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National Wrestling League [LanceVerse]

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The NWL Tag Team Championship Match certainly had some interesting results! Both teams were blessed with impressive physiques and visages, but I was relieved to see Leben & Ostlund come out victorious. Thank goodness that Greene didn't fall for Cook's trap and instead went immediately on the offensive. It was a joy to watch the veteran get his socks rocked by a formidable opponent for once!


The Watkins and Graham fight was certainly an interesting match. They were both great, but it wasn't a shock to see Watkins come through with yet another win against an opponent he already defeated. In terms of the Browne fight, I'm quite relieved to see that he was able to outmaneuver his larger opponent (all while looking good doing it). That's MY NWL United States Championship winner!


With the Battle x Reilly match, it was an infuriating yet amusing situation. Battle is such a petulant child, but that tantrum makes for quality entertainment at least! I'm glad the Reilly Bros were able to teach him a lesson.

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The NWL Tag Team Championship Match certainly had some interesting results! Both teams were blessed with impressive physiques and visages, but I was relieved to see Leben & Ostlund come out victorious. Thank goodness that Greene didn't fall for Cook's trap and instead went immediately on the offensive. It was a joy to watch the veteran get his socks rocked by a formidable opponent for once!


The Watkins and Graham fight was certainly an interesting match. They were both great, but it wasn't a shock to see Watkins come through with yet another win against an opponent he already defeated. In terms of the Browne fight, I'm quite relieved to see that he was able to outmaneuver his larger opponent (all while looking good doing it). That's MY NWL United States Championship winner!


With the Battle x Reilly match, it was an infuriating yet amusing situation. Battle is such a petulant child, but that tantrum makes for quality entertainment at least! I'm glad the Reilly Bros were able to teach him a lesson.


Thanks man, I really appreciate the feedback and enthusiasm! There was actually some backstage reasons for why the Battle x Reilly match went down how it did, but I'll leave those for my PPV wrap-up post once I've finished with the remaining matches.

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