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Monday, week 2, May

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Callis: Hello and welcome to the long-awaited return of ECW Revolution. I'm Don Callis...

Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

Callis: Over the past week Raven's former protege, Paul Burchill, has proved himself to be a constant thorn in the Champion and Commissioner's side.

Gertner: Yeah, and as a result the main event picture is looking very chaotic.

Callis: That's not the only reason, though, Joel. The Bret and Owen, both very possible contender's for Raven's title, seem to be in the midst of their first brother's tiff since arriving in ECW and, meanwhile, the Manbeast, rhino, looks as dominant as ever.

Gertner: Okay then, Don. Raven says he won't allow for Burchill to challenge him at Hardcore Heaven despirte his victory at Baptism Of Fire. Who do you think will?

Callis: Joel, admittedly, I've never been a gambling man but I'd really have to be a fool to stick my neck out on this issue.

Gertner: Haha, good answer.



Crouching Lyger Hidden Dragon give them a good fight but the Canadians always seem like there in control.

Lyger taps to the Walls Of Jericho in the eleventh minute.

Match Rating: C+


Before leaving, the number one contender's take a microphone.


Jericho: Hey, Whole F**kin' Show, at Hardcore Heaven, the tag belts will finally find their way home to Winnipeg, Manatoba, Canada.


Christian takes the mic.


Christian: Err, Chris, don't you mean Toronto, Ontario?


Jericho: No...


Christian: Err, I think you do.


Jericho: Look, Christian, Winnipeg is the spiritual home of Canadian wrestling. After all, yours truly, The Lionheart, comes from that very place.


Christian: But the one and only Christian comes from Toronto.


Jericho: Doesn't matter, Winnipeg is still the better city.


Christian: No, Toronto is.


Jericho: Winnipeg!


Christian: Toronto!


Jericho: Winnipeg!


Rhino's music hits and he charges to the ring.



Callis: Thank god. Someone's finally gonna shut them up.

Gertner Yeah, and everyone knows Ottowa's the greatest city in Canada!

Callis: Joel...

Gertner: Yeah?

Callis: Shut up.


The Canadians evacuate the ring rather than facing the Manbeast. Rhino takes the microphone that Jericho dropped.


Rhino: Paul E, I'm out here to, once again, prove that I am the most dominant guy in the back! I was screwed out of the World Title that is rightfully mine at Cyberslam. If anyone thinks I'm wrong step the f**k in this ring right now so that I can rip your f**king arms off and use them to beat some sense into you!


Chris Hero walks to the ring with mic in hand.



Hero: It is I; It is I, the one and only saviour of Extreme Championship Wrestling... Chris Hero!


The crowd doesn't exactly give a welcoming response.


Hero: Now, it seems like you, Rhino, are trying to hold the locker room to ransom and that is not in the best interests of the company and that's where I come in. You come out here spitting, snorting and swearing. Well, let me tell you, it's not big and it's certainly not clever... not to mention the fact that your breath smells terrible!


Gertner: Is this kid insane?

Callis: Seemingly...


Hero: So, it will in fact be me who beats the sense into you. Referee, ring the bell!



This match can, quite literally, be summed up by a series of bullet points:



Knee to gut.

Irish Whip.


Rhino Driver.

The Man Beast wins in exactly 26 seconds... that includes the count.

Match Rating: B (Somehow :confused:. Not complaining, mind)


Raven is backstage with his nest.



He talks directly to the camera.


Raven: Burchill, I am f**king sick of you causing me grief and now, of course, you have something that belongs to me. So, tonight, in the main event, you're gonna face Vito and my Monsters. If you can find anyone to tag with you, feel free to bring them with you but I doubt that anyone would be stupid enough to face such odds!


Callis: ...something that belongs to him?

Gertner: I guess he means Kelly.

Callis: Honestly... what a posessive, maniacal cu...

Gertner: Woah, there! Live TV feed, Don... we're supposed to be the voices of reason.

Callis: In which case, I'd ask why you're at the announce desk but I'm sure your response would be little more coherent than a Neanderthal of below average intelligence articulating his interpretation of the theory of relativity.

Gertner: In English?

Callis: Never mind.


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Gertner: Man, I swear those are getting creepier!

callis: Yeah, and we still don't know who the hell he is!



The match is an even contest but Dreamer puts Benoit away with a Spicolli Driver at 12:41

Match Rating: B+


Backstage, the Iron Saints and their sister, Kelly, are talking.



Brandon: So, now you realise what a piece of sh*t that Raven is?


Kelly: Yeah. Look, boys, I'm sorry. I was only going on Vito's recommendation.


Sal: Hey, let me tell you something...


Sal takes his sister by the chin so that she takes him seriously.


Sal: Our brother, Vito, has gone crazy pazzesco. You understand? You can't trust him these days.


Kelly: Yeah, but why? What's got into him?


Brandon: It's Raven man, he's a master of coersion and manipulation. he could be in the CIA or something.


Sal: It's true, sis. Above all, though, you gotta remember that we're your brothers and we love you and, at the end of the day, that's true of Vito too. He'll come around eventually. Until then, stick with us. We'll show you how to get along around...


Paul Burchill and his mentor, Shane Douglas, walk into shot.



Burchill: Sorry to interrupt.


Brandon: Not at all, man. We owe you for last week, bro. You tried to save us and we won't forget it.


Kelly: I know I won't. You were incredible!


Burchill smiles and he and Kelly exchange glances for a second.

Douglas coughs in a bid to relieve the tension.


Douglas: Well, you could repay the favour tonight, if you wish.


Sal: Name it.


Douglas: Well, my student, here, needs some partners for tonight. Think you can handle the task?


Brandon: Oh, no doubt, amico. We had the Nest's number last week didn't we?


Sal: We'll be glad to help you.


Douglas: Nice one, we'll see you out there.


Burchill: ...and until then...


The New Franchise takes Kelly by the hand and kisses it.


Burchill: ...have a pleasant evening.


Burchill and Douglas take their leave.


Brandon: Haha, I think you're in there, sis.


She looks embarrased.


Kelly: Oh, shut up.


Sal: No, seriously, I think you could do a lot worse!




The two men have great chemistry, which makes for an awesome match.

Traci does some good work at ringside.

However, in the tenth minute, Sasuke whips RVD to the ropes while she is on the apron.

The force sends her crashing facefirst into the steel guard rail at ringside.

RVD continues to wrestle, clearly unaware of what has happened.


AJ Styles comes running out.



He picks up Traci in his arms and carries her to the back.

Meanwhile, RVD is able to finish off Sasuke with a Five Star Frog Splash.

Match rating: A*


Before celebrating, he looks around for Traci but, of course, cannot see her.

He heads to the back looking confused.



The match is very even and a classic harcore spectacle.

In the tenth minute, cactus Jack sets up Sandman for a Double Arm DDT.

However, the Hardcore Icon hits is second lowblow in as many shows.

He makes a quick roll-up.


Match Rating: A


Tommy Dreamer comes running out, clearly looking to avenge his friend. however, he is closely followed by Chris Benoit.



Before long a vicious 2-on-2 brawl has begun.


Paul Heyman appears at the entrance-way.



Heyman: This situation between the four of you has gone far enough. I know that there is a long and storied history between all of you but this is the final chapter. At Hardcore Heaven, you will meet for the last time. The losing team will be banned from ever tagging again. The winners, however, will get a shot at the tag team titles!


A video is shown to promote the world champion.

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Raven3-1.flv"></embed>



Burchill and the Iron Saints are accompanied to the ring by Shane Douglas and Kelly.

Strangely, though, Raven and CM Punk are nowhere to be seen.

The match is a very even contest. However, Burchill certainly seems like he will be the deciding factor.


In the fourteenth minute, Raven and Punk run out with a sack.



They run up behind Kelly.

Punk covers her mouth so she can't cry out and Raven throws the sack over her.

Shane Douglas sees what is happening but, upon trying to intervene, is knocked out cold by Punk who reveals that he is armed with knuckle dusters.

The two men then drag the sack, with Kelly inside, to the back.

The match continues for several more minutes.

Burchill eventually pins Abyss after a Standing Shooting Star.

Match Rating: B+


After celebrating for a while, Sal realises that Kelly is nowhere to be seen and relays the news to his partners.

Shane Douglas, who is finally coming around, enters the ring and explains what has happened.

They all look somewhat distraught as the show goes off air.


Show Rating: B

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Nice show, like the whole Kelly thing...I think its gunna be damsel in distress with Burchill the saviour :D


Haha, I love it when people leave storyline predictions... it's great fun to test how "out there" your ideas are.


Cheers for the feedback, buddy. Glad to have you onboard ;).


Quote The Raven


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From ECW.com


No work for Kurt Angle!




ECW.com can unfortunately confirm that the injury to former three time World Television champion and 2005 "Master Of Pain", Kurt Angle, is legitimate. It is currently unknown whether this latest broken neck, an injury he first suffered at the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games, will lead to an early retirement. However, we have learned that he is expected to be out of action for at least fourteen months.


This is obviously a major blow to both Kurt and ECW and the promotion and its entire roster would like to wish the Olympic champion a speedy recovery. The surprising aspect, though, is that the injury was not sustained in a wrestling match but in an angle with his recent on-screen nemesis, Jerry Lynn.


Lynn announced that he would be retiring, effective immediately, on last week's Revolution due to his own belief that he was no longer able to perform in a safe manner. Since suffering a defeat to Chris Hero on that very programme, Jerry has not been seen or heard from. If his decision is final, ECW may have to face the humbling situation of losing two experienced technical greats in the same month.

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That's bad news about Kurt, man. However, your latest couple of shows have been top notch so no doubt you'll do fine without him. :D


I personally like seeing what WWF are doing. Will be good to see how the promotion war lays out between the two fo you, so it certainly has my support.

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Saturday, week 2, May

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Bloodsweatbeers.flv"></embed>




Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW Blood, Sweat and Beers. I'm Joey Styles alongside former World Heavyweight Champion, Taz.

Taz: Thanks for the intro as always, Joey. Man, I'm ready for this one.

Joey: Me too, Taz. Between the chaotic title picture and the several heated rivalries that seem to have escalated over the course of the past few weeks, I'm not sure if there has ever been a better time to tune in to ECW programming.

Taz: I'm with you there, my man, and, that said, let's get to it!



The match is a very even contest.

However, Cactus Jack gets the pin at 12:27 after a Double Arm DDT.

Match Rating: B-


Backstage, Traci and AJ Styles are talking as RVD and Shawn Michaels walk up.




RVD: Hey, Styles, I want a word.


Styles: Oh yeah?


RVD: I know what you did on Monday night.


Styles: Oh, don't sweat it man. No need to thank me.


RVD: Thank you? Are you f**king kidding me?


Traci reacts shocked.


Traci: Rob?!


Styles: Sorry, man, am I missing something?


RVD: Some teeth if your not careful.


Traci: Rob, are you crazy?


RVD: Not now, Trace. This is between me and him.


Styles: Hang on, hang on... what is between you and me, exactly? I don't understand.


RVD: Oh, I think you do. On Monday, you just had to stick your nose in my business, didn't you?


Styles: Look, all I did was help out an old friend.


RVD: I ain't your friend.


Styles: I meant Traci.


RVD looks even more pissed than he has.


RVD: F**k this, I'm over the talking. We want you in the ring, tonight!


Michaels: We do?


RVD glares at his partner.


Michaels: I mean... we do!


Traci: Oh, for crying out loud, can we cut the macho crap?


Styles: Nah, it's cool, Trace. He clearly can't understand you being friends with another guy but that's fine. I'll find myself a partner.


As Styles walks off, RVD shouts after him.


RVD: Yeah, you do that.


Van Dam turns to face Traci. She looks furious and storms off.


RVD: What?


He suddenly realises Michaels is frowning at him slightly.




Michaels jumps at the noise.


Michaels: Oh, nothing... nothing.


Joey: Wow, Van Dam seems uncharacteristically flustered.

Taz: Well, that's the ladyfolk for ya, my friend. They make you do things you normally wouldn't.



Rhino looks as good as ever.

After controlling the match for ten straight minutes, he puts Sasaki away with a Rhino Driver.

Match rating: B-


Cactus Jack is removing the strapping from his fists after his match as Tommy Dreamer approaches.



Dreamer: Nice work tonight, man.


Cactus: Since I've been teaming with you, Tommy, I've found my winning form again.


Dreamer: I'm glad, man. Now, after I kick the crap outta the Sandman for yet another time tonight, we'll be just about ready to earn ourselves a Tag Team title shot.


The two men touch fists as the camera cuts back to ringside.


Raven and his Nest walk to the ring.



Kelly is physically restrained by Goliath.


Raven: In life, it's great to be important but it's more important to be great. What about me? What about Raven? I am one of the few individuals in all of human society who can lay claim to being both the former and latter. You see, the further away that one walks from his problems, the greater the distance he must travel back in order to rectify them. That is why approach any obstacles head on.


The World Champion signals for Goliath to hand Kelly to him.

The Giant unceremoniously pushes her across the ring and Raven grabs her by the hair.


Raven: Something of mine was stolen last week but you will note that it is once again back in my posession.


Joey: It? She's not a personal belonging; she's a living, feeling human!

Taz: Well for anyone who hasn't realised that Raven is the most ruthless bastard on the planet, here's the proof.


Raven: Iron Saints, you have soured the milk of my labour for the last time and, so, in exchange for your transgressions, you will face my Monsters at Hardcore Heaven.


Joey: Oh, come on...

taz: Man, I wouldn't want to be Brandon and Sal right now. Being in the ring with Monsters Inc is like being between a rock and a hard place... literally!


Raven: And, Burchill, as far as your fate is concerned...


The New Franchise's music hits.

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Paul Burchill makes his way to the ring accompanied by Shane Douglas.


Raven: You've got some balls showing your face!


Burchill: Not really... I just think you've got used to dealing with cowards on a daily basis.


Raven laughs.


Raven: I'd keep your words soft and sweet Burchill... in case you have to eat them later.


Burchill hands the mic to Douglas.


Douglas: Let's cut the crap, Raven. I never was one for exchanging needless pleasantries. The fact is, we've got a proposition.


Raven: Sorry, I don't bartyr with traitors; not even for thirty silver pieces.


Douglas: Well, pretentious biblical references aside, you might just want to hear us out on this one, smart ass.


Abyss makes to charge, but Raven motions for him to restrain himself.


Raven: You've got ten seconds.


Burchill: I want you at Hardcore Heaven!


Raven: What? That's it? Sorry... no deal.


Burchill: Aah, but you haven't heard the terms.


Raven: Okay, but hurry up and make your point because you are seriously testing my patience.


Burchill: The fact is, Raven, I'm so sick of the sight of you that I couldn't care less about the title anymore. Besides, there is something more important at stake.


Burchill unwittingly looks at Kelly as he says.


Raven: Oh, I get it now. The New Franchise does have a weakness and it seems to be for blondes. Or, perhaps, it's just for this blonde.


Raven again grabs Kelly by the hair.

Burchill makes to swing a punch but Douglas restrains him.


Raven: I wouldn't be so hasty.


Burchill calms himself.


Raven: Now then, the way I see it, I have something rather attractive to lose and nothing to show for it. So, what's in it for me?


Douglas: If Burchill wins, he gets the official managerial services of miss Thomaselli.


Raven: Yeah, I got that already. And if I win?


Douglas: Burchill's win at Baptism Of Fire becomes null and void. In the unlikely event that you should beat the best wrestler in the industry, you not only get to keep Kelly but Burchill will surrender any future opportunity of challenging for the title.


Raven smiles.


Raven: You've got yourself a deal.


The World Champion offers his hand.


Burchill: I don't think so.


Burchill and Douglas make their exit.


Raven: Just for that show of disrespect, Burchill, you can face Vito in the main event.


Vito: Why me?


CM Punk clips the young Italian-American round the ear.



Hayabusa proves to be a very useful partner for AJ.

However, despite a proficient performance from them both, they are no match for the experience and chemistry of RVD and HBK.

Hayabusa is pinned after a 4:20 Splash.

Match rating: C+


After the match, AJ takes a microphone.


Styles: Rob, I hope that got whatever it was out of your system, bro. I don't want any bad blood between us heading into Hardcore Heaven.


For the second ocassion this evening a handshake is offered.

For the second time, it is refused.

RVD, instead, goes nose to nose with the rookie as Traci tries to break them up.


The Canadian Connection run in with chairs.



The Whole F**kin' Show are caught unawares and are decimated by the Number One Contender's along with AJ, Traci and Hayabusa.


Taz: Oh, man RVD's gonna have to sort this thing with Styles out 'cos, at the moment, that distraction seems to be something Jericho and Christian could very well capitalise on.

Joey: That's a good point, Taz. The Canadians do seem to be heading towards Hardcore Heaven with a much clearer purpose.


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Joey: When?

Taz: When what?

Joey: It says Nate Hatred is coming but when is he coming?

Taz: Good question but I've got a better one... who the hell is he?



The match is a very even contest, as it always is between these two.

In the twelfth minute, The Sandman endures the Dreamer DDT.


Sandman, somehow manages to roll through.


He gets his feet on the middle rope.


Match Rating: A


The Sandman hurries to the back, still groggy from the DDT.


Joey: Man, The Sandman is making a habit of stealing victories!

Taz: Well, Joey, if the ref don't see it, it's all legal!

Joey: That's a rather cynical outlook.

Taz: Well, they don't call it Extreme Championship Wrestling for nothing.


A video is shown to hype the world champion.

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Raven2.flv"></embed>



The Hart Foundation controls the match from start to finish.

In the eighth minute, Bret and Shane are fighting on the outside.

Meanwhile, Owen hits a Piledriver on Kazarian in the ring.

Before making the cover, he notices Shane coming into make the save.

As Owen restrains Shane Bret enters and makes the cover on Kazarian.


Match Rating: B-


Owen immediately snaps round and pushes his brother.

Bret pushes back and Owen stumbles to the ropes.

Owen reaches out and takes a microphone from Bob Artese.

Bret follows suit.


Owen: That was my pin. You stole my pin!


Bret: What? We're a team you moron. Granted, a team that is carried by yours truly but who makes the cover shouldn't matter.


Owen: Bullsh*t! I am sick of you thinking you're superior!


Bret: What, can't handle the truth?


Owen loses his cool and screams down the microphone.




Bret laughs.


Bret: Oh, I'm sorry... let's just look at the facts.


Owen starts to go red.


Bret: I've one two TV titles since coming to ECW, Owen. How many titles have you won?


Owen starts foaming at the mouth.


Bret: That's right... none! And you've been here longer than I have!


Owen's veins in his neck start to expand with rage,


Bret: On top of that, I beat you at Summerslam 2006...


Owen bites his lip.


Bret: ...and I'd do it again if I had to.


It finally proves too much.


Owen: Fine! You and me: one on one at Hardcore Heaven!


Owen slams down his mic and storms out as Bret suddenly looks less jovial.


Joey: Wow!

Taz: Well, that's one way to settle brotherly tensions.

Joey: Can you believe it? That's two huge matches for Hardcore Heaven! Burchill versus Raven and now Owen versus Bret!



The match is kept thoroughly under wraps by Burchill.

In the ninth minute, he hits the C-4.


The Nest comes running out.



Raven stays at the entrance-way, shouting orders, as the others invade the ring.

However, Douglas throws Burchill a chair and a huge brawl ensues.

Referee Jim Molineaux calls for a no contest.

Match Rating: A


The brawl continues as the show goes off air.


Joey: This situation is close approaching boiling point.

Taz: Oh, no doubt, Joey. Raven and Burchill might just rip each other apart at Hardcore Heaven!


Show Rating: B+

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Mate, I've spent the last few days reading this from start to finish (finally), and I've got to say, it's been amazing every step of the way. Your storylines are just about the best on the boards, every twist and turn has been great.


Aah, thank you. You're a gent!


What song are you using for Burchill's theme?


It's a tune called "Screamager" by "Therapy?". If you like the track, I would recommend the album it came off: Troublegum, which is bloody awesome.


Quote The Raven


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