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ROH 2013 - Live, Camera, Action!

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The Story so far...


Ring of Honor has been in turmoil with many of their top wrestlers moving to TNA or WWE in the previous years, they are struggling to make money and are in need of a quick turnaround. Delirious clearly isn't cutting it in Joe Koff's mind so The Iconic Matt Hardy has been handed the booking reigns in the short term with possible expansion upon results.


We are now 6 months into Ring of Honor under Matt's booking and the company seems to be progressing well.


The Title scene is as follows:


  • ROH World: Kevin Steen - Steen won the world title from Jay Briscoe in a 26 minute war at Death Before Dishonour after Jay Briscoe defended the title 10 times in 8 months. Steen has taken on both Jay Lethal and Adam Cole in recent months and managed to defend both times!
  • ROH World Tag: The Briscoes - The Briscoes managed to beat the books in a ladder war match to gain the titles at Survival of the Fittest. The bucks had won those titles from ReDragon at Best In The World just a few months Prior.
  • ROH World Television: Cedric Alexander - Cedric managed to stop Matt Taven's 5 month reign of terror at All Star Extravaganza, he had since defended the title 6 times himself including wins over Elgin, Strong, Homicide and Bennett.
  • WOH World: Hiroyo Matsumoto - Hiroyo quickly established herself as the Ace of the WOH Roster but has recently been in talks with WWE which has lead the company to believe she may not be around as long as they had anticipated. Her matches have often been the best on the card but that appears to be quickly fading.


The Plan is to stream this save only on Twitch, as I have been doing for a week or so now. We mainly chat about wrestling and the save, it's pretty damn relaxed. Feel free to pop over and get involved, it's been pretty fun so far. I'lll post on this thread when I'm live with the save and will probably write up some recaps in case anyone jumps in later (Unless that breaks any forum rules).







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