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Greetings and questions

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Hello everybody,


I’ve started playing TEW2020 a couple of weeks ago; this is my first version of the game and I’m currently just playing the first couple of months in a CornellVerse to get my feet wet and understand the game mechanics. I feel as though I’ve got a good grasp and have pored over the manual to try to understand things a bit better. However, I have a few questions remaining hopefully you can answer for me.


1 - under Product, it often says matches are rated 40:60 or 60:40 match rating to popularity whichever is rated highest. The syntax of the sentence leads me to think that if match rating is highest, it will make up 40% of the rating to pop’s 60% (as it is mentioned first). Is this just a typo or is it a way to reduce match ratings to make you favour both? I have just started a new company with no-style (70-30 either way) and am getting great ratings (~50+) with low pop workers which leads me to believe that the higher rating makes up the most %age.


2 - having never played a previous version, I’m not familiar with the perfect show theory and working the crowd. My current save only has 1 hour shows and the crowd is always hot for everything (I’ve reduced ticket prices to very cheap to increase pop gains). Is this something I have to bother with at an early stage or only when I start running lengthy PPVs?


3 - does having skills in other styles help with match rating? I.e. does a 100 technical worker with 0 in everything else, work just as well as a 100 technical worker with 99 in every other style? (Given every other stat the same?)


I’m trying to start a new company in the British Isles on Rock Hard and building up. I’ve started a couple in Europe running EWA and the VWA. Definitely trying to afford to bring Mallory and Markinnen (??) across.

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1. It takes the better one and makes it the 60%.


2. Not sure how it works for smaller shows but for large shows you want the crowd to have a "breather." Ruthless Agression era WWE used to do this by having the diva matches right before the co-main event. In general, you want to have a good, exciting match to kick off the show, next two matches bring the crowd down a bit, next match be a good match, then the bathroom break match, then co-main and main.


If you search Perfect Show Theory on the forums there have been a few really good write ups on the subject. Some may be in the 2016 board.


3. Someone with more crunch knowledge can probably answer this better, but I think all the stats are taken into account, but it's the weight of the stat that changes per match type. In general, a well rounded worker will get better results than someone who is only really flashy and only in ladder matches.


Enjoy the game!

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Cheers. I always try to start with a hot angle to get the crowd hot. It then just lasts the rest of my show. Which is great I guess. No need to bring them back up again. Maybe the price point helps with that.


Another point, maybe directed to a wish-list for future iterations, but I feel this game would look great if it had Football Manager-style text commentary. There is already a database of move names, you could have the match play out in text at a multiplied speed. You could tie it to the psychology of the workers to fit in hope spots, come-backs, near falls etc.

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