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Tew2020 - Acpw '25

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I'm currently in the middle of my first game save playing TEW for the first (real) time. Thorougly enjoying the game...and the game world.




Last Event (Uprising 2025)


JVP © def Mario de Silva to defend ACPW Jr. Heavyweight Title

Wolf Hawkins def Topher Smith

Carlos Barrera © def Ava Anderson to defend the ACPW Canadian Regional Title

El Jaguar/Tiger Prince © def Simon Waves/Miller Fford to defend ACPW Tag Team Titles

Mimic © def Masked Duke to defend the FTW Heavyweight Title

Masashi Urugataya def Grimm Quibble


(pre) Yuta Isono def Sarah Taylor

(pre) 6 man tag





· Managed to sign Superstar Wolf Hawkins after he was fired for being involved in a drug scandal in 2023. After 16 months off, the addition of Wolf has gone better than expected. After performance ratings in the mid 50’s for his first couple of outings, he’s now in the mid 70’s and looking every bit the Superstar he’s made out to be. Kicking myself I only signed him to a 1 year deal (figured story wise it made sense with him coming off a drug bust) because he’s going to cost me a fortune…BUT he’s now loyal to me, and I’ll basically break the bank to resign him if his performance continues to be like this. His character right now is still a heel, but with the guilt/remorse/need for redemption that is pulling him in a more 'babyface' direction. His relationship with Tommy Cornell, Johnny Bloodstone (his mentor in ACPW for now) and now Topher Smith will be interesting to see unfold. Plus...his inevitable face-off with JVP.


· JVP/Mario de Silva is my best rated match ever. JVP has been a very strong Jr. Heavyweight Champ, and top guy for me…he's taken the torch handed to him by Kenny Callaway at the end of 2024 and has ran with it. Bullet Club is a solid stable, and he and Grimm are a very credible 'bad ass' due at the top of my Main Event scene. Mario is one of those top guys that’s always lurking in the Title picture, and can strike at any moment. He’s also clearly stepped up his in-ring game of late and I’ll be looking to push him if that’s the case. Him and Jules Night are a duo right now and Jules needs all the help he can get.


· Topher Smith called out Wolf and Tommy on the previous nights go-home show, saying he respected Wolf and always wanted to test himself against the best…but never thought he’d have the chance. Wolf responded with respect and gratitude and it led to this match…and hints at Topher’s future in the Syndicate storyline. Topher has been on the cusp of stardom for me since day one, but has always taken a back seat to Ant Man and Kenny Callaway in my Impact Players stable…but he’s been a bit aimless now that those two are gone, and Tommy and Wolf may be the perfect duo to take him to the next level…


· Masked Duke and Mimic have a great rivalry and Mimic just always seems to deliver when it matters. He’s my ‘laid back’ Champ…he just chills backstage and has fun, but when there’s a contender, or someone steps out of line, he’s one tough SOB. Duke is extremely over, and has debuted a new move, so I was OK with him taking the win, but it wasn’t meant to be…but he’s very close…and a rock for my promotion.


· Masashi is a beast, and is now next in line for a shot at JVP’s belt. He’s been putting on great match after great match, and taking down JVP’s Bullet Club co-leader Grimm is a statement of intent. Also, his EXILE stable has been making more noise lately, and is now 6 deep…he’s about to make some moves…


· El Jaguar/Tiger Prince came together to keep El Jag hot and in the Title picture, while capitalizing on Prince’s promise. Simon Waves is on fire in right right now, and having Miller Fford and February Malaise both clicking with him in a big way, he’s now entered the convo at the top of my card. Losing Sarah Taylor hurt, but replacing her with Fford has worked out great, and Simon Waves looks to make Waves the rest of 2025


· Carlos has now defended the Canadian Regional Title a dozen times, and keeps putting on solid matches wherever I put him. Ava has been a solid wrestler, and one of 3 females who I seem to have a good handle on (and who are locked up contract wise) along with Honey Badger and Romi Yamamoto. Fuyuka has signed an exclusive elsewhere, which is routine for her and my relationship…she’s been a star for me, so I don’t begrudge her moving on…for now.


· Yuta Isona is being built up for his push into mid card singles status. Astro also has been showing well lately and is maybe due a push soon too.


· Overall, I’m very pleased with this event (my best ever), especially the planning and how I built the card to build to a climax. I’ve had trouble with that in the past, but with a better handle on my roster, and a pretty deep ‘Main Event’ pool, I feel I’m better equipped to ‘stack a card’ with more craft.

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