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BCG: Lions of Puroresu

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Good show, enjoyed reading it. Very detailed match reports. Looks like you got some storyline ideas moving forward too which is crucial to a puro company and sometimes is hard to book without major angles. Main event had a good rating too!

This was a great, great show.

Nice show, Serene K is a favorite of mine (I like the render) so always good to see him get a win. Hopefully he can make a bit of an impact in the tag scene.

Thank you all. Having a blast with this!

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BCG TagMania 7 Press Conference Highlights





~ Yoshifusa Maeda proudly announced that BCG has reached a deal with Shogun TV to broadcast a video package of tour highlights in the evenings, starting with this tour for TagMania 7.


~ Mabuchi Furusawa praised Tanyu Tohusai for his toughness and said he would like to face him again once he's all healed up. BCG has decided to not include him and Razan Okamoto in the upcoming TagMania tour, however both men will be making appearances in the final show.


~ Reigning BCG World Tag Team champions Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura talked about how excited they are for this tour that puts tag team wrestling in the forefront, a division they are leading as holders of the tag belts.


~ The Tokyo Mountains were officially presented during the conference, alongside new signings Ryobe Uno (final graduate of the Golden Dojo), Desperado Dave Barker (who also wrestles in MAW as The Historian) and young lions Big Boss Emperor, Goro Hatamoto, Iron Hyodo, Noritaka Imakura and the unlikely Yuta Isono.


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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #2C2A2A; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";"></p><p>

<img alt="Mn4LzCY.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Mn4LzCY.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><div style="text-align:center;"></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>BCG TagMania 2020 - Night 1</strong></span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">, </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><em>Sun. W4 Jan. 2020</em></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><em>

Kyoto @ Kansai, Japan</em></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><em>

589 Fans</em></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:left;"><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>Pre-show</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

1. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>Roku Sotomura def. Takenori Doi (10m 02s)</strong></span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> by submission with a Twisted Bow And Arrow. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>[44]</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

2. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>The Tokyo Mountains def. Desperado Dave Barker and Yuta Isono (10m 11s)</strong></span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> when Shogo Awatari pinned Desperado Dave Barker with a Mountain Crush. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>[25]</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

3. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>Kubo & Ogata def. Iron Hyodo and Noritaka Imakura (10m 07s)</strong></span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> when Nobuyuki Kubo pinned Noritaka Imakura with a Running Knee Side-Swipe. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>[29]</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

4. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>Kisaka & Hosaka def. Big Boss Emperor and Goro Hatamoto (10m 12s)</strong></span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> when Ginji Kisaka pinned Goro Hatamoto with a Butterfly Powerbomb. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>[26]</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

</span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>Main Show</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

1. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>Yoriie Ippitsusai, Sharaku Okimasa, Mitsukuri & Kinoshita def. Sofu Ozawa, Ryobe Uno, Kadonomaro Kamisaka & Kiyotaka (10m 07s)</strong></span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> when Yoriie Ippitsusai pinned Sofu Ozawa with a Mafia Kick.</span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

2. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>Yoshisada Matsuzawa, Yokokawa & Sen def. Giant Brody and The American Cobras (15m 09s)</strong></span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> when Nobuharu Yokokawa submitted Giant Brody with a Stump Puller. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>[54]</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

3. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>SUKI, Miura & Yoshizawa def. Naozane Goto and Team Taku (15m 51s) </strong></span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">when Noritoshi Miura pinned Toshinobu Taku with a Storm Rider. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>[53]</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

4. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>The Wild Ones def. Dynamite Narahashi and Tanyu Toshusai (16m 17s) </strong></span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">when Animal Harker pinned Dynamite Narahashi with a Trash Compaction. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>[58]</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

- Strong start in the tour for the Wild Ones, who got the win over Narahashi and Toshusai. Big Bruiser Findlay continues his dominance after his Heritage over Blast Ikoma, while Animal Harker got back on the track after he got the pin over Narahashi.</span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

- SUKI continues to be on absolute fire, following Mabuchi Furusawa's injury and his own absence from Heritage. The former GCG star carried the semi main event and seems to be gearing up for big things in his immediate future.</span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

- The American Cobras impressed again with their performance, but the big story of that match was Giant Brody taking the fall, a rare instance for the big man.</span></p></div><p></p><p></div></p></div><p></p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Historian" data-cite="Historian" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="50750" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Some really interesting signings there. I'll be excited to see how several of them do.</div></blockquote><p> Speaking of which, <a href="http://greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2447237&postcount=3" rel="external nofollow">the roster post</a> on the first page has been updated to include the new signings, as well as people sliding up and down the card.</p>
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BCG TagMania 2020 - Night 2, Wed. W1 Feb. 2020

Nagoya @ Chubu, Japan

80 Fans



1. Kisaka & Hosaka def. Yuta Isono and Noritaka Imakura (9m 33s) when Ginji Kisaka pinned Noritaka Imakura with a Butterfly Powerbomb. [22]

2. The Tokyo Mountains def. Goro Hatamoto and Big Boss Emperor (10m 01s) when Shogo Awatari pinned Goro Hatamoto with a Mountain Crush. [25]

3. Kubo & Ogata def. Takenori Doi and Iron Hyodo (10m 11s) when Nobuyuki Kubo pinned Iron Hyodo with a Running Knee Side-Swipe. [23]


Main Show

1. Mitsukuri & Kinoshita def. Desperado Dave Barker and Ryobe Uno (10m 02s) when Koyo Kinoshita pinned Ryobe Uno with a Belly To Belly Suplex. [34]

2. Roku Sotomura and Ippitsusai & Okimasa def. Sofu Ozawa and Kamisaka & Kiyotaka (15m 39s) when Sharaku Okimasa submitted Sofu Ozawa with a Scorpion Deathlock. [42]

3. Dynamite Narahashi, Yokokawa & Sen def. Tanyu Toshusai and Team Taku (14m 54s) when Nobuharu Yokokawa submitted Yoshinaka Taku with a Stump Puller. [49]

4. Yoshisada Matsuzawa and The Wild Ones def. Naozane Goto and The American Cobras (15m 04s) when Yoshisada Matsuzawa pinned Marvel Malloy with a Double Arm DDT. [51]

5. Miura & Yoshizawa def. SUKI and Giant Brody (20m 23s) when Inejiro Yoshizawa pinned Giant Brody with The End Of The World. [53]


- BCG World Tag Team champions showcased their teamwork and experience to get the win over SUKI and Brody, proving that tag team wrestling is about more than the sum of a team's individual parts.


- Marvel Malloy and Storm Spillane continue to impress, this time teaming with the BCG Challengers Series champion Naozane Goto in a spectacular semi main event. Harker and Findlay brought the strength to match Goto's and ultimately it came down to Yoshizawa's shenanigans that momentarily distracted Malloy to create an opening for the Double Arm DDT and the pin.


- Puroresu is not a style for the weak and as such, injuries continue to plague BCG's roster. This time it was Takenori Doi who botched a shoulderbreaker. His unlucky victim was Yutaka Ogata, who left the ring under his own power however and is expected to continue working through the injury for the remainder of the tour.


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BCG TagMania 2020 - Night 3, Sat. W1 Feb. 2020

Okayama @ Chugoku, Japan

74 Fans



1. Big Boss Emperor and Iron Hyodo def. The Tokyo Mountains (9m 52s) when Iron Hyodo submitted Kawanari Enomoto with a Sleeper Hold. [24]

2. Ryobe Uno and Yuta Isono def. Kubo & Ogata (10m 27s) when Ryobe Uno submitted Nobuyuki Kubo with a Scorpion Deathlock. [25]

3. Kisaka & Hosaka def. Desperado Dave Barker and Noritaka Imakura (9m 59s) when Ikki Hosaka pinned Noritaka Imakura with a Tornado DDT. [22]


Main Show

1. Mitsukuri & Kinoshita def. Goro Hatamoto and Takenori Doi (9m 49s) when Koyo Kinoshita pinned Goro Hatamoto with a Belly To Belly Suplex. [36]

2. Roku Sotomura, Ippitsusai & Okimasa def. Yoshisada Matsuzawa, Kamisaka & Kiyotaka (16m 01s) when Sharaku Okimasa submitted Yoshisada Matsuzawa with a Scorpion Deathlock. [40]

3. Giant Brody and The American Cobras def. Dynamite Narahashi and Team Taku (14m 32s) when Giant Brody pinned Toshinobu Taku with a Single Handed Choke Slam. [43]

4. Naozane Goto, Miura & Yoshizawa def. Sofu Ozawa, Yokokawa & Sen (15m 05s) when Naozane Goto pinned Sofu Ozawa with a Goto Slam. [44]

5. The Wild Ones def. SUKI and Tanyu Toshusai (16m 08s) when Big Bruiser Findlay pinned Tanyu Toshusai with a Trash Compaction. [50]


- It was interesting to see SUKI and Toshusai forced to work together in the main event and what a spectacular failure it turned out to be. On top of the ongoing tension between them, apparently their very bodies refused to cooperate and their timing was all over the place, making it an easy win for the Wild Ones and giving the losing team a reason to argue, almost to blows, after the match.


- BCG Challengers Series champion Naozane Goto made another solid appearance, managing to hit respected veteran Sofu Ozawa with a Goto Slam to score a pinfall and continue his rising trajecotry in the company.


- A big appearance for the American Cobras, who not only won their match but showed they mean business, both thanks to Storm Spillane's muscular new look but also by coming out with their recently captured CZCW Tag Team titles, a message in light of the upcoming TagMania show.


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BCG TagMania 2020 - Night 4, Tue. W2 Feb. 2020

Takamatsu @ Shikoku, Japan

47 Fans



1. Takenori Doi def. Yuta Isono (9m 50s) by pinfall with a Charging Knee Strike. [32]

2. Kubo & Ogata def. Desperado Dave Barker and Noritaka Imakura (10m 19s) when Yutaka Ogata pinned Noritaka Imakura with a Double Arm DDT. [19]

3. Kisaka & Hosaka def. Goro Hatamoto and Iron Hyodo (9m 57s) when Ginji Kisaka pinned Iron Hyodo with a Butterfly Powerbomb. [23]


Main Show

1. Ryobe Uno and Mitsukuri & Kinoshita def. Big Boss Emperor and The Tokyo Mountains (10m 10s) when Ryobe Uno submitted Big Boss Emperor with a Scorpion Deathlock. [27]

2. Roku Sotomura, Ippitsusai & Okimasa def. Yoshisada Matsuzawa, Kamisaka & Kiyotaka (15m 44s) when Yoriie Ippitsusai pinned Yoshisada Matsuzawa with a Yakuza Kick. [38]

3. Sofu Ozawa, Yokokawa & Sen def. Naozane Goto and The American Cobras (15m 14s) when Nobuharu Yokokawa submitted Marvel Malloy with a Stump Puller. [48]

4. Giant Brody and The Wild Ones def. Tanyu Toshusai and Team Taku (15m 43s) when Giant Brody pinned Yoshinaka Taku with a Single Handed Choke Slam. [52]

5. Miura & Yoshizawa def. SUKI and Dynamite Narahashi (18m 28s) when Inejiro Yoshizawa pinned Dynamite Narahashi with The End Of The World. [46]


- Once again, the BCG World Tag Team champions triumphed over a simple pairing of two talented individuals. Despite the loss, SUKI really carried the main event and stole the show, proving he's a lot more than just a talented partner to Mabuchi Furusawa.


- Big Boss Emperor was given an opportunity to work a match on the main card but it seems he'll need a lot more seasoning before he can receive any more opportunities, as he dropped Ichiro Mitsukuri at an awkward standing angle that saw him limping and favoring one foot for the rest of the match.


- Desperado Dave Barker also sustained an injury in the form of a stinger, though he has no one to blame but himself for it. Information is yet vague on his status, but he is likely to miss out several dates in the future, which will be an upset so early in his tenure in Japan.


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BCG TagMania 2020 - Night 5, Thu. W2 Feb. 2020

Kobe @ Kansai, Japan

598 Fans



Big Boss Emperor def. local talent

1. The Tokyo Mountains def. Iron Hyodo and Noritaka Imakura (9m 31s) when Shogo Awatari pinned Iron Hyodo with a Mountain Crush. [25]

2. Takenori Doi and Goro Hatamoto def. Kisaka & Hosaka (10m 11s) when Takenori Doi pinned Ikki Hosaka with a Charging Knee Strike. [26]


Main Show

1. Ryobe Uno, Mitsukuri & Kinoshita def. Yuta Isono, Kubo & Ogata (10m 06s) when Ichiro Mitsukuri pinned Yutaka Ogata with a S.T.O.. [24]

2. Sofu Ozawa, Yokokawa & Sen def. Yoshisada Matsuzawa and The American Cobras (15m 02s) when Nobuharu Yokokawa submitted Storm Spillane with a Stump Puller. [51]

3. Tanyu Toshusai, Kamisaka & Kiyotaka def. Roku Sotomura, Ippitsusai & Okimasa (16m 20s) when Tanyu Toshusai pinned Yoriie Ippitsusai with a Dangerous Brainbuster. [57]

4. Giant Brody and Team Taku def. Naozane Goto, Miura & Yoshizawa (14m 38s) when Yoshinaka Taku pinned Naozane Goto with a Full Nelson Bomb. [58]

5. The Wild Ones def. SUKI and Dynamite Narahashi (18m 08s) when Animal Harker pinned Dynamite Narahashi with a Trash Compaction. [59]


- SUKI and Dynamite Narahashi teamed up again for the main event of the final tour night but once again failed to win the match, this time against Animal Harker and Big Bruiser Findlay who've had a really strong showing throughout the tour.


- Yoshinaka Taku was able to pin BCG Challengers Series champion Naozane Goto in the main event, a shock result that remains to be seen whether it will build up to a title match or whether it will be downplayed as a result do to it happening on a tour show and not on one of the big televised events.


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Fri. W3 Jan. 2020

Osaka Athletic Stadium @ Kansai, Japan

Event Card


Main Event

TagMania 7 Finals match

??? vs ???


TagMania 7 Semi-finals match B

??? vs ???


TagMania 7 Semi-finals match A

??? vs ???


TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match D

Yoriie Ippitsusai & Sharaku Okimasa vs The Wild Ones (Animal Harker & Big Bruiser Findlay)


TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match C

Team Taku vs Nobuharu Yokokawa & Sojuro Sen


TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match B

The American Cobras vs Kadonomaro Kamisaka & Kiyotaka


TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match A

Hanshiro Furusawa & SUKI vs Ichiro Mitsukuri & Koyo Kinoshita


Funakoshi, Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura vs Bunrakuken Torii, Razan Okamoto & Tanyu Toshusai


Opening match

Blast Ikoma, Rokuemon Matsushita, Naozane Goto, Ryobe Uno & Yuta Isono vs Dynamite Narahashi, Giant Brody, Roku Sotomura, Sofu Ozawa & Yoshisada Matsuzawa</div>

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Main Event

The American Cobras vs. Team Taku


Wild Ones vs. Team Taku



The American Cobras vs. Hanshiro Furusawa & SUKI


TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match D

Yoriie Ippitsusai & Sharaku Okimasa vs The Wild Ones (Animal Harker & Big Bruiser Findlay)

TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match C

Team Taku vs Nobuharu Yokokawa & Sojuro Sen


TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match B

The American Cobras vs Kadonomaro Kamisaka & Kiyotaka


TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match A

Hanshiro Furusawa & SUKI vs Ichiro Mitsukuri & Koyo Kinoshita


Funakoshi, Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura vs Bunrakuken Torii, Razan Okamoto & Tanyu Toshusai


Opening match

Blast Ikoma, Rokuemon Matsushita, Naozane Goto, Ryobe Uno & Yuta Isono vs Dynamite Narahashi, Giant Brody, Roku Sotomura, Sofu Ozawa & Yoshisada Matsuzawa





Great work so far. Not gonna lie this tourny is a toss up for me... there's so many options here. Im going with team Taku based off of the younger son being amazing (last time I remember).. Cobras are seriously so dope too and could take it imo. Love your work, great job.

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Main Event

TagMania 7 Finals match

Hanshiro Furusawa & SUKI vs ??? The Wild Ones (Animal Harker & Big Bruiser Findlay)


TagMania 7 Semi-finals match B

Team Taku vs ??? The Wild Ones (Animal Harker & Big Bruiser Findlay)


TagMania 7 Semi-finals match A

Hanshiro Furusawa & SUKI vs ??? Kadonomaro Kamisaka & Kiyotaka


TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match D

Yoriie Ippitsusai & Sharaku Okimasa vs The Wild Ones (Animal Harker & Big Bruiser Findlay)


TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match C

Team Taku vs Nobuharu Yokokawa & Sojuro Sen


TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match B

The American Cobras vs Kadonomaro Kamisaka & Kiyotaka


TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match A

Hanshiro Furusawa & SUKI vs Ichiro Mitsukuri & Koyo Kinoshita


Funakoshi, Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura vs Bunrakuken Torii, Razan Okamoto & Tanyu Toshusai


Opening match

Blast Ikoma, Rokuemon Matsushita, Naozane Goto, Ryobe Uno & Yuta Isono vs Dynamite Narahashi, Giant Brody, Roku Sotomura, Sofu Ozawa & Yoshisada Matsuzawa

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TagMania 7 Finals match

Hanshiro Furusawa & SUKI vs The Wild Ones (Animal Harker & Big Bruiser Findlay)


TagMania 7 Semi-finals match B

Team Taku vs The Wild Ones (Animal Harker & Big Bruiser Findlay)



TagMania 7 Semi-finals match A

Hanshiro Furusawa & SUKI vs The American Cobras


TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match D

Yoriie Ippitsusai & Sharaku Okimasa vs The Wild Ones (Animal Harker & Big Bruiser Findlay)


TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match C

Team Taku vs Nobuharu Yokokawa & Sojuro Sen


TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match B

The American Cobras vs Kadonomaro Kamisaka & Kiyotaka


TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match A

Hanshiro Furusawa & SUKI vs Ichiro Mitsukuri & Koyo Kinoshita


Funakoshi, Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura vs Bunrakuken Torii, Razan Okamoto & Tanyu Toshusai


Opening match

Blast Ikoma, Rokuemon Matsushita, Naozane Goto, Ryobe Uno & Yuta Isono vs Dynamite Narahashi, Giant Brody, Roku Sotomura, Sofu Ozawa & Yoshisada Matsuzawa

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Fri. W3 Jan. 2020

Osaka Athletic Stadium @ Kansai, Japan

Event Card


Main Event

TagMania 7 Finals match

Hanshiro Furusawa & SUKI[/b vs The Wild Ones


TagMania 7 Semi-finals match B

Team Taku vs The Wild Ones


TagMania 7 Semi-finals match A

Hanshiro Furusawa & SUKI[/bvs The American Cobras


TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match D

Yoriie Ippitsusai & Sharaku Okimasa vs The Wild Ones (Animal Harker & Big Bruiser Findlay)


TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match C

Team Taku vs Nobuharu Yokokawa & Sojuro Sen


TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match B

The American Cobras vs Kadonomaro Kamisaka & Kiyotaka


TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match A

Hanshiro Furusawa & SUKI vs Ichiro Mitsukuri & Koyo Kinoshita


Funakoshi, Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura vs Bunrakuken Torii, Razan Okamoto & Tanyu Toshusai


Opening match

Blast Ikoma, Rokuemon Matsushita, Naozane Goto, Ryobe Uno & Yuta Isono vs Dynamite Narahashi, Giant Brody, Roku Sotomura, Sofu Ozawa & Yoshisada Matsuzawa

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TagMania 7 Finals match

The American Cobras vs The Wild Ones (Animal Harker & Big Bruiser Findlay)


TagMania 7 Semi-finals match B

Team Taku vs The Wild Ones (Animal Harker & Big Bruiser Findlay)



TagMania 7 Semi-finals match A

Hanshiro Furusawa & SUKI vs The American Cobras


TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match D

Yoriie Ippitsusai & Sharaku Okimasa vs The Wild Ones (Animal Harker & Big Bruiser Findlay)


TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match C

Team Taku vs Nobuharu Yokokawa & Sojuro Sen


TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match B

The American Cobras vs Kadonomaro Kamisaka & Kiyotaka


TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match A

Hanshiro Furusawa & SUKI vs Ichiro Mitsukuri & Koyo Kinoshita


Funakoshi, Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura vs Bunrakuken Torii, Razan Okamoto & Tanyu Toshusai


Opening match

Blast Ikoma, Rokuemon Matsushita, Naozane Goto, Ryobe Uno & Yuta Isono vs Dynamite Narahashi, Giant Brody, Roku Sotomura, Sofu Ozawa & Yoshisada Matsuzawa

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="DarK_RaideR" data-cite="DarK_RaideR" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="50750" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Thank you everyone, for your support and predictions. Glad to see TagMania is shaping up to be more unpredictable than Heritage.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> But I got them right, surely? <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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Main Event

TagMania 7 Finals match

Hanshiro Furusawa & SUKI vs The Wild Ones (Animal Harker & Big Bruiser Findlay)


TagMania 7 Semi-finals match B

Team Taku vs The Wild Ones (Animal Harker & Big Bruiser Findlay)


TagMania 7 Semi-finals match A

The American Cobras vs Hanshiro Furusawa & SUKI


TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match D

Yoriie Ippitsusai & Sharaku Okimasa vs The Wild Ones (Animal Harker & Big Bruiser Findlay)


TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match C

Team Taku vs Nobuharu Yokokawa & Sojuro Sen


TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match B

The American Cobras vs Kadonomaro Kamisaka & Kiyotaka


TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match A

Hanshiro Furusawa & SUKI vs Ichiro Mitsukuri & Koyo Kinoshita


Funakoshi, Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura vs Bunrakuken Torii, Razan Okamoto & Tanyu Toshusai


Opening match

Blast Ikoma, Rokuemon Matsushita, Naozane Goto, Ryobe Uno & Yuta Isono vs Dynamite Narahashi, Giant Brody, Roku Sotomura, Sofu Ozawa & Yoshisada Matsuzawa

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I'm going a little different here so I wouldn't be surprise to do awful. I know Team Taku won't be the favourites as the Father must be very old now as he was often far into decline even in my 2016 saves, that said by now Yoshinaka must be ready for a big push.


Main Event

TagMania 7 Finals match

Team Taku vs American Cobra


TagMania 7 Semi-finals match B

Wild Ones vs Team Taku


TagMania 7 Semi-finals match A

SUKI & Furusawa vs American Cobra


TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match D

Yoriie Ippitsusai & Sharaku Okimasa vs The Wild Ones (Animal Harker & Big Bruiser Findlay)


TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match C

Team Taku vs Nobuharu Yokokawa & Sojuro Sen


TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match B

The American Cobras vs Kadonomaro Kamisaka & Kiyotaka


TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match A

Hanshiro Furusawa & SUKI vs Ichiro Mitsukuri & Koyo Kinoshita


Funakoshi, Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura vs Bunrakuken Torii, Razan Okamoto & Tanyu Toshusai


Opening match

Blast Ikoma, Rokuemon Matsushita, Naozane Goto, Ryobe Uno & Yuta Isono vs Dynamite Narahashi, Giant Brody, Roku Sotomura, Sofu Ozawa & Yoshisada Matsuzawa

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Main Event

TagMania 7 Finals match

Hanshiro Furusawa & Suki vs. The Wild Ones


TagMania 7 Semi-finals match B

Hanshiro Furusawa & SUKI vs. The American Cobras


TagMania 7 Semi-finals match A

Team Taku vs. The Wild Ones


TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match D

Yoriie Ippitsusai & Sharaku Okimasa vs The Wild Ones (Animal Harker & Big Bruiser Findlay)


TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match C

Team Taku vs Nobuharu Yokokawa & Sojuro Sen


TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match B

The American Cobras vs Kadonomaro Kamisaka & Kiyotaka


TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match A

Hanshiro Furusawa & SUKI vs Ichiro Mitsukuri & Koyo Kinoshita


Funakoshi, Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura vs Bunrakuken Torii, Razan Okamoto & Tanyu Toshusai


Opening match

Blast Ikoma, Rokuemon Matsushita, Naozane Goto, Ryobe Uno & Yuta Isono vs Dynamite Narahashi, Giant Brody, Roku Sotomura, Sofu Ozawa & Yoshisada Matsuzawa

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Sat. W2 Feb. 2020

Osaka @ Kansai, Japan

Rating: 60

Attendance: 4.427, Views: 48.357 (0.06 on Shogun TV)





Blast Ikoma, Rokuemon Matsushita, Naozane Goto, Ryobe Uno & Yuta Isono vs Dynamite Narahashi, Giant Brody, Roku Sotomura, Sofu Ozawa & Yoshisada Matsuzawa

The show kicked off with a classic multi man match to warm the crowd up as well as to give the singles wrestlers a reason to be on the card. Ikoma’s team had the size and power advantage thanks to its captain’s explosive style as well as thanks to the duo of Matsushita and Goto, who were only rivalled by Giant Brody on the opposite side. What Narahashi’s team had on their side was experience and technical prowess in Sotomura and Ozawa, which they used efficiently against their larger opponents and their more inexperienced rivals in Uno and Isono. Speaking of Yuta Isono, the cocky youngster was given a great opportunity to shine in a main card match featuring a lot of starpower and he made the best of it, including a spot where he hit his patented finisher which he calls the Isono Face Melter, a devastating looking move which involves him leaping up and putting both his knees into his opponent's face whilst grabbing his hands around the back of their head, then falling back into a flat-back bump to spike them face-first onto his knees. Sofu Ozawa, who was on its receiving end, sold it like it killed him but he also had the ring savvy to roll out of the ring with the move’s momentum and thus Isono couldn’t capitalize, only for the cheeky Matsuzawa to take advantage of the young lion’s momentary frustration to hook him in for a Double Arm DDT that led to the pinfall.


In a decent match, Dynamite Narahashi, Giant Brody, Roku Sotomura, Sofu Ozawa and Yoshisada Matsuzawa def. Blast Ikoma, Rokuemon Matsushita, Naozane Goto, Ryobe Uno and Yuta Isono in 10:05 when Yoshisada Matsuzawa pinned Yuta Isono with a Double Arm DDT. [41]





Funakoshi, Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura vs Bunrakuken Torii, Razan Okamoto & Tanyu Toshusai

Razan Okamoto’s return to action after suffering an injury at the hands of Funakoshi, this match felt personal on many levels as with Okamoto was also Bunrakuken Torii, who failed to defeat Funakoshi at Heritage for the BCG World title, as well as Tanyu Toshusai who was coming off a big victory over Mabuchi Furusawa. With the BCG World Tag Team champions on Funakoshi’s side, this match also had a lot of potential to set up a future title match so this added tension and drama on top of the participants’ personal conflicts and grudges. Torii jumped right into it with a series of strikes, picking up right from where he left off against Funakoshi and it took a moment for the BCG World champion to snap out of his initial surprise and fight back, creating just enough space to tag Inejiro Yoshizawa in. Okamoto also got the tag and the pace of the match picked up, but soon thanks to the teamwork of Yoshizawa and Miura, Okamoto found himself on the receiving end of a few double team moves that saw him trapped near his opponents’ corner. The trio seemed to focus on Okamoto’s damaged ribs and lower body, aiming for his sensitive region and trying to take away the foundation that would allow him to pull off most of his big moves, including his Brainbuster Suplex finisher. Okamoto sold his ass off for the opposition, including a nasty clipping low lariat behind his knee, but had the fighting spirit to make a comeback and barely tag in Toshusai as he was limping to his corner. Confident after his last big win, Toshusai requested that Funakoshi would be tagged in to face him and in a moment of “be careful what you wish for” he got his heart’s desire, only for the BCG World champion to out-chop him all the way to the ropes. Toshusai fought hard and while he refused to take the pin or tap out, he also couldn’t finish the job for his team. What he was able to do was get Funakoshi on his own team’s corner, quickly tagging in Torii who unleashed a flurry of knife edge chops and forearms on the cornered champion before passing the tag to Okamoto. Still limping, Razan mustered one last burst of energy as he picked Funakoshi up, screaming in pain under the weight and hitting a sloppy looking Brainbuster Suplex that looked like he actually collapsed after his one leg gave in. Grunting, Okamoto floated over for the cover and Referee Tawaraya made the three count, meaning that Razan Okamoto will be challenging Funakoshi for the BCG World title!


In a bout that had superb wrestling and great heat, Bunrakuken Torii, Razan Okamoto and Tanyu Toshusai def. Funakoshi and Miura & Yoshizawa in 15:58 when Razan Okamoto pinned Funakoshi with a Brainbuster Suplex. [59]


TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match A


Mabuchi Furusawa & SUKI vs Ichiro Mitsukuri & Koyo Kinoshita

In the opening match of the tournament, Furusawa and SUKI faced off against the young team of Mitsukuri and Kinoshita. Still nursing a shoulder injury, Furusawa came out heavily taped and that was obviously a big target for his younger opponents, both of which are notorious hard hitters to begin with. Mitsukuri is a more classic strong style striker while Kinoshita’s style is more reminiscent of old southern brawlers, but both presented a big obstacle for Furusawa straight out the gates as they aimed solely at his injured shoulder. After the opening exchange, SUKI talked his partner into playing it smart and get some rest, which is what happened. SUKI had to basically carry his team for most of the match, as well as lead his two younger opponents through the match but he did it well and was reward it for it with a win over Mitsukuri that sent his team to the next round.


In a decent match, Furusawa & SUKI def. Mitsukuri & Kinoshita in 9:40 when SUKI pinned Ichiro Mitsukuri with a Mountain SUKI. [48]


TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match B


The American Cobras vs Kadonomaro Kamisaka & Kiyotaka

Malloy and Spillane have been steadily and rapidly climbing the BCG ranks in 2020 and this was their first big test as a tag team, against a duo that held the BCG World Tag Team titles for the second half of 2019 before Yoshizawa & Miura recaptured them. Being a full time tag team unit, the Cobras had the upper hand over the occasional pairing of their individual opponents, but that’s not to say Kamisaka and Kiyotaka were pushovers. They both put on an excellent technical wrestling clinic back and forth against Storm Spillane until Marvel Malloy decided to take to the air for some super junior maneuvers. This was a perfect showcase of why such moves are considered “high risk, high reward” since at first they did catch the opposition by surprise but it only took one missed spot for Malloy to crash and burn before Kamisaka swarmed over to slip in the Triangle Choke and force him to submit. A good first showing for the American Cobras despite the loss in what was almost the show-stealing match of the night and a hard earned advance to the next round for Kamisaka and Kiyotaka.


In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Kamisaka & Kiyotaka def. The American Cobras in 10:03 when Kadonomaro Kamisaka submitted Marvel Malloy with a Triangle Choke. [65]


TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match C


Team Taku vs Nobuharu Yokokawa & Sojuro Sen

A solid matchup between two teams with two BCG World Tag Team title reigns each, this was a classic BCG bout: oldschool, hard hitting, technical and showcasing the participants’ rock solid foundations. Sojuro Sen was clearly in the mood to punish young Yoshi Taku after putting Suguru Emoto in his place at Heritage, but the family’s younger competitor wasn’t having any of it. After taking a bunch of Sen’s knife edge chops, Yoshinobu fought back with a few of his own and finished his offensive sequence with a spinebuster-style lift that drove Sen spine first onto the protective padding on the corner. Yokokawa tagged himself in and demanded a piece of the youngster, which he got, but then responded with a big headbutt that rocked Yoshinobu. Now at the helm, Yokokawa delivered some stiff punishment which he topped with a big vertical suplex, but Yoshi Taku no-sold it as he immediately got back up, screaming in a rush of adrenaline and warrior spirit before he caught the surprised Yokokawa with an explosive shoulder tackle. Taku hit the ropes to charge at Sen with a forearm smash that knocked him off the apron, the tagged in his father who worked the rest of the match against old acquaintances Sen and Yokokawa, before he hit the latter with a Gutwrench Tombstone for the pin.


In a decent match, Team Taku def. Yokokawa & Sen in 16:27 when Toshinobu Taku pinned Nobuharu Yokokawa with a Gutwrench Tombstone. [47]


TagMania 7 Quarter-finals match D


The Wild Ones vs Yoriie Ippitsusai & Sharaku Okimasa

In the last of the quarter final matches, the technically-oriented duo of Ippitsusai and Okimasa squared off against the brawling gaijin known as The Wild Ones. Animal Harker was off to a wild start as he caught Okimasa by surprise with his unpredictable yet hard hitting style, mauling the Japanese worker to the mat for a cover attempt that earned him a two count as Okimasa kicked out before three. Okimasa tagged Ippitsusai in and the wily veteran did a somewhat better job against Harker, taking several blows in order to lure him close enough so he could shoot for some grappling in order to take the fight down to the mat where he’s most comfortable. Unfortunately, Ippitsusai’s Mafia Kick finisher means he had to take things back onto a vertical base and as soon as he whipped Harker to the ropes so he could catch him on the rebound, Findlay reached his big long arm to force a tag. From that point on it was all Findlay as the Big Bruiser proved true to his moniker and beat Ippitsusai to almost an inch of his life, before tagging in Harker so the duo could deliver their tandem Trash Compaction finisher for the finale.


In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, The Wild Ones def. Ippitsusai & Okimasa in 10:15 when Animal Harker pinned Yoriie Ippitsusai with a Trash Compaction. [55]


TagMania 7 Semi-finals match A


Mabuchi Furusawa & SUKI vs Kadonomaro Kamisaka & Kiyotaka

Both teams entered this match already having paid a hefty toll in the previous rounds, Kamisaka & Kiyotaka wrestling a spectacular bout against the American Cobras while Furusawa still nursed a shoulder injury that was bound to be a detriment in such a gruelling long tournament and SUKI had pretty much wrestled a handicap 2 vs 1 match earlier. Every man sold the damage he was carrying from earlier in the night, a show of consistent storytelling, and as the match unfolded, it became painfully obvious that SUKI just couldn’t hope to repeat the same feat twice. Furusawa would have to stop playing it safe and put in more work. He did so, but at a great cost. With every move, it was clear the toll was great but Furusawa is not your average wrestler. In a great showcase of grittiness, determination and warrior spirit, he fought on and managed to get Kamisaka in the Furusawa Armbar, even if he was in as much pain as his victim. Kamisaka had to tap out and the team of Furusawa and SUKI advanced to the finals, though one would have to wonder at what cost and whether this effort would be something massively detrimental to Furusawa’s wrestling in the big final.


In a bout that had great wrestling and good heat, Furusawa & SUKI def. Kamisaka & Kiyotaka in 10:04 when Mabuchi Furusawa submitted Kadonomaro Kamisaka with a Furusawa Armbar. [63]


TagMania 7 Semi-finals match B


Team Taku vs The Wild Ones

Not as damaged as their counterparts in the other semi final match, the two teams delivered an exciting contest here, with Animal Harker and Toshinobu Taku doing most of the selling for their respective sides. Team Taku had the upper hand early in the match, with Toshi Taku using his experience to turn the tables on the impatient Harker and Yoshinaka Taku utilizing some crisp grappling to hold down the big man from Dallas, Texas. At one point he even lifted Harker up, hinting at a vertical suplex, then dropped him forward to crash face first onto the mat for a two count on the subsequent cover. For all his wild antics, Harker also had fighting fuel to spare in order to stay in the fight and he took a good amount of punishment before he was able to escape an attempt at a Gutwrench Suplex to tag Findlay in. Yoshi Taku requested the tag and got it, fearlessly chopping at Findlay in a real David vs Goliath situation, though the hits barely seemed to register with the bruiser from Cobb County, Georgia. Findlay responded by going straight into his Atomic Spinebuster finisher and instead of covering the young Taku, he dared his father to come in and get some. It took a while for Yoshinaka Taku to recover and make the tag, a time Findlay used well to draw heat from the crowd in anticipation of the tag, but as soon as Toshi Taku made it into the ropes, he too was hit with an Atomic Spinebuster and the match came to an abrupt end, with the Wild Ones punching their tickets to meet Furusawa and SUKI in the finals.


In a good match, The Wild Ones def. Team Taku in 10:04 when Big Bruiser Findlay pinned Toshinobu Taku with an Atomic Spinebuster. [59]



TagMania 7 finals match


Mabuchi Furusawa & SUKI vs The Wild Ones

Given Furusawa’s injury and SUKI’s exhaustion, this was literally the worst matchup they could hope for. However, it made for the promise of a potential big comeback from behind, an underdog victory tale, a Cinderella story against the bigger foreigners who had a much easier ride to the finals. Well aware of the setup, both sides apparently took their time to pace themselves and savour the moment, Furusawa and SUKI because they needed every second of recovery they could get, Harker and Findlay because they seemed to enjoy toying with their opponents and drawing the ire of the fans as they headed towards what they felt was their inevitable victory. The duo of ex-GCG grapplers, now apparently embraced as heroes and defenders by the fans, threw everything they had at Big Bruiser Findlay and he just laughed it off. It took tapping into their uncanny teamwork to hit him with a series of combination strikes in order to get him down to one knee so SUKI could hit the ropes for a dropkick straight into Findlay’s face. SUKI attempted an early cover but he never hooked the leg and Findlay just bench pressed him up and away with characteristic ease before the three count. Harker was tagged in and he got to work on SUKI, wearing down the already damaged fighter with strikes and the occasional slam but never managing to hold him down for a three count. Furusawa was nearly foaming at the mouth on the apron as he was waiting for the hot tag and he got it to come in like a house on fire, recklessly throwing his best shots at Harker and taking him down to the mat but he was never able to properly apply the Furusawa Armbar as his shoulder stung too bad for him to apply any proper force to the hold. Harker escaped and responded by yanking his opponents arm like he was trying to whip it out of its socket, a simple but highly effective move that nearly crippled Furusawa, whose arm was practically hanging limp for the remainder of the match. Findlay got tagged back in and he charged SUKI with a big boot that sent him flying off the apron and back first onto the barricade, effectively taking him out of the match for several minutes that allowed the Big Bruiser to damage Furusawa’s shoulder even further, before Harker joined him for the big Trash Compaction. Referee Tawaraya dropped to the mat and made the count, Furusawa just couldn’t remove the 300lb of Findlay on top of him and just like that, the Wild Ones won the match and TagMania 7.


In a bout that had superb wrestling and good heat, The Wild Ones def. Furusawa & SUKI in 16:13 when Big Bruiser Findlay pinned Mabuchi Furusawa with a Trash Compaction. Animal Harker and Big Bruiser Findlay win the BCG TagMania. [67]



<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #2C2A2A; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">Post show interviews and comments


Big Bruiser Findlay: "Everyone rushed to conclusions after the Wild Ones lost the tag titles last year. They wrote us off. But we never went away. Do not count us out. We proved it tonight, we'll prove it when we take back our tag team straps!"


Mabuchi Furusawa: "The odds were stacked against us, but we still made it to the finals with just a month or two together as a team and me carrying an injury. The Wild Ones were the better team tonight, but that's exactly it: tonight."


Razan Okamoto: "Funakoshi can break by ribs, bust my kneecap and snap my neck, I'll still come back to face him and take the BCG World title from him!"


Inejiro Yoshizawa: "It was a great tournament this year. The Wild Ones did great, they are deserving winners and we are looking forward to facing them for the gold."</div>

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BCG Fighting Spirit 2020 Press Conference Highlights




~ Razan Okamoto has once again been plagued by injury, as it was revealed that he seriously damaged his knee ligament during his TagMania match and will be unable to participate in the upcoming tour. His BCG World title match against Funakoshi, originally about to headline the Fighting Spirit event, has been moved to the Yoshifusa Maeda Grand Prix for a double main event.




~ With their newly won TagMania trophies at hand, the Wild Ones were anything but shy about their accomplishment and promised to "demolish" Yoshizawa & Miura when they meet at Fighting Spirit. The BCG World Tag Team champions responded in calm but fighting words and the four men almost came to blows, the incident ending with several security staff getting in the way to prevent a physical conflict.




~ With the ongoing injuries further depleting their roster, BCG decided to make a new round of hirings and had four rather impressive signings to unveil during the press conference in Masashi Urogataya, Morimasa Kato, Omezo Shikitei and Danjuro Kikuchi. Urogataya and Kikuchi are GCG alumni, while Kato is mainly known for his stint with INSPIRE. This is Omezo Shikitei's first ever run with a major promotion but he shares the technical grappling style of the other four signings, an indication that Maeda's group may be looking to slowly replace the old guard of technicians like Ozawa, Okimasa and Ippitsusai.



Shout out to BornToFail, only one who correctly predicted the Wild Ones winning TagMania!

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