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A Global Uprising? [Effganic]

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(P) Kelly Speakman vs Laurette Lorio

(P) Lail and Demand vs Graff and Mays

(P) Heavenly Bodies vs Tallman and Waldron

(P) Isaac Holman vs Aaron Redcloud

King Kong Grady vs The Danger Boys

Black Hat Rodeo vs The Gwinn Brothers

Lily-Rose Criss vs Madalene DeGeorge – GCW Women’s Championship Match

The Syndicate (Kramer and Nations) vs Durant and Brownfield

Dale Whitlock vs Billy Ray Bragg – GCW North American Championship Match

The Mechanics vs Riptide – GCW Tag Team Championship Match

MJ Abruzzi vs Braden Voss

Wolf Koziol vs Poseidon – GCW Heavyweight Championship Match

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July 6th, 1986 GCW Independence

Rupert C. Thompson Arena, 4075 in attendance


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Pre-Show – Kelly Speakman vs Laurette Lorio

Well, this was rather a battle of the greenest of the green, so little surprise it could have gone better. Speakman looked decent, though, and technically sound, and she submitted Lorio with a Sleeper at 7:39. (18)


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Pre-Show – Lail and Demand vs Graff and Mays

Much better. Graff and Mays are far better than the pre-show, but until I settle on a complete package for the two, this is where they’ll remain building up momentum and polish. Mays got the win with his Double Knees at 9:12. (40)




Jupiter and Saturn came out to the ring next, posing and strutting their way out and looking utterly confident of course, with microphones in their hands, based on Jack Raiden's suggestions.


"Well, well, look at all the braniacs here in Dartmouth who wanted to come see some real men," Jupiter said, smirking widely at the crowd. "I hope all you pencil-necked geeks really drink it in. You're in the presence of greatness, here, two Heavenly Bodies that no one can compare to."


"And certainly none of you," Saturn said, sneering as he leaned against the ropes. "I hope too many of you yokels didn't bring your girlfriends with you, before they realize just how far they can go up."


"Because we set the bar for beauty, and talent, and physical perfection," Jupiter said, sliding into a few classic bodybuilder poses. He certainly has the physique for it, I'll give him that. "And we need some opposition to prove just how good we can be, so bring them on!" (35)


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Pre-Show – Heavenly Bodies vs Tallman and Waldron

Unfortunately they didn’t put on a significantly better match after all the hype, but they were the stronger of the duos, of course. Tallman and Waldron are trying, but their proper use days are probably six months off at this rate. Jupiter hit a football tackle on Tallman to win at 9:34. (29)


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Pre-Show – Isaac Holman vs Aaron Redcloud

Another duo with no in-ring chemistry, but at least it happened on the pre-show and before either of them are relevant. Holman’s been on a decently impressive roll, but Redcloud is still the closer thing to a name, here, and he got the win with an Overhead Slam at 10:09. (20)




We opened the show with Lester Haas making his way down to the ring, sunglasses on and microphone in hand, King Kong Grady looming behind him.


"Let's not waste any time here, shall we? Me and my client issued a challenge, and a challenge has been accepted. The Danger Boys, in all their... wisdom, decided that they could handle my monster two on one. It's time to see if even two of them together are worth one of King Kong Grady. And I can guarantee you, what you're about to see here is going to be two man-sized smears on the canvas once Grady is through." (54)


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King Kong Grady w/Lester Haas vs The Danger Boys

Grady outsized both of them badly and seemed to have things well in hand at first, pummeling both and looking like an absolute killer, especially since this was a match where Bret and Auston were tagging in and out, rather than a constant two-on-one, letting Grady use his superior size to his advantage. However, the Danger Boys actually started to wear him down with quick tags and superior athleticism, and managed to roll him up into a pin when Bret tripped Grady over a kneeling Auston into a roll-up pin at 9:47. They both scampered quickly out of the ring as he popped up to roar his fury. (25)


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Black Hat Rodeo w/Tommy Carleton vs The Gwinn Brothers

An excellent return by these two teams, with the Gwinns struggling just a tad and the Black Hats on, perhaps, the come-up following their title loss, and both teams were clearly fired up and looking to establish a position back on top of the tag team division. The Gwinns especially were looking to hand out some punishment and brutality, while the Black Hats were more than happy to dive in and tee off, leading to a lot of early brutal exchanges. In the end, it was Texas Tommy Carleton who proved the equalizer, tripping up the Gwinns when he could and distracting the ref for illegal double-teams, and it added up enough for Dwayne Olivares to hit the Back Suplex and win at 15:07. (40)




We went backstage to Billy Ray Bragg, next, who was grinning from ear to ear and looking very pleased with himself.


"Y'see that? That's what I like. Today is going to be a good day for the Black Hat Rodeo, I can assure you of that. My boys put away those Gwinn Brothers that have been acting like such brave little lawmen, and now it's going to be my turn to show them how a real Sherriff behaves when I put Dale Whitlock down. You've had your fun, Dale, you've tried to rebrand yourself into some kinda White Hat riding in to save the day, but ain't no day gettin' saved. I'm gonna keep this title, and keep my spot, and then I am going to become the undeniable top dog in this company, just you wait and see." (66)


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Lily-Rose Criss vs Madalene DeGeorge – GCW Women’s Championship Match

An excellent contest between the two that saw experience and grace go up against cunning and viciousness, and became a step above their previous match. Madalene looked even more violent and brutal in this match than she had previously, riding high on the knowledge that she could, and had, defeated Lily-Rose once before - and not afraid to play with the referee's count since a DQ would only see the title stay around her waist. Lily-Rose was doing well, herself, flipping around and getting a nearfall of a La Magistral cradle, but Madalene just barely managed to kick out She ended up spiking Lily-Rose with a nasty DDT to get the win at 9:45. (50)


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Kramer and Nations vs Tropical Storm

I would have liked to see this breathe a little more, but Kramer is starting to lose steam faster these days so we kept it nice and tight. This time the heroic duo showed up big, with Tarzan’s athleticism rocking Marcus Kramer early and Sebastien showing off his power, and it turned into an excellent brawl. Scorpio tried his Scorpio Clutch on Sebastien a few times, only for the Haitian Hammer to power out of it, breaking out the first time and driving him into the turnbuckle the second. A desperate Scorpio crawled away to tag Marcus Kramer, who blasted Sebastien with a running forearm, but suffered a jumping knee from Tarzan in return before he could really get rolling. Tarzan got the tag shortly after and got the pin off a Missile Dropkick in 10:24. (51)




We went backstage next to the assembled Riptide, who looked as smug and confident as two masked men and the stony Poseidon ever truly did.


"There are many groups trying to make their place in GCW, in my Kingdom, as of late," Poseidon said. "But tonight will be a night for the Riptide to prove that they, that we, are the superior force in wrestling. Let the Black Hat Rodeo indulge in their dreams of prominence. Let the Syndicate plot their schemes. Let the Old Guard try to be the heroes they dream the people need. They cannot compare to the Riptide, and they cannot compare to me, and that is all there is to it."


"It's time the Mechanics were put in their place," Ashton Black said. "Carver, Osburn, you know what I can do, you know what I'm capable of. I've beaten both of you plenty of times in the past. And everyone knows that I am a more than worthy substitue in this team, as a tag team legend in GCW."


"And with the Night Stalker here, no one is going to unseat us," he tittered. "No one can take these titles from us. We will hold them until the end of days. And Wolf, don't think I've forgotten you. You were the impetus to my transformation, I should thank you, Wolf, for making me the warrior I am today. Just as our King, Poseidon, thanks you for putting him on his path to undefeated glory."


"Yes, and you will give me just the next step," Poseidon said. "One more victory for the total. One more body left beneath the throne. I am Poseidon, I am the King of the Seas, and you are going to be my next conquest. You don't stand a chance against me. You never have. And I think you know that." (66)


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Dale Whitlock vs Billy Ray Bragg – GCW North American Championship

It was an impressive battle as Dale once again went head to head with his former protégé. Billy Ray tried a number of dirty tricks but Whitlock countered them all, having been quite the Black Hat himself once before, and taught Billy Ray most of them. He blocked a handful of eye rakes easily, ducked a spat wad of tobacco spit, and caught a blatant low blow, turning it instead into a leg trip and a jumping elbow drop that got a two-count. Billy Ray tried to bail to the outside a few times as well, but Dale rolled out to meet him every time, kicking away steel chairs and rolling him back into the ring. Even an attempt to have the Black Hats come out was neutralized by the Old Guard just coming out and blocking off the ramp. This time he managed to secure the Hangman’s Neckbreaker and got the pin in 12:49 to win the North American Title, ending Billy Ray's exactly 200 day reign. (57)


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The Mechanics vs Riptide – GCW Tag Team Championship Match

Another battle between the Mechanics and the Riptide, and another solidly worked contest. Ashton was slowed down still from his cracked tailbone, but he did alright, while Osburn if anything seems to be flagging as a worker. I’m hoping it’s just his lack of momentum making the crowd sit on their hands rather than age, but he is 38, so who knows. We'll have to see if his new role in the Mechanics can turn things around, but it hasn't thusfar. Meanwhile, Night Stalker was excellent, Carver Wells still looks like a solid upper midcarder, and in particular Riptide was working as a vicious, well-oiled machine, punishing the Mechanics all the way through the match. Osburn conveniently took the pin when Ashton speared him out of his boots at 13:48 to retain. (56)




MJ Abruzzi was interviewed being led out of his limousine by Camille St. Croix.


"Ah, today is the day. Today is the day I assert my dominance once again on the top of the card where I belong. You see, the Godfather isn't here to play nice, and I'm not here to settle for second best, and I'm getting a little tired of that being the case, y'know? So tonight, I'm going to break Braden Voss in two. And then, once I've done that, I'm taking aim at Wolf Koziol to settle our business, because that is far from concluded. And when that is done, well, if Wolf has a good night tonight, I'll be the champion. And that'll be perfect. And if not, I'm taking aim at whoever has that belt around their waist, because trust me, ladies and gentlemen, it's only a matter of time because I get the prize I so richly deserve." (66)


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MJ Abruzzi and Braden Voss

Another electric battle between these two, as their styles mesh excellently, and I'm very glad that I stole both from WWB when I did. Braden Voss looked on another level here in terms of performance, one of his best so far, zipping around the ring for much of the mask and looking every inch the lightning quick Roadrunner he claims to be. But MJ was one step ahead, too cunning and too clever, and while Whitlock in his match had the experience to counter those dirty tricks, Voss wasn't so lucky here. Abruzzi chopped down the legs as he was so good at doing, neutralizing Voss's high flying offense, and with the Syndicate around to play distraction, he managed to clock Voss with a pair of brass knuckles when he wouldn't go down easy, stealing the win at 21:14. (59)




Wolf Koziol was backstage, leather jacket on, fired up as always, as he dumped a bottle of water over his head to wet down his hair.


"My head is buzzing, I'm not gonna lie, over the injustice I just witnessed, and MJ? Oh, you'd better believe I am coming for you soon enough. You're very right that we have unfinished business, you and I, and I am going to delight in breaking down the "Godfather" and your happy little Syndicate, and showing you who really runs things around here. And if it's my first defense as Champion, all the better, because I will delight in stomping you into the mud. No one treats a brother of mine like that, and you're gonna find out the hard way just how the Wolfpack rides.


But that's not the big story here, is it? No. Personal as that might be, I've got slightly bigger fish to fry here. Some would call it the biggest. Hell, some would call him a goddamn whale. Our King of the Seas, Poseidon. You want me? You're gonna get me. I'm finally gonna wipe my hands of you, and prove that I am the top dog around here. That Championship is gonna be mine. Because I am sick of looking at your face." (65)


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Wolf Koziol vs Poseidon – GCW Heavyweight Championship Match

Perhaps the best match these two have had yet, bolstered by their excellent chemistry. They battered one another in nasty fashion, hitting hard and looking like they were really trying to beat the piss out of one another, just as I'd expect from the no-selling Wolf and the dominant bruiser Poseidon. They muscled back and forth, Poseidon using his superior size at times to take control, while Wolf clearly had the greater fire and - for good or ill - seemed all but impervious to pain. He sealed his own fate, though, as Poseidon rolled out of the ring to escape a Lariat. Wolf chased him out, running around the ring and tried another Lariat as Poseidon rested against the ring post, ducking out of the way at the last second so Wolf flung himself into the steel. He howled in pain, and Poseidon grabbed him arm to drag his shoulder into the steel a few times, before whipping him into the guard rail. He rolled back inside and Wolf chased, eating a Face Crusher for his efforts - that only led to a nearfall. Poseidon removed the turnbuckle pad while the ref was checking on his injured arm, and tried to throw Wolf into it, but he made the stop, kicking Poseidon in the gut to stop him and taking him over with a one armed suplex that was quite impressive. Poseidon got to his feet and Wolf geared up for the Lariat again, but Poseidon dropped down and tripped him, sending him face-first into the steel. Wolf reeled and Poseidon hit another Face Crusher, making defense number 8 of his title at 15:20. (60)


Following the match, Poseidon laid into Wolf, along with Night Stalker and Ashton Black who came out to join him. The three champions were interrupted, though, when Jack Raiden roared out from the back, finally recovered from his broken ankle, chasing them away with a steel chair to announce his return. (53)


Another dynamite show, and I can’t complain about it much at all. Things really do seem to be building and it’s almost time, hopefully, to put it all over the edge. Fingers crossed. (59)


Next Week:

Reijiro Kandori vs Jack Raiden

Sunset Army vs Tropical Storm

Kelly Speakman vs Lilyanna Derby

Danger Boys vs Riptide - GCW Tag Team Championship Match

The Syndicate (Nations and Kramer) vs Wolfpack (Voss and Koziol)

Billy Ray Bragg vs Dale Whitlock - GCW North American Championship Match

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Reijiro Kandori vs Jack Raiden

Sunset Army vs Tropical Storm

Kelly Speakman vs Lilyanna Derby

Danger Boys vs Riptide - GCW Tag Team Championship Match

The Syndicate (Nations and Kramer) vs Wolfpack (Voss and Koziol)

Billy Ray Bragg vs Dale Whitlock - GCW North American Championship Match

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Did not expect Dale to be taking the title honestly, but then again Billy Ray had already held that title for quite some time.



Preshow: No preshow matches?


Jack Raiden def. Reijiro Kandori

Jack's nearing the belt while Reijiro is set to retire soon.


Tropical Storm def. Sunset Army

Tropical Storm are by far the better team


Lilyanna Derby def. Kelly Speakman

Derby is higher on the order and might be heading for a title challenge soon.


Riptide def. Danger Boys - GCW Tag Team Championship

Danger Boys definitely aren't at the level to be holding the belts


Wolfpack def. Syndicate

Nations and Kramer are both below the Wolfpack on the pecking order from what I can tell, particularly with Kramer slowly dropping further down.


Dale Whitlock def. Billy Ray Bragg - GCW North American Championship

Could very easily go the other way, but it's a good way to move Billy Ray on from the belt and allow him to take the next step up and let someone else take the belt off Dale.

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Reijiro Kandori vs Jack Raiden

Raiden is back anad he ain´t going to lose this one.


Sunset Army vs Tropical Storm

Bigger names.


Kelly Speakman vs Lilyanna Derby

I still think Derby is the logical next challenger


Danger Boys vs Riptide - GCW Tag Team Championship Match

Good to see Danger Boys getting a win over Grady. That said, this is still too much too soon for them but it will be interesting to see how they perform.


The Syndicate (Nations and Kramer) vs Wolfpack (Voss and Koziol)

Voss and Wolf are still bigger names in my books.


Billy Ray Bragg vs Dale Whitlock - GCW North American Championship Match

It was a bit of a surprise to see Dale win the belt but it´s nice to see him getting one last run with a belt while Bragg likely heads into bigger things on the near future.

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Reijiro Kandori vs Jack Raiden

Sunset Army vs Tropical Storm

Kelly Speakman vs Lilyanna Derby

Danger Boys vs Riptide - GCW Tag Team Championship Match

The Syndicate (Nations and Kramer) vs Wolfpack (Voss and Koziol)

Billy Ray Bragg vs Dale Whitlock - GCW North American Championship Match

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