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A Global Uprising? [Effganic]

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November 20th, 1985

Vermont, 761 crowd


I was in my office between shows, at the Boston headquarters of GCW. I was just hanging up the phone when there was a knock at the door, the last of my three latest signings having just agreed to a contract and ready to fax over the relevant paperwork. Boston Sills was a solid journeyman who had been bouncing around the independent circuit for years, won a few regional championships, and generally an established name. He was on the older side at 38, but he wasn't technically older than what Dean had told me, and could be a valuable asset for a year or two.


The others, more important, were Darrell and Bill Gwinn, a tag team that had worked similarly in a lot of promotions, but were also active in ASW - and luckily on handshake deals everywhere, not exclusive. Darrell was even the ASW All-American Champion at the moment, so he had some decent cachet, and my tag team division needed an injection of talent, ASAP. I couldn't have been more pleased.


At least, until Mr. Dishman pushed his way through the door.


"Alex," he snapped.


I jolted in my seat, spine suddenly ramrod straight. "Sir?"


"I need a new referee."


I blinked. "A referee?"


"Tatum needs to be gone, I can't stand another second of him," he growled.


Tatum Tomaszewski was one of our two referees at the moment. He was, well, a ref, and I'd never had any issues or really even interacted with him beyond telling him some finishes and cues. But I had heard Mr. Dishman grumbling about him. Regularly.


"Why do you hate him so much?" I blurted out.


Mr. Dishman just snarled. "None of your business. He knows what he did."


"So you need me to... replace him?"


"I can't look at his stupid face. Not anymore. I'm done with it. Get me a replacement!"


"Okay, okay," I said quickly. "Absolutely. I just wish I knew why."


But he just grumbled and shook his head. "Stupid useless face. Hate him. See that he's gone."


"It'll be done," I said, already grabbing out some paperwork. I tried to keep an eye on useful talent across the country, backstage and otherwise, just in case. Maybe I'd give Hugh Bailey a call, he seemed reasonable. "Promise."


"Good," Dishman muttered. As he swung the door closed, I could hear him say something that sounded remarkably like 'hair gel,' but I simply couldn't be sure.


Nor did I want to be, honestly. He was right. It wasn't my business.


Still. How could you hate a referee?


And because I didn't want to leave Mr. Dishman wanting, I was in the process of speaking to Hugh Bailey on the phone that very same day when I got another knock on my door. Frowning, I put a hand over the received. "I'm on the phone, give me a minute," I yelled.


It was Danny Danger who stepped through the door, or Daniel Lester, if we were talking out of character. Still frowning, I wrapped up my business with Hugh, who seemed perfectly amenable to joining the team, and let him know to come in to Vermont by Wednesday for our next show. That done, I hung up.


"Danny," I said. "How can I help you?"


He didn't take a seat, even after I gestured at the chair in front of my desk, just stood there. "Well, I've been doing some thinking, lately. I've been working with you guys for a couple years, now, in GCW."


"That's my understanding, yes," I said, brow furrowed as I tried to figure out where he was going. Asking for more money, maybe? Could make sense, he was in a featured storyline, now, even if it seemed a bit fast.


"And, well, I appreciate everything you've done for me, but I'm thinking it's time I made a move elsewhere." He straightened his shoulders. "I'm just handing in notice."


For a moment I just stared at him, waiting for the punchline. He didn't crack a smile.


"You're handing in your notice?" I finally asked.


"It's nothing personal," he said. "I just need a change of scenery."


"Danny," I said quickly. "Who else hired you? Can we at least talk about this? I'm sure me and Mr. Dishman can work out a new contract depending on the money."


He just shook his head. "It's not that. I just need to test the market and stretch my legs."


"Stretch your legs?" I asked, sounding perhaps a little hysterical. "You have an open contract! You can work anywhere you want, as long as you show up on Wednesdays. Danny, c'mon, help me understand. I just put you in a storyline with Jack and the Sunset Army, for crying out loud, you couldn't have told me this sooner?"


He winced a little. "Well, okay, I'm sorry about that," he said quickly. "But sometimes you've just gotta do what you've gotta do. It's not about you and not about money. I've just gotta go."


I wanted to laugh. And I wanted to flip my table. Instead I just sat there, running a hand through my hair. "You've just gotta go," I muttered. "Unbelievable. And there's really nothing I can do to change your mind? No money? No contract?"


"I'm really sorry," he said, though I did not believe it one bit. "But I'm out in a month. That's my final word on it."


The shock faded, the hysteria cooled, and I felt ice settle in the pit of my stomach.


"Fine," I said. "I understand. We'll pay you out for your next few appearances. I just ask that you do the right thing on the way out."


"Of course," he said.


Yeah, I thought as he stepped out the door. We'd see about that.


Unbelievable. The division is cursed.




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Pre-Show – The Dregs vs Man Mountains

I couldn't help feeling a little bit that the wrong team won this one. The Dregs might not be blowing the doors off, but they seem to be getting a little bit better every time I see them, and Gabe is certainly ahead of Holston at the moment when you compare my booking teams' favorites. I need faces, though, and it's hard to justify jobbing out a couple 300 pounders until they completely lose my confidence, and more than that, I need babyface teams. So. Beltran won with a Face-Plant in 6:48. (26)


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Pre-Show – Scorpio Nations vs Layton White.

Oh, yes, at this point Scorpio isn't someone who should be spending time in dark matches. He's not quite a name to the audience yet, but he has the talent in spades, and he showed it by wrestling circles around Layton and tapping him out in 7:49 with the Scorpion Clutch. I just need the right opponent to start pushing him up the card. (42)




We opened the show with Poseidon again backstage, though this time not in one of his closed off dark locations.


"Tonight, we are set for a war. Tonight, I am set in tag team action against two of the biggest, meanest dogs in the yard. Wolf Koziol, my old friend, and of course the Champion himself, Dustin Robinson. I'm supposed to be paired up with Cowboy Dale Whitlock, but before that happens, I think we need to have words."




"Yer damn right we do, Poseidon," Dale Whitlock said, stomping into the backstage area with the Black Hat Rodeo at his side. "I heard what you were saying last week about wanting a shot at that title - at my title, and I ain't too happy to hear nonsense like that. You're getting awful big for your britches, there."


"Am I?" Poseidon asked. "Because I have defeated Wolf twice now, and you lost to the Champion. It seems to me that you should be behind me in line. There is a natural order to things, a food chain, and you and your pack of dogs are talking to the apex predator." He smirked widely. "Don't make an enemy, Whitlock, when you're supposed to have an ally."


"Then let's make it real simple, Poseidon, just so there's no fuss. You and me, we're set in that tag team match. One of us is gonna get the pin, that much is sure. I say, whoever wins the match, should be the one to take on Robinson for the title. How do you feel about that?"


"That seems perfectly fair to me. I look forward to working with you, Whitlock. I just hope you accept the natural order when it asserts itself."

"Same to you, freak," Dale muttered, storming out of view as the segment came to an end. (65)


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Sawyer Rodriguez vs Kurt Grey

Well, wasn't this just the worst match we've had on TV so far? Diabolically bad. These two had no chemistry at all and looked to be on completely different pages, and frankly, Sawyer is a job guy for a reason it seems. He did nothing to impress me at all. Luckily, being a Kurt Grey match, it was awfully short. Flying tackle in 4:32. (18)




Following the match, we went backstage to the painted Antone Benner.

"Oh, Kurt, are you still angry? Are you still upset? I've heard you, muttering and complaining, and acting so cross. It's been quite a sight to see. You'd think you'd be satisfied, what with losing to me. I really don't see what the problem is. I beat you, I embarrassed you, and I really hope you're not foolish to want to come get more. See, you're not just dealing with a man, anymore. I realized that I've been playing the wrong game. I was pretending to be just a person, just another wrestler, when I am so more much on the inside. Do you want to be the one to learn that with me? Do you want to join me? Because I can teach you. I can teach you about the darkness. I can push you right into it. Because I've learned about the power of the dark, and the night, and I am never, ever going back." (54)


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Carleton and Jimmy G vs the Gwinn Brothers

Primarily, of course, this was an introduction for the Gwinn Brothers, a pair of hard-nosed brothers ready to throw in and fight hard. Carleton and Jimmy G, as two of my more reliable bumpers, seemed like the perfect opposition, and while they weren't overly impressive, the Brothers looked nice. Darrell hit Jimmy G with a High Knee in 7:59 to get the pin. (37)




We went to Wolf Koziol next backstage.


"Poseidon! Poseidon, you son of a bitch, don't you think you can just look past me! Don't for a second! You see this?" he asked, pointing at the bandage across his forehead where he'd been busted open. "You made me bleed. You made me bleed my own blood! And I'm not gonna stand for that. You had to trick me, choke me, bust me open, and even then you couldn't come close to killing me. Not close!


I see you and Whitlock already think you're walking out the winners. Hell, I know I'm going to be in there with the Heavyweight Champion, and maybe you're all thinking that I'm the weak link in the chain. But I've beaten you before, Poseidon. And I will beat you again. And you need to remember that I am a threat. There is nothing more dangerous than a wounded animal backed into a corner, and I am not going to stop coming for you. I am not going stop until I get my revenge. Just you count on it." (71)


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Sunset Army vs Raiden and Danger Brothers

I was hoping Jack would elevate this match more than he did, but the rest are all just too green and unknown. My own fault for not putting in Kandori as well, I suppose, but I left it to the three soldiers of the Sunset Army. Still, Jack did what he could, fighting off a three-on-one beat down on more than one occasion. Annoyingly, Danny proved himself the more competent of the two brothers in the match, but he still took the decisive pin when Kajitani hit him with the running powerslam, and I took a small amout of pleasure in that at least. (36)


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Poseidon and Whitlock vs Robinson and Koziol

A vicious battle to be sure, that the crowd reacted to feverishly. Poseidon and Robinson controlled the pace nicely, too, standing up for the slight deficiencies for Koziol and Whitlock. Koziol looked like a man possessed and out for blood, and it meant that he was unwilling for most of the match to tag with Robinson. That lead to his downside, often battling off Poseidon and Whitlock single-handed as they took advantage, and meaning that they could work together more smoothly. There were a handful of times that they stopped one another from pinning Koziol, despite controlling the match, both wanting the title shot. Finally, Koziol, battered and bleeding again from his forehead, tagged in Robinson, who came in roaring. He tossed Whitlock around a few times, throwing him over the top rope only to walk into a running knee from Poseidon. Poseidon pulled Whitlock up onto the apron, forced a tag, and then hit a trio of knee smashes to the face on Robinson to get the win at 15:17 and win a shot at the GCW Heavyweight Championship. (58)


All of the talking segments were excellent and the main event was very strong again, but we were let down a little by the undercard. Nothing excelled, either my new tag team or the big six man which was, admittedly, me putting too much faith in Jack Raiden alone to marshall the green boys. That seems to be the story of the company, lacking depth and a reliable undercard, but I'm optimistic that will change with some seasoning. Either way, not a bad show thanks to my stars showing up big. (55) The rating, at least, was stable, .36 and 273k viewers.



Next Week:

(P) Keaton Whisenant vs Big Hank Banner

(P) Sunset Army vs The Hillbillies

Giant Kajitani vs Danny Danger

Jimmy G vs Boston Sills

Benner and Mean Machine vs The Gwinn Brothers

Poseidon vs Ryan Osburn

Black Hat Rodeo (Whitlock and Bragg) vs Robinson and Wells

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Interesting. So Boston's in, The Gwinn's are in. Referee Tatum Tomaszewski is out. Hugh Bailey is in and Danny Danger ruins my predictions by bailing out. As for the short, looks like Poseidon is getting that shot I've been hoping for, although it seems more complicated than just that with Dale & Wolf.




Preshow: Big Hank Banner def. Keaton Whisenant

No clue who BHB is, butbKeaton has consistently been used as enhancement talent so yeah


Preshow: Sunset Army def. The Hillbillies

Hillbillies are injured and also Sunset army is important to storylines


Giant Kajitani def. Danny Danger

Kajitani squashes Danny like a bug


Boston Silis def. Jimmy G

Jimmy is a the guy you can rely on to lay down and look at the lights


The Gwinn Brothers def. Benner & Machine

Machine and Benner could form a new tag team as they honestly kind of suit together, but it's your face side that's struggling do I think this is a way to build up your new signings


Poseidon def. Ryan Osburn

Got to love watching Poseidon win


Robinson & Well def. The Black Hat Rodeo

Robinson has had too many losses, he needs a win particularly when teaming with your other singles champion.

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(P) Keaton Whisenant vs Big Hank Banner

Don´t know him but I know Keaton is jobber so assuming Banner is new signing whoyou hope to be better than just jobber.


(P) Sunset Army vs The Hillbillies

Wasn´t expecting army to go over in the six-man match with Raiden on the other team but since they did, I assume they are getting a bigger push that I thought so I go with them here when I would likely gone the other way before last show.


Giant Kajitani vs Danny Danger

That wrestler handing their notice thing hit me hard om my own Effganic game were I simmed to 1925 and took PoG, only to lose four guys by them handing their notice to me during first year. Didn´t mind three of them too much but fourth one was guy who I gave midcard singles belt, gave a pay raise, but him into main storyline and pushed into main event and the worst was that he wasn´t even signed elsewere (not did he even have another company that he would be able to go expect one from Britain). Ok, sorry about the mini rant, happened week ago and I´m still bit annoyed on that one. Hoping it´s just one shot thing for you and not regular occurrence and obviously Danger is eating the pin here.


Jimmy G vs Boston Sills

Sills get a debut win


Benner and Mean Machine vs The Gwinn Brothers

Tougher opponents for Gwinn Brothers but they look to instantly be one of your top teams to I doubt they would lose to random pairing.

Poseidon vs Ryan Osburn

With Poseidon becoming the number one contender (well, assuming that the deal him and Whitlock made actually was official ruling) I don´t see him losing here. Not that it would be likely even if he wasn´t contender now that I think of it.


Black Hat Rodeo (Whitlock and Bragg) vs Robinson and Wells

Robinson have back-to-back tag losses so assuming he gets a win here to keep him looking strong.

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November 27th, 1985

Vermont, 727 fans


The day after the show, I was in my office again to do some paperwork, and to figure out where I was going to go with Jack Raiden and the Sunset Army now that Danny Danger was bailing on me. Or where I was going to go with Bret Danger, either. He was green as grass and had only been hired to act as a tag team partner for the slightly more seasoned Danny, and so now he was without purpose, since he wasn't exactly good enough on his own to justify a job.


But while I was looking through contracts and booking commitments, there came another knock at my door, and I sighed, wondering if Jase Marshall was about to tell me he'd been hired by WWB.


It wasn't that, but it was Mr. Dishman, who was beaming.


"I've got some good news for you, kid," he said, clapping his hands together.


I perked up a little, albeit warily, wondering if we'd just gotten a new TV deal, or if one of the major American stars had decided to come work from us - not that anyone I was interested in had an opening in their contract at the moment, so that was unlikely. I'd been keeping feelers out. "What happened?"


"Allow me to introduce you to a new star in the business," he said, opening the door wider. "C'mon in, son."


A very large man who looked not unlike a younger Dean Dishman stepped in. A sinking feeling settled in my guts. While the man had to be right around 6'5" and was built like a brick wall, I knew enough stories of nepotism with promoters to be worried already.


"This," he said, clapping the man on the shoulder. "Is Hank Banner. He's my sister's kid, y'see, and he's been on the roster for a little while. He was a college football stand out, and you can see he's built like a goddamn redwood, but the poor kid tore his shoulder eight months ago so he's been on the shelf. I was thinking that it was about time we got him dusted off, now he's recovered."


I did, vaguely, remember seeing Hank Banner on the medical report, along with our other long-term injured star Ashton Black, who was recovering from a broken ankle, but while Black had been a Tag Team and North American champion, I hadn't recalled seeing Banner on the tapes I'd watched.


"Hank, say hello."


"A pleasure to meet you, Mister Allred," Banner rumbled.


I shook his enormous hand. Well, he was certainly a big slab of beef, I just hoped he had more brains than one. "You too, Hank. I'm sure we'll be working together some."


"Alright, get outta here, let the adults talk," Dean said, clapping Hank on the back once more, and he ambled out of the room, leaving us alone. "Alright, now listen, I know he ain't much of a name yet, and I'm not expecting you to put him in the main event, but like I said, he's my sister's kid. She's fond of him, and I am too, and he at least looks the part." He looked at me a bit more seriously, the smile gone. "Just give me a chance, that's all I ask."


"I'll try," I said, hesitantly. "I've got a couple months booked up, so I don't know how long it'll be before I can fit him in a program, but I'm sure he can shake the ring rust off in the meanwhile on the pre-shows." And then I hazarded another question of concern. "How old is he?"


"We-ell," Dean said, rubbing at the back of his neck. "It's my older sister, see, and he's already 33. Now, I know you've got some young guns you're high on, and it might be a bit late to make him into a megastar, but he was trying out at football for a while before I managed to convince him to take to wrestling instead. Never made it off the practice squad, you see, though the Giants gave him a try out."


"That's a bit on the older side," I agreed. "But I'll see what I can do. You're the boss, Mr. Dishman, and if you want him pushed, I'll push him as far as I can."


Which, as far as I knew, would only ever be the opening match, but I wasn't writing anything off. It wasn't like my undercard was overflowing with talent. Maybe I had a diamond in the rough.


"I appreciate it," Dishman said. "You've been doing fine work, and I trust you to continue. I don't like to meddle too much."


"And I'm grateful," I said. "I won't let you down."




ASW held an arena show called Prove Yourself on Friday in front of 12,026 people. Of note, Adonis Lash and Darrell Gwinn both defended titles on the show, as they’re both currently working under open handshake agreements. They also moved to formally re-sign Derek Peppers, their current booker.


Before the show, Ryan Osburn did impressions of his colleagues. It would have been nice if he could show any of that character or charisma in the ring, but it lightened the mood nicely all the same.


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Pre-Show – Keaton Whisenant vs Big Hank Banner

Oof. Ugh. Gross. Dean Dishman might be very disappointed, but this was the worst match I'd ever seen. Banner looked beyond clumsy and Whisenant did nothing for him. Banner won in 4:55. (5)


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Pre-Show – Sunset Army vs The Hillbillies

John Boy still has slightly sore ribs, so he was moving gingerly, but he and Jim Bob wanted to work and I respect that. Not a bad match besides, at least by these standards The Hillbillies might be something worth investing in since they're a fun if uninspired gimmick, just not quite yet. Sanzo got the pin in 6:49. (21)


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Giant Kajitani vs Danny Danger.

Okay, this probably shouldn’t have been on actual TV, but. Burying Danny Danger? That felt appropriate under the circumstances, and besides, I want Giant Kajitani to look like an absolute beast. If nothing else, it went under 3 minutes and Kajitani went over clean as a sheet, even if it wasn't pretty. Two of the worst GCW matches in one show. Yikes. (14)



We went backstage to Wolf Koziol, who looked even more furious and fired up than last week.


"So this is it, huh? This is where I'm at? Losing to Poseidon again? Fine. Fine! You get your shot, Poseidon, we all get one, and unlike some people around here I'm not gonna interfere with that. You got it? You get your shot, win or lose, against Robinson, and after that, you and me are gonna settle business. I don't care if you're the champion or not. Part of me Robinson whips your hide, since you damn sure deserve it, but hell, if you're the champion come the end of Last Resort? That means when I finally get my hands on you, I can finally get my hands on the champion.


But I'm not a fool, no matter what you may think. I let my head get too hot, and it's part of my own damn fault we lost that tag match, but this time? I know I have to keep winning. Again, and again, and again, and again! And that means that I need a proper opponent. So I'm setting out an open challenge come Last Resort. Poseidon has Robinson, but I'm sure there's someone out there tough enough, mean enough, bad enough to want a shot at the Wolf. So you just make yourself known, and we'll go to war." (67)


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Jimmy G vs Boston Sills

The other of our new hires came out next, a patriotic high flyer despite his age in a star spangled singlet. That combination and the name seemed to impress at least some of the New England crowd, and he looked all right zipping around Jimmy G, more athletic than one might expect at 38. His top rope elbow drop was something new, too, and he got the pin to establish some early momentum. (37)




We went backstage next to Scorpio Nation.


"Boston, huh? Your name is Boston. A happy little hometown boy, I imagine, coming to New England to make good, All American and oh so proud. You just think you're the new star on the block, don't you? Well, lemme to one thing, brother, that's not how this operates. You see, things haven't been so good to ol' Scorpio lately, and I'm getting a little sick and tired of it. Watching the old dinosaurs up top coasting on their reputations while the future, myself, is left to fight for the scraps. Well I'm done scavenging. And I am coming for you, Boston. You see, you have just made yourself a target, and an example, and I am going to put you in the ground and show you why I am part of the future." (44)


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Antone Benner and Mean Machine vs The Gwinn Brothers

As the four were gathering together and getting ready for the match, Kurt Grey came down the ramp to sit at ringside, just watching. This left Antone looking over his shoulder almost constantly while he was on the apron, missing a tag or two from Mean Machine who openly slapped him in the face for it to actually tag in. The Gwinn Brothers were a decently well oiled machine in the meantime, handling their business, and when Benner tagged out again, Grey started jaw-jacking with him to keep him distracted. That left Mean Machine isolated, and in 9:24, Bill Gwinn got the pin with a backbreaker. (44)


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Poseidon vs Ryan Osburn

Just a solid, upper card match where the ending was never really in doubt. Poseidon dominated from the word go and never truly let up. Osburn worked well, grappling, trying to bring him down, tie up his legs, but it was never long enough to keep the big King of the Seas down for long. In the end, Poseidon hit him with the Knee Face Crusher and then wrapped him up in the Sleeper at 10:01 to put him out. (58)




He went backstage, barely out of breath, his hair wet with sweat rather than just ice cold water for a change, for an interview.


"I hope you're paying attention, Robinson. That is your future. That is your fate. When you see Ryan Osburn lying in the ring, broken and unconscious, that is a vision of the future. They call it Last Resort, our Sunday show, and it will be the last for you. The last you will ever see as Champion, the last you will ever see as the man you are today.


Because you can ask Wolf. You can ask Osburn. You can even look in the mirror and ask yourself. Because I will change you. I will hurt you. And I will break you. I will break your oh so admirable iron spirit, and your will, and your strength, and you will drop, helpless, into the vast, churning sea that is fear. And you will know that I have taken everything from you. Everything you are, everything you have, everything you could have become. Your legacy will die. Your future will end. All because you were swallowed up by something greater, and darker, and far more powerful than you could ever hope to be.


I am the King here, Robinson. I am Poseidon. I am the sea itself come to bring vengeance upon the world. And I am going to devour you. And all who stand against me. Consider this a warning, not just for you, but for all who rest in GCW. This is the end. I am going to take that title, and I will never, ever give it up again." (81)


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Whitlock and Bragg vs Robinson and Wells

A very solid browl between two of our veterans and two of our rising stars, and nothing at all to complain about. Bragg and Whitlock used superior strength and physicality to work over the babyfaces, cutting off Wells for most of the match to keep the smaller man pinned down. He showed impressive fight, though, battling off the cowboys to get the tag to Dustin, who came in like a house of fire to even the odds. Throwing haymakers and chops, he brought the two big men down, though Whitlock caught him with a running knee that left him dizzied and stomped him into a corner, cutting him off. It took a big suplex to Whitlock to force both of the veterans to tag out, and a revitalized Wells came in with a series of big dropkicks and strikes to level Bragg, ultimately pinning him in 10:47 with a running neckbreaker. (57)




After the match, and after celebrating in the ring for the fans who were getting ready to leave the arena, Robinson and Wells made their way through the curtain. Somewhat surprisingly, though, Dustin didn't head to the lockerroom like normal. Instead he made a beeline straight for my desk - a folding table, naturally - looking like he had something on his mind.


He reached down, grabbing the packet of cigarettes I always had sitting next to the ash tray. It was, as always, full. He picked it up without asking, shaking out a cigarette, and lit it.


"Something I can do for you, Dustin?" I asked after a moment.


"We've got a problem," he said, blowing a stream of smoke in my general direction.


I squinted up at him, both in response to the sudden bite of tobacco in the air, and because of what he'd said. A problem? They'd had a great main event match, he'd gone over, we were building to Last Resort - what was there to have a problem about?


But he was also my Heavyweight Champion, so I had to play nice. "What's on your mind?"


"It's that Boston fella," he said, taking a drag. He leaned in to sit on the edge of my desk which, again, was a folding table, and not built for such a thing. I had to lurch forward and grab the sides, just to make sure it didn't topple over underneath him.


"Boston? What's wrong with Boston?"


"C'mon, did you see him out there? He can't sell. And if he can't sell, he can't work. He's gotta learn how to work if he's gonna stay in this company."


My mind was still reeling a little. Boston Sills had been in little more than a squash match - he'd given Jimmy G something work with, he was a promising enough prospect that I wasn't out to completely ruin him, but still. It was a match to put Boston over as a new star, a big deal, a solid midcarder at least on his first day. He wasn't there to get beaten up and sell the day away.


But, again, I told myself that Dustin was my Heavyweight champion, my top babyface at the moment, and I couldn't much piss him off. Not if I wanted to have an easy time dealing with him in the future.


"I'll have to keep an eye on that," I finally said, in what I thought was a perfectly amiable fashion. "Thanks for bringing it to my attention."


He grunted softly, blowing out another plume of smoke. "See that you do. I won't have punks that can't work messing things up around here. It makes the company look bad, and that makes me look bad, y'hear? And that doesn't work for me."


"No. Of course not."


"Make sure he learns how to work," he said again. "This is my company, and he needs to be up to par."


'His' company. Oh, that was rich. He was saying that to his head booker? After being, at best, a career number two on the totem pole? But that wasn't anything I could say, much as I might like to.


"I read you loud and clear."


"Good," he said, and stubbed out the cigarette on the table. Not on the prominently featured ash tray, which had a couple butts in it already and was there for just such a purpose, next to the pack of cigarettes he'd already grabbed. No. On the table. "Keep up the good work, kid."






In spite of my personal feelings about certain persons at this exact moment, and despite having two of the worst matches we'd ever had early on, this show shook out pretty well. That was thanks in large part to Poseidon putting on a fantastic performance, and coming off like an absolute star, but the main event was great, too, and Wolf also had an excellent showing. I wish he was a little less rough in the ring, and had a bit more going on upstairs, but the guy has charisma and energy for days. (59) It looks like we’ve settled into a nice .36/273k ratings groove.



Next Week:

(P) Carleton and Whisenant vs Man Mountains

(P) Jimmy G. vs Big Hank Banner

Mean Machine vs Tarzan Brownfield

The Dregs vs The Gwinn Brothers

Scorpio Nations vs Kurt Grey

Antone Benner vs Ryan Osburn

Sunset Army (Kandori, Sanzo, and Karasuma) vs Raiden and Danger Brothers

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I love the backstage stuff. All the personalities everyone has makes a fun mess. Poseidon being the man as always.


Preview: Man Mountains def. Carleton & Whisenant

I don't think there is a pair out there less likely to win than Carleton & Whisenant


Preview: Big Hank Banner def. Jimmy G

Poor Jimmy having to job out to this guy


Tarzan Brownfield def. Mean Machine

Brownfield is a guy who gets a few wins it seems


The Gwinn Brothers def. The Dreggs

The Dreggs day will come. Just not yet


Scorpio Nations def. Kurt Grey

Distraction from Benner? I feel like Scorpio has got the bigger future so gets the win.


Antone Benner def. Ryan Osburn

Yeah, you've got a really good job squad on your roster


Sunset Army def. Raiden & the Danger Brothers

With Danny leaving I'm not really winning to pick his team to win. Still can't believe Danny is leaving the way he is.

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(P) Carleton and Whisenant vs Man Mountains

(P) Jimmy G. vs Big Hank Banner

Mean Machine vs Tarzan Brownfield

The Dregs vs The Gwinn Brothers

Scorpio Nations vs Kurt Grey

Antone Benner vs Ryan Osburn

Sunset Army (Kandori, Sanzo, and Karasuma) vs Raiden and Danger Brothers

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<p>Something about not knowing any of the numbers or anyone in the game world adds to the intrigue of the diary.</p><p> </p><p>

Like in a normal CVerse diary someone in some medium sized company sign some average guy and I already know his stats probably and am just like “Meh he is just some midcarder nothing special.” </p><p> </p><p>

Or if a big guy comes in I’m like he’s better than everyone they have he will just win every match.</p><p> </p><p>

But in this diary everyone has this sort of mystique, anyone who debuts could be a big star or a jobber. Keeps it interesting to see how everything develops.</p>

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(P) Carleton and Whisenant vs Man Mountains

Named team over random jobber pair


(P) Jimmy G. vs Big Hank Banner

What boss wants boss gets and he want´s Banner to win.


Mean Machine vs Tarzan Brownfield

So far, Tarzan have been looking like one you plan to build up our from these two.


The Dregs vs The Gwinn Brothers

Gwinn´s continue to impress

Scorpio Nations vs Kurt Grey

Antone Benner vs Ryan Osburn

Thinking Benner and Grey will cost each other´s these matches so grouping these together.


Sunset Army (Kandori, Sanzo, and Karasuma) vs Raiden and Danger Brothers

I would probably go other way here but with Danny leaving I don´t see him picking win here even if Raiden is in the same team.

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December 4th, 1985

New Hampshire, 640


This time I didn't jump when my door swung open in the Boston office. Both because I was getting used to such interruptions by now, and because I was already shivering a little from the cold. Winters in New England were a lot frostier and less forgiving than in Seattle, and I was missing the milder weather. Still, we all had to do what we had to do, and I was bundled up in a sweater as best I could. Maybe I could convince Mr. Dishman to make a tour of the southeast or something, though. It was probably nice in Florida this time of year. Or at least nicer.


A man could dream.


It was Mr. Dishman himself poking his head in, of course, to no surprise at all.


"Alex!" he barked.


I just stared back at him. I was already getting the impression that he was a big, loud man, and that jumping like I was going to get fired every time he yelled would take unnecessary years off my life. "What's wrong, Mr. Dishman?"


"There are women wrestlers! Women! Doing wrestling! Did you know about this?"


That one got a blink, but nothing more. "Yes, sir."


There were, after all, a handful of women's wrestling companies floating around: UWW, CWWF, AJJP, just to name a few, and some of the other smaller companies would regularly have women's divisions, or at least appearances. We'd had the UWW World Champion come through PCCW on occasion as a special attraction, and it had worked fairly well. But, of course, there hadn't been any women's talent on the roster when I'd gotten here, or in ASW or WWB for that matter. It seemed the big boys in the US were content to be a boy's club.


"We should get some! Some girls doing wrestling, I think that'd be something, don't you?" he asked, though I knew better than to answer. He barreled on. "Yes, that'll be the ticket. Ain't got none of those, our competition, that'd be a way to stand out. Really show 'em what's what, you see?"


And he had a point. I'd been looking for ways to make GCW a different kind of company, a different kind of product, since a lot of ways we were a very similar product to ASW. Women's wrestling could be the trick. "It's a good idea, sir."


"Of course it's a good idea! I thought of it. Besides, women, they watch TV now, y'know? And they have money. I'm sure they'd like seeing some girls wrestling on the TV, too. Little girls, too! Like a - a - role model, kinda thing." He chomped down on his cigar for a moment, rolling it between his teeth. "Maybe if it takes off we can make some kind of, you know, wrestling doll or something."


"We can certainly look into it," I said, though merchandising wasn't really my arena. "Shall I make some signings, sir?"


"Absolutely you should! Get what you need for a division. Just, y'know, no one too old, like we said, or too... " He paused for a moment, waving his cigar in the air. "Punch-kicky. Don't need much more of that. We need something with flash, pizazz. Pretty ladies doing all kinds of kicks and such. It'll be perfect!"


"As you say, sir," I said, nodding. Yes, a women's division, I could get that put together. It had been in the back of my mind on occasion, and maybe it was time to make it happen. Perhaps I could get things started after Last Resort wrapped up, if I was lucky. "I'll start making some phone calls."


"Good. Perfect. Women's wrestling! It's the future!"




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Pre-Show – Carleton and Whisenant vs Man Mountains

About what you'd expect from the Man Mountains at this point. They've been winning consistently for months, now, but they just don't seem to be catching on yet. Disappointing. Beltran got the pin in 6:14. (25)


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Pre-Show – Jimmy G. vs Big Hank Banner

Well, luckily this was a sharp step up from his first match for us. Jimmy G was the one doing most of the work, naturally, but all the boys know that Banner is related to Dishman, so they're going to be on their best behavior and do what they can to make him look good. And he's big, and tough. Maybe it's just ring rust he needs to shake off from the injury. Banner got the pin in 7:22. (29)


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Mean Machine vs Tarzan Brownfield

Mean Machine once against issued an open challenge, demanding someone come out from the back and give him a fight. Tarzan answered the call. He put up a noble fight, but Mean Machine, who it should be noticed is a big, strong guy at 6'2" despite the mask, barreled over him. The young wild man managed to throw out some decent kicks and a good running body smash, but he went to the well too often and Mean Machine almost took his head off with an Axe Bomber at 7:14 to get the win. (39)




We went to Marcus Kramer in the back for an interview next.


"Seems like we got a lot of open challenges going on around here lately. But I'm not here to talk about Mean Machine. I'm here to talk about you, Wolf. You want someone to fight you? You want the biggest and the baddest and the strongest? Well, congratulations. You just made my hit list. See, you're not the only one steaming mad around here. I had two opportunities at championships, and I had to watch them slip through my fingers. Well this time, I'm coming for blood. I'm coming to hurt you. And I'm going to embarrass you. I hope you know exactly what you're getting in for. There's still a lot of gas left in this tank, and I'm gonna run you down." (67)


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The Dregs vs The Gwinn Brothers

Say what you will, the Dregs put up a decent amount of resistance in a TV showing, though they never looked like real threats to the Brothers, who had a lot more experience and grit. They battled their way through the underhanded tactics of the Dregs just fine, and in 6:44, Darrell got the pin with a High Knee. (36)


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Scorpio Nations vs Kurt Grey

A fairly even contest, at first, with Scorpio darting around the ring and using his superior speed and stamina to put Grey on the back foot. The older man weathered the storm, though, cutting off Scorpio's initial flurry with a knee lift to the gut and some right hands, and he started rolling. He went up to the second rope for a knee drop when Antone Benner slithered out of the crowd and started yelling for his attention. That gave Scoprio the opportunity to roll him up from behind while they were arguing and steal the win. (46)




Scorpio Nations was backstage for a post match interview, having scampered away from the ring after getting the win. He was all smiles as he caught his breath, albeit in a somewhat vicious way.


"You see that? That's youth, man. That's ambition. That's desperation, is what that is. You put an old man man with his career behind him in the ring with a young gun, and that's what happens. You see that, Boston? That's gonna be you and me on Sunday. You've had your time in the sun. You've wrestled everywhere, right? All across the country. You've had your wins. Made your name. But now you're coming into my house. Scorpio's house. And I haven't had my shot yet. I am a man with nothing to lose, and everything to prove, and I'm here to take it out on you, you dig? Sunday, Boston. That's gonna be the end of your rise to glory in GCW, and the start of mine. Count on it." (43)


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Antone Benner vs Ryan Osburn

Benner had stayed out in the ring, waiting for his match to start, and Ryan Osburn came out to meet him. The mechanic showed some deft wrestling at first, working Benner over, but Benner was wild and nasty. He nearly got disqualified for biting Osburn's ear at one point, but broke so that he could start taking control properly, battering Osburn back and forth while he reeled. It wasn't quite enough, as Osburn ducked a wild martial arts kick and wrapped him up in the Spinning Toe Hold, but that kick had knocked down the referee, giving Benner a chance to claw Osburn's face, clock him with brass knuckles, and tuck them back in his tights. The referee recovered and Benner got the pin at 9:33. (52)


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Sunset Army vs Raiden and the Danger Brothers

It was probably a bit ambitious, putting this in the main event, but at least Kandori and Raiden were in there to carry it somewhat. The Danger Brothers looked rocky as usual, and Sanzo and Karasuma not much better. Still, Raiden and Kandori performed well, though notably staying out of the ring with one another, as Kandori would tag out as soon as it looked like Raiden would come in, leaving his underlings to pick at the big bear. He ended up running out to chase after Kandori, leaving the Danger Brothers against the Sunset Army, and in 8:51, Sanzo got the pin on Danny. (41)



We closed the show with Dustin backstage, holding up his GCW Heavyweight championship on his shoulder.


"Poseidon, you've done a lot talking lately. You've been saying that time is running out. And maybe you have a point. Time waits for no man, after all. We're all fighting the clock, and we're all going to run out eventually. But I can tell you this. I am a Champion. I am a proud man, who has fought for everything that I have ever accomplished. And I am going to fight you. I know that you're a mean son of a gun. I know that you're tough. I know that you've earned this shot, and earned it, well, somewhat fairly. But I am not afraid, and I will never be afraid. Not of you, and not of any man. I can say that to you now, and I will say that to your face soon enough."




But that was when Poseidon stepped into the arena area. Face to face, Poseidon visibly had about three inches on Robinson, and maybe 30lbs of muscle, too. Dustin glowered up at him, while Poseidon just smirked back, reaching down to take the microphone from him.


"You know, you're right, Robinson. I can see it in your eyes. You're not afraid to face me. You're not afraid to step into the ring with me. I'll give you that. But I want you to think on this. I am going to come for you. I am going to come at you with everything that I have, every ounce of strength, every bit of power, every drop of cruelty. I am going to unleash hell upon you, Dustin Robinson. Because you have what I want, and I want to take it from you. I will take it from you. And once you're in the ring with me, once you face me, man to man, and see what you're really up against, without an ally by your side, or a friend to rely on, you will know fear. I am going to show you fear, and pain, and desperation, and you will choke on it as it fills your lungs."


"That's about enough. I've heard a lot of jaw flapping from you," Dustin snapped back, and "And I'm not impressed. You can talk all you want, but we're gonna settle this on Sunday, in the ring, and we'll see if you're having the man you think you are."


"Yes, well will, and I will show you that I am every bit the King that I claim to be. It's time I took back my throne." And still smiling, Poseidon reached out and patted the Heavyweight Championship. "And my crown. Keep it warm for me." (67)


A fairly middling show. We seem to be running into those on the go-homes so far, so that's something I'll need to be more mindful of. Then again, it's my own fault for giving the Sunset Army and the Danger Brothers the main event. None of them are ready for that kind of spotlight, and it'll take more than Raiden and Kandori to off-set that. But then, we didn't have a whole lot else that was fantastic on the card - some good promos, even if Robinson kind of lowered the tone in the last one, and Osburn and Benner put on a great match, but we need more than that. Oh well. Last Resort is Sunday, and here's hoping it goes off without a hitch. (48) Accordingly, our numbers dropped to .32 and 245k viewers.


Honestly, I still can't believe Danny is leaving the way he is, either. He really just turned in his notice and said he was done, no other offer or job or anything. It was deeply upsetting. He did go on to sign with All American Wrestling in February, a small company in North Dakota, where he is 0-2. Go figure.


And I'm glad Poseidon is turning into something of a hit. It's really nice to have someone I can rely on for 70-80 rating promos pretty much any week I put him out there, I just wish we could get our match ratings up there, too. Ah, well. Hopefully soon.


Next Week:

(P) Giant Kajitani vs Jacoby Disney

(P) Jimmy G and Heavenly Bodies vs Osburn and Man Mountains

Black Hat Rodeo (Whitlock and Bragg) vs Danger Brothers

Scorpio Nations vs Boston Sills

The Gwinn Brothers vs Black Hat Rodeo – GCW Tag Team Championship Match

Antone Benner vs Kurt Grey

Mean Machine vs Carver Wells – GCW North American Championship Match

Marcus Kramer vs Wolf Koziol

Reijiro Kandori vs Jack Raiden

Poseidon vs Dustin Robinson – GCW Heavyweight Championship Match

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Danny man. I find his whole thing so incredibly stupid. Hopefully he gets buried in his little North Dakota company and realises he blew his shot at the big(ish) time. The women's division should be interesting and probably pretty good for you as you'll be the biggest company doing women's wrestling (at least in the US).




Preshow: Giant Kajitani def. Jacoby Disney

This was never a question


Preshow: Osburn & Man Mountains def. Jimmy G & Heavenly Bodies

Osburn winning is a bit unusual, but other this is just your typical Man Mountains crush heel team of the week


Blackhat Rodeo def. The Danger Brothers

2 guys higher on the totem pole and in need of a win vs. the team about to lose a member.


Scorpio Nations def. Boston Sills

This is the cool thing about effganic diaries, you never know where on the card someone might fit. Nations seems to be getting built up to a higher point than I think Boston will reach, so I think Scorpio gets the win.


The Gwinn Brothers def. Black Hat Rodeo © to win the GCW Tag Team Championships

I feel like the Gwinn Brothers have been built up to take the title. It seems like your heel tag teams might be slightly stronger so maybe put the titles on your good face team?


Antone Benner def. Kurt Grey

Considering Kurt needs a nap at the 5 minute mark, I can't see you putting him over Bennet.


Carver Wells © def. Mean Machine to retain the GCW North American Championship

Mean Machine is like a mini favourite of mine, but I don't think I'm going to get to see him winning any titles unless that Mean Machine/Antone Benner tag team idea of mine actually happens. Speaking of Antone, him, Scorpio and BRB are my top 3 for taking this title off Wells


Wolf Koizol def. Marcus Kramer

Kramer really is doing a good job of lying down for all your stars really isn't he. Robinson, Wells, now Koizol. Guessing Kodiak Jack next?


Jack Raiden def. Reijiro Kandori

Despite the faction, I can't see any reason for Kandori to really get the win over Jack here.


Poseidon def. Dustin Robinson © to win the GCW Heavyweight Championship

I really hope I'm right, so we can finally get to see "The King of the Sea" as the champion and honestly from his promo work, I think it's well deserved.

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(P) Giant Kajitani vs Jacoby Disney

(P) Jimmy G and Heavenly Bodies vs Osburn and Man Mountains

Black Hat Rodeo (Whitlock and Bragg) vs Danger Brothers

Scorpio Nations vs Boston Sills

The Gwinn Brothers vs Black Hat Rodeo – GCW Tag Team Championship Match

Antone Benner vs Kurt Grey

Mean Machine vs Carver Wells – GCW North American Championship Match

Marcus Kramer vs Wolf Koziol

Reijiro Kandori vs Jack Raiden

Poseidon vs Dustin Robinson – GCW Heavyweight Championship Match

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(P) Giant Kajitani vs Jacoby Disney

(P) Jimmy G and Heavenly Bodies vs Osburn and Man Mountains

Black Hat Rodeo (Whitlock and Bragg) vs Danger Brothers

Scorpio Nations vs Boston Sills

The Gwinn Brothers vs Black Hat Rodeo – GCW Tag Team Championship Match

Antone Benner vs Kurt Grey

Mean Machine vs Carver Wells – GCW North American Championship Match

Marcus Kramer vs Wolf Koziol

Reijiro Kandori vs Jack Raiden

Poseidon vs Dustin Robinson – GCW Heavyweight Championship Match

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(P) Giant Kajitani vs Jacoby Disney

Disney doesn´t win


(P) Jimmy G and Heavenly Bodies vs Osburn and Man Mountains

Bigger names


Black Hat Rodeo (Whitlock and Bragg) vs Danger Brothers

Brother´s continue to job


Scorpio Nations vs Boston Sills

I´d assume this feud is here to build Scorpio up but thinking Sills takes the first win,


The Gwinn Brothers vs Black Hat Rodeo – GCW Tag Team Championship Match

Going to predict title change here although I could see this one going either way


Antone Benner vs Kurt Grey

Benner is the one going over at the end, the only question is if the end is now or later. I´d say now.


Mean Machine vs Carver Wells – GCW North American Championship Match

Thinking Wells will eventually drop the belt to bigger name than Mean Machine.


Marcus Kramer vs Wolf Koziol

Kramer looks to be on his way down, Wolf might be too but I do feel that Kramer is more obvious probably because he´s not in a any storylines while Wolf is feuding with your best heel.


Reijiro Kandori vs Jack Raiden

Thinking Raiden is taking this round

Poseidon vs Dustin Robinson – GCW Heavyweight Championship Match

Poseidon gets lots of promo time and it´s even easier to justify if he´s the champ so thinking that´s the way this will go.

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December 8th, 1986 GCW Last Resort


Albert L. Gutterson Fieldhouse, 3580 in attendance


In delightful news, just as the show was getting ready to start I got a call. Confirmation that a contract would be signed, and a new start was coming our way. And I don't use the word 'star' lightly, here. We were going to have a big new name in our company, poached from our competition, and I couldn't be more thrilled. My head was spinning with delight. I just hoped I wasn't getting too ahead of myself as I started to pencil in some new storylines.


Of course, first, we had to finish tonight, and there was a decent amount to be excited about already.


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Pre-Show – Giant Kajitani vs Jacoby Disney

Just a squash to keep building up my Japanese giant. There was nothing really to report, here, other than the monster barreling over Disney. He complained a little about the booking, but this time, I out and out told him to stick it. Kajitani got the pin in 6:18. (21)


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Pre-Show – Jimmy G and the Heavenly Bodies vs Osburn and the Man Mountains

A slightly better match for the Man Mountains, but they were still outclassed by just about everyone in that ring. My patience is about up. The Heavenly Bodies were showing a bit of shine, though, and while neither of them are going to be great talkers, I couldn't help but feel like there was something to do with them. Jimmy G, too. Osburn, of course, was old reliable, and that was why he got the win with a Spinning Toe Hold in 8:14. (37)


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Black Hat Rodeo (Whitlock and Bragg) vs Danger Brothers

Just continuing to use Danny Danger on his way out – and see if Bret is worth keeping without him. So far, he’s not dazzling me. They both did some energetic brawling, but nothing too impressive, and got worked over heavily by the Rodeo boys. It's a shame to see them both drop this far to the opener, but I have plans for them coming up - or, at least, part of them - and they looked dominant in victory. Bragg got the submission in 7:08 with the Sidewinder choke. (47)


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Scorpio Nations vs Boston Sills

I was mildly excited for this match. Scorpio was one of our rising stars, and Boston was a serviceable vet that would hopefully be amenable about putting young talent over, and didn't have so much clout with the fans they'd reject it. But once my all-American high flyer got in the ring and they started locking up, my idea of a longer feud started to falter. They looked incredibly awkward going through the motions, and I knew from experience both of them could do better. It was just a style clash. Ugh. They tried, though, with Scorpio playing the fiery and increasingly vicious upstart, while Boston kept outworking him, even as Scorpio had the advantage. It ended when Boston got a flash roll up into a Japanese-style clutch, getting the pin in 8:05. (38)




We went backstage with a furious Scorpio for a post-match interview. "C'mon, are you kidding me? Are you kidding me right now? They called that a three count? This is ridiculous. Boston! Oh, I hope you know you're on thin ice, my man. I'm going to be coming for you. This isn't over, not by a long shot! I am going to make you regret this, and just you wait, just you count on it, Scorpio is gonna get you! I'm gonna make you hurt, and I'm going to prove which one of us is the better man! You got lucky, and it's not going to happen again!" (39)


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The Gwinn Brothers vs Black Hat Rodeo - GCW Tag Team Championship Match

I was concerned about this match. Literally the day before, Darrell had broken his toe while working ASW's TV taping, and so he wasn't coming in 100%, but he promised me he was good to wrestle and didn't want to back out. And, well, I needed him for my tag title match, so I wasn't going to argue. In the ring, things didn't come together perfectly, probably because of the injury, but it was good enough, and almost certainly one of the best pure tag team matches we'd had, rather than main eventers paired together. They had a nice, mean fight, with the cowboys using their superior size and power to work over the tough as nails brothers, but they couldn't keep them down. Ultimately, Whitlock snuck into the time keeper's area to get the title belts and tossed one to Jase Marshall, but the ref saw him blast Darrel in the face, calling for the DQ at 11:07. The Black Hat Rodeo escaped with their titles, if not the official win. (41)


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Antone Benner vs Kurt Grey

With Grey running out of steam as a wrestler, this was a match of simple intentions. He barreled in to get his hands on Benner, and hit some nasty strikes to begin with, but it wasn't long before Benner tripped him up and started pinning him to the mat with submissions and locks - mostly an excuse to let Grey catch his breath. Benner was vicious, using every short cut he could to keep the advantage, while Grey stayed valiantly in the fight. It wasn't enough. Benner caught him square in the jaw with a thrust kick at 6:19 and got the pin. (48)





Between matches here we announced that starting on Wednesday, we'd have a tournament running to crown the first ever GCW Women's Champion. Entering the tournament, we had: Josilyn Darville, a vicious and remorseless veteran striker; Adrianna Mitchell, a fresh-faced young redhead from Iowa; Lilyanna Derby, a punk-rock dynamo fighting out of New York; Bertha Slay, a backwoods brawler who was all attitude and strength; Madalene deGeorge, a high society lady here to show that class was key; Lily-Rose Criss, the gorgeous and well-loved queen of magazine covers as well as the wrestling ring; the french lady, Camille St. Croix; and Rosemary Pfeiffer, a tough and tenured veteran happy to prove that every Rose does indeed have its thorns.


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Mean Machine vs Carver Wells - GCW North American Championship Match

A nice little North American title match, if just a bit thrown together, I'll admit. Mean Machine might be getting on a little at a surprising 38, now, but with the mask you can't tell, and he works hard. He battered and bullied Wells around the ring, stomping around and throwing a holy tantrum whenever the referee had to step him and warn him about crossing the line. It was just one such tantrum that cost him. Getting up in the referee's face, he had him backed into a corner of the ropes, almost seeming ready to haul off and hit poor Hugh, when Wells popped up behind him and dropped him with a nasty neckbreaker. That got him the pin at 12:17. (49)




Wolf Koziol was backstage for an interview prior to his match.


"Kramer, you are just the kinda man I've been looking for. I admire your courage, standing up to the big wolf, and I look forward to whooping your hide. You're tough as nails, I respect that, but brother I'm mad, I'm mean, and I'm looking to hurt someone, and you just put yourself on the chopping block. So I hope there's no hard feelings when I knock you out cold, because it's time for me to take a shot straight to the top, and I'm not going to stop for any speedbumps like you." (74)


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Marcus Kramer vs Wolf Koziol

As usual, limited selling in a Wolf match. Who’d have guessed? But these are two of my stars for a reason. The two heavyweights locked up and Kramer seemed to have the slight edge in power, at first, with his powerlifter build, before Wolf started firing up. They traded blows, both seeming to largely ignore the damage that the other did, which made it feel a tad sluggish at times, but the crowd were very much into both of them, cheering loudly for every bit of Wolf's offense. It took a holy combo to put Kramer down, with Wolf nailing him with a running knee, a big scoop slam, and then a lariat when he staggered to his feet to get the win in 9:07. (55)




We went to a pre-taped interview with Poseidon next.


"The day has come, Dustin. The day of your reckoning. I hope you're enjoyed your time in the sun. It has been glorious. You have shown yourself admirably, defending against brutes and villains and all sorts of threats, but the thing you have to remember is that you haven't defending against me. And you can't defend against me. You know it, and I know it. Your clock has been winding down since the moment I set my eyes on that title. No." He pause,d shaking his head. "No, your clock has been winding down since you won it, and put yourself in my sights.


The day has come. The day your glory fades, and your moment in the sunset comes to an end. I hope you're ready for the darkness, Dustin. Because I am going to drag you down, until everything turns to black." (80)


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Reijiro Kandori vs Jack Raiden

Both men came down to the ring with their entourages, Reijiro with Karasuma and Sanzo, and Raiden with the Danger Brothers. Kajitani was conspicuous by his absence, explained on commentary as recovering from his match before the start of the televised show. This evened the numbers for a change, and without the Sunset Army to lean on, Reijiro was outclassed. Bret and Danny stopped the Army from interfering when they tried, and Raiden kept control for most of the match, getting a decisive pin in 10:07 with his Powerbomb. (51)


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Poseidon vs Dustin Robinson - GCW Heavyweight Championship Match

A grueling battle between two of our top stars. Say what you will about Dustin, he can still rise to the occasion when it's a big match, and he showed up for one of the best we'd had so far since I took over. He stood up valiantly against the larger and younger Poseidon, shrugging off early flurries by the King of the Seas and trying to battle back with chops and elbows, but Poseidon wouldn't go down. He systematically cut off all of Dustin's offense, working him over, throwing elbows at his shoulders and putting him through arm-wringers and arm-breakers to slow down his offense. It paid off, as Dustin tried a few times to muscle him up for the slingshot suplex, but just couldn't hold him up long enough. In the end, Poseidon brought him face-first down across the knee for the Face Crusher at 14:05 and secured the pin, ending Dustin's reign at 130 days and becoming the new GCW Heavyweight Champion. (59)



Next Week:

(P) Bertha Slay vs Lilyanna Darby – GCW Women’s Championship Quarter Final

(P) Sunset Army vs Danger Brothers

Tommy Carleton vs Boston Sills

Josilyn Darville vs Adrianna Mitchell – GCW Women’s Championship Quarter Final

Dwayne Olivares vs Bill Gwinn

Wolf Koziol vs Jack Raiden

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So happy to see Poseidon getting that title. He deserves it honestly, consistently putting on the best promo of the show. I'm also intrigued to see how big of A Star this person you've brought in is (since obviously, I won't know them). Add in the debut of the women's division and things are shaping up to get more interesting.




Preshow: Bertha Slay def. Lilyanna Derby

I obviously have no clue with this women's division.


Preshow: Sunset Army def. Danger Brothers

I keep expecting Danger Brothers to be gone, but they keep popping back up again


Boston Sills def. Tommy Carleton


Josilyn Darville def. Adrianna Mitchell

IDK, but that's part of the fun of effganics (and part of why I enjoy diaries like this so much)


Dwayne Olivare def. Bill Gwinn

I think since BHR lost (even if by DQ) Dwayne gets the win here, unless winning this means the Gwinnett Brothers get another shot at the titles.


Jack Raiden def. Wolf Koizol

A rather strange Face-Face match, with my pick being Kodiak Jack, the man who seems set to be leading this company into the new era.

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(P) Bertha Slay vs Lilyanna Darby – GCW Women’s Championship Quarter Final

(P) Sunset Army vs Danger Brothers

Tommy Carleton vs Boston Sills

Josilyn Darville vs Adrianna Mitchell – GCW Women’s Championship Quarter Final

Dwayne Olivares vs Bill Gwinn

Wolf Koziol vs Jack Raiden

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(P) Bertha Slay vs Lilyanna Darby – GCW Women’s Championship Quarter Final

(P) Sunset Army vs Danger Brothers

Tommy Carleton vs Boston Sills

Josilyn Darville vs Adrianna Mitchell – GCW Women’s Championship Quarter Final

Dwayne Olivares vs Bill Gwinn

Wolf Koziol vs Jack Raiden

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(P) Bertha Slay vs Lilyanna Darby – GCW Women’s Championship Quarter Final

These women matches will pretty much be coin flips until we know more but I go with Slay because... well, I kind of like her name more... yeah, no idea.


(P) Sunset Army vs Danger Brothers

Army keeps getting the build-up


Tommy Carleton vs Boston Sills

Sills is above jobber level, Carleton... well he´s not.


Josilyn Darville vs Adrianna Mitchell – GCW Women’s Championship Quarter Final

This sounded like veteran vs. newbie and until knowing better, I typically pick the veteran.


Dwayne Olivares vs Bill Gwinn

Could see this one going either way but with Darrell being the injured one, thinking this one goes to Gwinns and the next singles encounter that likely have their tag partners goes to Rodeo.


Wolf Koziol vs Jack Raiden

Wolf has unfinished business with Poseidon so thinking he´s higher on current pecking order because of that.

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December 11th, 1985

Vermont, 740 people


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Pre-Show – Bertha Slay vs Lilyanna Derby, GCW Women’s Championship Quarter Final

A decent match that showed off the first two of our women’s signings, the backwoods brawler Bertha Slay and the punk-rock dynamo Lilyanna Derby. Bertha looked good, and used her superior size and power to bully Derby out the gate, but Derby was far more experienced and weathered the storm with aplomb, winning the match in 8:30 with a thrust kick. (46)


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Pre-Show – Sunset Army vs the Danger Brothers

Mostly running out the clock on the Danger Brothers. The Sunset Army are gelling nicely, and Bret is at least growing since I signed him. He might survive Danny walking out yet. Karasuma by submission in 6:29. (28)




We opened the show with Wolf Koziol giving an interview.


"Brother, lemme tell you, Last Resort was a good night for the Wolf. Not only did I defeat Marcus Kramer, handily, and finally wipe some of the frustration outta my mind, I got to watch our big ugly King of the Seas win the Heavyweight Championship in the main event. Now, no disrespect to Dustin Robinson, he's a good man, a good champion, and he probably deserved to win - but that was just what I was hoping for. Y'see, now I get to kill two birds with one big ol' rock, because now when I get my hands on Poseidon and finally put him down, I will finally become the Heavyweight Champion myself. So Poseidon! I hope you didn't forget about me, because I sure as hell didn't forget about you, and this is me calling you out!"




But he was interrupted, not by Poseidon, but by Kodiak Jack Raiden, who made his way into the interview stage.


"Now, I'm not here to step on your toes, Wolf, but you're not the only man with eyes on the Heavyweight Championship, or a worthy cause for it. You beat Marcus Kramer, I beat Reijiro Kandori. Now, I understand that you want a shot at Poseidon, and I can respect that, but I am going to be the next Heavyweight Champion. That is a fact. And I am not going to let anyone stop me from that."


Wolf got right up in his face, despite being a little bit shorter than the big Kodiak bear. "That right? Well, it sounds like you me and better settle this fair and square in the ring, then, don't it? What do you say, Jack? Wanna prove who the better man is?"


"That sounds perfect to me, Wolf." Jack Raiden extended his hand. "May the best man win."


Wolf shook it. "I intend to." (75)


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Tommy Carleton vs Boston Sills

A nice, tidy little match. Tommy always looks decent in the ring, and Boston is a vet, though he's honestly not quite as impressive as I was hoping, but maybe he needs to build momentum, first. He bounced around well and dazzled Tommy with his superior athleticism, taking him down to the mat with a big tackle and finishing him off in 7:48 with the top rope elbow drop. (37)




After the match, while Boston was celebrating in the ring, Marcus Kramer of all people ran down and blasted him from behind with a double-handle sledge to the back of the head. He stomped Boston to the mat, then hauled him up for a nasty side suplex, then another, and finally a third, leaving him laying on the mat, as Preston McKean on commentary asked what had possibly come over Kramer. (44)


A video package once again going over the eight entrants in our Women's championship tournament. It explained that in the opening match before the taping, Lilyana Derby had defeated Bertha Slay in an even contest, and she would be facing the winner of our next match, either the hard-hitting striker, Josilyn Darville, or the ambitious and energetic upstart, Adrianna Mitchell. Furthermore, next week we'd see Camille St. Croix vs Lily-Rose Criss in a battle of French elegance vs American Beauty, and High Society Madalene deGeorge take on the rocker Rosemary Pfeiffer. (36)


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Josilyn Darville vs Adrianna Mitchell – GCW Women’s Championship Quarter Final

Match number two. Honestly, I should have swapped the placement of the two, but Lilyanna and Bertha were both comparative unknowns compared to Josilyn, so I thought the crowd would like her better. She performed well, Adrianna is just very green. Josilyn won via Savate Kick in 6:47. (29)


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Dwayne Olivares vs Bill Gwinn

Nice brawl between our tag team standouts. Jase and Darrell seconded their tag team partners, of course, glaring and jawing at ring-side while the men in the ring went at it. Dwayne was the more physically imposing, bullying Bill around the ring, but Bill is tough as nails and a more savvy wrestler and managed to slow him down, chopping at his legs and bringing him to the mat whenever possible. He managed to elbow his way out of a Back Suplex attempt and take Dwayne to the ground with a big knee lift. Jase tried to pull Dwayne over to the ropes as Bill tied him up in a leg lock, but Darrell fought him off and Dwayne was forced to submit at 10:17. (39)


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Wolf Koziol vs Jack Raiden

Well, my hope for an epic main event failed. Maybe it’s because I’ve gotten so used to guys like Dustin Robinson and Marcus Kramer up top who can’t go long, so when I had two younger guys like Raiden and Koziol, I pushed them a little. I just underestimated that Koziol doesn’t really have the psychology to go that long, even with scripting from Joel Koster to help him along the way. The match sagged heavily in the middle and looked awkward, and it undercut the general solid efforts from both men. Blech. Either way, Kandori popped up for the distraction and Koziol, who hesitated only for a moment, got the pin in 21:04 with his lariat to win. (39)


Wildly, wildly disappointing. For a couple reasons. One, the main event dropped the ball in a big way, far more than I was ever expecting, and I'll have to remember to never put Wolf and Raiden in a match like that together again. Two, my big new signing isn't going to be ready for another few weeks, and so my plans to insert him into the main event picture will have to wait - which leaves Raiden for, admittedly, nothing to do in the immediate. Which means that I'm going to have to drag the Sunset Army feud longer than expected, which is not ideal. Overall, one of my weaker efforts and I only have myself to blame. (43) Only a .3 rating and 230k viewers, too.



Next Week:

(P) Madalene de George vs Rosemary Pfeiffer, GCW Women’s Quarter Final Match.

(P) The Dregs vs The Hillbillies

(P) Trent Stevens vs Aaron Redcloud

Camile St. Croix vs Lily-Rose Criss – GCW Women’s Quarter Final Match

Mean Machine vs Sebastien Durant

Marcus Kramer vs Boston Sills

Billy Ray Bragg vs Carver Wells – GCW North American Championship Match

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(P) Madalene de George vs Rosemary Pfeiffer, GCW Women’s Quarter Final Match.

(P) The Dregs vs The Hillbillies

(P) Trent Stevens vs Aaron Redcloud

Camile St. Croix vs Lily-Rose Criss – GCW Women’s Quarter Final Match

Mean Machine vs Sebastien Durant

Marcus Kramer vs Boston Sills

Billy Ray Bragg vs Carver Wells – GCW North American Championship Match

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Well, bit unfortunate the best match of then night ended up on the pre-show and Jack & Wolf couldn't deliver in the main event. Also my predictions for that show were pretty abysmal honestly.




Preshow: Madalene De George def. Rosemary Pfeiffer

Not a clue


Preshow: The Dregs def. The Hillbillies

Your two jobber tag teams. I'm going to pick The Dregs to win due to the injury on the Hillbillies


Preshow: Aaron Redcloud def. Trent Seven

I don't remember who Trent is but I remember Aaron was suppose to be somewhat decent, so I'll back him.


Camille St. Croix def. Lily-Rose Criss

No idea


Sebastian Durant def. Mean Machine

Mean Machine might pick up the occasional win, but there is no way he's beating someone of Durant's skill


Boston Sills def. Marcus Kramer

I think this would really sell the rivalry, probably by something like DQ, Countout or Roll-Up, you know to keep Marcus strong and build the feud up.


Carver Wells def. Billy Ray Bragg to retain the GCW North American Championship

It seems way to random for you to just drop them title here.

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