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Paul Burchill



If there is a wrestler in the entire industry that is worthy of noting, it is ECW's Paul Burchill. Why? He's the World Television Champion, a former Tag Champion and one of the promotion's hottest prospects in its fourteen year history. Frankly, if he is not World Champion within a year, one would have to conclude that Paul Heyman has lost his touch.


Burchill's credentials are not surprising, nor is his recent elevation to the upper reaches of the card a shock. The fact is that he is one of the most fortunate men in the business. He has recieved personal training from both Owen and Bret Hart and Raven, all of whom he is said to be good friends with backstage. Then again, he can be considered a master of his own destiny as he has made sure to benefit from the experience that surrounds him.


It is, perhaps, this that is the most refreshing aspect of Burchill's character: he is, in effect, a new breed of backstage politician. He makes connections behind the scenes not with a view to adavancing his place in the company (he let's his ring work do that) but in order to learn from the best.


So PWI's pick for the year 2007 is Paul Burchill.

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Monday, week 1, March

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Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Don Callis...

Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

Callis: Have we got a show lined up for you tonight, folks?

Gertner: Go on then, Don, spill.

Callis: Well, firstly, as you can probably tell by the numerous polystyrene heads in the crowd, Al Snow and his inanimate tag team partner make their return tonight!

Gertner: And?

Callis: What, that's not enough? Okay, Michael Shane returns to tag team action with his old partner, Frankie Kazarian, to take on the exciting new team of Jusgin Lyger and Ultimo Dragon. Plus, we're still to find out the ambitions of the newly re-formed Raven's Nest.

Gertner: Okay, fairplay, that's pretty impressive.

Caliis: First off, though, Joel, the bWo once again seek to silence their mystic rivals as Hollywood Nova faces Chessman.



Nova seems to maintain a degree of control throughout.

He wins with a Big Nova Legdrop at 9:21

Match Rating: B


A video is shown to hype Rhino's recent form.



Gertner: Wow, how impressive has Rhino looked recently, Don?

Callis: Scarily so, Joel, and I believe that it's him who will face Al Snow.

Gertner: Oh, that should be gold! What's next.

Callis: Are you a fan of martial arts films, Joel?

Gertner: Not really, why?

Callis: Well, either way, I'm sure you'll enjoy the tag team debut of "Crouching Lyger, Hidden Dragon".



Lyger and Ultimo work together well and are able to subdue their opponents.

In the twelfth minute, Lyger kneels on all fours in the corner, facing the turnbuckle.

In an incredible feat of athleticism, Ultimo runs up Lygers back, onto the top rope and hits a Corkscrew Moonsault onto Kazarian.


An "ECW" chant begins.



Match Rating: C+


Callis: Woah!

Gertner: That was incredible!


Tommy Dreamer is backstage.



Dreamer: Hey, Sandman, I've got some good news. You're in the first confirmed match at Baptism Of Fire, I've just squared it with Paul E. I'm not gonna tell you your opponent yet, though, you can sweat that out. As for tonight, you can take on Masato Tanaka in a First Blood match!


Replay of Match Four in the Best-Of-Seven Series


The match is surprisingly underwhelming as Lance Storm seems off his game.

However, in the thirteenth minute, he hits a Piledriver that keeps Lynn down for three.

Match Rating: B- (2-2 in the series)


The Whole F**kin' Show are backstage for a shoot promo.



Michaels: All the arguments...


RVD: Over.


Michaels: All the agro...


RVD: Released.


Michaels: All the in-figthing...


RVD: Done.


Michaels: The back-biting...


RVD: Ceased.


Michaels: And just to prove it...


Traci walks into view.



Traci: The bitch is back!


The trio laugh.

RVD snaps his fingers and their faces turn serious.


RVD: Iron Saints, watch your backs, boys, 'cos the gold around your waists is coming home. We are the Whole...


Traci: ...F**kin'...


Michaels: ...Show!


RVD: And we're coming for you!


Prior to Al Snow's match, the sellout crowd fill the ring with polystyrene



To the fans' dissapointment, Al Snow is heavily rattled by the Man Beast.

Rhino goes on to dominate, winning with a Gore at 7:21

Match Rating: A


After the match, Rhino picks up a mic.


Rhino: And here we f**king go again, I'm placed in some midcard novelty match because no one can be f**ked to think up a storyline for me. Well, guess what? I don't need one! I can make an impact without relying on a controversial angle, a manger peddling cheap heat or a stable to back me up and Al Snow is gonna discover that first hand!


Rhino exits the ring and sets up a table beside the apron.

He re-enters and drags Al Snow out through the rope.

Finally, he proceeds to deliver a Rhino Driver off the apron and through the table.


Callis: Jesus, I think Rhino just broke Al Snow's neck.

Gertner: So much for a triumphant return. Rhino wasn't joking last week on Blood, Sweat and Beers; he really is looking to injur people.




Burchill maintains control throughout and wins with a C-4 at 12:07

Match Rating: B+


The rest of Raven's Nest join him in the ring.



Raven: The difference between a great man and those only destined for mediocrity is subtle but important. Whereas, upon achieving success, most are contented, a being of true superiority still craves more! What about me? What about Raven? I will not be satisfied until my Nest controls every single title on offer in ECW. That means, Shane Douglas, that I am expecting you... No, I am demanding that you make a match for the Iron Saints to defend their tag belts against my Monsters!


Goliath and Abyss nod menacingly.


Raven: I am not leaving this ring until you voice your agreement.


The comissioner, Shane Douglas, appears at the entrance-way.



Franchise: I notice you've made quite the mistake Raven. You may have the obedience of those ass kissers next to you now but, in putting the man who signs the pay checks through a table, you lost your political leverage.


Raven: Au contraire, not if you make the right choice Franchise?


Franchise: Which is?


Raven: You're either with us or against us, Shane, and I advise you not to be foolish.


Franchise: I think the only foolish action I could take would be to listen to your advice!


Raven looks pissed off.


Franchise: And, by the way, your request is declined.


Raven: Excuse me?


Franchise: What's the matter, Raven, used to getting your own way? Face it, the circumstances that the Whole F**kin' Show lost those belts under were somewhat extenuating and they are far more deserving Number One Contender's than a couple of circus freaks!


The Nest make to exit the ring.


Raven: Watch your mouth, Franchise!


Franchise: No, Raven, you watch yours.


Both The Whole F**kin' Show and The Hart Foundation come out to back up The Franchise.



Franchise: Now, get the f**k out of that ring before I have you forcibly ejected!


The crowd goes nuts at the prospect but Raven motions for his followers to leave.


First Blood Match by command of Tommy Dreamer


The match is very even.

In the fourteenth minute, Masato Tanaka wraps his fist in barbed wire and plants a Haymaker on The Sandman, who is cut open.

Match Rating: A


Callis: The Sandman falls victim to Masato Tanaka.

Gertner: And Tommy Dreamer.

Callis: Yeah it looks like he's finally got one up on Sandman with this booking stipulation.


Show Rating: A

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Callis: Well, either way, I'm sure you'll enjoy the tag team debut of "Crouching Lyger, Hidden Dragon".


Love it! My vote for best tag team name of the year!


Also was a big fan of the Raven interview. I know you of all people would not underperform in a Raven interview but his promo was very Raven-like. And I really like the Revolution video, some great moments there.


Oh, and the show wasn't bad either ;)

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Also was a big fan of the Raven interview. I know you of all people would not underperform in a Raven interview but his promo was very Raven-like. And I really like the Revolution video, some great moments there.


Sweet, you noticed my proudest moments of the show :D. I love writing Raven promos; they're far too much fun!


Cheers for the feedback as always and thankd, Game-Face, for your pics which I have, once again, utilised. They're awesome as always ;).


Quote The Raven


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Al Snow injured!



ECW.com is, unfortunately, able to announce that Al Snow's neck was indeed broken as a result of Rhino's actions last night on Revolution. Our sincerest apologies go out to Al and those affected by his injury. While it is likely that Al will recieve compensation, it is currently undecided as to whether Rhino will face disciplinary action.

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Al Snow injured!



ECW.com is, unfortunately, able to announce that Al Snow's neck was indeed broken as a result of Rhino's actions last night on Revolution. Our sincerest apologies go out to Al and those affected by his injury. While it is likely that Al will recieve compensation, it is currently undecided as to whether Rhino will face disciplinary action.


Really?! Kayfabe or legit? If legit then where the hell am I supposed to get Head from?! :p

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Saturday, week 1, March

<embed src='http://www.bolt.com/video/flv_player_branded.swf?contentId=3158919&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='365' height='340' name='video_play_500' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' /><br/>




Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW Blood, Sweat and Beers. I'm Joey Styles alongside former World Champion, Taz. Steve Corino has decided not no be with us tonight as he has opted to concentrate on his physiotherapy.

Taz: Yeah, good luck Oldschool. I hope you're back in the ring soon. What's first up, Joey?

Joey: The exciting new team of Crouching Lyger Hidden Dragon.

Taz: Sweet, and their opponents?

Joey: None other than the Briscoe Boys.



Lyger and Ultimo control the match well.

In the ninth minute, Lyger shows incredible athleticism by performing a Shooting Star Press of his partner's shoulders and onto Mark Briscoe.


Joey: OH MY GOD!



Match Rating: C


A video is shown to highlight Rhino's actions last week that lead to Al Snow's injury.




Rhino, once again, dominates, finishing off Farooq with a Gore at 9:15.

Match Rating: B


Similar to his actions on Revolution, Rhino exits the ring and sets up a table.

He drags Farooq out to the apron and sets him up for a Rhino Driver.


Bradshaw runs out.



Rhino, acting quickly, release his grip on Farooq and throws him through the table at ringside.

He then enters through the ropes and meets Bradshaw in the ring.

A brawl ensues in which Bradshaw takes advantage.

The Texan whips the Man Beast to the ropes.



Bradshaw: Jesus, out of all the things you don't do to a ticked off Man Beast, IrishWhipping him is top of the list for reasons that just became apparent!


Rhino looks as though he is considering delivering further punishment but, instead, storms to the back.


The Sandman enters the ring, awaiting the announcement of his next match. Indeed, Tommy Dreamer appears at the entrance-way.



Dreamer: Sandman, let me introduce you to your opponents for tonight... The Dudley Boys!


Buh-Buh Ray and D-Von make their way to the ring and the match begins.



The Sandman tries to battle the odds but The Dudleys prove too much.

To the delight of the sellout crowd, they win with a 3D at 11:04

Match Rating: B+


After the match, Dreamer, who has been watching at ringside picks up a mic.



Dreamer: I thought I might as well let you know who your opponent is for Baptism Of Fire, Sandman. You see, as fun as it is to let you guess who it will be, I think you'll sweat more once you find out. So, without further suspense, your opponent will be... Rhino!


Joey: Oh my god! The one man wrecking crew that is Rhino will take on The Sandman at Baptism Of Fire by command of Tommy Dreaer.

Taz: Wow, sweating is right. That could be brutal.


The Whole F**kin' Show are backstage.



Traci: Are you boys ready? I think they're coming.


Michaels: Cool.


RVD: Likewise.


Michaels hides behind a big container used for transporting equipment. RVD climbs on top of it.

Meanwhile, Traci partially unzips her top.


The Iron Saints come walking around the corner.



Traci: Hey boys.


She beckons them over.


Brandon: What the hell do you want?


Sal slaps Brandon.


Sal: Didn't Momma tell you to treat the ladies nice? My apologies, signora.


Traci: Oh, that's okay. Hey, I was thinking that we could maybe hook up sometime.


As Traci is speaking, Michaels crawls out from his hiding place and behind Brandon.


Brandon: Hook up?


Traci: Yeah, y'know, get physical.


She runs her hand down Sal's chest.


Sal: smiling How physical?


Traci suddenly pushes Brandon, who falls backwards over Michaels.

As soon as he hits the floor, RVD hits a Five Star Frog Splash off the container.


Traci: Pretty f**king physical!


Brandon goes to slap Traci but Michaels springs to his feet and spins him around.

Sweet Chin Music!


RVD: Those belts are ours!


The Whole F**kin' Show walk off laughing.



The match is very even.

Masato Tanaka wins with a Roaring Elbow at 12:48

Match Rating: B+


After the match, Cactus Jack sprints to the ring.



He takes out Tanaka from behind with a clubbing blow.

He then takes a chair from ringside and begins to lay into a floored Tanaka.


Joey: What the hell is this about?

Taz: I have no idea, Joe.

Joey: What possible issue does Cactus Jack have with Masato Tanaka?


After an intense beatdown, Cactus throws the chair from the ring and heads backstage.


Match Five in the Best-of-Seven Series


The match is more on form than on their last outing and a very even contest.

In the thirteenth minute, after wearing each other down both men go for a clothesline.

They collpase each with an arm covering the other.


Match Rating: B+


Taz: Oh man, we're gonna need another replay. That's two draws almost in succession.

Joey: It goes to show how evenly matched these two are!


Raven's Nest head to the ring.



Raven: It was once said that courage is the ability to go from failure to failure with no loss of fervour. What about me? What about Raven? If that is, in fact, the case then colour me a coward! You see, I could try the same formula again: demand a title shot from Shane Douglas and have it inevitably rejected but I prefer to try a revolutionary approach. After all, when one tries something knew he risks failure but if, he does not, he ensures it. So, Paul E, you and I haven't always seen eye to eye but this is your chance to remedy that unfortunate premise by granting an opportunity to my monsters.


Shane Douglas appears at the entrance-way.



Franchise: Sorry to disappoint you Scotty but Paul E is busy planning the historic night that is Baptism Of Fire. So, say hello to your temporary Blood, Sweat and Beers commissioner.


The crowd cheers while Raven looks pissed.


Raven: Your bluffing!


Franchise: You wanna bet? You've crossed the line, Raven; you've pissed me off one too many times now. So, I'm making a match for right now: you can take on Owen Hart.


Owen appears next to the Franchise.



Raven: Woah, woah, woah! Screw that.


Franchise: What's the problem?


Raven: I'm injured.


Franchise: Oh, get over yourself!


Raven: Seriously, I'm under no obligation to wrestle TV dates unless I agree.


Franchise: Okay, you can weasel your way out but one of your little ass kissers has to take your place.


Raven: Punk, your up.


CM Punk looks worried.


Raven: It's fine, we've got your back.


Franchise: No you haven't! Everyone but Owen and Punk is banned from ringside.


Raven looks even more pissed than before but begrudgingly sends his followers to the back.



Punk tries to contend with Owen but he is no match.

Hart wins with a Sharpshooter at 10:07

Match Rating: A


After the match, Owen picks up a mic.


Owen: Hey, Raven, I'm going to make sure that I get your ass at a pay-per-view for the title. When that happens, you will be utterly humiliated!


Show Rating: A

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From ECW.com

Paul Heyman set to make "Huge Announcement" regarding the main event at Baptism Of Fire



It has been confirmed that, this Monday night on Revolution, Paul Heyman is scheduled to make a huge announcement regarding the main event at Baptism Of Fire. It is expected for this to be of great significance as the debuting pay-per-view is intended to provide legitimate competition for WWF's Wrestlemania.


We will bring you any news as it becomes available.

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Further news regarding Heyman's Huge Announcement!


A leak from ECW HQ, which has not yet been confirmed as official or not, has confirmed further information about Paul Heyman's announcement on Revolution and the main event at Baptism Of Fire.


It appears that the match will be contested under battle royale rules between numerous participants. This could mean, of course, that the pay-per-view will take a similar shape to the WWF's Royal Rumble. However, Heyman himself was quick to dispel this idea:


We're aiming to produce the first ever show to out perform Wrestlemania both commercially and creatively. Would that really be achievable if we were merely stealing ideas off the competition?


-Paul Heyman, ECW CEO and Chief Talent Official


If any further news manifests before this Monday's Revolution we will be the first to report it.

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Monday, week 2, March

<embed src='http://www.bolt.com/video/flv_player_branded.swf?contentId=3158843&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='365' height='340' name='video_play_500' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' /><br/>




Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Don Callis...

Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

Callis: Tonight's Revolution should be a classic as Rhino takes on the Acolyes in a handicap match and the war between the bWo and the sWo continues as Big Stevie Cool takes on Espiritu. And then there's Paul E's big announcement.

Gertner: No, Don, Paul E's HUGE announcement.

Callis: Yeah, fine.



Stevie wins with a Stevie T at 9:11

Match Rating: B-


As Espiritu heads to the back, The Great Sasuke appears at the entrance-way.



The cult leader simply shakes his head in dissapointment.


Shane Douglas greets Paul Heyman backstage.



Heyman: Hey, comish. How ae you doing?


Franchise: I'm very well, Paul E. How are you?


Heyman: I'm great. I can't wait to make this announcement. It could change the entire fate of ECW!


Franchise: I'm very glad you chose to make it on Revolution.


Heyman: And I'm glad you agreed to have me.


Franchise: Hey, how could I not?


The two men walk off talking.



The match is very even but Crouching Lyger Hidden Dragon seem the more confident team.

They win when Ultimo performs a Dragonsteiner on his own partner allowing Lyger to flip forward with extra force, delivering a thunderous Senton Bomb to Jeff Hardy.


Match Rating: B


A video is shown to hype Rhino vs. The Sandman at Baptism Of Fire.



Raven is backstage with his nest for a shoot promo.



Raven: These are the unwanted; these are the outcast; these are the dejected. The mere inception of their existence was a caesarian inflicted upon the womb of dysfunction. What about me? What about Raven? I have charged myself with the care of these individuals and, in so doing, I have made it my responsibility to get a Tag Title shot for my monsters. It was once said that, if the facts don't fit the thoery, change the facts. I intend to do just that. You see, Franchise, I've realised I have something over you and I will force you to change your mind!


So it is written; so it shall come to pass.

Quote the Raven




Masato Tanaka wins with a Roaring Elbow at 12:14

Match Rating: B


After the match, Cactus Jack appears at the entrance-way.



The fans jeer his arrival.


Cactus: You know, since last week, all I've heard from people is "Why, Cactus? Why did you attack Masato Tanaka?" Well, first of all I am sick and tired of being called Cactus f**king Jack just 'cos I wear this t-shirt. My name isn't Cactus, my name's Mick Foley!


A "You still suck" chant starts.


Cactus: And that's exactly why I did it, Masato, because I realised how f**king inconsiderate and uncaring these fans are.


The fans jeer.


Cactus:You see, Masato, you've made a career out of putting your body on the line and participating in some of the most violent matches ever seen.


The fans cheer and a slight "TA-NA-KA" chant begins.


Cactus: You've done all that and it's just not necessary. These fans won't appreciate you even if you die entertaining them! They're fickle whores who will sell you out at the first sign of someone younger and prettier!


The jeers continue as Tanaka looks confused.


Cactus: I beat you up last week to prove that to you. I kicked the crap out of you and these fans still didn't cheer me. Regardless of what they say, they don't appreciate hard work. They don't appreciate anything!


Cactus heads backstage.


Callis: What kind of logic is that? Of course the fans didn't cheer you, Mick, you took out Tanaka from behind!

Gertner: I've always said he was a bit crazy.




The match is a great even contest.

CM Punk wins with a Pepsi Plunge at 13:04

Match Rating: B+


Paul Heyman comes to the ring with an A1 flip pad to a "Paul E" chant.



Heyman: Thank you, I know you've all been waiting for this announcement and I'm not the sort to keep you waiting any longer. So, first of all, I want to launch a little initiative I call the "Two Ring Theory". As you know, we already have an Ultimate Jeopardy match booked for Baptism Of Fire between Team Mexico and the Canadian Connection, which will, of course, involve two rings. "Two Ring Theory" means that every match at that event will incoprporate the use of those two rings.


Callis: Interesting...


Heyman: In view of this, I'm making a Tag Team Title Match between the Iron Saints and the Whole F**kin' Show.


The fans cheer at the prospect.


Heyman: It will be the first ever Half-life Handicap match. This means that each of two rings will be assigned to one of the two teams. The illegal men from each team are actually elligible to wrestle but must stay within their own ring. The two legal men can go wherever the hell they please, meaning that if a legal man finds himself in his opponents' ring he will face the conditions of a handicap match until he tags out or exits that ring.


Gertner: Did you get that, Don?

Callis: I think so.


Heyman: The match booked by Tommy Dreamer, which is of course Rhino versus The Sandman, will be a Two Out Of Three Falls match except a fall must take place in each of the rings. This means the match will either be a longer and more intense spectacle or one man will have to be truly incapacitated before he can be beaten.


Gertner: Oh, that should be great!


Heyman: Finally, ladies and gentlemen, I want to announce the pièce de résistance; my pride and joy. I call it the Baptism Of Fire match.


Gertner: And this sounds like it could be good as well.


Paul E flips over the cover of the flip pad to reveal a diagram.



Heyman: At the start of the match, twenty men will enter, ten in each ring, and compete under Battle Royale rules. The apron between the two rings and the ringside floor will host lit, gas fires.


Gertner: Oh, man!


Heyman: A wrestler is eliminated when any part of his anatomy or clothing catches fire.


Callis: Jesus, this is brutal!


Heyman: When ten men are eliminated, the fire on the middle ring apron will be extinguished, allowing both rings to be accesible to all who remain.


An "ECW" chant begins.


Heyman closes up his flip pad and makes to leave.


Heyman: Oh, and the last man standing will recieve a World Heavyweight Title shot at Hardcore Heaven in May!


Callis: Wow! Just... wow!



Rhino, despite the disadvantage, dominates, winning when he hits the Gore on Bradshaw at 8:51

Match Rating: B+


As has become a regular occurence, Rhino sets up a table at ringside.

He drags both Acolytes out to the apron.

He beats his chest and screams at the top of his lungs.

He then grabs both Farooq and Bradshaw in Front Facelocks.

He falls backwards delivering a Double DDT through the table to the concrete floor.


Callis: Rhino did it again!

Gertner: My god, he's cutting through the roster like a knife, Don!


Tommy Dreamer is backstage for a shoot promo.



Dreamer: Tonight, Shane Douglas was kind enough to give me, well, more realistically The Sandman, the main event slot if I could come up with something interesting. I think I have and it can be summed up in just five words: The Sandman versus Steve Austin!



The match is an evenly-contested and memorable hardcore slugfest.

In the twelfth minute, Sandman hooks up Austin for the White Russian Legsweep.

Austin spins out, though, and kicks his opponent in the gut.


Callis: This could be it!


Superstar Stunner!


Match Rating: A*


After the match, Steve Austin applauds The Sandman's effort and helps him to his feet as the show goes off the air.


Show Rating: B+

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