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Resurgence - The Revival Of TCW

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The Resurgence Of TCW


TCW has been struggling since the rise of the USPW. 2020 promises to be a new dawn for the promotion after it was bought by a mysterious buyer. Nobody knows his identity or his plans, just that he wants TCW to be number one.


Monday January Week 1, 2020

Kyle Rhodes, retained following the sale of TCW but removed from his CEO position, answers the ringing phone.

"Hello, Kyle Rhodes here." He listens intently and picks up his notepad. After writing down numerous points he finally gets to speak again.

"Yes sir, I understand. The quickly recap. You want me to create a creative committee consisting of myself and the road agents for now. We are to meet every wednesday and discuss any creative plans we may have and report them to you. I have a list of tomorrows show and I will pass everything along to the relevant personnel." He listened a little more before hanging up. He sat back thoughtfully before picking the phone up again to make the necessary calls.


NB - This is my first diary and I hope to make it an enjoyable one to read.

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling

Tuesday Wk 1, January 2020

The Ranch Of San Antonio

Attendence: 8,972


Pre Show

Matt Hocking def Danny Fonzarelli 61

Human Arsenal def Yuri Yoshihara 43

Eddie Chandler def Elliot Thomas 51

One Man Army def Marc Speed 64


Main Show

Troy Tornado def Edd Stone 61

Aaron Andrews def Roderick Remus 76

ANGLE - A graphic showing the number one contender match that will be the main event 53

Title Match - Mighty Meat def The Behemoths to become the new Tag Team Champions 58

Aaron Andrews Video Showcasing The Champion 61

Joshua Taylor def T-Bone Bright 52

Jay Chord def Sammy Bach 76

ANGLE - Jay Chord Beats Down Sammy Bach 76

ANGLE - Bart Biggins Calls Out Greg Gauge Calling Him An Undeserving Champion 62

Greg Gauge def Bart Biggins 62

Wolf Hawkins def Freddy Huggins, Benny Benson & Flying Jimmy Foxx 71

ANGLE - Aaron Andrews Confronts New Contender Wolf Hawkins 76


Show Rating - 72

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Wednesday Week 1, January 2020


Kyle Rhodes enters the room. Say around a table are Dean Daniels, Brent Hill and Joel Bryant.

KR - "First of all, I received an email from our new owner this morning. He said that he feels as need to have an on air commissioner and will hire someone has soon as possible"

DD - "Did he give any names?"

KR - "No, just that he wanted someone with experience. Now, let's start by reviewing last night."

JB - "It was a good show. Got some good numbers."

BH - "Andrews and Remus surprised me at how good it was."

KR - "I agree, we will see what happens with him. Hopefully it wasn't just one good match end he can continue to perform well"

DD - "Personally I think Aaron carried that match but I agree that we keep an eye on Remus"

KR - "Did we learn anything else from last night?"

BH - "Mighty Meat have lost all chemistry it seems, them also having the Tag Team belts puts us in a sticky situation"

KR - "I say that we take the titles off them next week, try not to waste any tv time on their feud with The Behemoths and move swiftly on. Possibly put Benson and Foxx into the picture for a little while."

DD - "Taylor and T-Bone looked awkward too. No chemistry at all."

JB - "Jay Chord and Sammy Bach impressed me. Possibly the best match of the night."

KR - "Agreed. Gives us a platform to build on for those two. It's clear Wolf vs Aaron is our main event at PPV this month. I am going to recommend we .keep them separate as far as matches go and build it using promos and angles."

DD - "I disagree. They are a ratings dream. I recommend we put them against each other with others also in the match."

KR - "I will put both recommendations forward."

JB - "I want to recommend we utilise The Syndicate more. Last night they were barely used. Maybe get them involved with helping Wolf."

KR - "Anyone have any other recommendations?"

BH - "I say we recommend a guy to push each. It's the start of the month so its the best time."

KR - "Ok,good idea. The boss may not accept any of our recommendations but it's worth a try. I choose Jay Chord. He is clearly a main events in waiting and could be a good opponent down the line for Andrews should be remain champion."

DD - "I choose Gauge. For me, built up right, he could main eventing by the summer"

JB - "For me, let's push Edd Stone. I feel we need another younger face near the top of the card and handled well, he could stay there long term."

BH - "I have no other names to add, just a few I think we should keep an eye on. T-Bone and Matt Hocking. Shouldn't push them but I personally can see them being solid in the mid card this year."

DD - "I don't think we have been watching the same matches. I can't see either of them being mid carders at all."

KR - "Regardless of whether we agree to it or not, I will put it to the boss. He wants any ideas we have to be thrown at him. So unless there is anything else, that concludes this meeting."

DD - "Do we really have to be here every week?"

KR - "I'm afraid so. Bosses orders. I'm not happy with it either. Anyway, good afternoon gentlemen. I will see you all next week."


All four men got up and left with Kyle Rhodes immediately grabbing his phone to make his recommendations.

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling Preview


Pre Show

The Syndicate (Hammond, Chandler, Johnson) vs Tana The Mighty & Devine Fortune

Yuri Yoshihara vs Benny Benson

Human Arsenal vs Nick Booth

Danny Fonzarelli vs Matt Hocking


Main Show

One Man Army vs Roderick Remus

Sammy Bach vs Troy Tornado

Edd Stone vs Wolf Hawkins

Mighty Mo vs Titan

Elliot Thomas vs Joshua Taylor

Bart Biggins vs Greg Gauge

Aaron Andrews vs Jay Chord

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Pre Show

The Syndicate (Hammond, Chandler, Johnson) vs Tana The Mighty & Devine Fortune

Yuri Yoshihara vs Benny Benson

Human Arsenal vs Nick Booth

Danny Fonzarelli vs Matt Hocking


Main Show

One Man Army vs Roderick Remus

Sammy Bach vs Troy Tornado

Edd Stone vs Wolf Hawkins

Mighty Mo vs Titan

Elliot Thomas vs Joshua Taylor

Bart Biggins vs Greg Gauge

Aaron Andrews vs Jay Chord

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling

Tuesday January Week 2 2020

Fort Worth, TX

Attendence: 8,806


Pre Show

The Syndicate (Hammond, Chandler, Johnson) def Tana The Mighty & Devine Fortune 60

Benny Benson def Yuri Yoshihara 40

Human Arsenal def Nick Booth 54

Matt Hocking def Danny Fonzarelli 57


Main Show

One Man Army def Roderick Remus 61

Sammy Bach def Troy Tornado 70

Wolf Hawkins def Edd Stone 71

Mighty Mo def Titan by DQ 59

ANGLE: An Arrogant Jay Chord Tells Everyone That Sammy Bach Isn't In The Same League As Him 59

ANGLE: Bart Biggins Is Confident He Will Take The Title Off Greg Gauge And Become A True Fighting Champion 50

Joshua Taylor def Elliot Thomas 53

ANGLE: T-Bone Taunts Joshua Taylor Claiming That Taylor Is Trying To Hang On To His Younger Days Which Are Long Gone 54

Greg Gauge def Bart Biggins 66

Aaron Andrews def Jay Chord 81

ANGLE: Wolf Hawkins Attacks Aaron Andrews After His Match 74


Show Rating: 76

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TCW Creative Meeting

Wednesday January Week 2, 2020


Attending: Kyle Rhodes, Dean Daniels, Joel Bryant & Brent Hill


KR: So guys, show two was a success. It was great seeing the great chemistry Aaron Andrews and Jay Chord have.

DD: Future title match?

BH: How can it not be? We are struggling for top faces right now so I can only see Andrews continuing his title reign after the Hawkins story is done.

JB: Agreed but what does the boss think?

KR: So far, he seems to favour an Andrews win bt he hasn't said anything outright yet.

BH: I was disappointed with the middle of the show. We started so well and then it just fell away until the main event. The boss seems to be booking randomly as if he's trying to figure out where people are on the roster.

DD: Taylor/Thomas should of opened the show.

KR: And Hawkins and Bach should not be used that far down the card.

JB: But Edd Stone put on a good show with Wolf.

KR: Troy also put on a good match with Sammy. Maybe we suggest to move them more towards the mid card.

DD: Are we continuing The Mighty Meat - Behemoth story? We need to get the titles off Meat. It makes our tag division look weak when the champions have such poor chemistry.

BH: I say we put the titles on the Elite. The Syndicate should not be relegated to opening the pre show.

KR: I suggest that we try to get them involved in the Andrews/Hawkins story. Give them something to do if the boss has no other plans for them.

DD: Agreed.

KR: Does anyone have anything else to suggest?


Everyone shook their head but then

*Knock knock*

The door opened. The four men stared in suprise.

??: Hello boys. I guess you didn't get the memo. I have been hired to be the new on screen commissioner and lead creative by our mysterious boss.

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling Preview


Commissioner Reveal - Who is the new commissioner?


Tana The Mighty vs Wolf Hawkins - Wolf opens the show against one half of the current tag team champions. Will it be a routine win or is there a shock on the cards?


One Man Army vs Matt Hocking - Both guys could do with a win to build up some momentum. Who will come out on top?


Mighty Mo vs Killer Shark - The other half of the tag team champions takes on one of their challengers in Killer Shark. Can the challenger record a singles victory over the champion?


T-Bone Bright vs Doc Hammond - Neither wrestler has done much this month. Could a win start something for either of me?


Edd Stone vs Greg Gauge - The TV champion is in action in a non title match. Gauge is looking to build his momentum before his title match against Bart Biggins. A win for Stone would put him in contention for a title match. Who will come out on top?


Sammy Bach vs Roderick Remus - Bach looks like he will be facing Jay Chord at PPV and looks to get another victory following last weeks win over Troy Tornado. Remus has started this month with two impressive performances. Can he score his first win and show he is ready to move into the upper midcard?


Aaron Andrews vs Freddy Huggins - A non title match for the Heavyweight champion against an opponent who could easily be the current contender. Will Huggins grab a win and show he can be a challenger for Andrews' title or will the champion notch up another win?

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling

Tuesday Week 2 January 2020

Albuquerque, NM

Attendence: 8,774


Pre Show

Jay Chord def Danny Fonzarelli 71

The Syndicate (Flynn&Johnson) def Devine Fortune 58

Bart Biggins def Troy Tornado 58

Joshua Taylor def Elliot Thomas 66


Main Show

The arena goes dark. The fans are electric in anticipation. Familiar music hits and the crowd goes wild.

"We haven't heard that music in 9 years!" exclaims Shaun Doakes. Out steps the legendary Sam Keith. He saunters to the ring. Microphone in hand. He soaks up the atmosphere, clearly enjoying being in front a big crowd again.

"Well I never expected such a warm welcome!" The crowd screams even more. "Now I'm sure your all wondering why I have come back. Well, I'm here to bring order amongst the chaos. To put on great shows. To put TCW back at the top." He waits while the crowd quietens down a little. "Now, I can't say too much at this stage but expect to see some fresh faces early next month but for now, just enjoy the show." He then walks back up the entrance clapping fans outstretched hands. He stood at the top of the entrance, a big smile on his face. He was happy to be back.

Rating: 65


The first match of the night was number one contender, Wolf Hawkins against Tana The Mighty. Overall, it was a quick victory for Wolf after he pinned Tana in 4:42.

Rating: 54


The second match of the night was between two guys hoping to build some momentum. One Man Army was up against Shocking Matt Hocking. In an even contest, both looked like they were going to score a victory. After 10:37, Hocking had his arm raised.

Rating: 64


The next match is between one half of the tag team champions, Mighty Mo against half of their challengers at PPV, The Behemoths Killer Shark. Although Mo looked the better of the two combatants, Killer Shark managed to get the win in 6:20.

Rating: 65


Joshua Taylor makes his way into the ring. He has been involved in an underwhelming rivalry with T-Bone Bright.

"You know, I have been wrestling for a long time now." began Taylor to the jeers from the crowd. "In all my time, I have never seen such a disrespectful person than Bright. He comes in, you cheer for him and he expects to walk over us to get to the top." He paces around the ring.

"Well, if I have any influence on that, he will simply become a what might have been because he won't be challenging for anything in the near future." With that, he dropped his mic and left the ring.

Rating: 56


Following on from Joshuas scathing criticism, T-Bone Bright faces The Syndicates Doc Hammond next. With a point to prove, T-Bone beats the older wrestler in 10:38.

Rating: 63


Greg Gauges music hits once the ring has cleared. He's coming out before his scheduled match to address the New Mexico crowd.

"Here I am. Television champ. Who is my main contender? Bad Bart Biggins. I mean the guy is ok but hes not even close to the standard I set for this title" He holds the title aloft. "Nobody can take this title away from me. Tonight is a non title match against someone who gets by on who their father is, not how good they can wrestle." Edd Stones music hits. Hes clearly heard enough. He runs into the ring and quickly takes down the champ. The ref calls for the bell and the match is on. Stone gets in plenty of offense but the longer the match goes, the control the champion gains. Gauge finally puts his opponent away in 14:23

Pre Match Rating:59

Match Rating: 65


We are backstage next with Jay Chord. He is approached by Sam Keith.

"Jay, I had the honour of being in the same ring as your father. Although I don't agree with your current attitude, I do believe you are destined for greatness."

"Thanks Sam," replied Chord. "My father always spoke very highly of you. Is that all you came here for?"

"No" replied Keith. "I'm also here to inform you that my first official act as commissioner is to put you in a match at PPV against Sammy Bach."

Seeming annoyed, Chord replied "My opinion of you just went down." He then walks away.

Rating: 68


Speaking of Sammy Bach, hes up next against a man who has impressed a little in recent weeks, Roderick Remus. Bach controlled the majority of the match but Remus did manage to get in some of his own offense. Eventually though, Bach gets the 1-2-3 in 12:26.

Rating: 62


The final match of the night pits World Heavyweight champion, Ace Aaron Andrews against Freddy Huggins. In an effort worthy of any potential challenger, Huggins frustrates Andrews and keeps the champ from getting any sustained offense in. As they near the 20 minute mark, Andrews takes control of a tiring Huggins and pins him in 19:23. As his hand is raised, Wolf Hawkins attacks Andrews from behind. THe exhausted champ is unable to really defend himself and Hawkins leaves Andrews knocked out in the middle of the ring as the show comes to an end.

Match Rating: 76

Post Match Rating: 81


Show Rating: 74

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TCW Creative Meeting

Wednesday January week 2 2020


Attending: Sam Keith, Kyle Rhodes, Dean Daniels, Brent Hill, Joel Bryant


SK: This meeting is only going to be a quick one. We are going to continue with the current programs. We have a number of guys signed up. You won't see any of them until next month and no, I'm not going to tell you who they are.


KR: So you expect us to think of stories without knowing who we have available?


SK: Just think using the current roster.


DD: Jay Chord is too good to be put on the pre show!


SK: Well that was abrupt and out of nowhere. I wanted to see him in action with my own eyes again. I also wanted to keep him off TV this week. Are there any other objections to this weeks card?


BH: Wolf Hawkins opening the show. He's a main eventer and you have him opening the show. The match wasn't even that great so its not like he set the show up with a great match.


JB: And I think using Remus just before the main event was a mistake.


SK: Let me stop you there. You guys were saying he was impressing you in the last few weeks. He will gain some experience from facing Sammy but for his position on the card, blame yourselves.


KR: We weren't expecting him to be moved so far up the card. What the plans for the tag team titles?


SK: Everything is in hand regards to that. I need you guys to think up some stories post PPV. Theres not enough going on in the midcard. I want who you think we can push? How will their story unfold? How high up the card to you want them to get by the end? Each of you think of one guy each. Also, think of anyone that we can turn. The upper midcard is light on babyfaces and we need people for Wolf and Jay long term. Can't keep them fighting Ace and Sammy, the fans will get bored.


KR: Understood


BH: Can't we have at least one name of who has been signed up?


SK: Sorry but its bosses orders. Now, unless there is something more to discuss I have some MAW business to attend to. See you on tuesday gentlemen

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling Preview


Bart Biggins vs Roderick Remus - With his title match looming, Biggins is hoping to get a win to get some momentum against Remus, who has yet to score a win this year despite some good performances.


Mighty Mo vs Killer Shark - In a rematch from last week, Mighty Mo and Killer Shark do battle in singles action ahead of their tag team title match at PPV.


T-Bone Bright vs Doc Hammond - Another rematch from last week. T-Bone is out to prove that his win last week wasn't a fluke.


One Man Army vs Jay Chord - Chord is hoping to bounce back from his last televised match, a loss to Aaron Andrews two weeks ago, and go into PPV with momentum ahead of his match with Sammy Bach.


Edd Stone vs Greg Gauge - A third rematch. Stone is hoping to get a victory over the champ to put himself in position for a title shot should Gauge retain at PPV.


Danny Fonzarelli vs Wolf Hawkins - Wolf hopes to be in top condition ahead of his World Heavyweight title match by facing the veteran brawler, Fonzarelli.


Aaron Andrews vs Joshua Taylor -The champ faces an opponent he shouldn't take for granted in Taylor, who could be a possible contender should Andrews retain.


Prediction Key

Bart Biggins vs Roderick Remus

Mighty Mo vs Killer Shark

T-Bone Bright vs Doc Hammond

One Man Army vs Jay Chord

Edd Stone vs Greg Gauge

Danny Fonzarelli vs Wolf Hawkins

Aaron Andrews vs Joshua Taylor

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling

Quebec City, Quebec

Tuesday Week 4 January 2020

Attendence: 1,194


Pre Show

The Syndicate (Flynn, Chandler, Johnson) def Dazzling Dave Diamond, Flying Jimmy Foxx & Elliot Thomas 49

Human Arsenal def Maverick 54

Sammy Bach def Jeremie Courtney 54


Main Show

Bart Biggins vs Roderick Remus - We open the show with Bart Biggins looking to go into PPV with a win. Remus starts the match well but fades quickly allowing Biggins to take control and get the win in 11:44

Match Result: Bart Biggins wins

Match Rating - 50


Mighty Mo vs Killer Shark - In a rematch from the previous week, both wrestlers went at a frantic pace. The brawl spilled outside the ring. They were so intense and focused that they were surprised when the referee called for the bell, counting both wrestlers out and ending the match as a draw.

Match Result: Draw due to double count out

Match Rating: 62


T-Bone Bright vs Doc Hammond - Before the two men started grappling, Hammond shouted to the crowd how he was going to show that T-Bones victory last week was a fluke. T-Bone takes control early but, after a finger in the eye, Hammond takes over. After a number of near falls, Hammond gets frustrated and gets in the refs face. T-Bone takes advantage of a distracted Hammond and hit the T-Bone lariat and got the pinfall in 10:44.

Match Result: T-Bone Bright wins

Match Rating: 52


One Man Army vs Jay Chord - OMA starts this match strong forcing Chord to roll to the outside. OMA follows but is thrown into the ring steps. Thrown back into the ring by Chord, OMA tries to fight back but Chord always has the control and he puts OMA away in 7:38.

Match Result: Jay Chord wins

Match Rating: 66


We are backstage now, Bart Biggins looks into the camera.

"Greg Gauge, I know you are up next but once again, you fail to defend your title. Four matches this year and not one defence of the TV title. Your not a fighting champion. When I take that title away from you this sunday, I will defend it every week. I will be a true fighting champion."

Edd Stone vs Greg Gauge - With a point to prove, Gauge takes control early. He keeps taunting to the crowd, shouting how he is the television champion. Stone takes advantage and puts Gauge on the back foot. After a number of near falls, Stone shows his relative inexperience, clearly not knowing how to put the champion away. That was his downfall as Gauge hit him with a low blow behind the refs back and rolled him up for the 1,2,3 in 17:16

Pre Match Rating: 30

Match Result: Greg Gauge wins

Match Rating: 54


Following the match, we cut backstage to find Aaron Andrews and Wolf Hawkins arguing. Before they can get physical, Sam Keith shows up.

"What the hell is going on here?"

"The Wolf here keeps telling me to give the title to him now. He claims it already has his name on it and the match at Malice In Wonderland is just a formality" said Andrews

"Well its true," replied Wolf "And when I win, and I will win, you can go to the bottom of the ladder as far as being a contender for my title if I have a say on it."

Keith ponders for a moment then addresses the two wrestlers. "First of all, its my decision who has the chance to face the champion. Secondly, you mentioned something that gave me an idea. You claim the title is yours, well you can claim it this sunday as your match is now... a LADDER match."

Both wrestlers leave, clearly angered by the new development but Keith just smiles.

Segment Rating: 61


Danny Fonzarelli vs Wolf Hawkins - Wolf comes down for this match with a swagger indicating that he thinks he will get a routine victory. Fonzarelli shocks Wolf by getting in some early offense, leading to a near fall. Clearly woken up by this, Wolf seized control and tries to put Fonzarelli away quickly. After a valiant effort and a number of kick outs, Fonzarelli eventually is unable to get his shoulders up and is pinned in 13:01.

Match Result: Wolf Hawkins wins

Match Rating: 57


Aaron Andrews vs Joshua Taylor - The champion comes out, clearly more focused than his PPV opponent was. Taylor uses his experience to keep the champion on his toes, which excites the Canadian crowd, but the champion soon puts him away in 11:44.

Match Result: Aaron Andrews wins

Match Rating: 74


Post match, Wolf Hawkins returns to the ring and gets in the face of the champion. The champion holds his title up and the show goes off the air.

Segment Rating: 53


Show Rating: 68

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:24px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Creative Meeting</span></span></strong></p><p>

Attending: Sam Keith, Kyle Rhodes, Brent Hill, Joel Bryant, Dean Daniels</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

SK: A disappointing show last night. Was it just the Canadian crowd or just did we just underperform?</p><p> </p><p>

BH: For me, the matches were underwhelming. Only the main event was decent, the rest felt like they were just going through the motions.</p><p> </p><p>

KR: We should have had maybe Sammy Bach on the main card. Also, why no Freddy Huggins? We could have gotten a decent match between those two.</p><p> </p><p>

JB: And Danny Fonzarelli versus Wolf? I mean come on, who would that match excite?</p><p> </p><p>

DD: And Roderick Remus seems to have lost his momentum. He put on a poor show last night.</p><p> </p><p>

SK: Ok. Now, plans for Malice In Wonderland? Other than the title matches, we already have just Chord versus Bach. Who else do you guys think should be on the card?</p><p> </p><p>

DD: For me, Joshua Taylor put in a good performance against Ace so he earned a place.</p><p> </p><p>

BH: Freddy Huggins maybe. We haven't seen Marc Speed or Troy Tornado at all this month so maybe bring either of them in out of the cold.</p><p> </p><p>

SK: I am going to be announcing one of our new signings so you get to see the first guy and you will be given the other names after the show.</p><p> </p><p>

KR: Finally!</p><p> </p><p>

DD: I hope this is going to address our poor midcard. We have been too reliant on our top four or five guys at the top of the card.</p><p> </p><p>

JB: Are there any other plans post Malice?</p><p> </p><p>

SK: I am thinking of a TV title open challenge.</p><p> </p><p>

BH: That will give your boy plenty of momentum I assume.</p><p> </p><p>

SK: My boy being champion has nothing to do with it. The TV title should be defended once a week on TV.</p><p> </p><p>

KR: I agree with that. What do you mean once a week? We only have the one weekly show.</p><p> </p><p>

SK: The boss has informed me that Saturday Night Showcase is returning. It won't be next week but soon.</p><p> </p><p>

DD: Good thing the roster is expanding.</p><p> </p><p>

SK: I think this was the bosses plan all along. We coasted along for the first month. Second month is where we really start our push back to the top. I know there are other plans beyond next month and in the build up to Total Mayhem.</p><p> </p><p>

JB: Any clues for us now.</p><p> </p><p>

SK: My lips are sealed but our roster will have to balloon in size for these plans.</p><p> </p><p>

KR: Sounds interesting.</p><p> </p><p>

SK: Anything else to discuss gentlemen?</p><p> </p><p>

All shook their heads and the meeting was concluded.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:24px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Malice In Wonderland Preview</span></strong></span></p></div><p></p><p>

<strong>Human Arsenal vs Matt Hocking</strong> - Human Arsenal gets his first televised match. Hoping to get a victory over the younger wrestler and make the fans and management remember how reliable he is.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Danny Fonzarelli vs Roderick Remus</strong> - Remus has been on a losing streak all year. He hopes to end that with a victory over Dr Love himself.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>One Man Army vs Joshua Taylor</strong> - Two of the rosters mosr reliable guys go head to head, hoping to build some momentum to move up the card.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>TITLE MATCH: Mighty Meat © vs The Behemoths</strong> - In a rematch for the former champions, The Behemoths hope to regain the Tag Team titles at the first attempt.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>T-Bone Bright vs Freddy Huggins</strong> - T-Bone has been picking up some good wins recently. Can he continue that run against the more experienced Huggins?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>TITLE MATCH: Bart Biggins vs Greg Gauge ©</strong> - Biggins claims Gauge isn't a fighting champion and hopes to beat the champion.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sammy Bach vs Jay Chord</strong> - Jay Chord has been building his way up to challenge for the title, in his way stands Sammy Bach. Will it be obstacle overcome or will there be a bump in the road?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>TITLE MATCH: Aaron Andrews © vs Wolf Hawkins In A Ladder Match</strong> - The main event for the TCW World Heavyweight championship. Can the King Of Kings beat the Ace or will the champion retain?</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:right;"><p><span style="font-size:8px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Predictions</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;">

Human Arsenal vs Matt Hocking</span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;">

Danny Fonzarelli vs Roderick Remus</span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;">

One Man Army vs Joshua Taylor</span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;">

Title Match: Mighty Meat © vs The Behemoths</span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;">

T-Bone Bright vs Freddy Huggins</span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;">

Title Match: Bart Biggins vs Greg Gauge ©</span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;">

Sammy Bach vs Jay Chord</span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;">

Title Match: Aaron Andrews© vs Wolf Hawkins</span></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p><strong>Human Arsenal</strong> vs Matt Hocking</p><p>

Danny Fonzarelli vs<strong> Roderick Remus</strong></p><p>

One Man Army vs <strong>Joshua Taylor</strong></p><p>

Title Match:<strong> Mighty Meat ©</strong> vs The Behemoths</p><p>

T-Bone Bright vs <strong>Freddy Huggins</strong></p><p>

Title Match: Bart Biggins vs <strong>Greg Gauge ©</strong></p><p>

Sammy Bach vs <strong>Jay Chord</strong></p><p>

Title Match: <strong>Aaron Andrews©</strong> vs Wolf Hawkins</p>

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<p><strong>Human Arsenal</strong> vs Matt Hocking</p><p>

Danny Fonzarelli vs <strong>Roderick Remus</strong></p><p>

<strong>One Man Army</strong> vs Joshua Taylor</p><p>

Title Match: <strong>Mighty Meat ©</strong> vs The Behemoths</p><p>

<strong>T-Bone Bright</strong> vs Freddy Huggins</p><p>

Title Match: Bart Biggins vs<strong> Greg Gauge ©</strong></p><p>

Sammy Bach vs <strong>Jay Chord</strong></p><p>

Title Match: Aaron Andrews© vs <strong>Wolf Hawkins</strong></p>

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TCW Malice In Wonderland

Sunday Week 4 January 2020

Venue: Dust Bowl Fields

Attendance: 44,785


Pre Show

Flying Jimmy Foxx Wins 10 Man Battle Royal - 59

The Elite def Devine Fortune - 50

Edd Stone def Maverick - 46


Main Show

Human Arsenal vs Matt Hocking - In a fairly open match, both men got in plenty of offense but neither did enough to put the other man away until Hocking hit the Hock Shock for the win.

Match Result - Matt Hocking Wins in 13:21

Match Rating - 59


Wolf Hawkins comes down to the ring. He takes in the boos from the crowd.

"Boo me all you want, I am still going the be champion at the end of the night. Now, Ace." He looks up at the hanging Heavyweight championship belt. "Get used to this feeling of having no belt to carry around because after I climb the ladder and claim what is rightfully mine, I intend on never letting it go. This is going to be the year of the Wolf." The crowd jeered even louder. "After tonight, nothing and nobody is going to pry the belt away from me and that isn't a promise, its a guarantee." He leaves the ring and strolls up the entrance way, taking in even more jeers.

Segment Rating - 85


We cut backstage next to find Jay Chord and Sammy Bach brawling. They throw each other all over the backstage area until a group of TCW officials split them up.

Segment Rating - 72


Danny Fonzarelli vs Roderick Remus - With Roderick struggling to find a win, he hopes that he can change that tonight. Fonzarelli starts the match the better but Remus takes control when he hit a thumb to the eye. He used every move in his arsenal but Fonzarelli kept getting his shoulder up. Getting frustrated, he approached a prone Fonzarelli who rolled him up into the small package to get the win.

Match Result - Danny Fonzarelli wins in 11:43

Match Rating - 51


Following the match, Sam Keith comes down to the ring. "I have been here for just a few short weeks, but I am happy to tell you all that there will be a number of new faces on the roster in the coming weeks." The crowd goes wild. "We have scoured the globe and I am delighted to announce to you today, the first new star of the new year, Nelson Callum!" Callums music hits and he appears The crowds reaction is a little muted, not sure what to make of the indie star. He walk to the ring. As he is about to enter, he pauses then backs away saying "Nah." The crowds boos ring throughout the arena as he disappears backstage.

Segment Rating - 38


One Man Army vs Joshua Taylor - Following on from his impressive performance against Ace Andrews, Taylor started brightly, forcing OMA to catch his breathe on the outside. Once back in the ring however, OMA got in some offense that put Taylor on the back foot. Taylor tried to apply the butterfly lock but OMA reversed it and hit the guided missile to claim a surprising victory.

Match Result - One Man Army wins in 11:54

Match Rating - 69


Tag Team Title Match - Mighty Meat© vs The Behemoths - Mighty Meat defend their titles against the team they beat for the belts. The match started like a regular match but soon descended into chaos with the referee seemingly losing control. The match ended when Killer Shark rolled up Tana while Titan held Mighty Mo back at ringside to regain the titles.After the match, the new champions couldn't resist gloating, celebrating while a deflated Mighty Meat went back into the back.

Match Result - The Behemoths win and become new Tag Team Champions in 7:37

Match Rating - 58

Post Match Rating - 61


T-Bone Bright vs Freddy Huggins - This match starts with both men being evenly matched. Neither man can stay on top for long until T-Bone hit the T-Bone lariat out of nowhere to get the win.

Match Result - T-Bone Bright wins in 9:22

Match Rating: 59


Television Championship Match - Bart Biggins vs Greg Gauge© - In what has been an underwhelming build up, Gauge hoped to show everyone that he is a good, fighting champion. The start of the match was slow and calculating with both competitors sizing each other up and trying not to give their opponent the advantage. Biggins began to build up his offense but Gauge kept frustrating the tag team specialist by constantly rolling out the ring. With his frustration rising, Biggins made a mistake which gave Gauge the opening he needed. Gauge controlled the match, toying with his opponent until he finally ended the match by pinning an immobile Biggins. After the match, Gauge continued his beat down with Biggins being unable to defend himself.

Match Result - Greg Gauge wins and retains the Television Championship in 17:44

Match Rating - 67

Post Match Rating - 57


Sammy Bach vs Jay Chord - In a match between two of the months most impressive competitors, both men were hoping a win could give them that much needed push towards the Heavyweight Championship picture. The early exchanges showed two very evenly matched competitors. After a missed corner splash by Bach, Chord took over the match pace. Being slow yet methodical in his approach, he couldn't put away his tenacious opponent. With the match past the 15 minute mark, Bach made his comeback and picked up the pace considerably. After a number of near falls, Bach attempted the adrenaline shot but Chord reversed this and hit the cradle piledriver for the win.

Match Result - Jay Chord wins in 20:56

Match Rating - 75


TCW World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match - Aaron Andrews© vs Wolf Hawkins - With ladders all around the ring, the crowd was wild with excitement. Both men squared up to one another, then both stared at the belt hanging above them. The bell rang and Wolf sucker punched the champion. Take the early initiative, Wolf kept Andrews from mounting much offense. Wolf began to bring in some weapons to aid him in incapacitating his opponent. Andrews got back into the match when he caught Wolf up the ladder and hit him with a chair shot. With Andrews now in control, Wolf did his best to get back on top but Ace was always one step ahead of him. Sensing a chance to grab the title, Andrews climbed the ladder but was soon met at the top by Wolf. The two reached for the title and both touched it before they both slipped off the ladder. They continued to fight, the pace of the match rising with each passing minute. After hitting the standing hot shot, Andrews once again climbed the ladder unopposed. With the crowd going wild and chanting "THIS IS AWESOME!!!" Andrews looked assured of victory with his hands touching the belt. But suddenly, like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Wolf was on his feet and pushed the ladder over which sent Andrews to land on the top rope and fall to the outside. Wolf then climbed the ladder to claim the championship belt and begin his fourth reign. After the match, Wolf celebrated to the crowds anger and the final shot is of Wolf holding the title high over his head.

Match Result - Wolf Hawkins wins to become new TCW World Heavyweight Champion in 24:42

Match Rating - 82

Post Match Rating - 68


Show Rating - 79

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling Preview


One Man Army vs Freddy Huggins - Two nights after Malice In Wonderland and these two had differing results. OMA wants to build on his win while Huggins wants to get back to winning matches.


Human Arsenal vs Wolf Hawkins - The new champion fights surprisingly early on this card. Will it be a routine victory or will HA upset the odds?


Mighty Mo vs Joshua Taylor - Both men lost two nights ago, both want to put those disappointments behind them with a win. Who will come out on top?


Bart Biggins vs Nelson Callum - Callums debut match is against the man that lost to the television champion two nights ago, who will come out on top?


Edd Stone vs Greg Gauge - In what is their third match in less than a month, can Stone finally get a win over the Television Champion?


Benny And The Foxx vs The Behemoths - The new tag team champions hope to show the rest of the division how dominant they are.


#1 Contender Triple Threat: Aaron Andrews vs Sammy Bach vs Jay Chord - Andrews must earn his title rematch against two men who have no love for each other. Will Ace come out victorious or will Wolf Hawkins have a new challenger?



One Man Army vs Freddy Huggins

Human Arsenal vs Wolf Hawkins

Mighty Mo vs Joshua Taylor

Bart Biggins vs Nelson Callum

Edd Stone vs Greg Gauge

Benny & The Foxx vs The Behemoths

Aaron Andrews vs Sammy Bach vs Jay Chord

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling

Tuesday Week 1, February 2020

The Ranch Of San Antonio

Attendance – 9,677


Pre Show

Mighty Meat start in the ring, clearly disappointed at losing the Tag Team belts. Mighty Mo grabs the mic. “Tana, I have been thinking. I spent all day yesterday thinking what our next move should be. For a long time, I couldn’t think of where we can go. Then I thought of where can I go?” He paused, looking sheepishly at Tana. “I’m sorry my friend but I think its time Mighty Meat went their separate ways.” Tana pondered for a moment and the replied “I actually agree. We had a good run but for now at least, lets go our separate ways.” Mo looked relieved and extended his hand hoping Tana would take it. “I am still your friend, Mo. Should you ever need my help, you just have to ask.” And with that, the two men shook hands and left the ring.

Rating – 66

Joffy Laine def Troy Tornado – 50

Roderick Remus def Tana The Mighty – 57

Matt Hocking def Dazzling Dave Diamond – 54


Main Show

We start the show with Wolf Hawkins in the ring. Looking a little bleary eyed, he looks to continue his celebrations after his championship win two nights ago. “Here I am, your TCW World Heavyweight Champion.” The crowd were not happy. Boos rained down on The Syndicate leader. “Now, I know your all very happy to have me as your champion,” he said sarcastically. “Now, I have to defend this championship but realistically nobody can take this belt away from me, Not Sammy Bach. Not Jay Chord. And certainly not Aaron Andrews. Whoever I face will just be the first in a long line at successful defences that I will have.” With that said, the champion left the ring.

Segment Rating – 79


One Man Army vs Freddy Huggins – For two men who had differing fortunes two nights ago, both men were evenly matched early on. Huggins, clearly wanting to prove he should be further up the card began to dominate OMA but couldn’t put his opponent away. OMA started a comeback but a quick distraction by Laura Huggins at ringside allowed Huggins to retake the control. Showing some frustration, Huggins went to ringside to talk to his sister. Upon re-entering the ring OMA rolled up Huggins to get the win.

Match Result – One Man Army wins in 12:56

Match Rating – 63


We cut backstage to see Jay Chord and Aaron Andrews brawling. Officials rush to break them up. Nobody knows how the brawl started but ended with both men being pulled in opposite directions.

Segment Rating – 82


Human Arsenal vs Wolf Hawkins – In a fairly straightforward match, World Heavyweight Champion Wolf Hawkins controlled the entire match, being slow and methodical before finishing HA off and getting the win.

Match Result – Wolf Hawkins wins in 5:16

Match Rating – 69


Mighty Mo vs Joshua Taylor – After the break up of Mighty Meat earlier in the night, Mo now tries to establish himself as a singles star. Mo starts well forcing Taylor to go to the outside to regroup. Once he is back in the ring, Mo attacks him but makes a fatal mistake that ends up him tapping to the butterfly lock.

Match Result – Joshua Taylor wins in 9:39

Match Rating – 68


We cut backstage to see Wolf Hawkins again with a mic in his face. “I hear Ace and Jay Chord were fighting. I hope it wasn’t because of me and their number one contender match later tonight.” He smirks and readjusts the championship belt that is draped over his shoulder. “They can fight each other as much as they want, it won’t get them any closer to my title.” He walks into his dressing room, ending the interview.

Segment Rating - 84


Bart Biggins vs Nelson Callum – The newest star on the roster, the indie darling Nelson Callum starts the match well immediately putting Biggins on the back foot. The TCW crowd, clearly not sure who the new guy is are intrigued to see how good he is. During the match, Callum seemed to take a bad fall but he put Biggins away soon after.

Match Result – Nelson Callum wins in 10:39

Match Rating – 52


Sam Keith comes to the ring, microphone in hand, clearly he has something to say. “I have been having a good hard think about how best to honour all you, the fanatical TCW universe.” The crowd erupts at their acknowledgement. “So I have decided to ensure you always have championship match to see every week. Which championship will you get to see defended I hear you ask.” He pauses, building up the suspense. “Well, I have chosen the television championship to be defended in an open challenge once each week.” The crowd went wild with excitement but then Greg Gauge’s music hit. He was clearly angry at now being forced to defend his championship every week.

“This is outrageous!” Gauge got into his fathers face. “Why should I have to defend my title every week? And there is no way for me to prepare because I won’t know who I’m facing.” Keiths face showed no emotion. He casually raised his microphone and said “Deal with it. You know who your first opponent is and you face him right now!” Edd Stones music then hits. Gauge readies himself in the ring as Keith makes his way back backstage.

The match begins with both men reversing each other. With this being their third match in a month, each is well acquainted with the others moveset. Gauge then manages to get on top in the match when Stone ran into a clothesline. Stone looked beaten a number of times but, with the chance at winning the TV championship, he kept kicking out much to the anger of the champion. Gauge allowed his frustrations to get the better of him and he allows Stone to make a comeback. Looking the stronger of the two men, Stone forced Gauge to use all his dirty tricks to come out on top and get the 1,2,3.

Pre Match Rating – 65

Match Result – Greg Gauge Retains TV Championship in 17:24

Match Rating – 65


Benny & The Foxx vs The Behemoths – The newly crowned tag team champions start this non title match off the stronger. They isolate Benny Benson, make regular tags and keeping him from tagging out himself. After a small comeback, Benson manages to tag in Flying Jimmy Foxx who builds up some momentum. With Killer Shark blind tagging Titan but then being knocked out of the ring, Foxx tries to pin Titan but the referee tells him that he isn’t pinning the legal man. Shark then reappears, tossing Benson out the ring while Titan hits a corner splash from behind on Foxx allowing Shark to get the pin.

Match Result – The Behemoths win in 11:35

Match Rating – 65


Number One Contender Triple Threat - Aaron Andrews vs Sammy Bach vs Jay Chord – With a championship match on the line, all three men start brightly with Chord taking the early control. Keeping both men down, he clearly contemplates how best to get the win and decides to focus on Bach. After beating down Bach, Chord turns to be hit with a clothesline from Andrews. The two men brawl, clearly not finished from their earlier fight. Their focus on each other allowed Bach to catch his breath. Catching them both with a running cross body, Bach is now in control for the first time. He manages to get a number of near falls, each broken up each time. Andrews finally halts Bach’s momentum which also allows Chord to get up. With each exhausted man leaning in a corner, Chord came out the strongest, hitting a super DDT to Bach before hitting one to Andrews also. The pin attempt is broken up by Bach just in time. Chord hits him with another super DDT and pushes him out of the ring. He turns to be hit with standing hot shot from Andrews. Chord rolls out of the ring and Andrews tries to reach down to pull him into the ring. With Chord being just out of reach, Andrews turns to be hit with the Bach on your back and Bach picking up the win. We go off the air with Bach celebrating while Andrews looks dejected and Chord looks furious.

Match Result – Sammy Bach wins in 21:58

Match Rating – 79


Show Rating - 77

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Injury Report


It has today been confirmed that TCW Star Nelson Callum has been injured. He has broken his tail bone after falling awkwardly last night in his match with Bart Biggins. Although he was able to finish the match and pick up a debut victory, Callum is now expected to miss a month.

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