more than normal. The match goes back and forth for a while, each man getting in the same amount of offense, but Jones would gain control and hit a Forward Leg Sweep and get the pin.


Andre Jones defeated Rayne Man in 10:13 by pinfall after a Forward Leg Sweep.

(Match Grade: 58)







Ash Campbell is in the back, he begins by saying that he was just informed that he was supposed to be in the NWA United States title match at Rise of Champions, but he he just can't get over the loss he suffered to Findlay O'Farraday a couple weeks ago. He said that he knows he is the better man and instead of participating in the match for the US Title, he wants to face O'Farraday in a street fight at Rise of Champions, and that he already has gone and had it approved by Commissioner Henry.






Locker Room


We cut over to the Television Champion, Chris Caulfield standing in his locker room, getting ready for his upcoming match with Austin Smooth. He says that ever since he made the open challenge, he has had people from every company from around the world challenge him to defend the title against them. But he says that he is taking it night by night and right now his focus is on Austin Smooth. He praises the young wrestler and says he knows he is in for a battle and he will have to dig deep to win tonight. He then turns his attention to Ernest Youngman, says that there are other guys that should have received the shot against Frantic Ali for the COTT North American title, but he knows that Tyler was the one who got him the shot. He says that if it's not beneath him, at Rise of Champions he accepts the challenge to defend the TV Title against Youngman.





Match #2



Austin Smooth vs Chris Caulfield ©


*For the NWA Television Title


* Austin Smooth is already in the ring as we cut away from the Caulfield interview. The announce team says that it is now official, Chris Caulfield will defend the Television title against Ernest Youngman at Rise of Champions in ten days. Harper makes sure to mention that Caulfield has to survive tonight and possibly next week to get to Rise of Champions as the TV Champion. Caulfield's music hits and the 'Hardcore American' comes out with the TV Title around his waist. He walks to the ring and climbs in, hands the title to referee Jez McArthuer, who holds the belt over his head and then calls of the bell.


* Smooth is the one to start the offensive, trying to take a page out of Masked Stranger's book from last week. He works over the champion and stays at it so he doesn't give Caulfield a chance to recover. The veteran is able to get outside the ring for a moment, but Smooth follows and continues to assault, but be makes one small mistake and misses a clothesline and Caulfield turns it into a spinebuster on the mat outside the ring. He picks Smooth up and rolls him back in the ring at McArthuer's 8 count and stays on the offensive and finally is able to put Smooth away with a Danger Drop for the win.


Chris Caulfield defeated Austin Smooth in 8:36 by pinfall to retain the NWA Television Championship.

(Match Grade: 55)






From the parking lot


One Man Army is shown standing next to his car, he says that he and Fonzarelli are sick and tired of the sneak attacks by T-Rex and Doug Peak. He asks them why they need to use these tactics to beat them? Is it because they know that he and Fonz are the better men and they know they can't win without cheating? He says that he and Fonz have a meeting with Commissioner Henry later and things are going to change starting tonight. He finishes the interview by walking in the door to the arena.








Eric Tyler and Ernest Youngman are standing outside their Locker Room, Tyler says that after tonight Ernest Youngman will have the COTT North American title around his waist, in fact he guarantees it. He says that not only is he a much better wrestler than Frantic Ali, but he has the one thing that Ali lacks....and that is Eric Tyler in his corner. Youngman says that contrary to what Caulfield said, there were no back handed tactics or deals made to get him this match tonight. He said that the COTT Board of Directors contacted him directly and said that they wanted him to have this match tonight because they see potential in him. And as for Caulfield's challenge at Rise of Champions, they accept it and when this is all over, Youngman will have two belts to carry around.








Match #3



The Bad Boys Of Wrestling vs The Boys From The Yukon

*NWA Tag Team Championship Qualifier

* The Bad Boys of Wrestling come out first, Messing tells us that this is the spot that was supposed to go to The Ring Generals, but they declined to enter the tournament, so the NWA replaced them with The Bad Boys of Wrestling. He goes on to say that Powell and Nelson were CGC Tag Team champions and this will be their first match back together in a few years. The Boys From The Yukon come down next and we learn they are representing New York City Wrestling and are the three time NYCW Tag Team champions, just losing them last month.

* Ryan Powell and Howlin' Mad Mort start the match off and from the get go, the Boys From The Yukon take control. The match is pretty much one sided, with the Bad Boys Of Wrestling getting a little but of offense in, but in the end, the team from NYCW will land the TIIIIIIIIIMBER! finisher on Shane Nelson and get the win and punch their ticket to the NWA Tag Team Title match at Rise of Champions.


The Boys From The Yukon def. The Bad Boys Of Wrestling when Whitehorse Whittaker pinned Ryan Powell in 8:01


(Match Grade: 43)






Commissioner's Office


One Man Army and Danny Fonzarelli walk into NWA Commissioner Ross Henry's office. The three men talk about what happened the last two weeks and that they both know that they were supposed to be in a match at Rise of Champions for the NWA Heavyweight title, but they know that things will not go well because they plan on T-Rex and Doug Peak to interfere in that match and any other matches that Fonz and One Man Army are a part of. So Ross Henry says that if they are certain they want to skip their chance to be the first NWA Heavyweight champion, he is willing to make a tag match between T-Rex and Doug Peak taking on Danny Fonzarelli and One Man Army. The men agree and happily leave the office.


Henry looks down at some papers on his desk and we see just one name on it.....Andre Jones.....he then look up and smiles and says he knows exactly who to call, picks up his phone and calls a number. He asks the person on the other end of the call when his contract with the SWF is up, smiles at the answer and asks if he is able to make Rise of Champions in ten days, smiles again at the response and says he will make the arrangements and hangs up the phone. As the camera leaves the office, we see Andre Jones in the hallway, listening to the phone call and takes out his own phone and makes a call of his own.





Main Event





Ernest Youngman vs Frantic Ali ©


*For the COTT North American Championship

* Ernest Youngman and Eric Tyler come out first, Youngman is wearing a new t-shirt that has 'Generation Next: It's our turn!' written across it. They get into the ring and look extremely confident. Harper says that we are looking at the future COTT North American and NWA Television champion right now in the ring. Remus says that as good as Youngman is, he still has to win the matches before we crown him anything. Harper says he has an ace up his sleeve, and that is the presence and tutelage of Eric Tyler. Frantic Ali comes out next wearing the COTT North American title around his waist. Remus says that Ali is a very decorated wrestler, holding the IPW Championship five times as well as being the COTT North American champion and he should be next in line to face Lug Phelen for the COTT Heavyweight title should he win tonight. Ali climbs into the ring and hand the belt to referee Francis Long.

* The match starts out with Ali taking control early and he seemed to have an answer to anything that Youngman could throw at him. Youngman gets out of the ring and has a meeting with Eric Tyler at ringside. He gets back in and they lock up again, but still no change as Ali still retains control. Youngman is able to get control after using a finger poke to the eye and then a low blow while Tyler distracted the referee. Youngman works the arm and back of Ali for a while, but goes to the well once too often and Ali reverses it and gets a two count on the challenger. Ali keeps Youngman down and climbs to the top rope for a high risk move in front of Tyler, who grabs Ali's foot to keep him from jumping off. Ali gets down and begins to chase Tyler around the ring and when Tyler slides into the ring, Youngman is waiting for Ali and hits him with a kick to the face. Youngman controls the match but Ali rolls out of the way from a splash and picks up Youngman to deliver his finisher, but Tyler hits him from behind and this allows Youngman to land The Hit on Ali and get the 1, 2 ,3 and just like that, we have a new COTT North American Champion! We go off the air with Eric Tyler, Ernest Youngman and The Ring Generals (who joined the celebration) in the right holding their belts high in the air.


Ernest Youngman defeated Frantic Ali in 16:47 by pinfall to win the COTT North American Championship with help from Eric Tyler.


(Match Grade: 52)





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Week 3 - June 2020






News & Notes


As we creep even closer to the NWA's first ever big event, Rise of Champions, not much has changed on the national landscape. The real big story this week was TWL owner, Chief Two Eagles has decided to once again retire from the business, leaving a question as to who is going to take over as owner of the Texas Wrestling League. Chief Two Eagles said he has some buyers lined up, now all they have to do is submit a final bid and plan for the company and the sale could be completed as soon as next week.


Worker Retirements: Rogue Matsuo SF, Chief Two Eagles, Ken Flanagan, Herb Mackintosh, Nathan Black, Sanetomo Shiraishi,


In COTT news, we have a new COTT North American champion, as the NWA's Ernest Youngman (with some help from Eric Tyler) defeated Frantic Ali in the Main Event on this past week's Tuesday Night Fights. Ali said that he was more disappointed than angry that Youngman had to have help in beating him, but he said that the COTT Board of Directors has promised him a rematch at an upcoming event real soon. The board also has announced that the COTT Heavyweight Championship will be defended at NWA's Rise of Champions, current champion, Lug Phelan will defend the title against Mid-Atlantic Wrestling's Bradley Blaze. This will be the first time in the history of the confederation that one of it's belts will be defended and neither wrestler in the match works for the company who is hosting and sanctioning the event. If this goes over well, expect to see this trend more often at the bigger monthly events.


Last week on Tuesday Night Fights, NYCW's Boys From The Yukon punched their ticket to the NWA Tag Team Title match by defeating The Bad Boys Of Wrestling. With their win, they join Savage Fury and The McWade Brothers as 3/4th of the match. The 4th and final team will be decided this week on Tuesday Night Fights, as Commissioner Ross Henry has said that two teams who were eliminated already will get a second chance to get into the match. The Aces of Mayhem will take on The Rock City Stars this week, with the winners moving on to the title match at Rise of Champions. When asked why these two teams received a second chance, Henry stated that he felt that both teams have proven enough to earn this shot, but we think the real reason is because they had to scramble to find more teams when The Ring Generals pulled out of the tournament.


NWA Television champion, Chris Caulfield successfully defended his belt against Austin Smooth last week, and this week his open challenge will continue as he will take on another rising star in the company, Charlie Corner. Caulfield said he wanted to give some of the younger guy from within the company first crack at him because he feels that the guys in the NWA deserve it over any of the outsiders who have answered his challenge. If he can survive this week, he has COTT North American champion, Ernest Youngman waiting for him at Rise of Champions.

For the past few weeks, Doug Peak and T-Rex have been attacking and tormenting One Man Army and Danny Fonzarelli every chance they got. These attacks have prompted One Man Army and Fonzarelli to go to Ross Henry and demand a match with them at Rise of Champions, which Henry gladly granted. This week at the "go home" episode of TNF, Doug Peak will take on the visiting Miller Fforde (MAW) in a singles match. Peak requested a "tune up" match and Henry obliged him by giving him one of Mid Atlantic Wrestling's top guys.

And finally, Andre Jones made his in ring debut last week, beating Rayne Man in the opening match of Tuesday Night Fights. After the match, Jones took to Twitter and said that he is still waiting for that first real challenge in the NWA, and Ross Henry took offense to that comment, so this week Jones will take on One Man Army in the Main Event. Henry said the original plan was to have Jones in a three way match with One Man Army and Danny Fonzarelli to determine the first NWA Heavyweight Champion, but with One Man Army and Fonzarelli pulling themselves out of the match to fave T-Rex and Doug Peak in a tag match, that leaves just Jones in the match for the top title. Henry said he has already lined up the man who will come in and face Jones at Rise, but the only hint he would give is that he is a former SWF World and three time North American champion but he will not reveal any more details until Rise of Champions. Who could this mystery man be? Things are getting exciting as we inch closer to Rise of Champions, and make sure to check us out here before Rise with an exclusive interview with NWA Owner, J.K. Stallings Jr. Submit your questions for him and we will get the answers you are looking for!


*As always predictions and feedback is more than welcome, and thank you to everyone that has read, predicted and commented so far. It has definitely made writing this a lot more fun!




Tuesday Night Fights

Week 3, June 2020

The NWA Arena

Great Lakes


Match Previews


NWA Tag Team Championship Qualifier

The Aces of Mayhem vs The Rock City Stars



For the NWA Television Championship

'The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield © vs Charlie Corner


Miller Fforde vs Doug Peak



One Man Army vs Andre Jones





Extra - What question would you like to have J.K. Stallings Jr answer?



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NWA Tag Team Championship Qualifier

The Aces of Mayhem vs The Rock City Stars

Comment: This is a toss up to me, I think the Aces are the better choice because Turner usually goes on a tour with his band mid year.


For the NWA Television Championship

'The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield © vs Charlie Corner

Comment: The hardcore one definitely wins over the kid, waiting for his showdown with Youngman


Miller Fforde vs Doug Peak

Comment: No reason to have the visitor win


One Man Army vs Andre Jones

Comment: Seems like Jones will win since he needs momentum going into the Heavyweight title match, I smell some outside interference.






Extra - What question would you like to have J.K. Stallings Jr answer?

Question: What was your biggest regret when you sold your company?

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  • 2 weeks later...




Location: The NWA Arena (Great Lakes)

Attendance: 355 (149,684 viewers)

Shown: WrestleWorld (On Demand)

Date: Week 3, June 2020



- Findlay O'Farraday def. Dreadnaught in 5:47

- Savage Fury def. The Hot Taggs in 7:52

- Rayne Man def. Chip Martin in 8:11

- The Ring Generals def. The Montgomery Boys in 7:10

- Joffy Laine def. Animal Harker in 10:22

<hr style="color:#666666" width="100%" size="1" noshade="noshade" align="center">



Episode #5


Commentary Team


Remmington Remus, Doc Messing and Grace Harper




In the Ring


The show opens with a recap of the COTT North American Championship match between Ernest Youngman and Frantic Ali. The Video clearly shows that Eric Tyler helped Youngman win the match and become the North American champion. The announce team said that NWA Commissioner Ross Henry has been in contact with the COTT board of directors and they have decided that there is nothing they can do at this time other than to grant Frantic Ali a rematch at a later date, so Ernest Youngman becomes the 2nd North American champion.




Ross Henry's music hits and the commissioner makes his way down to the ring with a microphone in his hand. He climbs in and opens the show with the news that Youngman is indeed the COTT North American champion, but he vows to make things right for former champion, Frantic Ali. He turns his attention to the NWA Tag Team match at Rise of Champions in three days. He says we still need one more team to compete, and since The Ring Generals seem to think they are too good for the NWA, then he will give another shot to two teams who have already been eliminated, and announces that up next, The Aces of Mayhem will face The Rock City Stars to determine who will be the 4th team in the match. His music plays and he leaves the ring with the announce team going over the card for tonight.





Opening Match





The Aces of Mayhem vs The Rock City Stars

*NWA Tag Team Championship Qualifier

* Before the match starts, both teams show respect to each other with a slap of five in the middle of the ring. Ace Youngblood starts out against Rockin Ryan Turner with a series of amateur wrestling moves to the applause of the crowd. The match would continue back and forth with neither team getting the advantage or using any underhanded tactics or double teams. Eventually, Max Mayhem would hit a reverse neck breaker on Turner and get the cover for the win and with that we have our four teams set for the NWA Tag Team Championship match at Rise of Champions.


The Aces of Mayhem defeated The Rock City Stars in 11:55 by pinfall when Max Mayhem pinned Rockin Ryan Turner


(Match Grade: 50)







Andre Jones is shown walking out of Ross Henry's office after not finding him inside, he looks at the camera and says that as a the biggest star in the NWA he deserves the respect to know who his opponent is going to be at Rise of Champions for the NWA Heavyweight Championship. He says that it is not about doubting his chances, but he needs to know when to make his dinner reservation after he wins the belt. He tells Ross Henry that he better let him know by the end of the show, or he will have to take matters into his own hands, then sniffs in the direction of the camera and says he smells weakness and walks off.








Locker Room


Findlay O'Farraday is sitting in the locker room, removing the tape from his wrists and fingers. He tells Ash Campbell that he should know by now that he is not a hard man to find, all he has to do is open his eyes and he will find him. He asks Campbell if he really wants to have another match with him after O'Farraday gave him a beating just a couple of weeks ago. He then agrees to the match, but he wants to up the ante by making it a Street Fight. He looks down and finishes taking off the tape from his hands.







Match #2



Charlie Corner vs Chris Caulfield ©


*For the NWA Television Title


* Charlie Corner comes down to the ring, the announce team talks about his background, being trained at the American WWA facility in Los Angeles and that the 19 year old has a very bright future and that Caulfield requested that he get a shot at the TV Title as soon as possible. Caulfield's music hits and the Hardcore American comes down with the TV Title around his waist and his signature kendo stick in his hand. He climbs into the ring and hands the belt and kendo stick to the referee, then goes over to Corner and shakes his hand and the bell rings and the match starts. Caulfield controls the match for the most part, with Corner getting in a few short bursts of offense, but the veteran was just too much for the youngster and lands the Danger Drop for the win. After the match, Caulfield goes over to Corner and raises his hand as a sign of respect and the two men walk to the back together.


Chris Caulfield defeated Charlie Corner in 7:07 by pinfall to retain the NWA Television Championship.

(Match Grade: 40)








The Impact Players (Tyler, Youngman & The Ring Generals) are in the back, holding their COTT Gold over their shoulders. Tyler talks how The Ring Generals beat The American Cobras with ease to win the COTT Tag Team titles, and Youngman proved that he is the rising star that everyone knows he is after winning the COTT North American title last week. He addresses Ross Henry's statement about how they think they are better than the NWA by saying that The Ring Generals don't need to prove anything, the COTT Tag Titles prove they are the best tag team in the world, they will just sit back and let one of the lesser teams in the NWA win the NWA Tag Titles and when ratings are down, Henry can crawl to them to save the company by beating whoever wins them at Rise of Champions. He ends the interview by saying that soon, Youngman will have the NWA Television title around his waist when he beats Chris Caulfield at Rise of Champions.








In Ring


One Man Army and Danny Fonzarelli come down to the ring, clapping five will all the fans at ringside. They talk about the recent attacks on them by Doug Peak and T-Rex and go on to say that in three days, there will be no sneak attacks, it will be two on two and they will show the two big men that they made a big mistake by coming after them from behind instead being men and coming at them head on. One Man Army turns his attention to Andre Jones and says that someone needs to knock him down a few pegs, and while neither he or Fonzarelli are his opponent at Rise of Champions, they do know who is and when he gets here, that smug attitude that Jones walks around here with will change because this man is not going to take his lip without doing something about it. He then says that he will show him later tonight why he is lucky that he is not facing him at Rise.









Match #3



Miller Fforde (MAW) vs Doug Peak

* Miller Fforde makes his way down to the ring first, the announcers mention he is here from Mid-Atlantic Wrestling to answer the challenge made by Doug Peak. Peak was at the fan event before MAW's Old School Rules event and he and Fforde got into a verbal altercation at his autograph table (they show a home video of the altercation) and Peak said to come to his house any time for a lesson in respect. Peak's music hits and he walks down to the ring and never takes his eyes off of Fforde. He climbs into the ring and immediately attacks Fforde and the referee calls for the bell. Peak was relentless and never let up, toying with Fforde near the end of the match but finally puts him out of his misery with a pin.


Doug Peak defeated Miller Fforde by pinfall in 7:46


(Match Grade: 40)








Commissioner's Office


Ross Henry appears sitting at his desk on the phone, he hangs it up and looks at the camera. He smiles and says that he just got off the phone with the COTT board of directors and the NWA and COTT have agreed to have the COTT World Heavyweight Title match at Rise of Champions. It will be Mid-Atlantic Wrestling's Bradley Blaze challenging Invincible Pro Wrestling's Lug Phelan for the COTT World Heavyweight Championship. He goes on to say how excited he is to bring this match to the NWA's first event and looks forward to a long and successful future with these type of matches.









In Ring


Andre Jones comes out before Henry can finish addressing the fans in attendance on the video screen. He says that it's nice that Henry can announce that two men who are not even in the NWA are facing each other but he can not give Jones the respect of telling him who he will be facing at Rise of Champions for the NWA Heavyweight title. Henry just laughs and says that Jones should not be angry and should focus on his match tonight with One Man Army, and in three days he will know who his opponent is at Rise of Champions. He wishes Jones luck both tonight and on Friday. Jones slams the microphone down as One Man Army's music hits for the Main Event.






Main Event





One Man Army vs Andre Jones


* One Man Army walks down to the ring and the announce team speculates who will face Jones in three days, Grace Harper says that Jones deserves better than this and he should refuse to show up unless he knows who he is facing. Both Messing and Remus laugh and say he needs to put up or shut up. The match starts out with One Man Army on the attach, he keeps control for most of the start until Jones rolls out of the ring and uses a finger to the eye to get back in the ring and go on the attack. He has a few near falls and then continues the attack. One Man Army takes advantage of a missed splash in the corner, when both T-Rex and Doug Peak come out from back and get on either side of the ring, distracting One Man Army long enough for Andre Jones to hit the Forward Leg Sweep and get the pin.


Andre Jones defeated One Man Army in 11:55 by pinfall after a distraction by T-Rex and Doug Peak.


(Match Grade: 61)







Post Match


Just like the last couple weeks, T-Rex and Doug Peak jump in the ring after Jones rolls out and attack One Man Army, completely obliterating him. As Jones walks back up the ramp slowly, Danny Fonzarelli runs out from the back and plows through Jones and gets to the ring and clears both Peak and T-Rex from the ring. He is able to hold them off until One Man Army regains his feet and the heels retreat to the back smiling. The announce team goes off the air hyping Rise of Champions in three days and we can expect fireworks when these four men are in the ring.







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Week 4 - June 2020






News & Notes


Rise of Champions is upon us and that means that the National Wrestling Association will be crowning their remaining champions. Five of the seven matches on the card are for gold, with one of them being the top COTT belt as announced on the last episode of Tuesday Night Fights by NWA Commissioner Ross Henry.


In other COTT news, the scheduled COTT Tag Team Title match between The Ring Generals, American Cobras and The LA Stars that was supposed to take place at Rise of Champions has been moved to the next episode of Tuesday Night Fights due to travel issues for current champions, The Ring Generals. The NWA has apologized for the cancellation but due to circumstances, Dean Waldorf and Marv Statler were delayed in Japan for another night and would not make it back in time for the match. The American Cobras and LA Stars have agreed to be at Tuesday Night Fights for the match and they promise that the match will still be a must watch.


The Texas Wrestling League has found a new CEO after the retirement of Chief Two Eagles. They company put out a press release that they have hired Eric Tyler to be the head man for the company going forward, something both sides are said to be very excited about. Tyler said he plans to be the lead booker for the time being, but it has been a dream of his to run a company, especially one as storied as the TWL. He said the company has no intention of leaving the COTT, and he looks forward to using the relationship to the advantage for the TWL.


Worker Retirements: Kenneth Koleman, Everest, Matsudaira Morioka, Masa Yasujori, Vladimir Smertin, Kevin Leonhardsen, Land Mass, Harrison Hash, Elji Hamacho & Danger Kumasaka.


Last week on Tuesday Night Fights, Ross Henry made a decision to give two tag teams another chance to get into the four team match for the NWA Tag Team Titles at Rise of Champions. The Aces of Mayhem defeated The Rock City Stars to punch their ticket and will face off with Savage Fury, The McWade Brothers and NYCW's The Boys From The Yukon to see who will become the NWA's first tag team champions. Max Mayhem said he and Ace know they are big underdogs given the size of all three teams, but they know what it takes to become champions and will do whatever they must to win this match.


NWA Television champion, Chris Caulfield successfully defended his belt against up and coming star Charlie Corner and showed a lot of respect to Corner by raising his had at the end of the match. Do not expect the same kind of respect after his match at Rise of Champions, as Caulfield will defend the TV Title against the man he beat five weeks ago for the belt, Ernest Youngman. Eric Tyler, Youngman's manager, said that the first time they were not prepared for Caulfield, but this time they have been watching him and know his tricks and this time they will get another trophy to add to The Impact Players stable.

Findlay O'Farraday and Ash Campbell have a lot of history dating back to their days in Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling, and those issues have followed them to the NWA. Three weeks ago, O'Farraday beat Campbell in a match and that hos not sit well with Campbell. So he issued a challenge to the big Georgian to face him in a match at Rise of Champions, and O'Farraday has agreed but he said that he would only do so if the match was a Street Fight. So you can expect a hard hitting battle between these two bitter rivals and I am sure there will be weapons involved.


Ever since he arrived in the NWA, Joffy Laine has been wanting a chance to prove that he has what it takes to be a star in the business. Ross Henry has finally listened to Laine and agreed to give him that shot and add him to the NWA United States title match. The match will now become Austin Smooth vs Joffy Laine vs Rayne Man.


Andre Jones have been running his mouth ever since he set foot in the NWA, boasting that he is the top dog in the company and has not been shy about going after NWA Commissioner Ross Henry. As we stated last week, the original NWA Heavyweight title match was supposed to be a three way dance with Jones, One Man Army and Danny Fonzarelli, but with Fonz and OMA now embroiled in a battle with Doug Peak and T-Rex, Henry has had to go out and find a new opponent for Jones, but refuses to tell him who it is. The only hint Henry would give is that he is a former SWF World and three time North American champion but he will not reveal any more details until Rise of Champions, so we ask again.....Who could this mystery man be?


And finally, One Man Army and Danny Fonzarelli will finally get their hands on Doug Peak and T-Rex in a two on two Texas Tornado Rules tag team match. For that do not know what that means, there are no tags required and all four men are in the ring at the same time and will go until there is a pinfall or submission. We don't expect the ring to contain these four men, but it promises to be a hard hitting battle where the rules will most likely be thrown out the window. Make sure to tune in this Friday night for NWA's Rise of Champions, only on WrestleWorld!


The exclusive interview with NWA Owner, J.K. Stallings Jr has been pushed back by another week due to a scheduling conflict, so we are still taking questions for the owner of the NWA. Submit your questions for him and we will get the answers you are looking for!


*As always predictions and feedback is more than welcome, and thank you to everyone that has read, predicted and commented so far. It has definitely made writing this a lot more fun!




Rise of Champions

Week 4, June 2020

The NWA Arena

Great Lakes


Match Previews


For the NWA Television Championship

'The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield © vs Ernest Youngman


Street Fight

Ash Campbell vs Findlay O'Farraday


For the NWA Tag Team Championship

Savage Fury vs The McWade Brothers vs Aces of Mayhem vs The Boys From The Yukon



For the NWA United States Championship

Austin Smooth vs Joffy Laine vs Rayne Man


For the NWA Heavyweight Championship

Andre Jones vs ???



For the COTT World Heavyweight Championship

Lug Phelan © vs Bradley Blaze


Texas Tornado Rules

Danny Fonzarelli & One Man Army vs Doug Peak & T-Rex




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Match Previews


For the NWA Television Championship

'The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield © vs Ernest Youngman

Comment: He is a rising star


Street Fight

Ash Campbell vs Findlay O'Farraday

Comment: More upside imo


For the NWA Tag Team Championship

Savage Fury vs The McWade Brothers vs Aces of Mayhem vs The Boys From The Yukon

Comment:Tough one, a lot of vets and don't think Aces are ready and Boys are from another company


For the NWA United States Championship

Austin Smooth vs Joffy Laine vs Rayne Man

Comment: Up and comer


For the NWA Heavyweight Championship

Andre Jones vs ???

Comment: Too cocky to lose, cheats I think


For the COTT World Heavyweight Championship

Lug Phelan © vs Bradley Blaze

Comment: Don't see a change


Texas Tornado Rules

Danny Fonzarelli & One Man Army vs Doug Peak & T-Rex

Comment: Revenge time!

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<p>For the NWA Television Championship</p><p>

'<strong>The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield ©</strong> vs Ernest Youngman</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

Street Fight</p><p>

Ash Campbell vs <strong>Findlay O'Farraday</strong></p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

For the NWA Tag Team Championship</p><p>

Savage Fury vs The McWade Brothers vs Aces of Mayhem vs <strong>The Boys From The Yukon</strong></p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

For the NWA United States Championship</p><p>

Austin Smooth vs Joffy Laine vs <strong>Rayne Man</strong></p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

For the NWA Heavyweight Championship</p><p>

<strong>Andre Jones</strong> vs ???</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

For the COTT World Heavyweight Championship</p><p>

<strong>Lug Phelan ©</strong> vs Bradley Blaze</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

Texas Tornado Rules</p><p>

<strong>Danny Fonzarelli & One Man Army</strong> vs Doug Peak & T-Rex</p><p>


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