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Your Weaknesses/Bias/Shortcomings/Tropes As a Booker

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My shows follow a very predictable outline, opening show promo with one of the top 2/3 storylines, followed up by matches that are followed by promos building their associated storyline. Makes booking weekly TV shows quick and easy, just make sure all my storylines get advanced. Also need to have a solid backstage interviewer to help build skills and boost angles with my mid-carders who can't quite carry the angles on their own yet.


I'm also huge on stables and freestyle angles. My shows almost always have 3 or 4 angles with 8 people in them.

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Guest michael20001
As much as i love it in real life i really struggle to weave storylines together in a show. Normally each feud gets a match/promo to advance it with one getting multiple.
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It's not exactly a weakness, but more of a game destroying thing I can't stop doing when I'm booking a company that has TV. I book my main storylines in my head for at least a year (often more) in advance, and then get bored after a few months of just organizing the cards without being really able to do any booking, as the storylines in my head need to go a certain way. I try and combat this by actively trying not to book ahead for more then a few PPV's, but can't help myself when I get carried away by some "brilliant" idea.


Other then that I have the usual suspect's of not being able to stop my roster from getting bloated (in my current Tiny indy fed I've been extra careful with this, so I have only 47 wrestlers atm...), wanting to push wrestlers too early in their careers in historic RW mods and having all my cards in the same structure (My indy fed's every card is: 8-person car crash scramble; regular match that's usually a tag; comedy match; deathmatch; either a singles steal the show, or a multiman car crash; regular match; car crash; steal the show. With a 4min promo segment every two matches.)

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It's not exactly a weakness, but more of a game destroying thing I can't stop doing when I'm booking a company that has TV. I book my main storylines in my head for at least a year (often more) in advance, and then get bored after a few months of just organizing the cards without being really able to do any booking, as the storylines in my head need to go a certain way. I try and combat this by actively trying not to book ahead for more then a few PPV's, but can't help myself when I get carried away by some "brilliant" idea.


This right here! I can't tell you guys how many times I've had storylines planned out in my mind and even typed out in a notepad or word only to get bored and start over. That's my biggest flaw as I ALWAYS start a new save when I see something that could be better whether its with my own promotion or an AI controlled promotion :D

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I honestly feel like I have so many. Let's list them.


I always seem to book the WWE formula. Promo to open the show.

I always have the heels post match attack for a feud to start.

Main events are always tags and 6 mans.

I always have to have a show gain pop, despite the fact, gaining and losing pop is part of the journey.

I try and keep every realistic when its about fantasy booking.

I struggle to book any sort of face stable.


So yeah, quite a lot lol

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Here are some of mine.


Every one of my training feds opens with a first month long tournament. Typically ending with the heel finalist winning and the face finalist trying to get justice for that robbery. Leading into a long feud while other contenders build their credibility


The second feud I always run is User Character v Upper Mid who may have potential to be champion but doesn't look quite ready yet. With that becoming a year plus long war ending in some kind of big gimmick match. Cage match. Strap match. Some PPV caliber stip like that.


Wrestlers working kayfabe injuries tend to keep wrestling under masks. Typically using the Mr. JL theory WCW did with Jerry Lynn. Using their initials for their masked identiity. I refer to these masked men as my Letter People after the old 70's kiddie show. Sometimes literally using that name in tag match descriptions.


I have trouble booking cowardly world champs. Often using title shots as rewards for people who improved the most the previous month. I can book cowardly tag champs well enough but not world champs.


No matter much I want to have somebody have a regular interview segment I have a hard time keeping it going consistently. I loved bits like The Barber Shop or Piper's Pit back in the day but can never keep them afloat.


I've never been good with authority figures of either alignment. Be it the hands-off Jack Tunney type, the activist Teddy Long type or the abusive Mr. McMahon style it doesn't matter. I can't be consistent with any of them. And usually it's the face GM I'm more inclined to want as I loved Tunney and especially Teddy.

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I get so far into a game then look back and think i could do that better and start a new save.


SAME. For sooo many years doing this I would start and stop this exact way. I wouldn't publish half the journals because I knew I would just stop them because I was in this terrible nightmare.

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I'm a massive hoarder of talent. I can't let people go and I always want who I don't have already.


I'm actually working on it in my current game. The first thing I did was a brand split to force me work with smaller rosters. Then I made a rule that anyone that wasn't a midcarder or I planned on pushing as a future main eventer like Cornell Jr. would only get signed for a year, two tops. If I haven't pushed them outside of random throw together tag teams, they're gone.


I've also tried to focus more on specific talents. Not even just guys that I want in the main event, but my midcard as well. I used to have a big problem with just using midcard guys interchangeably (like WWE...) and I found that when I did the brand split, I only had a couple of guys that were over to carry my midcard and a massive amount of complete unknowns. So I just picked a few of them, and they're the guys that I'm pushing hard into my midcard for the next year. They get matches against main event and lose, but for the most part they beat everyone they come up against. I'm done with flavor of the month booking (for now lol).

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My short fall is I very often always fall in love jobber characters and I try to push them to the moon... ah... Chance Fortune...


I do that on real world mods. I just can't help trying to push Dana Brooke or someone similar just because I don't feel they will or have ever gotten anything substantial in real life.

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I've recently realised how formulaic my booking of a mid card title is. It always follows the same pattern for me: challenger emerges, either wins the title on first or second attempt, and then retains the title against the old champion in a following match or two, then new challenger emerges and the cycle repeats.

To make matters worse I often have an endless cycle of 'that young-ish worker on the cusp of entering the main event scene' as the mid-card champ, before dropping the belt to move up. Obviously not a bad thing but it often means I end up with a bloated main event scene, and I don't really like having previous World champions drop into the mid card title scene again, I've never really understood that in real life.

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