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The Perfect Road Agent

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Right then, gathered geniuses of the forum. This is a very simple question but one I'm giving thought to properly since playing Extreme Warfare. The question - what makes the perfect Road Agent? Stats, attributes, personality etc.


Is this a really easy question to answer, or something more multi-faceted?

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Right then, gathered geniuses of the forum. This is a very simple question but one I'm giving thought to properly since playing Extreme Warfare. The question - what makes the perfect Road Agent? Stats, attributes, personality etc.


Is this a really easy question to answer, or something more multi-faceted?


100 respect, psychology, experience. People Person, Professional, Stalwart, Irrepressible, or Lively personality. Passes On Knowledge attribute. And now, 'Agent Of Old School' or 'Agent of Epics' attribute, depending on what fits your product best. Old School is probably the best since it covers more (if not all) match types.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Remianen" data-cite="Remianen" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51081" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>100 respect, psychology, experience. People Person, Professional, Stalwart, Irrepressible, or Lively personality. Passes On Knowledge attribute. And now, 'Agent Of Old School' or 'Agent of Epics' attribute, depending on what fits your product best. Old School is probably the best since it covers more (if not all) match types.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Can't they be the agent of each one? But then only one applies to a segment?</p>
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  • 2 weeks later...
100 respect, psychology, experience. People Person, Professional, Stalwart, Irrepressible, or Lively personality. Passes On Knowledge attribute. And now, 'Agent Of Old School' or 'Agent of Epics' attribute, depending on what fits your product best. Old School is probably the best since it covers more (if not all) match types.


Thanks for this...trying to put together a good RA crew (I think mine is pretty good as is) but this will help me run numbers. Cheers!

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It's also great for Road Agents to have 0 popularity because they will cost less money. I learned this when I let go a few old time wrestlers working as road agents to replace them with a few better ones I hired.


The better ones had no popularity and were significantly cheaper because of it.

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