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The New Attitude: Ruthless Aggression (January 2004)

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It is January 2004. The WWE has been in its brand split for a little over 18 months now. This new era of sports entertainment has been in full swing in that time. As the calendar turns to a new year, this era of wrestling has had its ups and downs, and the journey shall continue with the same. While Raw is dominated by Triple H and his Evolution stable, young talents have been stealing the show on Smackdown week after week. There is hunger. There is drive.


There is Ruthless Aggression.


Raw Roster

Al Snow (Heat Commentator)

Arn Anderson (Agent)


Booker T

Bubba Ray Dudley

Chad Patton (Referee)

Chris Jericho


Christopher Nowinski [injured]

Dave Hebner (Agent)

D-Von Dudley

Earl Hebner (Referee)

Eric Bischoff (GM)

Gail Kim

Garrison Cade

Gerald Brisco (Agent)


Jack Doan (Referee)

Jack Lanza (Agent)



Jerry Lawler (Raw Commentator)

Jim Ross (Raw Commentator)

Jon Heidenreich

Jonathan Coachman (Personality)


Lance Storm

Lillian Garcia (Personality)


Mark Henry

Mark Jindrak

Matt Hardy


Mick Foley

Mike Chioda (Referee)

Miss Jackie

Molly Holly

Pat Patterson (Agent)

Randy Orton

Rene Dupree

Ric Flair (Manages Randy Orton, Batista & Triple H)


Rob Conway

Rob Van Dam

Rodney Mack [injured]


Scott Steiner

Sgt Slaughter (Agent)

Shawn Michaels

Spike Dudley

Stacy Keibler [Personality]

Steve Austin [Personality]

Steve Lombardi (Agent)

Steven Richards

Sylvain Grenier (Injured)


The Hurricane

The Rock

Theodore Long (Manages Rodney Mack & Mark Henry)

Tony Garea (Agent)

Tony Schiavone (Heat Announcer)

Triple H

Trish Stratus

Val Venis


William Regal (Injured)


World Heavyweight Champion: Triple H

WWE Intercontinental Champion: Randy Orton

World Tag Team Champions: Ric Flair & Batista

WWE Women's Champion: Lita

- Molly Holly


Smackdown Roster



Bill DeMott (Velocity Commentator)

Billy Gunn

Billy Kidman


Brian Hebner (Referee)

Brock Lesnar

Bruce Prichard (Agent)

Charles Robinson (Referee)

Charlie Haas

Chavo Guerrero

Chris Benoit

Chuck Palumbo

Danny Basham

Dave Finlay (Agent)

Dean Malenko (Agent)

Doug Basham

Eddie Guerrero

Edge [injured]

Ernest Miller


Hardcore Holly

Harvey Wippleman (Personality)

Jamie Noble

Jimmy Korderas (Referee)

John Cena

Johnny Stamboli

Josh Matthews (Velocity Commentator)

Kanyon [injured]

Kurt Angle

Michael Cole (Smackdown Commentator)

Michael Hayes (Agent)

Nick Patrick (Referee)

Nidia (Manages Jamie Noble)


Orlando Jordan

Paul Heyman (GM)

Paul London

Rey Mysterio



Ron Simmons

Scotty 2 Hotty

Shannon Moore

Shelton Benjamin



Tazz (Smackdown Commentator)

The Big Show

The Undertaker

Tim White (Referee)

Tony Chimel (Personality)

Torrie Wilson (Personality)

Ultimo Dragon

Zach Gowen (Injured)


WWE Champion: Brock Lesnar

WWE United States Champion: The Big Show

WWE Tag Team Champions: The Basham Brothers (Doug & Danny Basham)

WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Ultimo Dragon

- Rey Mysterio


Ohio Valley Wrestling Developmental Talents

Aaron Stevens


Alexis Laree

Allison Danger

Antonio Banks

Beth Phoenix

Bobby Roode

Brent Albright

Bryan Danielson

Carly Colon

Cheerleader Melissa

Chris Cage

Chris Hero

Chris Masters

Claudio Castagnoli

CM Punk

Colt Cabana

Ivory (Working)

Joey Matthews

John Hennigan

Johnny Jeter

Johnny Kashmere

Ken Anderson

Kevin Steen


Luther Reigns

Mark Magnus

Matt Cappotelli

Matt Morgan

Mike Mizanin

Nick Dinsmore

Nikita Fink


Samoa Joe

Sara Del Ray

Sean O'Haire


Sonny Siaki

Tank Toland

Tommy Dreamer (Working)

Travis Bane

Trent Acid

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Raw & Smackdown Preview

This week on Monday Night Raw, Eric Bischoff has decided to institute a "State of Raw" address to kick off the New Year, no doubt spurred on by the arrival of the new "sheriff" in town in Stone Cold Steve Austin. Bischoff has promised to make several bold announcements, though what he has to say is anyone's guess.


In addition, Evolution is riding high on top of the wrestling world, holding all the titles on Raw simultaneously. What will the world champion's reaction be to the various challenges he faces, mostly from his old nemesis Shawn Michaels and Goldberg? Will Mick Foley show up to challenge the young upstart Randy Orton?


Plus, the Women's Title will be on the line as Molly Holly will defend against Lita. All this and more on Monday Night Raw!


This week on Paul Heyman's Smackdown, the General Manager has promised us a Night of Champions. Not that there will be championship matches per se, but that every single champion will compete in non-title affairs. This will all be headlined by the Next Big Thing Brock Lesnar, facing the man he almost ended the career of several months earlier in Hardcore Holly. Plus, it will be champion vs champion as US Title holder The Big Show will face Cruiserweight Champion Rey Mysterio. In the only true title defense of the night, the Basham Brothers will put the WWE Tag Team Titles on the line against the APA. All this and more on Paul Heyman's Smackdown.

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Monday Night Raw

Week 1, January 2004

Cleveland, Ohio


We open Monday Night Raw with Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler welcoming us to the flagship show of sports entertainment for the first time in 2004. They run down the briefly known card for the night, as a six-man tag team match will take place, featuring three members of Evolution against RVD and the Dudley Boyz. They also point out that Molly Holly will defend her women's title against Lita tonight.


The rundown is interrupted by Raw General Manager Eric Bischoff, who comes down to give his State of the WWE address. Bischoff thanks the fans and himself (mostly himself) for the current state of Monday Night Raw, saying that the brand has never been stronger. He laments that now he has to deal with a new Sheriff in "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, but that is a minor quibbling point overall. Bischoff is interrupted however by "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels, who tells him that the right way to kick off 2004 would be to have a World Heavyweight Championship match right here tonight. Bischoff considers it, but before he can answer Goldberg comes down to ring side. The former champion says that he was screwed out of the title in December, and that he is demanding his rematch for the gold. Michaels and Goldberg come nose to nose, when Evolution arrives on the apron, namely Triple H and Ric Flair. Hunter tells the both of them that neither one deserves a shot at his gold, and that he was planning on kicking back and taking the night off. Bischoff is inclined to agree with Triple H, and rules that he won't be defending the title here tonight. Austin comes on the Titantron and chimes in, saying he can't overrule Bischoff's ruling, but he can make a match tonight and at the Royal Rumble. He says that in tonight's main event, Goldberg and Shawn Michaels will go one on one, with the winner receiving a World Heavyweight Title Shot at the Royal Rumble. Triple H appears angered by this as Michaels and Goldberg just stare menacingly at each other.


Match #1: Booker T vs. "The World's Strongest Man" Mark Henry w/Teddy Long

Before the match even starts, Teddy Long offers Booker T the chance to join Thuggin and Buggin Enterprises, but Booker flat out refuses to the delight of the crowd. Mark Henry attempts to get the jump on the 5-Time former WCW Champion, and utilizes his strength to keep the match slower paced. However Booker is able to rally back after Henry misses a Big Splash. Booker uses kicks to keep the World's Strongest Man on the ground before delivering a Scissor Kick to pick up the win.

Winner by Pinfall: Booker T


Backstage, Kane is giving an interview with Johnathan Coachman. Kane says that 2004 will be his year, now that he no longer has to dwell in the shadow of his brother the Undertaker. When Coachman asks him what may happen if the Undertaker returns, Kane nearly flips out, telling him the Undertaker is dead and buried and never coming back!


We come back from commercial, as Eric Bischoff is speaking on the phone with someone. He is interrupted by Chris Jericho who asks him if this is a bad time. Bischoff says no, and Chris explains that he is still owed a favor from the Survivor Series the previous year. He tells Eric that he has heard about the structure of the Royal Rumble event this year, saying that Raw and Smackdown stars will alternate with Raw superstars occupying the even numbered slots in the Rumble. After Eric confirms this, Jericho says he is cashing in his favor, demanding the #30 spot in the Rumble. Eric tells him it's a deal.


Match #2: WWE Women's Title Match: Molly Holly © vs. Lita

The Women's Title match is up next, and former champion Lita puts on a clinic against the current champion Molly Holly. Both women utilize a surprising amount of high-flying moves (particularly from the champion) and seem to successfully amaze the crowd who are not used to the display of the Women's Division. Molly seems to have the match won after a huge top rope superplex, but she delays going for the cover long enough for Lita to kick out at two. Molly attempts the Molly-Go-Round to finish off the challenger, but Lita catches Molly and powerbombs her into the turnbuckle, knocking the wind out of her and allowing Lita to climb to the top rope and hit the Moonsault for the victory and the title win.

Winner by Pinfall and NEW WWE Women's Champion: Lita


As we come back from break, Lita is still celebrating backstage as she is approached by Trish Stratus, who congratulates her. Trish asks for a title match the following week on Raw, and Lita briefly contemplates, before accepting her handshake.


We come back to Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler, as JR explains that he recently had a chance to sit down and discuss things with the Hardcore Legend Mick Foley. Their interview will air next week on Raw, as Foley will answer the allegations of "cowardice" levied against him by Intercontinental Champion Randy Orton.


Match #3: "Nature Boy" Ric Flair, Batista & Randy Orton vs. Rob Van Dam, Bubba Ray Dudley & D-Von Dudley

RVD and the Dudleys had bones to pick with Evolution certainly, as each was gunning for their respective titles. Evolution used their own teamwork to their advantage, using fresh tags to keep D-Von Dudley isolated for much of the match as they worked him over. Bubba did manage a tag at one point, only for the referee to not see it and be distracted long enough for a 3-on-1 on D-Von. Eventually RVD tagged in and, along with Bubba, cleaned house as the referee lost control of the match. Bubba and D-Von hit the "WHazzup" move on Orton, afterwards RVD hit the 5-Star Frogsplash. However Orton was not the legal man, Flair was, and in the confusion Batista hit RVD with a Batista Bomb to take him out. Bubba managed to get a blind tag onto RVD as Batista tossed him out of the ring. Batista showboated on the outside long enough for the unaware Nature Boy to be caught by a 3-D and pinned by the Dudleys, scoring an upset over the champions.

Winners by Pinfall: Rob Van Dam & The Dudley Boyz


Backstage, Triple H approaches Sheriff Austin. Hunter says he doesn't appreciate Austin trying to throw his weight around, reminding him he's not the General Manager and he can't act like it anymore. He also reminds Steve that as long as he's not physically provoked, then Austin can't lay a hand on him. Austin admits that is all true, but as the sheriff he can still make matches if he sees fit. For example, since the Dudley Boyz just pinned the tag team champions, as far as Austin is concerned that makes them the #1 contenders, and that at the Royal Rumble, Flair & Batista will defend the World Tag Team Titles against them.


Match #4: Royal Rumble Qualifying Match: Scott Steiner w/Test vs. Heidenreich

The veteran Steiner had a surprisingly difficult time with the large rookie Heidenreich, as both men attempted to qualify for the Royal Rumble match. The big man, though clunky in the ring, was able to take the punishing suplexes from Big Poppa Pump and keep kicking out at 2. In the end, Test became involved and hit a big boot on Heidenreich, knocking him down long enough for Steiner to lock him in the Steiner Recliner and score a submission victory.

Winner by Submission: Scott Steiner


Match #5: Royal Rumble Qualifying Match: Christian vs. Maven

The young upstart Maven had his hands full with Christian, as both men also attempted to qualify for the Royal Rumble. Maven was game competition for the veteran, using quick reflexes and several dropkicks to get the upper hand. However Maven's lack of experience showed as well, as Christian was able to lure him into a false sense of security, before decking him with a low blow while the referee was distracted by a quick run-in by Christian's BFF Chris Jericho, allowing Christian to hit the Killswitch and score the victory.

Winner by Pinfall: Christian


Before break, we see Goldberg getting ready for his match with Shawn Michaels, which is coming up next. After we return, we see a vignette for the Royal Rumble, promising us surprise returns for the big match as the Road to Wrestlemania begins.


Match #6: #1 Contenders Match: "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels vs. Goldberg

In a repeat of their dream encounter back in October, Goldberg attempted to end the match early with a Spear to Shawn Michaels, only for the wily veteran to move out of the way and cause Goldberg to drive his shoulder into the post. Michaels worked over Goldberg's arm, though he found that Goldberg's power wasn't greatly affected by the injured arm, as he was still able to hit several power moves against HBK. Eventually Goldberg did manage to deliver the Spear to Michaels, but was delayed by his injured arm in going for the Jackhammer. As soon as he got Michaels up, HBK was able to worm his way out of the suplex portion of the move and land on his feet. Michaels then hit Goldberg with Sweet Chin Music to knock him to the ground. This only netted a two count, forcing Michaels to go to the top for a top rope elbow and to try another Sweet Chin Music. Goldberg ducked under the kick and grabbed Michaels in a headlock, however Michaels jumped over the top rope, using it as a slingshot to hangman Goldberg over it. Michaels quickly jumped to the top and hit a top rope moonsault, catching Goldberg off guard and scoring the pinfall to become #1 contender.

Winner by Pinfall: "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels


After the match, though, Evolution came to ringside and attacked both competitors, with Triple H nailing both of them with a Pedigree. Hunter stood tall over Michaels, holding the World Title above his head to end the show.



Sunday Night Heat Results

Val Venis d. Mark Jindrak

Steven Richards d. A Local Competitor

Les Resistance d. The Hurricane & Rosey

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We begin Thursday Night Smackdown with Michael Cole and Tazz running down what promises to be a "Night of Champions." The WWE Tag Team Titles will be on the line, the United States and Cruiserweight Champions will meet in a Champion vs. Champion match and in the main event, WWE Champion Brock Lesnar will face the man he nearly ended the career of in Hardcore Holly in a non-title match. But we begin with a 6-Pack Challenge to determine the #1 contender to the cruiserweight title overall.


Match #1: 6-Pack Challenge (Winner receives a Cruiserweight Title Match Next Week: Tajiri vs. Billy Kidman vs. Jamie Noble vs. Chavo Guerrero vs. Shannon Moore vs. Ultimo Dragon

All six men engaged in a donnybrook battle that the referee could hardly seem to contain. Kidman took out both Jamie Noble and Shannon Moore with a suicide Shooting Star Press to the outside, leaving Tajiri, Guerrero and Ultimo Dragon to fight it out towards the end of the match. Chavo hit Taijiri with a Tornado DDT, knocking him to the ground, but before he could take advantage the Ultimo Dragon caught him from behind and locked him in a Dragon Sleeper. Moore managed to come back from the outside and springboard himself into the ring to break up the submission, but Dragon was ready for him, and caught him with an Asai DDT to pick up the pinfall victory and earn the title shot.

Winner by Pinfall: Ultimo Dragon


Backstage, Smackdown GM Paul Heyman is having a conference with WWE Champion Brock Lesnar, with Heyman telling the champ that Chris Benoit will not get another opportunity at the title unless he wins a Qualifying Match to get into the Royal Rumble tonight against A-Train. Lesnar smiles at this, but then scoffs when Heyman tells Lesnar he'd better get ready for his match with Hardcore Holly. They both silently look at each other, before laughing aloud.


Match #2: WWE Tag Team Title Match: Doug & Danny Basham w/Shaniqua © vs. Faarooq & Bradshaw

The Bashams had been dominating the Tag Team Division on Smackdown up to this point, and against the veteran APA that looked to continue. However Bradshaw and Faarooq had more than a few tricks up their sleeves against the younger duo. Bradshaw in particular seemed able to keep the Bashams on their toes and unable to establish a good pace throughout the match. Doug and Danny eventually got Faarooq isolated briefly, though Bradshaw eventually made a comeback and seemed ready to win the tag titles. However Shaniqua got involved and pulled the referee out of the ring, resulting in a DQ victory for the APA but keeping the titles on the Basham Brothers.

Winners by Disqualification: The APA


After the match, Shaniqua gets a little too intense confronting the angry Texan Bradshaw. Bradshaw gets shoved by her, only for him to respond with a Clothesline from Hell to Shaniqua, leaving the Bashams to grab her and pull her out of harm's way.


As we return from break, we see Chris Benoit readying himself for his match with the A-Train tonight. As he prepares, he is greeted by Eddie Guerrero, who wishes him luck on his journey tonight. He says he will always have Chris' back, and that Lesnar won't know what hit him if he messes with either of them.


Match #3: Paul London vs. Nunzio

Match #3 was supposed to be another cruiserweight affair, with Paul London and Nunzio set to face off in a match to jockey for position. However before the match could really begin in earnest, it was interrupted by the arrival of the ManBeast Rhyno, who laid waste to not only the two competitors, but the FBI at ringside as well.

Winner: No Contest


After the match Rhyno showed off his strength, with the commentators saying that the Manbeast seems to have been unleashed in 2004.


Match #4: Champion vs. Champion: The Big Show vs. Rey Mysterio

Maybe the biggest mismatch in WWE history, as the massive US Champion The Big Show faced the Cruiserweight Champion Rey Mysterio. As you might expect, the Big Show uses his size to his advantage, and merely shrugs off the smaller Mysterio whenever he tries to mount some offense. Big Show dominates most of the match, and appears ready to put away Mysterio with a chokeslam, but Rey is able to worm out of the move and drop Show to the ring ropes, catching him by surprise with the 619. Rey then hits a springboard dropkick which staggers the giant, before climbing to the top and hitting a cross body block that topples him over, stunning him and allowing Rey to pick up the upset victory!

Winner by Pinfall: Rey Mysterio


After the match, Big Show is incensed and pulls monitors from the announce table, smashing them on the ground at being "humiliated" by Rey.


Match #4: Royal Rumble Qualifying Match: Chris Benoit vs. A-Train

Benoit's Road to Wrestlemania would possible be derailed if he lost to the A-Train, something that Smackdown General Manager Paul Heyman would proudly hope for certainly. Yet the wily veteran certainly took the larger man to the ground with his technical skill, working over the arm and trying to lock in the Crippler Crossface on numerous occasions. A-Train manages to turn the tide with a Bicycle Kick to Benoit, knocking him off the apron to the outside. As we come back from commercial, A-Train uses his size to wear down the Rabid Wolverine, but can't seem to quite put him away. Benoit rallied back and eventually ducked another attempted bicycle kick from A-Train, catching him off guard and hooking him in the Crossface in the center of the ring to score the submission victory.

Winner by Submission: Chris Benoit


After the match, Paul Heyman comes out to "congratulate" Benoit on qualifying for the Royal Rumble, informing him that he has taken the liberty of assigning him the #1 position in the match.


Match #5: Non-Title Match: Brock Lesnar vs. Hardcore Holly

In this non-title main event, Holly acted like he had nothing to lose and attacked Lesnar with reckless abandon. The savy veteran managed to get some offense in, but all too quickly the strength of the Next Big Thing proved to be too much to handle. To Holly's credit he remained resiliant, though on more than one occasion the overconfident Lesnar refused to pin Holly, letting him suffer. Halfway through the match though, Lesnar was distracted surprisingly enough by the arrival of Eddie Guerrero. This distraction lasted long enough for Holly to sneak up behind Lesnar and roll him up for a surprise three-count, shocking everyone.

Winner by Pinfall: Hardcore Holly


As the show ends, Lesnar can hardly believe it as Holly scampers off, mouthing off to Brock to end the show, telling him next time he's taking the belt with him.



WWE Velocity Results

The FBI (Chuck Palumbo & Johnny Stamboli) d. Local Competitors

Billy Gunn d. Ernest "The Cat" Miller

Eddie Guerrero d. Shelton Benjamin

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="340?cb=20190219191430" data-src="https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/prowrestling/images/b/ba/WWE_Confidential.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340?cb=20190219191430" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

"Greetings WWE Fans, this is Mean Gene Okerlund bringing you the first edition of WWE Confidential, here on WWE.com. We're here to bring you all the news that's fit to print online. It may not be as sexy as a 900 number...but it's all the rage on this newfangled computer thing."</p><p> </p><p>

"World Wrestling Entertainment has come to terms with several different talents concerning their releases. Terri Runnels, Dawn Marie, Sable, Sakoda, Shaniqua, Kenzo Suzuki and Bobbi Billard have all been released from their contracts. We wish them the best in their future endeavors."</p><p> </p><p>

"In addition, several new talents have been signed to developmental deals. Be sure to check out the OVW section of the WWE.com homepage to keep tabs on the comings and goings of Ohio Valley Wrestling!"</p><p> </p><p>

"The WWE has contacted some former talents to appear at the Royal Rumble and potentially beyond. While no new contracts have been signed for certain, negotiations are ongoing, including potentially with two former Intercontinental Champions. Stay Tuned for more information. One talent signing we can confirm is former WCW announcer Tony Schiavone, who is expected to take over play by play duties on Sunday Night Heat ASAP."</p><p> </p><p>

"This week on Monday Night Raw, we will get more information on the upcoming Shawn Michaels and Triple H World Title match at the Royal Rumble. Plus newly crowned Women's Champion Lita will defend against Trish Stratus. We will also have a sit-down interview between Jim Ross and the Hardcore Legend Mick Foley."</p><p> </p><p>

"Following the huge upset to Hardcore Holly on Thursday night and the announcement that Holly will have a title opportunity at the Royal Rumble, how will WWE champion Brock Lesnar respond, and will Paul Heyman have punishment in mind for Eddie Guerrero. Plus two of the best cruiserweights of all time go head to head, as Cruiserweight Champion Rey Mysterio will defend his title against the Ultimo Dragon. All this and more on Paul Heyman's Smackdown."</p><p> </p><p>

"The current card for the Royal Rumble looks like this:"</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>30-Man Royal Rumble Match</strong></p><p>

15 superstars from Raw and 15 superstars from Smackdown. From Raw, Chris Jericho, Scott Steiner, Christian & Goldberg have all been confirmed as entrants. From Smackdown, Chris Benoit & Rhyno have been confirmed as entrants.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>World Heavyweight Championship Match</strong></p><p>

Triple H © vs. "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WWE Championship Match</strong></p><p>

"The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesnar © vs. Hardcore Holly</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>World Tag Team Title Match</strong></p><p>

"Nature Boy" Ric Flair & Batista © vs. The Dudley Boyz</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

"That's all for this week on WWE Confidential. This is Gene Okerlund, signing off."</p>

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We open Monday Night Raw with Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler running down the card we expect to see tonight, as one half of the tag team champions, the Animal Batista, will face off against Bubba Ray Dudley. Plus newly crowned Women's Champion Lita will defend her title against a former champion in Trish Stratus. We will also hear from the Hardcore Legend himself, Mick Foley, concerning the situation with Randy Orton. Speaking of which, Evolution headed out to the ring for an interview.


As Triple H took the microphone, flanked by his Evolution teammates, he spoke of Shawn Michaels' endless quest to prove that he was the best of all time. Hunter remarks that it would be funny if it weren't pathetic. He reminds HBK that he was the one who helped keep Michaels honest back in the day. That without him, HBK would have found himself stuck in the endless cycle of rehab and pills...or worse. Hunter tells Shawn he should be down on his knees thanking him that he's still alive, but instead at the Royal Rumble HBK will be down on his knees waiting for Triple H to put the bullet in Old Yeller.


Michaels appears on the Titantron, saying that some of what Triple H says is true...but then reminds Hunter that the only reason he was even down with the "Kliq" in the first place was because the whole group thought he was amusing. A flunkie...nothing more and nothing less. Michaels says that Triple H did flourish without him, but since he's been back all Hunter has done is rely on folks like Flair and Orton to do his dirty work for him. He challenges Hunter to do it without any help, and Triple H just smirks. However before he can respond, the other man in Michaels locker room says it sounds like a good idea, saying that HBK has given him a brilliant notion. The camera pans out to reveal the Raw Sheriff Stone Cold Steve Austin, who informs Triple H that Eric Bischoff has taken the night off, which leaves him in charge. He tells Hunter that to keep the peace in their match at the Royal Rumble, he's going to appoint a special enforcer, and that the enforcer will reveal himself tonight.


Match #1: "The Animal" Batista w/Ric Flair vs. Bubba Ray Dudley w/D-Von Dudley

We come back from break to find Batista in the ring as Bubba Ray comes down for this one on one encounter. Batista obviously has been instructed to take out Evolution's frustrations on the Dudley Brother. Batista dominated the early going of the match, using power and strength to toss Bubba around the ring. However Dudley was able to make a recovery of sorts, catching Batista off guard with a Dusty Rhodes style Flip, Flop & Fly. Bubba attempted a Bubba Bomb, but Batista countered it into a spinebuster, leaving both men down. On the outside, D-Von and Flair got into a fight, distracting the referee. This distraction allowed Randy Orton to sneak into the ring and hit Bubba with an RKO. Batista rolled over and covered Bubba, scoring the pinfall victory.

Winner by Pinfall: Batista


Backstage Austin is heading to his office when he sees Chris Jericho & Christian speaking with one another. Austin interrupts them and tells them that they will be in a special 5-person match later tonight. Jericho is upset by this, saying they had the night off, but Austin informs him that was when Bischoff was present. Just like how Jericho weaseled his way into the 30 spot in the Royal Rumble. He tells Chris that now that Stone Cold is in charge, he'll have to put that 30 spot on the line in this 5-person match.


As we come back from break, JR introduces us to the interview he conducted with the hardcore legend, Mick Foley, in his Long Island home recently, discussing his recent issues with the Intercontinental Champion Randy Orton. JR makes mention of Orton calling out Foley a couple of times, culminating in Orton actually spitting in the face of Foley just before the end of the year. Foley says that in another time and another place, if a young punk like Randy Orton were to do that to him he would have flattened them like a pancake. But that's not where he is now. Foley reminds Jim that he has been retired from the ring now for almost 4 years, and though he's been a commissioner and special consultant a time or two, he's enjoyed being off the road. He's enjoyed spending time with his kids and watching them grow up now. He's enjoying not hurting, and being able to be there for his wife. He would love nothing more than to come back and give Orton the fight he seems to want, but he has other obligations that he has to see to. The interview continues along this line, with Foley (somewhat dejectedly) saying that he won't get in the ring to deal with Randy Orton, and Orton is just going to have to live with that.


Match #2: Test & Scott Steiner vs. The Hurricane & Rosey

We come back from break for this tag team match, and as it begins we get a replay from Sunday Night Heat the previous Night, which showed The Hurricane and Rosey defeated by La Resistance due to miscommunication between the two super heroes. Any issue between them appears to have ended though, as the two work well in tandem, isolating Test in the match's early moments. However another miscue caused Rosey to go sailing over the top rope, and allowed Test and Steiner to take advantage. Rosey did battle back and tagged in Hurricane, but he was too damaged to prevent the two larger men from double teaming his partner. Steiner eventually hit a belly-to-belly suplex followed by an elbow from Test for the pinfall.

Winners by Pinfall: Test & Scott Steiner


After the match, Hurricane slowly gets to his feet as Rosey tries to help him up. However Hurricane shoves his sidekick away, dejected with the loss as he slowly heads to the back with frustration evident on his face.


As we come back from commercial, we get a vignette for a new way to lose fat fast. An infomercial man named Simon Dean is set to bring his patented Simon System to Monday Night Raw, and it will be the way for you all to finally get in shape...guaranteed.


Match #3: Women's Title Match: Lita © vs. Trish Stratus

Arguably the two best women wrestlers in the WWE faced off against one another, and neither pulled any punches. Each woman dominated the match in sections, and neither one could gain a longterm advantage over the other. As both women were down at one point, though, their match was suddenly interrupted by the arrival of Jazz, who proceeds to lay both women out and lifts up with Women's Championship, as the match ends with no winner.

Winner: No Contest


Backstage Steve Austin is in Eric Bischoff's office, having redecorated for the week with several 6-Packs of beer lining a shelf on the wall. He is interrupted from drinking one of these beers by, of all people, Steven Richards. Richards says he is tired of being overlooked, and that he demands to be put in the Royal Rumble match. Austin just shakes his head and tells him to go earn a spot right now, as his match will be next.


As we come back from commercial, Steven Richards is in the ring and he demands that his opponent come out right now....only to be scared out of his mind when Kane arrives...


Match #4: Royal Rumble Qualifying Match: Kane vs. Steven Richards

The "match," if you can call it that, doesn't last very long. To his credit Richards tries to attack Kane with everything he has, but the Big Red Machine simply chokeslams Steven Richards to the mat and then finishes him off with a devastating Tombstone to pick up the easy win.

Winner by Pinfall: Kane


After the match Kane decides to make an example of Steven Richards and proceeds to chokeslam him from the ring apron straight to the concrete floor below, leaving Richards lying motionless on the ground as trainers tend to him.


Match #5: 5-Man Challenge for the #30 Spot in the Royal Rumble: Chris Jericho vs. Christian vs. Booker T vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Mark Henry

All 5 men were gunning for the spot that Jericho had thought was his due to the favor owed to him by Eric Bischoff. Jericho attempted to use Christian as a partner, the two teaming up against RVD while Mark Henry and Booker T squared off with one another. However at several points, pinfalls were interrupted by the other participants in the match. Late in the game, with Henry and Booker T out of the scene temporarily, RVD looked to put away Jericho with a 5-Star Frogsplash, only to be thrown from the top rope by Christian. Christian saw his friend lying prone on the ground and, after a moment's hesitation, rushed to cover him, only netting a two count. Jericho got to his feet and started arguing with Christian, the two men pushing each other repeatedly before Christian was rolled up from behind by Booker, nearly getting pinned. Jericho grabbed Booker and slammed him to the ground, going for the Lionsault afterwards. But Christian dragged Booker out of the way, causing Jericho to miss, leading to Christian pinning Booker and getting the #30 spot.

Winner by Pinfall: Christian


As Christian runs out of the ring with Jericho looking on frustrated, we cut to the back and see Triple H walking to ringside with purpose, as we expect to find out who the special guest enforcer for the World Title Match at the Royal Rumble is next.


Triple H and Ric Flair come out with the World Title Belt in toe, and get on the microphone in the ring. They demand to know who the enforcer will be, and state that this show won't end until Stone Cold brings the enforcer out. Austin comes down to ringside and taunts Triple H a bit, saying that he considered a lot of different people for this job. He even thought that maybe he should do it himself. In the end though, he decided who the real enforcer should be...someone Triple H is very much familiar with. The crowd waits with anticipation...and then explodes as The Rock's music plays through the arena. Triple H is incensed as The Great One comes down to the ring and proceeds to cut a vicious promo on the World Champ and Ric Flair. Triple H says that this won't stand, and when he goes nose to nose with The Rock, Flair attempts to sneak behind and hit The Rock with a low blow. Austin stops him though and the Rock turns around as Triple H bolts. The Rock drills Flair with a Rock Bottom, leaving him in the middle of the ring as Triple H slowly backpedals....only to run right into a Sweet Chin Music from Shawn Michaels! HBK stands tall on the stage, holding the World Title high in the air as Raw ends.



WWE Sunday Night Heat Results

Garrison Cade d. Local Competitor

Victoria d. Gail Kim

Matt Hardy d. Spike Dudley

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Michael Cole and Tazz welcome us into this week's episode of WWE Smackdown, running down the card for tonight. In addition to the Cruiserweight title on the line between two world class athletes in Rey Mysterio and Ultimo Dragon, Smackdown GM Paul Heyman has seen fit to "punish" Eddie Guerrero for his actions last week, as he will be in a handicap match against the World's Greatest Tag Team here tonight. Of course Heyman has said that anyone is free to help Guerrero as his partner, though he doubts that anyone will be stupid enough to do so. As evidence of this we get a flash to earlier that night, when Chris Benoit was taken out suddenly by Rhyno, who threw him onto a concrete floor off an elevated walkway backstage. Benoit was taken to a medical facility as a result, and would not be there tonight.


Match #1: Doug Basham, Danny Basham & The Big Show vs. Bradshaw, Faarooq & Rikishi

Following their tag match altercation the previous week, The Bashams and the APA had gotten backup in the form of The Big Show and Rikishi respectively. The big men actually didn't factor much into the match, only tagging in at opportune times, with much of the focus taking place on the feuding teams. The end came as all six men made it into the ring, the referee losing total control of the situation briefly. As a brawl took place on the outside, Danny Basham wandered into the ring and back right into the veteran Faarooq, who hit him with the Dominator and scored the pinfall.

Winners by Pinfall: The APA & Rikishi


Backstage Paul Heyman is talking with someone on the phone about a huge new signing that will be coming to Smackdown soon. Before we can find out exactly who it is though, Heyman is interrupted by Brock Lesnar. Lesnar complains to Heyman about having to defend his title against "a midcarder" like Hardcore Holly, and Heyman completely understands. However his hands are tied since, by hook or crook, Holly pinned Brock last week. Brock says that is another thing he is pissed off about, and Heyman placates him by saying he will handpick two guys tonight to face Lesnar that Brock can take his frustrations out on.


Match #2: WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match: Rey Mysterio © vs. Ultimo Dragon

Two longtime rivals from their WCW days, the two cruiserweights certainly new each other inside and out and put on a clinic for the Smackdown fans. Each man got a near pinfall on the other on multiple occasions, and it seemed like luck might play a factor in determining who would actually win the match. Unfortunately a great match was slightly ruined by the ending, as after a ref bump Mysterio was assaulted by the man he defeated last week, United States Champion The Big Show. Big Show hit a KO punch on Mysterio, knocking him flat out in the middle of the ring. Unaware of what happened, Ultimo Dragon covered Mysterio just as the referee was stirring, scoring the pinfall and winning the title.

Winner and NEW WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Ultimo Dragon


As we come back from break, we see Eddie Guerrero backstage preparing for his handicap match tonight when he is approached by an unlikely source. Kurt Angle, having no love lost for Paul Heyman, decides to help Eddie out by agreeing to be his partner, something that Guerrero agrees with.


Match #3: Royal Rumble Qualifying Match: John Cena vs. Tajiri

With Tajiri's associates not here because of "immigration issues", Tajiri was on his own against the Doctor of Thuganomics, and it was clear that Cena's power and strength were too much for the Japanese Buzzsaw to overcome. Tajiri attempted to use the Green Mist at one point to try and sneak in the win, but Cena finished him off with an F-U to pick up the win and go on to the Royal Rumble.

Winner by Pinfall: John Cena


After the match though, John Cena was run through by the rampaging Manbeast Rhyno, who continued his theme from the previous week of wanting to destroy everyone in his path en route to the Royal Rumble. Cena lie grasping his ribs after a devastating Gore nearly broke him in half.


Match #4: Brock Lesnar vs. Funaki & Orlando Jordan

Per Paul Heyman's commands, Funaki and Orlando Jordan were offered up as sacrificial lambs to the pissed off Brock Lesnar. Lesnar mopped the floor with his two mismatched challengers, though Jordan did try to put up a fight for as long as he could, but eventually both of the challengers were polished off with a merciful F5.

Winner by Pinfall: Brock Lesnar


After the match Lesnar continued to stomp away on both Jordan and Funaki, only for Hardcore Holly to come out of the crowd wielding a steel chair. Holly lays into Lesnar with the chair, causing the champion to fall to the ground after three solid shots to the back. Holly continued to waylay the champion with rights and lefts as security comes rushing in to try and break up the fight.


As Holly is led through the backstage area after the commercial break, he is confronted by Paul Heyman who tells him that he should fire him for what he just did. Holly tells the GM not to screw with him, and at the Royal Rumble he's going to defeat Heyman's golden boy and win the WWE Title.


Match #5: Kurt Angle & Eddie Guerrero vs. Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin

Per his offer, Kurt Angle teamed with Eddie to even the odds against the World's Greatest Tag Team, and what followed was a well-made technical affair, as both teams had incredible chemistry with one another. After a back and forth matchup which saw both teams get near falls, the match ended after Angle delivered an Angle slam to Haas, and Guerrero proceeded to hit a Frogsplash from the top, picking up the pinfall victory.

Winners by Pinfall: Kurt Angle & Eddie Guerrero


After the match, Angle and Guerrero celebrate in the center of the ring. Backstage, Paul Heyman angrily watches as we go off the air.



WWE Velocity Results

The FBI (Chuck Palumbo & Johnny Stamboli) d. Paul London & Billy Kidman

Rhyno d. A Local Competitor

Billy Gunn d. Jamie Noble

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"Welcome back WWE fans, to another installment of WWE Confidential on WWE.com. I'm your host, "Mean" Gene Okerlund, back with all the news and rumors you could shake a stick at. And they're free now! Dang blasted Internet is cutting into my 900 number retirement scheme...err...fund."


"It has been confirmed that a few major signings have occurred, with some of these stars set to debut at the Royal Rumble next week. We aren't exactly certain who they are, but can confirm that two of them are former WWE Intercontinental Champions."


"There are heavy rumors that the WWE Hall of Fame will return this year. But there's no word on who might be inducted into the long dormant honor. If Vince McMahon is watching, I'll be waiting by my phone waiting for the call!"


"Dave Finlay, a man working as a WWE Road Agent for the last year or so, hasn't been seen on TV in a couple of weeks. Rumors are that he may be planning a return to the ring soon."


"Wrestlemania 20, slated to take place from Madison Square Garden, will likely be ground-breaking in another way...as it will take place over two nights, with one set to house Smackdown's superstars and the other night featuring matches from Raw. Just another way to showcase the unique brands in WWE today."


"In this week's Raw preview...just days before the Royal Rumble...the match between Shawn Michaels and Triple H has been set with a new wrinkle in the mix in the form of newly minted enforcer The Rock. What role will the Brahma Bull play? He'll be on Raw this week, with all other main players possibly setting off this powder keg. Also, Randy Orton will defend his Intercontinental Championship against former champion Rob Van Dam!"


"This week on Smackdown...we may have witnessed the birth of a new dynamic duo in the form of Eddie Guerrero and Kurt Angle, though this doesn't appear to be in the plans of Smackdown GM Paul Heyman. What plans might he have to try and stop their path to dominance...and to continue to protect his chosen champion Brock Lesnar? And can anyone stop the rampaging Rhyno from his path of destruction? All this as Paul Heyman presents Smackdown."


"Before leaving, the Royal Rumble card looks like this."


30-Man Royal Rumble Match

15 Raw and 15 Smackdown superstars facing off for a title shot at Wrestlemania. On Raw, Chris Jericho, Scott Steiner, Christian, Goldberg, Kane, Booker T & Mark Henry are confirmed entrants. On Smackdown, Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero, Rhyno, John Cena & The World's Greatest Tag Team are confirmed entrants.


World Heavyweight Championship Match

The Rock will be the Special Guest Enforcer

Triple H © w/Ric Flair vs. "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels


WWE Championship Match

Brock Lesnar © vs. Hardcore Holly


Triple Threat Match for the WWE Women's Championship

Lita © vs. Trish Stratus vs. Jazz


World Tag Team Championship Match

"The Animal" Batista & "Nature Boy" Ric Flair © vs. The Dudley Boyz


WWE United States Championship Match

The Big Show © vs. Rey Mysterio


"That's it for this week's WWE Confidential. This is Mean Gene Okerlund, signing off."

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="latest?cb=20161215211923" data-src="https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/prowrestling/images/6/67/WWERaw2002-blank-2.png/revision/latest?cb=20161215211923" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<em>WWE Monday Night Raw begins with the arrival of The Rock to ringside, as the crowd explodes for the Great One's return following the announcement that he would be the Special Guest Enforcer for the World Heavyweight Championship match at the Royal Rumble. The Rock gets on the microphone and does as he always does, cutting a crowd-popping promo about how it's good to be back home and that this Sunday, he will do what he can to "keep the Jabronis at bay and lay the Smackdown on their candy asses if they get in The Rock's way." This brings out Evolution, who surround the ring and allow Triple H to climb in after The Rock. Triple H runs down their history together, and tells him that since he's been "gone to Hollywood", things have changed around here. He runs the show, not him. The Rock makes veiled reference to Trips' "home life", which Hunter doesn't appreciate, but reassures him that he will not be biased this Sunday. He will in no way show favoritism to Shawn Michaels or to "an egotistical piece of monkey crap like you."</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Shawn Michaels appears on the entryway, continuing the war of words between Hunter and himself, but also reminding The Rock that they have never seen eye to eye all that often either. In the end, Hunter backs down from the Rock again and Evolution vacates to the back, as Michaels looks on from the entryway and the Rock stands tall in the ring. We also hear from the announcers about the main event tonight, as Shawn Michaels will team with Booker T to face off against Triple H and one half of the tag team champions in "Nature Boy" Ric Flair.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match #1: Trish Stratus & Lita vs. Jazz & Molly Holly</strong></p><p>

<em>The three women in the triple threat match this Sunday (along with former champion Molly Holly) squared off in this tag match, and right from the get go it was obvious that Jazz was looking to dominate both of her competitors before Sunday. She used her obvious strength advantage to isolate the Women's Champion on numerous occasions. Trish got the hot tag from Lita and was able to fight back against Jazz and Molly briefly, but the two resumed their double team in short order. Lita got her second wind and joined in the free for all. The end came when Molly was being tended to on the outside, resulting in Lita and Trish having a 2 on 1 on Jazz. Trish went for a Chick Kick on Jazz, only for her to block and have Trish hit Lita instead. Jazz then hits a Chickenwing Facebuster on Trish, scoring the pinfall for her team.</em></p><p>

<strong>Winners by Pinfall: Jazz & Molly Holly</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>After the match, Lita and Trish get into a shoving match and then begin fighting with one another as Jazz looks on from the entryway, smirking at them as agents try to break up the fight.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Back from commercial, we see Chris Jericho enter the office of Raw GM Eric Bischoff. Jericho complains about the match he was "unfairly" put into the previous week that cost him the number 30 spot in the Rumble. He demands that Eric Bischoff undo what was done. Bischoff says that if it were up to him, he would do just that. But it's a give and take with the Raw "sheriff", and there are some battles he just can't fight. When Jericho starts to complain some more, Bischoff gets annoyed and tells him to work out his frustrations in the ring in a match that is coming up next.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match #2: Chris Jericho vs. Jon Heidenreich</strong></p><p>

<em>Jericho was shocked to find out his opponent was the giant Heidenreich, but quickly tried to make the most out of the sudden challenge. Jericho used his veteran instincts and quickness to keep Heidenreich on his feet throughout most of the match, though that almost backfired when Heidenreich delivered a huge clothesline that nearly decapitated Y2J. In the end, as Heidenreich seemingly was headed towards an upset, Christian came out and distracted the big man long enough for Jericho to roll him up and score the pinfall victory.</em></p><p>

<strong>Winner by Pinfall: Chris Jericho</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>After the match, Jericho argues with Christian about getting involved, while Christian continues to try and apologize for the previous week, telling him he had to do what he had to do. Backstage, we get an interview with Goldberg, who says that he feels he's been cheated twice now out of the World Heavyweight Championship. He tells Johnathan Coachman that he intends on winning the Royal Rumble this Sunday, going to Wrestlemania, and walking out with the belt that he never really lost.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match #3: Royal Rumble Qualifying Match: Test vs. The Hurricane</strong></p><p>

<em>After their tag team exploits the previous week, Test & The Hurricane did battle to try and get into the Royal Rumble Match. The Hurricane attacked the much larger athlete with much more ferocity than he had shown in recent matches. Test managed to catch Hurricane after a missed cross body block and drilled him with a powerslam, carrying the match forward from there. Towards the end of the match, Hurricane was tripped up by Scott Steiner, which brought out Rosey to confront him. As Rosey and Steiner fought on the outside, distracting the referee, Hurricane hit the Eye of the Hurricane out of nowhere and seemingly had the match won. Hurricane got up and got the referee's attention briefly, but the distraction was long enough for Test to get to his feet and floor Hurricane with a Big Boot to pick up the win.</em></p><p>

<strong>Winner by Pinfall: Test</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>After the match Hurricane angrily yelled at Rosey, telling him he shouldn't have been involved. Rosey tries to apologize, and at first it looks as if Hurricane accepts the apology, only for Hurricane to eventually kick Rosey below the belt and leave him lying on the ground. Hurricane then pulled off his mask and threw it down on the ground, storming off.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

After we get back from break, we have another vignette for the patented Simon System of Simon Dean, who promises to have the WWE in shape or your money back!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match #4: Intercontinental Title Match: Randy Orton © vs. Rob Van Dam</strong></p><p>

<em>In this rematch from the previous month's Armageddon PPV, Van Dam was looking to regain his IC Title from the cocky and brash Orton. Both men were evenly matched, and without Flair on the outside it appeared that Van Dam might be able to pull off the win and regain his belt. Orton had a counter for most of Van Dam's offense though, rolling out of the way for Rolling Thunder and then hitting a modified backbreaker to take control. RVD eventually hit the Van Daminator out of nowhere, and went for the 5-Star Frogsplash. Orton got the knees up at the last minute and, as Van Dam stumbled to his feet with the wind knocked out of him, hit the RKO to pick up the victory and retain the title.</em></p><p>

<strong>Winner by Pinfall and STILL Intercontinental Champion: Randy Orton</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Backstage, Triple H and Ric Flair smile at Orton's victory and then proceed to head out to ringside themselves for the main event.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match #5: Triple H & "Nature Boy" Ric Flair vs. "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels & Booker T</strong></p><p>

<em>The teamwork of Evolution was obvious from the get-go, as they took control early on over Booker T (as Triple H refused to start the match with Michaels). Once Booker got a tag into HBK however, the two managed to get ahold of the Nature Boy and isolate him. However, halfway through the match with the ref's back turned, "The World's Strongest Man" Mark Henry came down to ringside and attacked Booker T, picking him up and drilling him into the ringpost and leaving him lying as he escaped through the crowd. This effectively turned the match into a handicap match, as Michaels was at the mercy of Flair and Triple H for the remainder. Booker did get back into the match eventually, getting a hot tag from Michaels and going to town on Flair and Triple H. However the numbers game became too much and Booker was thrown off the top rope by Triple H when he was attempted a Harlem Hangover. Booker was then Pedigreed and pinned by Triple H.</em></p><p>

<strong>Winners by Pinfall: Triple H & Ric Flair</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>After the match, Michaels attacked Triple H and tried to hit him with Sweet Chin Music. However Batista and Randy Orton came down to the ring, attacking Michaels and just leaving him a bloody mess. The Rock came down to ringside to chase them off, carrying a steel chair with him. Michaels slowly got to his feet during this time, unaware of what was going on, and when The Rock turned around to check on him, Michaels instinctively hit him with Sweet Chin Music, knocking him out. Michaels was left staring at his handiwork and glaring at a smirking Triple H as Raw goes off the air.</em></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="Heat.png" data-src="https://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130706143451/prowrestling/images/c/c4/Heat.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p>

<strong>WWE Sunday Night Heat Results</strong></p><p><strong>

La Resistance d. Local Competitors</strong></p><p><strong>

Gail Kim d. Molly Holly</strong></p><p><strong>

Maven d. Rico</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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WWE Smackdown begins with Michael Cole and Tazz running down the card for tonight, with a huge 8-Man Tag Team Match setting the tone tonight with Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero & Hardcore Holly teaming up to face Brock Lesnar, A-Train and the World's Greatest Tag Team in our main event. Plus after last week, John Cena has called out the Man Beast Rhyno to kick things off.


Cena comes out to the ring and cuts a freestyle rap promo on Rhyno and then calls him out to the ring. Rhyno however doesn't immediately show up, instead Cena is greeted by the sight of our general manager, who informs Cena that Rhyno isn't there that at this particular moment. But if Cena would like a fight, then Paul Heyman can accomodate him, bringing out Chuck Palumbo of the FBI to face Cena...as Palumbo is flanked by Johnny Stamboli and Nunzio as well.


Match #1: John Cena vs. Chuck Palumbo

Despite the Full Blooded Italians having the numbers against Cena, the Doctor of Thuganomics was in top form against Palumbo, and showed a surprising amount of strength in dealing with the bigger man. Chuck managed to get some offense in, but Cena finished him off with an FU to pick up the win, despite attempted distraction from the other members of the FBI.

Winner by Pinfall: John Cena


After the match, though, the original target of Cena's ire made his presence felt, as Rhyno came through the crowd and attacked him, delivering another powerful Gore to Cena. Rhyno didn't discriminate from the attack either, delivering a Gore to Palumbo as well as Nunzio and Stamboli scrambled out of Rhyno's warpath. Rhyno stands tall in the end, still steamrolling his way to Royal Rumble.


Backstage we see the APA playing poker in their office. There's a knock at the door, and Bradshaw tells them to come on in. Suddenly the door is caved in as the Basham Brothers break in and surprise the APA. Doug and Danny Basham wreck the "office" of the Acolytes Protection Agency, tossing Faarooq through the card table and bashing Bradshaw over the head with a beer bottle. The Bashams celebrate as they leave the two veterans in the mess they created.


Match #2: Chavo Guerrero vs. Billy Kidman

In a cruiserweight match where people are jockeying for position within the division, the newer, more aggressive Chavo Guerrero asserted himself early on, using a fast paced offense against Kidman. However, Guerrero found that he was having difficulty putting Kidman away, despite hitting him with a Tornado DDT. Kidman rallied back to set up Chavo for the Shooting Star Press, when Kidman was suddenly attacked by what appeared to be a fan. Quickly the announcers realized that the "fan" was in fact Chavo Guerrero Sr, the father of Chavo Guerrero. Kidman got to his feet off the distraction and turned around, allowing Chavo to hit the Gory Bomb and pick up the victory.

Winner by Pinfall: Chavo Guerrero


After the match Chavo Jr and Chavo Sr celebrate together in the ring, with Cole and Tazz not really knowing what to make of this whole affair.


Backstage, Paul Heyman is once again on the phone after "securing his services with this contract at the Rumble", when he is interrupted by the APA. They demand a match with the Bashams at the Royal Rumble, but Heyman says the card is already full. Bradshaw doesn't take kindly to this information, and grabs Heyman by his tie, forcing the GM to make a match between the two teams next week on Smackdown. However, he also adds the stipulation that if the APA doesn't beat the Basham Brothers next week, then they must split up as a team forever.


Match #3: Non-Title Match: The Big Show vs. Scotty 2 Hotty

In an effort to show Rey Mysterio that he can beat any cruiserweight, The Big Show faced against Scotty 2 Hotty. The US Champ wasted little time in taking the much smaller Scotty to school, beating him down with waffle iron like chops that left his chest as red as a tomato. To his credit Scotty tried to fight back, but it was too little against the massive Big Show, who finished off Scotty with a Chokeslam.

Winner by Pinfall: The Big Show


After the match Big Show continued to pound away on Scotty 2 Hotty, setting him up for a second chokeslam. This brought out Rey Mysterio, who came armed with a baseball bat to try and even the odds. Rey used his quickness and attacked the knee of Big Show with the ball bat, trying to soften up the giant redwood tree like legs of the US Champion. However the ball bat was shattered against Big Show's knee and, despite a wince of pain, Big Show shook it off and kept lumbering after Rey. Mysterio jumped off the top in an attempted seated senton, but Big Show caught him and then powerbombed him to the canvas, leaving Rey Mysterio and Scotty 2 Hotty lying in a heap.


Match #4: 8-Man Tag Team Match: Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero & Hardcore Holly vs. Brock Lesnar, A-Train, Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin

The main event of Smackdown was a super-sized affair, as all 8-Men quickly established themselves in the ring and referee Nick Patrick had a difficult time trying to maintain some semblence of order. Eventually things settled into an even keel, and a back and forth matchup ensued. Lesnar directed traffic for his team, trying to isolate Holly and "rough him up" before their match this Sunday. Benoit got a hot tag late and cleaned house, with Angle and Guerrero backing him up. As the match devolved once again into a Donnybrook brawl, A-Train looked to finish off Holly with a Derailer, only for the veteran to counter with an Alabama Slam. He then turned right around into an F5 from the champion, leading to a pinfall victory.

Winners by Pinfall: Brock Lesnar, A-Train & The World's Greatest Tag Team


As Smackdown ends, Brock stands over the fallen Holly with the title held high over his head. However he is quickly attacked from behind by the other three men, who are all gunning for his title, and are all in the Rumble looking to go on to Wrestlemania with the title shot.




WWE Velocity Results

Ernest "The Cat" Miller d. Local Competitor

Jamie Noble d. Spanky

A-Train d. Billy Gunn

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WWE Presents Royal Rumble 2004

LIVE! From the Wachovia Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


30-Man Over the Top Rope Royal Rumble Match

15 Superstars from Raw. 15 from Smackdown. Only 1 Winner to go to Wrestlemania.


World Heavyweight Championship Match

The Rock will be the Special Guest Enforcer!

Triple H © vs. "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels


WWE Championship Match

"The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesnar © vs. Hardcore Holly


WWE United States Championship Match

The Big Show © vs. Rey Mysterio


Triple Threat Match for the WWE Women's Championship

Lita © vs. Trish Stratus vs. Jazz


World Tag Team Championship Match

"Nature Boy" Ric Flair & "The Animal" Batista © vs. The Dudley Boyz


Feel free to predict as you see fit. The Rumble will be a much more detailed event than the weekly shows (as will all PPV's, as I plan it), so there's that to look forward to.

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30-Man Over the Top Rope Royal Rumble Match

15 Superstars from Raw. 15 from Smackdown. Only 1 Winner to go to Wrestlemania. (I'm going with Randy Orton).


World Heavyweight Championship Match

The Rock will be the Special Guest Enforcer!

Triple H © vs. "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels


WWE Championship Match

"The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesnar © vs. Hardcore Holly


WWE United States Championship Match

The Big Show © vs. Rey Mysterio


Triple Threat Match for the WWE Women's Championship

Lita © vs. Trish Stratus vs. Jazz


World Tag Team Championship Match

"Nature Boy" Ric Flair & "The Animal" Batista © vs. The Dudley Boyz

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