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Resurgence - The Revival Of TCW

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TCW Creative Meeting

Attending: Sam Keith, Kyle Rhodes, Brent Hill, Joel Bryant, Dean Daniels

SK: Before we begin, I have been informed that in future, we are to meet once a month on the first Monday of the month.

KR: What if something happens such as an injury during a big storyline? I know Nelson Callum got injured last night but thankfully he wasn’t part of any current stories.

SK: We can always have emergency meetings. We are just ending the scheduled meetings.

DD: What has prompted the change?

SK: The boss thinks weekly meetings aren’t proving to be very productive and your going to be getting more busy as the months go by.

JB: Why is that?

SK: Saturday Night Showcase is returning. It won’t be this week but next week.


DD: What are we broadcasting on?

SK: All will be revealed in our press release tomorrow.

KR: Is it an ‘A’ show or a ‘B’ show?

SK: ‘A’ show.

BH: We could end up with a few tired guys if they aren’t handled correctly.

JB: And repetitive booking may become an issue.

KR: As well as getting poor ratings for these new guys. Don’t get me wrong, they are good wrestlers, but they haven’t got the pop we need.

SK: The boss is hoping the make a ‘B’ show just for them to build up their popularity and improve their skills.

KR: No network will think we can handle three shows. Not with our current popularity.

SK: I know that but the boss has plans, he just told me to let him worry about that.

JB: Easy for him to say, he won’t be around to run the events.

SK: We will deal with any issues a third show will bring if we even get the third show. Now, give me all your ideas moving forward.

DD: I think it was a mistake to end the Wolf/ Ace rivalry so quick. That is the Total Mayhem main event.

KR: I agree but may is a long time off. Maybe we return to it in April maybe?

SK: I hope so. Those two are gold right now. Any suggestions for the more immediate future?


JB: We need to bolster the tag division. I have a few names to throw at you if you want me to e-mail them to you?

SK: Sure. I agree that our tag division is underwhelming. And now we have broken up Mighty Meat, we aren’t left with many challengers for The Behemoths.


KR: And I think a Gauge push. I think by Total Mayhem, he could be a main eventer because of this open challenge.

DD: He needs a good opponent to be his enemy. OMA? Freddy Huggins face turn? Mighty Mo?


BH: If we want to push Mo, then this would be a good way to do it. Personally, I think its too soon for that level of story. Mo needs someone he can get some regular wins again and that may halt Gauges momentum.

SK: Do you think we should push him?

BH: No, my face push would be T-Bone.

KR: Hes still too raw. Needs a script. Needs a few more years.

DD: Could we put them together as a tag team? Mo and T-Bone that is.

SK: Lets not put Mo back into the tag division just yet. I say we see how he does as a singles guy. Possibly a TV champ in the future.


BH: Any heel pushes? I got maybe Matt Hocking.


DD: Good shout. I just don’t know who to put opposite him. We are struggling for faces at the top of the card. Mo might be a good opponent for him but we can’t push them both.


SK: Anybody we can turn?


JB: Either Huggins or Troy Tornado?


SK: Both aren’t really doing anything right now so I will suggest them. Anything else? No, so I will see you all again in a months time.


TCW Presents Total Wrestling Preview

Bart Biggins vs Joshua Taylor – Following his shock loss last week, Biggins hopes to get a win over a man who is building some momentum.


Mighty Mo vs Roderick Remus – Can Mo grab his first victory as a singles wrestler?


Edd Stone vs Freddy Huggins – Both men lost last week and so both want to get a win and move into contention for more going forward.


Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Jay Chord – After his loss in the number one contenders match last week, Chord wants to regain any lost momentum against Diamond, who is appearing on TCW tv for the first time this year.


TV Championship Open Challenge – Who will answer the open challenge and face Greg Gauge?


Sammy Bach vs Chris Flynn – The new number one contender faces a returning Flynn. Will the Syndicate member help his stablemate by getting a victory?


One Man Army vs Wolf Hawkins – The champion faces off against the tenacious OMA. Can he continue his dominant run?


Prediction Key

Bart Biggins vs Joshua Taylor

Mighty Mo vs Roderick Remus

Edd Stone vs Freddy Huggins

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Jay Chord

Open Challenger –

Sammy Back vs Chris Flynn

One Man Army vs Wolf Hawkins

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Press Release


Today, Total Championship Wrestling has announce Saturday Night Showcase is returning next week. In a short statement, they announce that they have struck a six month deal with internet subscription service, NetStream. The show will run for two hours in a prime time slot.

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Has anyone any feedback on how i can improve this? Not after any booking ideas as I am much further along in the game than the diary is currently. How can I improve my presentation? What is working for you the reader and what isn't working? I just want to improve it and make it a good read. Thanks for any feedback you may have.
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Good luck on doing 4 hours of TV, I think it was a little too much for me!


I am nearing Total Mayhem. Got my two 'A' shows and two separate 'B' shows. I'm enjoying it. Had to make a lot of signings for what I had planned. My 'B' shows are done in 5 minutes so I get through them quickly

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Bart Biggins vs Joshua Taylor

Mighty Mo vs Roderick Remus

Edd Stone vs Freddy Huggins

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Jay Chord

Open Challenger – Chance Fortune

Sammy Bach vs Chris Flynn

One Man Army vs Wolf Hawkins


Like the backstage stuff. In some of the early shows I thought there were some singles Main Events that were PPV worthy and happening for no reason apart from high ratings. However, that's ended so all good (and it's understandable when making sure your first shows are good).

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Like the backstage stuff. In some of the early shows I thought there were some singles Main Events that were PPV worthy and happening for no reason apart from high ratings. However, that's ended so all good (and it's understandable when making sure your first shows are good).


Thanks. I knew it was wrong to make those matches but I was learning the roster, who worked well with who, who could put on the better matches etc. Now i have a much more settled card. If I can keep motivated with the backstage stuff, I hope my plans are well received as I have enjoyed booking them all

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling

Tuesday week 2 February 2020

The Friedmen Building

Attendance - 9,170


Pre Show

Frankie Perez def Marc Speed 60

Danny Fonzarelli def Xavi Ferrera 48

Benny & The Foxx def Austin Smooth & Nelson Callum 53


Main Show

Sam Keith is here to open the show. With his microphone in hand, he takes in the cheers of the crowd. "Thank you all for the warm welcome. As everyone was last week, we have a new star among us! Nelson Callum made his in ring debut with a win. Well, I am happy to announce to you all that we have a number of other new stars debutting over the coming weeks and I hope you welcome them just like you welcomed me. We strive to bring you the best wrestling shows in the world and it is my sincere hope that these men will excite you as much as they do me. Thank you!" And with that short announcement, Keith left the ring and went backstage.

Segment Rating - 63


Bart Biggins vs Joshua Taylor – Biggins came into this match furious at losing to the debutting Callum last week. He started the match well, putting Taylor on the backfoot. Taylor tried to rally but Biggins never lost control of the match, putting his opponent away for the win.

Match Result - Bart Biggins wins in 8:01

Match Rating - 68


Following the match, we cut backstage. Wolf Hawkins is stood facing the camera, title belt draped over his shoulder. "Today is another day in my reign as champion. I am going to be your champion for a very long time. The history books will show that this year is the year of the Wolf. They should immortalise me now and building a huge statue in my honour. All you can best get used to me holding this title. Sammy Bach isn't going to take it from me. Nobody is going to take it from me. And you can consider that a guarantee." Wolf then walked away confidently.

Segment Rating - 81


Mighty Mo vs Roderick Remus – This match began with Mo being sucker punched by Remus. Mo struggled to recover until Remus walked into a clothesline. With Mo now in control, Remus looked to survive the brawlers strike but was unsuccessful and Mo got the win.

Match Result - Mighty Mo wins in 8:49

Match Rating - 69


Edd Stone vs Freddy Huggins – In this battle between the two former friends, Huggins started the match better. He was always one step ahead of the 24 your party animal. A springboard cross body turned the Match in Stones favour. With Stone starting to get some offense in, Laura Huggins made her presence known when Freddy distracted the ref while Edd was on the top rope and Laura shook the role causing Edd to fall. Freddy went back to work on Edd and looked assured on the victory until Edd but the party over to get the win.

Match Result - Edd Stone wins in 13:21

Match Rating - 64


Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Jay Chord – With triple D having his first televised Match this year, he started by surprising Chord. After a very near call which almost hands Diamond a shock win, an enraged Chord launched an all out attack which Diamond is powerless to resist and Chord picks up the victory.

Match Result - Jay Chord wins in 9:51

Match Rating - 78


TV Championship Open ChallengeGreg Gauge waits in the ring, anticipating his opponent, still clearly unhappy at having to defend his championship every week. The music of Human Arsenal hits, Gauges face is a mix of shock and anger. The champion looked to take control of the match but the veteran challenger frustrated him at every turn. HA then mounted some serious offense which forced Gauge to regroup on the outside. Upon re-entering the ring, HA tried to continue his attack but Gauge hit him with a low blow behind the referees back. Gauge, now in control, used a more methodical approach, trying to wear down his opponent. HA tried to .and a comeback but was stopped dead and put away by Gauge.

Match Result - Greg Gauge wins in 18:15

Match Rating - 73


Sammy Bach vs Chris Flynn – Number one contender Bach comes out first. Facing a syndicate member, he is clearly thinking of some form of shenanigans from the group. Flynn comes out alone, his first match since his recovery from his injury. As they are about to lock up, Wolfs music hits and a distracted Bach turns to see the champion. When Wolf doesn't appear, Bach turns to be hit hard by Flynn. Flynn kept the pace of the match high but allowed Bach back into the match when he took in the jeers from crowd. The match was all one way after that and Bach soon got the victory. After the match, Wolf did appear, attacking from behind and leaving Bach beaten in the middle of the ring.

Match Result - Sammy Bach wins in 9:10

Match Rating - 72

Post Match Rating - 76


After the match, we cut backstage to see Ace Aaron Andrews. He is thinking for a moment then says "So last week, I lost the chance to regain the World Heavyweight Championship. I wish Sammy the best of luck but make no mistake, I will be coming after that belt at the next earliest opportunity." His serious tone making it feel like a guarantee rather than a promise. " I will not be denied in reclaiming what is mine so whoever is champion by then, expect to become a former champion. " And with that said, he walks away.

Segment Rating - 85


After a commercial break, we have Jay Chord in the middle of the ring, microphone in hand. "I was just sat in the back minding my own business when I hear somebody feels they are an automatic choice for the next contender for the World Heavyweight Championship." He pauses, the crowd clearly knowing he means Aaron Andrews. " Now, what makes you think you are automatically the next contender? I wasn't defeated last week, Aaron, you were the one that was pinned. So by your logic, you are being me in line for the next title opportunity. So, I am challenging you Ace to a match at The War To Settle The Score. " The crowd were clearly happy with the two stars facing off against each other as they cheer. Chord leaves the ring with a focus on his eyes.

Segment Rating - 83


One Man Army vs Wolf Hawkins – The champion was in action next. OMA began the better before the match became a fast paced brawl. The longer the match went on, the more control Wolf gained as his older opponent struggled to keep up the fast pace. With OMA seeking to be burning out almost, Wolf not the Full Moon Rising to get the win.

Match Result - Wolf Hawkins wins in 9:22

Match Rating - 74


Show Rating - 77

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Saturday Night Showcase Preview


Human Arsenal vs ??? - HA goes up against an unknown debutant who has been convinced to wrestle in the USA by the TCW owner. Who is this wrestler and who will win?


Mighty Mo vs Killer Shark - After grabbing his first win on tuesday since becoming a singles guy, can Mo continue to build some momentum against one half of the Behemoths, Killer Shark?


One Man Army vs Chris Flynn - Flynn is looking to get his first victory since his return from injury against the man who lost on tuesday to Syndicate leader, Wolf Hawkins.


Bart Biggins vs Nick Booth - Booth hasn't been seen on TV since 2019, he is out to remind people who he is against Biggins.


Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Matt Hocking - Both men have has little to do this year so far. Can one get a win here and start to build to something?


T-Bone Bright vs Doc Hammond - These two have met twice this year already with Bright being 2-0 up. Can Hammond bring the head to head closer?


Aaron Andrews vs Freddy Huggins - With Jay Chords challenge awaiting an answer, Andrews should focus on Huggins who is looking to get back to winning after his loss on tuesday.


Sammy Bach vs Jay Chord vs Wolf Hawkins - In a massive main event, this non title match has been put together just for the return of Saturday Night Showcase. Who will come out on top?




Human Arsenal vs ???

Mighty Mo vs Killer Shark

One Man Army vs Chris Flynn

Bart Biggins vs Nick Booth

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Matt Hocking

T-Bone Bright vs Doc Hammond

Aaron Andrews vs Freddy Huggins

Sammy Bach vs Jay Chord vs Wolf Hawkins

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