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We need to talk about Broadcasters

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The issue of the one year box is a concern.


The issue of being dropped quickly by a neutral network on Prime Time is not. Your real life examples were pro, not neutral.


Also, you say moving your show later only reduces expectations by 1 point - however, have you tested if they're more lenient (ie give you more than 3 low rates shows)? It's logical that Very Big Prime Time slots are cut throat, non prime time less so.

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The issue of the one year box is a concern.


The issue of being dropped quickly by a neutral network on Prime Time is not. Your real life examples were pro, not neutral.


Also, you say moving your show later only reduces expectations by 1 point - however, have you tested if they're more lenient (ie give you more than 3 low rates shows)? It's logical that Very Big Prime Time slots are cut throat, non prime time less so.


If it only happened on the cutthroat prime time slots I would not be up in arms about it. But it is not the first time it happened. And the first time it was not on Prime Time.


Before I went on to this big tv I was on a "Very Small" across entire USA. Who were Pro to Wrestling. I hit my targets every week. Except for 3 times in 3 months where my show missed the mark by 1 or 2 points. Causing me to get dropped when it happened the third time. So out of 12 shows in 3 months 3 were meh(they were not classed as bad) 9 were good. But we still got kicked off.


Do note we did not have super over roster at that time so it was a lot tougher to get good ratings especially at a Late Night and those types of slots . Now we don't have a show that goes under 85. Only reason I was able to stay competative and rebuild from that was due to having my own broadcaster which was only starting up then. As I was using it to promote my child companies.

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