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WCW '96: Cowboys Never Die(take 2)

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WCW Saturday Night!

March 1996 Week 4

Live from: The Louisville Gardens

Attendance: 6,000(SOLD OUT)

Combined TV Ratings: 1.26 (TNT, TSN, Foxtel, Eurosports, and Tokyo Broadcasting System)

Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Steve McMichael, and Larry Zbyszko


::: Pre-Show :::


Black Adonis Defeated Lord Humongous

The Philly Trio Defeated The Canadian Thrillseekers and Brian Lawler

Rod Warrior Animal Defeated Squire David Taylor

Rock 'n' Roll Express Defeated Dave Finlay and Kurasawa


::: Main Show :::


Ultimo Dragon Vs Matt Borne

In a bout that had decent wrestling but little heat, Matt Borne defeated Ultimo Dragon in 8:07 by pinfall with a DDT.


Matt and Madusa?

After the match a video of Matt Borne and Madusa chatting backstage is shown. The announcers are confused by the video being aired and question when it was shot. The segment ends with the announcers wondering what this could mean for Duggan's match at Uncensored.


The Barrio Boys Vs The Stud Stable with Robert Fuller

In a terrible match, The Stud Stable defeated Barrio Brothers in 8:24 when Mike Rotunda defeated Fidel Sierra by pinfall with a Flying Lariat.


Gene Okerlund interviews DDP

“Mean” Gene Okerlund is backstage with DDP...


Gene Okerlund: Diamond Dallas Page, you have been seen working with Black Scorpion and other members of his Cabal. Why are you working for him?


DDP: Gene, I'll work for anyone who has the cash to pay for my service. If Cactus Jack or Randy Savage wanted my services and they paid me the scratch then I'd be helping them out.


Gene Okerlund: So you're just a hired gun is that it?


DDP: Now you understand monkey boy. DDP will take out whoever you want for the low price of $50K. Just remember, if you want a one, two, three then hire DDP!


Tracy Smothers Vs DDP

In a poor match, Diamond Dallas Page defeated Tracy Smothers in 8:28 by submission.


The Philly Trio is here...

Gene Okerlund goes over and once again tries to get a word from these three wrestlers from Philadelphia but once again they refuse to speak to him. Gene gets frustrated and eventually walks off.


Alex Wright Vs Mark Starr

WCW TV Title Match

In a bout that had terrible wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, Alex Wright defeated Mark Starr in 8:20 by submission with a STF. Alex Wright makes defense number 3 of his WCW World Television title.


Sting, Hogan, and Missy

As the show ends we get a montage of Sting, Hulk Hogan, and Missy Hyatt. The video ends with the film “ripping” and an evil laugh being heard as the scene fades to black.


::: News :::


Dick Slater lawsuit dismissed!

After Dick Slater was fired from WCW he filed a wrongful termination lawsuit against the company. Despite several other lawsuits from former WCW wrestlers succeeding, Dick Slater's lawsuit was dismissed by a judge. Sources inside WCW claim that embittered WCW President was walking around like a proud peacock.



WCW Uncensored Preview


Alex Wright Vs Disco Inferno - WCW TV Title Match

Brad Armstrong Vs DDP - First Blood Match

Fire and Ice Vs Powers of Pain - Tables Match

Dean Malenko Vs Chris Benoit - 2 out of 3 Falls Match

Harlem Heat Vs The Midnight Express - WCW Tag Title Match

Cactus Jack Vs Kevin Sullivan - Leather Strap Match

Ron Simmons Vs Hercules Hernandez - Submission Match

Lex Luger Vs Vader - Last Man Standing Match

Hulk Hogan Vs One Man Gang{c} - WCW US Title Match

Sting Vs Dark Sting - No DQ Match

Randy Savage Vs Jim Duggan Vs Ric Flair{c} - WCW World Title Match

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Alex Wright Vs Disco Inferno - WCW TV Title Match

Brad Armstrong Vs DDP - First Blood Match

Fire and Ice Vs Powers of Pain - Tables Match

Dean Malenko Vs Chris Benoit - 2 out of 3 Falls Match

Harlem Heat Vs The Midnight Express - WCW Tag Title Match

Cactus Jack Vs Kevin Sullivan - Leather Strap Match

Ron Simmons Vs Hercules Hernandez - Submission Match

Lex Luger Vs Vader - Last Man Standing Match

Hulk Hogan Vs One Man Gang{c} - WCW US Title Match

Sting Vs Dark Sting - No DQ Match

Randy Savage Vs Jim Duggan Vs Ric Flair{c} - WCW World Title Match

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Alex Wright - WCW TV Title Match

DDP - First Blood Match

Fire and Ice- Tables Match

Chris Benoit - 2 out of 3 Falls Match

Harlem Heat - WCW Tag Title Match

Cactus Jack - Leather Strap Match

Ron Simmons - Submission Match

Vader - Last Man Standing Match

Hulk Hogan WCW US Title Match

Sting - No DQ Match

Ric Flair{c} - WCW World Title Match

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So, a lot of things have been going on in my personal life and I'm not able to keep this dynasty going any longer. I would like to say thanks to everyone who was following along. I will not keep everyone in the dark about where this story was headed, instead I am going to do a quick wrap up of things.


The Scorpion Cabal

This was the big storyline that was set to encompass the entire WCW roster in a hostile takeover. This story would involve several storylines that eventually all merged together, so I will talk about them in sections.


The Sting storyline

Terry Taylor was revealed to be Dark Sting and he was set to lose to Sting at WCW Uncensored due to Missy Hyatt interfering and nailing him with a low blow. The following Nitro would reveal that Terry Taylor was the WCW Vice President Paul Taylor III. Terry would abuse his position to place Sting in various matches intended to soften him up for his upcoming match with the Black Scorpion. On the 3rd Nitro before the Showdown PPV Ultimate Warrior would save Sting from a 2 on 1 attack and the Blade Runners would reunite, Black Scorpion not being seen on the show. On the final Nitro before the PPV the announcers would stress that Black Scorpion wasn't around but Warrior was, Heenan goiung so far as to say Warrior fit all the clues laid out by Black Scorpion. The show would end with the Blade Runners winning a tag match but during the match Warrior would accidentally nail Sting with a lariat.


At the PPV it would be revealed that Sting's match had the added stipulation that if Sting lost then his contract would be under Black Scorpion's control but if Sting won he would face off against “The Scorpion King” at the next PPV. During the PPV we would see shots of a muscular man who was said to be the Black Scorpion, leading to more speculation that Warrior was Black Scorpion. Warrior would not be on the show and when it was time for Sting's match the announcers were certain that Warrior was Black Scorpion. During the match Sting would unmask Black Scorpion to reveal, Rick Steiner! As Sting stood there in shock Missy Hyatt would slide into the ring and low blow Sting, allowing Steiner to get the win.


The next few weeks would see Steiner booking Sting in various handicap matches with the stipulation that if Sting lost then Rick would stop allowing Sting to wrestle for WCW. During the Crockett Cup PPV, Steiner would force Sting to team with him and the two of them would win the tournament. Sting would eventually be booked in a match against Rick Steiner for the WCW World Championship #1 Contender's spot with orders to lose to Steiner. Sting would end up wining the match and Steiner would vow that Sting would never get a chance to cash in his title match as Rick was never going to allow the match to be booked.


As Sting sat at home, Hogan would team up with Randy Savage and Ultimate Warrior to challenge the Scorpion Cabal for Sting's contract. Steiner would accept the match but make stipulations for the encounter. Sting's contract would be wagered against the Ultra Powers(Hogan's group name) in a 3 on 3 winner take all match. The Ultra Powers would agree to the match and Steiner, Taylor, and The Scorpion King would be set to face off at Beach Blast '96. Dusty Rhodes, who was secretly under the thumb of the Scorpion Cabal, would make the match no DQ.


The Ultra Powers would face off against Steiner and Taylor in a 2 on 3 match as The Scorpion King was a no show to the match. During the match Duggan and Borne would assault Randy, causing Savage to be taken out on a stretcher. Hogan and Warrior would press on only for Big Bubba to handcuff Hogan to the railing around the ring. Warrior would hold his own but Steiner and Taylor would eventually get him down on the mat. Sting would run in and run off Steiner and Taylor only to lock Warrior in the Complete Scorpion Death Lock. As Warrior tapped out the crowd would erupt in a chorus of boos. Sting, Taylor, and Steiner would hug in the ring as the show went off the air.


Following the PPV Sting would reveal that everything that happened was all part of his plan. Sting would tell the audience they turned their backs on him by cheering for New York nobodies like Hogan and Savage. Sting said he tried to give them a chance but they kept holding him back and taking his spotlight. Sting would then reveal the group's actual name, the Mid South Mafia. Sting would end his speech by saying WCW was going to be sorry that they brought him into the company.


The Duggan storyline

At the Uncensored PPV Jim Duggan would cut a promo saying he paid Savage back for underestimating him but that he was willing to have a clean slate with him, going so fr as to say they could make sure Ric didn't leave with the title. During the title match Ric would place Duggan in the Figure Four Leg Lock but Duggan would refuse to tap out. Savage would then climb to the top rope and land an Elbow Drop on Duggan before he made the pin. The bell would ring but the referee would inform Savage that he did not win as Duggan tapped out right before the three count.


At the following Nitro Duggan would reveal he didn't tap out from the pain of the Figure Four but rather he did it to screw over Savage. Duggan would clarify that he planned on holding Ric's legs in his had Savage landed on Ric. Since Savage landed on Duggan, Jim decided he would tap out and deny Savage the win.


The Scorpion Cabal would officially add Matt Borne, Jim Duggan, and Big Bubba to their ranks the following week and Duggan and Borne would attack and wrestle Savage for the next several months. (If Ted DiBiase's contract expired and I was able to pick him up he would be added to the storyline.) The reformed Rat Pack would fail to capture tag team gold but they would be one of the teams added to the Crockett Cup.


The Dusty Rhodes storyline

Taylor would continue to torment JYD and eventually be stripped of his power with Dusty Rhodes being named the interim president. Rhodes would be the “people's president” and book the faces against their enemies, angering the Scorpion Cabal. Rhodes would help swing momentum into the face's favor and it would seem like the Scorpion Cabal was on the brink of defeat. During this time Big Bubba would confront Rhodes several times and try to coerce the American Dream into joining the Cabal.


Bubba, in an attempt to get to Rhodes, would assault Larry Zbyszko at his home. The following week Zbysko would reveal to Rhodes that Bubba found “it” and tell Dusty to step down unless he wanted the world to know his secret.(The audience would not know this until later, although they would have seen Larry and Dusty talking.) Dusty would come out and announce the no DQ stipulation to the Ultra Powers vs Scorpion Cabal match and it would be revealed a few weeks after the PPV that Dusty did it because Bubba forced him. We would eventually learn that Big Bubba had an manilla envelope that he stole from Larry Zbyszko containing Dusty's secret.


After a few weeks of teasing a reveal, for a storyline that was first started in 1988, it would be reveled that Dusty Rhodes had a secret love child.(A young worker would be brought in to play this character.) Due to a violation of the morality clause in his contract, Dusty would be fired and Bill Watts would once again be made the WCW President.


The Mid South Mafia

Bill Watts would be revealed to be WCW President for life, thanks to what happened with Dusty and Turner execs no longer wanting the position to be subject to the whims of the workers plots. This would be revealed to be a bad move on Turner's part as Watts was in cahoots with Sting and instrumental in all the behind the scenes things that needed to happen to make the Scorpion Cabal seem like they had pull in the company.(The signing of Vader for example.)


Sting would face off against Ric Flair in a cage match for the WCW World Title and Terry Gordy, a Mid South Mafia plant, would turn on Flair and cost him the match. The Mid South Mafia would declare war on WCW and modern “sports entertainment” vowing to bring wrestling back to its roots.


DDP, Ron Simmons, Cactus Jack, and Harlem Heat would band together, unofficially as the WCW Vanguard, and feud with the Mid South Mafia. And...that is as far as I planned this out.

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