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Magnolia State Wrestling

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Okay so my first attempt at a diary intitled: TNA On the Verge, failed. Not from anything I did. A friend of mine corrupted my file in an effort to create a game of his own. Don't know how he pulled that one off. So anyway, it opens the door to my new diary, one inwhich I have toiled with the idea for quite sometime. I'm starting as a local fed in the Southeast region. Mississippi Gulf Coast to be more specific. Biloxi, where I live, to be even more. The name of the federation is Magnolia State Wrestling, to begin with. If I can take them places the name will more than likely change as we reach out to more places. I'm starting off with 5% popularity in the southeast and zero for everywhere else. So here I go... [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"]BACKSTORY[/SIZE][/COLOR] August 29th thru August 31st 2005 will be forever remembered by the residents of the gulf coast from New Orleans, Louisiana to Mobile, Alabama. Maybe even the entire world for that matter. Those were the days inwhich the worst hurricane ever to hit the United States barrelled through the Mississippi/Louisiana state line leaving 75 billion dollars worth of damage to the gulf coast. As a resident of the coastal United States my entire life, I have been through my share of hurricanes. I've seen the destruction they can do first hand but nothing compared to when I drove along the streets of my hometown and could hardly recognize my surroundings. Neighborhoods inwhich I had been through, and had friends that lived there were leveled to the ground. Schools, the movie gallery I frequented, businesses, basically everything I knew were no longer standing. Most people take things for granted, like myself. The marine life on the beach, or the Beauvoir Manor, a few places I've never visited in my life and will never get a chance to visit because they are no longer there. I always thought I could go there anytime I wanted to so would always put it off. Thankfully my home only suffered roof damage. I wish I could say the same for hundreds of people that are still living in fema trailers and army tents. If there's one good thing I can take from all this is that we shouldn't take everything for granted, because who knows what tomorrow will bring. And to take advantage of this life by living it to the fullest. So wrestling my not be the grander scale of things when you take into consideration what all has happened. But if I can bring joy to someone for the short time they watch my show then that'll work just fine for me. So, here I am, living life to the fullest. Along with my brother Andrew and close friend Sef we open Magnolia State Wrestling, with only 20,000 dollars to start off with.
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[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]ROSTER[/COLOR][/SIZE] Aaron Royal Abdul Hanish Adam Windsor Alex Koslov Caprice Coleman (Amir Rashad in MSW) Andrew Hellman Ana Mosity Dr. Heresy (Biff Sanders in MSW) Bobby Clancy Brandon Thomaselli Bruce Steele (Willie Raynes) Bryce Benjamin Chase Del Monte Chris Steele Chrissy Rivera O.G. Scarface ('The Gothic Prince' Christopher Knight in MSW) Jenny Thomas Big Babi Slymm (Malik Saad in MSW) Oleg Prudius Shane Sewell Brett Matthews (Tad Sanders) Tyler Black Zokre Tag Teams: Biff and Tad Sanders - The All-Americans Tyler Black and Willie Raynes - My Immortal Also, I have one stable: The Islamic Brotherhood. Lead by Amir Rashad, along with his bodyguard and follower, Malik Saad and his manager Jenny. It's a religious group, followers of 'The Honorable' Elijiah Muhammad, and are managed by a white woman, Jenny who they treat like garbage. Just to let you know in case anyone is offended by some of the storylines and/or angles they are involved in. It is a sports entertainment federation, as I love the storyline aspect of wrestling (when it's good), but also in the style of TNA. With strong style workers along with smaller performers as top guys in the company. [U][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]MSW Presents: New Blood[/SIZE][/COLOR][/U] Our first show will feature a 8 man, one night tournament to crown our first Magnolia State Wrestling Heavyweight Champion. First round matches are: [I]'The Gothic Prince' Christopher Knight w/Ana Mosity vs Andrew Hellman[/I] [I]Abdul Hanish vs Shane Sewell[/I] [I]Brandon Thomaselli vs Chris Steele[/I] [I]Bobby Clancy vs Amir Rashad w/Jenny,Malik Saad[/I] Each winner will advance to the next round until a champion is crowned.
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[I] [U][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]NEW BLOOD[/SIZE][/I][/COLOR][/U] [I]The first show presented by Magnolia State Wrestling kicks off from The Point, located in Biloxi, Mississippi. The President of MSW hits the ring in front of the small crowd of rowdy fans, holding a black bag in his hand. Once in the ring he grabs and microphone. Royal welcomes everyone, and thanks them for being a part of this great moment in the gulf coast's history. Royal announces that tonight an eight man tournament will take place for the contents in his bag, inwhich he pulls out the new MSW World title. Since the name of the show is New Blood, he continued... In the final match of the night, the last two men in the tournament will fight eachother until one man is battered and bloody. Then and only then will the winner be crowned as the new Magnolia State Wrestling Heavyweight Champion. As Royal was about to continue he was interupted by three workers. Amir Rashad, along with his follower, Malik Saad, and their manager Jenny...also known as The Islamic Brotherhood. The three hit the ring, Amir Rashad snatches the microphone from Royal's hands and speaks. Rashad introduces himself and his partner, Malik Saad. He then talks about how in the South black men are considered to be boys. How a black man cannot succeed in Mississippi, muchless a company named after the most racist state in the United States. But that will all change tonight, he continues. He says that this crowd would love to see tonight, more than anything else, the blood of a successful black man covering the ring. But it won't happen, because tonight he will win the eight man tournament and be named the first MSW World Heavyweight champion. As a matter of fact...he tells Saad to grab the title from Royal. Saad does so, pushing Royal to the ground afterward. Rashad wants to give everyone a sneak peak and tells Saad to put the title around his waist. Rashad raises his arms and Malik straps the title on him. Rashad then has Jenny get on her knees and shine the belt. I bet it makes each one of you rednecks sick to your stomach to see a white woman serve under a black man. The crowd pops as Shane Sewell hit the ring ready to fight. Jenny escaped outside. Saad went after Sewell and was caught with a flurry of right hands before being clotheslined out the ring. Rashad cowardly takes the title of his waiste and leaves the ring. Sewell sees the belt on the ground and picks it up. He holds it high in the air towards The Islamic Brotherhood as they make their way to the back.[/I] [U][B] 'The Gothic Prince' Christopher Knight w/Ana Mosity vs Andrew Hellman (1st Round)[/B][/U] - Knight picked up the victory over Hellman and advances to the semifinals with a distraction from Ana Mosity. [I] After the match Christopher Knight grabs Ana and the two begin getting very sexual, making out and rubbing on eachother.[/I] [B][U]Abdul Hanish vs Shane Sewell (1st Round)[/U][/B] - Shane Sewell picked up the victory by pinfall to move into the semis with the Elbowdrop From Heaven. [I]Amir Rashad and Jenny hit the ring next, waiting for Rashad's first opponent in the tournament. Bobby Clancy begins making his way down to the ring when out of nowhere a huge Russian, Oleg Prudius, attacks. The 6'6 310lb Russian Bear easily dismantles Clancy as his manager Alex Koslov looks on in satisfaction. Koslov says that Oleg Prudius is the most in dustructable force in MSW, and deserves to be in the eight man tournament for the World title. Since he isn't he will unleash a path of destruction like no one has ever seen before until he gets his shot. And he is a very patient man. Koslov and Prudius exit. Trainers come out and help Clancy backstage. Amir Rashad advances by default.[/I] [I]The next match is between Brandon Thomaselli and Chris Steele. As the two men were in the ring Thomaselli grabs a mic before the start of the match. He taunts Chris Steele, wondering if it were some sort of joke that he was faced up against him in the first round. A Chris Benoit rip off...Brandon Thomaselli, as he so warmfully refers to himself will have no problem getting through this match and eventually winning the World title.[/I] [B][U]Chris Steele vs Brandon Thomaselli (1st Round)[/U][/B] - Chris Steele dominants the entire match and gets the pinfall with the TKO to advance to the semifinals. [U][B]'The Gothic Prince' Christopher Knight vs Shane Sewell (Semifinals)[/B][/U] - Shane Sewell defeats Christopher Knight by pinfall when Ana Mosity was accidentally knocked off the apron by Knight when Sewell reversed an irishwhip. Knight looked on as Ana was on the ground, turned around and was nailed with a superkick. Sewell advances to the finals. [I]The Islamic Brotherhood came out for Rashad's semifinal match. Rashad grabs a mic and demands his next opponent come out, so he can dispose of them as he did to Bobby Clancy earlier, on his way to becoming Champion.[/I] [B][U]Amir Rashad w/Jenny and Malik Saad vs Chris Steele (Semifinals)[/U][/B] - Rashad pulls it out and advances to the finals to face Sewell for the title. Only after getting alot of help from Jenny and Malik Saad. Jenny distracted the ref allowing for Saad to slide in the ring hitting Steele with a sidewalk slam. Rashad finished it off with a Thermal Shock for the 3 count. [I]After the match Rashad and Saad's attempt to continue the assualt on Chris Steele fails miserably. Steele is able to take both men out singlehandly. As Rashad and Saad retreat Steele grabs a mic and tells Saad since he wants to stick his nose in his business he wants a match with him at the next show. Rashad and Saad shake their heads 'no' as they exit the ringside area.[/I] [I]The lovely Chrissy Rivera came out to entertain the crowd and update the crowd on what has happened tonight (as if they didn't know already). As a kind of breather for the final two competitors. Chrissy starts teasing fans at ring as she starts to lift the back of her skirt...no, she says as she drops it back down to much dissappointment from the fans. Suddenly Abdul Hanish hits the ring. Angry about his lose earlier he grabs Chrissy by the back of her hair. He says that in his home country of Afganistan women don't disgrace themselves by flashing their bodies as entertainment. He then turns her around and delivers a powerful short-arm clothesline. Chrissy is laid out on the canvas as Hanish puts her in the camel clutch. After a few moments Hanish relinquishes the hold and leaves the ring. Chrissy does not make a single movement. [/I] [B][U]Amir Rashad vs Shane Sewell (Finals, World Title, 1st Blood)[/U][/B] - Amir Rashad is crowned the first MSW World Heavyweight Champion after a brutal match that saw alot of weapons and mayhem. Ending with Malik Saad grabbing a fans bottle of beer and giving it to Rashad who busts it upside Sewell head, instantly busting him open. [I]The show ends with Sewell laying in a puddle of his own blood as Amir Rashad celebrated with Malik and Jenny as the first ever Magnolia State Wrestling World Heavyweight Champion.[/I]
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[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]MSW News:[/COLOR][/SIZE] Our first show drew a mere 28 fans. On the positive note the show was considered a success as it had a final rating of E. With all F rated workers I have to be pleased. Match of the night was the first blood match between Amir Rashad and Shane Sewell, which saw Rashad take the MSW World title. It did a D rating. Brandon Thomaselli and Chris Steele didn't click and it made for an awkward match. Brian Johnson is a horrible referee. But I plan on keeping him around, hopefully he will develop nicely. The Abdul Hanish attack on Chrissy Rivera segment was the highest rated interview/angle segment of the show pulling in a D. Next Month: [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]Chaos on the Coast[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [B]Preview:[/B] [I]Amir Rashad walked away New Blood as the World Heavyweight Champion. After his behavoir towards the President Aaron Royal, Royal has put Rashad on notice that he will be defending his World title, but against who? Same goes for Malik Saad, who Chris Steele issued a challenge for a match against. Saad of course declined, Royal wants Saad at the show, boots in hand. After Oleg Prudius' brutal attack on Bobby Clancy he will be out of action for several months. Oleg, on the other hand has requested a match at Chaos on the Coast. Also, a Cruiserweight Champion will be crowned in a triple threat match between Brandon Thomaselli vs Chase Del Monte vs Bryce Benjamin. Plus, The All-Americans vs My Immortal in tag team action. [/I]
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  • 2 weeks later...
[FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]Chaos on the Coast[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [I]Chaos on the Coast starts off with the ring announcer Chrissy Rivera making her way down to the ring. She is wearing a neckbrace and is visibly shaking up after her attack at the hands of Abdul Hanish at New Blood. She grabs a microphone and announces the new Magnolia State Wrestling World Heavyweight Champion, Amir Rashad. [/I] [I]Out come the Islamic Brotherhood, as they make their way down to ringside. Both Rashad and Saad in black suits and hats typically worn by followers. Jenny follows behind carrying Rashad's MSW World title. They enter the ring to a chorus of boos, as Amir takes the microphone from Chrissy. He begins to talk about what a proud day it was for himself, as well as the huge step forward the south has taken with his title victory last month at New Blood. Also, not only will he live up, but will far exceed the standards that the company, as well as the fans have set for him as World Heavyweight Champion. And with his holding of the title, will elevate the south as a whole. The President Aaron Royal comes out and interupts him. He tells Rashad that his actions at New Blood towards him will not go unpunished. You don't put your hands on the boss and expect not to face the reprecussions. So, tonight, Amir Rashad will defend the World Heavyweight Title against Davey Richards. As for Malik Saad, Chris Steele will get his match with him tonight. As a matter of fact...Right Now! [/I] [B][U]Chris Steele vs Malik Saad[/U][/B] Chris Steele over Malik Saad by disqualification when Amir Rashad involves himself in the match. The Islamic Brotherhood retreat to the back as Steele gives chase. [I]The brothers Biff and Tad Sanders hit the ring ready for their next match against My Immortal. Tad grabs a microphone and begins to taunt My Immortal. Insulting their heavymetal lifestyle, talking about the clothes they wear, and trashing the music they listen to. Grunge died along time ago...Before he could finish Willie Raynes and Tyler Black (My Immortal) hit the ring and shut him up with a right hand to the face. [/I] [B][U]All-Americans vs My Immortal[/U][/B] All-Americans over My Immortal after Biff Sanders hit Tyler Black with brass knuckles while the referee was distracted by Tad and Willie fighting on the outside. [I]Chrissy Rivera announced the next match, which included her attacker Abdul Hanish taking on Andy Sumner. Hanish made his way to the ring as the crowd boos. He gets inside and glares at Chrissy, who is still visibly shaken over the attack. Hanish senses her fear and begins circling the ring, as if he were stalking his prey. Chrissy quickly slips out the ring and out of harms way.[/I] [B][U]Andy Sumner vs Abdul Hanish[/U][/B] Abdul Hanish over Andy Sumner via submission from a camel clutch. [I]After the match Chrissy announces Hanish the winner. Abdul then exits the ring and goes after Chrissy who runs to the back followed by Hanish. [/I] [I]Next came 'The Russian Bear' Oleg Prudius with his manager Alex Koslov. Koslov says that at New Blood Bobby Clancy was a casuality simply because Oleg was not involved in the World Title tournament. And starting tonight will unleash a path of destruction that can only be stopped by receiving what is rightfully his..A shot at the World Heavyweight Title. [/I] [B][U]Oleg Prudius vs Jon Bolen[/U][/B] Oleg Prudius squashes Jon Bolen and gets the pinfall via a powerbomb. [B][U]Chase Del Monte vs Bryce Benjamin vs Brandon Thomaselli (Cruiserweight Title) [/U][/B] Chase Del Monte becomes the first MSW Cruiserweight Champion when he defeats Bryce Benjamin with a Diamond Cutter. [I]After the match Chase is awarded the Cruiserweight title and celebrates with the fans in the audience. [/I] [B][U]Amir Rashad vs Davey Richards (MSW World Heavyweight Championship)[/U][/B] Amir Rashad defeats Davey Richards to retain his World title after an assist from his manager Jenny. [I]The Islamic Brotherhood celebrate in the ring. Amir Rashad holds the World Heavyweight Title high on the middle rope, much to the fans displeasure. Saad looks on unaware of Shane Sewell's presence behind him in the ring. He turns around and is met with a superkick from Sewell. Saad rolls out of the ring as Rashad sets down from the corner, he turns and meets the same fate as Saad. Sewell then looks down at Rashad's fallen body and picks up the World title. His eyes fixated on the belt as the show finishes up.[/I]
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[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]MSW News:[/COLOR][/SIZE] Chaos on the Coast drew 33 fans to the show. Overall show rating was E, a success. Highest rated segment of the night was Shane Sewell confronting The Islamic Brotherhood at the end of the Amir Rashad/Davey Richards World Title match, it drew a D rating. New Signings: Sonny Siaki, Shawn Morgan, Preston James (Preston Atwood in MSW), and Kenny Omega (Achilles in MSW). Next Month: [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"][FONT="Impact"]Choas on the Coast[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]preview:[/B] [I]Shane Sewell will get his hands on Amir Rashad one more time, as he will team up with Chris Steele to take on Rashad and Malik Saad in a tag team match. [/I] [I]Chase Del Monte, fresh off of his Cruiserweight title victory makes his first defense when he takes on the high flying Zokre. Also, Abdul Hanish has been terrorizing ring announcer Chrissy Rivera as of late. Chrissy has let it be known that she has found an opponent for Hanish for the next Chaos on the Coast. Plus, Tyler Black goes one on one with Biff Sanders. 'The Russian Bear' Oleg Prudius in action, along with the in-ring debut of Sonny Siaki.[/I]
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[FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]Chaos on the Coast[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [I]The President of Magnolia State Wrestling Aaron Royal hits the ring to kick off the second edition of Chaos on the Coast. He grabs a microphone and thanks the fans for coming. He tells us what he has instore for us tonight; including Chase Del Monte making his first title defense against the High Flying Zokre, the in-ring debut of Sonny Siaki, as well as the main event. Inwhich we'll see The Islamic Brotherhood, Amir Rashad and Malik Saad take on Chris Steele and Shane Sewell in tag team action. Royal is interupted by the Islamic Brotherhood's music as Rashad and Saad, accompanied by Jenny make their way ringside. Rashad snatches the microphone from Royal's hand and begins a rant about how Royal has been against them from day one, based on the color of their skin as well as the religious beliefs. Just as each and every white man in attandance looks down at them. But not anymore... Royal is terrified as Malik Saad jerks him off his feet by his collar. A huge pop from the crowd diverts Saad's attention as Chris Steele and Shane Sewell slide into the ring. Saad throws Royal across the ring and engages Steele as both men hit eachother with a series of right hands. On the other side Sewell whales away at Rashad in the corner. Rashad bails leaving Saad to be doubled team, and eventually tossed out of the ring by Steele and Sewell.[/I] [B][U]Biff Sanders vs Tyler Black[/U][/B] Tyler requested this match after Biff Sanders used a pair of brass knuckles to pin Black in their tag team match last month. Biff Sanders once again gets a pinfall over Black using the same underhanded tatics as last time these two met. [I]After the match Tad Sanders and Willie Raynes get involved leading to both teams having a wild brawl around the ringside area before fighting all the way to the back with neither team getting an upperhand. [/I] [B][U]Sonny Siaki vs 'The Gothic Prince' Christopher Knight w/Anna Mosity[/U][/B] Sonny Siaki defeats Christopher Knight in his MSW debut via pinfall with the Siakalypse Now. [I]Sonny Siaki makes his way to the back as Christopher Knight is still out on the canvas. Knight begins to lift up, though still out of it. Anna Mosity comes to the aid of her man then to much shock from the fans in attendance, punches a hole in her arm with a needle allowing Knight to lick the blood from her arm. [/I] [I] Abdul Hanish came down to the ring next as it is rumored Chrissy Rivera has found someone to face him in order to stop the terrorizing she has received at the hands of Hanish. Chrissy then stop at the entrance and revealed Davey Richards as Abdul's opponent. [/I] [B][U]Abdul Hanish vs Davey Richards[/U][/B] Davey Richards defeats Abdul Hanish by count out when Hanish quits the match after being totally dominanted by his opponent. [I]Abdul Hanish tried to exit the ring area as the crowd booed in displeasure of how the match ended. As he was walking down the aisle, still facing the ring at Davey Richards, Chrissy spins Hanish around and slaps him as hard as she can across the face. Hanish then picks her up and takes her away, she struggles to no avail. Davey Richards gets out of the ring and hurries after them.[/I] [B][U]Oleg Prudius vs Shawn Morgan[/U][/B] Prudius gets another pinfall victory via a powerbomb after squashing Morgan. [I]After the match Prudius' manager Alex Koslov got on the microphone and directed 'The Russian Bear' to dismantle Morgan. Prudius complies as he hits not one but two more powerbombs the locking in a back shattering bear hug. All the time Koslov is on the mic shouting at orders. Prudius mercilessly slams Shawn Morgan's limp body to the canvas. Koslov raises Prudius' arm as the stand over Morgan's fallen body and announces Oleg as the future of Magnolia State Wrestling. [/I] [B][U]Chase Del Monte vs Zokre (Cruiserweight Title)[/U][/B] Chase Del Monte gets the pinfall with a frog splash as he successfully makes Cruiserweight title defense number one. [I]As Chase celebrated his victory in the ring Brandon Thomaselli comes out of nowhere and hits him from behind with a steel chair. Del Monte crashes to the mat and Thomaselli delivers three chairshots to Chase's knee. Chase rolls around the canvas in pain as Brandon unfolds the chair, positioning it over Del Monte's throat. With Chase laying under the chair Thomaselli sits backwards on the chair, tilting the himself and the chair forward using it to choke his opponent. Officials run down to the ring and pull Thomaselli off before anymore damage is done. [/I] [B][U]Chris Steele and Shane Sewell vs The Islamic Brotherhood (Amir Rashad and Malik Saad)[/U][/B] Shane Sewell hits Amir Rashad with the Elbow From Heaven to get the pinfall and victory for his team. [I]The show ends with Sewell and Steele celebrating as Malik Saad helps Amir Rashad to the back.[/I]
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