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A Global Uprising? [Effganic]

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(P) Violet Bee vs Lilyanna Derby

(P) Lash and the Heavenly Bodies vs Grey, Danger, and Sandy

(P) Umari vs Sebastien Durant

Scorpio Nations vs Layton White – Prince of Wrestling First Round

Black Hat Rodeo (Olivares and Marshall) vs Man Mountains

Mean Machine vs Aaron Redcloud – Prince of Wrestling First Round

Antone Benner vs Carver Wells

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<p>(P) Violet Bee vs <strong>Lilyanna Derby</strong></p><p>

<em>Derby has sound like more ready wrestlers than Bee so far so I go with her even if Bee has pretty good win loss record.</em></p><p> </p><p>

(P) <strong>Lash and the Heavenly Bodies</strong> vs Grey, Danger, and Sandy</p><p>

<em>These are lesser names than what Bodies defeated in last show and I would also say that their partner is bigger name than last time as well so I expect outcome to be the same.</em></p><p> </p><p>

(P) Umari vs <strong>Sebastien Durant</strong></p><p>

<em>Right, I picked agains Durant last time so not going to make same mistake here.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Scorpio Nations</strong> vs Layton White – Prince of Wrestling First Round</p><p>

<em>Way bigger name</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Black Hat Rodeo (Olivares and Marshall) </strong>vs Man Mountains</p><p>

<em>Looks like Mountains aren´t going to go anywere so guessing you are just jobbing them down here.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Mean Machine vs <strong>Aaron Redcloud</strong> – Prince of Wrestling First Round</p><p>

<em>Could see this one going either way and both guys let me down last time. that said, I´m going with younger guy even though my gut tell me I´m backing the wrong guy once again.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Antone Benner</strong> vs Carver Wells</p><p>

<em>Benner have wins against three of your top faces (even if those weren´t clean) so don´t see him losing to anyone else, not even Wells who´s also getting pushed towards main event scene. </em></p>

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<p>(P) <strong><strong>Violet Bee</strong></strong> vs Lilyanna Derby</p><p>

(P) <strong>Lash and the Heavenly Bodies</strong> vs Grey, Danger, and Sandy</p><p>

(P) Umari vs <strong>Sebastien Durant</strong></p><p>

<strong><strong>Scorpio Nations</strong></strong> vs Layton White – Prince of Wrestling First Round</p><p>

Black Hat Rodeo (Olivares and Marshall) vs <strong>Man Mountains</strong></p><p>

<strong>Mean Machine</strong> vs Aaron Redcloud – Prince of Wrestling First Round</p><p>

<strong>Antone Benner</strong> vs Carver Wells</p>

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P) Violet Bee vs Lilyanna Derby

(P) Lash and the Heavenly Bodies vs Grey, Danger, and Sandy

(P) Umari vs Sebastien Durant

Scorpio Nations vs Layton White – Prince of Wrestling First Round

Black Hat Rodeo (Olivares and Marshall) vs Man Mountains

Mean Machine vs Aaron Redcloud – Prince of Wrestling First Round

Antone Benner vs Carver Wells

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February 12th, 1986

Milford Ice Pavilion, 826 in attendance


Annoyingly, WWB held Welcome to the Party on the same night, drawing a 19,500 sell out crowd at the Hy-Vee Arena. In good news, though, Antone Benner agreed to a contract extension with us, which made me feel better about not having Wolf go over him clean, even if it means he’s going to be costing me a cool 15 grand a month. It’ll be worth it.


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Pre-Show – Violet Bee vs Lilyanna Derby

Some seasoning for some of my undercard women. Lilyanna wasn’t crazy about putting Bee over, but she agreed to do the job as long as she looked strong, and Bee won with her feet on the ropes, anyway, at 8:18. They looked decent in there. (38)


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Pre-Show – Lash and the Heavenly Bodies vs Grey, Danger, and Sandy

Lash doesn’t really belong on the pre-show, but at this point, the rest of them do. Including Kurt, who’s really spiraling. Besides, it was interesting to see how Lash would work with the Bodies – his sleazy heartthrob gimmick might be on its last legs at 47, but it meshes with the Heavenly Bodies in theory. Saturn got the pin off a High Knee at 9:46. (38)


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Pre-Show – Umari vs Sebastien Durant

Another test for Umari. He looks decent paired with Reijiro as a manager-type role, but is still very green. Meanwhile, Sebastien had one of his best performances yet, which is a good thing. Fallaway Slam in 9:24. (28)




We opened the show interviewing a frustrated Jack Raiden.


"I'm a disappointed man, Abruzzi. You've done me a disservice, and the fans, and this company. What you did was an act of cowardice, and weakness, and proves that you are far from the Godfather you claim to be. Now, you won that match, I will give you that, but you didn't defeat me fairly. You cheated for that win, let's call it what it was, and you've made yourself a man I cannot respect. And you can ask a lot of men around here in GCW, being a man without my respect is a dangerous place to be. I'm not done with you. Not by a long shot. We are going to fight again, you and me, and when we do, I am going to force you to come at me with everything you have, and if you try to cheat me out of another victory? I'm going to break you in two. Last time, you were fighting Jack Raiden, the competitor. Now, you're fighting Kodiak Jack, and I'm going to tear you limb from limb." (72)


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Scorpio Nations vs Layton White – Prince of Wrestling Tournament First Round

Kicking off the tournament with a clear and decisive win for one of our fastest rising talents in Scorpio. He gets better all the time and finally seems to be getting recognition, as the crowd was buzzing and jeering him while he played to them in between stomping Layton the mat. To the surprise of no one, it was a one-sided match pretty much all the way, with Layton really just getting offense in when Scorpio show-boated too much - but it was never enough to lose control. Scorpion Clutch in 5:54. (45)




Wolf Koziol was backstage, muttering as he sat with his head in his hands before being notified for the interview.


"You know what? I get it. I lost my cool. I lost my temper. But can anyone blame me? I promised you I was going to put you in the ground, Antone, and I intend to carry that out. It might not be today, it wasn't at Walk Through Fire, but it's gonna happen. I am going to make you pay for what you did. For everything you've done. You are going to pay. You are going to suffer. You are going to hurt. I'm going to humiliate you, and brutalize you, and leave you regretting everything you've done. And next time, you're not going to be saved by a ref who thinks your ass is getting kicked too hard." (71)


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Black Hat Rodeo vs Man Mountains

If anything, the Man Mountains seem to be regressing, so it’s time for them to start paying back. The Rodeo looked good, at least, and this was a nice big hoss battle between the four men. Once again, Grady's size wasn't enough to overcome the superior viciousness and tag team expertise of my cowboys, nor was Beltran's power. Olivares got the pin in 8:48 off his back suplex, planting Beltran to the mat. (35)


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Mean Machine vs Aaron Redcloud - Prince of Wrestling Tournament First Round

Well, not the best showing for young Aaron, but not the worst, either. Mean Machine bullied him physically as usually happens, coming out with lots of fire, b ut once again it appeared he got into his own head, trying to showboat and shame his opponent too much. Redcloud ducked the Axe Bomber and hit him with a pair of running chops but surprising him with the Overhead Slam in 11:30 to win and advance.(33)




We went next to Carver Wells, who was backstage for interview.


"I feel like a man at a crossroads, right now. On the one hand, the Black Hat Rodeo hasn't been vanquished, and Billy Ray is still carrying a noble championship that I once called mine. There's a part of me that wants to fix that. That wants to take back the North American Championship. But at the same time, there's another belt that's calling my name. Poseidon, I hear your dance card isn't full up on the night of Gold Rush. And you spent Sunday delighting in hurting the man I've called a mentor, a father figure of sorts. And I can't abide that any more than I can the Black Hats causing mischief. The North American Championship is an important title, but the Heavyweight championship - that is the belt, isn't it? The one that defines our company, and our industry. And you, Mr. King of the Seas, I don't know that you deserve that kind of honor.


So consider tonight my audition. I want a crack at you, because I know that I can beat you. You're a big monster, tougher than most, and for the last six months you've been just about unstoppable, but I know I can stop you. I know that all it takes is one neckbreaker to put you down. And I can't think of a better way to prove that than by defeating your protege. Consider it a taste of what I'll do to you." (55)


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Antone Benner vs Carver Wells

Benner came out looking sore and limping a little from the absolute mauling he took at the hands of Wolf Koziol on Sunday. He still fought valiantly, though, and these two had excellent chemistry, making everything slick and vicious, between Antone's nasty strikes and heel tactics, and Carver's underneath fire and technical acumen. They went long, too - I'd noticed that our fans tended to appreciate matches that actually had time to breathe, it was just a shame that most of our main eventers couldn't go quite that long due to age. Carver was clicking on all cylinders here, though, washing out the taste of his clunky and midlding match with Dale Whitlock and ended up getting the win off his Neckbreaker at 19:33. (59)


A very solid show, some of our acts are starting to click while others are still finding their footing. This Prince of Wrestling Tournament should be a good way of sorting out once and for all who my rising stars are and who it’s time to give up on. (56) The response was good, with a .34 rating and 258k viewers.



Nice to see I've thrown some curve balls, and hopefully not in a bad way. It might be a tad early for Carver, and I'll admit I had some reservations after his performance with Dale Whitlock at Walk Through Fire, but frankly, Poseidon is a little low on babyface challengers and I'm chalking it up to Whitlock, so we'll see if that ends up biting me or not. As for Mean Machine... well, let's just say this is one of the last times he'll be jobbing out too much in the near future, as he's earned some credibility with me that will hopefully take off.


And man, I am loving Billy Ray Bragg. He's only 28 right now, so I can't guarantee exactly when he'll be world champion yet, but he's definitely won me over huge and I have a feeling he has an even bigger push coming in the not too distant future...


Next Week:

(P) The Dregs vs Man Mountains

(P) Umari vs Nehemiah

(P) Heavenly Bodies vs The Hillbillies

Giant Kajitani vs Boston Sills – Prince of Wrestling First Round

Jimmy G vs Ryan Osburn – Prince of Wrestling First Round

Tarzan Brownfield vs Billy Ray Bragg – GCW North American Championship Match

Madalene DeGeorge vs Lilyanna Derby

MJ Abruzzi vs Dustin Robinson

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It's nice to see Carver get his shot higher up on the card and honestly, he's kind of needed up there as it seems like you have a much strong heel side than faces. Also, Umari is part of the Sunset Army one right?




Preshow: The Dregs def. Man Mountains

Pretty simple one here, Dregs have been impressing while Man Mountains are either becoming megasized jobbers or going their separate ways.


Preshow: Umari def. Nehemiah

I think Umari gets his chance at a win here against Nehemiah


Preshow: Heavenly Bodies def. The Hillbillies

Heavenly Bodies have been pretty impressive so far. Hillbillies have been staring at the lights.


Giant Kajitani def. Boston Sills to advance in the Prince of Wrestling Tournament

Taking a gamble here as I feel Boston could be higher than Kajitani but I have a feeling this could be Kajitani's chance to prove himself.


Ryan Osburn def. Jimmy G to advance in the Prince of Wrestling Tournament

Jimmy G has so far just been a reliable jobber, so I can see him beating Ryan.


Billy Ray Bragg def. Tarzan Brownfield to retain the GCW North American Championship

While I could maybe see you giving Tarzan the belt, there are other better options and it seems like a random way and time for BRB to lose the belt.


Madalene DeGeorge def. Lilyanna Derby

Toughy, but I think DeGeorge has been doing better so far and might be your next title challenger.


MJ Abruzzi def. Dustin Robinson

Bit of a gamble but Dustin is starting to slip while MJ is another one of your top heels.

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<p>(P) <strong>The Dregs </strong>vs Man Mountains</p><p>

(P) Umari vs <strong>Nehemiah</strong></p><p>

(P) <strong>Heavenly Bodies</strong> vs The Hillbillies</p><p>

<strong>Giant Kajitani</strong> vs Boston Sills – Prince of Wrestling First Round</p><p>

Jimmy G vs <strong>Ryan Osburn</strong> – Prince of Wrestling First Round</p><p>

Tarzan Brownfield vs <strong>Billy Ray Bragg</strong> – GCW North American Championship Match</p><p>

Madalene DeGeorge vs <strong>Lilyanna Derby</strong></p><p>

<strong>MJ Abruzzi</strong> vs Dustin Robinson</p>

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<p>(P) <strong>The Dregs</strong> vs Man Mountains</p><p>

<em>These two teams look the be going into opposite directions</em></p><p> </p><p>

(P) <strong>Umari</strong> vs Nehemiah</p><p>

<em>Guessing Umari is getting this one as he doesn´t yet hae similar jobber tag than what Nehemiah does.</em></p><p> </p><p>

(P) <strong>Heavenly Bodies </strong>vs The Hillbillies</p><p>

<em>Bodies continue their recent momentum gains.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Giant Kajitani vs <strong>Boston Sills </strong>– Prince of Wrestling First Round</p><p>

<em>I might be wrong here consider the other first round match on this card but I see Sills being higher on the ladders at this point despite Kajitani´s monster heel status.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Jimmy G vs <strong>Ryan Osburn</strong> – Prince of Wrestling First Round</p><p>

<em>Not much question on this one</em></p><p> </p><p>

Tarzan Brownfield vs <strong>Billy Ray Bragg</strong> – GCW North American Championship Match</p><p>

<em>Tarzan might be somewhat of a rising talent himself but he´s no Bragg.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Madalene DeGeorge</strong> vs Lilyanna Derby</p><p>

<em>Right, so I was wrong backing Derby in last show. Hard to see her winning this one considering the result in last show.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MJ Abruzzi</strong> vs Dustin Robinson</p><p>

<em>I haven´t gotten that much right lately and this might be another mistake but going with the rising star over established veteran here.</em></p>

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<p>(P) <strong>The Dregs</strong> vs Man Mountains</p><p>

(P) Umari vs <strong>Nehemiah</strong></p><p>

(P) <strong>Heavenly Bodies</strong> vs The Hillbillies</p><p>

Giant Kajitani vs <strong>Boston Sills</strong> – Prince of Wrestling First Round</p><p>

Jimmy G vs <strong>Ryan Osburn </strong>– Prince of Wrestling First Round</p><p>

Tarzan Brownfield vs <strong>Billy Ray Bragg</strong> – GCW North American Championship Match</p><p>

<strong>Madalene DeGeorge</strong> vs Lilyanna Derby</p><p>

<strong>MJ Abruzzi</strong> vs Dustin Robinson</p>

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February 19th, 1986

Milford Ice Palace, 977 in attendance


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Pre-Show – The Dregs vs Man Mountains

A match to big up the Dregs a little more following their loss in the title match, and to further the skid of the Man Mountains. Grady in particular looked fired up, but it led to him making costly mistakes, overcommitting, and not really letting Beltran into the match. Dregs win in 8:10 when Gabe hit Grady with the Spinebuster. After the match, Beltran tried to help Grady up, but a visibly frustrated Holston shoved him away and stomped off himself. (29)


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Pre-Show – Umari vs Nehemiah

Umari got the win in 7:16 with a Double-Arm Faceplant. Nehemiah helped him through a decent if unspectacular match. If nothing else, Umari is showing some good heel mannerisms in the ring, vicious and brutal, and Kandori looks good at ringside. (22)


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Pre-Show – Heavenly Bodies vs The Hillbillies

Somewhat solid tag team match that saw Saturn win in 7:09 with the High Knee. I don't have a ton to report here, it was mostly just fine, and the Heavenly Bodies in particular look like they'd probably work well with a better caliber of opponent, I just have some higher tenured teams at the moment so there's not a great slot for them. Jupiter in particular shone nicely in the match, though, I'm just hoping that Saturn will catch up sooner than later. (29)


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Giant Kajitani vs Boston Sills – Prince of Wrestling First Round Match

A match that was less than the sum of its parts. Reijiro worked at ringside and looked nice, but the match was just bad. He’s a 6’9 monster but I don’t know how many times Kajitani can turn in the worst match in the company. Though it probably didn't help that Boston wasn't eager to put him over, and didn't look especially motivated because of it. The one blessing was that it was short, as Kajitani blasted out of the gates and sent Boston dizzy, leading up to an emphatic Running Powerslam at 4:34. (19)


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Jimmy G vs Ryan Osburn – Prince of Wrestling First Round Match

Now this is what I wanted. It was the classic story - the athletically gifted young upstart, a physically imposing college football player with a lot of swagger and arrogance, going up against the seasoned and technically-minded veteran. Jimmy G had the speed and the power to look damn good, but Osburn knew the tricks and knew how to neutralize him, and Jimmy G paid for his showboating as well. It was a good showing for the young man, who earned more brownie points with me, but in the end it wasn't quite enough. Osburn locked on the Spinning Toe Hold at 8:03 to advance. (43)


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Tarzan Brownfield vs Billy Ray Bragg – GCW North American Championship Match

A nice title match for Bragg who might not be appearing at Gold Rush, since the bulk of our midcard is occupied in a tournament. He put on a far better match with Tarzan than I’d even hoped, and while it was mostly Bragg’s own doing, it was still very promising. Tarzan, as always, was fast, athletic and fiery, but also as usual the 5'9" young man was physically outmatched and it only really took one clothesline out his boots to sap the fight out of him. He put up one hell of a fight, but Bragg scored another decisive victory as North American Champion with a Sidewinder Choke in 11:29. (57)




We went backstage to Madalene DeGeorge for an interview.


"I haven't had the proper chance to introduce myself to you all," she said, leaning heavily on the old-fashion mid-Atlantic elocution, like something out of an Audrey Hepburn movie. "My name is Madalene DeGeorge, heir to the DeGeorge dynasty. There seems to have been some kind of mistake here, because I am of a higher breed. Really, there needn't have been any tournament at all to decide a champion, when I, clearly, am the woman among women both here, and in the world. Exhausting me through matches was, simply, unfair, and I seek to rectify the wrongs that have been done.

You see, Miss Criss, I understand that you are... seasoned. You have the gray hairs peeking out of that mane of yours to prove it, darling. But I can assure you, your time is over, and really, never should have begun in GCW. I thank you kindly for keeping that belt warm for me, and I hope you've been polishing it up nicely, because I expect only the best. You see, I have a little thing called class, unlike you, and my opponent tonight, that... rambunctious little punk rock reprobate. You just watch, and I will show you all what class can do." (47)


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Madalene deGeorge vs Lilyanna Derby

Another very good women’s match, showing off the higher end of the division. Frankly, I almost wonder if this shouldn't be the championship feud - but maybe not too long. Madalene played the perfect evasive heel, ducking and weaving and avoiding Lilyanna's powerful strikes, Madalene in 12:10 with the Face Plant for the win. (50)




We went next to a pre-taped interview with MJ Abruzzi, filmed while he was having dinner at an upscale restaurant.


"Ah, that time? Alright, alright, that's good, they haven't brought out the chablis yet, perfect. But let's make this quick, alright? I'm paying $100 a plate here.


Jack. Jack, Jack, Jack. I thought we had an agreement, you and me. A match, the new hot-shot star debuting against the man who considers himself the big cheese around here, and whoever walks away a winner will be the next one to pick the bones when Dustin and Poseidon have their match. Now, I understand that my tactics were a little... unorthodox, sure, but that's business, my friend. You do what one has to do to get ahead. That's all that it is. I saw an opening, and I took it, and I won. And we can debate whether it was entirely above board or not, but hey, like a wise man once said, if you're not cheating, you're not trying.


But now, you want a rematch? You want round two? That sounds a little bit desperate, my friend. I don't know that you deserve it. I like to keep my schedule straight, and once I beat someone, I don't want to have to dirty my hands again, you see? But I guess another wise man once said, to paraphrase, when you defeat a man, strike with such power and potency that you destroy him, so he can never rise up again. I didn't do that. So fine. If you're so desperate for round two, we can have round two. But this time, we're putting up a bond. Ten thousand dollars, your money against mine, and if you don't walk away the winner, that money is mine. Let's see how big your stones really are, Kodiak. And if you're really ready to rumble with the Godfather.


Now, waiter, the chablis? And my manicotti, c'mon, chop chop. I'm a busy man." (70)


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MJ Abruzzi vs Dustin Robinson

Somewhat indulgently, Abruzzi came out to the ring dabbing at his mouth with a napkin like he really had just finished eating, while Dustin was all business on his way. He's still tough as boot leather, and he put on one of his better showings besides, but if I'm honest, MJ proved why he is the future, both in and out of storyline. He outwrestled our recent champion and looked damn good, quick and vicious and, as he is so fond of, taking every shortcut he could on the way there. He kneed his way out of the slingshot suplex for the finish, blasting Robinson with a running kick and rolling him up into a schoolboy to get the win at 11:24. (59)


Our hot streak continues as everything, barring my push of Giant Kajitani, seems to be clicking on all cylinders. Our undercard still feels wide open, with a lot of very similar talents, but some of them are really starting to establish themselves, and to be entirely blunt, MJ was just the kind of talent injection the top of our card needed, and is well worth his not inconsiderable paycheck. (57) The numbers came in well, with a .34 rating and 256k viewers.



Next Week:

(P) Umari vs Jacoby Disney

(P) Heavenly Bodies vs Man Mountains

(P) Trent Stevens vs Danjou Nakasato

Dwayne Olivares vs Big Hank Banner – Prince of Wrestling First Round

Slay and DeGeorge vs Branch and Mitchell

Jase Marshall vs Sebastien Durant – Prince of Wrestling First Round

Antone Benner vs Tarzan Brownfield

Abruzzi and Black Hats vs Robinson and Gwinn Brothers

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(P) Umari vs Jacoby Disney

(P) Heavenly Bodies vs Man Mountains

(P) Trent Stevens vs Danjou Nakasato

Dwayne Olivares vs Big Hank Banner – Prince of Wrestling First Round

Slay and DeGeorge vs Branch and Mitchell

Jase Marshall vs Sebastien Durant – Prince of Wrestling First Round

Antone Benner vs Tarzan Brownfield

Abruzzi and Black Hats vs Robinson and Gwinn Brothers

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So Man Mountains break up coming which is good to see, because that just seemed to be a sinking ship. Maybe Grady to strike out on his own (even if I'm still wondering why he keeps eating the pins over Garry).


Those two tournament matches meanwhile were polar opposites. 43 is a solid match, while 19 is only worthy of being on the preshow, maybe not even there.




Preshow: Umari def. Jacoby Disney

This was never a question


Preshow: Heavenly Bodies def. Man Mountains

Man Mountains' breakdown continues as they take yet another defeat


Preshow: Trent Sevens def. Danjou Nakasato

Nakasato makes a nice jobber from Hyperion, but that's about it. Meanwhile Trent is looking to establishhimself on the card a bit more.


Dwayne Olivares def. Big Hank Banner to advance in the Prince of Wrestling Tournament

Taking a gamble not having Hank win here, however I don't think you'd give Hank the win over Dwayne.


Slay & DeGeorge def. Branch & Mitchell

Continuing to build DeGeorge ahead of her title match.


Sebastien Durant def. Jase Marshall to advance in the Prince of Wrestling Tournament

Sebastien is apparently a future star, so giving him the win over Jase makes sense to me.


Antone Benner def. Tarzan Brownfield

Antone can beat title contenders while Tarzan's pretty much lost all his matches


Robinson & The Gwinn Brothers def. Abruzzi & The Black Hats

Honestly, I feel like Dale is the weak link who can take the pin. Prossibly Raiden distraction to build up his feud.

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(P) Umari vs Jacoby Disney

(P) Heavenly Bodies vs Man Mountains

(P) Trent Stevens vs Danjou Nakasato

Dwayne Olivares vs Big Hank Banner – Prince of Wrestling First Round

Slay and DeGeorge vs Branch and Mitchell

Jase Marshall vs Sebastien Durant – Prince of Wrestling First Round

Antone Benner vs Tarzan Brownfield

Abruzzi and Black Hats vs Robinson and Gwinn Brothers

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(P) Umari vs Jacoby Disney

I know what to expect from Disney and that´s not wins.


(P) Heavenly Bodies vs Man Mountains

Mountains put up another rising tag team


(P) Trent Stevens vs Danjou Nakasato

Sstevens gets occasional win in order to keep his momentum alive


Dwayne Olivares vs Big Hank Banner – Prince of Wrestling First Round

These Black Hat matches will be interesting to see how they do as I actually had to double check who they both were since I´m so used to see them in tag action and just call them with ther tag team/stable name. Either way, I´d assume face and heel advances again since that´s what happened in two previous sows and Banner seems more likely to lose than Durant.

Slay and DeGeorge vs Branch and Mitchell

Looks like DeGeorge is going to challenge for the title soon and since I don´t see champ against her, I assume she gets another win here.


Jase Marshall vs Sebastien Durant – Prince of Wrestling First Round

Could see this one going either way but kind of need a face to advance here so that´s the deciding factor here.


Antone Benner vs Tarzan Brownfield

Sorry Tarzan but Benner have recently moved into upper league and you ain´t there quite yet.


Abruzzi and Black Hats vs Robinson and Gwinn Brothers

Tough one here. Heel side seems stronger to me but tempted to give Robinson a win after he jobbed to Benner, Poseidon and Abruzzi recently... eh why not, I go with Robinson getting a win here just to keep him relevant even i I kind of expect to be wrong on this one.

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February 26th, 1986

Milford Ice Palace, 995 in attendance, so close to a sellout


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Pre-Show – Umari vs Jacoby Disney

Well, Disney might be just about useless at this point. No stamina, and he made his unhappiness at doing the job here very obvious, both backstage and in the ring. Which does not delight me. Umari wins in 5:26 with a Double-Arm Face Plant. (5 – not a typo)


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Pre-Show – Heavenly Bodies vs Man Mountains

The downfall of the Man Mountains continues as Grady fails to tag in Garry Beltran, once again overconfident and overaggressive. That led to him falling prey to a High Knee from Saturn in 7:32. (30)


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Pre-Show – Trent Stevens vs Danjou Nakasato

Not a bad showing from our visiting Young Lion on excursion, and he and Trent meshed well for obvious reasons. Trent seems like a real rising star in potential if I get the right timing, and he won here with a running knee in 6:18. (31)




We opened the show with the Black Hat Rodeo backstage for an interview.

"When I founded the Black Hat Rodeo, it was founded on one principle," Dale Whitlock began. "Excellent. Unity. Being the perfect alliance. We've stood by that. Olivares and Marshall were tag team champions half a year, and they will be again soon enough, I have little doubt, working as the unit they are. But they are going to be busy in the coming weeks, in the Prince of Wrestling tournament."


"You sure bet we are," Dwayne said. "And I'm looking forward to clobbering the best and restin' that crown on my head."


"Assumin' it ain't on mine," Marshall added.


"Either way," Dale cut in, "They are gonna be occupied, and Billy Ray here is without a challenger for his North American Championship."


"And I ain't afraid of no fight," Billy Ray said. "I'm a fighter, I've always been a fighter, and I'm gonna be a fighter into my grave. So what me and Dale here decided, is that while Dwayne and Jase are in the tournament, me and him are gonna enter a different kind of competition. See, the Gwinn Brothers, they done think they've seen the backside of the Black Hat Rodeo, and they are so very wrong about that. We don't forget, and we don't forgive, and you two boys are wearing gold that rightly belongs to the Rodeo. So me and Dale, we're comin' for ya. We're gonna whoop your hides, and start bringing the gold back where it belongs." He patted over his North American title at his waist. "I mean, I'm always one kinda champion, might as well for for two, right? And I can't be the only one around here showing up for the Rodeo no more. We're all mean sons of guns, and the Sidewinder may be the meanest, but we're gonna take on all comers."


"So listen here," Dale snapped. "We're naming ourselves the number one contenders, and soon enough, me and my Rodeo will ride on top once again." (58)


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Dwayne Olivares vs Big Hank Banner – Prince of Wrestling First Round Match

A solid encounter between two big hosses. They slugged it out nicely, with Banner seeming to overpower Olivares here and there, clubbing him back and winning a test of strength out until Olivares cut him off with a knee to the gut. It was that nasty streak and experience that got him the win, though, as he proved himself a much more seasoned brawler - despite being three years younger - and it let him steal the day. He hit his big Back Suplex in 7:27. (35)


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Slay and DeGeorge vs Branch and Mitchell

This is where I started getting a tad worried about this show. I'd been hoping for a slightly more dominant performance from Dwayne after his lengthy tag title run, and was hoping for a bit more here, too. There was just too much green talent in the ring, I supposed, and Madalene wasn’t enough to fully carry it, though she did admirably on her lonesome. Bertha wasn't bad, either, a solid if unremarkable brawler, but Branch and Mitchell are just non-factors to the audience so far and not stunning in the ring enough to overcome it. Bertha pinned Adrienne with a lariat in 5:24. (36)


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Jase Marshall vs Sebastien Durant – Prince of Wrestling First Round Match

Yeah. Worried. Another prominent battle between two big men, with Jase bullying Sebastien around at first, but he didn’t look fully suited to singles competition, looking for tags and backup that just didn't come. Sebastien might have been smaller by a couple inches, but he is nothing if not resilient, showing a little Japanese style strong-style fire when Jase blasted him with a running clothesline in the corner that he just barreled out for a big shot of his own. More than that, he picked the big man up cleanly for the Fallaway Slam and hit it at 8:55 to advance. (34)




Sebastien was met backstage after his match for an interview, still breathing heavily from the contest and looking worked over.


"This is my first chance at a championship here in GCW, in the United States, in fact. I know that I haven't been wrestling that long, or had much of a chance to prove myself. But this is my chance. This is the best chance that I will ever get to cement myself. To show what I stand for. To show that I can dig down deep and overcome any obstacle. I have been doing it all my life, and I will do it here. At Gold Rush, in the tournament, I will have to wrestle and win three matches in one night to be the Prince of Wrestling, and nothing would please me more. Dwayne Olivares, Ryan Osburn, Scorpio Nations, Trent Stevens, Giant Kajitani... there are a lot of men I could fight, a lot of talented, dangerous wrestlers. I will have to be at the top of my game to beat them, but I am at the top of my game. I have never felt better. Never felt more motivated. I am Sebastien Durant, I am the Haitian Hammer, and I will make my family proud, my home proud, and the fans who cheer for me proud, and to the rest of you, you will have no questions about who I am at the end of the Gold Rush." (47)


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Antone Benner vs Tarzan Brownfield

A better match than any we'd had so far, but still not great. Tarzan continued looking good in defeat, and the fans in attendance seem to love him regardless of the fact that he's usually on the receiving end of a beating. Antone didn't look quite on his game, and I'm not sure if it's because he knew what was coming at Gold Rush, or if he just wasn't used to being the bigger man in the ring and working as the larger competitor, since at 6' he's a fairly middling in size. Still, it made his striking offense look especially potent, and he brutalized a game Tarzan en route to a devastating thrust kick at 8:05. (47)




Poseidon was back stage with a microphone.


"There were some bold words said the other day in my direction. An upstart, a loud mouth, who thought he'd slander his King. I almost appreciate that, in a way. I've built myself on having the courage to do what few would. To face the rough waters, to overcome danger, to throw myself into the jaws, and come out fine. And so when I see someone with that kind of mindset, that fearlessness, that brashness, that arrogance, I can almost respect that. It reminds me of me, in a way. Someone who is going to go places, I have little doubt.


But what I feel as a man, and what I feel as a King, are two different things. You ran your mouth nicely, Carver, and maybe you'd fit in my little circle better than you could imagine. Antone was like you, once. Loud. Brash. Willing to do what it takes to get ahead. He proved that, to me. He proved himself capable, and so I took him under my wing and showed him the strength of the tide, and the sea, and the darkness, and he began to learn. And maybe you could do the same. Maybe, you could follow in similar footsteps, and I could build you up, and make you better, and more dangerous.


Instead, you took a shot at the King. And the King knows that when one of his subjects speaks up, when he is challenged, when he is insulted by someone who is beneath him, then he needs to bring down the law. The cold, sharp sword of justice. You have disrespected me, Carver Wells, you have insulted me, and in doing so, you have made yourself a target. And I will make of you an example. I will show the world what happens when I am insulted, as the King of the Seas. If you want a match, you'll get a match, but you will learn what your mentor has learned. I am dangerous. I am powerful. I am a force of nature. When you step in the ring with me, oh, you will learn that you don't stand a chance." (78)


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Abruzzi and Black Hat Rodeo vs Robinson and the Gwinn Brothers

A solid main event to somewhat salvage a weak undercard., though again, even this wasn't quite at the level I'd been hoping for. I just had too high of hopes for the card up and down, and like I ran into with Olivares and Marshall before, while the Gwinn Brothers are good tag team champions, they aren't main eventers. Not yet, anyway. Still, they worked together nicely and looked fine with Dustin Robinson, who was again at his more motivated. The heel team were the real stars, though, with Abruzzi looking a little "out of sorts" in storyline, and not really wanting to bond with the cowboys, but Whitlock and Bragg did plenty of damage on their own. He out-muscled the Gwinns in turn, and Dale ran interference to make it harder on anyone to make a save or equalize things. It was perfect heel tactics all over, and between that, and Abruzzi being an absolute killer when he deigned to enter the match, it wasn't long before Whitlock scored the Hangman's neckbreaker, winning the match at 13:55. (54)


A slight down turn recently due to the lacking lower matches, but we’re back in a bit of building mode with the tournament and the young women’s division. They can’t all be perfect. Still, I suppose I need to stop expecting more from my undercard than they can realistically deliver - it'll take time before they can be trusted in main-stage opportunities. (53) We got a .32 rating and 246k viewers for the trouble.



Next Week:

(P) The Dregs vs Durant and Redcloud

(P) St. Croix and Slay vs Pfeiffer and Mitchell

(P) Sunset Army vs Man Mountains and Danger Boys

Lash and Heavenly Bodies vs Nehemiah and Hillbillies

Tommy Carleton vs Tarzan Brownfield – Prince of Wrestling First Round

Trent Stevens vs Kurt Grey – Prince of Wrestling First Round

Madalene DeGeorge vs Lilyanna Derby

Benner and Poseidon vs Wells and Robinson

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Not the greatest show, but honestly it's always going to be hard when pretty much your whole main event is heading towards retirement.




Preshow: The Dregs def. Durant & Redcloud

Going for the established team over the random pairing.


Preshow: St. Croix & Slay def. Pfeiffer & Mitchell

Just going off it being similar to their main card match, just with two wrestlers swapped out.


Preshow: Sunset Army def. Man Mountains & Danger Boys

Man Mountains are dissolving and paying back all their gained momentum, while Danger Boys are new and pretty low on the card. Sunset Army have been decent, so they get the win.


Lash & Heavenly Bodies def. Nehemiah & the Hillbillies

Nehemiah & Hillbillies have spent their whole time in the company as jobber.


Tarzan Brownfield def. Tommy Carleton

Tarzan has been the better wrestler so far.


Trent Stevens def. Kurt Grey

Event if Durant hadn't given it away in his promo, it was pretty obvious Grey isn't winning.


Madalene DeGeorge def. Lilyanna Derby

DeGeorge continues to build momentum on the way to her title match.


Benner & Poseidon def. Wells & Robinson

Robinson is obviously on his way down, while Wells is not on the same level, even if he is getting a title shot.

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(P) The Dregs vs Durant and Redcloud

(P) St. Croix and Slay vs Pfeiffer and Mitchell

(P) Sunset Army vs Man Mountains and Danger Boys

Lash and Heavenly Bodies vs Nehemiah and Hillbillies

Tommy Carleton vs Tarzan Brownfield – Prince of Wrestling First Round

Trent Stevens vs Kurt Grey – Prince of Wrestling First Round

Madalene DeGeorge vs Lilyanna Derby

Benner and Poseidon vs Wells and Robinson

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<p><p>(P) <strong>The Dregs</strong> vs Durant and Redcloud</p><p></p><p>

<em>This is a bit of an odd one espesially on the pre-show with four guys who I consider rising stars. I go with Dregs here with the idea that tag team should be two singles guys but I won´t be overly surprised if I´m wrong with this.</em></p><p> </p><p></p><p>

(P) <strong>St. Croix and Slay</strong> vs Pfeiffer and Mitchell</p><p></p><p>

<em>Still kind of learning who is who in teh women divison but thinking heels have bit of an edge here.</em></p><p> </p><p></p><p>

(P) <strong>Sunset Army</strong> vs Man Mountains and Danger Boys</p><p></p><p>

<em>Right, I go with Army here mainly because Mountains are clearly in a losing streak that will end into break-up.</em></p><p> </p><p></p><p>

<strong>Lash and Heavenly Bodies </strong>vs Nehemiah and Hillbillies</p><p></p><p>

<em>Bigger names.</em></p><p> </p><p></p><p>

Tommy Carleton vs <strong>Tarzan Brownfield</strong> – Prince of Wrestling First Round</p><p></p><p>

<em>You did say Carleton is almost too good to be jobber these days and if you want to build him up, this might be match to do so. That said, Tarzan is higher on the pecking order in my books so I go with him this time.</em></p><p> </p><p></p><p>

<strong>Trent Stevens</strong> vs Kurt Grey – Prince of Wrestling First Round</p><p></p><p>

<em>Grey´s time at the midacrd is pretty much over so I assume he does the job unless he´s facing someone from the job squad and thinking Stevens is bit above that. </em></p><p> </p><p></p><p>

<strong>Madalene DeGeorge</strong> vs Lilyanna Derby</p><p></p><p>

<em>Derby looks to be lot better than her win-loss record would suggest and I´m tempted to pick her up for that reason but I don´t see her beating DeGeorge right now with Madalene gunning for the title</em></p><p> </p><p></p><p>

Benner and Poseidon vs <strong>Wells and Robinson</strong></p><p></p><p>

<em>Robinson has to win one of these days and looks like neither Wells or Robinson have much shot on beating Benner or Poseidon in singles action so maybe tag win would even the scales a bit.</em></p></p>

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<p><strong>March 5th, 1986</strong></p><p><strong>

Milford Ice Palace, 1000 in attendance – our first sellout</strong></p><p> </p><p>

On Friday night, ASW held Hostile Intent in front of 10,361 people in the Memorial Gymnasium in Tennessee. This was mostly notable for an absolutely dire main event (34! Yikes.), starring none other than our own Adonis Lash losing to Bobby Dudley, which admittedly makes me feel a little better about not using him more often. Not that I’m going to say that to his face, of course. Meanwhile, Darrell Gwinn defended his All-American Championship once again, so that’s nice for our resident double champion.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="pnglGLe.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/pnglGLe.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="y50iMUn.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/y50iMUn.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> vs <img alt="NxT7xcK.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/NxT7xcK.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="s4EVIsf.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/s4EVIsf.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Pre-Show – The Dregs vs Durant and Redcloud</strong></p><p>

More in-ring seasoning for the Dregs, and some momentum building for two of my Prince of Wrestling candidates in Durant and Redcloud. These are four guys that actually have been showing some improvement on the green end, and while they didn’t dazzle, they seem to be on an upswing, and for that I’m grateful. Redcloud with the Overhead Slam in 8:29. (33)</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="A4sP4BO.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/A4sP4BO.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="kpd6oRw.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/kpd6oRw.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> vs <img alt="X2YF9ch.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/X2YF9ch.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="jzEmeMl.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/jzEmeMl.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Pre-Show – St. Croix and Slay vs Pfeiffer and Mitchell</strong></p><p>

A battle between four of my more raw women. Bertha Slay was the standout here, but she and Croix clicked poorly – in storyline, as the backwoods lady hoss and the fancy lady from France. Out of storyline, they were fine, no charisma one way or another. The disconnect led to Rosemary scoring the Top Rope Clothesline, an impressive move, in 6:15. Shame that so far a nice finishing move is all she's got. (23)</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="BPTfUM0.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/BPTfUM0.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="gyoK4p7.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/gyoK4p7.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="Jv3HJp1.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Jv3HJp1.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="49cSfZg.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/49cSfZg.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p>


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<strong>Pre-Show – Sunset Army vs Man Mountains and Danger Boys</strong></p><p>

Just a big cluster, as would probably be expected from an eight-man tag. Somehow Auston Sandy looked the best out of anyone, which isn’t really saying much. They all kind of battled in and out, but the Sunset Army were a more well-oiled machine compared to the babyfaces, who were all on different pages, and it led to Umari spiking Beltran with what I’m calling the Butterfly DDT. (24)</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="p0xdieg.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/p0xdieg.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="9bWYTHx.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/9bWYTHx.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="hhWDtYl.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/hhWDtYl.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> vs <img alt="J9D30hl.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/J9D30hl.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="iGqYCxh.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/iGqYCxh.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="052noat.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/052noat.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Lash and the Heavenly Bodies vs Nehemiah and the Hillbillies</strong></p><p>

Okay, the babyfaces were a weird assortment. Nehemiah didn't exactly look well suited to a pair of southern boys, but they're all fairly hard-hitting brawlers so it worked to some degree. Of course, the heels were far more on point. Lash got a chance to look good, and the Heavenly Bodies are really starting to click. They kind of work as a trio. That was their advantage, as a combination of working together more smoothly and Lash calling the shots meant that they held the advantage for most of the match, and Saturn got the High Knee in 7:55. (35)</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="BEPw5Df.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/BEPw5Df.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="0WjXhc0.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/0WjXhc0.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

We went backstage where Bret Danger was yelling for help. He brought the cameraman and support staff over to where Auston Sandy was lying on the ground, absolutely mauled and put through a table, unconscious. Medical staff came over to start checking on him while Bret asked if anyone had seen who had done it, but there was no information forthcoming. (19)</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="TYeqRdn.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/TYeqRdn.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> vs <img alt="XaZzcXq.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/XaZzcXq.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tommy Carleton vs Tarzan Brownfield – Prince of Wrestling First Round Match</strong></p><p>

Though still relatively anonymous, these two looked way better than they had any right to. Tarzan has got his undersized babyface routine down to a science at this point, and Tommy Carleton is the kind of big, hard-hitting bad guy to take full advantage of that fact, throwing him around and beating him down. This time, though, Tarzan was able to slip out of his big moves, keeping him running with knees and elbows coming off the ropes, dizzying Carleton, and he put him down with a top rope Missile Drop Kick in 8:04. (38)</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="sHSFEvG.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/sHSFEvG.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> vs <img alt="WmhKVM1.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/WmhKVM1.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Trent Stevens vs Kurt Grey – Prince of Wrestling First Round Match</strong></p><p>

And this one was even better still. Trent is really coming along out of nowhere, and he managed to work around Kurt’s physical limitations nicely. Kurt still tries hard, showing the explosiveness that made him a star at one point, but Trent cut him off at every turn, working him over with brutal strikes, and it was youth and athleticism that won the day. Dropping Grey to his knees with a surprise back elbow, he got the win off a running knee to the side of hte head in 6:26. (41)</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="ckPwwbs.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ckPwwbs.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

We went backstage to Carver Wells.</p><p> </p><p>

"I know that you're trying to intimidate me, Poseidon. And let's be honest, people have been trying to do that to me my entire life. I get it. I'm not the biggest dog in the fight, pretty much ever. I don't have the extra decade of experience you have that has made you the absolute killer that you are. I know I'm coming in as the underdog. I'm the challenger. You're the champion. But I've never let fear stop me, and I'm not going to do it now. You can try all you like to scare me, to get in my head, but it's not going to work. I've seen you fight. I've watched you battle with Dustin Robinson. And tonight, we're gonna battle again. Me and my mentor, you and your protege. You're going to fight out tonight what I can really do. You're going to find out that I'm not someone to be overlooked. And if you think I'm disrespecting you, if you think I'm insulting you? Well. Maybe I am. But I'm going to back it up. Count on it." (55)</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="kMX7dHf.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/kMX7dHf.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> vs <img alt="IPc6bJ3.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/IPc6bJ3.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Madalene DeGeorge vs Lilyanna Darby</strong></p><p>

One of our better women’s matches, possibly our best so far. It seems like these two could put on good matches in their sleep together. Once again, Madalene's stalling tactics and shenanigans got into Lilyanna's head, not letting her fully execute the striking offense that she'd want to, and it piled up before too long. Madalene nailed her Face Plant nicely in 8:30 for an impressive win. (52)</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="hVux6ns.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/hVux6ns.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="o1IvcFt.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/o1IvcFt.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

We went backstage next to a dark room promo with Benner and Poseidon.</p><p>

"So much fire and confidence. Admirable, from a challenger." Poseidon shook his head slowly. "But it won't be enough to save you. You think I'm just trying to play mind games, Carver? No. I don't need to do such a thing. I'm already the King, you see? I'm already the monster you need to be afraid of. And if you're not afraid, if you're not intimidated, then I'm afraid you haven't been paying attention."</p><p> </p><p>

"But we'll teach them, won't we?" Antone cut in. "Oh, we'll show them the truth. We'll show them what Dustin has already learned, even if he can't admit it. What Wolf is going to learn, when I'm done playing with him. What everyone will learn."</p><p> </p><p>

"Yes. What everyone will learn." Poseidon snapped his fingers and Antone held up the Heavyweight Championship. "This is a symbol of excellence. This is proof that I am the King. And I am not going to let it go. You can all keep coming, you can all keep fighting, but I am not going to roll over and let you take this. So watch closely what happens tonight, Carver. You won't be the one teaching a lesson. I will. Because I am going to break your mentor right in front of you. I will see him crumble. And then, then, you will know what is coming for you. What you are going to suffer."</p><p> </p><p>

"And you keep watching too, Wolf," Antone added, leering at the camera. "We're going to play on Sunday, you and me, and it's going to be so much fun when I kick your teeth in, and shave you bald. Oh, the shame is going to be so delicious." (70)</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="hVux6ns.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/hVux6ns.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="o1IvcFt.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/o1IvcFt.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> vs <img alt="ckPwwbs.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ckPwwbs.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="8fvyQD4.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/8fvyQD4.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Benner and Poseidon vs Wells and Robinson</strong></p><p>

A very good main event, especially because of Poseidon, naturally, as he made a rare television appearance to wrestle. He and Antone were ruthless, of course, taking every short cut that they could, and Poseidon mostly left Antone in to do the hard work, tagging in occasionally when Robinson or Wells were downed to pummel them while they were already dizzed or hurting. Robinson looked a step behind, age catching up to him, and it led to him taking a lot of the offense, as much as he tried to fire back. Carver came in on a hot tag, blasting Antone with flying forearms and looking ready to drop him with a Neckbreaker, but Poseidon grabbed him from behind, temporarily locking in the Sleeper, and only releasing at a 4 count from the ref since he was the illegal man. It still did damage, and Carver had to roll over to tag back in Robinson, who wasn't back at full strength himself. He ended up eating a thrust kick from Benner at 14:19 for the pin. (58)</p><p> </p><p>

A very satisfying show. While not all of them are stepping up, a lot of my lower card guys are really starting to click and this Prince of Wrestling tournament seems to be doing just what I was hoping for. Let’s hope the tournament proper at Gold Rush is even better. (58) We got a rating of .32 and 246k for our efforts.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Funny for you to mention retirement, DinoKea, considering what's happened recently, but we'll get there when we get there.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Also, who's excited for one of the longest cards I've ever booked in one go? Woof. It was a tough job fitting this all onto one show, but I managed, somehow.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>GCW Gold Rush:</strong></em><em> </em></p><p><em>

(P) Violette Bee vs Laurette Lorio</em></p><p><em>

(P) Jimmy G vs Danjou Nakasato</em></p><p><em>

(P) Sunset Army vs Banner and Bret Danger</em></p><p><em>

Dwayne Olivares vs Sebastien Durant – Prince of Wrestling Quarter Final</em></p><p><em>

Trent Stevens vs Tarzan Brownfield – Prince of Wrestling Quarter Final</em></p><p><em>

Scorpio Nations vs Aaron Redcloud – Prince of Wrestling Quarter Final</em></p><p><em>

Giant Kajitani vs Ryan Osburn – Prince of Wrestling Quarter Final</em></p><p><em>

Black Hat Rodeo (Bragg and Whitlock) vs The Gwinn Brothers – GCW Tag Team Championship Match</em></p><p><em>

Madalene DeGeorge vs Lily-Rose Criss – GCW Women’s Championship Match</em></p><p><em>

??? vs ??? – Prince of Wrestling Semi Final Match</em></p><p><em>

??? vs ??? – Prince of Wrestling Semi Final Match</em></p><p><em>

Antone Benner vs Wolf Koziol – Hair vs Hair Match</em></p><p><em>

??? vs ??? – Prince of Wrestling Finals</em></p><p><em>

MJ Abruzzi vs Jack Raiden</em></p><p><em>

Carver Wells vs Poseidon – GCW Heavyweight Championship Match</em></p>

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Don’t care about the preshow.


Ryan Osburn will defeat Scorpio Nations to become the Prince of Wrestling, or maybe Scorpio wins but it will be a good match in the finals.


Whitlock and Billy Ray will have some sort of miscommunication and lose to the Gwynn Brothers, setting up a mini feud between Whitlock and Bragg.


Wolf will lose his hair and become a heel.


Jack Raiden of course will get his revenge.


Poseidon will drag Carver Wells to the depths.




Match of the the night prediction - Abruzzi - Raiden

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Yep, that's a big show alright.


GCW Gold Rush 1986 Predictions:


Preshow: Violette Bee def. Laurette Lorio

Bee has yet to lose a match so far I believe and I can't see Lorio being the one to end that.


Preshow: Jimmy G def. Danjou Nakasato

Gambling here, but with Jimmy G having stepped up a few times while Danjou is a young talent from another company, I'm going for Jimmy G to pick up his first win in this diary.


Preshow: Sunset Army def. Banner & Danger

Sunset Army seem to be finding a revival with Umari now added to the ranks, even if Kandori is stepping aside a bit.


Sebastien Durant def. Dwayne Olivares to advance to the Prince of Wrestling semifinals

Durant seems to be the bigger name and has already beat Olivares tag team partner.


Trent Stevens def. Tarzan Brownfield to advance to the Prince of Wrestling semifnials

Tarzan seemed good enough to win his opening match, I don't see him advancing any further.


Scorpio Nations def. Aaron Redcloud to advance to the Prince of Wrestling Semifinals

Scorpio is easily the bigger name here.


Ryan Osburn def. Giant Kajitani to advance to the Prince of Wrestling semifinals

Giant Kajitani has not been impressing, while Ryan is one of your higher ranking wrestlers


The Gwinn Brothers def. Black Hat Rodeo (Bragg & Whitlock) to retain the GCW Tag Team Championships

If the Black Hat Rodeo win you wouldn't have enough challenger and Bragg doing double duty which make me go Gwinn Brothers, probably pinning Whitlock.


Lily-Rose Criss def. Madalene DeGeorge to retain the GCW Women's Championship

I could be wrong, but while Madalene DeGeorge has been built up well, I feel like Criss will retain the belt.


Sebastien Durant def. Trent Stevens to advance to the Prince of Wrestling Final

Durant is definitely the bigger star in this match and while Stevens has been going well, I feel like Durant will be headed to the final.


Scorpio Nations def. Ryan Osburn to advance to the Prince of Wrestling Final

Osburn is likely currently the biggest name in the tournament but Nations is one his way up, particularly since he's got Kramer by his side.


Antone Benner def. Wolf Koizol in a Hair vs. Hair Match

Benner seems to be the bigger name now and I think Wolf works better without hair than Benner. Could easily be wrong.


Scorpio Nations def. Sebastien Durant to win the Prince of Wrestling Tournament

Scorpio seems like the guy most likely to win for me. He's on the biggest up out of your talents and seems like he's making his way towards the top of your card. Durante going well, but Nations is definitely higher on the card.


Jack Raiden def. MJ Abruzzi

Jack lost last time, so I'm guessing he beats Abruzzi to even the score.


Poseidon def. Carver Wells to retain the GCW, Heavyweight Championship

Carver has made his way up to being one of your top faces nicely but he's not going to be taking the belt.

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P) Violette Bee vs Laurette Lorio

(P) Jimmy G vs Danjou Nakasato

(P) Sunset Army vs Banner and Bret Danger

Dwayne Olivares vs Sebastien Durant – Prince of Wrestling Quarter Final

Trent Stevens vs Tarzan Brownfield – Prince of Wrestling Quarter Final

Scorpio Nations vs Aaron Redcloud – Prince of Wrestling Quarter Final

Giant Kajitani vs Ryan Osburn – Prince of Wrestling Quarter Final

Black Hat Rodeo (Bragg and Whitlock) vs The Gwinn Brothers – GCW Tag Team Championship Match

Madalene DeGeorge vs Lily-Rose Criss – GCW Women’s Championship Match

Sebastien Durant vs Trent Stevens – Prince of Wrestling Semi Final Match

Scorpio Nations vs Ryan Osburn – Prince of Wrestling Semi Final Match

Antone Benner vs Wolf Koziol – Hair vs Hair Match

Sebastien Durant vs Scorpio Nation – Prince of Wrestling Finals

MJ Abruzzi vs Jack Raiden

Carver Wells vs Poseidon – GCW Heavyweight Championship Match

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(P) Violette Bee vs Laurette Lorio

Bee is more established and have gotten decent amount of wins.


(P) Jimmy G vs Danjou Nakasato

Thinking you rather give rare win to guy from your regular roster rather than youngester on excursion.


(P) Sunset Army vs Banner and Bret Danger

Could see this one going either way but I think Banner tips the scale on his team favour because of backstage politics.


Dwayne Olivares vs Sebastien Durant – Prince of Wrestling Quarter Final

As with most of these tournament matches, I could see this one going either way but Durant is singles star while Olivares is mainly tag guy so I have Durant going forward here.


Trent Stevens vs Tarzan Brownfield – Prince of Wrestling Quarter Final

Needing heel to advance here, otherwise I would probably have gone with Tarzan,


Scorpio Nations vs Aaron Redcloud – Prince of Wrestling Quarter Final

Both are young rising talents (as is the case with most of the participants) but Nations is higher in my books.


Giant Kajitani vs Ryan Osburn – Prince of Wrestling Quarter Final

Surely you won´t led Kajitani mess up multiple matches just to keep his monster heel aura going? Thinking Osburn can win here with his veteran craft without making Kajitani look too weak.


Black Hat Rodeo (Bragg and Whitlock) vs The Gwinn Brothers – GCW Tag Team Championship Match

If Gwinn´s have had longer reign I would consider title chance on this onebut don´t see it happening this quickly.


Madalene DeGeorge vs Lily-Rose Criss – GCW Women’s Championship Match

Same deal than in the tag title match, could consider chance but feel it´s too early for that.


Sebastien Durant vs Trent Stevens – Prince of Wrestling Semi Final Match

Stevens gets name value by just getting this far (considering he haven´t done much so far) so I feel Durant gains more by going into finals.


Scorpio Nations vs Ryan Osburn – Prince of Wrestling Semi Final Match

Osburn is solid veteran but looking at the participant list, feels like this tournament is all about setting younger talent up so Nations gets into finals here.


Antone Benner vs Wolf Koziol – Hair vs Hair Match

I wonder how long Benner can keep the streak going but once again I find myself voting against him.


Sebastien Durant vs Scorpio Nations– Prince of Wrestling Finals

Nations have good alliance going with Kramer and could likely get over by just teaming with him so I feel Durant benefits more from the win here.


MJ Abruzzi vs Jack Raiden

Abruzzi is new big name but I don´t see were he would go if he wins here with belt being on heel and Robinson seemingly being jobbed out. I guess he could go towards Wolf but that would require Wolf to not go against Poseidon and not sure if you willing to drop all that build up... yeah, I could see this one going either way but I feel that Wolf and Raiden are the two who could currently take the belt off from Poseidon parring aligment changes so think Jack winning makes more sense.


Carver Wells vs Poseidon – GCW Heavyweight Championship Match

Wells likely looks good here but he´s not yet ready to take the belt.

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