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Nevermore, good sir, I do believe you have left me "hangin'" here. I need results!!!


Yes, my sincerest apologies.


Life is EXTREMELY hectic at the minute, for reasons I'm glad to explain through pm but not so much in the thread.


I'll get Hardcore Heaven up as soon as time will allow.


Quote The Raven


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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, my sincerest apologies for the delay! To cut a long story short, I have just had an absolutely life-altering experience (nothing bad - at all!), which I'm happy to discuss via pm with anyone wishing for an explanation/further detail. However, it will certainly be out of place in the thread.


Anyhow, I'm gonna try and get the PPV up ASAP because it's been mostly written for a few weeks now and I'm eager to get some steps of the story done. I cannot make any promises on a date, though.


After that, I'll have to see how it goes. Due to the afore-mentioned news, I doubt I'll be putting much time into this in the future - but NEVER say "never". Future stories are planned, so they're bound to pop up sporadically :D.


So, my bad on the wait and thank you for your continued interest (I hope ;)).


Oh, and, Outlaw, cheers for the heads up.


Quote The Raven


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  • 1 month later...

Mate, you are the master of the slow build, and the killer knock out blow.


I am sorry to hear you have other issues at the moment, as always, particularly for someone I admire the shyte out of for ingenuity, determination and class from ECW Worldwide, you can always contact me on PM if I can help you at all.


If this does become the end, my god, what an ending. Truly diobolical carnage, something you are the king at fo shore.

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Friday, week 4, May

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Joey: The event we've all been waiting for is now here, ladies and gentlemen. I could give you what has become the customary rundown of the matches to be witnessed tonight but I won't. Why? Because just how monumental tonight is can be summed up in one simple statement: the ECW World Heavyweight Champion, Raven, will face his greatest ever challenge as the tension that has been slowly building between him and his former protégé, Paul Burchill, for eleven months finally comes to a head in tonight's blockbuster main event! I'm Joey Styles alongside Don Callis and, former World Heavyweight Champion, Taz.

Taz: Joey, there's a reason it's been billed as the most anticipated match of the year. I don't care if it's not for the title; Raven is gonna have his ass handed to him by Burchill and I have been waiting to see that for too long!

Joey: Me too, Taz but, better yet are the stipulations. If Burchill is victorious, he wins the rights to Kelly's managerial contract.

Taz: But, if he loses, he will never be able to challenge for the World Title. Man, I can't wait.

Callis: I'm afraid I have to disagree with you guys.

Taz: What? You don't want to see that? Are you nuts?

Callis: Not at all, I want to see that more than you could believe. I'm just not sure if it's the only thing that makes tonight "monumental". Let's not forget that RVD defends his title against AJ Styles tonight or that we are going to witness a Barbed Wire Deathmatch. Best of all, for me, though, is tonight's Number One Contendership contest between Bret Hart and his brother, Owen.

Joey: Good point, Don. That should be incredible! Bret got one over on Owen a few months back.

Taz: Yeah but that was at Summerslam, Joey. Anyone in their right mind wouldn't waste their dollars on that joke. Tonight's face-off is gonna be bigger, better and my money's on Owen to get his revenge. Right now, but, it's time for my favourite part of the show.

Joey: You've got to be kidding me...


Joel Gertner makes is way to the ring to huge applause.



However, after taking the microphone, he wanders around ringside.

He suddenly does a double-take of a young brunette in the crowd.


Gertner: Ooh, nice dress! Is that felt?


He points the microphone toward her.


Brunette: Err... no... cotton.


Gertner: Would you like your dress to be felt?


The crowd erupts as Joel cheesily raises his eyebrows.

He wanders around some more and approaches another girl in the front row.


Gertner: What's your name, sweetheart?


Girl: Jessica.


Joel: Well, Jessica, speaking of outfits, do you know what would look good on you?


Jessica: What?


Gertner: Me!


Joey: Oh, good lord.


The camera cuts to the announce table where both Styles and Callis shake their heads in bewilderment. Taz, meanwhile, is in hysterics.


Gertner approaches one last lady in the crowd, a pretty blonde.


Gertner: Why, hello there.


Blonde: Err...hi.


Gertner: Look, sugar, I have to ask, have you lost your virginity?


The lady looks rather embarrased.


Joey: Oh, leave the poor girl alone!


Blonde: Yeah, I have, why?


Gertner: Do you think I could have the box it came in?


Again, there is a reaction from the crowd as Gertner finally gets in the ring.


Gertner: Ladies and gentlemen, it is I, the man who women just can't stop falling madly in bed with, who, when asked for an innuendo, really GIVES YOU ONE, "The Quintessential Muffstuffer"... oops, I mean "Studmuffin" Joel "You better not like chickens 'cos it's all about my c*ck" Gertner.


Callis: It's not even innuendo anymore. It's x-rated!


Gertner: This one goes out to all the ladies in the house...


Joey: Oh, that'll make for a nice change.


Gertner: ...You may have tickets to ECW live, May 29th 2007

But it's only in my bedroom that you'll experience Hardcore Heaven!


Taz: Man, that was awesome!

Joey: Yes... truly awesome...



These two men look determined to start the show off with a great performance.

The match begins with them straing pacing around from corenr to corner, each with a watchful eye on the other.

Lynn darts forward; Hero Snaps to the side only for Lynn to halt his advance - it was a feint.

The pacing continues.

Now, Hero darts forward; Lynn also makes an evasive dive - the youngsters movement was also a feint, however.


Taz: Oh, man, we got some old-school mindgames to kick the show off.


Lynn turns to the crowd and smacks the turnbuckle repeatedly.

The fans in attendance join in and a rhythmic clap begins.

Lynn and hero stalk each other once more.

Lynn, again, darts forward and stops himself but this time Hero doesn't bite.

The youngster mocks Lynn's attempt to fake him out, pointing and laughing at the veteran.

However, amidst the showboating, Lynn seizes the opportunity to hit a oicture perfect Dropkick on Hero which sends him to the mat.


Joey: I think Lynn just taught Hero an important lesson: always keep your mind in the game.


Hero springs to his feet and charges at Lynn for a Clothesline.

However, Lynn catches his arm and whips him to the ropes.

Hero rebounds.

Big Back Body Drop from Lynn.

The crowd erupts as the youngster makes a hasty escape to the ringside floor.


Callis: ...and now the arrogant little coward is getting the hell out of dodge.

Taz: Hey, be fair, Don, it's a sensible move under the circumstances.


After composing himself, Hero re-enters.

He does not re-engage, though. He, instead, offers a congratulatory handshake to his opponent.

Lynn accepts and shakes Hero's hand.

In an underhanded display, Hero thumbs Lynn in the eye.

No... Lynn's experience shows through as he exploits Hero's tactics, twisting his arm into an Arm Wringer.

He goes under the arm again, increasing the strain on the rookie's shoulder.

Hero makes no attempt to reverse, preferring to escape by kicking Lynn squarely in the family jewelles.


Joey: Oh, come on!


Hero then takes the opportunity and the initiative to control the match for several minutes.

In the twelfth minute, Hero traps Lynn in the corner.

He backs off for the Hero's Sidekick...

...but Lynn telegraphs it, ducking underneath so that Hero's leg is hung painfully over the top rope.

The veteran grabs the extended leg and hits a Dragon Whip.

Hero quickly leaps back to his feet and goes to kick Lynn in the gut.

His foot is caught, though, and he is spun around...

...Cradle Piledriver.


Match Rating: B+


Taz: Oh, man, what an opener!


AJ Styles is backstage with his new allies, the Canadaian Connection.



Jericho: So, do we have an accord.


Styles: We do.


AJ shakes hands with Jericho and then Christian.


Styles: Now, I get this whole you scratch my back thing but what exactly is it you want me to do with Traci?


JerichO; Simple. All you have...


Suddenly, Jericho seems to notice the camera that is filming them.

He puts his hand up to it, gestures it out of the locker room and shuts the door.


Callis: I don't like the sound of that.

Taz: Dunno, Callis, whatever they're planning, it could make things pretty interesting.




There is no feeling out period in this encounter.

Punk immediately charges Storm.

Shining Wizard!



Taz: Man, it was nearly over before it began.


The champion immediately picks up the challenger and drags him to the corner.


Joey: Could he be looking for the Pepsi Plunge here?

Callis: I think he's looking to put Storm away early Joey.


Suddenly, Storm breaks the grapple...

Super Kick!




Taz: Oh, man.


The challenger now picks up the champion and whips him to the ropes.

As Punk rebounds, Storm ducks down for a Back Body Drop.

Punk leaps over his back, though, and executes a perfect Sunset flip.


Storm rolls over on top of Punk.


Punk shifts his weight to one side, pulling storm with him.


Storm pulls off the exact same manouvre.


Each man releases the pin, springing to their feet.

Storm hits a leg sweep on Punk.


As Storm rises to his feet, Punk takes out his legs with his arm.


Both men stnad up and go nose to nose as the crowd applaud.


Joey: Wow!


Simultaneously, champion and challenger lean backwards and rebound of opposite ropes.

Storm ducks as he runs and Punk leapfrogs him.

They rebound again.

Storm stops himself


No! Punk catches his foot and kicks away his standing leg.

The champion then locks in a Single Leg Crab.


Callis: Storms in trouble, Joey.

Joey: Yeah, and talk about insult to injury. Punk's using Storm's signature submission.


Storm, still unfatigued, though, is able to get his hand on the bottom rope.

Punk releases the hold and backs away, waiting for his opponent to stand.

Storm does so and limps his way over to the champion.

He is greeted with a boot to the midsection.

Punk then sets Storm up for a Vertical Suplex.

However, as Storm is lifted up and over, he psches off the top rope with his feet, reversing the momentum.

This returns him to a standing position...



Taz: Man, did you hear that impact?

Joey: I think that impact could be heard in Australia!


Storm follows up by locking in an Anaconda Vise.


Taz: Haha, what's good for the goose...


Again, though, the bottom rope is reached before much damage is inflicted.

The match continues in a similarly see-saw fashion.

In the sixteenth minute, Punk sets up Storm in a fireman's carry, looking for the GTS.

However, Storm uses his weight to pull Punk to the mat in a Crucifix roll-up.



Monsters Inc. come running out.



Joey: Well, I gues we knew it was coming.


Storm, sees them as they approach the ring, runs towards the ropes and performs a Plancha dive over all three ropes.

Despite his act of daring, he is easily caught in a Military Press position by Goliath.

Abyss gets down on one knee and signals to his partner.

Goliath throws Storm upwards so that he falls throat-first, with sickening force, onto Abyss' knee.


Joey: Oh my god!


The seemingly lifeless challenger is rolled back into the ring.

Punk, this time, has no time delivering the GTS.


Match Rating: B+


Taz: Well, Storm put up a brave fight, Joey, but there's just no match for superior numbers.

Joey: Yeah, after so many instances of interference from the Nest, I think that has become abundently clear.


Punk and the monsters continue to assault Storm long after the bell has gone.


Callis: Oh, come on. Someone stop this!


As the assault continues, the camera cuts to a dark corner of the arena where Raven sits, alone.



His hair masks his face.


Raven: From conservatism to nihilism, fascism to communism, totalitarianism to democracy and almost every religion, no matter what one follows, it always leads to death, war, suffering; the defilement of mental stability; the defilement of those incapable of genuine achievement. You see, we are all victim to a hostile fate, lamenting the throes of rejection, kicking and screaming like a child prematurely born of a dysfunctional womb. Some, however, choose to reap revenge upon the society and institutions that have scolded them. What about me? What about Raven? I have sought and delivered vengeance ever since the inception of my reign as the dominant force in ECW. The fact is, everyone has a voice deep down inside them; a voice that says "shine". Some voices are loud, some quiet. Many are so quiet they are never heard. Some are heard only for the weak minded not to listen. Few decide to act upon this voice: the geniuses, the natural leaders of men. I am the greatest of those leaders; I am the light and the only path forward out of mediocrity. The ones wise enough to follow my path will experience true ascendancy. Those who stray... will surely suffer.


He lifts his head and flicks his hair back.


Raven: And, Paul Burchill, none will suffer so greatly as you!


So it is written; so it shall come to pass.


Quote The Raven



As the camera cuts back to the ring, the 3-on-1 attack is still occurring.


Callis: For those of you watching on pay-per-view, this horrific assault has continued while Raven was espousing his usual egotistical garbage.

Taz: Well, much as it pains me to say it, Lance Storm's learning that it pays to have a few friends in the back.

Joey: You think someone would intervene, though.


As if on cue, the cavalry arrives.



The Iron Saints sprint to the ring, both carrying steel chairs.

As they slide under the bottom rope, the bell rings.



The Iron Saints drill their steel into either side of Punk's head in a makeshift Conchairto.

EMTs seize the opportunity to take Lance Storm away as CM Punk heads to the back, dazed.


Joey: Well, I guess this one is underway.


Brandon drives his chair into Abyss' gut as Sal gives the same treatment to Goliath.

The monsters stagger backwards.

Again, the Saints drill the giants with the steel.

Again, they stumble back.

Brandon and Sal both hit a thundering chair shot to the chest of their respective opponent.

Abyss and Goliath fall backwards so that they are resting against the ring ropes.

Both Iron Saints jump up so they are able to reach Abyss' head and drill him squarely in the skull sending him to the floor below.

Sal then discards his weapon and signals to Brandon who runs against the opposite ropes still holding his chair.

Upon rebounding, Sal Flapjacks his own partner.

The extra momentum gives Brandon enough height to deliver a similarly thundering shot to the head of Goliath, who falls to ringside too.

The brothers then set up their now fairly mangled chairs.

They Simultaneously rebound off the ropes, springboard off their chairs, then the ropes and perform Sommersault planchas onto the Behemoths below.


Joey: OH MY GOD!


After returning the monsters to the ring, however, the Iron Saints, innevitably have difficulty controlling their opponents.

By the thirteenth minute, they seem completely worn down.

Abyss picks up Sal and Goliath picks up Brandon.

Both grab them by the throat.


Joey: Oh, no.


They both lift.


Callis: I think we're looking at simulatneous Chokeslams.


However, Sal and Brandon reach around with their legs and perform a body scissors on one another.


Taz: Wait... what the hell?


As the monsters throw their arms down, Brandon and Sal, now in an interlocked horizantal position, heave with all their might.

Their combined weight and momentum creates a whiplash effect that sends monsters flying head over heels in a kind of bizarre, modified Arm Wringer Takedown.


Callis: Oh my, I think the Iron Saints worked out how to reverse the Monsters' Chokeslam.


Stunned, both monsters rise to their feet and charge at the Iron Saints.

They both suffer Drop Toe Holds for their trouble, which leave their throats laid across the middle rope.

The Iron Saints rebound off the opposite ropes one last time.

They then springboard off the top rope directly above the Monsters' heads and fall to the apron, catching their opponents with Guillotine Legdrops on the way down.

They both roll back in and pile ontop of Abyss for added weight.


Match Rating: B+


The crowd goes nuts at the Nest's defeat.


Joey: That's got to be classed as an upset!

Taz: No doubt, Joey. That was huge!


As The Iron Saints celebrate, both looking exhausted, their brother makes his way to the ring with a microphone.



After a brief staredown in the ring, he speaks.


Vito: Congratulations! Pozzo-fatto me fratelli.


BrandonSal: Perdono? Is this a joke?


Vito: Hey, hey, less of the hostilities. We are brothers after all.


Sal: Hey, bastardo, I've got news for you. We have no brother, comprenda?


Vito: Hey, boys...


As the conversation continues, the camera cuts to a backstage corridoor.


CM Punk approaches the locker room door which reads "Iron Saints" and kicks it in.



Punk: Come with me!


Punk grabs Kelly by the hair and drags her out of the locker room.

She screams.


Kelly: HELP! Sal? Brandon?


Punk laughs.


Punk: I'm afraid they're busy, sweetcheeks.


The camera cuts back to the ring.


Joey: Oh, no, it's just a diversion!


Sal: Let me make this clear to you, my fair-weather fratello. The day you sold our sister out, you became dead to us. When she moved to the US with us, it became our responsibilty to look after her.


Brandon: You discarded that responsibilty, amico. So, now, we discard you.


Brandon spits at Vito's feet as, unbeknown to the Iron Saints, The monsters stalk them from behind.


Vito: Fair enough but let's not part on bad terms. Allow me to give you one last piece of advice for old time's sake... TURN AROUND!


Brandon and Sal are met with thundering chokeslams.

The second assault of the evening ensues.


Paul Heyman is seen frantically running around backstage.



He rushes up to a member of the event staff.


Heyman: They're gonna kill them out there! Where the hell is Paul Burchill?


Staff member: He isn't scheduled to arrive for another half-hour.


Heyman: Jesus... I don't want two more guys taken oit on stretchers! SECURITY! SECURITY!


A flood of security staff rush past on their way to the ring.

Finally, after the Iron Saints have been completely decimated, bloodied, bruised and battered enough security arrive to restrain the Nest.

A second EMT team arrive to carefully take away Brandon and Sal on gurneys.


Callis: That's not right. They're Vito's brothers for Christ's sake!


Barbed Wire Deathmatch


As always, Nate Hatred brings his steel pentagram wrapped in barbed wire to the ring. For once, it is not out of place.

Hatred immediately shows he means business, setting about Tanaka with clenched fists.

Soon, an all-out fist fight has ensued.

Meanwhile, The Sinister Minister throws all manner of weapons into the ring.

Hatred picks up a trash can lid and moulds it into the shape of Tanaka's forehead.


Taz: Damn...


Hatred sets up an ironing board vertically in the corner.

He then whips Tanaka into it and spears him through it.

A baseball bat is his next weapon of choice, which he uses to re-arrange Tanaka' internal organs.

He then whips his opponnt to the barbed wire wrapped ropes for the first time but it is reversed.


Joey: Oh, Hatred's hair is caught!


Tanaka sees the opportunity and implants several staples into Hatred's scalp using a staple gun.


Taz: No wonder we save this sh*t for pay-per-view.


Mitchell hands some white powder to hatred which is used to blind Tanaka.

As the Japanese legend tries to clear his eyes, his opponent rips his hair free.

The carnage soon continues.

After several minutes, the gratuitous nature of the match has taken its toll on both competitors.

Tanaka races at Hatred for a Roaring Elbow but Hatred ducks underneath.

He is instead greeted by a cane to the mid-scetion by Mitchell.

He staggers around straight into Hatred's grasp.

Hatred thumbs him in the eye and places his satanic symbol in the centre of the ring.

Bio Thunder Driver onto the barbed wire pentagram!


Match Rating: B


As the barbed wire is removed from the ropes by ring-hands, The Sinister Minister picks up a microphone.


Minister: I've said it before and you didn't believe me. So, I'll say it again. Nate Hatred is the most extreme athlete in the history of ECW! He knows it, I know it and we hope you know it because Masato Tanaka sure as hell does!


The crowd jeers loudly.


Minister: Complain all you want; you can't argue fact and, if there's anyone foolish enough in the back to disagree, show yourself so that Nate can beat the dissent out of you.


Suddenly the lights cut out.


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As the lights return, Sabu is in the ring holding a chair.

He points to the heavens.


Joey: It's Sabu! It's Sabu!

Callis: We haven't seen him in months.

Taz: Yeah, and if you were gonna pick someone to out-extreme the next guy, I don't think you get much more insane than Sabu!


However, Mitchell and Hatred decide to make a quick getaway rather than stay and fight.

The crowd goes crazy as Sabu throws the chair up the aisleway after them and proceeds to motion to the heavens once more.


Taz: Sabu is back, baby!


For the Number One Contendership to the World Tag Team Championship


The match does exactly what it says on the "smark"-friendly tin, providing an unquestionably solid but unspectacular crowd control bout.

Dreamer and Benoit start as the legal men.

For the first few minutes, Benoit's technical proficiency keeps Dreamer in check. However, Dreamer's confidence from recent form soon shows through.

From here on, it is an even contest with tried and tested tag-team psychology.

In the fourteenth minute, Benoit locks in the Crossface on Cactus Jack.

Dreamer steps in to make the save and Sandman follows suit.

The two old adversaries hook up in a wild brawl that spills to the outside, leaving cactus to still endure the Crossface.

However, cactus is able to push off the canvas with his free arm and roll Benoit over onto his back.

1...2...Benoit rolls pack over.

Cactus Jack writhes in pain but, once again, shifts the weight over so that Benoit's shoulders are down.

1...2...Benoit kicks out and, in so doing, releases the hold.

As the brawl continues on the outside, Benoit goes for a Northern Light's Suplex.

Cactus Jack sticks his leg and blocks it.

He then knees his opponent in the gut with Benoit's head still under his right arm.

He hooks Benoit's arms up...

Double Arm DDT!


Sandman tries to re-enter and save.


Dreamer turns him round for a Dreamer DDT on the concrete!


Match Rating: B+


A video is shown to hype the upcoming World Cup.

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/WorldCup.flv">




Christian and Michaels start off as the legal men.

The Canadian whips Michaels to the ropes.

Upon rebounding, Michaels slides between Christians legs and hits an inverse DDT.

He backs off into the corner, steps forward gracefully as if he were in the olympic floor excercises, jumps and hits a Knee Drop.

He rolls through, into the other corner and climbs the turnbuckle in order to play to the crowd.

Jericho takes offence, walks along the apron and pushes Michaels off the buckle just as Christian rises to his feet.

In a great display of athleticism, though, Michaels adjusts his fall into a Corkscrew Body Press onto Christian.


Michaels struts his way over to his corner and points at RVD who motions for the tag.

The crowd erupts.

Michaels raises his hand to make the tag in a needlessly dramatic fashion but swipes his hand away at the last second as if to say "I'm not finished yet".

He sees Christian get to his feet and in a sudden burst out of the corner...

Sweet Chin Music!


Taz: Oh, man... he didn't waste any time.


Michaels points at RVD again.

Again, the crowd goes nuts and this time he tags his partner.

RVD springboards his way into the ring, delivering a Legdrop across the torso of Christian.

He makes the cover.


RVD picks up Christian only to send him straight back down with a Leg Sweep.

He then rebounds off the ropes, cartwheels and hits a Standing Moonsault.


Christian is again pulled to his feet and again knocked down, this time by a Spinning Wheel Kick.

Rolling Thunder!


Callis: Christian is in real trouble here, Joey!



RVD points at Michaels; it might as well be a pantomime.

The crowd erupts as HBK recieves the tag.

Upon entering the ring, Michaels whips Christian into a neutral corner.

RVD then whips Michaels.

Michaels reverses it and sends RVD full-force into an Avalanche Body Press.

Christian staggers out of the corner as RVD exits.

In fact he staggers straight into...

Sweet Chin Music!


Joey: Oh, man, this could be it early!


1...2...Jericho runs in to break it up to a chorus of boos. He is sent back to the apron by Jim Molineaux.

Michaels climbs the turnbuckle.

Flying Elbow Drop!

1...2...Jericho, again, breaks it up and, again, is sent back top his corner.


Taz: I say they just keep Christian in there, maybe distract Jericho and they got this thing wrapped up!


Michaels picks up Christian, who is having trouble standing.

He hits a square left to the jaw.


And another.

He pulls his right fist all the way back...


Christian topples over before he can land the punch.

Michaels, once more, seizes the opportunity to play to the crowd on the turnbuckle.

He jumps back down to see Christian slowly crawling to his corner.

He doesn't lay the boots into Christian but merely turns him around.

Christian continues to crawl.

Inch by inch.

Millimeter by millimeter.

He pulls his hand back.

He dives forward in a last ditch effort...

...He's tagged RVD.


Joey: I think Christian's in dream street.


Meanwhile, Jericho looks like he's about to have an anneurism in the opposite corner.

RVD, now recieves a genuine tag and drags Christian to the centre of the ring.

He climbs the turnbuckle.


Taz: Uh-oh, I think Rob is feeling froggy!


Suddenly, the big screen changes to show AJ Styles and Traci backstage.



AJ is clearly making unwanted advances toward her.

RVD looks up and sees the situation.

At that exact moment, AJ grabs Traci nd plants a kiss as she tries desperatley to pull away but cannot.

RVD, jumps down off the turnbuckle and sprints to the back.

Michaels looks bewildered.

Meanwhile, AJ, clearly wise to the fact that RVD will pursue him, pushes Traci away and sprints out of shot as the big screen fades back to black.

In the confusion, Christian makes the tag.

Jericho, fresh as a daisy, storms into the ring and pulls Michaels over the ropes and to the canvas.

He lays the boots in repeatedly.

Michaels fights his way to his feet only to be dropped by a lowblow.


Callis: Oh, come on!


The punishment continues and, once Christian has regained his wits, a two on one beating begins.

Michaels is thrown from pillar to post, beaten, battered and bloodied.

The Candians hit power move after power move and seem in total control.


Taz: Where the hell is Van Dam?

Callis: He went to help Traci.

Taz: I know but Michaels is getting creamed out here.


In the eighteenth minute, the Canadians whip Michaels into the corner and make several heelish gestures to the crowd.

They then chare forward towards the corner.

Suddenly, Michaels springs forward an hits a Double Clothesline which sends Christian and Jericho down.

The crowd erupts once more.

The Candians still, understandably, beat Michaels to their feet.

They make their way over to him and lift him up, the blood from his forehead dripping at their feet.

Michaels hits simultaneous lowblows that, again, drops the Canadians.


Joey: Oh, yeah! Jericho tastes his own medicine!


Michaels staggers fully upright and supports himself with the top rope.

Jericho gets up first and charges him.

Michaels ducks down and pulls the top rope down, sending Jericho to the floor.

Christian and Michaels rise together and the second challenger now charges.

Sweet Chin Music!


Joey: Oh, the impact!

Taz: That's his third helping!


Michaels collapses onto Christian.


Match Rating: A


Joey: He did it! Michaels retained the tag titles!

Taz: I can't quite believe it.


Michaels rolls out of the ring and picks up both tag belts.

Officials come to help him to the back but he pushes them away.

He makes his way to the back, unaided, to huge cheers.

The camera focuses in on Chrios Jericho, who, still at ringside, is screaming "No! Not again!"


<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="



Joey: The natural order will be restored? What the hell does that mean?

Taz: Oh, great, more cryptic videos. Go the creative team!


For the Number One Contendership to the World Heavyweight Championship


The match starts with the brothers striding to the middle of thie ring and trash talking.

Bret shoves Owen.

Owen shoves Bret.

Bret slaps Owen around the face looking to evoke a brash reaction.


Joey: Oh, my.


Owen laughs it off and steps backward to his brother's annoyance.

The two men pace around the perimeter of the ring, staring each other down.

Suddenly, Bret darts forward looking for a waistlock but Owen dodges to his left.

Bret snaps around to avoid a rear attack and the pacing continues.


Joey: Neither man seems certain at this point.

Taz: Well, Joey, these are the two best technicians in the game! One false move and you're a gonner in a match like this.

Callis: Yeah, and let's not forget they're brothers. They'll know each other's arsenals as well as their own.


Bret can be seen to mouth something at Owen.

Owen, clearly taking offense charges forward.

However, Bret sidesteps and pushes Owen from behind to increase his momentum so that he flies over the top rope to ringside.


Callis: Well, that's an uncharacteristic show of weakness from Owen, right there.

Joey: I guess a your own brother can rile you like no one else.


Bret plays to the crowd as Owen re-enters the ring.

The trash talking resumes.

After a few seconds, Owen again charges Bret.

Bret makes for a Hip Toss Counter.

Owen sees it coming and slides between Bret's legs.

He hooks his arm back around to roll his opponent up in a Schoolboy pin.


Bret kicks out just after three.


Callis: That was close.


Owen points at Bret while mouthing "You nearly lost it".

Bret, clearly pissed, charges forward wildly.

Owen sidesteps and returns the earlier favour, throwing Bret clean over the rope.


Joey: Owen serves Bret the exact same mind games.

Taz: Yeah, a match like this is as much a mental battle as a physical one.


After Bret returns to the ring, the match continues as an even contest.

In the twelfth minute, Owen hooks Bret in a rear waistlock.

Bret snaps round, inverting the hold.

Owen does the same.

Bret follows suit...

...as does Owen.

The process continues until Bret has Owen in the lock right near the ropes.

The younger hart snaps round one last time.

He releases the hold, rebounds off the ropes and hits a sunset flip on Bret.


Both men rise.

Owen now locks in a front waistlock.

Bret headbutts him to relieve it.

The older Hart now applies the same lock.

Belly to Belly Suplex.


Taz: Take it from a master of suplexes, ladies and gentlemen, that was a thing of beauty. What execution!


Bret continues to control the match for the next five minutes.

However, after whipping his brother to the ropes, the Black Hart comes back with a Dropkick.

No, Bret catches it... and keeps hold of his foot to apply an Ankle Lock.

Owen writhes in agony.


Joey: Will he tap?

Taz: No way!


Owen does not tap but continues to scream in pain.

However, he suddenly snaps round, rolling onto his back so that he can kick Bret away.


Joey: Owen breaks the Ankle Lock!


Bret rushes forward to reapply the hold but Owen rolls under his grasp.

After getting to his feet, Owen proceeds to hobble a few paces.

Bret sees the opportunity, rushing forward with a Clothesline.

Owen ducks underneath and pulls the top rope down.

Again, Bret hits the ringside floor, looking pissed.

As he re-enters, Owen boots him in the gut and hooks him up in a Vertical Suplex.

He holds his brother in the air at full stretch.


Taz: Man, that's not just great execution on the lift; that takes a whole hell of a lot of power!


He continues to hold him up.

Six seconds has passed.

Still he holds him.

Ten seconds.


Joey: Wow.


Bret is still elevated as the crowd gets to their feet.

Fifteen seconds.

A styanding ovasion begins.

Twenty seconds; Owen's face grimmases with the strain.

Twenty five seconds.

Slam! Bret finally hits the mat.


Taz: That was f**king incredible!


The ovasion continues as Owen applies a body scissors to Bret and applies a chinlock.

Bret's not giving up, though.

After a few minutes, in a great show of strength of his own, the elder brother pushes with arms and gets to his feet with Owen still wrapped around him.

He jumps backwards and slams his brother down.

He snaps up and grabs Oween's legs.


Callis: Here we go...



Again, Owen writhes in pain.

Chris Kay asks if he wants to quit.

Owen screams "No!"

Bret arches his back to wrench on the hold.

Owen crawls forward.

The hold is not released as he continues to crawl.

He reaches for the rope.

No... Bret pulls him back to the centre of the ring.


Joey: This could be it!


Owen performs a press-up motion witn his arms.

Lifting his torso of the mat, he twists his legs and sends his brother staggering out of the hold with the force.


Taz: Oh, man, he broke it!

Callis: Well, if anyone knows how to break the Sharpshooter, it's a Hart.


Both men are exhausted but still clamber to their feet.

They approach one another slowly.

Bret boots Owen in the gut.

But Owen catches his foot and tips him over.



Callis: Here we go... again.


Bret now writhes in agony.

Owen is cearly in great pain to put he emulates his brother in arching his back to apply maximum pressure.

Bret now crawls towards the rope.

Owen drags him back.

Bret crawls again.



Before Owen can pull him back he just gets his index finger on the bottom rope and Chris Kay seperates the hold.

Owen collapses, seemingly in desperation.


Joey: This is unbelievable!


Both men, again, make it to their feet together.

Bret whips Owen.

Owen reverses.

Bret rebounds... into a thunderous DDT!


Taz: Oh, man, Bret is out!


Owen slowly climbs the turnbuckle.

He makes it to the top.

As he does so, he nearly falls but is able to right himself.

He stands fully upright.


Diving Headbutt!


Match Rating: A


Joey: To those of you who think ECW is all about blood and brawls, let this be proof to the contrary!

Taz: No doubt!


AJ Styles is, once again, backstage with the Canadian Connection.



Christian: What the hell were you playing at? I got my ass kicked out there!


Styles: That's not my fault! I kept my end of the deal. You better keep yours.


Christian: Are you f**king joking?


Jericho: Of course we will. It can't hurt to have the TV champ on side.


AJ and Jericho laugh as Christian still looks annoyed.




The two spend a little time squaring each other up.

Suddenly, RVD falls backwards, rebounds off the ropes and hits a thunderous Wheel Kick!


Callis: Well, it looks like this match is well and truly under way!

Taz: Oh, man, you gotta watch out for those feet of Van Dam!


As AJ rises he stuns Van Dam with a straight right hand and attempts a Powerbomb which is reversed into a Hurricanrana.


Leaving AJ no time for recovery, Van Dam hits a Rolling Thunder.


RVD then leaps leaps to the top rope and waits for his opponent to stand.

Flying Superkick!



Taz: Oh, man, This rookie may not know what he's got himself into.


The champion then mounts the challenger and hits some Crossface Blows.

He then gets to his feet and hits a Legdrop to the back of the his neck.

He lifts AJ to his feet and whips him to the corner.

He goes for a Turnbuckle Shoulder Charge but Styles is able to trap him in a Front Facelock.

The challenger climbs backwards up the ropes.

Tornado DDT!



Taz: Wow, this is awesome already!


The match continues as an evenly contested, high-paced affair.

In the thirteenth minute, RVD again traps AJ in the corner and, this time, is able to lay in the boots until he is sitting against the bottom buckle.

Traci,chucks him a chair from ringside.

Skateboard Dropkick!

RVD then drags Styles to the middle of the ring and bounds up the turnbuckle.

Five Star Frog Splash!

No, Styles gets his knees up.

Both competitors are laid out, exhausted.


Taz: That could've been it right there but AJ scouted it.


Upon returning to their feet, Styles whips RVD into the corner.

RVD jumps straight up to the top and flips backwards over the rookie.

AJ then runs forward up the buckle to the second rope and jumps, turning to hit a Cross Body on the challenger.


RVD rolls through.


Both men rise.

RVD goes for a clothesline.

AJ blocks it and hits a quicksnap DDT.

The challenger then picks up the chair.


Callis: This could spell trouble for Van Dam.


However, RVD leaps to his feet in one movement.

Van Daminator!


The Canadian Connection come running out, armed with hockey sticks.



Joey: Oh, what do these jerks want?


They enter the ring and, with the help of Styles, decimate the champion.

Shot after shot from the sticks.

Traci is powerless to help.


Callis: Where the hell is Shawn Michaels?

Joey: Do you think this some sick way of getting back at him.

Taz: I hope not but, if it is, it's working!


Christian hits an Unprettier.

Jericho follows up with the Lionsault.

And AJ finishes the assault with the Styles Clash!


Callis: Where the hell is he?



Match Rating: B+


Joey: Damn it, we've got a new World Television Champion just because Shawn Michaels couldn't get over his own ego!

Taz: You don't know that, Joe. He could have been being patched up. He was cut up pretty bad earlier!

Joey: Whatever...


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Joey: Hang on, is that yet another cryptic video? Are they related?

Taz: Nah, I figure that last one is just Raven bigging up the main event.


If Paul Burchill wins, he earns the right to Kelly's managerial contract

If Raven wins, Paul Burchill will never be able to challenge for the World Heavyweight Title


The match begins with both men stepping forward.

They go nose to nose, the sheer anger and hatred in both faces clear for all to see.


Taz: I've got goosebumps, Joey!

Joey: So have I!


Raven puts his arm up, calling for a test of strength.

Burchill laughs; Raven doesn't.

Burchill then obliges by locking hands with the champion.

The tussle begins.

Burchill easily takes the upper hand, showing his far superior power.

Raven kicks Burchill in the thigh to regain the advantage and, indeed, succeeds in reversing the leverage.

Burchill takes offence and, in an incredible show of strength, he pivk up Raven by just the Champions wrists and flings him across the ring.


Taz: Wow! My money's on Burchill!


Raven gets to his feet, clicking his neck back in place.

Now Raven laughs as Burchill stares a hole in him.

Both men walk back to the centre of the ring.

Raven hits Burchill with an eye rake.

Unphased, Burchill answers with a knee to Raven's stomach.

Raven hits Burchill with a punch, Burchill returns the favour and the two men start to trade blows.


Joey: Here we go. This one should be a classic!


Raven hits Burchill with a knife edge chop and gouges his eye.


Joey: Oh, cheap shot... and Raven's gonna grab the opportunity to hit a Piledriver.

Callis: Burchill is down!


Burchill is stomped on repeatedly and then brought up to standing.

Raven whips him to the corner and chops him repeatedly in the chest and shoulders.

The New Franchise is thrown to the other turnbuckle.

Raven charges but Burchill puts his foot up.


Joey: Oh, great reversal!


Burchill whips Raven to the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Raven ducks underneath.

Raven bounces off the opposite ropes...

He comes back but only runs into a shoulder block.


Taz: You know that whole saying about the irressistible force and the immovable object?

Joey: Yeah.

Taz: I think Burchill is the immovable object.


Raven is pulled up to standing and whips Burchill to the ropes and sends him down with a dropkick to the knee.


Joey: I think you spoke too soon, Taz.


Raven drags Burchill to the ropes and hits a clothesline so that both competitors fall out of the ring.

Once on the outside, Raven tries to connect with a punch.

Burchill stops Raven, though, by kicking him in the stomach and then throwing him head first in to the apron.


Taz: They are brawling right in front of us!


Burchill slams Raven's head right into the announce table.


Callis: Jesus!


He removes the monitors as Styles, Callis and Taz make themselves scarce.

He then pulls the champion up onto the table.

Brainbuster all the way back to the floor.


Joey: Oh my god!


He then tosses Raven back into the ring...

Raven staggers to his feet.

Burchill bounces off the ropes and comes back with a flying clothesline!

Douglas applauds his effort from ringside.

The New Franchise hits a huge chop on Raven that turns his chest bright red and sends him down to the canvas.


Joey: Raven's taking a battering.

Taz: Yeah... this is sweet!


Raven gets up but Burchill is waiting... Franchiser!




Joey: Raven gets the shoulder up!

Callis: That must have been a slow count, surely!

Taz: I don't think so, Callis. As much as I hate Raven as a person, you have got to give him props: he's one tough son of a bitch!


Raven swings a punch at Burchill's face but Burchill merely catches his fist and twists it round.

Raven cries out in pain until his suffering is brought to an end by a Big Boot that sends him to the mat.


Joey: Oh, what a shot!

Taz: The champ's in trouble!


Burchill hooks in a Sleeper Hold, looking for a submission.

Raven starts to fade.

John Finnegan lifts Raven's arm.


It falls once.


Callis: This could be it.


It falls twice.


Jim Molineaux lifts the challenger's arm for a final time.


Taz: He's got him! He's got him!


Raven throws his fist up!

The champion is lifted to his feet and whipped to the ropes.

Burchill rebounds and hits another thunderous lariat!


Joey: Oh, another stiff shot shot!


Burchill climbs to the toprope.


Callis: Oh, what's he looking for here.


He hits a picture perfect Moonsault

He goes for the cover



Joey: Raven just rolls the shoulder.

Callis: Raven may still be in it at the minute but he surely can't hold out for long!


Burchill rolls to the outside and brings a chair into the match.

Upon re-entering he is caught with a lowblow.


Joey: ...and Raven relies on his favourite tactics.


Burchill still rises before Raven, however.

He picks up the champion and hits repeated fists and forearms to the forehead to open a nasty looking cut above his right eye.

Raven drops to his knees barely conscious.

The New Franchise picks up Raven and sets him up for the C-4.

He hits it!


Taz: This has got to be it!


Shane Douglas realises and encourages his protege to make the cover.

He, instead backs off and hits a Flipping Senton.

He rolls through and, again, climbs the turnbuckle.


Joey: Now what?


Shooting Star Press!


Joey: Oh, look at the athleticism!

Taz: For a big dude, that's ****ing incredible!


Burchill makes the cover.



Callis: Surely...




Joey: We have a new champion!


Monsters Inc run to the ring.



Taz: It was just a matter of time.


Burchill releases the cover, goes to the ropes and tells them to bring it.

They do not enter the ring, however, they merely restrain Shane Douglas.


Joey: What the...


Burchill seems equally puzzled.


Then, CM Punk appears at the entrance way, dragging Kelly out by her hair.



Burchill screams out to her, "Kelly!"

He makes to exit the ring and run up the the aisle-way.


Punk: I wouldn't do that if I were you!


Burchill stops.


Punk: You see, I'm calling the shots here!


The New Franchise looks worried but stares Punk down from the ring.


Punk: We're gonna cut a deal.


Joey: A deal? What deal?

Taz: I guess he wants Burchill to call the match off.


Punk: What's gonna happen is this: you're gonna lie down and let Raven cover you.


Burchill laughs of ther idea.


Punk: ...'cos if you don't, I'll throw you're little lover, here, right off this stage and onto the steel gurders below.


Callis: What the hell?


Burchill looks distraught as Raven climbs to his feet.

Shane Douglas tries to free himself from the Monsters' grasp but cannot.


Punk: What's it gonna be, Burchill? Time's a wastin'.


Joey: Don't do it, Burchill, you'll never get a shot at the title.

Taz: What else can he do, Joey? He clearly loves her...


All sixty thousand fans jeer in unison.


Vito now appears at the entrance-way.



Vito: Punk, what the hell are you doing? This wasn't part of OUR deal!


Punk: F**k off Vito! The only deal I'm interested is the one that sees Raven conquer this Judas!


Vito: Punk, come on!


Punk: Stay there Vito or I'll throw her.


Kelly screams.


Punk: Shut up, bitch!


Vito: Fine, fine... Kelly, it's okay... Burchill will make the right choice!


Punk: So, Burchill what's it gonna be? And may I remind you that Kelly's managerial services won't be much use if she's in the emergency room?!


Burchill thinks.

Douglas screams "Don't do it!" from ringside.


Punk: Lay down Burchill; lay down and let Raven out of there and Kelly will be safe as houses.


Joey: Don't do it, Paul, please!


Burchill lays down.


Joey: NO!

Callis: NO!

Taz: He had it won!


Amidst a chorus of boos, Raven makes the cover.


Match rating: A*


Raven quickly grabs his belt and runs up the aisle way as all manner of rubbish is thrown at him.


Joey: Take a good look, ladies and gentlemen. That cowardly son of a bitch right there is still your World Champion!

Callis: It's enough to make you sick!


As Raven runs backstage, Monsters Inc derliver a Double Chokeslam to Shane Douglas on the concrete floor.


Punk: Hey, Burchill, wise decision... but not too wise!


Punk grins.

He throws Kelly off the stage.

She falls ten feet to the iron gurders below.


Joey: OH MY GOD!

Callis: NO! NO!

Taz: This guys an ass hole! She doesn't deserve that!


Punk sprints to the back as Vito jumps down after his sister.

Burchill runs in record time up the asle to help Vito in aiding Kelly.


Taz: Someone call a f**king medic!


The show goes off air as EMT crews make their third and final appearance, all thanks to Raven's Nest!


Show Rating: A

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Grave news for the WWF?


by Dave Meltzer


It is no secret that, in the past few months, the war between the World Wrestling Federation and its only real surviving rival, Extreme Championship Wrestling, has greatly intensified.


The WWF has revisited many old match-types, such as the Hell in a Cell, and invented several more, including the Elimination Chamber , in order to not be "out-extremed" by the competition. In turn, ECW has taken the fight right bak to "The Federation", inventing the pay-per-view spectacle Baptism of Fire, which, after its astounding introduction, is now considered to be a viable alternative to Wrestlemania.


In addition, the "Talent War", as it has been dubbed, has surpassed anything ever before seen in the industry. The WWF has poached a list of talent as long as one's arm and it's not a shabby list either: Steve Austin, Brock Lesnar, Bill Goldberg, Jeff Jarret, The Acolytes and The Hardy Boys (to name only a few) have all moved to fresh pastures and are blossoming in their new home. ECW's acquisitions are far fewer in number but no less remarkable, having signed Chavo Guerrero Jr, Paul London, Brian Kendrick and the amazing acquisition of the Hart brothers.


That's not all, the battle over top free agents has been relentless, with ECW luring Abyss and AJ Styles from right under its rivals nose and the WWF offering lucrative deals to Sid Vicious and, in, perhaps, the greatest coup of all, The Rock, who returned from his short hiatus a few months ago.


But, now, rumours are circling that a new opportunity for Paul Heyman and Charlie Pag to bloody the nose of Vince Mcmahon is emerging. We cannot reveal who for legal reasons but inside sources suggest that one of the top stars of the WWF, and a former personal friend of Vince, is sick of the biggest promotion in America. He was, apparently, quoted as saying:


"All of a sudden, I feel like a leper around here! The Mcmahons keep offering so many concessions and title opportunities to guys that they want to poach from ECW that long-time servants like me have been completely forgotten."


In spite of this, there is not yet anything to suggest that the worker in question has begun contract negotiations with the competition. Meanwhile, no one at WWF headquarters could be approached for comment.

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