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Irish Whiskey Wrestling: The Rise of McAvatar

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King of Ireland Semifinal

"Captain Crash" Cain Carlile w/Liz Sweetheart vs "The Free Wheeling, Show Stealing" Johnny Highspot

Blood Brothers Semifinal

Black Country Boys vs The Party Animals w/Marbella

Irish Queen Semifinal

Aud Valkyrie vs Jeri Behr

Irish Queen Semifinal

Geena the Warrior Princess vs "The Mistress of the DDT" Steph Blake

King of Ireland Semifinal

Bruiser w/Wee Davey Keane vs "British Strong" Bulldog Jack w/Liz Sweetheart

Blood Brothers Semifinal

The Assassin's Guild w/Wee Davey Keane vs The Portuguese Men-Of-War w/Liz Sweetheart

Puffy the Sand Iron Player vs The Minor Annoyance

Golden Delicious vs Jana Marie Bowen vs Joanna Silver vs "The Pride of Pakistan" Nayima Khan

Opening Match

Dangermouth w/Wee Davey Keane vs Hardcore McAvatar w/Kourtney

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Moving Day



Well here it is, my last day in Karachi, tomorrow I'll be moving to Dublin, I found another worker who was moving there and we made a deal to be roommates for awhile. Me and my brother Subhan were enjoying dinner before he takes me to the airport tomorrow.

Subhan: You sure that this is a wise choice.

Nayima: Of course I'm sure, I don't make stupid decisions.

Subhan: I will miss our training sessions together, it seems like only yesterday when you first asked me to teach you how to wrestle. Are you absolutely sure, that this is what you want.

Nayima: I'm getting reliable work in Ireland brother, plus I already have someone willing to share an apartment with me until I'm able to support myself.

Subhan: So you got it all figured out.

Nayima: I always do.

Subhan laughs

Subhan: I'll miss this, I wish you the best in Ireland little sister.

Nayima: I wish the best for you big brother.

The Next Day

I get off the plane, I know that my roommate said that she would meet me at the airport.

Hey Nayima.


Good she wasn't late, I go to great Jeri and begin my new life in Ireland.

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IWW Spring Slam I


Irish Whiskey Wrestling Presents



Florence: Hello ladies and gentlemen I'm Melanie Florence

O'Keefe: And I'm Ireland's favorite bard Papa O'Keefe, welcoming you to Spring Slam.

Florence: Tonight is very unique since every match tonight will take place in an unforgiving steel cage.

O'Keefe: You know with a stipulation like that this event should have been called Spring Slammer.

Florence: Very true Keefe, however name aside we have an exciting night of action for you folks at home now lets send in to Martin for the opening contest.

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Dangermouth w/Wee Davey Keance vs Hardcore McAvatar w/Kourtney

A match between two young warriors with plenty to prove clash in the opening contest. Dangermouth takes the early advantage using his size to overpower McAvatar, but the young Scotsman would fight back by biting the forehead of Dangermouth before performing a second rope clothesline to knock him off his feet. McAvatar would yell at the ref to open the door, but instead of trying to escape he told Kourtney to hand him a weapon from under the ring. Kourtney would pass McAvatar a cricket bat, which he would use to beat on Dangermouth. After hitting a Russian legsweep with the cricket bat, McAvatar would scale the ropes for his signature Diving Headbutt, but before he leaped McAvatar looked at the top of the cage and even though Kourtney was yelling at him not to he began climbing the cage. When at the top of the cage McAvatar paused for a brief moment before flipping the bird at Dangermouth and performing a Diving Headbutt, which Dangermouth moved out of the way of. Dangermouth took advantage of McAvatar bashing his head against the ring to make it out the door and get the hell out of dodge. Rating: 17

O'Keefe: The kid should have listened to his manager, if he had, he would be having his hand raised. Instead he's going to have a headache tomorrow and he's got blood all over the ring.

Florence: But look at him Keefe, he's smiling.

O'Keefe: The damn lunatic is smiling, what the ($*$ does he have to smile about.

Florence: I don't know Keefe, and I'm not sure I want to.


Golden Delicious vs Jana Marie Bowen vs Joanna Silver vs "The Pride of Pakistan" Nayima Khan

A match pitting the four women looking to bounce back from their losses in the Irish Queen tournament. Bowen and Delicious would begin the match making a temporary alliance against the two less experienced wrestlers. When Silver proposed a similar alliance to Khan, all she got was a backfist for her trouble. Delicious and Bowen would use their experience and teamwork to work over Silver and Khan, until Bowen picked up the cricket bat left in the ring from the opening match and performed the inevitable betrayal by hitting Delicious in the back while she went to pick up Silver. The match would be in Bowen's favor as she would slingshot Silver into the cage and hit a piledriver onto Delicious onto the cricket bat. Bowen would scale the ropes and nail Delicious with a Bowen Technique (diving legdrop facecrusher), but before she could get the pin, Khan would grab her and toss her into Silver, smashing both into the side of the cage. Khan would then lock in a Cross Armbreaker onto Delicious and she would tap out in short order. Rating: 40

O'Keefe: Well I say that felt like a veteran maneuver on the part of Khan. She waited for her opponent to do all the work and then she took the opportunity to take the win right from under Bowen's fingers.

Florence: Indeed Keefe, I can see bright things in the future for Khan.


Puffy the Sand Iron Player vs The Minor Annoyance

The cricket bat was joined by other weapons as the Hardcore Golfer would bring his golf bag into the cage with him in his match against Annoyance. Annoyance would grab the cricket bat to start the match, just to get boot to the face after dropping the bat on his foot. Puffy wouldn't even grab a club out his bag instead deciding to play darts with Annoyance as the dart and the cage as the dartboard. After tossing Annoyance into the cage enough times to make him a bloody mess, Puffy would reach into his bag and grab an abnormally big golf tee. Puffy would place Annoyance's head on the tee before backing into the corner for a running start to hit the Tee Off (Punt Kick). Instead of going for the pin, Puffy grabbed his tee and his bag yelled at the referee to open the door and left the cage winning the match. Rating: 25

After the match a bloody Annoyance drags himself to his feet and exits the cage when For Whom the Bell Tolls by Metallica begins the play and The Assassin's Guild make their entrance with Wee Davey Keane. The Annoyance being the little troll he is decides to call Raynor, a pretty midget's *#* this led to Annoyance getting a beating from The Assassin's Guild before Raynor setup a table and Peyton would drive Annoyance through it with a Predator Bomb Rating: 24

Florence: It seems that the Minor Annoyance doesn't have good luck when it comes to The Assassin's Guild, or tables for that matter.

O'Keefe: It's his own fault, if he would have been a better teammate at New Year's War maybe Peyton wouldn't feel the need to drive him through a table every chance he gets.

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Blood Brothers Semifinals

The Assassin's Guild w/Wee Davey Keane vs The Portuguese Men-Of-War w/Liz Sweetheart

At New Year's War the Portuguese Men-Of-War were on the winning side against the Assassin's Guild, at Love to Fight, the Assassin's Guild was on the winning side. Tonight it was two on two, a chance for both teams to prove their cohesion as a unit. Vincente and Dias used their superior agility to keep away from the bigger Peyton and focused on the smaller Raynor. However Peyton would catch Dias off a springboard crossbody and turn the tide in favor of the Assassin's Guild. The Men-Of-War would try to regain the advantage, but the aggression of the Guild was too much. After Vincente was driven face first into the cage, the Guild would nail Dias with the Last Hit (Total Elimination) and get the pin and the win. Rating: 25

Florence: Keane must be happy to have two of his clients make it to title contention at Way of the Warrior.

O'Keefe: You are certainly right Melanie, both the Assassin's Guild and Dangermouth have been successful tonight, let's see if Bruiser can make it three for three in the next match.

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King of Ireland Semifinal

Bruiser w/Wee Davey Keane vs "British Strong" Bulldog Jack

A match pitting the two biggest men in IWW begins in a slugfest as the two brawlers lay into each other with big punches. Both Bruiser and Jack would throw their opponent into the side of the cage leaving both men bleeding. It came down to who had more in the tank and tonight it would be Bruiser after hitting Jack with a kick to the gut followed by a Gutwrench Powerbomb for the hard fought victory. Rating: 21

After the match Melanie Florence would catch up with Bruiser on the entrance ramp.

Florence: Bruiser how does it feel to advance in the King of Ireland tournament.

Bruiser: How does it feel Melanie. Let me give you a lesson, I have one singles title to my name and that was back in 2009 in Men of Steel Combat! I was the second to last UK champion, I was part of the last UK Tag Team champions, but did that matter to anyone. No it $*ing didn't! 21CW didn't care. SNP Didn't Care. CWW DIDN'T CARE. NO ONE *#&$ING CARED! Until this past January I get a call to come join some small insignificant company in Ireland, and it got me thinking that somebody actually cared about Bruiser, somebody cared about my legacy, somebody thought that I still had something to offer the business. SNP didn't, CWW didn't, and *$ 21CW and *#%& that privileged prick Jeff Nova. At Way of the Warrior I cement my legacy, at Way of the Warrior I become King. Rating: 31


Irish Queen Semifinal

Geena the Warrior Princess vs "The Mistress of the DDT" Steph Blake

A clash between two lightweight brawlers, as the former 3-time UCR Women's champion takes on the former AAA triple crown winner. Geena and Blake begin the match pretty much the same as Bruiser and Jack with plenty of brawling throughout the cage. Blake uses her superior speed and power to take the early advantage, but Geena is used to taking on tough women as her rivalry with Alpha Female would show. Geena would take advantage of a missed strike from Blake to drive her face into the cage busting her open. Blake would respond by taking the cricket bat, still in the ring from earlier and beaming Geena in the face with it. Geena however was appeared to get angrier from the hit then hurt and would proceed to hit Blake with lariats and slams before hitting an Amazonian Plunge (White Noise) for the pin. Rating: 41

Florence: Oh my, Blake is out, Blake has been eliminated from the Irish Queen tournament.

O'Keefe: What a shocker, for the Englishwomen, she was certainly confident she would be in the finals.

Florence: Well that's how it works it only takes 3 seconds for victory to be snatched from you.


Irish Queen Semifinal

Aud Valkyrie vs Jeri Behr

Now from one Irish Queen semifinal to another as two Scandinavians go to battle in a clash of styles as the highflying of Behr goes against the hard strikes and slams of Valkyrie. Valkyrie grabs the legs of Behr and drives her into the corner and follows with shoulder tackles in the corner. Valkyrie tries for a running shoulder, but Behr uses the opportunity to dodge and begin her aerial assault. After keeping Valkyrie unsteady for awhile Behr would attempt a diving splash only for Valkyrie to get her knees up. Valkyrie would go for a Valkyrie Driver, but Behr would slip off and push Valkyrie into the side of the cage following that up with a back suplex before hitting the Standing Moonsault for the win. Rating: 43

O'Keefe: And with that the Irish Queen finals are set.

Florence: Geena vs Behr, two workers who were both part of the EWA and UCR rosters.

O'Keefe: That was then Melanie, this is now, and next month one of these women will be the first IWW Irish Queen champion.

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Blood Brothers Semifinal

Black Country Boys vs The Party Animals w/Marbella

The second Blood Brothers semifinal puts the young Black Country Boys against the former 21CW tag team. The Boys seem overly confident that their size advantage will give them the win, but the experience of the Party Animals allow them to evade and dodge the bigger team. The Animals are able to hit Robson with a Party's Over (Neckbreaker Splash Combo), leaving Vedmore alone against the experienced team allowing Trance to hit the Trance Effect (Twist of Fate) while Rave climbs the cage to follow up with a Gate Crasher (Swanton Bomb) to earn their place in the Blood Brothers finals. Rating: 24

Florence: It's official at Way of the Warrior, The Assassin's Guild will take on The Party Animals for the Blood Brothers championships, who's your pick to win Keefe?

O'Keefe: I got to go with the Assassin's Guild, they got that killer's edge that should give them the advantage over the those partying fools. What about you Melanie?

Florence: Well I've got to go with The Party Animals, they've already proven that they can beat a bigger team, I can see them surpassing the Assassin's Guild at Way of the Warrior.

O'Keefe: Well agree to disagree Melanie, but now it's time for our main event, will Sweetheart finally have one of her clients win tonight or will she end up using Highspot's number after tonight.

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King of Ireland Semifinal

"Captain Crash" Cain Carlile w/Liz Sweetheart vs "The Free Wheeling, Show Stealing" Johnny Highspot

The main event of the evening takes place as Carlile looks to redeem himself for leading his team to defeat last month. Both men spend the opening sequence dodging strikes, and performing counters. Highspot gets the advantage after catching Carlile out of a handspring elbow and turning it into a back suplex. Highspot would follow with a springboard moonsault for a close two count which would lead to Highspot berating the referee. This allowed Carlile to recover and nail Highspot with a dropkick. Carlile attempted to mock Highspot by climbing to the top rope and attempted a Frog Splash, but Highspot would get his knees up. Highspot would then take the cricket bat and use it as landing pad for Carlile as he drove him into it with a brainbuster, before climbing to the top rope. Not to be outdone by Rave or McAvatar, Highspot would climb to the top of the cage and perform his signature Frog Splash onto an empty canvas as Sweetheart's screaming, woke Carlile enough to move out of the way. Carlile would go to hit the Mark of Cain (Handspring Cutter) onto the cricket bat cash his ticket to the King of Ireland finals. Rating: 26

Show Rating: 31

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Spring Slam I Prediction Results


Prediction Results

Herrbear 4/9 44%

smw88 4/9 44%

Total Results

Herrbear 8/16 50%

Historian 6/7 86%

smw88 8/16 50%

Two shows with predictions, I have two people who predicted and both have an even 50%. I don't know if that's good or bad. This was also the first show where I realized that my product didn't penalize eye candy matches, which resulted in the best match ratings for IWW so far. Funny how looking at the product settings again can affect your show ratings. Well the tournaments are almost over and the first champions are to be crowned, I'll try to have the matchups for Way of the Warrior up in the next couple days. Hope everyone enjoyed the show, would love to hear any feedback or criticism to try and improve the experience.

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