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Can we all agree. Option to turn pop cap off

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="ShaunGBD" data-cite="ShaunGBD" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51227" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Can we agree have the option to turn off pop cap</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I can see why you would want that option, but there's a big issue here. The game is balanced in the knowledge that some workers will not get the gains there would be if there were no caps. You take away those caps and there is no "wasted" population gain that doesn't happen because of caps. As such, you will get more popular workers, and that's going to effect the whole balance of the game. What seems like a simple "ignore all the caps" line of code could actually break the game.</p><p> </p><p> As such, if you want to make a rookie Eddie Guerrero the biggest star in wrestling, it might not happen. But if you turned the caps off you could suddenly find dozens of wrestlers becoming stars, so a star Eddie Guerrero is no more relevant than a capped Eddie Guerrero.</p><p> </p><p> I know it's your game, and you want to do what you like with it. However, at the moment it's not a feature, and it's not as simple as turning an option off. Perhaps one day Adam will make it a feature in a version of the game, and sadly I may be tempted to use it. I hope if it does I won't be tempted, but accept I am playing the game with different objectives to you.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="ShaunGBD" data-cite="ShaunGBD" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51227" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Can we agree have the option to turn off pop cap</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> no.</p>
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<p>If people wanted it fine. But honestly I would never use it. The only people I see get salty about it are people who play real world mods. Getting upset when a young Mark Callus cant reach real life taker overness in their game. The whole point is not to play the same game twice. The fact you will almost never get the same pop caps on people means the game is infinitely replayable. You will almost always have to make different choices. And you'll have to figure out if its an actual pop cap, a cap because of the size of your company, or a cap because of the size of your audience. Its what gives the game a challenge.</p><p> </p><p>

People want to play on easy mode I won't stop them. And sure fine you want to be able to turn the pop cap off then if there is enough actual support go for it. But I will never understand why you'd want to in the first place.</p>

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If people wanted it fine. But honestly I would never use it. The only people I see get salty about it are people who play real world mods. Getting upset when a young Mark Callus cant reach real life taker overness in their game. The whole point is not to play the same game twice. The fact you will almost never get the same pop caps on people means the game is infinitely replayable. You will almost always have to make different choices. And you'll have to figure out if its an actual pop cap, a cap because of the size of your company, or a cap because of the size of your audience. Its what gives the game a challenge.


People want to play on easy mode I won't stop them. And sure fine you want to be able to turn the pop cap off then if there is enough actual support go for it. But I will never understand why you'd want to in the first place.


I mean the thing about RW players being the only ones who don't like it is blatantly untrue considering the first guy to report it was using CVerse examples. But beyond that, the problem with it is the handbook explicitly tells you the cap is calculated based on a worker's stats yet somehow you'll get a guy with 100s in everything cap in the low 70s. It doesn't make any sense. I wouldn't play with it off, but in its current form I can see why people would want to.

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I'd opt for the option to be there.


If you want to keep caps on, don't touch it.


It's a niche market game, some people play for management, some people play for fantasy booking. No point in restricting one element when options can cater for some people.

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Another vote in favor of having the option to turn off popularity caps. If somebody wants to put George Gulas at the figurehead of JCP, let it be.


And you can do that. You just have to deal with the consequences of someone not being a effective figurehead.

Because what is the point if there is no difference between Steve Austin and Brian Christopher as WWF figurehead?

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And you can do that. You just have to deal with the consequences of someone not being a effective figurehead.

Because what is the point if there is no difference between Steve Austin and Brian Christopher as WWF figurehead?


The point is letting players experience the game the way they want to play it. It harms no one if somebody wants to make a lesser talent into a superstar. It's just fantasy booking, and unless someone shares the save game, no one else will ever even know. This is not a competitive game. Nothing I do in my game affects anyone else in any way, and vice versa.

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And you can do that. You just have to deal with the consequences of someone not being a effective figurehead.

Because what is the point if there is no difference between Steve Austin and Brian Christopher as WWF figurehead?


I think the biggest problem with the rolls is that sometimes Brian Christopher has a high pop cap than Steve Austin. If it was based on SQ or charisma it would make it a bit more realistic

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While overall its a vast improvement, there were numerous changes made to this years game that I didnt like. Generally they highlighted realism in favor of making the game more tedious to play.


I can turn off all of them ala carte if i want to except for the new pop cap system.


Now.., in a way you can get around it. You can go in an edit everyones pop to whatever you want. But still... it wouldnt be horrible to turn it off if it was possible.


The cap is simply too strict. Star quality is way too important for a stat that you essentially cant train much and wont improve much. It's silly to have a 19 year old worker that I know I can literally never use properly. I get that everyone cant get to 100 everywhere but too many guys cap out at 70 and its way too fickle as far as how and why people get above that naturally. It feels imbalanced. To me. Just my opinion. And its made more difficult by the weird emails I get after a show. A vet will tell me a young 28 year old is a star in the making for years and I should push him or that he wants to put him over and this and that. It made me feel like I was doing something wrong but its just another mechanic that doesnt jive with the pop cap system. It's a frustrating part of the game but one I've learned to work around. I still play and enjoy 2020 a lot with no intention of going back to 2016.


I think the biggest problem with the rolls is that sometimes Brian Christopher has a high pop cap than Steve Austin. If it was based on SQ or charisma it would make it a bit more realistic


SQ DEFINITELY effects the pop cap in a huge way btw. The only way I can immediately force the pop cap on a worker to increase is by boosting their SQ in the editor. If you increase a guys star quality in the editor their cap will improve. It just may still be too low based on hiddens.

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I did not know this was a big deal for other players, i also started a topic about this in the suggestion forums:




The main issue i have with the cap's is that the cap's have no basis / logic. If the cap was based on the workers stats i would not mind, but there is apparently a totally random "destiny roll", now that is what i absolutely hate about the cap. Having a cap based on a dice roll is pathetic in a game such as this.


That said, i prefer who it used to be. I love the idea of trying to push a totally useless worker to the moon. For people who say "that is cheating or unrealistic" all i can say about that is, the WWE has pushed below par talent in the past and taken them to significant heights, often that talent had zero actual ability besides maybe Menace or look (Great Khali is possibly the most well known recent example). So if this happens in real life, why is the game restricting us?


From all the things added/removed from the game, this is by far the thing that i hate the most. I want to be able to create my own stars, if the game will randomly decide who will become a star, what is the point of even pushing someone.


I would either like the option to turn off the cap's or at least have the cap tied up to certain skills. The random "destiny roll" has to be removed for sure.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Poet Justice" data-cite="Poet Justice" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51227" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I think the biggest problem with the rolls is that sometimes Brian Christopher has a high pop cap than Steve Austin. If it was based on SQ or charisma it would make it a bit more realistic</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I think you've got the wrong impression and think that the popularity cap is just a random number unconnected to stats that gets set at the start of the game and never changes. It is a fluid number that is calculated on-the-fly whenever needed and is based on a number of their existing stats (including Star Quality and Charisma).</p>
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<p>The better idea would be two things:</p><p>

1. Let players change a worker's number in the in-game editor directly. </p><p>

2. Allow "Talk To Wrestler" options to attempt to increase a cap, even if by a limited amount. There could even be a risk of morale penalty (You said I suck!) or the reverse (I tried too hard, and now my cap is lower) with a limit of once per year.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="thadian" data-cite="thadian" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51227" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>The better idea would be two things:<p> <strong>1. Let players change a worker's number in the in-game editor directly. </strong></p><p> 2. Allow "Talk To Wrestler" options to attempt to increase a cap, even if by a limited amount. There could even be a risk of morale penalty (You said I suck!) or the reverse (I tried too hard, and now my cap is lower) with a limit of once per year.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> You can freely edit popularity all you want</p>
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I think you've got the wrong impression and think that the popularity cap is just a random number unconnected to stats that gets set at the start of the game and never changes. It is a fluid number that is calculated on-the-fly whenever needed and is based on a number of their existing stats (including Star Quality and Charisma).


But it's too strict. I don't know why it isn't an option.

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But it's too strict. I don't know why it isn't an option.


It is a fluid number that is calculated on-the-fly whenever needed and is based on a number of their existing stats (including Star Quality and Charisma).


I think you need to read the comment again.

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The better idea would be two things:

1. Let players change a worker's number in the in-game editor directly.

2. Allow "Talk To Wrestler" options to attempt to increase a cap, even if by a limited amount. There could even be a risk of morale penalty (You said I suck!) or the reverse (I tried too hard, and now my cap is lower) with a limit of once per year.


You do realise that a ‘talk to worker’ option is literally like me going to xpac and saying. Hey you need to get more over then your current skills and personality are allowing you to. Then all of a sudden him being able to get more over

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Mm I am confused by all this cos you can just go in editor and fiddle with someone’s stats to make it more likely that they can go through the roof. It’s a real easy thing to do. If you had no pop cap at all you would end up with like everyone at like 100 and make for a real boring stale game.

I’m pretty happy with how it all works. I think it’s quite realistic and helps keep rosters appropriately ordered and even if a worker does cap out in the 70s or 80s. Does not mean he can’t be a main eventer, in your eyes. I have Shawn And he’s capping at 80 but he puts on the best matches in the company every event. I could easily run with him as my main eventer in my eyes if I wanted to and get great main events outta him.

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