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A Global Uprising? [Effganic]

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(P) Violette Bee vs Laurette Lorio

(P) Jimmy G vs Danjou Nakasato

(P) Sunset Army vs Banner and Bret Danger

Dwayne Olivares vs Sebastien Durant – Prince of Wrestling Quarter Final

Trent Stevens vs Tarzan Brownfield – Prince of Wrestling Quarter Final

Scorpio Nations vs Aaron Redcloud – Prince of Wrestling Quarter Final

Giant Kajitani vs Ryan Osburn – Prince of Wrestling Quarter Final

Black Hat Rodeo (Bragg and Whitlock) vs The Gwinn Brothers – GCW Tag Team Championship Match

Madalene DeGeorge vs Lily-Rose Criss – GCW Women’s Championship Match

??? vs ??? – Prince of Wrestling Semi Final Match Aaron Redcloud

??? vs ??? – Prince of Wrestling Semi Final Match Ryan Osburn

Antone Benner vs Wolf Koziol – Hair vs Hair Match

??? vs ??? – Prince of Wrestling Finals Aaron Redcloud

MJ Abruzzi vs Jack Raiden

Carver Wells vs Poseidon – GCW Heavyweight Championship Match

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March 9th, 1986 GCW Gold Rush

Eastern States Coliseum, 5408 in attendance


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Pre-Show – Violet Bee vs Laurette Lorio

Oof. Laurette is a lot more green than I was expecting, and Violet Bee is not in a position to carry her yet, clearly. They both looked pretty awkward and the fans didn't seem wowed by either of them. Maybe I'm just a sucker for a mask and thought it'd be better. Alas. Violet Bee hit her with what is now being called the Bee Sting face crusher in 7:49. (16)


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Pre-Show – Jimmy G vs Danjou Nakasato

Much better. Danjou could still use some work, but his ceiling seems high, and this was a nice chance to give Jimmy a rare win. He’s been doing the job admirably for a while, and he probably has the potential for more, so this was a test. Not bad at all. He hit a spear tackle in 6:49 to win. (33)


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Pre-Show – Sunset Army vs Banner and Bret Danger

Bret had accused the Sunset Army of attacking Auston and recruited Big Hank as an ally while Auston is recovering. While they didn't make for a great duo, they didn't look bad either, so I'm not going to complain either way. They managed to beat down the Sunset Army mostly through Big Hank’s brute force – which was largely to make Mr. Dishman happy in spite of Big Hank going out in the first round of the tournament. Banner got the pin off his splash in 8:11 to win. (23)





We opened the main show with some quick interviews with the Prince of Wrestling quarter finalists about the upcoming matches.


Sebastien Durant: "I promised to face all comers in this tournament, and I will continue to do so. I have taken a lot of abuse in my life, a lot of punishment, and I have only ever come out stronger, and that is what I am going to do here. I will be the Prince of Wrestling."


Dwayne Olivares: "Shee-oot, I was lookin' forward to having Jase to back me in the tournament here, a little two-man advantage for the Rodeo, but I'm gonna get the job done, I promise you that. And the Black Hats always have each other's backs. You just believe that, and believe that we're gonna add the Prince of Wrestling to our trophy case."


Tarzan Brownfield: "This is an opportunity that means everything to me. I'm wild, I'm fiery, and I'm ready to face the field head on!"


Trent Stevens: "Everyone in this tournament is playing for second place, just like once I start rolling, and getting the opportunities I deserve, everyone in this company is playing for second place. I'm the future here. I will be the new face of wrestling. Remember the name Trent Stevens."


Aaron Redcloud: "I've had to battle for everything in my life, and I'm not going to stop now. This is the biggest shot I've had yet, and I'm not going to let it slip through my fingers. For my family, for my home, I'm going to give this everything I've got to be the Prince of Wrestling!"


Scorpio Nations: "Let's be real, you had better just give me the Prince of Wrestling crown right now. We all know that I'm the best man here, and I'm just going to embarrass everyone who steps in my way, including little Mr. Redbird or whatever his name is. I'm young, I'm slick, I'm too cool and too bad for anyone to beat. And I will be your Prince of Wrestling."


Ryan Osburn: "All of these kids sure have a lot to say, but wrestling isn't just a young man's game. I'm going to prove that I still have plenty to offer, and all the fire, all the ego, all the passion in the world won't compare to experience and expertise."


Reijiro Kandori, for Giant Kajitani: "The Sunset Army has far from faded, and this is going to be a coming out party for this, my great monster. He put Boston Sills on the mat, and he's going to do the same for Ryan Osburn, and anyone else I sic him on." (40)


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Dwayne Olivares w/Jase Marshall vs Sebastien Durant – Prince of Wrestling Quarter Final

As he suggested, Dwayne came out with Jase Marshall at his side to second him, while Sebastien stepped out to the ring alone. Solid battle between two big men, with Olivares trying to bully Durant, being just a little bit larger and a lot more savvy. He put him in a test of strength he started to lose, then stomped Sebastien in the gut to get the advantage. Durant was as resilient as ever, though, fighting from underneath to stay in it. Marshall even choked him in the ropes once while Olivares had the ref distracted, but Durant still slipped out of the back suplex. He punched Marshall off the ring apron, knocking him silly, and whipped Olivares into him, too, to send them both sprawling, making it easy to hit the Fallaway Slam and survive the match at 9:01. (39)


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Trent Stevens vs Tarzan Brownfield – Prince of Wrestling Quarter Final

Yes, these two have real potential. I was worried that the fans may not fully react to them given that Trent is new and Tarzan is still primarily an undercard guy, but they seemed to get some decent buzz and both put on a fantastic show. They were lightning fast and laid into each other with strikes and fast paced moves, but Trent slowly ground down the smaller man with his more vicious offense, and knocked him dizzy with a Running Knee to get the win at 6:30. (41)


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Scorpio Nations w/Marcus Kramer vs Aaron Redcloud – Prince of Wrestling Quarter Final

Marcus Kramer came out with Scorpio as an intimidation factor, though he didn't really do too much during the match other than look huge. This was another good match in a string of them, albeit primarily the Scorpio Nations show. He worked over Aaron well, giving him just enough that it seemed like Redcloud fire up and waylay him with some big chops, but nothing kept him down for long. A series of nasty suplexes turned into the Scorpion Clutch, forcing a submission at 5:39. (42)


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Giant Kajitani w/Reijiro Kandori vs Ryan Osburn – Prince of Wrestling Quarter Final

And unsurprisingly, this was the weakest match. Kajitani looked lost and outmatched, even with Reijiro at his side to shout directions for him and the like, and Ryan out-wrestled him nicely, putting out superior technical skill above sheer size. He chopped at the legs, tweaked the joints once he'd knocked Kajitani down, and basically just pressured him to the mat using leverage and quick strikes, finally locking in the Spinning Toe Hold in 4:52. (30)




In between tournament matches, we went to Wolf Koziol backstage.


"Tonight is the night. Tonight is the night I finally rid myself of Antone Benner. You see, you've been trying to humiliate me every day for weeks. It's been driving me absolutely mad, and I am sick of it. So me and management, we decided that there was one way to make sure we put this to bed. A way to make sure that you were as humiliated and hurting as I am. See, down in Me-hee-co, they like to have what are called Luchas de Apuestas. You put up something, I put up something. Like a mask. Or hair.

Hair vs. Hair, Benner. You're gonna lose tonight, and when you do, I'm gonna shave your head. You thought it'd be fun to chop a lock of my hair off? Well, we'll see that it can cut both ways. You went too far this time, and it's high time someone taught you how things work around here. So I hope you're ready for a taste of your own medicine, and I damn sure hope it's bitter." (76)


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Black Hat Rodeo (Bragg and Whitlock) vs The Gwinn Brothers – GCW Tag Team Championship Match

A very nice showing. Bragg stood head and shoulders above the rest as the best wrestler in the ring, with a visible charisma and intensity to the beatings he was handing out, but the Gwinns were a better tag team. Marshall and Olivares were out thanks to their beating at the hands of Durant earlier in the night, leaving the Black Hats on their own, and as the two singles wrestlers of the faction primarily, they didn't have the tag team smoothness to keep up with the experienced brothers. That allowed the Gwinns to isolate Whitlock and take him down. Bill Gwinn Backbreaker to win in 10:30. (52)


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Madalene DeGeorge vs Lily-Rose Criss – GCW Women’s Championship Match

Again, slightly down from what I was expecting. The women seem to do better on TV than in our big monthlies, for some reason. Perhaps some jitters from being on a show that outdoes UWW two-to-one in attendance? Regardless, it was a nice showdown, but Lily-Rose retained with her Crossbody in 12:47. (45)


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Scorpio Nations w/Marcus Kramer vs Ryan Osburn – Prince of Wrestling Semi Final

This was the match of the tournament, which was pretty much what I'd expected. Osburn brought his working boots, and Scorpio stepped up to meet him. It was some excellent grappling between the two, Osburn trying to use his seasoned skills to stay ahead, but Scorpio was younger, faster, and had Marcus Kramer watching his back to help give him a few openings, like pushing the ropes over so that Scorpio could grab them and break an attempted Spinning Toe Hold. In the end, he was just too good, and he locked in the Scorpion Clutch at 8:20 to advance to the finals. (49)


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Trent Stevens vs Sebastien Durant – Prince of Wrestling Semi Final

Not quite as good without the polish of a Ryan Osburn-type to fully guide them, but still very nice for two low-carders under 30. Durant got battered again by Trent’s strong style hits, eating elbows and kicks and chops to the chest and making Trent look like an absolute killer, but refusing to stay down for long. At a certain point Trent seemed to get frustrated from how Durant refused to stay down, hitting him with three running kneedrops in a row only to have him kick out at 2.99, yelling in frustration. He threw himself at Durant again, but the Haitian Hammer popped up to catch him with a clothesline, taking him down, and quickly followed up with a few more big hits, turning it not long after into a Fallaway Slam to win at 9:01. (41)




We went backstage to Poseidon.


"Today is a crowning day for a Prince of Wrestling. How exciting. But I feel like people have forgotten the true power here. A prince is nothing compared to a King, and I just hope whoever wins that crown knows that they are never going to step outside of my shadow. I am the ruling power here. GCW is my Kingdom. And if someone wins that crown and thinks that they can use it to challenge me, I will be happy to drive them back down into the muck where they belong. Scorpio or Sebastien - both of you are beneath me.


Which brings me to another mouthy upstart. Carver Wells. You've done a lot of talking recently, you've tried to challenge my student, you've tried to throw barbs and challenges everywhere you can. And today, today is the day you get to see what you've gotten yourself in for. I am going to brutalize you. I am going to hurt you. And much like Antone is going to do to Wolf, I am going to humiliate you. Today is a day for darkness. Today is a day for rage to build and blood to flow. One man will be shaved and embarrassed, and one man will have to go to war to earn it. And then, one man will walk away the champion, and one man will have his place in the world cemented in his mind. I am the King, here, the King of the Seas, and it is my royal decree, Carver Wells, that you will drown for your insolence." (80)


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Antone Benner vs Wolf Koziol – Hair vs Hair Match

Well, unfortunately their lack of chemistry showed its head again, but this time I was expecting it. A brutal battle that was clunky and stilted at times, but still hard hitting, and Antone is really gelling as a character. He looked absolutely vicious in the ring, taking every opportunity to hurt Wolf in any way possible, no matter how mean-spirited or borderline DQ-worthy - but Wolf was right there with him. He was bloodthirsty, hammering Antone with blows over and over, slamming him from pillar to post, and this time Antone couldn't sneak his way out of things. Wolf hammered him with a big running lariat to get the win. Afterwards, he visibly seemed to delight in taking an electric razor to his head, leaving us with the potent image of a shaved-bald Antone Benner with some spots of blood running down his garish black and white facepaint. (51)


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Scorpio Nations w/Marcus Kramer vs Sebastien Durant – Prince of Wrestling Finals

This was a story of two very different presentations coming out to the ring. Scorpio mugged and strutted his way to the ring with the burly Marcus Kramer at his back, looking incredibly sure of himself - thought he was covering up just a little bit of a limp from where Ryan Osburn had worked over his leg. Sebastien, meanwhile, was showing the beating he'd taken from Trent Stevens, and from the Black Hat Rodeo members taking him on two-to-one, but looking stoic and resolute all the same. It wasn’t quite the technical barn-burner that Scorpio and Osburn was, but still a damn good match for these two young men, especially with both of them south of 25 years old. Scorpio tried to pounce on a weary and battered Durant, but once again the Haitian Hammer proved to be nearly impervious to pain. He was tossed to the outside so that Scorpio could try to distract the referee, leaving Marcus Kramer to brutalize him, but Sebastien ducked a running shoulder tackle and sent Kramer crashing into the ring post. He also noticed the wounded leg, hammering Scorpio with low kicks and a running shin-breaker to slow him down. They battled it out for 12:29, both giving it absolutely everything that they had, and in the end, Durant hit the Fallaway Slam to secure the title of Prince of Wrestling. (48)


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MJ Abruzzi vs Jack Raiden

The story of this match was Abruzzi constantly trying to take it to outside. He clearly didn't want to lock up with Raiden in the middle of the ring, or let him use his superior size and power to dominate, and that meant a lot of sliding out, evading, and going through the ropes. Raiden kept after him the entire time, determined to get the win, but Abruzzi was nothing if not clever, hitting him from behind, kicking him in the head from the ring apron, throwing him into the post and tripping him at every opportunity. Abruzzi tried locking in the Italian Deathlock a few times, but Raiden made the ropes each time, managing to keep from submitting even if it slowly saw his legs starting to break down. After nearly 20 agonizing minutes of battle, Raiden fought out of a leg hold on the outside and actually did pick Abruzzi up, powerbombing him into the ring apron - but both men were counted out by the referee, going to a double count-out draw. (60)


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Carver Wells vs Poseidon – GCW Heavyweight Championship Match

As is fitting, the challenger, Carver Wells, came out to the ring first - which gave Poseidon the perfect opportunity to ambush him from behind, knocking him to the ground and choking him with the mooring line. The ref and security forced him off, and initially it seemed like Wells might be sent to the back, not able to fight, but he insisted that he was ready. That put him on the back foot for the bulk of the match. Poseidon out-muscled him significantly, throwing him around with ease at first, but his almost laconic assault let Wells get back in, hitting him with face paced moves, chops and kicks and the line, trying to stick and move and take advantage of his youth and athleticism. He honestly didn't quite seem up to this level, whether it was due to the opening angle really knocking him loopy or if he's just not fully main event ready, but Poseidon made him look good all the same. In the end, though, he was just too brutal and too strong, and Wells had been fighting on borrowed time to begin with after the early assault. As soon as Poseidon locked in the Sleeper, it was all but academic, and Wells passed out in the hold for his latest defense, and his 12th straight win. (58)


Not quite as good as Walk Through the Fire, but this was the definition of a show made for building for the future. Poseidon gets to look like more of a killer, Abruzzi and Raiden are building to a big blow off, and Scorpio and Sebastien were hopefully made by this showing, among other things. I feel good about where we are after this show, and 1986 should hopefully just go up and up. (57)


So, to quickly address the apparently two "swerviest" of my booking decisions real quick, which I went back and forth on heavily:


Wolf Koziol got the win over Antone because, a: nice to give him a big win in a feud since he's been pretty heavily losing to Poseidon as of late. It was also a nice impetus to a character refresh for Antone - and, frankly, I had an easier time finding a new "look" for him in my image files that I think will work nicely. So Wolf keeps his wildman mane for another feud.


As for the Prince of Wrestling, honestly, I thought heavily about giving it to Scorpio. He's a little bit older - 24 to 22 at this point - and was the better hand going into the show. The thing that tipped it? I need more midcard babyfaces. At the time of this being booked, I think my only faces above "Unimportant" were Wells, Raiden, Robinson, Koziol, Osburn, and the Gwinns. Oh, and Boston Sills. Yeah. Even Kurt Grey had slid from Recognizable into Unimportant despite some relatively decent popularity, so "making" Sebastien felt like the right call. For comparison, Scorpio had jumped to Recognizable at the start of this month and is only looking better, especially when paired with Kramer, and when I have Poseidon, Benner, Abruzzi, the entire Black Hat Rodeo, Mean Machine, Reijiro Kandori, and Adonis Lash filling out the heel side? It felt a tad imbalanced. Now how well does it pay off? That will remain to be seen.


Next Week:

(P) Lash and Heavenly Bodies vs Nehemiah, Richard Auston, Mo Ponder

(P) Camille St. Croix vs Lilyanna Derby

(P) Trent Stevens vs Danjou Nakasato

Umari vs Wolf Koziol

Night Stalker and Mean Machine vs Man Mountains

Marcus Kramer vs Tarzan Brownfield

Dustin Robinson vs Billy Ray Bragg – GCW North American Championship Match

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Your reasoning for giving the win to Sebastien makes sense and explains why Scorpio got the win against Osburn in the semifinals. I'd been thinking your heel side has been looking a lot better.




Preshow: Lash & Heavenly Bodies def. Nehemiah, Richard Auston & Mo Ponder

If Auston was Disney that would be your mega job squad.


Preshow: Lilyanna Derby def. Camille St. Croix

I think I'm starting to get a better idea of who fits where in the women's division


Preshow: Trent Stevens def. Danjou Nakasato

Danjou is unlikely to get the win.


Wolf Koizol def. Umari

I can't see how you'd convince Wolf to lose this match.


Night Stalker & Mean Machine def. Man Mountains

New tag team debuting? Those two have dangerous sounding and let's the Man Mountains continue to break down.


Marcus Kramer def. Tarzan Brownfield

Marcus seems much too high to lose to Tarzan


Billy Ray Bragg def. Dustin Robinson vs Billy Ray Bragg to retain the GCW North American Championship

Nice way to continue to build Bragg.

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(P) Lash and Heavenly Bodies vs Nehemiah, Richard Auston, Mo Ponder

(P) Camille St. Croix vs Lilyanna Derby

(P) Trent Stevens vs Danjou Nakasato

Umari vs Wolf Koziol

Night Stalker and Mean Machine vs Man Mountains

Marcus Kramer vs Tarzan Brownfield

Dustin Robinson vs Billy Ray Bragg – GCW North American Championship Match

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Next Week:

(P) Lash and Heavenly Bodies vs Nehemiah, Richard Auston, Mo Ponder

(P) Camille St. Croix vs Lilyanna Derby

(P) Trent Stevens vs Danjou Nakasato

Umari vs Wolf Koziol

Night Stalker and Mean Machine vs Man Mountains

Marcus Kramer vs Tarzan Brownfield

Dustin Robinson vs Billy Ray Bragg – GCW North American Championship Match

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(P) Lash and Heavenly Bodies vs Nehemiah, Richard Auston, Mo Ponder

Bigger names


(P) Camille St. Croix vs Lilyanna Derby

Derby had some really good matches with DeGeorge so I´d assume she picks some momentum here


(P) Trent Stevens vs Danjou Nakasato

Stevens isn´t going to lose to Nakasato after getting decently far in the tournament.


Umari vs Wolf Koziol

Umari ain´t on Wolf´s level.

Night Stalker and Mean Machine vs Man Mountains

Wonder if Night Stalker is Benner or compelely new name. Either way, Man Mountains are still in losing streak.


Marcus Kramer vs Tarzan Brownfield

Sorry Tarzan but I t don´t think you there yet to beat someone like Kramer.


Dustin Robinson vs Billy Ray Bragg – GCW North American Championship Match

Don´t see Robinson winning the belt and with Bragg being one of your best younger talents I kind of assume he goes over here to continue Robinson´s losing streak.

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March 12th, 1986

Milford Ice Pavillion, 889 in attendance


With Gold Rush in the books, things were starting to come together. Our young guys were impressing to a degree, the likes of Stevens, Tarzan, Durant, Scorpio, and half a dozen others serving to impress, not to mention guys like Jimmy G and Carleton who had been toiling in the undercard. It felt like it was time for a bit of a refresh, and while they were starting to climb, others needed to be at the bottom - and ready to replace the likes of Kurt Grey, Jacoby Disney, and some of the other old timers who were on their way out. After all, it seemed like a decent chunk of the roster was nearing retirement sooner or later, and I needed to make arrangements.


So this time, it was my turn to knock on Mr. Dishman's door.


"Mr. Dishman?" I asked, poking my head in.


"Alex," he said, grinning widely. "Funny to see you out of your bolthole. What can I do for you?"


"Well, I know you said you wanted me to be free to buy the groceries, but just to let you know, I was thinking on going on a bit of a hiring spree,"I told him. "Just some young guys. Locals. No names, really, to fill out the bottom end. Some of these kids have been real reliable and patient and I think it's time they got a chance to flourish."


"Sounds good to me," he said, waving a hand. "I trust you. Especially if they're cheap."


"Trust me, I'm looking at some guys willing to work for $20 or $30 a night," I said. "Nothing major. There'll just be a handful of them, so I didn't want you caught off guard."


"Appreciate the thought," he said, leaning back in his chair. "And it's good that some of the young guys and fresh faces will have a chance to rise. Anyone you had in mind?" he asked, and there was a keenness to his gaze that made me a bit wary.


"Well," I said, hesitantly, "Tommy Carleton has been doing good work, and Garofalo." Jimmy G's real name - Jameis Garofolo - wasn't exactly the kind of thing I felt like announcing on TV every week. A little wordy. "No specific plans, but just letting them rack up some wins and get some momentum for when the time is right, you know."


"Good, good," he said. "But it feels like you're leaning a little heavy on the babyfaces. I'm sure there's a good guy or two who could use some more shine."


I already knew what he was going to say, and it wasn't like I'd just taken a gamble and had 22-year-old face Sebastien win the inaugural Prince of Wrestling, and I sighed internally. "Did you have something in mind, sir?"


"Well, why not Hank?" he asked. I didn't groan, but I wanted to. "He's been shaking off that ring rust, and I'm sure if you put him in there with a good hand, he'll impress." He fiddled with a cigar for a moment, until, rolling it between his fingers. "Just to do a favor to me and my sister. She's been on my back a little about it."


And I was sure Hank was, too. The man didn't seem to worry too much about running his mouth. "I'll see what I can do," I said. He hadn't impressed, and I hadn't forgotten about his behavior at the Christmas Party, but I knew who signed my checks. "Don't worry, I know it's important to you, and I'm not just going to write him off."


"Appreciate it," he said. "Oh, and try to bring in some big guys, will you?"


"Way ahead of you, sir."




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Pre-Show – Lash and the Heavenly Bodies vs Ponder, Nehemiah, and Auston

More feeding for my tag team division and Adonis Lash, who might be old but is still a name, so maybe there’s use for him yet. Nehemiah is a reliable job guy at this point, and looks good in defeat. Jupiter broke his fingers, though, which is not ideal. I guess that’s what happens when you punch a guy 50lbs heavier than you wrong. Saturn with the High Knee in 8:54. (33)


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Pre-Show – Camille St. Croix vs Lilyanna Derby

Lilyanna continues to show her talent big, guiding Camille through a decent match where the French Lady kept trying to beg off from harm, insult Lilyanna’s fashion, and wiped her hands on a handkerchief after slapping her. She’s a good character, if a rough wrestler. This time Lilyanna got the clean win with a Thrust Kick in 6:57. (42)


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Pre-Show – Trent Stevens vs Danjou Nakasato

Speaking of rising stars, we have Trent Stevens, too, who really needs a solid push if he’s going to keep putting on these kind of performances. Danjou still isn’t much to speak of but he has an unmistakable presence about him, even if he’s green. Stevens with the Running Knee in 7:44. (34)




The show opened with security personnel running through the halls, and our camera operator having a little bit of difficulty getting in to see what was going on. It turned out to be a body had been put through a totally broken door in the backstage area. When they pulled him out, it was Bret Danger, unconscious. Medical assistance came out, loading him up onto a stretcher. (17)


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Umari vs Wolf Koziol

The return of the Sunset Army began, and so did Umari's appearance on the main show. Wolf looked strong and in control as he battered Umari, since he did very little selling and Umari still seems to have a very “strong style” mentality, leading to a lot of heavy chops and hits. He was gearing up for the Lariat when Giant Kajitani lumbered into the ring and attacked Wolf from behind, causing a DQ in 5:45. (40)




That wasn't the end of it, though. Sanzo and Karasuma jumped into the frey and the Sunset Army swarmed him, as they are so good at doing. They kept him pinned down with kicks and stomps before throwing him to Kajitani, who hit him with the Running Powerslam. Only once they'd finished with the beatdown did Reijiro Kajitani come out, stand above him, while the rest of the Sunset Army bowed. (30)




Following that chaos, we went backstage to Carver Wells for an interview.

"I'm getting a little tired of how things are going around here. It seems like certain people think they just get to do whatever they want, hurt people however they want, and steal wins however they want. Well, I'm not going to stand for it. Not for any of it. And I'm keeping my sights aimed right at you, Poseidon. You didn't have the guts to face me like a man. No, you choked me out on my way to the ring, just so you could have the advantage, and I still came that close to beating you. You know that? So let's see if you're man enough, Mr. Big Shot King, to actually face me again. Let's see if you're willing to take me on when the odds aren't stacked completely in your favor." (51)


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Night Stalker and Mean Machine vs Man Mountains

The Night Stalker was a masked but someone familiar presence, who stalked out to the ring at the Mean Machine's side with menace almost baking off of him in waves. He and Mean Machine seem to be gelling nicely, not exceptional chemistry but they have definite potential, both brutalizing the Man Mountains with hard strikes and quicker hits. The Man Mountains, meanwhile, have shown exactly zero progress in their five months of consistent focus, and its time to take them in a different direction. That started once again here where they were outmatched by the smaller but far more vicious masked duo. Machine hit an Axe Bomber to win in 10:17, pinning Beltran. (42)




Sebastien Durant was brought out to be officially crowned the Prince of Wrestling in front of the crowd. He looked a little uncomfortable, standing there, as the silver circlet was placed atop his head, and took up a microphone.


"I just want to say thank you, to all of you who have supported me, and believed in me. I couldn't have done this without your cheers and your belief, and I promise that for as long as I am dubbed the Prince of Wrestling, I will do all I can to impress you. To live up to the standards that have been set. I don't know much about royalty, or anything of the like, but I know that I will keep fighting."




But as he was talking, Scorpio stormed out from the back, Marcus Kramer at his side.


"Nah, nah, nah," he said, with his own microphone. "You think you're the big cheese around here? No way. You got lucky, kid, you got real lucky, because you and me and God himself know that the only way you could ever beat me is with a big ol' heaping scoop of luck. And I wanted to make sure that I remind you of that. The I remind you just what your place here is in the world, because me? Me and my hired gun Big Marcus here? We're the contenders around here. We're the guys who can make things happen. And you?" He leaned in and tapped the crown on Sebastien's forehead, while Sebastien stood there resolute and unblinking. "You're just the kid in the fancy hat. So enjoy being Prince of Wrestling, or whatever. I'm gonna go ahead and become a real champion."


Once he was finished, Sebastien reached up and slapped Scorpio's hand away. "If what you're looking for is a rematch, you are welcome to request one at any time. I will happily defeat you again. And if not, I will thank you to stay out of my way, and out of my business. And we will see, you and me, who becomes a 'real' champion first." (50)


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Marcus Kramer w/ Scorpio Nations vs Tarzan Brownfield

Scorpio appeared to be steaming mad at ringside following his exchange with Sebastien, and seemed to delight in telling Kramer to beat the holy hell out of Tarzan. As always, Tarzan looked great fighting as the underdog, throwing out some nice speedy offense that just didn't seem to be potent enough to take the big man down. Meanwhile, he made Kramer look like a monster under his heavy blows - though not always without some very painful help. He finished the match with a bleeding nose after a wild clothesline broke it, leaving him stumbling, and not too long after Kramer planted him with a Side Suplex at 8:11 to win. The boys in the back didn't seem too thrilled with him, though, when he came back through the curtain, giving him a wide berth and grumbling about the botched move that had left Tarzan a bloody mess. (45)




We went backstage next to Jack Raiden, who was clearly in a foul mood.

"That's twice, now. That's twice you've managed to escape me, Abruzzi, and I'm not going to let there be a third. I want you to face me, now, like a man, so we can hash this out. Are you going to be a man, Abruzzi? Or is the Godfather just so much hot air?"




It only took a few moments before MJ Abruzzi appeared to meet him, dressed in one of his natty pin-striped suits. He slid off his aviators, tucking them into his suit jacket pocket.


"Alright, you wanna do this, big man? Let's do this. You wanna whine an' complain again about how things went down?"


"I'm not here to whine," Raiden told him, snatching back the microphone. "I can beat you. I will beat you. You cheated once, and you slipped away the second time by trying to break my leg outside the ring. Neither of us won that match, but I seem to remember bombing you into unconsciousness. Another two seconds to roll you into the ring, and things would be different, and you know it."


"I don't know nothin' but what the record books say, alright? And that they say, is that I am 1-0 against you, and undefeated in this company. If you got a problem with that, well, you can take it up with management."


"Or, I can take it up with you," Raiden said, stepping in and looming over him. "And prove to you what everyone else already knows, and what I know, and that is that I am the better man, and I will beat you. What I want, Abruzzi, is a fair match, one final match. To settle this. You want money? Fine. Your $10,000 bond again. Your money against mine. And to raise the stakes, and to make sure that it ends, once and for all, I want you in a cage. No escape. No half-measures. One of us is pinned or submitted in that ring, and everything else goes. That enough for you to man up and take the challenge?"


Abruzzi just sneered at him. "You got a death wish, kid. You're real big, but you're real dumb. Still, I'm a man of business, and I'm not a man who lets myself be insulted easily. You want to face me? Fine. 10 large, a steel cage, and this time, when I bust your teeth and bust your leg, you're gonna have to finally admit who the better man is. And you're going to have to pay homage to the Godfather. You got me?"


"If you can beat me clean, I will gladly admit you're the better man," Raiden said. "But when I beat you, that's it. And I want you to remember, for the next few weeks, that you are about to step into a cage with a pissed off Kodiak bear, and just what a foolish thing that really is to do." (67)


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Dustin Robinson vs Billy Ray Bragg – GCW North American Championship Match

A very solid match between a sage old hand and one of our top rising stars. Bragg has turned into one of our best in-ring performers and this match perfectly showed why. If nothing else, he's proven that he can work with just about any style I could ask for, whether it's Robinson's classic wrestling style, the high-pace moves of Tarzan, the technical leanings of Osburn, or the hard hitting brawling of the Gwinns, and he does it all while looking like the most mean-spirited asskicker you could hope for. He and Robinson battled evenly until Bragg used his old reliable tobacco spit trick to blind Robinson, making it easy to roll him up and choke him out with the Sidewinder choke to retain. (58)


Just a nice, building blocks show coming out of Gold Rush, with some good new storyline direction, and I do love that we can have Bragg main event easily. (55) We stayed stable at a .32 rating and 246k viewers.



Next Week:

(P) Tommy Carleton vs Roger Cotton

(P) Stu Lail and Treves Demond vs The Danger Boys

(P) Violet Bee vs Adrianna Mitchell

(P) Jimmy G and Lash vs Zach Waldron and Kolton Tallman

Reijiro Kandori vs Kurt Grey

Nations and Kramer vs Man Mountains

Slay and Darville vs Criss and Branch

Dale Whitlock vs Jack Raiden

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Lot of newbies on this next card which is cool to see, all on the pre-show obviously but still. Also is Night Stalker Benner?




Preshow: Tommy Carleton def. Roger Cotton

Welcome to GCW Roger


Preshow: The Danger Boys def. Lail & Desmond

More newbies allowing Danger Boys to get a win


Preshow: Violet Bee def. Adrianna Mitchell

I believe Bee is currently something like 5-0 in GCW currently.


Preshow: G & Lash def. Waldron & Tallman

Rewarding Jimmy with a win while also building Lash against the locals.


Reijiro Kandori def. Kurt Grey

Yeah, short match. Also got to appreciate the way you order your wrestlers in the prediction cards you give us as they've helped me work out who is a face/heel a few times now. Didn't really matter as much in this match but wanted to mention it.


Nations & Kramer def. Man Mountains

At this point, I'm more just wondering when the Mountains finally break up.


Criss & Branch def. Slay & Darville

I don't like to bet against the champ, even if it could be setting up the next title match.


Jack Raiden def. Dale Whitlock

The only wins Dale is likely to get now are beating a few jobbers or maybe a win to keep a feud going. Kodiak Jack is not likely to be losing to Dale anytime soon.

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(P) Tommy Carleton vs Roger Cotton

(P) Stu Lail and Treves Demond vs The Danger Boys

(P) Violet Bee vs Adrianna Mitchell

(P) Jimmy G and Lash vs Zach Waldron and Kolton Tallman

Reijiro Kandori vs Kurt Grey

Nations and Kramer vs Man Mountains

Slay and Darville vs Criss and Branch

Dale Whitlock vs Jack Raiden

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(P) Tommy Carleton vs Roger Cotton

(P) Stu Lail and Treves Demond vs The Danger Boys

(P) Violet Bee vs Adrianna Mitchell

(P) Jimmy G and Lash vs Zach Waldron and Kolton Tallman

Reijiro Kandori vs Kurt Grey

Nations and Kramer vs Man Mountains

Slay and Darville vs Criss and Branch

Dale Whitlock vs Jack Raiden

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Next Week:

(P) Tommy Carleton vs Roger Cotton

Carleton begins to collect some momentum here


(P) Stu Lail and Treves Demond vs The Danger Boys

Named team over random pairing


(P) Violet Bee vs Adrianna Mitchell

Thinking Bee keeps winning here.


(P) Jimmy G and Lash vs Zach Waldron and Kolton Tallman

Assuming all the new names are lower card jobbers so win for more established guys once again


Reijiro Kandori vs Kurt Grey

Kandori looks to have bit more in the tank even if he looks to be more of a manager at this point.


Nations and Kramer vs Man Mountains

Mountains keep losing


Slay and Darville vs Criss and Branch

Stil lhaving hard time remembering all the women by just their last names but not betting against champ here.


Dale Whitlock vs Jack Raiden

Dale is another old timer on his way down the card so hard to see him beating Jack here.

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March 19th, 1986

Milford Ice Palace, 901 in attendance


When I arrived to the backstage area of the Ice Palace, I was greeted by the strains of KISS's Detroit Rock City blaring from the locker room, though it didn't exactly sound like Gene Simmons in there. Confused, I pushed my head in through the door to find Antone Benner standing on a bench in front of a big home karaoke machine, belting away in... passable power ballad fashion. His voice wasn't great, but the rest of the lockerroom, for the most part, were clapping and whooping along.


Perhaps unsurprisingly, there were a few who were away from the crowd - Poseidon was nowhere to be seen, as he always kept a private locker room, and I wasn't going to fight him on that one at all. Dale Whitlock was over in a corner doing Hindu Squats while he stared at the wall, and Marcus Kramer was sitting by himself, too, looking entirely out of place. I knew it was an accident, but seeing Tarzan walk around with a big white bandage and a nose brace stuck over his face wasn't winning him any points with the boys.


"Alright, c'mon, who's next?" Antone asked, holding up the karaoke mic. "Jack? Wanna do some AC/DC? Lily, wanna show us your take on Joan Jett? Oh, oh, no, I got this," he said, suddenly snapping his fingers. "Scorpio, c'mon, c'mon, get on up here, let's go."


The assembled wrestlers started chanting "Scor-pi-o, Scor-pi-o," and with a groan he hopped up onto the bench next to Antone, who shoved the mic in his hands. He started playing, to perhaps little surprise, the Scorpions' 'Rock Me Like a Hurricane.'


Suffice to say, Scorpio wrestles a hell of a lot better than he sings, which is good for me, but the boys were having fun, so I'd take it as a win, and shaking my head, I slipped away and back to the curtain.


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Pre-Show – Tommy Carleton vs Roger Cotton

The first new deals had come through on my plan to bring in some dirt-cheap talent, both to start scouting new acts and to be able to push up some of our talented job guys into better roles. Cotton, then, is a 22-year old lightweight with a lot of athleticism and good basics, though he was nothing much here. I wasn't really expecting more, the crowd have no idea who any of these kids are, and most of them have been wrestling for a year or two at most. Carleton looked good, though, and wiped him out with a lariat at 6:09. (24)


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Pre-Show – Stu Lail and Treves Demond vs The Danger Boys

Similarly, here are Stu and Treves, a pair of big, big boys, both 25 and 6’5” and 6’8, respectively. Like Mr. Dishman, I've been looking to add some size to the roster, as I like having some regular big monsters - they're easy to book, even if they're not usually the best in-ring talents. These two are far away from being a big time act, but they have the bulk. They’re green as grass right now, but they could make a decent power team, perhaps. Meanwhile the new Danger Boys are mildly impressing me. Sandy got a submission via Crossface at 8:05. (21)


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Pre-Show – Violet Bee vs Adrianna Mitchell

Meanwhile, the lower end of our women’s division also needs some seasoning. Bee is fun as a masked luchadora, but she’s still rough around the edges, and so is Adrianna. My initial dreams of pushing Bee out of the gate as a masked rarity has seemingly fizzled a bit, and she can work on building up her skills and presentation for a while. Adrianna got the win here with a Thrust Kick in 6:25. (21)


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Pre-Show – Jimmy G and Lash vs Zach Waldron and Kolton Tallman

Another two big young rookies going up against some seasoned talent. I’m still trying to figure out where to go with Lash, who still has too much name and talent to be on the shelf as much as he is, no matter his attitude. Jimmy G, meanwhile, is a very talented youngster and he’s probably been putting others over more than enough. He pinned Waldron with a Football Tackle in 7:30. (33)


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Reijiro Kandori vs Kurt Grey

The return of Reijiro to TV went very well. He strolled out with the Sunset Army swarming around him in dark gear, and while none of them have caught on really as in-ring performers, man, do they make a good look swarming out to ring-side. The stayed encircling it as Kurt Grey came out to face Kandori, though they didn't really interfere in anything. Instead, Kandori just showed his in-ring skills, cleanly working Grey over with technical acumen and nasty chops. He got a clean win off in 5:11 with the Kandori Armbar. (52)




Reijiro held an interview after his tidy victory, though I'd be lying if I said he didn't look a little bit winded from even that showing, which is... disconcerting. He still made an impressive figure flanked by his four goons, though, with Kajitani looming large - it's what he's best at.


"That was just a taste of what you can expect, Wolf. You have acted so long like you are on top of the food chain, like you are the man to beat around here. That makes you the perfect opponent. The perfect target. The Sunset Army is a mission, a purpose, to bring an end to the current age, and a new dawn in this country, this company, this industry. We are here to make a statement, and a change. And I can think of no better man than brave, fiery, arrogant Wolf Koziol to use to make that statement. I will break your arm, I will break your spirit, and when I defeat you, I will leave you humbled. And I will take your heart." (62)


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Nations and Kramer vs Man Mountains

This was definitely a story of two different teams. Nations and Kramer, while nameless as a unit, have been gelling nicely with Scorpio leaning on the superior physical power of his veteran hired gun, while the Man Mountains, despite a longer-tenured team, have been slipping into a tail spin. That continued here. They were on different pages yet again, Grady huffing and puffing whenever Beltran was on the receiving end of offense, and storming in like a madman when he got the tag. He was tripped up by the cunning Scorpio and battered by the monstrous Kramer, and when he tagged in Beltran, he seemed to meet the same fate, too battered from the early exchanges and not up to taking them on by himself. He ate a Side Suplex in 8:45 from Kramer, leaving Grady to grumble miserably on the ring apron as he watched them take another loss. (42)




After the match, Scorpio and Kramer had an interview as well, though Scorpio of course did the bulk of the talking while Kramer loomed.


"You see? You see? That's what I'm talking about, man! That's what it's all about! I said it, last week, I said that we are two men with prospects, with focus, with a future. That we are champions in waiting. You hear that, Sebastien? You think you could do something like that? You bald-headed idiot."


He scoffed, shaking his head, while Kramer momentarily looked at the top of Scorpio's head, and then quietly touched his own, before just shrugging.


"Nah, nah, you couldn't do anything like that, and I'm gonna show you one better. I'm gonna show you, and all these local yokels, just what Scorpio Nations is all about. See, I hired this man, this big, beastly son of a gun. Kramer is a legend in this company, and he knows that with that power, that clout, comes opportunity. Opportunity to make money. A hired gun, and I was the one smart enough to cash in, to hire him as my personal security, to help me hurt the people that I wanna hurt, and makes things... easier on myself. Because I'm smart, you see? I'm not a rock-headed Haitian Hammer. I'm a dumb little jungle jackass. And I'm not a nameless jerk riding on my brother's coattails.


So, Ben and Dean, or Dan and Billy, or whatever your names are. You like carrying that gold? That's good. Carry it nicely. Shine it up. Because at Stampede, oh, we're gunning for you. We're coming for the tag team championships. See, I've been tag team champion before, because that is the kind of man that I am. A championship man. And it's time I took my rightful place back on the throne. Like a man does." (50)


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Slay and Darville vs Criss and Branch

A rare showing of Lily-Rose on TV, but being my champion - and 38 - she deserves a little bit of the special attraction treatment. Hopefully it's working. Then again, it probably would work better if this was a better match. I was hoping Darville and Criss would help their respective rookies through this a little better, but it sagged badly at times when Bertha and Trinity were left to their lonesome. On the other hand, Lily-Rose looked excellent doing circles around Bertha, and keeping Josilyn on her back-foot, but the heels took full advantage by hammering poor Trinity, who was clearly out-matched by their physicality. They managed to isolate her, with Josilyn sending Criss reeling off the apron with a running kick, and that allowed Bertha Slay to get the pin with a running clothesline in 9:50. (39)




We went backstage next to Posiedon, lurking in the darkness.


"I see that sometimes it is difficult for a lesson to stick around these parts. How unfortunate. You see, I was hoping that you would learn something when you stepped in the ring with me, Carver. You're a young man, a proud man, and I remember what it's like to be young and full of fire. I wasn't much younger than you, the first time I won this." He patted over the Heavyweight Championship. "But I was a lesser man, then. I had not yet fully understood the power that a man could wield, and what it truly took to become a King. It takes time. It takes seasoning. Experience. And most importantly, it takes the killer instinct.


Maybe you have that. Maybe you don't. But I know two men that do. Two men that have proven themselves worthy to join me."




He snapped his fingers, and two figures emerged from the shadows behind him, the masked Night Stalker and Mean Machine. They both loomed above him, Machine standing with his arms crossed, Night Stalker just leering into the camera in his mask.


"These are my disciples. The Night Stalker, once a man simply named Antone Benner, has been reborn. His defeat at the hands of Wolf Koziol was... unfortunate, but a perfect chance for rebirth. To find his new identity. To find his true darkness. And the Mean Machine, well, he is a man who has simply been looking for the proper outlet, and focus, for his rage. He was a wildly burning flame, and I am going to turn him into the blue-hot tip of an acetylene torch, ready to cut through anything in his path. These are my disciples, and Carver, if you are wise, you will join me. You will submit to the King of the Seas. And if you are a fool, I will crush you again. I will show you that last time? Last time was mercy. Last time I hurt you, and choked you, and left you gasping, because if I let you come in at full force, I would have to break you. I didn't want to do that. But this time, you will give me no choice.


So consider this your final warning, you and all who stand against me. And remember. Fear the Riptide. It will drag you into darkness, one way or another." (74)


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Dale Whitlock vs Jack Raiden

A nice gritty hoss-fight, with Jack Raiden coming out on fire. He looked eager to prove himself as the top of the company going into his cage match with MJ Abruzzi, and he wasn't going to give an inch here. Dale Whitlock, for his credit, brought it too him with equal intensity, but he looked to be slowed down a bit, missing a step, and Billy Ray Bragg came out to ringside to shout him on. It seemed to serve as a bit of a distraction more than anything else, and Raiden blew him away with some running shoulder tackles and a snap powerslam off the ropes, before lifting him up for the powerbomb at 11:32 to take home the win. (57)


A very solid show, with just about everyone performing to expectations or above. Reijiro looked excellent for his age and in-spite of his somewhat ugly defeat at Raiden's hands, Scorpio and Kramer are making an excellent duo, and the Riptide seems like a very promising arrangement as well. Throw in Dale Whitlock pulling up big in a main event this time - Raiden seemed like a good opponent luckily - and we have an excellent show all around. (58) Our numbers ticked back up a tad to .33 and 249k viewers.


Next Week:

(P) Jimmy G vs Edwin Riddle

(P) Lail and Demand vs Man Mountains

(P) Bertha Slay vs Adrianna Mitchell

(P) Black Hat Rodeo vs Waldron and Tallman

Kramer and Nations vs The Hillbillies

Adonis Lash vs Sebastien Durant

Battle Royale – North American Championship Number One Contender’s Match

Aaron Redcloud, Big Hank Banner, Karasuma, Sanzo, Umari, Kurt Grey, Mean Machine, Tarzan Brownfield, Tommy Carleton, Trent Stevens

Night Stalker vs Carver Wells

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It's nice to see a few of your job guys now able to pick up wins over the newbies. Machine, Stalker and Poseidon has to be my ultimate heel combo, so it's really cool to see all of them get to come together.




Preshow: Jimmy G def. Edwin Riddle

Riddle is another rookie and so will be the next step for Jimmy to make.


Preshow: Man Mountains def. Lail & Demond

Not 100% on this due to Man Mountains collapsing but since Lail & Demond are new, I'm saying this is a brief bit of rebuilding the Man Mountains.


Preshow: Bertha Slay def. Adrianna Mitchell

Mitchell is still young and running preshow matches while Slay just beat the team with the Women's Champion on it.


Preshow: Black Hat Rodeo def. Waldron & Tallman

Named team over random pairing, BHR are one of you established top teams, Waldron & Tallman are both really new, etc.


Kramer & Nations def. The Hillbillies

I cannot see you wanting to give the Hillbillies a win over these two, let alone trying to convince one of them to take the pin.


Sebastien Durant def. Adonis Lash

I can't see you giving Durant the win in Prince of Wrestling just to have him lose out to Lash.


Battle Royale – North American Championship Number One Contender’s Match

Aaron Redcloud def. Big Hank Banner, Karasuma, Sanzo, Umari, Kurt Grey, Mean Machine, Tarzan Brownfield, Tommy Carleton & Trent Stevens

Going to work through my full reasoning here so you can see it and also so I can keep track. Firstly a heel won't be winning this match since the winner faces BRB. That eliminates Karasuma, Sanzo, Umari, Mean Machine, Tommy Carleton and Trent Stevens.

I can't see Kurt having the stamina to win a battle royale and even if he did it's be a pretty lacklustre title defense, even with Bragg. Big Hank is also out as I can't see you giving him a title match honestly even if Bragg could probably deliver his best match yet. That leaves Tarzan and Aaron. Of the two Aaron is younger and seems like he'll be trending up the card, whereas Tarzan is older and likely to stay where he is. So congratulations Aaron.


Night Stalker def. Carver Wells

Very 50/50 here, but I'm going Stalker for the win here, possibly through shenanigans

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(P) Jimmy G vs Edwin Riddle

(P) Lail and Demand vs Man Mountains

(P) Bertha Slay vs Adrianna Mitchell

(P) Black Hat Rodeo vs Waldron and Tallman

Kramer and Nations vs The Hillbillies

Adonis Lash vs Sebastien Durant

Battle Royale – North American Championship Number One Contender’s Match

Aaron Redcloud, Big Hank Banner, Karasuma, Sanzo, Umari, Kurt Grey, Mean Machine, Tarzan Brownfield, Tommy Carleton, Trent Stevens

Night Stalker vs Carver Wells

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(P) Jimmy G vs Edwin Riddle

(P) Lail and Demand vs Man Mountains

(P) Bertha Slay vs Adrianna Mitchell

(P) Black Hat Rodeo vs Waldron and Tallman

Kramer and Nations vs The Hillbillies

Adonis Lash vs Sebastien Durant

Battle Royale – North American Championship Number One Contender’s Match

Aaron Redcloud, Big Hank Banner, Karasuma, Sanzo, Umari, Kurt Grey, Mean Machine, Tarzan Brownfield, Tommy Carleton, Trent Stevens

Night Stalker vs Carver Wells

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(P) Jimmy G vs Edwin Riddle

Jimmy continues to gain momentum in the undercard


(P) Lail and Demand vs Man Mountains

No idea who these guys are but I know Man Mountains so guess they are going to win.


(P) Bertha Slay vs Adrianna Mitchell

Slay got a somewhat big win over champ even if it was in tag match so I´d assume she continues to build momentum here over Michell who also got a win last show.


(P) Black Hat Rodeo vs Waldron and Tallman

Named team over random pairing


Kramer and Nations vs The Hillbillies

Kramer and Nations continue to gain momentum for their title challenge


Adonis Lash vs Sebastien Durant

Picking raising talent with big tournament win over aging veteran who haven´t been seen that often.


Battle Royale – North American Championship Number One Contender’s Match

Aaron Redcloud, Big Hank Banner, Karasuma, Sanzo, Umari, Kurt Grey, Mean Machine, Tarzan Brownfield, Tommy Carleton, Trent Stevens

Right so first thing to check is who was the champ. Right, Bragg... don´t know how I managed to forgot that one.... :o. Anyway face will be the challenger so dropping all the heels here. Looking at the face side, Redcloud, Banner and Tarzan looks most likely options and Aaron feels like the top guy from those three so I pick him


Night Stalker vs Carver Wells

No idea here to be honest. Benner gaining wins over all three of your biggest faces suggest he´s bigger name but he´s henchman to guy who Wells is challenging and I don´t see how that would work if Wells loses here so I pick Wells.

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March 26th, 1986

Milford Ice Palace, 792 in attendance


While checking the wrestling news of the wider world, I was, frankly, shocked to see that Kurt Grey had just won the BDW Number One Contender’s Championship. This makes him a double-champion in the Japanese promotion, as well as being one half of the tag team champions. Maybe he gets tired so easily because he’s constantly flying to Japan between shows? Who can say.


This became even more baffling when literally the next day, I received a phone call from him. At four in the morning, no less, because he was still in Japan and hadn't flown out yet.


"Mr. Allred?"


I blinked blearily at the phone. "Kurt? Is that you? Is something wrong?"


"No, no. Well, not really." The line went silent for a moment and I had to pinch myself to make sure I hadn't fallen asleep. "I wanted to let you know something."


"Kurt," I said, rubbing at my face. "It's four in the morning. Can this wait?"


"Oh, sorry, I'm still in Osaka. Listen, I just wanted you to be one of the first to know."


I blinked. "First to know what?"


Another momentary silence. "I've decided I'm retiring."


This time I literally pulled the phone away from my ear and stared at it, like it was a snake. "I'm sorry, what? Didn't you just win a championship over there?"


"Well, yes," he said. "I just realized that, well, I don't know that I can live up to the standard anymore. I appreciate what BDW are doing for me, of course, and you too, but look, we both know that I'm not the same man I used to be. It's getting harder and harder to just go out there and finish a match."


It was certainly true - having to book around his poor stamina was certainly something I was well used to. "So it's time to hang it up?"


"I'll give it another couple months. Drop this belt. And, look, if you need me to do any jobs on the way out, I'm happy to. That's how the business works."


Now that was something it was nice to hear from a veteran. I'd have to hope that Dustin would do the same when he was ready to hang it up. He was 45, so who knew how much longer that might be. "I appreciate you saying so. You've always been a safe hand, and I'll try to pay that respect forward." By which I meant, no squash jobs. "And let me know if you have any need of a backstage role or anything. I can always use a road agent or something to help Joel and Izaiah."


"I'll let you know, boss," he said.


"I appreciate it. Well, eat some sashimis for me, Kurt."


"It's, uh, just sashimi."


I blinked. "Oh. Well, whatever. Have fun in Japan, is all I mean. I'm gonna get some sleep, now."


"Of course. Goodnight, boss."


"Goodnight, Kurt."


So that explains why Karasuma and Sanzo had been laughing at me. Huh.




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Pre-Show – Jimmy G vs Edwin Riddle

Riddle is another new signing, a face-painted and charismatic young man. I do like a distinct appearance, and with Antone now working under a mask, a new face-painted worker could be fun, if he starts developing. Green as he is, he worked okay with Jimmy G, who is looking increasingly impressive. He won with a football tackle in 6:41. (23)


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Pre-Show – Lail and Demand vs Man Mountains

I had a feeling this would be bad and I was not disappointed. Still, Man Mountains could use a bit of a break from their losing streak. Especially if I intend to ever use either of them in a different role. As it was, a plodding, slow, stumbling affair that was more an example to both Lail and Demand of how not to work as big hosses. Holston won with the stalling suplex in 5:45. (19)


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Pre-Show – Bertha Slay vs Adrianna Mitchell

Well, these two have no chemistry at all, which is good to know, since I have the both of them earmarked as potentials for the future. Not a very good match. Bertha won with the Running Clothesline in 7:53. (24)


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Pre-Show – Black Hat Rodeo vs Tallman and Waldron

The Black Hats don’t necessarily belong on the pre-show, but they deserve a chance to get some wins under their belt, and it'll give Tallman and Waldron a better opportunity to learn from some tag team specialists, and be a better testing ground for their actual skills than, say, Lail and Demand got. It went okay. The cowboys battered the big rookies and showed why they are established veterans and former tag team champions, and may very likely be again. Marshall won with the Spinebuster in 8:27. (28)


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Kramer and Nations vs The Hillbillies

I almost wish that Kramer and Nations had a proper team name, because they’re working together really well. Mostly, though, it’s a chance to use Kramer while he’s still around, and make the most of his abilities. He recently turned 48, and I haven't seen many wrestlers stick around after 50, and even less that should have. They looked excellent against the lacking Hillbillies, and Scorpio, of course, did most of the heavy lifting, looking excellent as he bounced around for the brawling mountain boys and striking them with nasty moves. Kramer just flattened them when he came in, and while the Hillbillies aren't full jobbers, the ending was never really in doubt. Scorpio won with the Scorpion Clutch in 7:29. (41)




We went backstage with Sebastien Durant next for an interview - who was, it must be noted, not wearing the crown. It felt like a nice way to stand out other than another title belt or something, but frankly, he's not really the royal gimmick type.


"There has been a lot of talk lately about me, and I am not a man to let things like that get to me. I have had plenty of abuse hurled my way over my years, and it has given me thick skin. Anyone who has a problem with me can face me in the ring, or stay out of my way.


Which brings me to you, Adonis Lash. We have been set against one another here. You are a man with experience. A man who has been a champion in many places at many times. I can't think of a better opponent to prove myself against. Winning the tournament was a big step for me, but it is only the first, and I have much more to offer. So while I meet you with respect, Adonis, it will take more than reputation and experience to beat me. And I hope there are no hard feelings when I walk away the winner." (56)


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Adonis Lash vs Sebastien Durant

Adonis came out with a lot of swagger in his step, as always, and while he might be old and a bit injury prone at this point, he knows how to put on a show. Sebastien is still finding his footing in that arena, but he draws the eye with natural star power and his quiet intensity does make him feel like a real ass-kicker. He carried the circling in one hand, and set it carefully on the ring post in one corner. This turned out to be a nice, well-worked match, and Sebastien is living up to his push so far, showing some excellent technical grappling to take things to the mat when he wants to, but also not afraid to throw hands when he has to. His explosive energy seemed ready to bowl over Adonish Lash for a moment, but Jimmy G ran out from the crowd and popped up on the apron, distracting him. That let Adonis blast him from behind and hammer him to the mat with forearms to the back of the head, before locking him into a Half-Crab to force the submission at 9:12. (48)




Lily-Rose was backstage for a quick interview.


"I thought that we already settled our business, Josilyn, but I can see that you're far from finished, aren't you? And I can respect that, in a way. I know what it's like to have to fight and claw for what you want. For respect. For a chance. It's hard in this industry, to get to the top, to get that opportunity, but what I need you to understand is that it's even harder to stay there. I'm going to stay on top of this mountain. I'm going to stay until someone force me from the peak. I am the first woman to be champion in GCW, or to be the champion of a national, televised company in the US. That means everything to me. And it means I'm going to beat you again, at Stampede, and any other time I have to. Count on it." (36)





Battle Royale – North American Championship Number One Contender’s Match

Aaron Redcloud, Big Hank Banner, Karasuma, Sanzo, Umari, Kurt Grey, Mean Machine, Tarzan Brownfield, Tommy Carleton, Trent Stevens

A chaotic battle between some of our lower mid card guys. It's not exactly the most dazzling assortment of talent, but sometimes you do what you have to do. The Sunset Army started off as an alliance at first, teaming up to fight off the others. They attempted to pitch Banner but were shut down, and tried to throw Tarzan out as well, but he managed to catch himself on the bottom rope and stayed inside. Kurt Grey battled it out with Mean Machine and they ended up in a corner slugging it out for most of the match. Big Hank managed to pitch Sanzo and Karasuma early for the first eliminations, while Trent Stevens blasted Aaron Redcloud to knock him to the outside. Umari was out next at Tarzan's hands, flying out on a dropkick. Mean Machine whipped Kurt out of the corner, but he just blasted Tommy Carleton with a shoulder tackle and pitched him, and Big Hank took out Trent Stevens.

That left Big Hank, Tarzan, Kurt Grey, and Mean Machine as our final four. The newly fired up Mean Machine came out storming, and almost immediately blasted Tarzan and Kurt Grey both with Axe Bombers, and ducked a pump kick from Big Hank. He pitched Kurt out first, and hammered Big Hank down with clubbing blows, but Tarzan jumped on him next. He tried to throw Mean Machine out, but the Machine was too big and reversed it, and this time Tarzan couldn't save himself and splatted to the outside. That left him and Big Hank in there, and they slugged it out for a bit before Big Hank managed to nearly take him in half with a running crossbody - that probably landed more heavily than Machine would have liked. He whipped the masked man outside for the win at 10:54 to go on to face Billy Ray for the North American Championship. All I can hope is that Mr. Dishman is pleased with things. I know I'm not excited. (41)




Following that delightful triumphant moment, we went backstage to Carver Wells, who I can at least always count on to have a good match.


"You know, when I heard what Poseidon had to say the other day, I almost had to laugh. The idea that I'd want to join him? Learn from him? That I'd want to be part of your little Riptide party? Come on. You know better than that. You can tell yourself whatever you want to, Poseidon, that you're doing things the best way, and I won't deny that it'll get you success. Taking short cuts, surrounding yourself with allies that can do your dirty work for you, hurting people while their backs are turned? Yeah. That'll let you get ahead.

But the people know who is better, and who is stronger, and who has the honor. Who they should believe in, and who they should support. And sooner or later, your tricks are gonna run out, and you can't hide from reality. I'm better than you. I'm younger, I'm faster, I've polished every aspect of my game, and all you are is bigger and meaner and willing to us every nasty trick to get ahead. But I will out-wrestle you. I will defeat you. And I am never, in my life, going to join your Riptide. I'm never going to turn my back on the people that believe in me. (50)


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Night Stalker vs Carver Wells

A very good little match, with these two having excellent chemistry together that elevated things nicely. Night Stalker is working excellently under his hood, still acting with plenty of intensity and viciousness, but Wells was absolutely game to meet him. These two are about the same size, so it was a fast paced battle between stiff strikes and smooth chain grappling, as Wells tried to wear down Stalker while the Stalker tried to pummel him into submission. Carver proved himself a step ahead, and was hammering him with flying chops and stiff kicks of his own, gearing up to hit a running neckbreaker, when Night Stalker pulled the ref in the way, stopping Carver up. The ref and Night Stalker got into a quick verbal exchange, which was all the opportunity Mean Machine needed to slip in and blast Carver with an Axe Bomber, leaving him dizzied. Night Stalker took the opportunity to KO him with a thrust kick at 15:17 to win. (57)


A little bit of a down card, since while the main event was a very good showing, nothing else was truly exceptional. We could have used a promo from Wolf, Raiden, Abruzzi, or Poseidon, perhaps, since while Sebastien is good he's still a relative unknown, and Lily-Rose and Carver aren't exactly superstar talkers. Alas. And I’m still not crazy about putting Big Hank in this position, but… we’ll see if he sinks or swims. I'm hoping the latter, but expecting the former. At least if it goes badly, maybe Mr. Dishman will accept he's never going anywhere. (53) The ratings came in at a down .31 and 233k viewers.



And let me just say that if Alexander Allred fully had his say in things, it almost certainly would have been Aaron Redcloud - or perhaps Tarzan - who would have won that battle royale, but Big Hank is the boss's nephew, and what is 80s wrestling without some serious nepotism now and then? Now, the real question is, will that carry him all the way to a title win? Or, perhaps the more accurate question: was I crazy enough to handicap myself with that decision in the name of in-story reasoning?


Next Week:

(P) Isaac Holman vs Boston Sills

(P) Tommy Carleton vs Edwin Riddle

(P) Slay and Bee vs Branch and Lorio

(P) The Dregs vs Tallman and Waldron

Trent Stevens vs Big Hank Banner

Josilyn Darville vs Rosemary Pfeiffer

Lash and Jimmy G vs Durant and Brownfield

Stalker and Mean Machine vs Osburn and Wells

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(P) Isaac Holman vs Boston Sills

(P) Tommy Carleton vs Edwin Riddle

(P) Slay and Bee vs Branch and Lorio

(P) The Dregs vs Tallman and Waldron

Trent Stevens vs Big Hank Banner

Josilyn Darville vs Rosemary Pfeiffer

Lash and Jimmy G vs Durant and Brownfield

Stalker and Mean Machine vs Osburn and Wells

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So Hank won, that should be interesting to see where the goes. Also Grey retiring was a bit of a surprise, but admittedly needed to happen.




Preshow: Boston Sills def. Isaac Holman

Boston is a midcarder while Holman is new and so likely to be a jobber


Preshow: Tommy Carleton def. Edwin Riddle

Tommy has earned this


Preshow: Slay & Bee def. Branch & Lorio

Slay and Bee have definitelybeen the bigger deals so far


Preshow: The Dregs def. Tallman & Waldron

The Dregs are definitely the bigger names here.


Big Hank Banner def. Trent Stevens

With Big Hank taking N1C, I think he gets he win here to build him up to face Bragg (credit for making BHB v BRB)


Josilyn Darville def. Rosemary Pfeiffer

Darville is set to get a title shot, while Pfeiffer has just kind of ben there so far.


Lash & G def. Durant & Brownfield

Lash & G just formed up together so I think they get the win, pinning Brownfield to establishthemselves and build their feud with Durant.


Wells & Osburn def. Stalker & Machine

Osburn is at a solid level and Wells might need to win to help keep him established to face Poseidon for the title.

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(P) Isaac Holman vs Boston Sills

(P) Tommy Carleton vs Edwin Riddle

(P) Slay and Bee vs Branch and Lorio

(P) The Dregs vs Tallman and Waldron

Trent Stevens vs Big Hank Banner

Josilyn Darville vs Rosemary Pfeiffer

Lash and Jimmy G vs Durant and Brownfield

Stalker and Mean Machine vs Osburn and Wells

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(P) Isaac Holman vs Boston Sills

Sills get bit momentum here


(P) Tommy Carleton vs Edwin Riddle

Same with Carleton, good to see hom and Jimmy G getting bit of push


(P) Slay and Bee vs Branch and Lorio

Thinking heel pair has slighly more going on at this point.


(P) The Dregs vs Tallman and Waldron

Named team over random pairing


Trent Stevens vs Big Hank Banner

Title shot is important enough (as is being nephew to boss man) that it helps Banner go over Stevens here in order to gain bit momentum before the title clash.


Josilyn Darville vs Rosemary Pfeiffer

Bigger name


Lash and Jimmy G vs Durant and Brownfield

So, looks like Durant and Lash are likely going to feud and Jimmy seems to be tied to it after that interference which elaves Brownfield as the odd guy out and thus he likely takes the fall here.


Stalker and Mean Machine vs Osburn and Wells

Could see this one going either way but I´d figure Wells gets one over Stalker here after losing the singles match.

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April 2nd, 1986

Milford Ice Palace, 760 in attendance


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Pre-Show – Isaac Holman vs Boston Sills

Yes, another one of our hopefully promising rookies/warm bodies to do jobs. Isaac is a handsome, arrogant type that should make a good heel one of these days, and he looked a hair better than most of our new hires on day one. Boston looked better, though, and of course got the win, though he’s already stalled a bit as his Scorpio feud fizzled due to bad chemistry and he didn’t look as polished or reliable as I was hoping a vet might. I guess you can blame it on a bad first impression. Top Rope Elbow in 8:09. (33)


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Pre-Show – Tommy Carleton vs Edwin Riddle

Now, compare Boston to, say, Carleton, who has always quietly impressed me, just not enough to actually win anything until now. That’s going to change. Riddle was fiery and game but green, and Carleton worked him over well. Lariat in 5:55 to get the win. (27)


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Pre-Show – Slay and Bee vs Branch and Lorio

More testing, more seasoning. There’s not much to say about these low card matches between green women. Bertha is looking a bit promising, at least, and stands out due to her style and gimmick. She got the win here in 6:40 with her running clothesline. (23)


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Pre-Show – The Dregs vs Tallman and Waldron

Well, this could have gone better. For all the Dregs have been slowly but steadily improving, this match put a hitch in that. Gabe, the star of the two, managed to get a cracked tailbone on a bad bump. In spite of this, he got the pin at 8:27 like he was supposed to, but frankly, Tallman and Waldron are looking especially rough. I can't allow too many botches like that from nobodies, so consider them on thin ice. (20)


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Trent Stevens vs Big Hank Banner

Good news: these two have good chemistry. Bad news: this is still as good of a match as can be expected with that chemistry, apparently. I'll give anyone reading this two guesses on whose fault that is. Banner was a clumsy powerhouse in there, shrugging off hard-hitting Japanese-style strikes, and throwing Trent Stevens around without too much difficulty. Stevens probably deserves better, but Banner got the win after a running splash in 8:01. (33)




We went backstage next to our North American Champion, Billy Ray Bragg.


"Well, seems to me I've done a bit too good a job of defendin' my spot as of late. I've taken on all comers, and that ain't about to change. Big Hank, now you're a boy I've heard has been stuck on injured reserve for a little bit. Got yourself hurt, didja? Well, I'm afraid that's about to happen again. See, if you think that you can just stroll back in here after shaking off that rust and take my title, you're in for a rude awakening. You can ask any of the boys I've beaten recently how that goes. I'm gonna slap the taste outta your mouth, Hank, and make you regret even thinking you deserve to stand in a ring with me. You're gonna learn what happens when you try to dance with a Sidewinder, my boy, and just how nasty my bite can sting." (59)


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Josilyn Darville vs Rosemary Pfeiffer

I always think Rosemary is going to be better than she is for some reason, when I admittedly have not been given a reason to. Oh well. Josilyn came out hitting hard, and Rosemary was largely just there for most of the match, not really doing much to stand out. That led to about the ending one would expect, as Josilyn's nasty strikes won out and wore down her punk rock adversary, and she won by Savate Kick in 7:49 (33)




Wolf Koziol was backstage for an interview.


"You know, sometimes, when you start to develop a name, you start to get a target on your back. I know that. I know that very well. You're not the first, Reijiro, who wants to use me to send a message, and you won't be the last. But you're going to find out what everybody else finds out when they get in my way. And that, my man, is that if you piss me off, you're gonna get run over. Here's a little reminder for you. I am Wolf Koziol, I am the man around here, and I have hurt better and stronger and meaner than you. I've made countless people regret crossing my path. So you can bring your Army. Bring all of them. I'm gonna stamp all over you, and I will show you exactly who I am, and what happens when you cross me." (76)


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Lash and Jimmy G vs Durant and Brownfield

A damn good showing for our young guys. Lash was the cagey vet, but honestly, he didn’t look miles ahead of the other three, which for once says more good things about my young guys than suspect things about the veterans. Lash and Jimmy G looked a little more polished than the two faces, which was as much Sebastien trying to play protector for the easily-overwhelmed Tarzan than anything else. Tarzan himself was, as always, full of heart and passion, but physically outmatched by his opponents. That led to him tagging in to try and throw himself at Jimmy G, but a dazzling springboard crossbody turned into a gnarly football tackle that planted him to the mat, and Jimmy G snatched the win at 9:31. (45)




We went next to MJ Abruzzi, who was sitting in the back seat of a limo and had the window rolled down.


"Listen, I'm not supposed to wrestle tonight, so let's see if we can make this quick, alright? I'm supposed to be at a big club opening and I don't want to miss all the pretty girls, you feel me?


Now, I just have a message I want to give Mr. Kodiak Jack. I want you to understand, that for all your bluster, you asked me. Me. Into a cage match with you. And I want you to really, y'know, ruminate over what you've asked of yourself. You're going into a cage, no escape, no rules, with the Godfather of Professional Wrestling. And I am going to take that opportunity, and every opportunity that comes with it, to put the hurt on you. You see, up until this point, I've had to work within the rules. Work within the structures. But me? I'm at my best, and my most dangerous, when everything is on the table. You talk like you're the big mean bear in the cage? Nah, nah, nah, you're just a big loudmouth, and I'm the real animal here. It's your turn to be afraid, and you're not gonna make me feel afraid of nothing." (59)


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Riptide (Stalker and Mean Machine) vs Osburn and Wells

I was hoping Osburn would do better in this setting – and Mean Machine, frankly - but neither of them are main event talents. Still, Wells and Night Stalker especially dazzled, looking like very seasoned competitors, and while Ryan Osburn doesn't exactly have buckets of charisma, he's a supremely solid worker, while Mean Machine brings a lot of character and decent work. Frankly, for that reason alone, I see a solid future for both of these duos. This time, it was the pair of noble and hard-working mechanics who got the win, isolating Mean Machine from his slightly more dangerous counterpart in the closing moments, and Carver Wells took him down with a Neckbreaker at 15:19 to end it. (52)


The streak of slightly disappointing go-home shows continues, though it could have been much worse. I mean, with a Big Hank Banner match, a lot of green talent, and Ryan Osburn in the main event... yeah, that's about what I can expect. Well, here’s to Stampede. I can always count on our big names to show up when I need them to. (53) We finished up with a .31 and 238k viewers.



GCW Stampede:

(P) Cash Firestone vs Aaron Redcloud

(P) Slay and Bee vs Mitchell and Derby

(P) Trent Stevens vs Roger Cotton

Black Hat Rodeo vs Man Mountains

Jimmy G vs Sebastien Durant

Josilyn Darville vs Lily-Rose Criss – GCW Women’s Championship Match

Big Hank Banner vs Billy Ray Bragg – GCW North American Championship Match

Night Stalker vs Ryan Osburn

Nations and Kramer vs The Gwinn Brothers – GCW Tag Team Championship Match

Reijiro Kandori vs Wolf Koziol

MJ Abruzzi vs Jack Raiden – Steel Cage Match

Carver Wells vs Poseidon – GCW Heavyweight Championship Match

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(P) Cash Firestone vs Aaron Redcloud

(P) Slay and Bee vs Mitchell and Derby

(P) Trent Stevens vs Roger Cotton

Black Hat Rodeo vs Man Mountains

Jimmy G vs Sebastien Durant

Josilyn Darville vs Lily-Rose Criss – GCW Women’s Championship Match

Big Hank Banner vs Billy Ray Bragg – GCW North American Championship Match

Night Stalker vs Ryan Osburn

Nations and Kramer vs The Gwinn Brothers – GCW Tag Team Championship Match

Reijiro Kandori vs Wolf Koziol

MJ Abruzzi vs Jack Raiden – Steel Cage Match

Carver Wells vs Poseidon – GCW Heavyweight Championship Match

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Stampede Predictions:


Preshow: Aaron Redcloud def. Cash Firestone

Just because he's making his debut on PPV doesn't mean Cash is getting the win.


Preshow: Slay & Bee def. Mitchell & Derby

Not confident but Slay maybe getting next title shot.


Preshow: Trent Stevens def. Roger Cotton

Gotta build Trent up after jobbing him to Big Hank


Black Hat Rodeo def. Man Mountains

Could this be the end of the Man Mountains


Sebastien Durant def. Jimmy G

Jimmy G is moving up, but not that far.


Lily-Rose Criss def. Josilyn Darville to retain the GCW Women's Championship

I feel like Criss will retain


Billy Ray Bragg def. Big Hank Banner to retain the North American Championship

I don't think you'd be crazy enough to give Hank the title


Night Stalker def. Ryan Osburn

Ryan is a step below


The Gwinn Brothers def. Nations & Kramer to retain the GCW Tag Team Championships

I feel like you wouldn't have anyone to challenge Nations and Kramer if they won.


Reijiro Kandori def. Wolf Koizol

Cheating I'd guess, but it helps build up this feud.


Kodiak Jack def. MJ Abruzzi in a Steel Cage Match

I feel like Jack might be set to go up against Poseidon soon


Poseidon def. Carver Wells to retain the GCW Heavyweight Championship

Carver has definitely stepped up, but not all the way up to the top of the card yet.

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(P) Cash Firestone vs Aaron Redcloud

(P) Slay and Bee vs Mitchell and Derby

(P) Trent Stevens vs Roger Cotton

Black Hat Rodeo vs Man Mountains

Jimmy G vs Sebastien Durant

Josilyn Darville vs Lily-Rose Criss – GCW Women’s Championship Match

Big Hank Banner vs Billy Ray Bragg – GCW North American Championship Match

Night Stalker vs Ryan Osburn

Nations and Kramer vs The Gwinn Brothers – GCW Tag Team Championship Match

Reijiro Kandori vs Wolf Koziol

MJ Abruzzi vs Jack Raiden – Steel Cage Match

Carver Wells vs Poseidon – GCW Heavyweight Championship Match

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