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How have you booked the return of Lobster Warrior?

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I haven't in 2020 and I'm not a fan of the Lobster Warrior gimmick. But I have done it in previous editions. Simply put Brandon James (doesn't have to be him but he is who I chose) beats him in a "Lobster Warrior character must retire if he loses" match. Morrisette comes back as another character (I used "Anonymous" when I did it). He and his merry band of misfit heroes make life miserable for the Chase Agency until Anonymous gets his match to reinstate Lobster Warrior (character vs career). And yes, he wins. Although losing would be cool too.


I also repackaged Lobster Warrior as Lobby, not a superhero but just a crazy comedic fellow. There was no real storyline behind it as I recall.

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While it's not set by default, I know everyone had booked this angle like me. How did you all do it? :)


Not a huge fan of the gimmick, but if I did it, it would be by having "The Crippler" feud with a young failed push guy and then have him break the dude's hands. Then he could add insult the next night in the rematch by making him take the "Lobster Warrior" gimmick for a night.(he'd wrestle with the gloves to cover his hands) The joke would be on him, he'd run with it as a comedy guy, Lobster Warrior Jr. is born.

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