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APEX Wrestling: Episodic Television

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April 2020



Brian Quinn, comedian and Impractical Jokers star, approaches a group of investors about an idea. With not being able to work on his television shows or do comedy because of COVID, he turns to one of his other passions. Professional wrestling. His idea is an episodic wrestling show, (think Lucha Underground) with original characters and great wrestling. The investors love the idea, but with a few stipulations. He must bring in advisors with experience in the pro wrestling world, and he must have medical staff for COVID safety.


Brian, with his unnamed advisors, start searching for the roster. Unbeknownst to Brian, one of his investors has stake in NBC. A one hour, graveyard slot on SYFY has been secured for one season of programming, with an opportunity to get renewal with a better time slot if the show succeeds.


June 2020

COVID was suppressed by June and the first taping was set for the end of the month in Staten Island, New York. No roster is announced before hand. Fans will go in blind to find out what APEX will really be.



*So I've started and gave up on about 3 diaries in my time playing TEW. That's TEW for you. I think those failed because I tried doing something too big. This is a smaller save with a more focused idea. Just booking 1 hour shows I can get a lot more done and not get burned out. Yes, I know the APEX logo is from a UK company, but I couldn't think of a good idea for a company name and logo, and this logo inspired me with a lot of ideas.*

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Season 1 Episode 1




APEX Wrestling: Season 1, Episode 1




Brian Quinn opens the show, welcoming everyone to the first episode of his project, APEX Wrestling. He announces the premise of the first season of APEX. The competitors in APEX will all be competing for the APEX Top of the Mountain championship. The first ever champion will be crowned on the Season 1 Finale.




He then introduces the commentary team for APEX, NECW owner and commentator, Sheldon Goldberg, and UFC legend and wrestling fan, Chael P. Sonnen.


Segment Rating: 36


The first competitor to appear on APEX wrestling comes out from the back.




Valenzuela Jr. makes his way towards the ring. He is a trained hip-hop dancer and martial artist. He dances his way into the ring as the fans are excited to see a familiar face they have seen on TV.


The atmosphere of the room changes when his opponent enters.




Lil' Cholo Erazo comes out, accompanied by his brother Nelson Erazo. They both have nasty looks on their faces, ready to take out any competition on the way to the Top of the Mountain.


APEX Singles Match

Valenzuela Jr. vs. Lil' Cholo Erazo w/ Nelson Erazo



Valenzuela Jr. controls most of the match, until the end when Nelson is fed up and makes his way into the ring. He blatantly hits Valenzuela Jr., resulting in disqualification for Lil' Cholo.


Valenzuela Jr. defeats Lil' Cholo Erazo in 6:56 when Lil' Cholo was disqualified after Nelson ran in and attacked Valenzuela Jr.


Match Rating: 33




After the match, the Erazo's continue to beat up on Valenzuela Jr. Nelson hits a Gringo Killa before Lil' Cholo hits a Double Foot Stomp from the top rope. Eventually, APEX's referee team comes out and runs off the Erazo's checking on Valenzuela Jr. and calling on medical staff. The Erazo's leave with dirty looks on their faces, happy with what they did.


Segment Rating: 33


After a commercial break, APEX's next two competitors are ready for their match.




First, Scottish lad, Graeme the Great happily makes his way to the ring. He is wearing a shirt that says "You're Great!"


He grabs a mic and starts to say something with a smile on his face, but the Bulgarian National Anthem blares over the speakers interrupting him.




Miroslav Barynashev makes his way down to the ring, waving a Bulgarian flag. He sets the flag down, gets into the ring and immediately begins the match.


APEX Singles Match

Miroslav Barynashev vs. Graeme the Great



Barynashev dominates the whole match. The match ends after a big Superkick to the jaw of Graeme and a BulPlex following for the 1.2.3.


Miroslav Barynashev defeats Graeme the Great in 7:09 by pinfall after a BulPlex


Match Rating: 44




Barnyashev flies his Bulgarian flag and grabs a mic. He begins speaking in Bulgarian, but luckily there are subtitles shown on screen. He makes his claim for the APEX Top of the Mountain championship, saying he will be the first ever champion by the end of the season.


Segment Rating: 79


For the next match,




Joe Perfect is the first competitor to come out to the ring. He is decked out in gold, but has a happy demeanor. He high fives the fans, excited to make his debut on the first episode of APEX.




His opponent, Shooter Stevens comes out in full Karate garb. He shows off his black belt to the fans who don't seem to respect him very much.


APEX Singles Match

Joe Perfect vs. Shooter Stevens



A very back and forth match, both guys seem to give it their all. Perfect has fun with the fans, showing off for them as they eat it up. Eventually, his "perfect" offense overwhelms the Karate master and hits him with the Perfectplex for the win.


Joe Perfect defeats Shooter Stevens in 12:49 by pinfall after a Perfectplex


Match Rating: 40




Stevens argues with Referee Mickie Henson, claiming that it was only a two count and he used his superior Karate training to get out of the pin. Joe celebrates with the fans during all of this.


Segment Rating: 48


Its time for the first ever main event in APEX history!




Big Pappy makes his way out, flexing his muscles. He is very well known around APEX for his adult entertainment videos.




His opponent, 'Unbeatable' Dan Healy has a mic in hand. He claims that he is "Unbeatable" and will walk his way through APEX and become the Top of the Mountain champion.


APEX Singles Match

Big Pappy vs. 'Unbeatable' Dan Healy



Healy controls most of the offence this match. Big Pappy does get his key moves in though. Pappy goes for a Superplex off the top rope, but Healy low-blows him, making both men fall to the outside of the ring. They both get to their feet at the same time and try to roll into the ring but both fail to beat the 10 count. The match ends in a double count out


'Unbeatable' Dan Healy draws with Big Pappy in 9:32 after a double count out


Match Rating: 48




Brian Quinn stands up from the desk and grabs a mic, he says that the fans deserve these two to fight until a victor. There will be a rematch on Episode 3, but this time it will be a Falls Count Anywhere match.


Segment Rating: 21


Final Show Rating: 56

*Shows are rated on Main Event Spotlight and Tight Focus for now since I started at Small size and don't want to lose pop.*


*Let me know what you think of some of the characters and what directions I could possibly take with the show. Also predictions for anyone else on the roster and what their characters will be would be awesome to see.

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Season 1 Episode 2




APEX Wrestling: Season 1, Episode 2




The second episode of APEX starts with two mysterious men with face paint in the ring. They move creepily and are only announced as K and O.


Their opponents make their way to the ring.




First, billed as the Prince of an English island in the Pacific, Heath Sebastian Wallace III comes out dressed in royal garb and a smile on his face.




His partner, Kalo, his right behind him. He is a monk from South Africa who now resides somewhere in the Himalayan Mountains.


APEX Tag Team Match

Meeting of the Minds vs. KO



Meeting of the Minds clearly control most of the match, with Kalo doing most of the work for the team. KO constantly tries to find a way to cheat and take control, but they are never given the opportunity. The ending comes when Kalo takes to the top rope and hits a 450 splash.


Meeting of the Minds defeats KO when Kalo the Monk pins O after a 450 Splash


Match Rating: 36




Kalo & Heath celebrate their debut victory on APEX, but are soon interrupted.




A masked man appears from the back, dressed in a white suit. He points to the two men in the ring.




Three men appear out of the crowd and quickly get into the ring to attack Kalo & Heath. They continue to decimate the two men until told to stop by their boss. They each leave in separate directions through the crowd, as the leader disappears in green fog.


Segment Rating: 32


Clearly shocked after what just happened, the commentators try to get APEX back on track for the next match.




Already in the ring, Dasher is billed as the greatest athlete you've never heard of. He starts to get on the fans good side with some taunts, but is quickly interrupted.




Machine Gunka and his bodyguard DOC make their entrance into the ring. They are clearly on a mission. Gunka demands the referee start the match.


APEX Singles Match

Dasher vs. Machine Gunka



Machine Gunka makes quick work of Dasher, but prolongs the match to send a message to APEX. Eventually he tosses him against the rope and hits him with a huge Spinebuster for the win.


Machine Gunka defeats Dasher in 8:30 by pinfall after a MachineBuster


Match Rating: 44




DOC immediately gets in the ring and goes to work on Dasher, Gunka demands a mic. While DOC holds down Dasher and hits him with fists from above, Machine cuts a promo on APEX. He says that he will be the first Top of the Mountain champion, and with the help of DOC, no one will be able to take it from him.


Segment Rating: 44


After a commercial break, we see backstage a locker room door with smoke coming out from the cracks. A theme song plays with loud drums and horns blares across the small venue. A fake crowd noise is played, chanting "Lo-lo, lo-lo, lo-lo." The door busts open with a large Hawaiian exiting, coughing. He shows off with some punches. Pakalolo makes his way out for his match.




After he finally makes it into the ring,




a monster, announced as Kongo, enters. He is directed by handlers into the ring.


APEX Singles Match

Pakalolo vs. Kongo



The two big men put on a good performance, with Pakalolo seemingly being the better of the two. He seems a little paranoid at points in the match, getting distracted by heckles from the fans. Eventually, he is able to pin Kongo after he hits him with a huge Superplex that almost breaks the ring.


Pakalolo defeats Kongo in 9:40 by pinfall after a Superplex


Match Rating: 44




Pakalolo makes it to his feet, realizing he won and celebrates. That doesn't last long.




A Puerto Rican dressed in super nice, silky clothes stands at the entrance way with a microphone. He says that Lolo owes him some money and will get him to pay, one way or another.


Segment Rating: 43


Tonight's main event couldn't have came sooner. *I mean seriously, what was that last segment.*




The first competitor enters, his name is Thor Bjerk. Billed from somewhere in Scandinavia, a giant Viking-looking man stares out the crowd with a blank look on his face.




His opponent, Brett Cardona, comes out with his friend, BJ Myers. Both men are dressed in all purple velvet suits and fancy canes. The fans cheer loudly for some reason unknown to the broadcasters. Cardona looks physically frighted by Thor, but is ready to begin the match anyway.


APEX Singles Match

Brett Cardona vs. Thor Bjerk



Bjerk clearly overpowers the velvet-clad Cardona. Brett is able to get some offense in during the match, but only because Bjerk gets distracted by Myers and destroys him outside the ring. The match ends after a big Chokeslam Thor hits in the middle of the ring.


Thor Bjerk defeats Brett Cardona in 11:44 by pinfall after a Chokeslam


Match Rating: 43




The two loveable boys from New York try to plead with Thor, trying to offer them "services" for him to leave them alone. Either he doesn't like their offer or doesn't understand English, because he picks both men up and hits a Double Chokeslam. The fans boo as he leaves the ring, ending the second episode of APEX Wrestling.


Segment Rating: 47


Final Show Rating: 42


*WTF did I do with this show*


*Once again, feedback is always awesome. Obviously I know this show got kinda strange, but I'm having fun with it and I hope you enjoy it as well. These two shows showcased pretty much the full roster, with one or two people not making appearances. Let me know what you think of the roster and who your favorite characters are.*

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Season 1 Episode 3




APEX Wrestling: Season 1, Episode 3




Brian Quinn opens up the third episode of APEX Wrestling. He hypes up the fans for the main event tonight, a rematch between Dan Healy and Big Pappy. He also announces that unfortunately, Pakalolo was found outside his hotel bloody and beaten up. It is being investigated and if it has anything to do with another APEX competitor, there will be consequences.


Segment Rating: 34




The Erazo Brothers are in the ring, ready for their tag match against Valenzuela Jr. and his mystery partner.




Valenzuela Jr. comes out. He looks ready to take on the men that beat him up a couple weeks ago. He points to the curtain for his partner to join him.




Christopher Hero, the man who watches over APEX and ensures justice, appears from the back with a smile on his face. He loves to dish out justice!


APEX Tag Team Match

The Erazo Brothers vs. Valenzuela Jr. and Christopher Hero



A very back in forth match. Nelson controls the match when Valenzuela Jr. is in. He is eventually able to make the hot tag into Hero, who gets his spots in and is able to get the victory with an elbow to the back of Lil' Cholo's head out of nowhere.


Valenzuela Jr. and Christopher Hero defeat The Erazo Brothers in 11:28 when Christopher pins Lil' Cholo Erazo after a Hangman's Elbow


Match Rating: 38




Christopher helps Valenzuela Jr. to his feet and celebrates the victory. He is handed a mic and makes it clear that any injustice that takes place in APEX he will take care of and make things right.


Segment Rating: 42




Thor Bjerk is shown walking towards the curtain for his match. He meets his partners for tonight.




KO, the Demons from Hell, speak some weird language to Bjerk. He just grunts and they head towards the ring.


Once they are in the ring, their first opponent enters.




Graeme The Great, who clearly has a broken jaw from last weeks match against Miroslav, comes out, with




The NY Pimps by his side.


APEX Six-Man Tag Team Match

Thor Bjerk & KO vs. Graeme the Great & The NY Pimps



It is clear that Thor is pretty unstoppable. Graeme gets bullied by him for a good half of the match. K tags himself in at one point. That is when Brett & BJ are able to take some control. The match ends when Thor goes into a rage at the sight of Graeme celebrating with the fans. He continuously throws hammerfists to Graeme and referee is forced to stop the match.


Graeme the Great & The NY Pimps defeat Thor Bjerk & KO in 10:28 when Thor Bjer got disqualified after going into a rage and refusing to stop assaulting Graeme the Great


Match Rating: 38


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The NY Pimps carry Graeme to the back.




Thor continues to be in a rage and eventually throws KO from the ring when they try to calm him down.


Segment Rating: 38


Its time for the main event!




Big Pappy enters from the curtain.




He is immediately attacked by Dan Healy from behind. They get their match started by the ramp.


APEX Falls Count Anywhere Singles Match

Big Pappy vs. 'Unbeatable' Dan Healy



They fight across the whole small venue. They throw each other into walls and barricades, beating the hell out of each other. The ending of the match comes when Healy sends Pappy into a pillar, which falls over and lands on top of him. Healy lays on the pillar with Pappy's shoulders on the ground. 1. 2. 3.


'Unbeatable' Dan Healy defeats Big Pappy in 15:26 by pinfall after a pillar falls on Pappy's damn head


Match Rating: 50




Dan Healy is handed a mic, still sitting on top of Big Pappy. He says he is still undefeated. No one in APEX will be able to beat him, and he will walk to the Top of the Mountain.


Segment Rating: 68


Final Show Rating: 53


*Healy really proved himself in this one for me, but I shouldn't have expected less.*


*Also, Jeff Cobb legitimately got his leg broken in an ROH match with Dalton Castle. Fun stuff to deal with... Don't worry I have a plan though!*


*Let me know what you all think about this one! Who will be Top of the Mountain Champion?*

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