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How do you book a one event month fed?

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How do you go about booking a fed that only does one show a month?


How long would it take to get a TV deal and to do weekly shows?


Looking at my options on who to start with.


I'm doing just that right now - I'm at 14 popularity, about to make the first size jump. I just have each event consist of a self contained tournament whose winner gets to challenge the title holder, with the final match being a gimmick match. Since I'm a lucharesu fed, the normal matches are run under lucha rules.

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How do you go about booking a fed that only does one show a month?


How long would it take to get a TV deal and to do weekly shows?


Looking at my options on who to start with.


It depends entirely on the region you choose, and how close you are to reaching the pop thresholds. The worst part of getting a base TV deal is either generating the spillover to hit 20-30 to meet requirements that way or having enough money to light on fire by booking shows in other regions consistently. Of course, you can always just farm your home regions and then create a broadcaster. Probably a 2-3 year project, depending.

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