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National Wrestling League [LanceVerse]

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Hey folks, welcome to my first diary in TEW 2020! This originally started as simple a beta test for my LanceVerse mod but I began getting so involved with the storylines I was putting together that before I knew I had I had flown through four months of content and was eager to share it in the form of a dynasty. You can find out more about the alternate reality the mod takes place in from the linked thread and this post in particular covers more about the NWL promotion.




The National Wrestling League was opened at the start of 2016 by industry veteran Derrick Headley and is an all-male promotion offering a sports entertainment product. Now entering its fifth year of operation, it boasts a number of stars as well as up and coming elite athletes. This diary picks up right in the middle of a number of stories: the new NWL Champion Jonathan Stark faces his first challenger; somebody is pranking the increasingly irate Brett Colesworth; notorious party boy David Battle continues making enemies in the locker room; a smaller midcarder stands up to a gargantuan bully; the competition around the NWL United States Championship scene heats up.


The NWL Roster





NWL Champion: Jonathan Stark

NWL United States Champion: Kade Briggs

NWL Tag Team Champions: The Panthers (Zach Kyler & Tye Woodhams)




Brett Colesworth - Clyde Goddman - Gareth Arryn - David Battle




Ramon Cole - Jason Browne - M.J. Barton - Keaton Casey




Luke Ostlund - Jeff Leben - Offensive Unit (Tad Underwood & Wyatt Randolph)




Lamarcus Davenport - Isiah Cook - Reed Graham - Danilo Rasussen




The Goddman Brothers (Clinton & Clayton) - The Reilly Brothers (Theo & Tommy)




Alden Greene - Thaddeus Ryan - Benson Trevino - Dalton Strickland




The Holt Twins (Dacquan & Travone) - The Vikings (Judd Brennan & Roland Carr)




Riley Daniel - Taylen Hines - Kalem Bain - Emmett Solomon




Dhorian Green - Stewart Bates - Blake & Mac (Rakeem Blake & Mac Simmons)


Also Including:


Adrian Hensley - Alexander Brennan - Brant Dudley - Coleton Ray


Craig Massey - Greg Campos - Hayden Puckett - Jakobe Lewis


Luca McNeil - Rontay Wheeler - Tyler Marsh - William Beckett

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>January 2020, Week One</strong></p><p> </p><p> "Ladies and gentleman, welcome to <strong>Friday Night Wrestling</strong> with the <strong>National Wrestling League</strong>..."</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="cbc8b46f16e07d5f1d824a85d1e328f814acd2b6.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/78de971b99c41dfdf55c39bb9fcb2b14/feed86782dad44f1-a0/s250x400/cbc8b46f16e07d5f1d824a85d1e328f814acd2b6.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="ee3ebeda4138bfc4114172ba08f84e89ac86fb2f.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/689458123cc5ccc0fde2f6c5a46bef3b/e3b275e3e5e343c5-6f/s250x400/ee3ebeda4138bfc4114172ba08f84e89ac86fb2f.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> The very first NWL show of 2020 opens with its commentary team, <strong>Michael Madden</strong> and <strong>Ronald Quincy</strong>, who are all too happy to give a lowdown on the current stories in the promotion and what we might see tonight! "Will we finally see who is pranking Brett Colesworth?" Madden asks, "Whoever that individual is, they're an incredibly brave soul to mess with a three-time world champion like Brett!"</p><p> </p><p> Quincy, however, is far more interested in Gareth Arry, another former NWL Champion, who called out newly coronated champ Jonathan Stark on last week's episode of Friday Night Wrestling. "Arryn's in action tonight," Quincy declares giddily, "And I've got a good feeling Stark will be keeping an eye on him!"</p><p> </p><p> "And who can forget the shocking result of Reed Graham standing up to that <em>bully </em>Thaddeus Ryan two weeks ago?" Madden adds, "We'll be hearing from Graham a little later on tonight while Ryan continues his two-week suspension. Right now though, we've got action for you all - it's Ramon Cole's weekly open challenge!"</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51962" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="e6870a96ef88c5103f6bb4e9ef250bb02bbfbd45.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/7db91fac0f7f7391539e4857e83b6ec9/45c688cb3f0c1dc8-0e/s250x400/e6870a96ef88c5103f6bb4e9ef250bb02bbfbd45.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="854258c734fbc4b5f29c4391f28d4651425aaaed.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/4c8e047a19b568d9c756c6285d013306/a11c7b1484eb0be0-58/s250x400/854258c734fbc4b5f29c4391f28d4651425aaaed.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> <strong>Ramon Cole</strong> vs. <strong>Jakobe Lewis</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Lewis waits in the ring with Cole makes his entrance but goes on the attack as soon as the former world champion slides into the ring. He takes full advantage of this early momentum once the bell rings, driving Cole into the corner and delivering a number of shoulders to the other man's midsection. When he attempts to deliver a cannonball though, Cole escapes and turns the tables on his opponent. After a few strikes and suplexes, Cole puts Lewis down with his finisher for a decisive three-count. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Ramon Cole def. Jakobe Lewis in 5:44 [</strong><strong><span style="color:#98FB98;">68</span></strong><strong>]</strong></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="abd5506686b90212da09a87cf63774f413d22d49.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/8cf9ac89b93f2a6fe9c669acb3e29dc7/e3b275e3e5e343c5-0e/s250x400/abd5506686b90212da09a87cf63774f413d22d49.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="a754f540122016c52b0e03c542f4ad09416d5a0e.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/ab0ffe262c228afb6324e935d95402ec/a11c7b1484eb0be0-8b/s250x400/a754f540122016c52b0e03c542f4ad09416d5a0e.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> On-air broadcaster <strong>Jordan Khan</strong> is joined by the afforementioned <strong>Reed Graham</strong> for an interview about the vicious attack Graham endured from Thaddeus Ryan two weeks earlier. "I've gotta ask... Ryan has a hundred pounds on you and a pretty well established mean streak, so why did you think it would be a good idea to stand up to him?" Khan queries, holding out his microphone for Graham.</p><p> </p><p> "It's simple," Graham begins, looking from the interviewer and straight into the camera, "I really don't like bullies. We're grown men, we're supposed to be better than this. You can smack me around all you like, that's fine, I can take it! I won't sit down and be quiet while bullies like Thaddeus Ryan get to remain in our locker room." <strong>[</strong><strong><span style="color:#9ACD32;">42</span></strong><strong>]</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51962" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="d0cd54baf59d10591fa3fbebbb249ad859b403d5.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/255e9fbb87651e3c81bcbb3237b0922c/a71dbdf1bf509e59-b7/s250x400/d0cd54baf59d10591fa3fbebbb249ad859b403d5.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="5bbe774e90c139e4ca4146cbdc815bbca67c84a6.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/d924dd3f23671a4714e8ab9cb74ef257/adcf6a366fbcca49-3f/s250x400/5bbe774e90c139e4ca4146cbdc815bbca67c84a6.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> <strong>Danilo Rasussen</strong> vs. <strong>Adrian Hensley</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Rasussen continued to show off his arrogant persona throughout this match, deliberately drawing out the proceedings in order to inflict more damage on his opponent. Hensley got very little offense in aside from a few strikes and was finally put out of his misery by Rasussen with a German suplex pin combo. After the bell had rung, he walked right over his defeated opponent on his way out of the ring!</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Danilo Rasussen def. Adrian Hensley in 6:09 [</strong><strong><span style="color:#98FB98;">59</span></strong><strong>]</strong></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="db106bd6a477351f74b2f5cc981f807cb6f4760e.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/7bca43312363e1ac080217212294f953/45c688cb3f0c1dc8-e2/s250x400/db106bd6a477351f74b2f5cc981f807cb6f4760e.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="65dd1cbeae8d8db095036b20d02aac07c7f663ea.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/e9a8edfa66755db64ec74f3ae1c8929b/8dbe5e9ecaec8bb1-9e/s250x400/65dd1cbeae8d8db095036b20d02aac07c7f663ea.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="0f5f92800dd2985291831b9b362bc894d08ab42a.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/58334693a54b75447930e01a99f4744b/45c688cb3f0c1dc8-d1/s250x400/0f5f92800dd2985291831b9b362bc894d08ab42a.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> After Rasussen's match is over, camera crews find <strong>Brett Colesworth</strong> arguing with <strong>Clyde Goddman</strong> backstage. "Don't lie to me, I know it was you!" Colesworth roars, earning an exasperated sigh from Goddman in response. "You've always wanted my spot, just admit it! This is just like you to pull this childish crap on me!"</p><p> </p><p> "How is it like me at all?" Goddman huffs. "The only one being immature right now is you, throwing around baseless accusations. I don't like you, sure, but not many people do, bud. That's kind of what happens when you have an ego the size of this arena. I don't care about you enough to be leaving dirty jockstraps in your locker, for crying out loud. Get a grip!"</p><p> </p><p> It looks as if the two are about to come to blows when CEO <strong>Derrick Headley</strong> arrives. The eternally gruff industry vet looks between the two perennial main eventers and promptly makes a decision: "The two of you will be tonight's main event. If Colesworth wins, Goddman, you have to tell him the truth. Now stop squabbling like children and get ready for a real fight!" <strong>[</strong><strong><span style="color:#00FF00;">73</span></strong><strong>]</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51962" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="35a14889b53f30f0903490ee26b3a44d6a2026fe.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/d24b1f21ef51cda4b0c7627c6ac622fe/45c688cb3f0c1dc8-b6/s250x400/35a14889b53f30f0903490ee26b3a44d6a2026fe.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="2096861d8a415417b95fe5d5f9cbddb933a7e03b.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/12ccaaf0285a0d488331ce8a54f63423/45c688cb3f0c1dc8-cd/s250x400/2096861d8a415417b95fe5d5f9cbddb933a7e03b.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="a75e991551217214c96b6e2398a1545e4b37570f.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/a7ff27cc63e8f69aae8e5c9df0e68dbc/8dbe5e9ecaec8bb1-2a/s250x400/a75e991551217214c96b6e2398a1545e4b37570f.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="8f3f2f573caa2183ca195d81ac44cecdb2c77a00.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/89431b4c1f3d1f963ea147bfb3cdc97b/e3b275e3e5e343c5-b5/s250x400/8f3f2f573caa2183ca195d81ac44cecdb2c77a00.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> <strong>Jason Browne</strong> & <strong>Kade Briggs</strong> vs. <strong>M.J. Barton</strong> & <strong>Keaton Casey</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> While here is no shortage of ill will between the NWL United States Champion Kade Briggs and his challenger Jason Browne, M.J. Barton and Keaton Casey aren't exactly the best of friends either. Both teams argue about which wrestler will start the match with Briggs and Casey finally getting things started with a lock-up. The larger Briggs outpowers Casey and gets him into a corner for a few shots to the gut and has to be pulled back by the referee. Casey is quick to bounce back, landing a kick to the side of Briggs' face as the champion rushes back in. Casey's next move is to run the ropes and deliver a jumping clothesline to Briggs, but Barton tags himself in while Casey is near the ropes, and is the one to make the cover. </p><p> </p><p> After escaping with a two-count, Briggs forcefully tags in Browne. Barton and Browne have an electric back-and-forth with Barton pulling out a hurricanrana and Browne working the knee in an attempt to ground his high-flying opponent. The exchange is ended when Briggs tags himself into the much and the much smaller Barton wisely tags Casey in to take another beating. </p><p> </p><p> As the match reaches its climax, Briggs knocks Barton off the apron and lays Casey out with a massive pop-up powerbomb. He's caught off guard when Browne tags himself back in and makes the cover for the three count while Barton attempts to scramble back into the ring! Once the bell has rung, Briggs storms away while Browne celebrates.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jason Browne & Kade Briggs def. M.J. Barton & Keaton Casey in 8:42 [</strong><strong><span style="color:#98FB98;">50</span></strong><strong>]</strong></p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Madden and Quincy once again quickly recap the events of the previous week where Gareth Arryn called out the new NWL Champion Jonathan Stark and demanded that the first-time champ prove himself by facing him for the title! Stark didn't respond to the challenge then, but the commentary team note that he has never been the type to back down from a fight and relishes the chance to prove himself. As such, they anticipate that he'll be watching the next match closely!</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51962" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="7ab025b88efe6af68684b43befeb5a9b709607d2.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/96934a7dd31fab186fc48a118320c7c3/e3b275e3e5e343c5-a6/s250x400/7ab025b88efe6af68684b43befeb5a9b709607d2.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="0a502a26f6ac49d91ebae1d9dec44870798863b2.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/8d0ee162ef9b1e5cc42e53295576ba6b/a11c7b1484eb0be0-c4/s250x400/0a502a26f6ac49d91ebae1d9dec44870798863b2.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> <strong>Gareth Arryn</strong> vs. <strong>Dalton Strickland</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> As the bout begins it quickly becomes clear that Arryn doesn't view Strickland as much of a threat, shrugging him off a number of times before Strickland finally clips him with a dropkick from the middle rope! After that the match becomes more competitive with Strickland using his superior speed to try and stay one step ahead of Arryn. It isn't to last for long though as Arryn turns the tide by baiting Strickland into charging at him in the corner and dodges, sending the other crashing shoulder-first into the post. Following that, Arryn unleashes two consecutive hellacious gut-wrench suplexes that keep his opponent down for the three count! </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Gareth Arryn def. Dalton Strickland in 7:16 [</strong><strong><span style="color:#98FB98;">48</span></strong><strong>]</strong></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="7fd9cf68653c1a1d4e85a46868e958e6c5f892dc.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/9097e32be89b3ca18ee6753edea04bea/8dbe5e9ecaec8bb1-3c/s250x400/7fd9cf68653c1a1d4e85a46868e958e6c5f892dc.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> NWL Champion <strong>Jonathan Stark</strong> comes down to the ring, title belt in hand, and addresses Gareth Arryn with a simple and clear statement: "At NWL Final Showdown, you're on!"</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="711cb255a3c02a2ee4489237bcf1b7442d4d3ff6.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/95919751a43faeff94020b9bbd4a383b/45c688cb3f0c1dc8-45/s250x400/711cb255a3c02a2ee4489237bcf1b7442d4d3ff6.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="cfd9ed39f4f914d9df3a9c06774488e67911ec2d.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/dc69840e68a97ea30d55dcc5dfbde009/a11c7b1484eb0be0-41/s250x400/cfd9ed39f4f914d9df3a9c06774488e67911ec2d.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="e39e7c09f980c8afa4c6a2f9b3f4ba086a898758.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/0f2c8a8198d1a08defd34d54b3a3a413/45c688cb3f0c1dc8-b8/s250x400/e39e7c09f980c8afa4c6a2f9b3f4ba086a898758.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="a03bcc39ece4aa7fdbf2e61b790e813b3d7ebb65.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/cbbef5d143b7e1c991e92ed34fabcd3d/a11c7b1484eb0be0-ec/s250x400/a03bcc39ece4aa7fdbf2e61b790e813b3d7ebb65.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="79782d6c7a1fbbc5fcf7d800ac4a2fffb9c457ca.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/d8c4dc0eb8c046f9a1268c38656ff24f/45c688cb3f0c1dc8-d1/s250x400/79782d6c7a1fbbc5fcf7d800ac4a2fffb9c457ca.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="a29f77e8ee39688f6e8472414462f138ea6d5474.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/3eef63ab19b64afe228313b3c66844f7/45c688cb3f0c1dc8-96/s250x400/a29f77e8ee39688f6e8472414462f138ea6d5474.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> In a corner of the locker room, <strong>Tommy Reilly</strong> and <strong>Dacquan Holt</strong> are playing a hotly contested bout in a fighting video game. They are supported by their respective brothers, <strong>Theo Reilly</strong> and <strong>Travone Holt</strong>, with an audience of <strong>Clayton Goddman</strong> and <strong>Clinton Goddman</strong>. After Tommy wins the bout, Theo makes the bold declaration that they are the superior pair of brothers, prompting a round of friendly bickering between the three tag teams! <strong>[</strong><strong><span style="color:#98FB98;">50</span></strong><strong>]</strong> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51962" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="5a24fb56499f9b1910ac47029ce9af66af450060.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/454e571b5081b74bce2783b67b94eb95/8dbe5e9ecaec8bb1-60/s250x400/5a24fb56499f9b1910ac47029ce9af66af450060.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="151d6405e02e806bea0edbc9d976fee50429aea9.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/3f32f9284bc610a7c5914d1d3d8dbf42/8dbe5e9ecaec8bb1-4d/s250x400/151d6405e02e806bea0edbc9d976fee50429aea9.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="0abcebdf2faf6c88abeaf8234e72614c50a129f2.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/6dcdf80c9f6d2de5843f34aae047154a/a71dbdf1bf509e59-68/s250x400/0abcebdf2faf6c88abeaf8234e72614c50a129f2.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="329c05aa0635b51e7052456c7373e101d24d1c9b.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/2ebd751472b38b346200db7916bf1154/feed86782dad44f1-25/s250x400/329c05aa0635b51e7052456c7373e101d24d1c9b.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> <strong>Luke Ostlund & Jeff Leben</strong> vs. <strong>Offensive Unit (Wyatt Randolph & Tad Underwood)</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Before the match starts, the two teams exchange sportsmanly handshakes. Ostlund and Randolph start off the affair by showing why they are two of the most respected workers in the NWL locker room, exchanging moves with a fluidity that only comes from years of experience. Randolph and Underwood are the first to make use of tag team maneuvers as Underwood tags in to join Randolph in delivering a double suplex to Ostlund. The cover only gets him a two count but Underwood quickly follows it up by raining down blows upon Ostlund and attempting another cover!</p><p> </p><p> This time Ostlund kicks out with authority at one and pulls Underwood down for a crucifix pin for another two count, forcing the other to roll out and create separation between the two. Ostlund tags in Leben to begin a strike-off with Underwood that ends with the latter rolling out of the ring to escape. Leben gives chase but is driven back-first into the barricade! Ostlund delivers a meteora off the apron to Underwood and is then knocked to the ground himself by a lariat from Randolph.</p><p> </p><p> Both Leben and Underwood beat the referee's count back into the ring and Underwood is quick on the offensive once again. With Randolph back on the apron, Underwood tags in his partner then delivers a backbreaker to Leben. He ensures that Leben is in the perfect position for Randolph to land an elbow drop from the top rope! While Underwood makes sure Ostlund cannot get back into the ring, Randolph pins Leben for the three count!</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Offensive Unit def. Ostlund & Leben in 9:37 [</strong><strong><span style="color:#98FB98;">57</span></strong><strong>]</strong></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="c019c10d6db09c6cb426e0a3f43c95c7d933e414.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/6500e9498e2c2c3d800b9e3a0e29e912/e3b275e3e5e343c5-99/s250x400/c019c10d6db09c6cb426e0a3f43c95c7d933e414.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="7eac3d9043f7fc6673ef2fe421b7c50e21405b95.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/7ba49ecdcc5a9d4b2390b7117fd02cae/a71dbdf1bf509e59-9f/s250x400/7eac3d9043f7fc6673ef2fe421b7c50e21405b95.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Back in the locker room, <strong>David Battle</strong> is loudly boasting about a Hollywood party he's been invited to and makes a number of lewd jokes about the company he plans on keeping. While many of the gathered wrestlers seem irritated or even offended by his behaviour, it is <strong>Isiah Cook</strong> who stands up and makes things clear: "Stop being a clown. Nobody here even cares about your stupid party." Having rarely ever been shut down so concisely, Battle just laughs it off and quickly leaves. <strong>[</strong><strong><span style="color:#98FB98;">56</span></strong><strong>]</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51962" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="db106bd6a477351f74b2f5cc981f807cb6f4760e.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/7bca43312363e1ac080217212294f953/45c688cb3f0c1dc8-e2/s250x400/db106bd6a477351f74b2f5cc981f807cb6f4760e.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="65dd1cbeae8d8db095036b20d02aac07c7f663ea.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/e9a8edfa66755db64ec74f3ae1c8929b/8dbe5e9ecaec8bb1-9e/s250x400/65dd1cbeae8d8db095036b20d02aac07c7f663ea.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> <strong>Brett Colesworth</strong> vs. <strong>Clyde Goddman</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> There are perhaps no two competitors in NWL who have faced off as many times as Colesworth and Goddman and it shows in how successfully each of them counters the other's moves. For the first few minutes of the bout neither is able to get the upper hand, at least not until Colesworth rakes Goddman's eyes out of the view of the referee and brings Goddman to the ground by sweeping his legs out from underneath him. Knowing he's outmatched when it comes to strength, Colesworth instead relies on his submission game and works Goddman's right leg with a number of stomps before locking in a knee bar. Goddman is able to work his way to the bottom rope to break the hold but is noticeably unsteady as he gets back up to his feet.</p><p> </p><p> Colesworth continues to target his opponent's leg and brings him back down to his knees with a chop block. Following a running knee to the side of Goddman's face, Colesworth is stunned when his longtime rival kicks out of the cover at two! Instead he turns to more devious means, rolling out of the ring and then slamming Goddman's right leg into the post three times until the referee forces him away. Goddman uses the ropes to pull himself back up and successfully uses Colesworth's own momentum against him as the other charges in and ends up getting driven face-first into the turnbuckle as a result. Much to Goddman's frustration though, his cover results in only a two count as well.</p><p> </p><p> Unsurprisingly its Colesworth back on his feet first and he quickly wraps up Goddman's injured leg in the ropes to use the referee's full five count. With Goddman still trapped in the ropes, Colesworth delivers a neckbreaker followed by a leg drop. He takes a moment to savour the jeering of the crowds before locking Goddman into a Cloverleaf with the injured leg taking much of the pressure, and after Goddman struggles and fails to reach the ropes, he is forced to tap out!</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Brett Colesworth def. Clyde Goddman in 9:35 [</strong><strong><span style="color:#98FB98;">64</span></strong><strong>]</strong></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>With the match over, Colesworth demands the ringside crew hand him a microphone and then orders Goddman to tell the truth. "It wasn't me," Goddman insists through gritted teeth, "But whoever it is, they're a goddamn hero and I hope they never stop!" The defiant remark prompts Colesworth to repeatedly stamp down on Goddman's injured knee until he's forced out of the ring by referees, ending the show.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>This edition of Friday Night Wrestling received an overall score of: </strong><strong><span style="color:#98FB98;">59</span></strong><strong>!</strong></p></div><p></p>
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Interesting concept. I'm glad to see Michael Madden is sporting the 'stache.


Thanks man, I hope you enjoy the read! Next episode coming tonight/tomorrow depending on how quickly I finish writing things up. As for Madden, it's hard to beat a good 'stache!

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January 2020, Week Two


"Ladies and gentleman, welcome to Friday Night Wrestling with the National Wrestling League..."




The second 2020 edition Friday Night Wrestling begins with announcers Michael Madden and Ronald Quincy giving the lowdown on what to expect in tonight's episode: Thaddeus Ryan has a message for Reed Graham, the NWL Champion Jonathan Stark is in action and the main event will be a triple threat between three of NWL's brightest young stars!


"But first, we have the NWL Tag Team Champions in action, live on Friday Night Wrestling!"



The Panthers (Zach Kyler & Tye Woodhams) vs. Jakobe Lewis & Tyler Marsh


Zach Kyler gets the action rolling in this non-title match between the NWL Tag Team Champions and Jakobe Lewis & Tyler Marsh by proving why he’s been labelled “one to watch” by wrestling journalists. Kyler transitions from the collar-and-elbow tie up right into a side head lock and, from there, brings Marsh down to the mat. The referee makes a one count and Marsh kicks out with enough gusto to escape from Kyler, although it's mere moments before he’s trapped back in a headlock. This time he backs up and pushes Kyler off the ropes but is met by a shoulder tackle on the return. Kyler then tags in his tag partner for a double-team move that sees him swipe out Marsh’s legs from underneath him while Woodhams delivers a running knee to the side of their opponent’s head!


Marsh makes a second kickout, this time after a two count, and Lewis distracts the overly eager Woodhams from the apron long enough for Marsh to attempt a schoolboy roll-up. Woodhams escapes the pinning attempt but is met by a harsh elbow from Lewis and Marsh is quick to take advantage, backing Woodhams into the heels’ corner and tagging in his partner for a series of stomps that leave Woodhams resting against the bottom turnbuckle. Lewis delivers a low dropkick to Woodhams’ chest, then pulls the youngster out of the corner for a pinning attempt that ends with another two-count kickout!


Lewis delivers a few more stomps to Woodhams’ chest, arms and legs before attempting a second cover which is easily escaped. With this, he pulls Woodhams up and irish whips him into the ropes, although Woodhams has enough wherewithal to grab onto them and slow the momentum. Lewis attempts to rush him only to get back body dropped over the top rope, giving Woodhams the clearance he needs to make the hot tag to Kyler! After repeatedly knocking Marsh down with a series of clotheslines and then discarding him out of the ring, Kyler hits the recovered Lewis with a vicious spear to pin him for the three count!


The Panthers def. Jakobe Lewis & Tyler Marsh in 5:05 [41]




Thaddeus Ryan makes his first appearance on NWL screens since being suspended for his heinous attack on Reed Graham after the other confronted him about bullying behaviour. Unfortunately for Ryan his delivery leaves something to be desired and what is supposed to be a menacing promo in which he warns Graham that their issues aren't over instead ends up as something of an awkward mess. [28]




David Battle fares much better than Ryan when broadcaster Jordan Khan catches up with him backstage to ask about the moment between Battle and Isiah Cook in the locker room the previous week. After a brief moment of hesitation, Battle appears to laugh it off: "We're chill, you know. It's all chill. That locker room's always a party, right? They love me - I'm the life of the party! It's all chill, bro. Nothing to see here." As Battle walks away, Khan looks unconvinced... [62]


From the commentary booth, announcers Michael Madden and Ronald Quincy announce that Ramon Cole's weekly open challenge is up next!



Ramon Cole vs. William Beckett


Cole offers his hand in a display of sportsmanship to begin the match but Beckett stoically refuses! The two exchange a series of holds - wrist locks, hammer locks and chin locks - before Beckett makes some separation by sending Cole off the ropes and then bringing him down with a picture perfect dropkick. He only gets a one count with his cover before Cole transitions into a pin of his own, forcing Beckett to roll away. After taking a moment to regroup, he manages to rock Cole with a few elbow strikes before attempting a cross-body off of the top rope. Unfortunately for him, Cole catches him in the air, lifts him over his shoulders and delivers a samoan drop to get the three count and the win!


Ramon Cole def. William Beckett in 3:39 [61]




Former tag champions Jeff Leben and Luke Ostlund are in the backstage area when they're confronted by Rakeem Blake and Mac Simmons. Blake explains that they're looking to make names for themselves as the next big tag team in NWL and what better way than to knock off a pair of former champions? The always game Leben and Ostlund agree to the match and decide that they should have it immediately, welcoming the new team to follow them to the ring! [48]



Jeff Leben & Luke Ostlund vs. Blake & Mac (Rakeem Blake & Mac Simmons)


Ostlund and Blake start this match-up with a collar and elbow tie-up that Blake gets the better end of, transitioning through a series of holds. Once he takes a moment to show off to his tag team partner and the crowd though, Ostlund quickly turns the tables by escaping the hold and slamming Blake down into the mat with a neckbreaker! Mac is straight in the ring to break up the following cover but is quickly sent out over the top rope by Leben who then follows up with a blockbuster to the outside!


With his tag partner temporarily out of commission, Blake is left to fend for himself and doesn’t fare well, getting tied up in the ropes while Ostlund delivers a pair of openhand chops before backing away before the referee completes his five count. He then successfully uses Blake’s momentum against him with a hip toss that puts him in the perfect position for Leben to tag in and deliver a top rope splash, followed by a cover! Mac returns to make a second save, clubbing Leben in the back of the head and then blasting Ostlund off the apron!


After dragging Blake back to his corner, Mac tags himself in and charges at Leben, only to crash into the turnbuckles after the smaller man dodges! With Mac left staggering, Leben hits him with a double knee facebreaker that results in Mac laid out on his back. Ostlund tags in and delivers a senton from the top rope to score another win for the pair of former tag team champions!


Leben & Ostlund def. Blake & Mac in 6:15 [54]




The Holt Twins, The Goddman Brothers and The Reilly Brothers are all gathered in the catering area backstage, once again hotly debating which of them are not only the best tag team but the superior pair of brothers. The Holt Twins insist they have the advantage due to being twins, something that The Goddman Brothers immediately dispute. Travone Holt welcomes them to prove him and his brother wrong in a match and the Goddmans agree to meet them in the ring later tonight! [51]



Jonathan Stark vs. Greg Campos


Stark’s challenger at NWL Final Showown, Gareth Arryn, sits ringside for the match to keep a close eye on the champion ahead of their title match in a month’s time. Prior to the start of the match Stark even acknowledges the challenger to his title with a smile and a confident remark that Arryn should just “Sit back and watch, buddy!”


Although outmatched in both size and strength by Campos, Stark shows why he’s the NWL Champion by playing smart and using Campos’ momentum against him. The tides turn briefly when Arryn decides to take a lap around the ring, distracting Stark for long enough to get caught by a huge discus clothesline from Campos! The following pin gets Campos a two-count but Stark still has enough wherewithal to escape with force and transition straight into an STF that forces the big man to tap out and give the champ the submission victory!


Jonathan Stark def. Greg Campos in 6:12 [67]




Clyde Goddman is alone in the locker room - or so he thinks until he hears rattling from nearby. His investigation reveals Benson Trevino stood at Brett Colesworth's locker with a pair of the other's ring gear in one hand and scissors in the other. Trevino freezes up at being caught in the act but Goddman grins and slaps the younger man on the shoulder. "Keep up the good work, kid!" he praises, "Word of advice though? Try not to get caught. His fists are like damn rocks." He massages his jaw, reflecting on the match from the previous week.


As Goddman leaves, Trevino chuckles: "I ain't afraid of no old man..." [58]




Isiah Cook confronts David Battle backstage, making it clear that things are not "all cool" as he'd told Khan earlier on in the show. When Cook refers to Battle's behaviour as obnoxious though, the larger man snaps and delivers a wicked elbow to the side of Cook's face! A brawl breaks out between the two that has them colliding with several storage boxes before referees swarm in to pull them apart. Even as they're separated, Battle declares that Cook has no idea who he's messing with! [54]



The Holt Twins (Dacquan Holt & Travone Holt) vs. The Goddman Brothers (Clayton Goddman & Clinton Goddman)


The Reilly Brothers watch from a monitor backstage as the match between the Holt Twins and The Goddman Brothers begins. The opening few minutes of the bout have the teams trading control with a number of holds, throws and strikes. Eventually Travone Holt decides to play a little dirty and deliberately kicks Clayton Goddman off of the apron, allowing Travone and Dacquan to hit Clinton with their tag team finisher, the Holt Right There. Clayton manages to make it back into the ring just in time to break up the count mere moments before the referee can hit the mat for the three count!


After dispatching Dacquan by sending him over the top rope and crashing to the floor, Clayton delivers a spinebuster to Travone and allows Clinton to go for the cover. Travone escapes at the two count to initiate another round of continually shifting momentum, with Dacquan and Clayton soon becoming the legal competitors in the match. They exchange hard strikes and Clayton even lands a belly-to-back suplex but is pulled out under the bottom rope by Travone to break up the following pin.


The end of the match comes with Travone hitting Clayton with a superkick before joining his brother in the ring to deliver a second Holt Right There to Clinton. Dacquan makes the cover and Clinton is unable to kick out before the three count, giving the Holt Twins a hard-earned win!


The Holt Twins def. The Goddman Brothers in 7:55 [51]




A furious Brett Colesworth marches down to the ring in his ring gear and demands a microphone. "Whoever it is that's messing with me and my stuff, I demand you come out right now and face me!" he tirades, angrily pacing the ring all while the fans cycle between booing him and laughing at his distress. After several minutes when nobody shows their face and the announcers hotly debate about whether or not to tell him about Trevino (Quincy is all for it, delighted at the thought of Trevino getting his ass kicked by a former world champ, while Madden disapproves of Colesworth's arrogance and wants to hear Trevino's motives first), Colesworth leaves with a promise to reign hell upon whoever is response. [87]



Jason Browne vs. M.J. Barton vs. Keaton Casey


The match begins with a surprising team-up between competing rivals Barton and Casey who deliver a double suplex before each landing a splash on Browne. The team-up doesn’t last for long though as Casey goes for a cover following his splash and receives a stomp to the back from Barton to break it up! While Browne rolls out of the ring to recover from the early beat down, Barton and Casey exchange blows, with the former using his speed to his advantage while the latter soldiers through various attacks to land a few heavy hits of his own!


Browne rejoins the fray with a diving crossbody from the top rope onto both of his opponents but Barton and Casey kicks out of both pinning attempts. Casey rolls out of the ring to give Barton and Browne time to exchange blows, Browne blocking Barton’s attempts to use the ropes to his advantage and even rocking him with a series of arm drags! Casey chooses that moment to return to the ring, rolling up Browne with an o’connor roll only to get kicked in the side of the head by Barton for his troubles!


With the third competitor momentarily down, Barton sends Browne through the ropes and puts Casey into an ankle lock. Just as it looks as if he’d about to tap out from the pressure, Browne makes the save by ascending to the top rope and landing a diving dropkick square in the middle of Barton’s chest! Casey once again proves himself to be the craftiest of the three by trapping Browne in an inverted facelock camel clutch but Browne holds out long enough for Barton to return and force the break.


The trio continue to brawl without any of them getting a clear advantage right up until the ten minute mark when Barton attempts to hit the downed Casey with a moonsault, only for the other to get his knees up and block the move. When Casey attempts to go for a cover on the winded Barton, Browne throws him out of the ring and then lands a sliding elbow to the recovering Barton to keep him down until the bell sounds!


Jason Browne def. M.J. Barton & Keaton Casey in 10:12 [60]


This edition of Friday Night Wrestling received an overall score of: 69!

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  • 1 month later...

I ultimately played fourteen months of this save before deciding to wrap it up and reboot with new additions I had made to the mod over the past several months. I am proud of some of the storytelling I did during this save though, so I've decided I'm going to continue this diary in shortened form, posting the results for the weekly shows and then writing out the PPV shows in full, including passages describing the story progression of the feuds up to the PPV.


So, to start, the next three weeks:


January 2020, Week Three

Blake & Mac (Rakeem Blake & Mac Simmons) def. Hayden Puckett & Luca McNeil by pinfall in 2:57 [22]

Zach Kyler psyches up Tye Woodhams before his match [58]

Rontay Wheeler def. Tye Woodhams by pinfall in 5:55 [43]

Clyde Goddman overhears Tad Underwood trash talking him and confronts him [62]

Ramon Cole def. Kahlil Jefferson by pinfall in 5:44 [68]

The Reilly Brothers (Theo Reilly & Tommy Reilly) def. The Holt Twins (Dacquan Holt & Travone Holt) by pinfall in 10:05 [55]

Kade Briggs and Jason Browne attend a contract signing for their US Title Match [64]

Gareth Arryn def. Riley Daniel by pinfall in 7:06 [59]

M.J. Barton blames Keaton Casey for costing him a title shot and challenges him to a match [57]

Reed Graham def. Greg Campos by DQ in 3:36 after Thaddeus Ryan interferes [36]

Brett Colesworth finally catches the prankster when he finds Benson Trevino cutting holes in his wrestling gear! [58]

Clyde Goddman def. Tad Underwood by pinfall in 9:43 [61]

Isiah Cook and David Battle draw with a double count out in 7:11 [58]

Cook and Battle continue to brawl through the arena until finally pulled apart [37]


The overall rating for this edition of Friday Night Wrestling was [49]



January 2020, Week Four

Clyde Goddman & Lamarcus Davenport def. Offensive Unit (Tad Underwood & Wyatt Randolph) by pinfall in 11:05 [62]

NWL Champion Jonathan Stark praises Reed Graham for standing up to Thaddeus Ryan [51]

The Goddman Brothers (Clayton Goddman & Clinton Goddman) def. The Reilly Brothers (Theo Reilly & Tommy Reilly) by pinfall in 10:26 [52]

Danilo Rassussen suggests that Ramon Cole's weekly open challenge is a waste of screentime [54]

Jonathan Stark & Reed Graham def. Gareth Arryn & Thaddeus Ryan by pinfall in 9:40 [57]

In a pre-recorded promo, Benson Trevino explains that he enjoys pranking Brett Colesworth because the other takes himself too seriously [55]

Brett Colesworth hunts for Trevino in the backstage area but cannot locate him [46]

The Panthers (Zach Kyler & Tye Woodhams) def. Rontay Wheeler & William Beckett by pinfall in 6:03 [53]

Judd Brennan & Roland Carr try to get on the same page as tag partners, but find themselves disagreeing over pizza flavours [58]

Ramon Cole def. Mac Simmons by pinfall in 3:10 [58]

Kade Briggs mockingly wishes Jason Browne luck before their main event title match [70]

M.J. Barton def. Keaton Casey by pinfall in 8:06 [66]

NWL Commissioner Derrick Headley books David Battle and Isiah Cook into a Steel Cage rematch next week [64]

Jeff Leben & Luke Ostlund def. Greg Campos & Jakobe Lewis by pinfall in 5:29 [39]

Kade Briggs def. Jason Browne by pinfall to retain the NWL United States Championship in 9:45 [64]


The overall rating for this edition of Friday Night Wrestling was [65]



February 2020, Week One

Ramon Cole calls out Danillo Rassussen for his comments the previous week; Rassussen doubles down on them [61]

Kahlil Jefferson def. Taylen Hines by pinfall in 6:13 [49]

The veteran Lamarcus Davenport advises Alden Greene to follow his lead in their tag match [51]

Jason Browne & Keaton Casey def. Kade Briggs & M.J. Barton by pinfall in 9:53 [64]

Rontay Wheeler def. Alexander Brennan by pinfall in 3:50 [26]

Thaddeus Ryan chokes out Reed Graham in the backstage area in revenge for the tag loss last week [23]

Blake & Mac (Rakeem Blake & Mac Simmons) def. Alden Greene & Lamarcus Davenport by pinfall in 6:30 [51]

Benson Trevino def. Greg Campos by crucifix pin in 4:30 [23]

Brett Colesworth lays out Trevino as he leaves the ring with a brutal attack! [36]

Jeff Leben def. Tye Woodhams by pinfall in 9:02 [52]

Theo Reilly def. Clayton Goddman & Travone Holt by pinfall in 8:56 [43]

Gareth Arryn and Jonathan Stark brawl at their contract signing for the NWL Championship Match [59]

David Battle def. Isiah Cook in a Steel Cage Match by ref stoppage in 10:29 [60]

Clyde Goddman comes to Cook's aid when Battle continues to attack him after the match! [63]


The overall rating for this edition of Friday Night Wrestling was [60]


Next time we'll cover the final two Friday Night Wrestling entries before NWL Final Showdown 2020, the first PPV of the year and the highlight of the company calendar!

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Back again with a rundown of the last two Friday Night Wrestling shows before NWL Final Showdown 2020, and a lowdown on the stories going into the PPV!


February 2020, Week Two

In a pre-recorded promo, Reed Graham states he will never stop fighting bullies like Thaddeus Ryan [41]

In a pre-recorded promo, Thaddeus Ryan promises to squash Reed Graham like a bug [40]

The Vikings (Judd Brennan & Roland Carr) def. Greg Campos & Jakobe Lewis by pinfall in 5:31 [50]

In the backstage area, Luke Ostund & Jeff Leben formally challenge The Panthers to a title match [60]

Riley Daniel def. Rontay Wheeler by pinfall in 5:11 [44]

Kahlil Jefferson & Emmett Solomon def. Alden Greene & Lamarcus Davenport by roll up after partner miscommunication in 5:57 [57]

Lamarcus Davenport snaps and attacks Alden Greene after their second straight tag loss [41]

Danilo Rasussen def. Stewart Bates by pinfall in 3:58 [48]

Clinton Goddman def. Dacquan Holt & Tommy Reilly by pinfall in 9:14 [53]

In the ring, David Battle gloats about his win the previous week until Clyde Goddman interrupts to start a brawl [67]

Brett Colesworth def. Brant Dudley by pinfall in 0:34 [57]

In a backstage interview, Benson Trevino welcomes Colesworth to get his revenge in a match at the upcoming PPV [42]

Gareth Arryn, Kade Briggs & M.J. Barton def. Jonathan Stark, Jason Browne & Keaton Casey by DQ when Casey is disqualified in 10:46 [60]

A video hypes up the first time ever match of Luke Ostlund vs. Zach Kyler by tracing the similarities in their early careers [49]

Zach Kyler def. Luke Ostlund by pinfall in 16:11 [56]


The overall rating for this edition of Friday Night Wrestling was [59]



February 2020, Week Three

Keaton Casey def. Jason Browne & M.J. Barton by pinfall in 9:33 [53]

Thaddeus Ryan def. Adrian Hensley by pinfall in 1:56 [30]

A video hypes up the PPV match between Thaddeus Ryan and Reed Graham [47]

Danilo Rasussen def. Isiah Cook by pinfall in 7:08 [52]

In a backstage interview, Alden Greene confirms he will take on Lamarcus Davenport at the weekend's PPV [50]

Blake & Mac (Rakeem Blake & Mac Simmons) def. Brant Dudley & Taylen Hines by pinfall in 5:22 [38]

The Panthers and Leben & Ostlund are informed that The Vikings and Offensive Unit have been added to their PPV title match [57]

Lamarcus Davenport def. Riley Daniel by pinfall in 7:32 [51]

In the backstage area, Ramon Cole initiates a brawl with Danilo Rasussen over the other's continued disrespect [60]

Benson Trevino def. Luca McNeil by pinfall in 2:40 [21]

In a pre-recorded promo, Brett Colesworth promises that Benson has a reality check coming for him [72]

Clinton Goddman def. Theo Reilly by DQ when The Holt Twins attack Theo Reilly in 6:57 [44]

The Holt Twins pick apart The Goddman Brothers and The Reilly Brothers to claim tag team dominance [44]

Jonathan Stark def. Emmett Solomon by pinfall in 6:54 [61]

In a backstage interview, David Battle interrupts Clyde Goddman and gets the taste slapped outta his mouth [66]

Luke Ostlund & Zach Kyler def. Tad Underwood & Roland Carr by pinfall in 10:10 [57]


The overall rating for this edition of Friday Night Wrestling was [62]


A preview of the key stories going into the PPV:




The recently crowned NWL Champion Jonathan Stark is set to take on his first challenge of his reign from former champion Gareth Arryn, who has continually insinuated that Stark will crumble under the pressure of being the face of NWL.




After Danilo Rassusen suggested that Ramon Cole's weekly open challenge was a waste of screentime, the two athletes have struck up hostilities and will face each other in the ring at the PPV to determine who is more worthy of the screentime and spotlight!




Multi-time world champion Brett Colesworth discovered that Benson Trevino was the individual that had been pranking him for over a month, but is yet to get the opportunity to dish out any real measure of revenge outside of a single post-match attempt. The rookie meanwhile looks to pull off the biggest upset in NWL history by pinning Colesworth and humiliating him on the PPV stage!




David Battle has had a habit of aggravating folks in the locker room with his loud personality, and Clyde Goddman is the latest to step up to him, especiall after Battle's brutal beatdown of Isiah Cook. These two former champions promise to have a very physical match!




NWL United States Champion Kade Briggs has traded a number of win and losses with the trio of Jason Browne, Keaton Casey and M.J. Barton over the past several weeks. Now the four of them will meet at the PPV under Elimination Rules - will Briggs' dominant eight month reign as the US Champion continue, or will one of the three upcoming stars of NWL pry the title from his hands?





NWL Tag Team Champions The Panthers (Zach Kyler & Tye Woodhams) will face an uphill battle when they not only take on the team of Jeff Leben & Luke Ostlund, but also The Vikings (Judd Brennan & Roland Carr) and Offensive Unit (Tad Underwood & Wyatt Randolph). Will the young champions escape with their titles intact?




What started as a friendly competition between three sets of brothers has devolved into a bitter rivalry, as The Holt Twins, The Goddman Brothers and The Reilly Brothers all aim to win their tag team triple threat man to determine not only who the better tag team is, but which pair of brothers has the strongest familial bond!


The match card for NWL Final Showdown 2020 is as follows:


Jonathan Stark © vs. Gareth Arryn (NWL Championship Match)

Clyde Goddman vs. David Battle

Kade Briggs © vs. Jason Browne vs. Keaton Casey vs. M.J. Barton (NWL United States Championship Elimination Match)

Danilo Rasussen vs. Ramon Cole

Brett Colesworth vs. Benson Trevino

The Panthers © vs. Leben & Ostlund vs. The Vikings vs. Offensive Unit (NWL Tag Team Championship Match)

Reed Graham vs. Thaddeus Ryan

Alden Greene vs. Lamarcus Davenport

The Holt Twins vs. The Goddman Brothers vs. The Reilly Brothers


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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>The National Wrestling League Presents...</strong></p><p><strong> </strong><strong><span style="font-size:24px;">FINAL SHOWDOWN IV</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> "Ladies and gentleman, welcome to the biggest night on the <strong>National Wrestling League</strong> calendar... this is the fourth annual <strong>FINAL SHOWDOWN!</strong>"</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="cbc8b46f16e07d5f1d824a85d1e328f814acd2b6.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/78de971b99c41dfdf55c39bb9fcb2b14/feed86782dad44f1-a0/s250x400/cbc8b46f16e07d5f1d824a85d1e328f814acd2b6.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="ee3ebeda4138bfc4114172ba08f84e89ac86fb2f.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/689458123cc5ccc0fde2f6c5a46bef3b/e3b275e3e5e343c5-6f/s250x400/ee3ebeda4138bfc4114172ba08f84e89ac86fb2f.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> The first PPV of the calendar year opens with the commentary team of <strong>Michael Madden</strong> and <strong>Ronald Quincy</strong>, the regular hosts of the NWL's Friday Night Wrestling programme. They give a lowdown of the ten matches we'll be seeing tonight, including three title matches and several more grudge matches, but it all kicks off with a twenty-man battle royal that begins right now!</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51962" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="1ee435051b6e2bb140dcc4db0d72e84787eec7fc.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/06f778038ec9f06803c44541ad86c91c/feed86782dad44f1-e0/s250x400/1ee435051b6e2bb140dcc4db0d72e84787eec7fc.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="eefd3abd0506df772db0adc66296ef097c69c4e3.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/1a521bfeb0acbae7da2504ad6267fe81/a71dbdf1bf509e59-55/s250x400/eefd3abd0506df772db0adc66296ef097c69c4e3.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="b3a910354925d157b8283b6280ad010395139b8f.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/3f8623ec1dfe66439cb4fcdffb0791b0/e3b275e3e5e343c5-5e/s250x400/b3a910354925d157b8283b6280ad010395139b8f.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="e5527139ec028987db252d07888aca5b4cf69c33.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/d7600b31904c7fa4c1e3dcdd9c3fd47a/e3b275e3e5e343c5-60/s250x400/e5527139ec028987db252d07888aca5b4cf69c33.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> <strong>Twenty Man Battle Royal</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> The men gathered in the ring to kick off the PPV event are those not booked elsewhere on the card and as such are hungry to prove themselves! Eliminations come quick and regularly - Luca McNeil is the first eliminated after only twenty seconds - until only four men remain: <strong>Emmett Soloman</strong>, <strong>Riley Daniel</strong>, <strong>Kahlil Jefferson</strong> and <strong>Rontay Wheeler</strong>, all of whom have notable recent wins on their resumes. Daniel, Jefferson and Wheeler work together to get the big man out and while Wheeler is still recovering, he’s grabbed by Jefferson and sent over the top rope. While he manages to land on the apron, he catches a dropkick from Daniel that eliminates him! The final two tussle for a short while until Daniel uses Jefferson’s momentum to back body drop him over the top rope and out to the ground!</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Riley Daniel wins the twenty man battle royal in 10:16 [</strong><strong><span style="color:#FFFF00;">34</span></strong><strong>]</strong></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>The announcers commend Daniel on his win, and transition quickly onto the next segment:</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51962" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="a29f77e8ee39688f6e8472414462f138ea6d5474.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/3eef63ab19b64afe228313b3c66844f7/45c688cb3f0c1dc8-96/s250x400/a29f77e8ee39688f6e8472414462f138ea6d5474.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="79782d6c7a1fbbc5fcf7d800ac4a2fffb9c457ca.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/d8c4dc0eb8c046f9a1268c38656ff24f/45c688cb3f0c1dc8-d1/s250x400/79782d6c7a1fbbc5fcf7d800ac4a2fffb9c457ca.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="cfd9ed39f4f914d9df3a9c06774488e67911ec2d.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/dc69840e68a97ea30d55dcc5dfbde009/a11c7b1484eb0be0-41/s250x400/cfd9ed39f4f914d9df3a9c06774488e67911ec2d.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="a03bcc39ece4aa7fdbf2e61b790e813b3d7ebb65.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/cbbef5d143b7e1c991e92ed34fabcd3d/a11c7b1484eb0be0-ec/s250x400/a03bcc39ece4aa7fdbf2e61b790e813b3d7ebb65.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="e39e7c09f980c8afa4c6a2f9b3f4ba086a898758.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/0f2c8a8198d1a08defd34d54b3a3a413/45c688cb3f0c1dc8-b8/s250x400/e39e7c09f980c8afa4c6a2f9b3f4ba086a898758.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="711cb255a3c02a2ee4489237bcf1b7442d4d3ff6.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/95919751a43faeff94020b9bbd4a383b/45c688cb3f0c1dc8-45/s250x400/711cb255a3c02a2ee4489237bcf1b7442d4d3ff6.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> <strong>The Goddman Brothers vs. The Holt Twins vs. The Reilly Brothers</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Clayton Goddman</strong>, <strong>Dacquan Holt</strong> and <strong>Tommy Reilly</strong> start the match for their respective teams. Clayton and Tommy team up to temporarily remove Dacquan from the equation with a suplex over the ropes, but the dust has barely settled before Tommy attempts to roll up Clayton! After kicking out at one, Clayton initiates a back-and-forth with Tommy until he ends up backed into The Reilly Brother’s corner. Tommy tags in his brother <strong>Theo</strong>, who delivers a running elbow to the rocked Clayton. As he attempts the pin though, Theo is pulled out of the ring by Dacquan and sent into the steel steps! Dacquan then slides into the ring and attempts to cover Clayton, but by that point Clayton was only playing possum and reverses the pinning attempt! Dacquan is forced to kick out at two and create some separation.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Travone</strong> distracts Clayton, allowing Dacquan to take advantage and then tag in his brother after they deal consecutive top rope splashes. <strong>Clinton</strong> dives in to make the save, only to get thrown from the ring by Dacquan. Tommy then dispatches of Dacquan, only to be thrown out by Travone. While Travone is distracted, Theo returns to the ring to hit him with a neckbreaker but the pin that follows is broken up at two by the now recovered Clayton. While Travone rolls out of the ring, Theo and Clayton exchange strikes before Clayton is able to get Theo into his corner and tag in Clinton. They set up for their tag team finisher, the Hart Attack, but Clayton is intercepted by Tommy with a spear! </p><p> </p><p> Theo then fights out of Clinton's grasp and drops him to the mat with a kick to the gut and a sunset flip. Dacquan quickly breaks up the pin with a kick to Theo's back while the legal man for their team, Travone, delivers a springboard splash to the downed Clinton. While Dacquan removes Theo from the ring and prevents Tommy from returning, Travone gets the full three count on Clinton to win the match!</p><p> </p><p> <strong>The Holt Twins def. The Goddman Brothers & The Reilly Brothers by pinfall in 7:52 [</strong><strong><span style="color:#98FB98;">51</span></strong><strong>]</strong></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>The announcers briefly comment on the disagreements between the next two wrestlers in recent weeks, stemming from back to back losses in tag team matches, before introducing the match:</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51962" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="a93d9c0ba94f2604f059f74fa7764860e9d556e2.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/68de1949fef970ae585c36d71e052434/a71dbdf1bf509e59-09/s250x400/a93d9c0ba94f2604f059f74fa7764860e9d556e2.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="d78fa8b93cb3ddd0e2bc294cc282d1d400343ea8.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/a8b01ec89fe4d69178e635b20787397a/a11c7b1484eb0be0-08/s250x400/d78fa8b93cb3ddd0e2bc294cc282d1d400343ea8.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p><strong> Alden Greene vs. Lamarcus Davenport</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Alden </strong>starts the match out hot by rushing <strong>Lamarcus </strong>and trapping him in the corner with a series of strikes. The referee is forced to pull Alden back, but as he does so Lamarcus takes the opportunity to rake at Alden’s eyes! It’s then Lamarcus with the advantage and he doesn’t waste it, rocking Alden with a number of kicks, before going for an early finish with an attempt at his finisher, the scissor kick. Alden avoids it and rolls up his opponent with a schoolboy pin. The veteran Davenport escapes and changes his game plan to instead focus on wearing Alden down with a number of tough holds. Eventually Alden is able to get to the rope to force the break, although the referee’s interference prompts Lamarcus to start arguing with him. He even threatens the ref and Alden is able to use this to hit a backbreaker and pin Lamarcus for the three count!</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Alden Greene def. Lamarcus Davenport by pinfall in 6:33 [</strong><strong><span style="color:#98FB98;">61</span></strong><strong>]</strong></p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>As Alden rolls out of the ring, Lamarcus springs up and accuses the referee of screwing him with fast count. </p><p> </p><p> A short video recaps the bad blood between Reed Graham and Thaddeus Ryan prompted by the latter's backstage bullying, before transitioning into their match:</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51962" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="a754f540122016c52b0e03c542f4ad09416d5a0e.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/ab0ffe262c228afb6324e935d95402ec/a11c7b1484eb0be0-8b/s250x400/a754f540122016c52b0e03c542f4ad09416d5a0e.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="f4af324594434cad2c16315c950bfee4d146f142.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/5935ba3870ae2b3a2b7b7334f38185a9/a71dbdf1bf509e59-07/s250x400/f4af324594434cad2c16315c950bfee4d146f142.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> <strong>Reed Graham vs. Thaddeus Ryan</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> It’s no surprise that the match starts with <strong>Thaddeus </strong>using his size and strength to his advantage, throwing <strong>Reed </strong>around the ring like a sack of rice! Despite the several heavy hits, Reed doesn’t quit and instead focuses on bringing Ryan down by targeting the back of his legs. While Ryan is down on his knees, Reed hits him with a modified DDT but the following pinfall attempt is only good for a one count. Thaddeus is right back on top of Reed, even more enraged, but Reed is able to escape his opponent’s bear hug and instead lock in a sleeper hold. Thaddeus is locked into the hold for almost forty seconds before he drops down to the mat and when he’s confirmed to have passed out, the referee calls the match!</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Reed Graham def. Thaddeus Ryan by referee decision in 5:31 [</strong><strong><span style="color:#FFFF00;">43</span></strong><strong>]</strong></p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Reed Graham celebrates his massive win on his way up the ramp, while the announcers prepare the audience for the first title match of the night. "A team in each corner, two competitors in the ring, first pinfall wins the NWL Tag Team Championships!" Madden explains. Quincy adds that the odds are stacked against the young Tag Team Champions, The Panthers.</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51962" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="5a9e9b2777c1939dca53d74ea44ecffc8510da22.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/dc9605045fba8b01cd3c2045b9866d8c/8dbe5e9ecaec8bb1-86/s250x400/5a9e9b2777c1939dca53d74ea44ecffc8510da22.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="aaf64fa1635b72d2fe077ba5ceb61d363e345881.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/da646024448ca7726a9ac100ed83f51d/a11c7b1484eb0be0-39/s250x400/aaf64fa1635b72d2fe077ba5ceb61d363e345881.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="151d6405e02e806bea0edbc9d976fee50429aea9.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/3f32f9284bc610a7c5914d1d3d8dbf42/8dbe5e9ecaec8bb1-4d/s250x400/151d6405e02e806bea0edbc9d976fee50429aea9.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="5a24fb56499f9b1910ac47029ce9af66af450060.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/454e571b5081b74bce2783b67b94eb95/8dbe5e9ecaec8bb1-60/s250x400/5a24fb56499f9b1910ac47029ce9af66af450060.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p><strong> </strong><img alt="100a6637c3f14fd7acbc0f5e090b327d7159c259.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/b533d2d855bff15727c7b265d4d5d0ac/a11c7b1484eb0be0-41/s250x400/100a6637c3f14fd7acbc0f5e090b327d7159c259.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="212e4b55f8572895a60961fd75d112ce031d5dac.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/d3ffecb7a91a72a7f59eb30150d82ab0/feed86782dad44f1-ad/s250x400/212e4b55f8572895a60961fd75d112ce031d5dac.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="329c05aa0635b51e7052456c7373e101d24d1c9b.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/2ebd751472b38b346200db7916bf1154/feed86782dad44f1-25/s250x400/329c05aa0635b51e7052456c7373e101d24d1c9b.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="0abcebdf2faf6c88abeaf8234e72614c50a129f2.jpg" data-src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/6dcdf80c9f6d2de5843f34aae047154a/a71dbdf1bf509e59-68/s250x400/0abcebdf2faf6c88abeaf8234e72614c50a129f2.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><strong> The Panthers </strong><strong><em>©</em></strong><strong> vs. Leben & Ostlund vs. The Vikings vs. Offensive Unit (NWL Tag Team Championship Match)</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> Unlike the earlier tag match, this NWL Tag Team Championship match, this match only features two legal competitors in the ring at any time. One half of the tag team champions, <strong>Zach Kyler</strong>, starts off along with <strong>Roland Carr</strong> of The Vikings. They exchange a few holds before getting close enough to the corner for <strong>Tad Underwood</strong> of Offensive Unit to tag himself in off of Kyler. He and Carr trade stiff blows before Underwood turns and knocks Carr’s partner, <strong>Judd Brennan</strong>, off of the apron. Underwood’s cockiness is met by ferocity from Carr, but Underwood eventually escapes to tag in <strong>Luke Ostlund</strong>.</p><p> </p><p> Ostlund and Carr’s exchange is quick and creative but neither are able to lock in a pin before <strong>Tye Woodhams</strong> of The Panthers tags Carr out. Unfortunately his confidence is misplaced as he walks right into a clothesline. When Ostlund then tries to go off the ropes, Woodhams successfully trips him up and the rookie begins raining down blows on the veteran! The ref forces Woodhams off and Kyler beckons him over for a tag. With Kyler back in the ring across from Ostlund, the action once again heats up until Ostlund gets a little too close to the ropes and is hit with a kick to the back of the head by Underwood. Unwilling to take advantage of a dirty hit, Kyler confronts Underwood while Ostlund crawls to his corner and tags in <strong>Jeff Leben</strong>.</p><p> </p><p> When Underwood motions to get in the ring, Kyler kicks him off of the apron. Underwood’s partner, <strong>Wyatt Randolph</strong>, forces a tag with a sharp slap to Kyler’s back and then barrels into Leben, using his larger size to his advantage. On the outside, Underwood and Kyler begin brawling until Woodhamds interferes by leaping off of the apron to deliver a double knees to Underwood. Meanwhile in the ring Randolph shut down Leben’s attempt at a comeback with a spinebuster followed by a pin, only for both members of The Vikings to make the save. Randolph quickly dispatches them, but while he’s distracted Leben is able to gather himself and connect with a Hurricanrana! Despite the impressive move, he only gets a two count as Randolph powers out!</p><p> </p><p> Leben gets Randolph over to his corner to tag Ostlund in, but before they can attempt their tag team finisher, The Vikings rush the ring to put a stop to it. After Ostlund rolls out of the ring, Carr sends Leben into Kyler to knock him off the apron and Brennan hits Woodhams with an elbow to do the same. They then drag Randolph to their corner but argue over who will tag themselves in. Underwood pulls Carr off of the apron with a hard blow, allowing Brennan to remain the legal man. As Underwood attempts to enter the ring, Brennan keeps him out with a knee to the side of the head. Unfortunately the distraction means that he turns right into Ostlund who rocks him with an uppercut and then swipes the legs out from under him. He rushes up to the top rope and delivers a senton to score the three count and make Leben and himself three time NWL Tag Team Champions!</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Leben & Ostlund def. The Panthers, The Vikings & Offensive Unit by pinfall to win the NWL Tag Team Championships in 12:45 [</strong><strong><span style="color:#98FB98;">56</span></strong><strong>]</strong></p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> To be continued with the remaining five matches on the card...</p><p> </p><p> Jonathan Stark © vs. Gareth Arryn <em>(NWL Championship Match)</em></p><p> Clyde Goddman vs. David Battle</p><p> Kade Briggs © vs. Jason Browne vs. Keaton Casey vs. M.J. Barton <em>(NWL United States Championship Elimination Match)</em></p><p> Danilo Rasussen vs. Ramon Cole</p><p> Brett Colesworth vs. Benson Trevino</p>
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The National Wrestling League Presents...



"Ladies and gentleman, thank you for sticking with us after that brief intermission and welcome back to NWL FINAL SHOWDOWN! Up next, we'll be seeing multi-time world champ Brett Colesworth taking on the rookie that's been tormenting him with pranks for these past few months: Benson Trevino. Is Trevino about to pull off the biggest upset in NWL history? Let's find out and get straight to the action!"



Bennson Trevino vs. Brett Colesworth


As soon as the bell is official, Brett Colesworth is straight on the attack! He rushes at his opponent, but Benson Trevino is simply too quick and ducks out between the ropes onto the apron. Colesworth stops himself from splashing into an empty corner but gets rocked by a kick to the head from Benson, who follows up with a flying headscissors from the top rope that sends Colesworth flat onto his back. Benson rushes into a cover but Brett kicks out with force at one!


Wisely keeping to his strategy of maintaining a fast-paced offence, Benson runs off the ropes to deliver a front-flip splash, then ascends to the top rope. He’s met there by Colesworth though, who attempts to pull him down, only to be kicked in the face for his troubles. The flying dropkick connects, putting Colesworth on uneasy footing, but when Benson attempts to use the ropes to build momentum for an attack to put him down for good, Colesworth delivers a brutal scoop powerslam!


With momentum firmly shifted in his favour, Colesworth takes his time to stomp on Benson’s limbs, then drag him to the corner so he can hyper-extend the younger wrestler’s left leg around the post. After using the ref’s full five count before releasing the hold, Colesworth then delivers a kick to Benson’s knee, sending it slamming off the post again. Sliding back into the ring while Benson writhes in pain, Colesworth takes a moment to taunt the crowd before pulling Benson into the centre of the ring and locking in a Cloverleaf submission, forcing his opponent to quickly tap out!


Brett Colesworth def. Benson Trevino by submission in 6:18 [57]


With Benson still down on the mat, Brett angrily demands that the pranks stop, or next time he won't let the submission hold go until he hears bones break! Afterwards, he storms out of the ring to the intense booing of the crowds.




Backstage, the newly crowned NWL Tag Team Champions Jeff Leben & Luke Ostlund put over the previous champions, The Panthers. "They've both got incredible careers ahead of them. They're both young... it won't be long until they're challenging for these titles again!" They're then joined by the team in question, Tye Woodhams and Zach Kyler, who congratulate them on the win. Kyler offers his hand for the new champs to shake and, after a slight moment of hesitation, Woodhams does too. They then part ways to allow the new champs to continue celebrating. [61]



Danilo Rasussen vs. Ramon Cole


The two elite athletes in the ring begin things slowly by exchanging holds and reversing out of any attempts at bigger moves. In terms of power, the two appear to be matched and eventually they break to create separation. When Ramon Cole offers a display of sportsmanship by extending his hand, his opponent slaps it away and then delivers a swift kick to Cole’s gut! For the next few minutes it’s all Danilo Rasussen on the offensive, using a flurry of strikes to get Cole into the corner and then delivering a running elbow smash that drops Cole down to rest on the bottom turnbuckle. Rasussen follows that up with a cannonball and a pin, but Cole kicks out at two and rolls out of the ring to recuperate!


When Rasussen pursues Cole out of the ring, the veteran plays possum to lure his opponent into a false sense of confidence before driving him back-first into the barrier! With Rasussen winded, Cole sends him into the ring and follows up with a slingshot spear through the ropes. The following pinfall attempt only gets a two count before it’s reversed and Rasussen gets Cole’s shoulders down for a two count of his own! The escape forces separation between them once again, but it isn’t long before they’re trading blows once again. Cole escapes an attempt by Rasussen to deliver a German suplex and instead reverses it into one of his own. With Rasussen down on the mat temporarily, Cole begins ascending to the top rope, only for his opponent to roll out of the ring. Dropping down to the apron, Cole then attempts to deliver a diving elbow strike, only for Rasussen to rock him with a kick to the gut and cause Cole to have an ugly collision with the floor!


At the ref’s insistence, the action returns to the ring and Rasussen follows up on the damage to the other’s midsection with a gut-wrench suplex and a cover. Cole kicks out just before the three count, invoking Rasussen’s anger. He delivers a nasty senton and immediately goes for another cover, but this time Cole reverses it into a crucifix pin that Rasussen only narrowly escapes! After both competitors are back on their feet, they exchange another series of moves before Rasussen once again rocks Cole and then climbs to the top rope. His attempt at a diving crossbody is caught by Cole though, who lifts him onto his shoulders in preparation of delivering a samoan drop. Rasussen is able to battle out and drives Cole headfirst into the top turnbuckle! With his opponent staggering, Rasussen then delivers a series of three German suplexes, finishing the third with a pinning combo that successfully gets him the hard fought full three count!


Danilo Rasussen def. Ramon Cole by pinfall in 16:02 [61]




Backstage, Benson Trevino is having his leg seen to by the NWL medical team, when the company's chief operator Derrick Headley joins him. He claps the young wrestler on the back and praises him for putting up "one hell of a fight" against a tough opponent in his first major PPV match. Although evidently still in pain, Benson seems encouraged by the show of support. [54]



Kade Briggs © vs. Jason Browne vs. Keaton Casey vs. M.J. Barton (NWL United States Championship Elimination Match)


The match starts with Kade Briggs and M.J. Barton forming an unlikely alliance to take on their opponents, throwing Jason Browne over the top rope to start. Briggs then holds Keaton Casey in the corner to let Barton drive his shoulder repeatedly into Casey’s gut! The team-up is short lived though, as when Barton offers up a high-five, Briggs instead kicks him in the gut and delivers a brutal powerbomb! He can’t get into the cover quick enough though, as Browne returns to the ring with a backstabber to Briggs! With the biggest man down, Browne scrabbles into a cover on Barton, only to be quickly pulled away by Casey who attempts his own pin and is forcefully pushed away by Briggs after only a one count.


All four men slowly rise to their feet and the action breaks down into two separate brawls: Briggs vs. Browne and Barton vs. Casey. After getting the better of Browne, Briggs uses him as a battering ram against Barton and Casey, before delivering a powerslam that gets him a two count before Browne kicks out! Casey then attempts to roll up Briggs, only to have Barton break things up with a sharp kick to the side of Casey’s head. He then beckons Browne over and together they are able to send Briggs over the top rope and crashing down to the floor.


For the next few minutes Barton and Browne have a high octane back-and-forth but just as Browne is down on the mat and Barton heads to the top rope to deliver his moonsault, Casey jumps back up onto the apron and struggles with his rival on the ropes. Browne uses the time to roll out of the ring, while Barton kicks Casey off the apron, then delivers a moonsault all the way to the ground! Briggs then takes advantage by rolling Casey into the ring and pinning him for the three count!


Keaton Casey is eliminated by Kade Briggs by pinfall in 6:02


Briggs then turns his attention towards Barton, but once he rolls the other into the ring, Browne charges him and sends Briggs crashing into the steel steps! When he climbs back onto the apron though, he’s quickly met by Barton, who delivers a basement dropkick that sends Browne back to the ground and causes his head to bounce painfully off of the hardest part of the ring. Barton then slides out of the ring to get to the vulnerable Browne, only for Briggs to level him on the outside with a massive clothesline! The big man then rolls both of his remaining opponents back into the ring before sliding in after them.


As Barton staggers back to his feet, Briggs is easily able to pull him in for a powerbomb, with clear intentions of planting him on top of the downed Browne! Once Barton is up on the bigger man’s shoulders though, he starts to fight back with a few strikes to the top of the other’s skull before delivering a hurricanrana that drops Briggs over the middle rope! His misery only continues as Barton follows up with a tiger feint kick that drops Briggs in the perfect position for a top rope move! Understandably slow to climb up the corner thanks to the wear and tear of the match, Barton is instead caught on the second rope by the recovered Browne, who turns Briggs’ own plan against him by powerbombing Barton on top of Briggs! He then throws his weight on top of the duo, with the referee sliding in to count the second three count of the match!


Kade Briggs is eliminated by Jason Browne & M.J. Barton by pinfall in 7:52


Now down to the final two, Barton and Browne take a few moments to recover themselves before returning to their feet and rushing each other. Barton ducks underneath an attempted clothesline and instead drops the other with a neckbreaker. He then runs for the ropes to deliver a springboard moonsault from the middle rope, only for Browne to get his knees up! With Barton winded and writhing on the mat, Browne comes off the ropes to deliver a vicious sliding elbow! He makes the quick cover, with the referee completing the count...


Jason Browne def. Kade Briggs, Keaton Casey & M.J. Barton by pinfall to win the NWL United States Championship in 9:29 [65]


While Jason celebrates his title win in the ring, Kade rages and pushes a cameraman out of his way as he returns to the locker room. The titantron then comes to the life as Gareth Arryn makes a hurried entrance, grabs a microphone from the commentary desk and demands Jonathan Stark come out to face him right now - there's already been two title changes tonight and he's not prepared to wait for the third, he wants to be crowned NWL Champion right now! Jonathan Stark emerges and agrees to the early challenge, but promises that Arryn will wish he'd taken the extra time to prepare!



Jonathan Stark © vs. Gareth Arryn (NWL Championship Match)


Rather than immediately go on the attack, Arryn gets in the champ’s face and tells him to kiss his short title reign goodbye because he’s about to be exposed as a fraud! Having heard enough, Stark unleashes a fury of punches that back his challenger into the corner and even gets in a few stomps to drop Arryn down to the ground before the referee forces him away. Respecting the ref, Stark backs up while Arryn gets back to his feet, visibly even more angry than before!


The pair finally lock up in a collar-and-elbow hold and Arryn quickly makes it clear that he will test the ref’s patience by pulling on the back of Stark’s hair to get an early advantage. A few clubs to the back sends Stark crashing to the ground and Arryn looks to get the job done early by going for his trademark gut-wrench suplex. Stark fights out of the attempt with a stiff elbow to the other’s jaw, then a spinning neckbreaker that earns him a two count. As he returns to his feet though, Arryn trips him up and jumps on top of him to rain down several heavy blows that Stark has to raise his arms to try and block. After the outburst he tries to force Stark’s shoulders down for the pin, but the champ is able to throw him off at two.


The champ and challenger continue to go at it for several more minutes before Arryn is able to pull off a gut-wrench suplex that appears to be the finishing blow! Much to his absolute outrage though, Stark is able to get his foot on the bottom right moments before the referee is about to reach the three count, and the bout continues. Unfortunately for Arryn though, his blistering rage makes him sloppy and Stark soon takes advantage by allowing Arryn to charge headfirst into the turnbuckles. With his challenger rocked and barely standing, Stark brings him down with a DDT, then quickly locks in the STF! After struggling to escape for almost thirty seconds, Arryn reluctantly taps out!


Jonathan Stark def. Gareth Arryn by submission to retain the NWL Championship in 10:27 [64]


Stark staggers back up the ring, holding his retained title high and grinning at the furious Arryn. The commentators spectate that while Stark certainly proved himself as the champion to the fans in attendance, it seemed unlikely that Arryn would cease chasing the title so easily.


After Arryn finally leaves the ring, the commentary team then turn their attention to the final match remaining on the card and the new main event, recapping the events that led to David Battle and Clyde Goddman to lock horns.



Clyde Goddman vs. David Battle


Before the bell is even rung, David Battle charges his opponent, but Clyde Goddman is able to push him off. Once there’s separation between the two athletes, the referee motions for the match to officially start. When Clyde moves in to attack though, Battle ducks between the ropes, forcing the ref to hold Clyde back. This continues for almost a full minute, with Battle goading his opponent by dancing before retreating to the safety of the ropes. It isn’t long before Clyde has had enough though and muscling past the ref, he lunges for Battle, who quickly scatters out of the ring. Clyde gives chase around the outside but when he follows Battle back in, he’s greeted by a series of stomps and then getting tied up in the ropes, allowing Battle to hit him with a running knee!


When his attempt at a cover only gets a one count, a visibly annoyed Battle pulls Clyde up for a suplex but his attempt is reversed and he ends up splayed out on the mat! Clyde then begins working Battle’s right shoulder with a few stomps and holds before Battle is able to get his foot on the bottom rope to force a break. Once both men are back on their feet, Clyde charges back in, only for Battle to rake at his eyes while out of the view of the referee. He follows it up with a schoolboy pin, only for Clyde to once again kick out, this time at two. The frustrated Battle turns up the intensity and forces Clyde into the corner before reverting to his infamous immature attitude and humiliating the other with a stinkface!


Unfortunately for Battle, this only serves to fire Clyde up even more and as Battle returns to collect him from the corner, he’s dragged down until his face connects with the middle turnbuckle! Once they’re out of the corner, Clyde knocks Battle down with not one but two massive clotheslines. His attempt at a third goes wrong though as Battle ducks the attempt and instead blasts him with a massive big boot. He quickly dives on top of his opponent for the cover - two count!


As Battle rages at the referee for what he believes was a deliberate slow count, Clyde is given time to recover. Battle stalks the ref into the corner, threatening him, only for Clyde to make the save by spinning Battle around and downing him with a belly-to-back suplex. This time the ref really does make a fast count and Battle is unable to kick out before the ref’s hand hits the mat for the third time to end the match!


Clyde Goddman def. David Battle by pinfall in 11:23 [69]


Clyde and the referee roll out of the ring as Battle is left to rage. The ref raises Clyde's hand in victory as the show comes to a close.


NWL FINAL SHOWDOWN IV received an overall grade of: 67!

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The champions coming out of NWL Final Showdown IV are as follows...



NWL Champion

Jonathan Stark

Won December 2019, Week Three (First Reign)

One Defence



NWL United States Champion

Jason Browne

Won February 2020, Week Three (First Reign)

Zero Defences



NWL Tag Team Champions

Jeff Leben & Luke Ostlund

Won February 2020, Week Three (Third Reign)

Zero Defences


Booker thoughts coming out of the PPV:


- The decision to take the NWL United States title off Kade Briggs and put it into Jason Browne was because Browne had been consistently outperforming the other wrestlers in the feud and did so again here. His in-ring performance was a 70, while M.J. Barton was second at 64. The former champ Briggs came in at 59 and Keaton Casey was somewhat disappointing at 53.


- Reed Graham carried his match with Thaddeus Ryan, getting a 45 to the other's 31. The fact their match scored a 43 overall is a feat in itself. Ryan's consistent poor performances certainly influenced my booking going forward...


- In the tag title match, it was actually Zach Kyler who outperformed everyone, even the veterans Ostlund, Leben and Randolph. He scored an impressive 71 for his in-ring performance and was given kudos after the show. Keeping him in the tag title scene with a relatively weak partner (Woodhams only scored 40) feels like a bit of a waste of such a promising young talent, hence the decision to take the titles off of Kyler & Woodhams. I put them onto Leben & Ostlund who have proven capable of putting on good matches with pretty much anyone on the roster.


- Alden Greene and Lamarcus Davenport delivered a nice little match given the lukewarm state of their mini-feud. Davenport proved himself capable of carrying the match with a decent 63, while Alden got an even 50. Overall not terrible for a match that was midcard at best.


- Brett Colesworth works much, much better in longer matches thanks to his 'Slow & Steady' trait, but there was no convincing way to have a multi-time world champ like him go 15+ minutes with a relative rookie in Benson Trevino. I'll be pivoting him into feuds that give him the opportunity for longer matches from now on.


- Both the NWL Championship match and the main event went off okay, but I expected a little better from Battle vs. Goddman to tell the truth. Stark also needs a stronger opponent if he's going to make anything of his championship reign, as the feud with Arryn has been a little lackluster overall.


The next PPV is NWL Interception on April Week 4, so there will be five weeks worth of Friday Night Wrestling shows before then. Thanks to anybody following along!

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February 2020, Week Four


Alden Greene & Riley Daniel def. Blake & Mac (Rakeem Blake & Mac Simmons) by pinfall in 6:20 [53]

In a backstage interview, Arryn rages about his PPV loss until Stark approaches to make a deal - if he wins a non-title rematch tonight, he'll get another shot! [67]

Stewart Bates def. Luca McNeil by pinfall in 3:15 [22]

In a backstage interview, Brett Colesworth declares he is ready to move on from Benson Trevino and his pranks [76]

Ramon Cole def. Keaton Casey by submission in 7:56 [62]

In the ring, Casey angrily blames the fans for not supporting him and declares he's done playing by the rules [44]

The Reilly Brothers (Theo Reilly & Tommy Reilly) def. Greg Campos & Jakobe Lewis by pinfall in 3:54 [42]

In a backstage interview, M.J. Barton declares he's ready to boune back from his PPV loss [64]

The Panthers (Tye Woodhams & Zach Kyler) def. The Vikings (Judd Brennan & Roland Carr) by pinfall in 7:47 [52]

In a pre-recorded promo, Isiah Cook contemplates failing to beat David Battle [60]

The Goddman Trio (Clayton, Clyde & Clinton Goddman) def. David Battle, Emmett Solomon & Lamarcus Davenport by submission in 8:04 [46]

In the ring, Kade Briggs calls Jason Browne's title win at the PPV a fluke and demands a rematch right now! [70]

Jason Browne def. Kade Briggs by pinfall to retain the NWL Unites States Championship in 7:14 [52]

Backstage, The Holt Twins approach the NWL Tag Team Champions Leben & Ostlund to make it clear that they're next in line [64]

Jonathan Stark def. Gareth Arryn by pinfall in 10:13 [60]

After the match, Stark is attacked from behind by Danilo Rasussen, who holds up the NWL Championship... [74]


The overall rating for this edition of Friday Night Wrestling was [65]



March 2020, Week One


Kade Briggs & M.J. Barton def. Reed Graham & Riley Daniel by pinfall in 8:12 [53]

In a pre-recorded promo, Jason Browne asks a simple question: "Who's next?" [80]

Dhorian Gripp def. Jakobe Lewis by submission in 2:51 [40]

Backstage, NWL chief Derrick Headley tells Clyde Goddman, Danilo Rasussen and Wyatt Randolph they'll compete in a #1 Contender's Triple Threat match [71]

The Reilly Brothers (Theo Reilly & Tommy Reilly) def. Luca McNeil & Tyler Marsh by pinfall in 3:49 [19]

In a backstage interview, NWL Tag Champs Leben & Ostlund confirm they'll take on The Holt Twins and praise them as an elite tag team [57]

Keaton Casey def. Alden Greene by pinfall in 7:32 [62]

Backstage, Ramon Cole advises Benson Trevino on how to move on from a loss - and names Casey as an example of what not to do [52]

Zach Kyler def. Rakeem Blake by pinfall in 6:01 [68]

In a backstage interview, Tad Underwood is dismissive of what he's seen from Zach Kyler [76]

The Holt Twins (Dacquan Holt & Travone Holt) def. The Vikings (Judd Brennan & Roland Carr) by pinfall in 8:19 [60]

Backstage, Brett Colesworth and David Battle make jokes about The Goddman Brothers losing at the PPV, only to be confronted by Clayton & Clinton [87]

Lamarcus Davenport def. Taylen Hines by pinfall in 5:46 [57]

In a backstage interview, The Vikings express their frustrations at experiencing yet another loss [55]

The MVPs of NWL (Brett Colesworth & David Battle) def. The Goddman Brothers (Clayton Goddman & Clinton Goddman) by pinfall in 7:51 [65]

Danilo Rasussen def. Clyde Goddman & Wyatt Randolph by pinfall in 12:59 [68]


The overall rating for this edition of Friday Night Wrestling was [72]


It was around this time that I remembered that Luca McNeil has the Scatterbrained trait, so having him in scripted matches was what was bringing the grades massively down. Oops! It's also clear that I've got a number of talents who really excel at promo-work but don't necessarily always translate it to in-ring performance, like Colesworth and Briggs. I was also very impressed with Browne's promo on the second show here, as well as obviously the angle between the MVPs and the Goddmans.


See you next time for another two editions of Friday Night Wrestling leading up to NWL Interception.

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March 2020, Week Two


In the ring, Gareth Arryn calls out Clyde Goddman but it's a trap as Brett Colesworth and David Battle lie in wait to attack him [71]

Clayton and Clinton Goddman rush to the ring to help Clyde fight off Arryn, Battle and Colesworth [52]

Lamarcus Davenport def. Wyatt Randolph by pinfall in 8:46 [50]

Craig Massey & Thaddeus Ryan def. Hayden Puckett & Luca McNeil by submission in 1:34 [19]

Backstage, Davenport approaches NWL United States Champion Jason Browne to demand a shot at his title [67]

Benson Trevino & Ramon Cole def. Greg Campos & Jakobe Lewis by pinfall in 2:46 [47]

The Panthers (Tye Woodhams & Zach Kyler) def. Blake & Mac (Rakeem Blake & Mac Simmons) by pinfall in 8:19 [57]

In a pre-recorded promo, The Holt Twins claim they're ready to prove they're not just the best set of brothers but the best tag team in all NWL and will do so in their title match next week [57]

M.J. Barton def. Roland Carr by pinfall in 8:36 [54]

Kade Briggs def. Judd Brennan by submission in 7:14 [59]

Backstage, NWL Tag Team champs Jeff Leben & Luke Ostlund call out fellow vets Battle and Colesworth for their treatment of the Goddmans and challenge them to a main event match [68]

Riley Daniel def. Danilo Rasussen by roll-up in 9:44 [69]

Jonathan Stark def. Keaton Casey by DQ after Rasussen interferes in 10:07 [65]

In a backstage interview, Tad Underwood once again remarks that he believes Zach Kyler is overrated [70]

Jeff Leben & Luke Ostlund def. The MVPs of NWL (Brett Colesworth & David Battle) by pinfall in 15:10 [66]


The overall rating for this edition of Friday Night Wrestling was [67]


I'll be honest, looking back at it, I'm fairly disappointed in my booking for this show. There are far too many lower card matches and not enough story progression, which I think is a result of me spinning my wheels in getting storylines started with the next PPV event still so far away. I'm also a little disappointed in the main event considering it involves four workers who are either Major Stars or Stars for the promotion. I think it's a case of Battle not being suited to longer matches whereas that's where Colesworth excels, making them a poor fit as a tag team.


March 2020, Week Three


The Reilly Brothers (Theo Reilly & Tommy Reilly) def. The Vikings (Judd Brennan & Roland Carr) by pinfall in 7:07 [60]

In the ring, frustrated after so many losses, The Vikings snap and attack The Reilly Brothers when they offer respectful handshakes [52]

Coleton Ray def. Luca McNeil by pinfall in 1:37 [35]

In the ring, Lamarcus Davenport once again calls out Jason Browne and out of respect for the veteran, Browne agrees to give him a title match in two weeks time! [71]

Danilo Rasussen def. Riley Daniel by pinfall in 6:30 [58]

In a backstage interview, NWL Champion Jonathan Stark says he's ready to prove he's not a transitionary champion [68]

Stewart Bates def. Craig Massey by pinfall in 5:29 [32]

On the entrance ramp, Isiah Cook returns to attack Reed Graham and take his place in the following match [34]

Isiah Cook def. Benson Trevino by pinfall in 6:27 [49]

Backstage, Keaton Casey confronts and calls out Ramon Cole for a rematch based on Cole "slandering" him on a previous show [69]

The Chiefs (Kade Briggs & M.J. Barton) def. The Panthers (Tye Woodhams & Zach Kyler) by pinfall in 8:55 [54]

Clyde Goddman def. Gareth Arryn by pinfall in 9:24 [62]

In the ring, a brawl breaks out between the Goddman Trio and Arryn, David Battle and Brett Colesworth! [56]

Keaton Casey def. Ramon Cole by pinfall in 8:39 [54]

In a backstage interview, Tad Underwood suggests that Zach Kyler's career might benefit from ditching his "lackluster" tag partner [56]

Jeff Leben & Luke Ostlund def. The Holt Twins (Dacquan Holt & Travone Holt) by pinfall to retain the NWL Tag Team Championships in 10:11 [66]


The overall rating for this edition of Friday Night Wrestling was [66]


Another relatively disappointing episode, to tell the truth. Once again I'd had higher hopes for the main event match, as well as Arryn/Goddman and the Casey/Cole rematch. Compared to previous weeks, Tad Underwood's promo on Zach Kyler was also a disappointment. I had The Vikings turn heel to try and balance out the relatively lacking face/heel divide in tag teams and paired up Barton & Briggs as The Chiefs for the same reason. Hopefully you can start to see the stories forming in the lead up to the next PPV though.


See you next time for another two editions of Friday Night Wrestling leading up to NWL Interception.

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March 2020, Week Four


In the ring, the contract signing between Jason Browne and Lamarcus Davenport devolves into a brawl [68]

The Holt Twins (Dacquan Holt & Travone Holt) def. Brant Dudley & Hayden Puckett by submission in 2:40 [40]

In a backstage interview, The Goddman Trio confirm they'll take on Arryn, Battle and Colesworth at NWL Interception [60]

Craig Massey def. Coleton Ray by pinfall in 3:42 [42]

Taylen Hines def. Luca McNeil by pinfall in 2:06 [34]

In a backstage interview, The Chiefs interrupt The Reilly Brothers, then get called out by NWL Tag champs Leben & Ostlund [64]

The Chiefs (Kade Briggs & M.J. Barton) def. The Reilly Brothers (Theo Reilly & Tommy Reilly) by pinfall in 8:05 [67]

In a pre-recorded promo, Keaton Casey gloats about his win over Ramon Cole last week [67]

Dalton Strickland def. Rontay Wheeler by pinfall in 6:17 [44]

The Vikings (Judd Brennan & Roland Car) def. Adrian Hensley & Alexander Brennan by submission in 3:31 [40]

In a backstage interview, Ramon Cole makes no excuses for his loss to Casey last week [63]

Isiah Cook def. Reed Graham by pinfall in 6:44 [59]

Offensive Unit (Tad Underwood & Wyatt Randolph) def. The Panthers (Tye Woodhams & Zach Kyler) by pinfall in 7:48 [60]

In a pre-precorded promo, Gareth Arryn, David Battle and Brett Colesworth laugh off the idea of The Goddman Trio matching up to them [73]

Danilo Rasussen & Keaton Casey def. Jonathan Stark & Riley Daniel by pinfall in 10:21 [66]

The Goddman Brothers (Clayton Goddman & Clinton Goddman) def. David Battle & Gareth Arryn by pinfall in 9:26 [59]


The overall rating for this edition of Friday Night Wrestling was [63]


By this point, the Goddmans vs. MVPs is the hottest storyline I have going, hence the decision to have the numerous segments and main event over the championship title. Stark and Rasussen are doing okay but they both lack star power compared to the likes of Colesworth, Battle and Clyde Goddman, which has negatively affected Stark's championship run so far. The Underwood vs. Kyler feud is coming along nicely, although there was some credit to Tad's promo in the previous episode, as Kyler's tag partner Woodhams is the one dragging down the scores for these segments which is a shame. Hopefully having him in there with experienced veterans like the other three in this storyline will help him start catching up.


April 2020, Week One


In the ring, Ramon Cole calls out Keaton Casey and challenges him to a rubber match next week, which Casey agrees to [68]

Riley Daniel & Stewart Bates def. Greg Campos & Jakobe Lewis by pinfall in 3:46 [45]

In a backstage interview, The Chiefs feel confident after their win last week and now have their eyes on Tag Team gold [71]

Kalem Bain def. Tyler Marsh by pinfall in 4:01 [29]

Backstage, Dhorian Gripp confronts Isiah Cook for his change in attitude and challenges him to a match [61]

Blake & Mac (Rakeem Blake & Mac Simmons) def. Alexander Brennan & Brant Dudley by pinfall in 2:44 [42]

Isiah Cook def. Dhorian Gripp by pinfall in 7:40 [56]

In a pre-recorded promo, Judd Brennan gives a sermon in which he prophesizes the rise of The Vikings [67]

The Holt Twins (Dacquan Holt & Travone Holt) def. Benson Trevino & Dalton Strickland by submission in 5:42 [42]

Theo Reilly def. Kahlil Jefferson by pinfall in 4:43 [38]

In a backstage interview, NWL Champ Jonathan Stark is ambushed by Danilo Rasussen and left totally beaten [54]

M.J. Barton def. Jeff Leben by pinfall in 9:44 [73]

Backstage, Zach Kyler encourages Tye Woodhams before his match with Tad Underwood later [58]

Gareth Arryn def. Clinton Goddman by pinfall in 7:16 [55]

In a backstage interview, Leben & Ostlund reflect on Leben's loss to Barton and accept that The Chiefs are legitimate chalengers [69]

Tad Underwood def. Tye Woodhams by submission in 6:39 [52]

In a backstage interview, Danilo Rasussen outlines his future plans for a championship celebration [62]

Jason Browne def. Lamarcus Davenport by DQ to retain the NWL United States Championship in 12:16 after Isiah Cook interfered [67]


The overall rating for this edition of Friday Night Wrestling was [67]


Off the bat, while I wasn't expecting an incredibly score from Bain vs. Marsh, I'm surprised to see them score as low as 29. On the flipside, the Chiefs angle and the match between Leben & Barton were up in the 70s so that's gonna be kept in mind for the future. Some definite stars to build up in both Barton and Briggs. Browne and Davenport put on a good main event title match to keep building up the former's title run. Again, a little disappointed by the angles for the NWL Championship so that will have to heat up before the PPV. Clinton and Arryn are the weakest workers for their respective sides in the Goddmans vs. MVPs feud which hurt the heat of the feud a little, but I think future match-ups between the remaining four will come in a little stronger.


There's still another three Friday Night Wrestling episodes before the next PPV, NWL Interception, but the card is starting to shape up. Here are the confirmed matches so far:


Jonathan Stark © vs. Danilo Rasussen (NWL Championship Match)

Jeff Leben & Luke Ostlund © vs. The Chiefs (NWL Tag Team Championship Match)

The Goddman Trio vs. The MVPs of NWL

Battle Royal

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April 2020, Week Two


The Reilly Brothers (Theo Reilly & Tommy Reilly) def. The Holt Brothers by pinfall in 9:44 [47]

In a backstage interview, Keaton Casey claims he's ready to beat Ramon Cole for a second (and final) time [66]

Wyatt Randolph def. Zach Kyler by pinfall after interference from Tad Underwood in 9:48 [62]

Rontay Wheeler def. Alexander Brennan and Brant Dudley by pinfall in 4:02 [33]

In a pre-recorded promo, Brett Colesworth explains why he believes Clyde Goddman will never match up to him [83]

Reed Graham def. Craig Massey by submission in 6:47 [50]

Backstage, Jason Browne and Lamarcus Davenport confront Isiah Cook to question why he interfered in their title match last week and he makes it clear: he wants the title too! [67]

Riley Daniel def. Tyler Marsh by pinfall in 3:10 [48]

Backstage, cameras find the champs and challengers in a brawl, with Stark, Leben & Ostlund on one side and Rasussen, Barton & Briggs on the other [66]

Clayton Goddman def. David Battle by pinfall in 8:45 [56]

Backstage, Wyatt Randolph snaps at Tad Underwood for interfering in his match against Zach Kyler earlier [69]

Ramon Cole def. Keaton Casey by submission in 10:17 [72]

In a backstage interview, The Chiefs claim they are ready to put a swift end to Leben and Ostlund's latest tag title reign [67]

Danilo Rasussen & The Chiefs (Kade Briggs & M.J. Barton) def. Jonathan Stark, Jeff Leben & Luke Ostlund by pinfall in 10:26 [72]


The overall rating for this edition of Friday Night Wrestling was [74]


Overall this was a strong edition of Friday Night Wrestling, thanks in part to Colesworth delivering a spectacular promo, and the in-ring bouts between the Champs and their Challengers, as well as the rematch between Ramon Cole and Keaton Casey. Clayton vs. Battle was something of a disappointment, scoring only one point higher than last week's Clinton vs. Arryn, but that storyline isn't flagging too terribly. A hanful of midcarders have continued to get built in the background (Reed Graham, Riley Daniel and Rontay Wheeler) to try and populate that part of the card a little more. Zach Kyler continues to perform wonders, this time outdoing the veteran Wyatt Randolph. His storyline with Tad Underwood is the hottest thing on the show right now.


April 2020, Week Three


In the ring, Clyde Goddman calls out Brett Colesworth to set up tonight's main event match [82]

Alexander Brennan & Benson Trevino def. Rontay Wheeler & Tyler Marsh by pinfall in 4:04 [33]

Backstage, Lamarcus Davenport demands a rematch with Jason Browne, while Isiah Cook, Kahlil Jefferson & Riley Daniel step up as challengers too [57]

Kahlil Jefferson def. Lamarcus Davenport by pinfall in 9:05 [53]

Isiah Cook def. Riley Daniel by pinfall in 8:29 [53]

Backstage, Wyatt Randolph approaches Zach Kyler and suggests that they add a stipulation to their rematch to ensure nobody interferes: they'll do battle in a cage match! [70]

The Reilly Brothers (Theo Reilly & Tommy Reilly) def. Blake & Mac (Rakeem Blake & Mac Simmons) by pinfall in 5:49 [48]

Luke Ostlund def. Kade Briggs by pinfall in 9:31 [74]

In the ring, Briggs attacks Ostlund after their match and leaves him sprawling [68]

Zach Kyler def. Wyatt Randolph in a Steel Cage Match by pinfall in 9:42 [75]

Jonathan Stark & Ramon Cole def. Danilo Rasussen & Keaton Casey by pinfall in 10:19 [68]

Clyde Goddman def. Brett Colesworth by submission in 12:29 [67]


The overall rating for this edition of Friday Night Wrestling was [70]


Another fairly decent episode of the show, although I'm disappointed that the main event didn't score higher. Then again, I think that's down to me misbooking Brett Colesworth - the match should have been a minimum of fifteen minutes in order to avoid being penalised for his Slow & Steady trait, I just forgot. That said, the Kyler vs Randolph rematch and Ostlund vs Briggs both impressed which I was really happy to see. The championship scene has been flailing recently... this Stark vs. Rasussen feud isn't doing all I want it to do. Overall though most storylines seem to be picking up steam and the show ratings have been improving so things seem good right now!


The next post will cover the last edition of Friday Night Wrestling before NWL Interception and then give a run-down on the storylines heading into the PPV!

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April 2020, Week Four


Backstage, Brett Colesworth and David Battle attempt to steal an interview away from Leben & Ostlund, only to get chased off by the Goddman Brothers [68]

Emmett Solomon def. Brant Dudley by pinfall in 4:01 [29]

The Holt Twins (Dacquan Holt & Travone Holt) def. Reed Graham & Riley Daniel by submission in 8:04 [47]

Backstage, Keaton Casey pressures NWL chief Derrick Headley for one more match against Ramon Cole and gets it [64]

Danilo Rasussen def. Alden Greene by pinfall in 5:45 [61]

Jonathan Stark def. Roland Carr by submission in 7:07 [71]

In a backstage interview, Jason Browne remains calm despite the odds stacking up against him [58]

The Panthers (Tye Woodhams & Zach Kyler) def. Offensive Unit (Tad Underwood & Wyatt Randolph) by pinfall in 8:24 [68]

In a pre-recorded promo, The Reilly Brothers hype themselves up to get back in the title hunt [60]

Keaton Casey def. Stewart Bates by submission in 6:05 [58]

Ramon Cole def. Judd Brennan by submission in 7:21 [66]

Backstage, Offensive Unit argue about who is to blame for the miscommunication that led to their defeat in their earlier match against The Panthers [67]

Kahlil Jefferson def. Isiah Cook and Lamarcus Davenport by pinfall in 8:21 [62]

Gareth Arryn, David Battle, Brett Colesworth & The Chiefs (Kade Briggs & M.J. Barton) def. The Goddman Trio (Clyde, Clayton & Clinton Goddman), Jeff Leben & Luke Ostlund by pinfall in 12:10 [65]


The overall rating for this edition of Friday Night Wrestling was [65]


Riley Daniel was injured in his match with the Holt Twins and will unfortunately be missing the weekend's PPV to heal. After a few weeks of scoring 70+ for the shows this was something of a disappointing step back. It was nice to finally see a decent match come from Jonathan Stark, this was his first singles match to score above 70.


The stories going into NWL Interception...




Jonathan Stark's second challenger as NWL Champion is Danilo Rasussen, who came off his win over Ramon Cole at the last PPV to deliver a statement by attacking the champ from behind in the fallout show. After winning a triple threat against Wyatt Randolph and Clyde Goddman, Rasussen was named as the official number one contender. Since then he Since then he'd had a 2-1 record against the champ in tag team matches and has bested him in a backstage brawl. Is Stark's reign doomed to be a brief run, or has Rasussen gotten a little too cocky?




Jason Browne won the NWL United States Champion at the last PPV and defended it against the former champ two weeks later. His next defense was against locker room veteran Lamarcus Davenport, but the match ended in a DQ thanks to the involvement of another disgruntled veteran, Isiah Cook. When more challengers stepped up to argue they deserved title shots against Browne, Cook and Kahlil Jefferson won the right to join the match, making it the second PPV in a row that the NWL United States Championship will be defended in a Fatal 4-Way Elimination Match!




The NWL Tag Team Championships also changed hands at the last PPV, being won by the team of Jeff Leben and Luke Ostlund to start their third reign with the belts. After defeating The Holt Twins in their first title defence, they began feuding with a newly formed tag team in The Chiefs, consisting of former NWL United States Champion Kade Briggs and M.J. Barton. Barton has a singles win over Leben and Ostlund has a singles win over Briggs, but in a ten-man tag team match on the go-home show, it was The Chiefs on the winning side. Can they repeat the process and become tag team champions so soon after their inception?




Spinning out the events of the last PPV, Clyde Goddman has teamed up with his brothers Clayton and Clinton (collectively known as The Goddman Trio) to take on a group who have coined themselves as The MVPs of NWL. Three-time NWL Champion Brett Colesworth leads a team of fellow former champions in David Battle and Gareth Arryn, all of whom have banded together with a simple message: Clyde Goddman, nor his brothers, will ever be on the same level as them. In recent weeks Clyde has beat both Arryn and Colesworth, and Clayton scored a win over Battle, but Clinton lost his bout to Arryn and the three brothers were on the losing side of a ten-man tag match on the go-home show. Will the Goddmans be able to prove that Arryn, Battle and Colesworth aren't quite the MVPs they believe themselves to be?




The issues between Keaton Casey and Ramon Cole began after the former lost to the latter and then blamed the fans for failing to support him. In a discussion with another member of the roster, Cole suggested that Casey's reaction to his string of losses was the wrong way to deal with things, which prompted Casey to challenge him to a rematch. They exchanged wins in a further two singles matches and Cole teamed up with the NWL Champ Jonathan Stark to beat Casey and Stark's challenger Danilo Rasussen in a tag team match. Casey will get one final chance to prove that his lone win against Cole wasn't a fluke when they go head-to-head for the final time at the PPV, but is he just setting himself up for another loss against the veteran, or will Cole take back-to-back PPV losses?




Tad Underwood began stirring up trouble when he suggested in an interview that Zach Kyler was undeserving of the hype and praise he was receiving. After The Panthers lost a tag team match to The Chiefs, it was Underwood suggesting that Kyler would do better by ditching his tag partner Tye Woodhams that finally riled Kyler up enough to confront the other. Underwood beat Woodhams in a singles match and then interfered to give his own tag partner Wyatt Randolph a win over Kyler. This interference caused issues between Underwood and Randolph, and a rematch between Randolph and Kyler took place in a Steel Cage, with Kyler scoring a big win over the veteran. Kyler & Woodhams defeated Randolph & Underwood in a tag team match on the go-home show and at the PPV Underwood will finally have to put his money where his mouth is when he faces off with Kyler for the first time ever!



The final NWL Interception card is as follows...


Jonathan Stark © vs. Danilo Rasussen (NWL Championship Match)

Jason Browne © vs. Kahlil Jefferson vs. Isiah Cook vs. Lamarcus Davenport (NWL United States Championship Elimination Match)

Jeff Leben & Luke Ostlund © vs. The Chiefs (NWL Tag Team Championship Match)

The Goddman Trio (Clyde, Clayton & Clinton Goddman) vs. The MVPs of NWL (Gareth Arryn, David Battle & Brett Colesworth)

Keaton Casey vs. Ramon Cole

Tad Underwood [w/ Wyatt Randolph] vs. Zach Kyler [w/ Tye Underwood]

Alden Greene & The Reilly Brothers vs. The Holt Twins & Roland Carr [w/ Judd Brennan]

Ten Man Battle Royal


Please do feel free to join in with your predictions if you would like! The PPV will be posted in two parts again later in the week.

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The National Wrestling League Presents...



"Ladies and gentleman, welcome to another explosive night on the National Wrestling League calendar... this is NWL INTERCEPTION!"




The second PPV of the calendar year opens with the commentary team of Michael Madden and Ronald Quincy, the regular hosts of the NWL's Friday Night Wrestling programme. They give a lowdown of the eight matches we'll be seeing tonight, including three title matches and several more grudge matches, but it all kicks off with a fifteen-man battle royal that begins right now!


Fifteen Man Battle Royal

Benson Trevino, Coleton Ray, Craig Massey, Dalton Strickland, Dhorian Gripp, Emmett Solomon, Greg Campos, Kalem Bain, Mac Simmons, Rakeem Blake, Reed Graham, Rontay Wheeler, Stewart Bates, Taylen Hines, Thaddeus Ryan


The action in this battle royal kicks off nice and fast, with Taylen Hines being the first elimination, courtesy of Emmett Solomon. Stewart Bates is soon eliminated by Solomon as well and tag partners Blake & Mac work together to eliminate Greg Campos. The big guys in the match (Solomon, Craig Massey, Thaddeus Ryan and Kalem Bain) stare each other down, before Solomon, Massey and Bain team up to take out the arrogant Ryan. Solomon then gets his fourth and fifth eliminations by blasting Bain and Coleton Ray to the outside with a double clothesline, while Blake & Mac sneak another elimination by toppling Massey over the top rope.


Eight men remain in the battle royal, although Blake & Mac’s luck soon runs out as they’re eliminated in tandem by Dalton Strickland and Dhorian Gripp. Reed Graham gets sent to the outside by Rontay Wheeler but manages to avoid being eliminated by holding onto the middle top and keeping his feet off the ground. Gripp isn’t quite so lucky when he attempts to throw Wheeler over the same rope, as the crafty heel manages to turn his momentum against him to send Gripp crashing down to the floor. Solomon goes for his sixth elimination when he grabs Benson Trevino, only for the wily cruiserweight to slip out of his grasp. That fifth elimination comes soon after though as Solomon is able to grab Strickland and throw him out of the ring and on top of the other eliminated wrestlers!




The match is down to the final four: Benson Trevino, Emmett Solomon, Reed Graham and Rontay Wheeler. Graham, Trevino and Wheeler strike up an unlikely alliance to eliminate Solomon, although it’s at the cost of Trevino who gets dragged out of the ring with him. Enraged by his elimination, Solomon powerbombs Trevino onto the barrier before storming off, leaving officials to check on his victim.


Graham and Wheeler make the most of being the last two in the ring with a number of flashy moves that showcase their athleticism. Wheeler tries to muscle Graham up and over the top rope but Graham holds on to pull his opponent over with him and the pair tumble onto the apron. Wheeler is up on his feet first and tries to pry Graham’s hand off of the bottom rope, only to have his feet kicked out from under him to send him crashing to the ground!


Reed Graham eliminated Rontay Wheeler last to win the battle royal in 9:38 [52]


The commentators put over Reed Graham outlasting the fourteen other men in the match to get the victory, as well as Solomon scoring six eliminations (Hines, Bates, Ryan, Bain, Ray and Strickland) in a dominant performance for the heavyweight. They speculate what might be next for the two impressive athletes as the show rolls on:



Alden Greene & The Reilly Brothers (Theo Reilly & Tommy Reilly) vs. The Holt Twins (Dacquan Holt & Travone Holt) & Roland Carr [w/ Judd Brennan]


While the babyface team of Alden Greene, Theo Reilly and Tommy Reilly all show signs of being on the same page by allowing Theo to start for them, The Holt Twins argue with Roland Carr and his tag partner at ringside, Judd Brennan. Eventually the twins relent and allow Carr to start for them but it’s mere seconds after the bell has rung that Carr is sent crashing back into his corner after a dropkick from Theo, allowing Dacquan to tag himself in! Dacquan feigns a strike and takes advantage of Theo’s attempt to block it by rolling him up. Theo explodes out of the surprise pinfall attempt at two and staggers back into his corner, where his brother Tommy tags in.


Despite having the size advantage, Tommy is eventually worn down and cut off from his corner thanks to good tag team work from The Holt Twins. This is disrupted though when Roland Carr tags himself back in and spends a little too much time taunting Tommy, allowing the other to recover and then rock him with a hellacious headbutt! Tommy follows up the attack with a big boot to the stunned Carr, but the Viking still has enough in him to kick out mere milliseconds before the three count. He can’t make it back to his corner though as Tommy brings him back towards the babyfaces and he and Theo hold Carr in place so Alden can deliver a 450 Splash! This time Brennan makes the interference, pulling his tag team partner out of the ring at the two count while the Holt Twins rush the ring to blast the Reilly Brothers off of the apron.


It takes some time to restore order in the match and in the chaos Carr is able to tag Travone back into the match who exchanges in a fast-paced sequence with Alden. Not long after though, the match comes to a screeching halt when an in-ring miscommunication between the heel team causes Travone to knock Carr off of the apron resulting in a nasty landing on the floor. Brennan once again jumps up onto the ring, this time to shout at Travone, who bickers with him for a moment, only this distraction allows Alden to get him in position for an explosive backbreaker. The Reilly Brothers ensure that Dacquan can’t make it back into the ring while Brennan chooses to see to the injured Carr instead of making a save, allowing the ref to count to three off of Alden’s finisher to Travone!


Alden Greene & The Reilly Brothers def. Roland Carr & The Holt Twins by pinfall in 9:53 [50]




In a backstage area, Tad Underwood and Wyatt Randolph are interviewed by NWL personality Jordan Kahn about Tad's feud with Zach Kyler that will culminate in a singles match later on in the PPV. There is still evident tension between Underwood and Randolph through both their stiff body language and a snide remark on Tad's part where he claims he will do what his tag partner couldn't do and prove that "the Zach Kyler hype train" is all for nothing and "it'll soon end at at the inevitable destination: defeat!" [65]



Keaton Casey vs. Ramon Cole


Keaton Casey starts off the match with some disrespect towards the former NWL Champion, turning his nose up at Ramon Cole’s customary invitation for a handshake. Understandably sick of Casey’s poor attitude, Cole very quickly goes on the offense and makes him regret it with a series of strong strikes that leave Casey rocked against the ropes! Allowing the referee to pull him away, Cole verbally chastises Casey for his immature behaviour and asks a simple question: “Man, when are you going to grow up?” The comment enrages Casey and he charges forward, only to get scooped up into a fireman’s carry by Cole. Before he can deliver his samoan drop finisher though, Casey fights out of it and then brings the veteran down to the mat with a neckbreaker.


From there it’s all Casey on the offense and he begins wearing down his rival by transitioning through painful-looking holds. Despite being stretched and contorted in a number of ways, Cole refuses Casey’s demands that he tells the ref he quits and eventually is able to force Casey into breaking the hold with a modified snapmare. The pair then come off of opposing ropes to down each other by attempting clotheslines, although Cole wisely rolls away to make sure Casey can’t attempt a cover. Casey is the first back on his feet but as he scurries in, he’s caught off guard by a drop toehold from the more experienced wrestler. Cole then turns the table by stretching Casey out with an inverted facelock. Casey appears close to tapping out before he resorts to raking at Cole’s eyes, weakening the hold enough for him to escape. The ref warns him about his behaviour but the heel seems unconcerned and instead delivers a dropkick from the second rope to the staggered Cole, dropping him down to the mat. Rather than go for the cover, Casey instead ascends to the top rope, but doing so gives Cole enough time to recover and pull him down for a hellacious powerbomb with a pinning combo!


Casey only escapes by getting the tips of his fingers on the bottom rope and Cole is visibly frustrated by having to release the pin. He instead pulls Casey up onto his shoulders to set up a samoan drop, only for his opponent to once again escape through some desperate elbow strikes to Cole’s neck! Casey then uses a jumping cutter to once again slam Cole down into the mat and this time he doesn’t stop to showboat but rather scrambles into a desperate cover. It’s still not enough though, as Cole manages to get a shoulder up with the ref’s hand just a fraction from the mat on the three count!


Getting desperate after yet another last second kick-out, Casey begins untying the pad on one of the top turnbuckles, eventually regressing to ripping away at it before giving up as Cole finally returns to his feet. With the ref distracted by trying to fix the turnbuckle pad, Casey hits a low blow on Cole and follows it up with a DDT. Urgently calling the ref back over, Casey makes the cover on the downed veteran… 1, 2, 3!


Keaton Casey def. Ramon Cole by pinfall in 11:31 [69]


Casey celebrates on his way back up the ramp while Cole seethes at the manner of his defeat, while the commentators put over the pair for putting on another great match that was soured by an unsportsmanlike ending on Casey's part, although Quincy celebrates its supposed genius.



Jason Browne © vs. Kahlil Jefferson vs. Isiah Cook vs. Lamarcus Davenport (NWL United States Championship Elimination Match)


The match starts with all three challengers going after the champion, backing Jason Browne into the corner and showering him with stomps. When Isiah Cook attempts the first cover though, the ref has barely made it to the mat when Browne pushes Cook off of him. The remaining two challengers merely laugh at Cook and then send him straight out of the ring! Browne uses the distraction to roll out of the ring himself and upon seeing this Kahlil Jefferson quickly turns his offense onto Lamarcus Davenport, brawling with the veteran all around the ring. It isn’t long before Cook returns to join them in the ring, with the two veterans to beat down Jefferson. That’s when the champ makes his return to the match-up, leaping from the top rope to down both Cook and Davenport with a flying crossbody! His quick cover on Cook following the offensive maneuver only scores him a two-count though before his challenger kicks out.


Jefferson is quick to roll-up Browne from behind, but the champ manages to escape and in the process sends Jefferson right into a superkick from Davenport! He goes for a cover, only for it to be broken up by Cook who attempts to cover Jefferson himself! The commentators put over Cook’s recent desperation to prove himself after a crushing loss to David Battle, leading to him cutting corners in matches where he would have previously remained respectful and attempting to garner glory for himself. This only angers Davenport and Cook finds himself trapped between his fellow veteran and Jefferson. The champ eventually interferes to take on Davenport but Jefferson is able to bring Cook back down to the mat and lock in a crossface, forcing him to tap out without the rope break rule to help him escape!


Isiah Cook is eliminated by Kahlil Jefferson by submission in 6:17


Jefferson rides the momentum of Cook’s elimination with a jumping knee strike to Browne and a suplex to Davenport. The crowd jeers as he taunts them but he soon comes to regret it as Browne returns to deliver a series of stiff forearms once Jefferson turns around to face him! With Jefferson resting on the ropes, Browne attempts to clothesline him over the top rope but instead finds himself being carried over. He escapes a nasty fall by landing on the apron and kicks Jefferson in the back of the head, sending him right into Davenport who causes him to double over with a kick to the gut. With Jefferson now in the perfect position, Davenport delivers his finisher, the scissor kick, to knock his fellow challenger down to the mat and, spying Browne on the top rope, steps back to allow the champ to finish the job with a picture-perfect moonsault!


Kahlil Jefferson is eliminated by Jason Browne by pinfall in 8:32


Browne has barely removed himself from the eliminated Jefferson when Davenport rolls him up with a schoolboy pin, but the champ escapes and reverses it into a small package. Davenport creates distance between the two after powering out and chuckles, bemused by Browne’s willingness to play at the same level. The commentators reflect on the fact that this was the originally planned match for the NWL United States Championship before Cook interfered and Jefferson inserted himself into the feud. They’ll finally have a chance to finish their championship bout without interruption and they stress that despite Davenport being in the wrestling business for twenty years, he’s had very few title opportunities and never captured gold in NWL.


Browne is the first back on the attack but Davenport kicks him in the gut and looks set to deliver a scissor kick until the champ interrupts him to deliver a sitout powerbomb! The locker room veteran kicks out at two but still appears dazed as he sits up. Browne looks set to end the match with the same sliding elbow finisher he used to capture the title at the previous PPV, only Davenport shifts his body at just the right time to lock Browne in an armbar instead! The champ struggles for several moments before managing to power Davenport up enough to drop him so that the back of his skull bounces off of the bottom turnbuckle.


After quickly moving the stunned Davenport into position, Browne ascends to the top rope and delivers his second moonsault of the match, this time to score the final pin of the match!


Jason Browne def. Lamarcus Davenport by pinfall to retain the NWL United States Championship in 10:19 [63]


To be continued next week with the remaining four matches on the card...


Jonathan Stark © vs. Danilo Rasussen (NWL Championship Match)

Jeff Leben & Luke Ostlund © vs. The Chiefs (NWL Tag Team Championship Match)

The Goddman Trio (Clyde, Clayton & Clinton Goddman) vs. The MVPs of NWL (Gareth Arryn, David Battle & Brett Colesworth)

Tad Underwood [w/ Wyatt Randolph] vs. Zach Kyler [w/ Tye Underwood]

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  • 6 months later...

What do you mean this is almost eight months late...


The National Wrestling League welcomes you back to...




Tad Underwood [w/ Wyatt Randolph] vs. Zach Kyler [w/ Tye Woodhams]


The tension is thick in the air as this bout gets underway and Tad Underwood riles up the crowd with his taunting. With his opponent showboating, Zach Kyler gets an easy start on the offensive by delivering a couple of strikes before Underwood rolls out of the ring to safety. While there, he receives little support from his tag team partner, as Wyatt Randolph tells him to get serious. Although clearly aggravated by Randolph’s words, Underwood takes them to heart and when he returns to the ring he’s quick to match Kyler’s aggression. The first big spot of the match comes as Kyler attempts to super-plex his opponent from the top turnbuckle, only for Underwood to break out of his grip and send him crashing over the top rope, onto the apron and then down to the floor.


As Tye Woodhams checks on his tag partner, Underwood taunts him from the ring. The rookie Woodhams takes the bait and jumps up on the apron, only to be met there by Randolph who attempts to talk him down from causing a disqualification finish. With Woodhams distracted, Underwood dropkicks from off of the apron and to the floor. Randolph is displeased with Underwood’s decision to use him as a distraction and the two begin to argue, leaving Randolph blind to the recovering Kyler who pulls him off of the apron with his head bouncing off of the hardest part of the ring.


Once the two competitors are both back in the ring, the stiff strikes begin again and Kyler eventually comes out for the better, backing Underwood up into the corner and forcing him to hold up his hands to defend himself. As the ref pulls Kyler back, Underwood slips out of the ring and once again goes after Woodhams. This time he sends Kyler’s tag partner sailing over the barricade and into the front row of the crowd. Kyler gives chase but Underwood gets back in the ring first and stomps on his opponent as he slides back under the bottom rope. Underwood then drags Kyler into the middle of the ring and begins folding him up in a submission hold, only for Kyler to power out and reverse the hold.


Underwood desperately calls out to Randolph who is back on his feet at ringside, but his tag partner refuses to get involved and the cocky Underwood has no other choice but to tap out!


Zach Kyler def. Tad Underwood by submission in 9:45 [69]


Randolph heads back to the back without waiting for his tag partner, while Kyler sees to Woodhams. Underwood remains in the ring, furious and yelling at the jeering crowd.



Jeff Leben & Luke Ostlund © vs. The Chiefs (NWL Tag Team Championship Match)


Luke Ostlund and Kade Briggs start off this championship match for their respective teams, with Briggs’ size advantage working in his favour while Ostlund uses his speed to try and stay one step ahead of his opponent. After being thrown into the corner, Ostlud is able to slip between the ropes and rock Briggs with a back elbow. With his opponent staggered, Ostlund uses the middle rope to attempt a slingshot spear through the ropes, only for his momentum to be used against him as Briggs catches him and performs a draping DDT. The following cover only gets a two count and Jeff Leben pulls Ostlund out of the ring for a moment to recover.


Briggs leaves the ring and throws Ostlund back in, only for Leben to step in as a distraction. He’s hit with a hellacious strike for his troubles, but the few extra moments allows the ever-fearless Ostlund to throw himself through the ropes and hit Briggs with a suicide dive! The referee gets dangerously close to reaching the ten count before M.J. Barton and Leben are able to roll their respective partners back into the ring. From there, they tag themselves in and start a high octane exchange of athletic moves. The exchange ends with a pin attempt from Barton after hitting a standing moonsault on Leben, but it’s only good enough for a two count.


Barton tags Briggs back in who has an easy time throwing Leben around the ring with his superior strength. When Leben finally starts to build up momentum again, Briggs quickly shuts it down with a pop-up powerbomb that has the crowd on their feet. It looks like he’s about to get a three count before Ostlund dives in at the very last second to save the match! Barton returns to remove Ostlund from the ring before he joins Briggs in delivering a suplex to Leben. This time though Leben kicks out of the following cover and creates separation, but Ostlund is still down at ringside and unable to help!


It isn’t long before Briggs is back on the offensive but Leben uses his ring smarts to turn the tables by targeting the big man’s legs and bringing him down onto his knees. A step-up enziguri to the back of Briggs’ skull gets him down to the mat and Leben locks in a crossface submission, putting the hurt on his opponent. The hold is broken up by Barton but Ostlund makes a return to perform a double flapjack with Leben that then sends Barton rolling out of the ring. Leben then tags in Ostlund and pulls Briggs into position, allowing Ostlund to hit a senton and then cover him for the three count and their second successful title defence!


Jeff Leben & Luke Ostlund def. The Chiefs by pinfall to retain the NWL Tag Team Championships in 12:56 [73]


A video package replays the events leading up to the following match: Clyde beating Battle at NWL Final Showdown IV, Colesworth & Battle making jokes about the brothers and then beating them in a tag match, Arryn helping Colesworth and Battle ambush Clyde and his brothers coming to his rescue, as well as the various wins being exchanged between the two teams in the lead up to the PPV.



The Goddman Trio (Clyde, Clayton & Clinton Goddman) vs. The MVPs of NWL (Gareth Arryn, David Battle & Brett Colesworth)


Clayton Goddman and David Battle start off this trios tag match, with Battle casually disrespecting the youngest Goddman brother. After turning towards his team to make a joke, Battle opens himself up to a double-leg takedown after which Clayton hammers down with vicious strikes. The ref is forced to pull Clayton back and Battle uses that time to tag out in favor of Gareth Arryn. The two legal men then engage in a traditional lock-up, which Arryn eventually gets the better of. He makes a target of Clayton’s left arm with several targeted strikes, then gets Clayton into his team’s corner to tag Battle back in. Battle takes his teammate’s lead and continues to target the left arm although his excessive need to showboat costs his team as it gives Clayton enough time to predict an upcoming attack and successfully dodge, with Arryn taking the blow instead and dropping off of the apron! Clayton then pushes Battle into Brett Colesworth, rocking both men and giving the youngest Goddman enough time to get back to his own corner and tag in Clinton.


As the most technically efficient of the three brothers, Clinton wrestles Battle down to the mat and despite being both shorter and lighter, is able to best Battle on the ground game. Battle resorts to playing dirty by raking at Clinton’ eyes, then uses that time to escape and tag in Colesworth. He quickly gets the advantage over Clinton and alternates between various painful holds before Clinton is able to reverse and lock Colesworth in a submission hold of his own. Colesworth uses his long legs to reach out to the bottom rope, forcing the break. When Clinton attempts to press his advantage, Colesworth trips him up to send him crashing into the enemy corner, where the multi-time world champ is free to tag Arryn back in. From there the three heels take turns working over Clinton while his brothers are forced to watch from the opposing corner.


Getting fed up with the ref’s attempts to hold them back, Clyde and Clayton decide to circle the ring and in doing so are able to distract Colesworth and Battle, who jump down from the apron to confront them. Clinton uses the distraction to turn the tables on Arryn and delivers a spinebuster before going for the cover. Battle leaps back in the ring to make the save and drags Arryn back to their corner. With everyone back in place, Clinton is able to make the hot tag to Clyde while Battle tags himself in off of Arryn. Clyde levels Battle with a series of clotheslines and then uses him to blast both Arryn and Colesworth off of the apron. He then sets Battle up in one of the neutral corners and drives his shoulder into his opponent several times until Battle drops to the floor, resting on the bottom turnbuckle. Colesworth attempts to get back in the ring but Clayton delivers a basement slide to keep him out, while Clyde tags Clinton in. After delivering a cannonball to Battle in the corner, Clinton pulls the bigger man into the middle of the ring and covers him for a full three count and a heartwarming win for the trio of brothers!


The Goddman Trio def. The MVPs of NWL by pinfall in 12:58 [63]


The Goddman Brothers celebrate on their way up the ramp while Colesworth and Arryn return to the ring to berate Battle for costing them the win. He argues back and then storms off.



Jonathan Stark © vs. Danilo Rasussen (NWL Championship Match)


The reigning NWL Champion Jonathan Stark finds himself immediately on the defensive as Danilo Rasussen charges him before the bell has even rung! Rasussen throws Stark out of the ring and then rams him into the exterior ringpost. With the champ trapped between the ring and the steps, Rasussen is free to rain down several brutal kicks before the ref is finally able to pull him back and check on Stark. The crowd boos Rasussen as he grabs the championship belt and poses with it in the ring, then cheers as Stark defiantly returns to the ring and knocks his challenger down from behind!


Once the match is officially underway, Stark shows off a previously unseen aggressive nature and continues to punish Rasussen for his pre-match attack with a series of strikes and then a spinning neckbreaker that gets him a two count. He makes the mistake of turning his back on Rasussen though, who rolls him up with a crucifix pin and nearly scores a three count for good measure! As Stark rolls free, Rasussen begins targeting the champ’s back, having previously softened the area up by ramming him against the ringpost. His stomps have Stark crying out in pain, but the overconfident cover that follows only gets Rasussen a one count. After getting the champ back onto his feet, Rasussen irish whips him into a corner and then carries him up onto the top turnbuckle. Stark fights out of the attempted super-plex and drops down between Rasussen’s legs to get him in position for a powerbomb. His bag gives out before he can deliver the move and Rasussen drops onto his feet before forcing the champ back to the mat with a heavy club to the injured back.


From then on Rasussen is free to slow down the pace by driving his knee into Stark’s back and then stretching the champ out with a submission hold. After spending almost a minute in the hold, Stark is finally able to get his fingers on the bottom rope to force the break. Rasussen is furious with the referee but doesn’t allow himself to get distracted for too long and lifts the struggling champ up onto his feet just so he can deliver a hellacious backbreaker. Not quite through with punishing Stark though, the challenger then gets the champion up onto his shoulders and brings him crashing back down with an Alabama Slam!


Stark is splayed out on the mat like gum on the sidewalk and Rasussen drops down into a confident cover: 1, 2, 3. We have a new NWL Champion!


Danilo Rasussen def. Jonathan Stark by pinfall to win the NWL Championship in 15:59 [66]


The show goes off the air with the brand new champion celebrating his first championship win with fireworks and pyro while the referee and a medic see to Stark.


NWL INTERCEPTION received an overall grade of: 66!

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The champions coming out of NWL Interception are as follows...



NWL Champion

Danilo Rasussen

Won April 2020, Week Four (First Reign)

Zero Defences



NWL United States Champion

Jason Browne

Won February 2020, Week Three (First Reign)

Three Defences



NWL Tag Team Champions

Jeff Leben & Luke Ostlund

Won February 2020, Week Three (Third Reign)

Two Defences


Booker thoughts coming out of the PPV:


- The big point: Jonathan Stark wasn't cutting the mustard as the main champion. Getting the title off of him was a priority after a few rather lackluster matches, and Danilo Rasussen impressed in his feud with Ramon Cole so I thought he'd make for a good ascension to the top spot. He outperformed Stark in the match with a 70 to a 62 and I've got high hopes for him going forward.


- Reed Graham got the nod for the battle royal win for carrying his feud and match with Thaddeus Ryan at the last PPV. I think he'll make a fine midcarder.


- Was indecisive about whether or not to put the tag titles onto The Chiefs as they were performing rather well as a unit, but ultimately I decided not to as I didn't want to hot potato the titles too much. Leben and Ostlund are a great team to be holding them and can put on great matches with the rest of the tag division until it's time for them to move on.


- Zach Kyler had the same performance rating (71) as two of my Major Stars, Brett Colesworth and Clyde Goddman. Kid is going places!


- The trios match between the Goddman Brothers and the MVPs was a disappointing 63, definitely dragged down by Clayton and Clinton who were lacking the star power of the other four. Hopefully the win here (and Clinton getting the pin) will elevate them a little more to make them bigger presences within the company.


The next PPV is NWL Touchdown on July Week 2, so there will be six weeks worth of Friday Night Wrestling shows before then. Thanks to anybody still following along!

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Cain Watkins - The Underdogs (Cash Webster & Cristopher Dunn)


Some new faces to throw into the mix and hopefully provide some fresh matchups. Cain in particular is one to keep an eye on...


May 2020, Week One


Jason Browne opens the show to challenge Danilo Rasussen to a Champ vs. Champ main event match [78]

Dalton Strickland, Dhorian Greene & Taylen Hines def. Greg Campos, Jakobe Lewis & Tyler Marsh by pinfall in 5:20 [34]

Emmett Solomon def. Benson Trevino by pinfall in 5:17 [24]

The Vikings (Judd Brennan & Roland Carr) def. Adrian Hensley & Brant Dudley by pinfall in 2:37 [36]

Backstage, Brett Colesworth blames Gareth Arryn and David Battle for their PPV loss [65]

Adrian Greene def. Kahlil Jefferson by pinfall in 6:50 [56]

The Goddman Trio (Clyde, Clayton & Clinton Goddman) def. Lamarcus Davenport & The Holt Twins (Dacquan Holt & Travone Holt) by submission in 9:51 [52]

The Chiefs (Kade Briggs & M.J. Barton) def. Reed Graham & Stewart Bates by pinfall in 6:39 [47]

In a backstage interview, Ramon Cole expresses his frustrations with recent losses but vows to perservere [61]

Keaton Casey def. Jonathan Stark by submission in 10:26 [55]

The Reilly Brothers (Theo Reilly & Tommy Reilly) def. Offensive Unit (Tad Underwood & Wyatt Randolph) by pinfall in 10:09 [50]

Backstage, Jonathan Stark refuses to talk to interviewers about losing his title and then losing to Keaton Casey [65]

Danilo Rasussen def. Jason Browne by pinfall in 12:56 [60]


The overall rating for this edition of Friday Night Wrestling was [56]


This is the second worst score for any episode of Friday Night Wrestling so needless to say I'm rather disappointed by that, but it's clear to see that the multiple lower card matches definitely dragge the score down. That said, I'm also disappointed in the scores for the Goddman Trio match, Stark vs Casey and the main event, as all o them feature fairly strong performers. It's likely down to my booking decisions and hopefully this is something to learn from going forward.


May 2020, Week Two


In the ring, NWL's CEO Derrick Headley announces a Fatal 4-Way to determine the new #1 Contender as tonight's main event [63]

Emmett Solomon def. Coleton Ray and Dhorian Greene by pinfall in 7:28 [58]

Backstage, a parnoid David Battle thinks The Reilly Brothers are making jokes about him [59]

Ramon Cole def. Luca McNeil by submission in 6:51 [57]

In a backstage interview, The Chiefs label Ramon Cole as "old news" [66]

David Battle def. Theo Reilly by pinfall in 7:20 [55]

The Vikings (Judd Brennan & Roland Carr) def. The Underdogs (Cash Webster & Cristopher Dunn) by pinfall in 5:09 [32]

Backstage, Tad Underwood tells Wyatt Randolph he got the a tag title match as an apology for the tension in recent weeks [62]

Alden Greene def. Craig Massey by submission in 7:37 [52]

Jonathan Stark def. Thaddeus Ryan by pinfall in 5:52 [62]

In a backstage interview, Isiah Cook interrupts Alden Greene to suggest his win was nothing impressive [50]

Cain Watkins def. Alexander Brennan by submission in 2:55 [48]

Jeff Leben & Luke Ostlund def. Offensive Unit (Tad Underwood & Wyatt Randolph) by pinfall to retain the NWL Tag Team Championships in 11:49 [63]

In a backstage interview, Brett Colesworth jokes about Jonathan Stark's short title reign [73]

Clyde Goddman def. Keaton Casey, Riley Daniel and Zach Kyler in an Elimination match by pinfall to become #1 Contender in 13:07 [68]


The overall rating for this edition of Friday Night Wrestling was [68]


A much better turnout this week, although not quite back up to the pre-PPV scores of 70+. I'm anticipating scores going up as new storylines start (Colesworth vs. Stark, The Chiefs vs. Ramon Cole, Clyde Goddman vs. Danilo Rasussen) rather than having to rely on good matchups providing decent scores. In terms o the new signings, Cain Watkins impressed in his debut match with a score of 65, but The Underdogs were weak. Might we have new tag division punching bags to replace Blake & Mac?

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May 2020, Week Three


Reed Graham def. Lamarcus Davenport by pinfall in 7:52 [55]

In a backstage interview, Jonathan Stark shrugs off Brett Colesworth's comments from last week [72]

Keaton Casey def. Dalton Strickland by submission in 6:31 [50]

In a backstage interview, Judd Brennan of The Vikings labels the current tag champs as "false idols" [66]

Craig Massey & Thaddeus Ryan def. Benson Trevino & Kalem Bain by pinfall in 6:06 [46]

The Panthers (Tye Woodham & Zach Kyler) def. Kahlil Jefferson & Rontay Wheeler by pinfall in 6:17 [70]

Isiah Cook joins the commentary desk for Alden Greene's match [51]

Alden Greene def. Rakeem Blake by pinfall in 7:27 [60]

Gareth Arryn def. Cristopher Dunn by pinfall in 2:38 [43]

In a backstage interview, The Chiefs name Gareth Arryn as another name on their "irrelevant" list [65]

Cain Watkins def. Riley Daniel by submission in 8:08 [57]

Emmett Solomon def. Cash Webster by pinfall in 1:49 [34]

David Battle def. Tommy Reilly by pinfall in 8:08 [55]

In the ring, Clyde Goddman promises to humble the arrogant Danilo Rasussen, who doubts his capabilities of doing so [74]

Offensive Unit (Tad Underwood & Wyatt Randolph) def. The Holt Twins (Dacquan Holt & Travone Holt) by pinfall in 13:04 [63]


The overall rating for this edition of Friday Night Wrestling was [65]


It actually turns out that Massey & Ryan have great tag team chemistry, so they'll be partnering up more often under the name of Brute Force. Zach Kyler meanwhile massively elevated his match, with his performance of 78 outclassing the other three performers who were between 47 and 51. Storylines are continuing to be built here, and the main event was used to tease further tension between Underwood and Randolph, with some miscommunication almost costing them the match.


May 2020, Week Four


Emmett Solomon def. Kale Bain by submission in 5:57 [46]

In the ring, Clayton Goddman interrupts Danilo Rassusen and challenges him to a non-title match in the main event [60]

Coleton Ray, Riley Daniel & Taylen Hines def. Craig Massey, Thaddeus Ryan & William Beckett by pinfall in 7:17 [50]

In a backstage interview, Alden explains he's unsure why Isiah Cook has taken such an interest in him but he's determined to keep winning [55]

Alden Greene def. Mac Simmons by pinfall in 5:55 [48]

In a backstage interview, Ramon Cole retorts to The Chiefs calling him "old news" by labelling them brats with no respect [65]

The Panthers (Tye Woodham & Zach Kyler) def. Offensive Unit (Tad Underwood & Wyatt Randolph) by pinfall in 10:21 [59]

After the match, Tad Underwood lays out his tag partner with an attack from behind [66]

Cain Watkins def. Brant Dudley by submission in 1:31 [52]

After the match, Reed Graham fights off Watkins from inflicting more damage to Dudley [44]

Brett Colesworth def. Cash Webster by pinfall in 3:21 [51]

In a backstage interview, The Chiefs are told what Ramon Cole said and laugh the remark off [64]

The Vikings (Judd Brennan & Roland Carr) def. Adrian Hensley & Cristopher Dunn by pinfall in 2:48 [42]

After the match, The Vikings once again call out the tag champs to demand a title opportunity [58]

Luke Ostlund & Jeff Leben join The Vikings in the ring and accept the challenge, setting a match for the PPV in two weeks [71]

The Reilly Brothers (Theo Reilly & Tommy Reilly) def. David Battle in a handicap match by pinfall in 10:17 [61]

Backstage, Clinton and Clyde Goddman talk up Clayton before his match with the champ [61]

In a backstage interview, Brett Colesworth doubles down on his remarks about Jonathan Stark being a weak champion [82]

Danilo Rasussen def. Clayton Goddman by pinfall in 7:50 [63]


The overall rating for this edition of Friday Night Wrestling was [69]


Something I forgot to mention previously was that despite being created as a tag team, I actually forgot to give The Underdogs a preset chemistry level and it turns out they make terrible tag partners, hence them being featured in singles matches here. Cain Watkins continue to impress just a few weeks after his debut and scored really well for a simple squash match. Underwood and Randolph finally imploded to set up the next stage of their storyline, and it seemed fitting for it to occur after one final match with Kyler and Woodhams who were responsible for driving a wedge between them in the first place. The Reilly Brothers finally get a win over David Battle, albeit in a handicap match, meanwhile the storylines between the tag champs and The Vikings and Stark and Colesworth are really heating up to lead into the PPV.


Speaking of the PPV, here are the current matches confirmed for NWL Touchdown which takes place in June, Week Two:


Danilo Rasussen © vs. Clyde Goddman (NWL Championship Match)

Jeff Leben & Luke Ostlund © vs. The Vikings (NWL Tag Team Championship Match)

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June 2020, Week One


In the ring, Wyatt Randolph confronts Tad Underwood but he doesn't want an explanation, he wants a match! [69]

Keaton Casey def. Dhorian Greene by pinfall after a cutter in 8:51 [72]

Gareth Arryn def. Taylen Hines by finall after a gut-wrench suplex in 6:33 [57]

In a backstage interview, The Chiefs continue to mock Arryn & Cole for being old news [73]

Blake & Mac def. Hayden Puckett & Kalem Bain by pinning Puckett after a double flapjack in 4:02 [41]

Theo Reilly def. David Battle by pinfall after a neckbreaker slam in 9:44 [54]

The Holt Twins (Dacquan Holt & Travone Holt) def. Adrian Hensley & Cash Webster by pinning Webster after the Holt Right There in 4:24 [37]

Backstage, Zach Kyler tells Tye Woodham he scored him his first ever NWL United States #1 Contenders match - but it's against Emmett Solomon [58]

Alden Greene & Riley Daniel def. The Chiefs (Kade Briggs & M.J. Barton) by rolling up Barton after distraction from Ramon Cole in 9:37 [55]

Emmett Solomon def. Tye Woodhams by submitting him with a crossface chickenwing in 7:09 [51]

Roland Carr def. Jeff Leben by pinfall after a twisting brainbuster in 11:28 [70]

Backstage, Jonathan Stark confronts Brett Colesworth about his comments and challenges him to a match at the PPV [86]

Danilo Rasussen def. Clinton Goddman by pinfall with a bridging german suplex in 7:35 [64]


The overall rating for this edition of Friday Night Wrestling was [69]


Keaton Casey put in a really great performance on this show to elevate his match with Dhorian Greene. Carr and Leben also put on a good match, although I was hoping they'd score a little higher. The Stark and Colesworth segment went great - their storyline is currently the hottest out of everything running. Decided to add in more detail to the finishes as well, so hopefully it adds to the understanding of the characters. Overall not a bad show!


June 2020, Week Two


Stewart Bates & Coleton Ray def. Brute Force (Craig Massey & Thaddeus Ryan) by pinning Craig Massey after a frogsplash in 5:09 [34]

Rontay Wheeler def. Cristopher Dunn by submitting him with a fujiwara armbar in 2:56 [33]

In a backstage interview, Jonathan Stark says he's ready to prove himself to Brett Colesworth and he'll get his first shot tonight [75]

Lamarcus Davenport def. Riley Daniel by pinfall after a scissor kick in 7:34 [50]

Tommy Reilly def. David Battle by pinfall after a spear in 10:28 [51]

Backstage, The Chiefs attack Ramon Cole when he insults them in an interview - but Gareth Arryn makes the surprising save! [61]

Dhorian Greene def. Jakobe Lewis by pinfall after a DDT in 2:49 [39]

Tad Underwood & Cain Watkins def. Reed Graham & Wyatt Randolph when Watkins submits Graham with a sleeper hold in 10:29 [63]

After the match, Tad Underwood mocks Wyatt Randolph and promises a singles loss at the PPV [66]

Jason Browne & The Panthers def. Emmett Solomon & The Holt Twins by DQ after Solomon breaks the ref's count against Browne in 7:41 [55]

Alden Greene def. William Beckett by pinfall after a backbreaker in 2:50 [47]

After the match, Isiah Cook attacks Alden Greene from behind and leaves him down in the ring! [55]

Luke Ostlund def. Judd Brennan by pinfall after a senton in 7:23 [54]

In a backstage interview, Cook explains he's only trying to protect Alden from his own ego [55]

Clyde Goddman & Jonathan Stark def. Danilo Rasussen & Brett Colesworth when Goddman pins Rasussen after a belly-to-back suplex in 11:43 [74]


The overall rating for this edition of Friday Night Wrestling was [72]


Very rough start to this show but it bounced back and the main event delivered with one of the best matches the promotion has had so far, which I'm rather pleased about. Lots of squash matches to try and get over some midcard talent and it didn't completely work, but you live and you learn. Judd Brennan is definitely the weak link in The Vikings too, as his match with Ostlund was disappointing and Ostund's a top tier talent in this promotion.


The stories going into NWL Touchdown...




The new NWL Champion Danilo Rasussen gets his first challenge from a multi-time former champ in Clyde Goddman, who won a #1 Contenders match against Zach Kyler, Riley Daniel and Keaton Csey. In the previous weeks Rasussen has defeated Clyde's brothers Clayton and Clinton, but in the go-home show the champ found himself on the losing side of a tag match where the challenger pinned him ater a belly-to-back suplex. Will Rasussen's reign make it past his first defense, or is Goddman about to become a four-time NWL Champion?




The reigning NWL Tag Team Champions Jeff Leben and Luke Ostlund have found their next challengers in Judd Brennan and Roland Carr, also known as The Vikings. Brennan stoked the flames by labeling the champs as "false idols" and The Vikings have picked up a number of tag team victories since the last PPV. In singles competitions the two teams find themselves equally matched, as Carr has a win over Leben and Ostlund has a win over Brennan. Will the newly emboldened Vikings finally win championship gold for the first time?




Former tag team partners (and champions) become competitors as Tad Underwood goes one-on-one with Wyatt Randolph for the very first time. Their time as a tag team began its journey towards its destructive end during Underwood's feud with Zach Kyler, with Randolph disapproving of his partner's heelish methods. Although the team held strong for several more weeks after Underwood's loss to Kyler, he eventually turned on Randolph after they lost to The Panthers in May Week Four. Underwood holds a win over Randolph in tag team competition after partnering with Cain Watkins, but Randolph is the much more seasoned competitor - who will come out on top after this grudge match?




Multi-time champion Brett Colesworth began making disparging comments about Jonathan Stark after the latter lost the NWL Champion to Danilo Rasussen at the previous PPV, even labelling Stark as a weak champion and poor representative for NWL. Incensed by the comments, Stark stood up to Colesworth and challenged him to a singles match at the PPV to prove himself. Stark even holds a win over Colesworth in tag team competition thanks to the go-home show, but going one-on-one with a legendary performer like Colesworth is a whole other ball game...




Gareth Arryn and Ramon Cole are veterans of the NWL locker room but that's earned them absolutely no respect from the tag team of Kade Briggs and M.J. Barton (The Chiefs) who have continually mocked them in interviews over the past month. Arryn came to Cole's defense during a backstage attack on the go-home show and now these veterans will team up for the very first time to take on one of NWL's emerging tag teams at the PPV!




Since arriving in NWL Cain Watkins has gone undefeated and put everybody he's faced to sleep with terrifying submission holds. Reed Graham came to the defense of one of Watkins' victims and now looks to be the first person to score a win over the intimidating powerhouse.




Insecure after a loss at the last PPV against The Goddman Trio, the usually carefree David Battle began a feud with Theo and Tommy Reilly out of suspicion that they were mocking him. While he beat both brothers in single competition, Battle's cockiness got the better of him as he believe he could defeat them in a handicap match, only to receive a loss. In the weeks since then Battle has lost singles matches against Theo and Tommy and is growing increasingly irate. He will team up with a Mystery Partner on the PPV to take the brothers on in a tag team match!


The final NWL Touchdown card is as follows...


Danilo Rasussen © vs. Clyde Goddman (NWL Championship Match)

Jeff Leben & Luke Ostlund © vs. The Vikings (NWL Tag Team Championship Match)

Jason Browne © vs. Emmett Solomon (NWL United States Championship Match)

Brett Colesworth vs. Jonathan Stark

Ramon Cole & Gareth Arryn vs. The Chiefs

Wyatt Randolph vs. Tad Underwood

Cain Watkins vs. Reed Graham

The Reilly Brothers vs. David Battle & Mystery Partner

Alden Greene vs. Isiah Cook


Feel free to play along with guesses if you would like!

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Danilo Rasussen © vs. Clyde Goddman (NWL Championship Match)

Jeff Leben & Luke Ostlund © vs. The Vikings (NWL Tag Team Championship Match)

Jason Browne © vs. Emmett Solomon (NWL United States Championship Match)

Brett Colesworth vs. Jonathan Stark

Ramon Cole & Gareth Arryn vs. The Chiefs

Wyatt Randolph vs. Tad Underwood

Cain Watkins vs. Reed Graham

The Reilly Brothers vs. David Battle & Mystery Partner

Alden Greene vs. Isiah Cook


I went with my head, but mainly with my heart / thirst...

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  • 3 weeks later...

^ Thanks for playing along! In both wrestling and football, thirst so often sways my support...


The National Wrestling League Presents...



"Ladies and gentleman, welcome to another explosive night on the National Wrestling League calendar... this is NWL TOUCHDOWN!"




The third PPV of the calendar year opens with the commentary team of Michael Madden and Ronald Quincy, the regular hosts of the NWL's Friday Night Wrestling programme. They give a lowdown of the nine matches we'll be seeing tonight, including several grudge matches and three title matches, the first of which kicks off the show right now!



Jeff Leben & Luke Ostlund © vs. The Vikings [Judd Brennan & Roland Carr] (NWL Tag Team Championship Match)


Roland Carr and Jeff Leben are the ones to start off this championship match that opens the show, and Leben’s frustration from losing a singles match to Carr two weeks prior is on full display. Leben’s strikes come hard and fast, although Carr gets in several good shots of his own before ending up backed into the babyfaces’ corner. Leben tags in Luke Ostlund, who gets Carr draped along the middle rope and delivers a tiger feint kick for a two count.


Judd Brennan attempts to get in the ring, causing enough of a momentary distraction for Carr to roll Ostlund up with a schoolboy pin. The tag champ escapes at one but Carr quickly knocks him down with a kick to the side of the head. He drags Ostlund back towards his corner and tags in Brennan. The Vikings deliver a tag team suplex to Ostlund, before Brennan drops an elbow on his opponent and goes for the cover. Ostlund escapes at one yet again, so Brennan decides to get him into the corner and stamp on his chest several times before tagging in Carr to do the same. The Vikings’ showboating (to the dislike of the crowd) allows for Ostlund to slip out under the bottom rope and when Brennan jumps down to apprehend him, Ostlund performs a drop toe hold that bounces his opponent’s head off of the commentary table!


As Carr and Ostlund brawl at ringside, Leben ascends to the top turnbuckle and dives onto his opponents and tag partner, wiping everybody out! Both teams finally scramble back into the ring when the referee’s count is up to nine, saving the match from an unsatisfying count out ending. Leben is able to tag himself in and brings the fight right back to Carr, eventually working him down and locking in a crossface submission. Brennan once again distracts the ref, allowing Carr to prod at Leben’s eyes. With his grip broken, Leben ends up getting his head slammed down into the mat and Carr follows up with a lionsault that it appears would have scored a full three count if it wasn’t for Ostlund diving in at the last moment to break up the pin!


While the referee gets Ostlund back to his corner, Carr tags Brennan back in, who stops Leben from tagging himself out. Brennan takes his time performing some joint manipulation, particularly focusing on Leben’s arms, but the tag champ refuses to give up. He’s eventually able to outmuscle Brennan and creates separation, then drops him with a lariat! Leben drags Brennan back towards his corner and tags in Ostlund, then hits Carr with a dropkick as he attempts to get into the ring! While Leben is eliminating the threat of Carr, Ostlund ascends to the top rope, lands a picture perfect senton on Brennan and goes for the cover...


Jeff Leben & Luke Ostlund def. The Vikings to retain the NWL Tag Team Championships when Ostlund pins Brennan in 11:48 [70]


A brief video package recaps the feud between Alden Greene and Isiah Cook, leading into the next match:



Alden Greene vs. Isiah Cook


The veteran Isiah Cook offers up his hand in a supposed show of gamesmanship but by this point Alden Greene has wised up the other’s devious nature and instead rocks him with a solid forearm! This match is heavy on the strikes, with Cook getting rocked by a series of uppercuts early on, and Greene getting tied up in the corner for a trio of knife-edge chops before he’s able to kick his opponent away. Cook then lures Greene to the outside and attempts to drive him into the steps, only to have his momentum used against him and end up crashing back-first into the steel! Greene follows up by whipping Cook into the barrier and then rolls him back into the ring for a two count.


With his target identified, Greene spends the second half of the match continuing to work on softening up Cook’s back for his finisher. Cook finds a target of his own in Greene’s shoulder, putting pressure on it with a series of arm drags and then stretching it out in a nasty hold for several long seconds before Greene is able to break free. Cook then attempts to throw Greene shoulder-first into the turnbuckle, only for the most to be reversed and end up bouncing face-first off of the top turnbuckle. From there, he stumbles into the perfect position to get rocked by a backbreaker and Greene scrambles into the cover--


Alden Greene def. Isiah Cook by pinfall in 8:42 [59]


A video package recaps Cain Watkins' dominant wins over Alexander Brennan, Brant Dudley and Riley Daniel in previous weeks, as well as defeating his opponent tonight in a tag match on the go-home show.



Cain Watkins vs. Reed Graham


This David vs. Goliath style match gets started with Reed Graham relying on his speed and athleticism to bring Cain Watkins down to his knees. He drops Watkins down to the mat with a dropkick to the back of the neck, but only gets a one-count for his trouble. After that early onslaught, Watkins quickly gains the advantage and whips Graham from corner to corner, then beating him down in the middle of the ring with a series of heavy clubs. Watkins shows off his incredible strength by lifting Graham up from the mat to deliver a hellacious powerbomb, but Graham is able to kick out milliseconds before the three count!


Bewildered by the last second kick out, Watkins is temporarily unfocused for long enough that Graham can create some separation. He ascends to the top rope and rocks Watkins with a missile dropkick, but the big man doesn’t go down. As Graham attempts to repeat his attack, Watkins grabs him off of the turnbuckles and locks him into a sleeper hold. Graham struggles to escape but is unable to do so after being dragged into the middle of the ring, leaving the referee with no choice but to call for the match to end!


Cain Watkins def. Reed Graham by referee’s decision in 6:32 [49]


Madden and Quincy recap how the next title match came to be, with Emmett Solomon winning a #1 Contenders match in dominant fashion against Tye Woodhams, then getting disqualified in a tag match the following week after refusing to stop beating up the champion! They emphasise how much of a challenge this will be for Jason Browne as he seeks to keep his reign as NWL United States Champion going!


Jason Browne © vs. Emmett Solomon (NWL United States Championship Match)


Emmett Solomon has a clear size and strength advantage over the NWL United States Champion, but Jason Browne has proven himself to be anything but a quitter and steels himself against the initial onslaught brought against him. All it takes is for Browne to dodge a corner splash and he’s able to turn the tables on Solomon, staggering the big man with a series of quick strikes before getting him in the perfect position for a tornado DDT. Although impressive, Browne only gets a one count - Solomon still has much more left to give!


The tides turn once again, with the challenger getting the better of the champion and even drawing awe from the crowds with a stalling suplex. He takes a moment too long to drop into the cover, allowing Browne to get close enough to the ropes to reach out with his hand and cause a rope break. A furious Solomon pulls Browne up to his feet, only to get rocked with a step-up enziguri! With his opponent staggered again, Browne ascends to the top rope and delivers his second tornado DDT of the match. Rather than going for the cover though, he climbs up to the top of the opposite corner and hits Solomon with a diving elbow before finally throwing himself on top of the big man--


Jason Browne def. Emmett Solomon by pinfall to retain the NWL United States Championship in 7:38 [64]


Once The Reilly Brothers are in the ring, David Battle enters with a microphone and announces that he's got his confidence back and doesn't need a tag partner, but since NWL's management insists that he has to have one for his agreed match, he's picked someone who won't get in the way...




NWL referee Donovan Marks?!



The Reilly Brothers [Theo & Tommy Reilly] vs. David Battle & Donovan Marks


As soon as the match starts, David Battle orders his tag partner to stay on the apron and not get involved. Donovan Marks tries to protest that he can help, but Battle doesn’t want to hear it! Tommy Reilly, starting for The Reilly Brothers, appears to be amused by the exchange but quickly takes advantage of Battle’s distracted start by rocking him with a massive big boot! The following pinfall attempt only gets a two count, but it does the job in rattling Battle, who is forced to go on the defensive as Tommy continues to build on his early momentum. After several strikes, he whips Battle into the corner and tags in Theo, before whipping his brother towards Battle to deliver a corner splash!


Theo’s advantage doesn’t last for long however, as Battle is able to turn the tides with a shoulder check that knocks the Reilly brother to the mat. From there, Battle begins wearing him down by transitioning through a number of holds and when it appears like Theo is about to fight out, Battle sends him through the ropes and crashing to the outside. While Battle gloats to the crowd, Tommy jumps back in the ring - only for Donovan to join them and attempt to intercept him! Donovan is quickly dispatched through the ropes, but he’s distracted Tommy long enough for Battle to sneak up behind him and send him sailing over the top rope too, landing on both Theo and Donovan for good measure!


After pulling Theo back in the ring, Battle is irate at his inability to get an easy three-count and rains down stomps on the other man until the ref pulls him back. At this point Donovan jumps back on the apron and distracts Battle by requesting a tag into the match. The unintentional distraction allows Theo to get back to his corner and tag in Tommy. The tag team delivers a double flapjack to Battle and Tommy goes for a pin, but Donovan dives in to break it up! Theo dispatches of the ref-turned-wrestler while Battle rolls Tommy up with a schoolboy pin, only for Tommy to escape after a two-count!


While the ref gets Theo out of the ring, Battle sends Tommy off of the ropes and goes for a big boot. The move is dodged and Tommy comes off the opposite rope to deliver a SPEAR that downs the former NWL Champion. He scrambles into the cover, hooking both legs, while Theo holds Donovan back on the outside...


The Reilly Brothers def. David Battle & Donovan Marks when Tommy pins Battle in 8:10 [53]


The Reilly Brothers celebrate on their way up the ramp, leaving a furious David Battle behind. Donovan Marks slides back into the ring to comfort his tag partner, only to get rocked by an elbow and sent through the ropes! Battle follows and clears the announce desk, before getting Donovan up onto his shoulders and POWERBOMBING him through the table! As the crowd jeer him for his despicable actions against a non-wrestler, Battle grabs a microphone and shrieks out a hysterical statement: "I QUIT!" [61]


Stay tuned for the remaining four matches on the NWL Touchdown card, coming soon:


Danilo Rasussen © vs. Clyde Goddman (NWL Championship Match)

Brett Colesworth vs. Jonathan Stark

Ramon Cole & Gareth Arryn vs. The Chiefs

Wyatt Randolph vs. Tad Underwood

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