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Vincent's Victory: How One Man Destroyed The Australian Wrestling Industry [CV20]

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Paul Parquar sat in his lavish office, despite his advancing age, he had pretty much looked the same as he did all those years ago. A few more wrinkles, bit stiffer, but still very active and still working, high up in the biggest media company in the entire world, Reverie. Paul, looking very comfortable began to speak, his voice welcoming and soft.


"It wasn't the greatest idea." Paul said, a slight smirk on his face.


"But I was grateful for the call. I think I was brought in exclusively to help set the matches up, but I did some booking too down the line. He needed help from time to time. He knew it too. I just think back to where it all came from and where it is now. It's remarkable. "


"You look back and think about where he came from and what he wanted to do, it's just crazy, he's not that type of person but I'm happy it happened"




"He destroyed everything" Rebecca Richey states sitting on her couch in her beautiful home. Her previously blonde hair now silver, her face the same due to the surgeries.


"I mean when it all began, I don't people realise what he was, or even what he is. He's not a guy you look at and believe he's a vengeful person or anything like that. I don't think he even took it personal to me, it was the network and even then that was something that shocked me. I didn't think he'd do anything like that, but I guess I never really knew, something must have changed."




"I never changed, I just wanted to prove myself." Vincent Victory sits in a comfortable chair, his massive mansion sprawling in the background. His demeanor, relaxed and cheery. Most will recognise his significant decrease in size, he's not small, not even skinny, just average but when you've been known as The Body for your career, one can't notice the physique change.


"The way RAW, or more specifically ASN, scrutinised me the way they did, just really annoyed me. I'm not one to hold grudges but when you screw me the way they did, things had to be done."


"It wasn't even the fact they fired me, it was when I went back on the indy scene, I was basically laughed at. It was kind of a disgrace. So, a few years later I set out to destroy RAW. I was patient, I knew it wasn't going to happen overnight, but Rome wasn't built in a day."


"Course, when I created WRECKED, I didn't know I'd destroy the entire industry of the country. I could be angry, but I set out to do one thing. RAW and ASN is dead and I couldn't be happier."



Vincent's Victory: How One Man Destroyed The Australian Wrestling Industry [CV20]



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