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Grimm SoCal Wrestling: Keep their heads ringnin'

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The episode begins with Brother Grimm inside the ring and holding a mic. Grimm talks about the prestige of the annual King of California tournament, saying he doesn’t approve of shady tactics messing with the outcomes. While he appreciates Motor City Made not laying a hand on Raheem Stash to affect the outcome of his match tonight, Grimm doesn’t like the fact that the baddest bitch in the business interfered in his previous match against Magwitch. For that, he reveals that LaRue has been fined and will pay additionally for it with a match at the big event coming up. Furthermore, anyone else affecting the outcomes of the remaining matches, whether it’s LaRue, Long Beach Crew messing with Hustle Muvva or anyone on the roster, they will be fired immediately on the spot. (Rating: 58)




The former three time American champion was the clear favourite in this match against the tag team specialist, even more so after Grimm’s announcement that effectively prevented the other members of Los Guerilleros from interfering. Still, LatiNoFear made the best of this opportunity to showcase his individual in-ring skills, a mix of reckless high flying spots and weapons. Fro is no stranger to hardcore wrestling either and he made his opponent look good, before taking him out with the Sure Thing piledriver to advance into the next phase. (Rating: 48)




After his victory, Fro Sure took the time to work the crowd with an entertaining promo, saying he’s looking forward to the big final showdown and a chance to once again become the King of California following his 2015 victory, a stepping stone towards reclaiming the American championship for the fourth time. (Rating: 59)




Although both men are known for their hard hitting punches, this match played out more as the usual harcore brawl they’re both used to, with the un-likeable E-Soteric being the de facto babyface against the cheating ex-IPW competitor that fans showered with hatred. Muvva employed his usual sneaky tactics but E-Soteric had done his homework and managed to catch the fighter from Atlanta off guard by playing possum, only to jump back into life and hit him with a Double Arm DDT for the pin. (Rating: 44)




As soon as the match ended, Cali Slick and Aces High ran down to the ring to beat down the fallen Hustle Muvva. The readiness of the attack indicated that the Long Beach Crew were likely prepared to attack earlier during the match and had only held back due to Brother Grimm’s warning, but they still got the upper hand in the end when they left a defeated Muvva bloodied in the ring. (Rating: 43)




The night’s main event turned out way better than it had any right to be, largely thanks to the unpraised stamina and athleticism of Raheem Stash. Deaf Touch walked into the bout looking to impose a quick pace and use his own resilience to wear out the big man, but Stash was able to keep up and his scary power saw his opponent tossed out of the ring, where the brawl continued. LaRue was there to support her Motor City Made teammate, but spent most of the time taunting Stash or raising her hands to proclaim innocence, clearly affected by Grimm’s announcement at the start of the episode. After a few minutes of fast paced, hard hitting action on the outside, Stash took things back into the ring but that proved to be a mistake, as Deaf Touch got a second wind and switched to his crisp technical wrestling skills to wear down the big man. This allowed him to hit the Mafia Kick and set up a Crooked Moonsault, which proved enough to keep Stash down for the three count as DT advanced, one step closer to realizing his goal of becoming the first ever back to back winner of the King of California tournament. (Rating: 53)



King of California

Match card


King of California finals match

Busta Capp/Deaf Touch vs E-Soteric/Fro Sure


Special Showcase match

Tavon Blake Jr vs Masked Cougar


King of California finals qualifier match

Busta Capp vs Deaf Touch


King of California finals qualifier match

E-Soteric vs Fro Sure


GSW West Coast title match

Foxxy LaRue © vs Raheem Stash


GSW Tag Team titles match

State of Destruction © vs Wild Things


Grudge match

Long Beach Crew vs Hustle Muvva & ???


Opening Trios match

Los Guerilleros vs BPLM (Miss Jones, Black Diamond & Jo Baker)


Plus a groundbreaking announcement from Brother Grimm at the start of the show!

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Nooooo, not Papa Swoll :confused:


King of California finals match

Busta Capp/Deaf Touch vs E-Soteric/Fro Sure


Special Showcase match

Tavon Blake Jr vs Masked Cougar


King of California finals qualifier match

Busta Capp vs Deaf Touch


King of California finals qualifier match

E-Soteric vs Fro Sure


GSW West Coast title match

Foxxy LaRue © vs Raheem Stash


GSW Tag Team titles match

State of Destruction © vs Wild Things


Grudge match

Long Beach Crew vs Hustle Muvva & ???


Opening Trios match

Los Guerilleros vs BPLM (Miss Jones, Black Diamond & Jo Baker)


Plus a groundbreaking announcement from Brother Grimm at the start of the show!

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King of California finals match

Busta Capp/Deaf Touch vs E-Soteric/Fro Sure


Special Showcase match

Tavon Blake Jr vs Masked Cougar


King of California finals qualifier match

Busta Capp vs Deaf Touch


King of California finals qualifier match

E-Soteric vs Fro Sure


GSW West Coast title match

Foxxy LaRue © vs Raheem Stash


GSW Tag Team titles match

State of Destruction © vs Wild Things


Grudge match

Long Beach Crew vs Hustle Muvva & ???


Opening Trios match

Los Guerilleros vs BPLM (Miss Jones, Black Diamond & Jo Baker)

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Pre-show: Public Enemy #1 defeated G Force, Devyn Retribution, Sheila Maivia and Shooting Star Perez. (Rating: 22)




GSW’s biggest show of the year began with the man himself delivering a speech that riled up fans and set the tone for the rest of the night. After welcoming fans in attendance and watching through WrestleWorld, Brother Grimm announced that he had signed some big new contracts with unusual stars to kick off the company’s new season, hinting at the night’s scheduled appearance of CZCW and SoCal star, Masked Cougar, as the start of this. He then proceeded to explain this wasn’t just to spice things up, but that GSW would be aggressively expanding with 30 more minutes to each weekly episode and needed more troops for the battlefield, his analogy complete when he openly declared war on IPW and promised to put them out of business. This sent fans into a series of pro-GSW and anti-IPW chants, setting up the stage for Grimm’s final revelation, the brand new championship belts he unveiled to introduce the new GSW trios titles, to be awarded to the promotion’s Hottest Crew in the opening contest that was up next. (Rating: 57)







The show kicked off with a rematch of Uprising’s opener, only this time the newly introduced Hottest Crew trios titles were on the line to raise the stakes. The first match had ended with a bang as Miss Jones managed to pin Mexico’s Finest and Los Guerilleros were hell bent on avenging what they clearly considered a shameful, insulting loss to the three women, who were now jointly introduced as BPLM. What those initials stand for is anyone’s guess so far. As for the match itself, Los Guerilleros’ intensity was matched by the youthful excitement of Jo Baker who seems to be improving with every match, as well as Black Diamond’s power and athleticism. Miss Jones also seemed to be more comfortable wrestling the GSW style by this point, having added some brawling to her usual high flying arsenal. For all their efforts though, BPLM could not manage the back to back victory as Los Guerilleros showcased their superior teamwork, zoning in like vultures for 3 on 1 attacks when possible and using their signature baseball bats for several spots until LatiNoFear managed to flatten Miss Jones with a Ghetto Kick and score the pin. With that, Los Guerilleros were officially declared the inaugural champions and GSW’s Hottest Crew. (Rating: 35)




The Long Beach Crew made their entrance next, prepared to go to war against Hustle Muvva in the next chapter of their rivalry. The charismatic brawler from Atlanta came out next with a mic in hand to introduce his mystery partner. Slick and Aces mocked him, saying he has no friends in GSW, but Muvva announced he was able to find one person crazy enough to join him for this match… Magwitch! (Rating: 47)




Muvva and Magwitch certainly lacked the teaming experience of their opponents, but they made up for it with extreme willingness to get down, dirty and hardcore. Somehow Muvva’s chicanery complemented the mad clown’s sick sense of humor and made for a rather entertaining as well as surprisingly competitive bout, in which all four participants bled profusely, much to the fans’ delight. There were no crazy stunts or spots, just pure brawling in the most street fighting way, involving of course weapons like chairs, tables and barb wire. All this insanity made for quite the spectacle, but it also meant that Magwitch got carried away brawling with Slick outside the ring, thus failing to be there for the tag when Muvva needed to make it. Aces High finally had his hated opponent cornered and after hitting his finisher, scored the pin for his most redemptive victory in quite some time. (Rating: 49)




A classic David vs Goliath setup, this match was a chance for WIld Things to once again wrestle together after both men fared poorly as singles competitors in the King of California tournament. Not that it did them much good, but at least they had an opportunity to look good and hit some big moves to pop the crowd, especially when Top Dolla pulled off his signature suicide dive off the balcony. BB Colossus and Boneyard had their work cut out for them chasing the smaller, faster challengers around, a condition that allowed Wild Things to get some offense in and prevented the champions from completely dominating the bout, but in the end State of Destruction got the three count and retained, marking their third title defense during their ongoing reign. (Rating: 43)




Facing Raheem Stash was probably Foxxy LaRue’s biggest challenge to date as West Coast champion and, as the announcing team reminded everyone, this was intentional due to LaRue’s involvement in the King of California tournament match outcomes. Up against the much larger and powerful opponent, LaRue used hit and run tactics to pick her spots and safely move out of distance, something she executed to perfection thanks to her ring awareness and footwork. Stash took most of the hits at the start of the match, choosing to soak up the impact instead of gassing out early by chasing the champion around. It didn’t take long for the situation to show that this was leading nowhere, so Stash exploded into action out of nowhere and hit a decapitating lariat on LaRue that sent her out of the ring. Stash gave chase and the pace of the match picked up from there, the two fighting in the audience and neither looking like they were willing to give up as Foxxy’s fighting spirit more than made up for her size disadvantage. LaRue even had a chance to win the match when she had Stash groggy and stooped low, offering his head within range for the Flash Head Kick. What happened next, happened fast, as Kandii got in the way of the move and ended up getting knocked out by LaRue’s move, though whether she sacrificed herself or Stash pulled her in the way was unclear. In the aftermath, Stash was the first to capitalize and tackle LaRue, subsequently scooping her up for a Standing Powerslam. The massive Jamaican dropped his full weight behind the move and stayed on top of “the baddest bitch in the business” for the count, his mass just enough to keep LaRue down for the count. Foxxy got a shoulder up still, but it was after the count of three. The match was already over and Raheem Stash was the new GSW West Coast champion. (Rating: 50)




Both men in this match have been on an upward trajectory, yet still somehow always seemed unable to win the big matches that mattered in order to make it to the next level, so this bout was of great personal importance to both in order to make it to the finals of the tournament and compete for the title of this year’s King of California. E-Soteric’s boxing-based style meshed well with Fro Sure’s sparkplug brawling and kung fu style spots, delivering a hard hitting fistfight that still was mostly contested inside the ring and didn’t spill out to ringside and the fans like the one before it. Ultimately, it came down to reach, as Fro Sure made the best of his long legs to keep his opponent at a distance with kicks and avoid his wild haymakers, until he stunned him for just long enough to close in and pull off his finisher for the win. (Rating: 51)




Fro’s opponent would be determined in this match and once again, both participants had something to prove here. Busta Capp chased that big win that would bring him back to the top tiers of GSW again, while Deaf Touch had proclaimed his intention to advance and win the tournament, becoming the first ever back to back King of California. Though once again a hard hitting contest, this match wasn’t as single-mindedly brawl oriented as the previous thanks to Deaf Touch shaking things up with his crisp technical skill and the occasional aerial spot. Capp only went there after nailing Touch with a Mafia Kick, deciding he wanted to add insult to injury so instead of going straight for the cover, he attempted to steal his opponent’s finisher as well. The Crooked Moonsault was performed, with surprising athleticism too given Capp’s age and piled up damage through the years, but it took so much time that DT was able to recover and roll to the side. With Capp reeling on the mat after coming up empty, Touch pulled him up and returned the favor with a Mafia Kick of his own, following it up with his own finisher to score the pin and move on to the finals where he would face Fro Sure. (Rating: 49)




As had been announced, Masked Cougar would be making a one night only appearance, so he made the most out of it by coming out in the most spectacular way possible. Dropping the gimmickry for a more rugged version of his character, complete with a darker mask than his usual one, Cougar seemed less cartoonish and more like a cautious predator in his demeanor as he came down to the ring and fans responded to his presence thanks to the reputation he’s managed to establish for himself after several years in the Californian independent circuit. (Rating: 46)




GSW may be a hardcore promotion first and foremost, but it is no stranger to masked high flyers, so Cougar didn’t feel like a fish out of water here. What’s more, wrestling the technically sound Tavon Blake Jr who also doesn’t fit the classic hardcore wrestler mould resulted in an unusual and refreshing bout, much closer to classic pro wrestling than the average GSW contest. Cougar hit all his signature spots and sold every move his opponent hit him with, TBJ going full on old school as he focused on Cougar’s upper back and neck in order to soften him up for his finisher. Going for those areas instead of the lower back and legs still allowed the veteran a lot of mobility to pull off his own big moves, but the big finish saw him go for a flying back senton off the second rope, only for Blake to block when he caught him before impact and turned this into a Black Plex for the pin. (Rating: 60)




Blake versus Cougar turned out way better than one might have expected, so the main event had a high bar to clear after that. On top of it, both Fro and Touch had already wrestled earlier, so there was a chance this would affect their performance. Fortunately, not only that wasn’t the case, but both men were able to use the fact and weave it into the story of the match as they struggled to push past the pain and exhaustion in a showcase of passion, intensity, desire, resilience and fighting spirit. This was also coming off their Last Man Standing match at Uprising a month ago, a grueling contest that Fro had managed to win, providing him with a realistic chance of defeating the Unbreakable One yet again. Much like the in-ring action, fan support was split right down the middle, with half the audience rooting for Deaf Touch and his redemption arc while the other half was firmly behind the charismatic Fro Sure. Touch also popped the crowd when he hit the Flash Head Kick for a two count, a nod to his Motor City Made partner who had lost the West Coast title earlier in the show, but it was Fro who hit the Sure Thing piledriver onto a chair that managed to get the win, ten or so minutes into the bout. The cheers and celebration nearly blew the roof off the Warehouse and even as Deaf Touch came back to his senses, Fro helped him back to his feet and raised his arm in recognition of a worthy opponent, providing fans with a chance to cheer both men for their efforts, regardless of final outcome. (Rating: 59)




Brother Grimm came down to the ring carrying the King of California trophy, which he then proceeded to hand over to this year’s winner. Grimm cut a quick promo to congratulate Fro and say he’s counting on him to deliver in this new era of aggressive expansion and open warfare against IPW, while Fro made sure to take up that burden, thanking fans for their support and Deaf Touch for the match. Fro ended the night praising all of GSW’s roster, saying they all put up one hell of a fight in this year’s tournament and promising to lead the charge in the coming fight as the new King of California. (Rating: 56)


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GSW go to open war against IPW with all the numbers in their favor, having just completed their biggest show of each year. Even comparing King of California to IPW's equivalent, Triplemania, there is a full 5 point show rating difference in favor of Brother Grimm's promotion. Industry pundits however such as Greg Sluchinski, Joanne Rodriguez and Phil Vibert commented that Grimm's move seems to be coming from a safe place given both companies' performance in the first half of 2020, with Vibert even calling it short-sighted. "Gil Thomas won't be running out of money anytime soon and Grimm's already got the lead so he'd be better off looking to top Coastal Zone and become the #1 company in California" the former DAVE producer said during his podcast, Vibert's Voice.


Prediction results

Blodyxe: 6/8 and kudos for getting the finals matchup correct

Herrbear: 6/8 and kudos for correctly guessing the West Coast title switch


So I bumped up to Small size after this show and I'm looking to make some changes to go along with it. Already mentioned the signings and I've switched the taping schedule from 4 to 2 shows at once while adding an extra half hour. Starting next episode (after I post the HWA show first) I will be posting cards in advance for predictions, with the winners given a chance to affect the outcome of the save. Also considering a slight visual update, so as a sneak preview, here's the reigning GSW American champion, Cali Slick.


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Show kicked off with Too Hot making his entrance, dancing and strutting to the ring as he worked up the crowd. After busting a couple of ninety-nineties in the middle of the ring, the veteran brought the heat with some beatboxing and a quick on-the-spot freestyle.


Too Hot: “Welcome people old and new, to the show that’s gonna rock you

Name’s Too Hot and I’m just that, I got the moves and I got the rap

They got me facin’ this girl you see, she came all the way here from Tennessee

But I ain’t scared cause I’m a soulja, once I win this match I’ll come back and say I told ya!”



Black Diamond’s music hits and she comes out, nodding condescendingly at her opponent. Too Hot gives her space in the ring, but she motions for him to hand her the mic.


Diamond: “You run yo mouth/callin’ me out/think I can’t spit?/I roll with it/I know what’s street/I live this shit/day out, day in/honor this ring/do it again/East Coast or West/forget the rest/I am the best/wrestling or rap/I beat the crap/right outta you/so watcha gonna do?”


Black Diamond drops the mic, her attitude and lightning fast rhymes out of nowhere popping the audience. Too Hot sees his chance to reclaim some of his lost pride and runs in with a pump kick, the opening match is underway!




Too Hot got a few hits in, but Diamond shook the cobwebs off and quickly regained control of the match thanks to her skill and power, in full display through a series of slams and suplexes. For all her dominance though, she got carried away and the crafty veteran made her pay for it when he led her to go for a splash and he got his knees up. Too Hot tried to focus his strikes towards his opponent’s left leg in an attempt to take away her vertical base and especially after he hit a chop block, Diamond was clearly favoring one leg. Still, when he went for a DDT, Diamond was able to push him away to the ropes and catch him on the rebound for a Belly to Belly Suplex, the momentum off the slingshot making up for the strength she was lacking due to her damaged leg. Elegance, HWA’s head (and only) referee hit the mat and counted to three, Black Diamond beat Too Hot, much to the delight of the fans, especially young females in the audience.




This match featured two of HWA’s greenest, so the road agent in charge made every effort to cover up for their inevitable shortcomings. Sadly, HWA’s rowdy hardcore crowds don’t do well with overly scripted matches and would tear this one apart if they noticed signs of such an approach, so the solution instead was sensationalism. Punnen and Astro told a simple story of trying to cave each other’s head in with spectacular kick-based moves to set up their headkick finishers, all done in a frantic fight that spread out across the entire venue. It was over the top and it wasn’t pretty, but Punnen managed to get the most out of it as she got the pin after hitting her Scissor Kick finisher.




Magwitch and LaRue have had an ongoing rivalry in GSW, but East Coast fans never got to witness it first hand. WrestleWorld coverage however meant that they had an idea of it, so all the competitors had do to here was rekindle their feud, sprinkling their match with tested spots and callbacks to their previous bouts. Oddly enough, fan support was split down the middle for this one and it came down to Magwitch guzzling the blood that was running down his face and spitting it into LaRue’s eyes, blinding her long enough for him to roll her up and score the pin.



After the match, LaRue was furious and threw an absolute tantrum while Magwitch left the ring, cackling.


LaRue: “This is the type of shit you wanna see? You people wanna cheer for a clown over me? Well you know what, you don’t deserve to see the baddest bitch in this business do her thing in this dump. I quit!”


LaRue literally dropped the mic and left, her shock announcement sending fans into a whirlwind of confusion, rumors and guessing.




Death Row came into this match with all the pomp and circumstance of a former SWF team, working the live audience into a frenzy before they even got inside the ring. As a hardcore gangsta duo from the West Coast, they were the perfect opponents for Dead Men Walking in this match, with both teams giving everything they had to deliver a hard hitting match full of stiff shots, bloodied faces and tons of weapons. This didn’t need any history or build-up, the story told itself and fans ate up the fight, popping for several spots and the big finish where DMW hit The Execution, allowing Gravedigga to cover Knuckles for the three count while Mobstar kept Shady K at bay.





As was announced, the main event was an old school battle royal, with all ten men starting inside the ring and eliminations occurring over the top rope. Reckless Antix and Jock Shock were all involved, as was Mutant, Sayeed Ali and Xavi Ferrera. Three newcomers showed up as well to shake things up: the veteran Art Reed, DAVE and Warrior Engine’s very own Doug Peak as well as the cocky youngster Jackpot Jordan, who made his first appearance inside a ring since his controversial exodus from PSW.


With little room to move around, the match started as a brawl with lockups and punches all around. Doug Peak drew first blood when he managed to eliminate Tyrone Gray, but he immediately regretted it as this drew the ire of Nate DeMarcus, who nailed Peak with a Snap Tackle into the corner post and tossed him over the top rope after. Meanwhile, Antix and Xavier Reckless didn’t seem to be as amicable a team, trading blows as they tried to eliminate each other, only for Mutant to come charging with a double clothesline that eliminated them both.


A shocking elimination occurred when Xavi Ferrerra tried to launch Sayeed Ali over the top with a Ferrerarana, as instead Ali blocked the move and held Fererra up in a powerbomb position to launch him out of the ring. This left Jackpot Jordan as the smallest and only white competitor in the ring, which in turn had everyone else beat him to a pulp and unceremoniously dump his cocky ass out the ring. With that, it came down to the final four: Art Reed, Mutant, Nate DeMarcus and Sayeed Ali.


The previously formed alliance immediately turned on Mutant, his three opponents beating him up but that did not make dropping the 400+lber out any easier. Instead, Mutant apparently caught wind of Reed gasping for breath and exploded into action, surprising the 45 year old veteran who found himself flying to the outside. Sayeed Ali slid out under the bottom rope to look around for weapons, leaving Mutant and DeMarcus to slug it out. The exchange of chops had an unexpected flavour of Japanese wrestling to it, but DeMarcus made a mistake in attempting to bodyslam the big monster. Despite his great power, DeMarcus just couldn’t pull it off and Mutant retaliated with a MuTNT that knocked him out just long enough for the big man to deadlift him off the mat and send him over the top rope.


Ali saw his chance and got back into the ring with a chair in hand, which he proceeded to whack into the back of Mutant. This brought the big man to one knee, as Ali struck again, first to the back once more and then with a huge unprotected shot to the head. Mutant was finally down, but again, moving him around was no small task. Ali used this break to ponder his next move, well aware that his G.B.H. Driver wasn’t going to cut it in this situation. Mutant slowly got back up and Ali tried to lure him into a charge, hoping he would duck it and have the man hit the ropes with enough momentum. It didn’t work though, because Mutant bounced off the ropes with unexpected athleticism and captured Ali, almost dancing him in position for the TMNTurner. Ali blocked the execution of the move, but that still left him grappled. Again, Mutant showed a flash of creativity when he switched the game and hopped Ali up onto his shoulders and into a fireman’s carry position. From there, he spun around a few times to get him dizzy and, slightly groggy himself, collapsed back into a sloppy variation of a samoan drop. It didn’t look good, but it was enough to dump Ali out of the ring, thus ensuring that Mutant not only won the Battle Royal, but also would become the first ever HWA East Coast champion.


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Mutant as the new champion is a great call. Hoping he will have some great defenses.

Thanks. He ticks all the boxes, is not the most obvious choice (compared to Ali or Ferrerra) and the Battle Royale stipulation certainly fits someone his size.


Right now I'm trying to book the new GSW episodes with a different mindset, one that's more long-term oriented and involves more angles that set up the next episode's matches. That way I can announce cards in advance and run a little prediction contest.

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The newly crowned King of California opens the show with quite the entrance. Fro is carrying the trophy, shaped much like a pimp cup, while strutting to the ring and rapping on the mic. His track "King of Cali", which he released online after winning the tournament, is already trending and loyal fans are singing along to his rhymes. There is no doubt this man is popular and anything he does, catches on and spreads like wildfire.</span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

Once inside the ring, Fro thanks the fans for their support and says it feels amazing to once again be the King of California, especially now that GSW has grown so much, has so many talented people on its roster and is broadcast all across North America on WrestleWorld. The promo takes a surprising twist when the bro with the fro says he's in no hurry to wrestle Cali Slick for the American title, because for now he just wants to enjoy the moment and savor his victory. This does bring out Brother Grimm, also mic in hand, who points out that Fro is right: this'll be a long road and it'll be rocky alright. For starters, by the time he gets his shot, Slick might not even be the champion any more, because tonight he'll be defending his American title in the main event! (Rating: 49)</span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

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</span></span><img alt="7039c7cc1e06568ab06afaf44384bb85.png" data-src="https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201221/7039c7cc1e06568ab06afaf44384bb85.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

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Introducing the Hottest Crew trios title was a sign of such matches and groups being elevated in the near future for GSW and the opening contest was proof of that, with the near-champions taking on Capp, E-Soteric and PE#1. The three males didn't shy away from hitting hard, their brawling countered by a mix of technical wrestling and aerial moves. Things took a drastic turn when it became apparent that Miss Jones landed at an awkward angle while trying to drop an elbow off the top turnbuckle and likely injured her arm, which in turn left her two much less experienced teammates to fend for themselves. Moments later, Capp caught Jo Baker with a Mafia Kick for the pin and it was all over. (Rating: 32)</span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

</span></span><img alt="ad87c05b6a4ca7924be5c60efb9436ef.png" data-src="https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210703/ad87c05b6a4ca7924be5c60efb9436ef.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

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Newly crowned GSW Hottest Crew, Los Guerilleros, were in action up next in a tag match, although Mexico's Finest joined them at ringside and provided whatever assistance was needed throughout the bout. Even without MF on the outside, Brown Pride were simply undeniable in this match and they took Wild Things by storm, the team of Max Mayhem and Top Dolla still clearly feeling the aftereffects of wrestling State of Destruction just days ago. LNF got the three count over Mayhem in what felt like an inescapable outcome and Brown Pride got the win. (Rating: 43)</span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

</span></span><img alt="3b12eb0a69a0e2bfe00841af9b4f7c61.png" data-src="https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210703/3b12eb0a69a0e2bfe00841af9b4f7c61.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

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After the match, Mexico's Finest got in the ring and directed traffic, with LatiNoFear beating down their fallen opponents while MexiCain got on the mic to warn State of Destruction that Los Guerilleros were coming for their Tag Team titles. (Rating: 38)</span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

</span></span><img alt="2596a89fb75e1701b63282eae52bf721.png" data-src="https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210703/2596a89fb75e1701b63282eae52bf721.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

</span></span><img alt="898cZV3.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/898cZV3.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

A pre-taped message from Tavon Blake Jr aired next while the ring was being cleared up. TBJ said he may have been eliminated from the King of California tournament this year, but he proved during the big show that he can hang with the best of them when he beat Masked Cougar. Blake said he doesn't want to brag, but there's no denying that match stole the show and told fans to expect even greater things from him going forward. (Rating: 51)</span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

</span></span><img alt="38a7eb41484cba99b4d45d5c6378eb64.png" data-src="https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210703/38a7eb41484cba99b4d45d5c6378eb64.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

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The new West Coast champion hit the ring next and requested a mic, a rare occurrence as he is known mostly as the strong, silent type who does his talking inside the ring. Stash said he wanted to set things straight about what happened at the end of his match during King of California and requested that Kandii came out to join him in the ring so he could say what he had to say to her face. The hottest hostess of the Warehouse did so indeed, and Stash addressed the controversial finish of his latest match, but before he could make his point, Hustle Muvva showed up out of nowhere with a sledgehammer. Unnoticed by Stash, Muvva got in the ring behind him and swung for the big Jamaican's knee, the nasty blow bringing him down for the second one, aimed right at his head. It was scary to see a man take a full-on sledgehammer blow to the head and it was scary to see big man Stash go down cold like that. In that shocking moment, Muvva picked up the mic and wrapped an arm around Kandii as he told the unconscious Stash and the fans that no one cared about his explanation; Kandii needed a real man who knows how to treat and protect her. The two then proceeded to kiss as the audience exploded in a wave of hatred at the apparent betrayal, Muvva once again proving he's able to get nuclear levels of heat from this audience as medics tended to the fallen West Coast champion while he mockingly prepared for his match up next, doing pushups, jumping jacks and some shadowboxing. (Rating: 43)</span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

</span></span><img alt="954f992700335814d6e6cdbd268faf22.png" data-src="https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210703/954f992700335814d6e6cdbd268faf22.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

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Muvva and Magwitch delivered the night's bloodiest hardcore match and it was perfectly set up by the previous angle as fans were baying and howling for the former IPW star's head. No matter how crazy a spot Magwitch would come up with, fans ate it up. Anything Muvva did, they responded to with pure hatred. In the end though, the outcome was swung by Muvva's new manager, with Kandii distracting the psycho clown enough to provide an opening for a cheap shot from Muvva. (Rating: 44)</span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

</span></span><img alt="fee450c2e652c4ee15e629f1c8a521e8.png" data-src="https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210703/fee450c2e652c4ee15e629f1c8a521e8.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

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Motor City Made had a promo up next, with Foxxy LaRue addressing the group's current status. Deaf Touch made it to the finals of the King of California tournament, but he came up short. She herself lost the West Coast title to Raheem Stash. LaRue claimed these are just missteps for both of them and they'll bounce back, warning Fro, Slick and all of GSW's top dogs that Deaf Touch and the baddest bitch in the business are coming for them. (Rating: 39)</span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

</span></span><img alt="5b4cbb0ae0e773ba6c7325d0f7a5adda.png" data-src="https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210703/5b4cbb0ae0e773ba6c7325d0f7a5adda.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

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The main event was announced at the start of the episode, but the challenger wasn't known until Boneyard himself walked out to reveal himself as Slick's opponent. Both Aces High and BB Colossus were also present at ringside to provide support and security, but with the match quickly turning into a fistfight and spilling out of the ring, it didn't take long for them to also get involved, essentially taking the bout into tag team territory, only there were no tags as all four men slugged it out all over the Warehouse floor. Oddly enough though, there were no chair shots or table bumps; the theatrics were held back in favor of a much more realistic presentation and apparently this favored Slick, who needed a little assistance from Aces High to put Boneyard in position but finally managed to hit him with the Slick-Back for the pin, wrapping up GSW's first ever full one hour episode with a successful title defense. (Rating: 52)</span></span></p></div><p></p><p></div></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Quick Predictions for the upcoming episode</p><p>

1. Brown Pride vs Motor City Made</p><p>

2. GSW West Coast title match: Raheem Stash © vs Busta Capp</p><p>

3. Aces High vs BB Colossus vs Tavon Blake Jr</p><p>

4. G Force & Jo Baker vs Sheila Maivia & Shooting Star Perez</p><p>

5. Who is going to challenge for the West Coast title during the episode?</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p>Muvva's angle reminded me of the

</p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="113" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/wd8SmUVqVZs?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="Southpark's Took His Job"></iframe></div></div> about WWE <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p>

aaand I found out that pimp cup is a thing lol</p><p> </p><p>

1. Brown Pride vs <strong>Motor City Made</strong></p><p>

2. GSW West Coast title match: <strong>Raheem Stash</strong> © vs Busta Capp</p><p>

3. Aces High vs BB Colossus vs <strong>Tavon Blake Jr</strong></p><p>

4. <strong>G Force & Jo Baker</strong> vs Sheila Maivia & Shooting Star Perez</p><p>

5. Who is going to challenge for the West Coast title during the episode? Uhm... Busta Capp? <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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The episode begins with Brother Grimm walking into his office to find both chairs in front of it already occupied. Cali Slick, American title resting on his shoulder, and Fro Sure, King of California trophy set on the dest, are waiting for the man in charge. Grimm jokes about how eager both of them are to face off for the title, Slick and Fro responding with biting comments about his handling of this match. Slick says last week he defended his belt against Boneyard and no matter when he steps in the ring against Fro, he’ll still have the gold, while Fro Sure points out that this is the big money match, Fro versus anyone else couldn’t top it so Grimm better stop playing games and delay this showdown. (Rating: 65)




The opening contest was a showcase of GSW’s upcoming wrestlers, a chance to give them some exposure and get the fans hyped up with a fast paced, spot filled match. The latino pairing of Maivia and Perez put up a good show thanks to their combined acrobatic skills, while G Force and Baker struggled to get on the same page. Regardless, it was them who celebrated the win as Baker landed a lucky roundhouse kick right to the head of Perez for the pin. (Rating: 22)




BB Colossus is usually on the dominant side in pretty much any match he finds himself in, but this one had the deck stacked against him; he didn’t need to be pinned or submitted to lose, plus Aces and Blake had the option to team up against him, which of course they did. This made up for a somewhat competitive contest, both in a 2 vs 1 setup as well as allowing Aces and TBJ to pick up the pace while BB was reeling. For all their efforts though, all it took was a big double clothesline from the behemoth, who then sandwiched both his opponents with a Colossus Avalanche and got the pin over Aces. (Rating: 45)




A pre-taped promo from Hustle Muvva aired next, in which the brawler from Atlanta had an arm around Kandii and mocked Raheem Stash for falling into his trap last week. Muvva, well aware of the online buzz around this angle and his real life marriage to Cindy, didn’t hesitate to go risque and imply a more… carnal type of relationship between himself and the hostess of the Warehouse, something that got fans riled up once more and taking to the internet after the show to speculate whether this implies some actual problems in Muvva’s marriage or if this is a setup for Cindy to also jump ship from IPW and set off a love triangle storyline. (Rating: 52)




Muvva’s words must have been ringing in the back of Stash’s mind as he made his way to the ring for his first title defence after beating Foxxy LaRue to become West Coast champion yet again. His opponent was the ever dangerous veteran Busta Capp, who likely was given this shot out of respect for his work all these years as otherwise he’s been having a rather rough win/lose streak. Despite his size disadvantage and declining ability, Capp did not hold back and wisely chose to rely heavily on weapons in this hardcore bout, busting up Stash to even the playing field. The big Jamaican is no stranger to hardcore matches either and he was more than able to hold up his own end, eventually slamming Capp onto a steel chair with the Standing Powerslam to retain. (Rating: 42)




After the match, E-Soteric hit the ring and cut a promo on Stash, saying he wants to be next in line for a title challenge. Stash looked like he was about to say something back, but he settled for merely snarling and staring down his new challenger, apparently indifferent to the idea of giving him a shot while the commentary team speculated that his mind was probably more occupied with the whole Kandii and Muvva situation. (Rating: 50)




Motor City Made have never been humble with their words, but they certainly have the skill and charisma to back them up inside the ring. Thus, after talking big last week despite their major losses at King of California, Deaf Touch and Foxxy LaRue found themselves in the main event against Brown Pride, the current top contenders to face State of Destruction for the tag team titles. LatiNoFear and MexiCain played this one smart, knowing they couldn’t hope to win a straight wrestling contest, so they tried to impose a frantic pace on the match and quickly take things to the outside, where they could play dirty and get the assistance of Mexico’s Finest who was at ringside. DT and LaRue are no strangers to arena wide brawls though and the fistfight spread into the audience, with all five participants slugging it out between the fans. The turning point came when LaRue caught Finest with a Flash Head Kick to knock him out and eliminate the numbers advantage of Los Guerilleros, however once things got back inside the ring, MexiCain surprised her with a quick roll up from behind to steal the win out of nowhere. (Rating: 48)



Prediction results

1. kanegan: 3/5 (60% Accuracy)

2. Blodyxe: 2/5 (40% Accuracy)


Quick Predictions for the upcoming episode

1. E-Soteric vs Hustle Muvva

2. State of Destruction vs Busta Capp & Magwitch

3. Long Beach Crew vs Miss Jones & Public Enemy #1

4. Los Guerilleros vs Foxxy LaRue, Black Diamond & Jo Baker

5. A mysterious newcomer will get involved in one of these matches. Which one?

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1. E-Soteric vs Hustle Muvva

2. State of Destruction vs Busta Capp & Magwitch

3. Long Beach Crew vs Miss Jones & Public Enemy #1

4. Los Guerilleros vs Foxxy LaRue, Black Diamond & Jo Baker

5. A mysterious newcomer will get involved in one of these matches. Which one?

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Motor City Made were shown backstage as the episode began, arguing in sign language, likely in regards to their loss last week, if not for their recent struggles overall. Black Diamond and Jo Baker walked into the scene, forcing the baddest bitch in the business to take a break from her signing and explain that she was telling Deaf Touch about her planned expansion. LaRue mentioned how Miss Jones is doing a poor job so far of leading the two young women as a trio and dropped the idea of her replacing Jones, with Diamond and Baker joining Motor City Made. The camera feed went out before any response or reaction could be documented. (Rating: 48)






As if to back up her words with action, LaRue teamed with Black Diamond and Jo Baker for the opening contest against the reigning GSW Hottest Crew, Los Guerilleros. Having Foxxy at the helm really made a difference for the BPLM team, as her experience, resilience, wits and striking ability were priceless in holding up against the three Latinos. The bout was fast, it was hard hitting and it seemed as though the female trio was about to score the win when a mysterious new figure jumped out of the crowd, distracting everyone just long enough for Mexico's Finest to chokeslam Jo Baker with the Hard Times and hold her down for the three count. (Rating: 34)




The newcomer flashed gang signs, looked distinctly chicano and it was confirmed he stood with Los Guerilleros when he joined them in the ring once the match was over for a beatdown. Once again, the latino group had found a way to swing a match and outnumber the competition, now seemingly with a fourth new member in their ranks. The beatdown was brutal and got a lot of heat from the crowd, eventually bringing out Deaf Touch for the save. The former American champion came to the rescue of his Motor City Made teammate and her allies, his presence eliminating the numbers advantage and forcing Los Guerilleros to a hurried retreat, laughing in glee as they left the ring alongside this newcomer. (Rating: 33)




Backstage, Hustle Muvva was shown walking up to E-Soteric. With Kandii by his side, Muvva seemed to be in a good mood, but E-Soteric wanted none of it and warned him that he would be knocking his teeth down his throat to shut him up tonight in their main event match. Seemingly in a perpetual good mood, Muvva backed off and said he was actually coming in peace, though he had an offer to make: clearly he was gearing up to face Raheem Stash after the whole Kandii thing, so why not spice up their upcoming bout by upping the stakes; whoever got the win, would be the one to face Stash for the gold. (Rating: 48)




When Jones and Enemy showcased surprising chemistry as partners some months ago, it seemed that they were on their way towards becoming a regular duo, however that all came to a sudden stop when Jones suffered an injury. Upon her return, she seemed to focus on BPLM so this was somewhat of a reunion for her team. The celebratory atmosphere barely lasted after the entrances though, as they were up against Long Beach Crew, who showed no mercy from bell to bell. There was never any doubt about who would win this, it only felt like a matter of time and Aces High ultimately hit the Dead Man's Hand on Miss Jones for the pin to wrap up a predictable, yet still entertaining match. (Rating: 46)




Brother Grimm made his way to the ring next, saying he's got a big announcement to make. Grimm called out Wild Things to join him between the ropes, but things quickly took a dark turn after that. GSW's head honcho said he's given the two men plenty of opportunities which they haven't been able to bank on; there will be no more handouts, especially not to losers. Grimm called Dolla and Mayhem "a bunch of wiggers he's been kind to employ for way too long", then announced he'd be changing that. Dolla and Mayhem would have to fight for their careers and literally put one of them in the grave, because at Urban Warfare, they will be facing off against each other in a Casket match, with the loser getting the hell outta GSW forever. (Rating: 33)




Grimm's announcement had fans all wild and bloodthirsty, a perfect setup for the match that was about to follow. Even without their titles on the line, State of Destruction were all too happy to crush the opposition, while Capp and Magwitch are no strangers to bloody hardcore matches. The detail here was Busta Capp's state of mind, the veteran desperately needing a win and having the heart to fight for it, but also wary of the unpredictable Magwitch, with whom he's had a history already. This uncertainty added to the tension of the match on top of all the blood and chaos, but in the end Boneyard finished the bout in dominant fashion when he chokeslammed Capp to the mat and held him down for the three count while Magwitch was off whacking BB's back with a kendo stick outside the ring. (Rating: 41)




Backstage, Raheem Stash was pumping iron on the bench when Fro Sure walked by. Stash took a moment to congratulate the new King of California and Fro returned the compliment, reminding the new West Coast champion that anyone with championship gold has a target on their back; he shouldn't get too distracted with all this Muvva and Kandii stuff, or it would cost him the title. (Rating: 53)




The added stipulation of a potential title shot seemed to light a fire under E-Soteric and the energetic brawler somehow kicked things into the next gear, surprising Muvva and quickly spilling the fight out of the ring as the two of them traded fists around the Warehouse. While at times cocky and obnoxious, E-Soteric had the support of the audience here given his opponent and it made for a rather intense match. The story here was all about E-Soteric having a history of getting carried away during fights, something Muvva would certainly try to exploit in order to cheat his way to victory. Oddly enough, this strategy would be reversed when Kandii tried to pass a weapon to Muvva, only for a hyped E-Soteric to knock him onto her, then roll him up for the pin. (Rating: 50)



Prediction results

Historian: 3/4 (75% Accuracy)

smw88: 3/4 (75% Accuracy)

kanegan: 3/4 (75% Accuracy)


Overall results

1. kanegan: 6/9 (67% Accuracy)

2. Historian: 3/4 (75% Accuracy)

2. smw88: 3/4 (75% Accuracy)

3. Blodyxe: 2/5 (40% Accuracy)


Quick Predictions for the upcoming episode

1. Boneyard vs Deaf Touch

2. Busta Capp vs Mexico’s Finest

3. Magwitch vs Max Mayhem vs Top Dolla

4. BB Colossus vs Public Enemy #1

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This week’s episode kicked off with footage from Brother Grimm’s office, where he was present with Tavon Blake Jr and the King of California himself, Fro Sure. Blake reminded everyone of his victory over Masked Cougar and requested a big match where he can showcase his raw talent. Fro cut him off, bringing up Grimm’s intention to delay a Fro vs Slick title match, so he assumed that they had been summoned for a match between them to be announced; what Fro wanted to know was when, and what would be on the line. Grimm admitted that was the case, but he made clear that he won’t be putting the tournament cup on the line, as Blake was eliminated from it and to have it be contested outside the tournament would only lower its prestige. What he had in mind was to have this match headline the upcoming Urban Warfare show. Grimm said he wanted to see Blake prove his pure wrestling skill and Fro to show that he can get technical if needed, on top of his usual strike game. Therefore, he would be making it a submission match. (Rating: 55)




For all his promise, Public Enemy #1 has been on a bad roll throughout the year, first with the injury of Hard-1 and then facing more struggles upon teaming with Miss Jones. This was a rare occasion of him wrestling solo, but for all the weapons and madness he brought into the match, BB Colossus was just too much for him to overcome. (Rating: 38)




Now officially in line for a shot at the West Coast title, E-Soteric took center stage and cut a rather vitriolic promo directed at the champion. E said that Stash ignored him when he made his challenge, but now he can no longer hide. This brought out the champion himself, which in turn made E-Soteric leave the ring and tease the match as Stash merely raised the belt defiantly in the air and stared down at him from inside the ropes. (Rating: 46)




Next up was a pre-recorded promo from Long Beach Crew, in which the two men hyped up themselves as the best team in GSW, saying they only don’t bother with the tag team titles because Slick is too busy being the American champion. Nothing that really progressed any story, but certainly a solid speech that got a good reaction from the crowd (Rating: 53)




Grimm dropped a bomb when he revealed that Max Mayhem and Top Dolla will go head to head at Urban Warfare in a casket match where the loser would be fired and this match was a first sample of what viewers can expect. The presence of Magwitch upped the violence and insanity of this bout and a lot of the spots played up the tension between the two teammates and whether they’d team up to take out the psycho clown or if they’d turn on each other. Top Dolla teased pulling off his signature balcony dive onto Magwitch, but knowing him all too well, Mayhem had crept up behind him and blocked it with an inverted DDT on the balcony floor. Even if the spot wasn’t executed, it got a good pop and Dolla would later play it safe when he got back down to the ring and managed to hit a Dinero Driver to score the pin over Magwitch. (Rating: 37)




Foxxy LaRue and Miss Jones were caught on camera arguing backstage, with Jones telling LaRue to back off from trying to replace her at the helm of BPLM and LaRue calling Jones a failure and a has-been. Jones mentioned how she put the group together and has been teaching the two younglings, only for the baddest bitch in the business to reply that she’s done a poor job so far. Jones said that Foxxy also lost the match last week and hasn’t done any better, which in turn gave LaRue a chance to bring up her accomplishments, both in GSW as West Coast champion as well as elsewhere (implying QAW) before walking away. (Rating: 41)




A callback to past times when Busta Capp and Mexico’s Finest would headline major GSW shows, often with the American title on the line, this match had the nostalgia factor and two men who are still largely popular, as well as all the hardcore action one would expect. What wasn’t there was the intensity, which is to be expected from two long time hardcore brawlers reaching 40 years of age. Even if there was no real story behind the two competitors, this was largely about Los Guerilleros’ actions from last week, as Black Diamond and Jo Baker showed up at ringside near the finish of the match, distracting the ex con just enough for Capp to nail him with a Mafia Kick for the pin. (Rating: 39)




Finest may have not won the match, but he got the last laugh as Brown Pride and their new ally rushed down to the ring afterwards, blocking off the two women’s retreat. With their backs against the -figurative- wall, Diamond and Baker decided to go down fighting and they assaulted Los Guerilleros, despite the odds being against them. Despite LaRue and Jones’ earlier argument, neither showed up to help the two members of BPLM this time and although it made them both look like fearless badasses, Diamond and Baker just could not win this brawl and Los Guerilleros put the bats to them before celebrating their dominance. (Rating: 37)




The main event of the evening was the latest chapter in the trilogy of matches between Boneyard and Deaf Touch in 2020, but things were different this time as DT was not in possession of the American title. What wasn’t different though was match quality: all the big moves, hard strikes and wild brawling was there, with Boneyard seemingly hellbent on redeeming himself with a win. Chokeslamming Foxxy LaRue, who was seconding Deaf Touch, through a table was a turning point in eliminating her as a factor from the match and the bump popped the crowd, but “Unbreakable” Deaf Touch wasn’t as easy to take out. Boneyard had to survive a Mafia Kick and a Crooked Moonsault off a guardrail, as well as deliver two chokeslams himself, but eventually he was able to get the much coveted win and get the victory over his opponent (Rating: 53)



Prediction results

smw88: 3/4 (75% Accuracy)

Blodyxe: 2/4 (50% Accuracy)

kanegan: 2/4 (50% Accuracy)


Overall results

1. kanegan: 8/13 (61% Accuracy)

2. smw88: 6/8 (75% Accuracy)

3. Blodyxe: 4/9 (44% Accuracy)

4. Historian: 3/4 (75% Accuracy)


Quick Predictions for Urban Warfare

1. Fro Sure vs Tavon Blake Jr

2. Long Beach Crew vs Motor City Made

3. West Coast title match: Raheem Stash © vs E-Soteric

4. Career in a Casket match: Max Mayhem vs Top Dolla

5. Tag Team titles match: State of Destruction © vs Brown Pride

6. Black Diamond & Jo Baker vs Mexico’s Finest & the mysterious new person.

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Fro Sure vs Tavon Blake Jr

2. Long Beach Crew vs Motor City Made

3. West Coast title match: Raheem Stash © vs E-Soteric

4. Career in a Casket match: Max Mayhem vs Top Dolla

5. Tag Team titles match: State of Destruction © vs Brown Pride

6. Black Diamond & Jo Baker vs Mexico’s Finest & the mysterious new person.

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1. Fro Sure vs Tavon Blake Jr

2. Long Beach Crew vs Motor City Made

3. West Coast title match: Raheem Stash © vs E-Soteric

4. Career in a Casket match: Max Mayhem vs Top Dolla

5. Tag Team titles match: State of Destruction © vs Brown Pride

6. Black Diamond & Jo Baker vs Mexico’s Finest & the mysterious new person.

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Pre-show: Devyn Retribution defeated G Force and Shooting Star Perez. (Rating: 26)

Sheila Maivia defeated Miss Jones. (Rating: 24)

Busta Capp defeated Public Enemy #1. (Rating: 37)




The show kicked off with a big surprise, as none other than Moses Makesh made an appearance at The Warehouse, joining Clifford Caves and MC Motormouth at the announcers' booth. The former IPW color commentator proclaimed he's here to stay and joined his two colleagues in verbally bashing IPW.




The mysterious new person who has been lately assisting Los Guerilleros was officially revealed to be Hector Galindo, one third of the Latino Kings (of FCW fame) and personally trained by the late Shawn Gonzales. Galindo's high flying popped the crowd to get some heat going and caught his opponents by surprise, before he tagged in Mexico's Finest to deliver a beatdown. The former federal convict had no qualms about demolishing Jo Baker, clinically isolating her from her corner as he and Galindo took turns wearing her down. When the newcomer climbed to the top for his signature Shooting Star Press though, that gave Baker enough time to recover and shove him out to the ring for a spectacular crash. By the time Galindo was able to get back on his feet after the fall, Baker had crawled for the hot tag to Black Diamond. The athlete from Tennessee came in like a house on fire and unleashed her wrath on MF, even covering him before the referee reminded her he was not the legal competitor. Diamond tagged Baker back in just as Galindo returned to the ring, but her momentum had her fall victim to a drop toe hold from the latino star, sending her face first into a corner pad and in the perfect spot for the Shooting Star Press, which he finally pulled off to get the pin. (Rating: 29)




Bolstered by their stablemates' success, Brown Pride came into their title match with added momentum and boosted morale, though they did not forget to carry their signature baseball bats either. State of Destruction thought they had an easy fight ahead and almost looked bored as they got to work on their challengers, but they soon found out how wrong they were when Brown Pride were able to sweep up BB's knee from behind with a good swing of the bat, then bashed his kneecap on top for good measure. This essentially pinned the behemoth -whose mobility wasn't great to begin with- and turned things into a handicap match, just as Los Guerilleros like it. Boneyard did his best to hold up, even flooring both his opponents at one point with a double clothesline but just couldn't hold up. Eventually, he was forced to tag in his partner and Brown Pride zoned in on BB's damaged leg, once again bringing him down so they could pile up on top of him for the pinfall. (Rating: 43)




Mexico's Finest and Hector Galindo rushed out to celebrate the victory with Brown Pride, carrying their own bats as well as the Hottest Crew titles. Now holding all the non-singles gold in GSW, Los Guerilleros let MexiCain gloat about it on the mic for a bit, before they unleashed a 4 on 2 beatdown on the reeling former champions. (Rating: 41)




Former teammates forced to fight each other for the continuation of their respective careers, Max Mayhem and Top Dolla didn't seem to have much heat or hatred for each other, but neither did they hold back in this absolute train wreck of a contest. Dolla came in guns blazing and was in control early on, but he devoted a lot of time in antagonizing the fans in the front row, showcasing a nastier antisocial deviant side of himself. This not only made him the de facto heel in the match, it also allowed the experienced Mayhem to capitalize and turn things around. The veteran's time at the wheel was short lived though, since Dolla put the brakes hard with a low blow. Attempting to put Mayhem out to pasture for good, Dolla ascended to the balcony and hit his fan-popping suicide dive, but it did him little good as the match couldn't end via pinfall; he had to put his opponent in the casket at ringside and after such a big move, it took him ages to muster the energy to even stand back up. Looking for his big comeback, Mayhem dragged his opponent to a corner for a superplex or frankensteiner, but it never came to be as the coffin lid burst open from the inside!


Turns out Magwitch had been waiting in the casket all this time and he joined the others for a big tower of doom-esque spot. The demented clown proceeded to grab a chair and whack Top Dolla's back, then when Mayhem pulled him away to complain for the interference, Magwitch simply responded by delivering a Stump Piledriver to drive Mayhem head first onto the chair. The psycho clown slid the casket under the ropes and into the ring before leaving, which was what Top Dolla saw when he came through. Apparently unaware of the clown's involvement, Dolla carried his nearly unconscious opponent a conveniently short distance and slammed the lid shut, ensuring his continued time in GSW while ending that of Max Mayhem. (Rating: 41)




If the previous match was a chaotic crazy mess, this one upped the intensity but skipped the crazy spots. Stash and E-Soteric did not bother with aerial maneuvers or technical wrestling, they just tried to beat each other senseless even if it meant they had to brawl all over The Warehouse. E-Soteric had the energy and kept things fast looking to wear down the champion, but his blows barely registered with the big Jamaican. Even though he played mostly defense, Stash took the blows and no-sold them, apparently choosing to soak them up and sacrifice his resilience to save up his stamina. The tactic paid off as the match went on and the challenger slowed down, lowered his fists and ran out of steam, allowing Stash to punch through with a couple of big moves before delivering the Running Powerslam to retain. (Rating: 45)




Soon as the match was over, Hustle Muvva's music hit the speakers and the brawler from Atlanta came out with Kandii in tow and a mic in hand. Muvva cut a promo to mockingly congratulate Stash for the title defense, then bragged about stealing Kandii from him, before saying the next thing he'd be taking away would be that title belt. All Stash could (or chose to) do was stare down one of the most despised men in GSW, but a match between them seems unavoidable in the future, one way or another. (Rating: 53)




After back to back insanity, Motor City Made and Long Beach Crew brought things down a bit with a rather balanced match that had a little bit for everyone, from crisp wrestling and ring psychology to hardcore spots, stiff shots and high flying moves. Arguably the night's most competitive bout, this one felt like it could end any moment with anyone on top, with the story being whether LaRue's new side projects lately have been damaging communication with her teammate, as Slick and Aces were instinctively on the same page anyway. For a moment, it seemed that would be the case, but LaRue caught Aces with a Flash Head Kick out of nowhere in a sudden explosion of offense and managed to hold him down for the count while Deaf Touch was brawling with the American champion outside the ring. (Rating: 56)




Following his entrance, Fro Sure took the time to cut a promo and praise his scheduled opponent. Still, he said, holding up his tournament trophy, there's only one true king and he went through hell to get his crown, while TBJ got knocked out of the tournament, just like he'd be knocked out in a bit, courtesy of the King of California. (Rating: 68)




Tavon Blake Jr has shown some great promise, but somehow always seems to be unable to win when it matters most so this was his chance to show he can hang with GSW's finest, maybe even get a big win. With nothing on the line besides bragging rights, it sure made smart fans think the bookers could afford to have Fro take the loss here, which in turn made for a less than obvious outcome. The action in the ring sure played out like that, with Blake pushing Fro into uncomfortable ground thanks to his arsenal of slams, suplexes and submission holds. If nothing else, Blake showed that technical wrestling doesn't have to be slow or boring, as he went flat out bell to bell, never slowing down or resorting to a rest hold. Fro certainly looked like he was challenged and he struggled to impose a more strike-based tone to the match, but Blake was able to have him wrestle the type of match that fit TBJ best. It almost felt like a lucky spot when Fro ducked out of the way of a signature slick TBJ punch, the momentum spinning Blake around and disorienting him enough for Fro to capitalize and tilt-a-whirl him into position for a Sure Thing piledriver and the victory. (Rating: 60)


Prediction results

smw88: 4/6 (67% Accuracy)

Blodyxe: 4/6 (67% Accuracy)


Overall results

1. smw88: 10/14 (71% Accuracy)

2. kanegan: 8/13 (61% Accuracy)

3. Blodyxe: 8/15 (53% Accuracy)

4. Historian: 3/4 (75% Accuracy)


Quick Predictions for HWA Fade to Black

1. HWA East Coast title match: Mutant © vs Hector Galindo

2. Dead Men Walking vs Reckless Antix

3. Black Diamond & Marie Punnen vs Jock Shock

4. Magwitch vs Sayeed Ali

5. Astro vs Xavi Ferrera

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