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Lucha Underground: Return to the Temple

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After having a busy real life, i haven't had time to write the shows even though i finished playing the season So, i just thought that i will give the rundown to all the readers of this diary who were frustrated by the lack of content.



Rey Huerfano on top of the temple



Rey Huerfano would continue his tirade against the Circle of Blood and it culminated in him winning the LU Championship by defeating Bandido in a Dungeon of Hell match where they were surrounded by flames at every point of time.




The Underworld comes through



After suffering heavy back to back defeats against Flamita and Huerfano, Bestia 666 went crazy and he went back into Underworld in an attempt to revive his lord. His plan finally came to fruition when after Huerfano won the LU Championship, out from the flames came Pentagon Dark........the Lord of the Underworld who would vanish with the championship leaving Rey Huerfano aghast and Bandido shocked.




Lovers create trouble



After Holidead helped the Deathsquad win the Trios Championship against the Goliaths, she and Danhausen made out in the ring which shocked Eddie Kingston and the next few weeks both Deathsquad and Sin City Sirens tried every thing in their hand to keep the lovers at bay but they would somehow find time to engage in lovemaking. Finally in Ultimo Lucha, this two units had a Trios Championship match with the stipulation that whoever wins, the other would join their group. Deathsquad retains and Holidead joined them but Athena would debut for Sin City Sirens laying waste to everyone.



Gift of the Gods



After a host of matches, it was finally Serpentico who won the Gift of the Gods title bringing his Serpent Squad unit to the fore but immediately he was confronted by the returning Caveman Ugg who had returned from being buried in Underworld and this time he was not alone as he brought other pre-hsitoric creatures like Luchasaurus Rex who was recently let go from AEW and Dinosaur Takuma.



Feud of the Century



Bullet Club and Tiger Clan would have their feud go on and even Ultimo Lucha could not bring a final result and their match culminated in all four of Anderson, Gallows, Dark Tiger and Rich Tiger completely unsconscious with the fighting.



That's it from me guys. I would be back with another diary if i ever get a chance to play for a significant amount of time.

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