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Third Time's The Charm Or, How A Noob Was Able To Prosper.

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Hey, it's your friendly neighbourhood degenerate, Neoteros.


So, I've been able to not only avoid going under, but I've also been able to survive the first couple years in the game. Not bad, for a noob. And this is why, especially after coming across posts of fellow noobs complaining about Japan metaphorically sodomizing them, I'm going to tell you everything about how was I able to do all of this. Now, I could start in medias res and begin from my second year, but that wouldn't really help my financially challenged comrades; so, I'm going to make a second copy of the January 2020 save where it all began, and take you along the broke, cash-deprived wild ride from the very beginning, featuring some cool artwork by cooldude (logo) and praguepride (events) as well.




Yes, I've found out how to imgur properly, too. Anyway, this is our promotion: being a no-frills lucharesu product, we don't need to have any gimmicks or storylines, but gimmicks will have an impact if used, and angles will need to make up 10% of our events or 20% of our TV shows anyway, with the rest being wall to wall, high flying lucha libre. Our match requirements are at least one Technical Masterclass bout (I've found that having one at the very beginning helps, since you need to calm the crowd if you want to have one later on) and one High Spots/Steal The Show bout (that I usually place as the second to last match, or as the main event).


Speaking of events, an event per month is more than enough. Don't do like I did earlier and try to hold an event per week, you will go under. Basically, just copy what other companies your size (in this case, Championship Wrestling from Wigan) are doing. And, since companies a size bigger than we are need 16 wrestlers, we will make do with half of them, that is, 8 and a couple spares. I know, it doesn't sound like a lot but, if we hold a series of round robin tournaments in true Japanese fashion - an useful way to find out who clicks together and who doesn't - filling a couple hours with just 8/10 wrestlers can definitely be done.


Our first event will be a tag team round robin tournament, in which a young lion and a veteran will be paired, going against three other such pairs. One point for a win, and zero points for a draw or a loss. Who will prevail?


The brawlers:


Kaori Takenouchi (veteran)

Spider Isako (young lion)


The foreign high flyers:


Jana Marie Bowen (veteran)

Joy Ryder (young lion)


The technicians:


Rika Tsujimura (veteran)

Hoshiko Tagawa (young lion)


The local high flyers #1:


Emiko Miyoshi (veteran)

Yayoi Kurmochi (young lion)


The local high flyers #2:


Nami Genda (veteran)

Aki Kamio (young lion)


Always build your roster starting from your product, not the other way around: the kinda thing we're doing requires good aerial and technical stats, and the roster reflects this - even our brawlers can pull off an aerial or technical match when the need arises. The median age of our roster is kinda low, that's because I avoided signing people who will retire in a few months anyway; you can always hire them as local workers if you need to. And now, we are ready for our first event, in which we will crown our first tag team champion.






No great performances, but no bad ones, either. And that's good, since we gained popularity: when you're this small, I've found out, the only way you can lose popularity after a show is to put on an absolute turd of an event. As you can see, it's almost all matches, with the only angles being those immediately before and after the final.

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<p>Well, your promotion is like Stardom to me ! You presenting your roster as athletes. I love it ! It's all business ! I think you found your product of predilection. </p><p> </p><p>

2 solid shows in your part and clearly, Takenouchi & Genda will do the best work in your compny for now after seeing the 2 shows ! </p><p> </p><p>

Keep up the good work ! <img alt=":cool:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/cool.png.f00d2562b2c1d873a09323753efdb041.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

PS : Maybe in your first post, edit it to put the names of the champions so we as a readers can easily find out who is the champions of your wrestling promotion ^^</p>

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Well, your promotion is like Stardom to me ! You presenting your roster as athletes. I love it ! It's all business ! I think you found your product of predilection.


2 solid shows in your part and clearly, Takenouchi & Genda will do the best work in your compny for now after seeing the 2 shows !


Keep up the good work ! :cool:


PS : Maybe in your first post, edit it to put the names of the champions so we as a readers can easily find out who is the champions of your wrestling promotion ^^


I'm an idiot. :D I'm going to use this post as a recap post, and then see if I can move my previous posts after it by copying their content, erasing them, and then pasting their content into a couple new posts. In the meantime, here's a summary of what's happened so far:


LMP Lioness - Singles Kaori Takenouchi

LMP Pride - Tag Team Rika Tsujimura & Hoshiko Tagawa

LMP Range - Trios Nami Genda, Emiko Miyoshi & Aki Kamio





LMP Mutsuki 2020

LMP Kisaragi 2020

LMP Yayoi 2020

LMP Uzuki 2020

LMP Satsuki 2020

LMP Minazuki 2020

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For our second event, I will let my very bald road agent, Tomoko Nagatsuka, speak:


First match, 5-way between the young lions won by Isako. Everyone is off, especially Kamio. 32

Second match, Tsujimura defeats Takenouchi. They don't gel. 38

Third match, Miyoshi defeats Bowen. But she's off. 33

Fourth match, Genda defeats Miyoshi. She's off again, and they don't click. 38

Fifth match, Takenouchi defeats Bowen. Great wrestling, the crowd liked it. Finally. 43

Sixth match, Genda defeats Tsujimura. Superb wrestling. We're going somewhere now. 45

Seventh match, Takenouchi defeats Miyoshi, and deserves it. Miyoshi is off again, but Takenouchi carries the match. 42

Eighth match, Tsujimura defeats Bowen. Good performance by the former, less so the latter. 36

Ninth match, Takenouchi defeats Genda. They're carrying the show, and it shows. 54

Tenth match, Genda defeats Bowen. Genda somehow still has enough energy to jump around like that. 46

Eleventh match, Tsujimura defeats Miyoshi. Good bout, Miyoshi doesn't choke, it's all good. 42

First angle, Genda/Tsujimura/Takenouchi video. Bad idea. 17

Twelfth and final match Takenouchi defeats Genda and Tsujimura to become the singles champion. The crowd popped, nice. We end on a high note. 49

Second and final angle, Takenouchi celebrates her victory. Riding the heat of the previous match, she does well. 40




And so our second show ends, with a final rating of 48. The absence of the rookies had a positive impact on our final grade, but we need them - some of them might turn out quite good. In other news, it's February and CILL has joined the Confederation of the Territories. Hopefully this move will help them, I've never seen them do that before.


Genda, Tsujimura and Takenouchi seem like the most dependable members of our roster - I went back and altered the result of some matches on the fly to reward them for their performances, more than once: one of the reasons why this new feature is quite good, unless you're running a storyline-heavy product.


On to March, and our third show - we are not losing money (having less than a dozen people in your employ helps) and we're gaining steam, so we might reach Tiny size by the next March, or even before then. I wish I could say the same about the finances of RIPW, only three months in, and they're on fire - and not in a good way, more like the derailing train on fire way. Seriously, even in my bankrupt runs, it's like they had all the financial acumen of Donald Trump and all the booking talent of Vince Russo, what's up with them?



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Our third event of the year will be a trios one, following the same round robin format of the previous two. However, we only have room for three trios, and a member of our roster will have to skip the tournament. Who will they be? To find out, let's look at the average match score of our wrestlers, one by one:


37 Jana Marie Bowen

37 Kaori Takenouchi

37 Nami Genda

36 Rika Tsujimura

34 Emiko Miyoshi

33 Hoshiko Tagawa

32 Joy Ryder

31 Aki Kamio

30 Spider Isako

30 Yayoi Kurmochi


As expected, our young lions are at the bottom of the pile, but the gap between them is not that big. Now, if we do away with Kurmochi, Genda could be added to the tag team of Miyoshi and Kamio, to act as their captain and boost their performance, while the members of the high flying foreign tag team could be assigned to the brawler team, and the technician team, in order to balance them out. So, we have:


Jana Marie Bowen + Hoshiko Tagawa and Rika Tsujimura

Joy Ryder + Kaori Takenouchi and Spider Isako

Nami Genda + Aki Kamio and Emiko Miyoshi


Looks good. Now, on to the show.




First match, Joy Ryder defeats Yayoi Kurmochi. None of them acts like a drunkard, they're getting better. 31

Second match, Spider Isako defeats Aki Kamio. Absolutely horrible, now here's two young lions that need to improve. 19

Third match, and start of the tournament: a draw between Tsujimura's team and Takenouchi's team. I wanted a tech workshop, and we got it. 40

Fourth match, Genda's team dispatches Takenouchi's team in a high spots encounter. Genda delivers. 40

Fifth match, and end of the tournament: Genda's team defeats Tsujimura's team and wins the trios title. Genda understandably tired, but still great to look at. 41

First angle and end of the show, title celebration of the Genda/Miyoshi/Kamio trio. 37


And so it ends, with a final score of 40.




As you can see, for the final angle I had to resort to a freestyle segment, since there was no trios title celebration angle in the default database. When in doubt, freestyle.


Now, I know what you're thinking - by now, most of the people in our roster have a belt on their waist. It's true, it is overkill. But since we'll have to double said roster in just a few months, this way we'll have a core of veterans with high morale, ready to defend their titles against the newcomers by any means necessary. It's now April, RIPW is still doing terribly, and we have our first interesting regen, a technician flyer that could, in theory, cover both our high flying and technical needs:




We won't see her in our next event, but I've offered her a one night deal for May. Never sign noobs for ongoing contracts if you're not sure they're good, or they'll be stuck being jobbers to your jobbers. When you're this small, you barely need jobbers at all anyway.

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Hoshiko Tagawa has accumulated enough experience she isn't a young lion anymore.


Good. :D




We had one singles round robin tournament before, so it's time for us to give the elimination format a try: the winner will get a shot at Kaori Takenouchi and her title.


First match, Hoshiko Tagawa defeats Jana Marie Bowen; not much to report. 35

Second match, Emiko Miyoshi defeats Aki Kamio; seems like they can't have long matches without making them seem like a drag. 23

Third match, Nami Genda defeats Joy Ryder; as always, Genda delivers the high spots. 42

Fourth match, Rika Tsujimura defeats Yayoi Kurmochi; bad chemistry. 36

First semifinal, Hoshiko Tagawa defeats Emiko Miyoshi, and repays my faith in her with a good bout. 40

Second semifinal, Rika Tsujimura defeats Nami Genda in a match designed to prepare the crowd for the next one. They're the best we have, and it shows. 46

Final, Rika Tsujimura defeats Hoshiko Tagawa; the student could not overcome the master, but she had a good match nonetheless. 43

First angle, Rika Tsujimura goes off on the mic, challenging Takenouchi to a title match. Tsujimura is great at improvising dialogue, Takenouchi less so. 45

Title match, Kaori Takenouchi barely manages to draw with Rika Tsujimura, retaining the title. For now. 40




In my headcanon, Tagawa and Tsujimura look like all-business, no-bullshit competitors, it's something to consider when our roster will get big enough we will need to group our wrestlers into stables. Since Tsujimura is not only talented but also good on the microphone, she's leader material for sure. In the next month, and the next post, we'll see if Nari Matsumara (who, somehow, runs an Occultist gimmick despite having been given a military outfit by the regen gods) is good enough to hire for more than a day.

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Our May show, an elimination tournament whose winner will go against the duo of Tsujimura and Tagawa for the tag team championship, is about to begin, but there will be a couple slight differences in the tag teams: since Miyoshi and Genda have bad chemistry as opponents, I'll try and see what happens when I make them fight together, and I'm also going to see if our one-day hire Nari Matsumara can handle a single match against Aki Kamio and a tag team match, alongside Yayoi Kurmochi.


Opener, Aki Kamio defeats Nari Matsumara. Matsumara's not half bad, and her weird gimmick was well received. 25

First semifinal, Genda and Miyoshi defeat Takenouchi and Spider. The former are better as a team than as opponents. 44

Second semifinal, Jana Marie Bowen and Joy Ryder defeat Nari Matsumara and Yayoi Kurmochi, who have zero chemistry together. 31

Final, Genda and Miyoshi defeat Bowen and Ryder. Not up to their usual standards. 39

First angle, Tsujimura and Tagawa taunt their upcoming opponents. 33

Title match, Tsujimura (who carries the whole thing) and Tagawa defeat Genda and Miyoshi to retain the belt. Great finish. 45

Final angle, Tsujimura heads backstage, talking about the match that just ended, not following any script, she does great. 53




We have 1% prestige and 5% momentum now, as well as a monthly profit of almost 3000 dollars, so it's time to upgrade our merchandise for the first time - and sign Matsumara for another single night deal. In other news, SAISHO have grown in size, while RIPW keep going down.

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Damn ! you're fast ! Already 5 shows booked and posted ^^


I supposed that next month will be the trios title defense ? It would be logical if we follow the pattern here. For a little company, you have some good ratings ! You're doing a great job ^^


You're gaining momentum, Cool ! Me in the other hands in my game i botched and lost some :( ....but i won't despair and will rebuild ^^


I was also surprised like you when you said that Nari has an occult gimmick and she have a picture of a...military ??? Huh ?!!! That' was weird xD


I like the fact that we have also news about things happening in your game like RIPW going down. But they don't have to worry to much because they are a child company for SWF ! They can in the red they don't care because the parent's company will save them as usual.... lucky them :D

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Damn ! you're fast ! Already 5 shows booked and posted ^^


I supposed that next month will be the trios title defense ? It would be logical if we follow the pattern here. For a little company, you have some good ratings ! You're doing a great job ^^


You're gaining momentum, Cool ! Me in the other hands in my game i botched and lost some :( ....but i won't despair and will rebuild ^^


I was also surprised like you when you said that Nari has an occult gimmick and she have a picture of a...military ??? Huh ?!!! That' was weird xD


I like the fact that we have also news about things happening in your game like RIPW going down. But they don't have to worry to much because they are a child company for SWF ! They can in the red they don't care because the parent's company will save them as usual.... lucky them :D


I was about to have a trios tournament but then I thought, like. You probably saw that Discord post of mine where I got a Royal Rumble going, so I'm going to recreate that chaos. :D




What better way to test the fighting spirit of a wrestler, than a grueling marathon where you can be eliminated only by pinfall or submission, rather than by being thrown out over the top rope? Not right now, though. First, we're going to let Rika Tsujimura do her thing and grab the mic, because it looks like she's issued an open challenge. Or at least I think so, because she went on and on for like five minutes, without even catching her breath or tripping on a single word, and I can barely follow her at all. The crowd's hypnotized however, that's great. 54 The only one brave enough to accept her challenge, seems to be our high flying spot monkey supreme, Nami Genda, who is not as good at improvising dialogue as her rival, but she sure isn't shy on the mic, either. 43


Looks like letting them loose like this was a bad idea though, since the crowd really didn't want to be subjected to a technical match after such a display of verbal fencing. 39 Now, we're not the WWE so, even though Nami Genda won, the defeated Rika Tsujimura shakes the victor's hand. 22


Then, Nari Matsumara is defeated by Spider Isako in your average young lion match, but the regen does not do bad at all, so I'm hiring her after this, definitely. 30 And now, it's finally time for a bit of mayhem, as our whole roster, minus champion Kaori Takenouchi, begins the battle royale. Emiko Miyoshi wins it, if only because we got to give her fangirls something to cheer at. 47


Kaori Takenouchi is impressed, and dares her to take a swing at her - she's so sure she's going to win this, she's putting her title on the line. 45 And she's right, Emiko Miyoshi can't do much against the champion, even though she did manage to headscissor her out of the ring and into the crowd. I mean, we're small enough we're probably holding our shows in some kinda basement, the bald head of Takenouchi being sent straight into the stomach of a fan is a very plausible hazard. 51


And so our show ends, with a score of 49.




Drama in the COTT: The Masked Cougar has been stripped of the World Heavyweight title for some reason, is it because he's got a handshake contract with CZCW, but an exclusive contract with USPW?

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Half a year has passed, and I'm on track to replicate what I did on my other save. How did I do it?


  • Do not be afraid to experiment with different combinations of wrestlers, as opponents or partners. You need to know everything about them.
  • Do not fill your shows with celebrities, music, or special stages. Merchandise is more than enough, at this level.
  • Push your better wrestlers to the moon right from the start, they will carry your small company.
  • Run only one show per month, you can't afford to run more.
  • Start with a small roster, 10 people + a couple spares are enough.


I hope this bite-sized walkthrough will be as useful to you as foolinc's own. :D

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<p>Hehe ! Emiko for the win <img alt=":cool:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/cool.png.f00d2562b2c1d873a09323753efdb041.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Yeah Yeah ! I get it she lost to Kaori...but that was a fluke victory ! What ? Fanboying much ?....Me ?....No of course <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

You swerved me Neo xD </p><p> </p><p>

I tought you would do a trios tournament and BAM....Rumble match instead !</p><p> </p><p>

At the end, it was a fun show for me ^^</p>

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