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NTM: C-Verse Women Add-On

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The C-Verse needs more Female workers!


This sentiment is shared by many, I've recentlygot into the C-Verse due to the mods/add-ons/expansions on these forums (and the renders!). Although as someone who was enjoying playing as AAA/QAW in the 2018 alt mod, when I came to playing the default data I felt a little let down. So I've decided to add some workers! I understand there is at least one other women's mod being worked on at the minute, and this probably won't be as deep as that. This is simply going to be about 60/100 workers being added. I'm hoping it can be a nice aid to peoples saves!


Current state:


  • I've got 51 workers added too my database, I've assigned pictures, ages, how long they've worked, attributes & stats so far (the stat generator has cut the time down so much).
  • The split is about 25/26 currently but some workers can work other regions, and some can't. I've tried to balance this out as much as possible (as their are currently not that many existing women in these regions their are only a few so far who could carry a solid company, there's quite a few with potential & a lot of mediocre women but again once they get reps they should be fine).
  • I've reached out to both the artists I've taken the free pictures from. One has gave me the green light & currently waiting for a response from the other.


Next few steps:


  • I need to add Pop & Bios to each worker, I imagine this is the next long-haul I'm in for.
  • Adding tag-team chemistry, to create a few teams in those regions.
  • I'm looking to add about another 50 workers Ideally.


Future plans I'm considering at the minute:


  • Continuing too add workers after the initial release, would probably change region to Australia or something at first.
  • Adding some companies for the workers, to well work, as I imagine if you wanted you could use some of the workers for a save but ideally the others would need other places to work.
  • Stuff like stables & employment history.


TLDR; Adding workers to the C-Verse, still got quite a while to go but it's getting their. Waiting for one of the artists to respond, worst case scenario I'll remove the photo's & try and find others.


If anyone has any suggestions on a character feel free to comment it :)


I was working on a real world mod until a few weeks ago. Due to everything going on I've put it on hold for now.

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