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I thought Taker too but the problem (and at the same time great thing) about Nevermore's writing is that you start second guessing.


Think off all the twists he's had before where you thought he'd go one way and he went another!


It's too obvious to be 'Taker so it's not him........unless Nevermore counted on us reaching that concusion and he's double bluffing us.



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Saturday, week 4, May

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Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW Blood, Sweat and Beers. I'm Joey Styles alongside former World Heavyweight Champion, Taz.

Taz: Joey, it's a shame we have to start what should be a great show on such a sombre note.

Joey: It is indeed. What my partner refers to is the sad news that it is our unfortunate duty to relay. All three Thomaselli siblings that we saw injured at the hands of Raven's Nest last night have been hospitalised. Salvatore and Brandon are said to have only maintained relatively minor injuries in view of the heinous nature of the attack but are likely to be kept in for observation for at least the next two weeks.

Taz: the news about Kelly, though, ain't so good. Joe...

Joey: I regret to inform you that since her close to fifteen foot fall from the entrance way, Miss Thomaselli has not regained consciousness. She is, however, said to be stable and the doctors are hopeful that she will make a complete recovery over the coming weeks.

Taz: Luckily, and I don't mean to sound dismissive of poor Kelly's position here, Lance Storm was released from hospital with no need for further examination. Still, we don't know if he'll show up tonight. Speaking of, Joey, do we know whether Vito's here?

Joey: I have no idea Taz. It's not often I sympathise with that kid but I really do right now!

Taz: No doubt, Joey; no doubt! It doesn't matter what takes place in the ring or in the back; your deepest loyalties have to be with your family. I hope he holds up okay...



The match is a fairly bog-standard tv tag match.

Good psychology, good selling, nothing much more spectacular.

This changes in the twelfth minute of the match.

After recieving the tag, Ultimo Dragon sprinboards in, high off the top rope.

Lyger pushes the bottom of his feet, allowing him extra momentum to complete a 450 Splash onto Chavo for the pin.

Match Rating: C+


RVD storms into the Whole F**kin' Show locker room backstage.



RVD has strapping around his ribs and Michaels has a large band-aid across his forehead.


RVD: What the f**k was that last night?


Michaels: You what?


RVD: In case you hadn't noticed, I got my arse handed to me by three guys and you were nowhere to be seen!


Michaels: Oh, and in case you hadn't noticed, I got the absolute crap kicked out of me in what became a handicap match! Do you hear me bitching?


RVD: That's different; I was helping Traci.


Michaels: Yeah, I get that, dude. I was just hoping that you might get that I needed taping up.


Traci: Guys... please, stop.


Both tag champs glare at Traci.


Traci: Fine... whatever.


RVD: There's another big difference, Shawn. I lost my TV Title!


Michaels: Oh, what, and you're blaming me just because I'm good enough to defend my title even when the deck is stacked?


RVD: Your title? YOUR F**KING TITLE?! We are the tag champs, Shawn. Y'know as a team; not that you have much of an idea of what that means.


Michaels: Sorry, I didn't mean that.


RVD: What? A freudian slip, maybe? Is your ego really that big?


Michaels: Ha... coming from "Mister PPV"? You petty bitch!


RVD raises his fist.

Traci steps between them.


Traci: Jesus, guys, SHUT THE F**K UP!


Both RVD and Michaels look stunned.


Traci: You've got to defend those belts tonight and you better be on the same page or, I swear, I'll kick both your asses!


The camera cuts back to ringside.


Taz: Sheesh... do those guys ever have a pleasant conversation?

Joey: Apparently not.



The match is an even contest but Mitchell's interference proves too much.

Hatred finishes Sasaki off with a Decapitator Lariat at 9:42

Match Rating: C+


As Hatred taunts at the crowd, the lights switch off.


Taz: Here we go...


Sabu appears in the ring.



Hatred and Mitchell, again, make a hasty retreat and Sabu stalks them up the aisle-way.


Raven and his nest come to the ring to, perhaps, the loudest jeers ever heard on an ECW broadcast.



Raven: Okay, shut up, shut up. I'm the one who's paid to talk; not you sorry half-wits!


The boos do not cease.


Taz: What an arrogant motherf**ker!


Raven: Unfortunately, Brother Vito cannot be here for unknown reasons.


Joey: Unknown reasons? Are you kidding me? He's probably caring for his unconscious sister who YOU put in the damn hospital!


Raven: I'm out here to say just five words. So, if you all quiten down, this maybe the shortest Raven promo ever.


Joey: Every cloud has a silver lining...


Raven: Burchill, sucks to be you!


All of the Nest burst out in hysterics.


Taz: Those bastards.


Paul Burchill and Shane Douglas appear at the entrance-way.



Douglas: Raven, I oughta come down there and kick your ass!


Raven: So, why don't you?


Douglas: Because, unfortunately, while you've proven yourself to be a wretched little coward, your band of disciples have equally proven themselves to be effective bodyguards.


Raven smiles.


Raven: Shame...


Paul Burchill suddenly rips the microphone from his mentor.


Burchill: But, unfortunately for you, Raven, I do not share Shane's apprehensions.


Raven: What exactly are you gonna do, big man. You saw what we did to your precious little girlfriend last night. Do you want to suffer the same fate?


Burchill: Yeah, you must think you're pretty special, pulling off all those assaults.


Raven: Well, know that you mention it...


Burchill: BUT... you made one mistake!


Raven laughs.


Raven: What could that possibly be?


Burchill: You hospitalised two of my freinds.


Raven: Check.


Burchill: You rendered the girl I love unconscious.


Raven: Check.


Burchill: And you've stopped me from ever challenging for the world title.


Raven: Yeah, that too.


Burchill: So, all of a sudden, I have nothing to lose!


For the first time, Raven's face drops.


Burchill: And what that means, "big guy", is that my sole purpose for being is making your life a LIVING... F**KING... HELL!


The crowd erupts.

Burchill slams his mic down on the concrete and heads to the back accompanied by his mentor.


Raven: Don't you dare turn your back on me! Hey, you can face my monsters in the main event for such insolence!




Shawn Michaels and Lil' Guido start the match as legal men.

Despite frequent tags from the FBI, Michaels never once tags in RVD.

He pins Tony Mamaluke after Sweet Chin Music at 9:27

Match Rating: C+


Shawn grabs his belt from ringside and heads straight to the back without even looking at his partner.

RVD and Traci follow behind, the former clearly extremely pissed off.


Paul Heyman comes to the ring.



Heyman: Ladies and gentlemen, I am out here tonight to explain the format of the upcoming first ever Wrestling World Cup!


The crowd applauds.


Heyman: The tournament will be contested in the month of July, beginning the night after Wrestlepalooza. It will run until Summer Assylum, where both the semi-finals and the final will be hosted.


Joey: Interestimg...


Heyman: Now, for the rules... A pool stage will occurr prior to the tournament quarter finals. There will be four pools consiting of three teams that will face each other twice in six-man-tag matches. Each match in this stage will be two out of three falls. As such, a win will be worth four points in the tables, a draw will be worth two, while no points will be awarded for a loss. Moreover, one bonus point per match will be available for teams who are able to win via two straight falls.


Taz: Right, so... four points for a win, two for a draw and a bonus point for two straight falls.

Joey: And every team will face the other two teams in their group twice.

Taz: Sounds sensible.


Heyman: From each of these pools, two teams will qualify while one will be eliminated. The eight qualifying teams will proceed to the quarter-finals. From this stage, all matches are knockout and will be contested under elimination rules.


Joey: This sounds brilliant!


Heyman: Finally, I will state the three rules concerning man-managment. Firstly, each nation will be led by an inactive coach or an active team captain who will be responsible for all managerial decisions. Secondly, each nation's squad can consist of a maximum of six men and, obviously, a minimum of three, selected by the afore mentioned coach or captain. And, thirdly, one substitution will be permitted per match. However, the substituted worker must not be the legal man.


Taz: Cool.


Heyman: Now, without further ado, allow me to introduce Team USA's coach... Kurt Angle.


Heyman makes his exit as Angle makes his entrance.



Angle, still on crutches and in a neck brace, takes Heyman's microphone on the way to the ring.


Angle: Thank you, Paul E. Let me just say it is a huge honour and privilege to lead Team USA in the first ever Wrestling World Cup. And, now, it's my turn to make an introduction. Fresh off the heels of a very short retirement, I give you the first official member of the US team: "The Dynamic One" Jerry Lynn!


Lynn no enters to a fantastic reaction.



Lynn: Thank you, Kurt, and just let me say that it'll be a huge honour to wrestle for you and the greatest country on Earth!


Lynn and Angle high-five, play to the crowd for a few minutes and then exit to huge applause.



True to recent form, Rhino dominates, winning with a Gore in the eighth minute.

Match Rating: B+ (Damn, Rhino's a ratings machine!)


Backstage, Bret Hart accosts Paul Heyman.



Bret: Nice little announcement, Paul.


He grabs the "Chief Talent Official" by his jacket collar and slams him against a wall.


Bret: Now, I know my brother Owen earned himself a World Title shot in his match against me last night. That's fine, but you promised me a shot if I beat Goliath at Cyberslam, which I did.


Heyman: Yeah but...


Bret: Perhaps I'm not making myself clear. Last night's match was for A title shot; not MY title shot. So, if Owen gets a shot before I do, I will not be happy and, if I'm not happy, I'll ensurse that you are not happy, Paul! Now have I made myself clear


Heyman nod's sheepishly.

Bret finally lets go of Paul E's lapels and storms off.




The match is a very even and brilliantly sold contest.

In the fourteenth minute, Mysterio whips Styles into the corner and mounts the turnbuckle.

AJ hits a lowblow.

He follows up with a small package and gets his feet on the middle ropes.


Match rating: B


Joey: Well, I guess we found out what sort of champion AJ Styles is going to be.


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Taz: For crying out loud, man. Ever since he's become commissioner Raven can't stop financing these little promo videos.

Joey: Are you sure that's Raven's doing? It didn't mention him and he's hardly humble enough to omit his own name.

Taz: Come on, Joey, there was one last night as well. That one said "A champion's greatest obsatcle was coming". The champion would be Raven and the obstacle would have been Paul Burchill. And, now Raven thinks he has conquered The New Franchise, he's made up another one for tonight saying what a great achievement it was.

Joey: Yeah, fair enough. Honestly, you'd think his mic time would be enough for him to hammer the point home.



Burchill also stays true to his recent form, showing a surprising level of dominance despite his disadvantage in both number and size.


In the eleventh minute, Punk and Raven run in.



Raven takes out Shane Douglas as Punk climbs onto the apron to distract Burchill.

The New Franchise takes no notice however, and, as Abyss charges for a lariat, he ducks.

Abyss flies forward, knocking Punk off the apron.

As the monster turns, Burchill plants a Super Kick on his chin.


Match Rating: B+


After the match, Burchill takes out Goliath with an identical Superkick as Raven stands at ringside barking instructions.

CM Punk slides into the ring but only to fall victim to the C-4!


Taz: Wow, I think Burchill really will make Raven's life hell.


The New Franchise then reaches through the ropes and drags Raven into the ring by his hair as the fans go nuts.

As Burchill gives a look of pure revulsion, Raven crawls across the ring, desperatley trying to escape Burchill's grasp.

The World Champion pulls himself up using the ropes and turns around.

The two men stare at each other from opposite sides of the ring.


Taz: Oh, man, here we go!


Suddenly, Vito emerges from the crowd with a steel chair.



Joey: It's Vito! He is here!


The young Italian enters the ring and restrains Paul Burchill, clearly saying something along the lines of "I want to take him out."

He then smiles and turns around to face Raven.

He walks menacingly towards the champion, raising the chair as he does so.

Raven shakes his head in bewilderment.


Taz: Yeah, Vito! Do it! Do it!


Vito takes one final step towards the champion, raises the chair above his head and mouths "This is for Kelly!".

A "Vito" chant echoes around the arena.

Vito looks at the crowd and grimasses as though summoning every ounce of strength.

He turns and levels Paul Burchill with the steel!


Taz: What?

Joey: No! Come on!


As Burchill crashes to the canvas, Vito ushers Raven to the back.


Joey: Damn it, Vito! He's directly responsible for putting your sister in the hospital!


The show goes off air to a chorus off boos from the fans.


Show Rating: B+

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Well from the bit that said "the strength of a champion can not be determained by his character", I've changed my mind.


It's Mark Calloway instead of Undertaker.....I know it's the same person but I think it'll be a new gimmick or a no gimmicks needed type thing.


That's right I changed from it being too obvious that it's the Taker to flat out thinking it is him.. There's no one else it can be.


Who else is long term WWE?









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"World Cup" appears to be the perfect olive branch in an industry plagued by conflict


by Dave Meltzer


Today, it has been discovered that ECW has signed working agreements with multiple independent promotions ahead of their World Cup angle, set to air in July. The companies in question are WXW, WWC, IWA: PR, IWW and SWA.


This may well prove to be a beneficial step towards the improvement of the international indy circuit. Indeed, it seems like a productive idea on all fronts, not only providing an opportunity for relative unknowns to showcase their skills on a multi-national platform but also allowing ECW to develop their younger stars and, perhaps, scout new talent.


What else can be learned from this news? Well, it does not take a genious to deduce some of the teams that will be entering the tournament. The involvement of WWC and IWA: PR clearly indicate that Puerto Rico will be competing. So, following similar logic, Samoa, Scotland and Ireland will also be a feature of ECW in the coming weeks.


Fairly reasonably, I think, one can also assume that Canada, Mexico and Japan will be admitted as well as the USA, which we have already learned will be lead by Kurt Angle. Thus, I figure eight teams are confirmed, albeit unofficially:






Puerto Rico




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Samoa and Puerto Rico aren't really countries, are they?


Certainly, Samoa is (more accurately Western Samoa and American Samoa are but they team up for sporting purposes on a regular basis).


As for Puerto Rico... ish. About as much as Scotland is a country. They're technically still a territory of the US (I think) but they are semi independent.


Anyway, cut me some slack here. Are you aware how few countries have produced enough active workers to put together a squad with? I'm already gonna have to resort to a few gimmicks :D.


Quote The Raven


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Great writing, great storylines, great characters, great read, great diary!! :D


Keep up the work Nevermore. I just more or less read through the entire diary (took a couple of days mind) & have to say your diary is legend!! Shame I now have to wait to see a new show write-up now, but I'm sure it'll be worth it.


Mon the Scotland!! Hoots the noo jimmy!! (Please no highlanders, & yes Drew Galloway) Considering your English though, & Burchill is likely to be competing for England, I don't fancy our chances!

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You could have created a 'Rest of the World' Team. Like, Samoa Joe, Sonjay Dutt, Nathan Jones and Carly Colon (Carlito). 'Twould have been entertaining.


All of the names you've mentioned other than Nathan Jones will be appearing in the tournament (and Nathan Jones very nearly did - hey, there's always next year :p).


Personally, I think it'll be a pretty good and surprisingly even spread.


Quote The Raven


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Monday, week 1, June

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Hudson: Hello and welcome to a very special edition of ECW Revolution. I'm Scott Hudson...

Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

Hudson: First things first, for those of you wondering why I am here, I am filling in for Don Callis who has taken a leave of absence for reasons which he has not disclosed to the wider company. We wish him all the best, whatever his reasoning may be, and I can say that he assures us it is nothing to worry about.

Gertner: Yeah, well, at least it gives the opportunity for an exciting new announce team. Although, Scotty, my boy, I have to be honest and say that I don't really think you're my type.

Hudson: Oh, what a shame...

Gertner: Anyway, what's so special about tonight?

Hudson: Well, it's week 1 of June 2007 and that means it's the first anniversary of ECW Worldwide.

Gertner: What the hell is ECW Worldwide? The shows called Revolution, newbie.

Hudson: You know, I have no clue. I just felt a sudden compulsion to say it.

Gertner: What?

Hudson: Almost as if I was part of a third person dialogue in an internet based wrestling diary.

Suddenly, Hudson and Gertner give each other a quizicle look.

They both look into the camera simultaneously, apparently coming to an earth-shattering realisation.

They both shrug the feeling off, though.

Hudson & Gertner: Nah...



The match is much more even than Hatred's previous encounters.

However, despite Yoshihiro Tajiri's best efforts, Mitchell's interfence is once again the deciding factor.

Hatred wins after hitting a Bio Thunder Driver onto his signature iron pentagram.

Match Rating: B-


Paul Heyman appears at the entrance-way.



Heyman: I've noticed that there is an awful lot of talk on the internet about which countries will be participating in the World Cup next month. Well, I can officially confirm another nation's entry into the competition by introducing its active team captain.


Hudson: I wonder who this'll be.


Heyman: Ladies and gentlemen, fresh off of being released from his Federation contract three weeks ago for some inexplicable reason, representing England, I give you... Steven Regal!


Regal makes his way to the ring to a rather mixed reaction.



Regal: Good evening, good people. I cannot help but notice that several of you were jeering me as I approached the ring.


Gertner: It's to be expected. ECW is no place for snobs.


Regal: To be honest, however, I believe it's perfectly understandable.


Hudson: Come again.


Regal: If I happened to be in your position, I would probably do the same. I know you must all be thinking that I'm here to cast aspersions upon the hardcore lifestyle but, in fact, that is not the case at all. You see, whilst I must admit that I am somewhat lacking a true comprehension of what it is to really be "extreme", I must say that I find the entire concept of Extreme Championship Wrestling to be delightfully iconoclastic and most inspiring; all in all, the diametric opposition to the foul, incestous mire of overpaid egomaniacs, from the squalid ranks of which I was so fortunate to be released ahead of schedule.


Large sections of the crowd applaud loudly.


Gertner: Err... in English?

Hudson: Haha, what he means to say is...


Regal: What I mean to say is, I am so terribly glad to be in Extreme Championship Wrestling, the company which is clearly the future of professional wrestling!


This time the entire crowd erupts.



Gertner: Hang on a minute, Hudson. Does this mean Regal is the mystery man that ECW was looking to sign?


Regal: Now, I know what you're all thinking but as one Paul Heyman correctly stated, I was, indeed, released from my Federation contract three weeks ago. As such, I am not the mystery signing.


Hudson: Clearly not.


Regal: But I know who is!


Hudson: What?


Regal: You see, the man in question, whose name I unfortunatley cannot yet mention for fear of legal reprocussions, is a very close personal friend of mine. Furthermore, it is my understanding that his current contract shall expire within the next six days. Therefore, it will be my esteemed pleasure to introduce this undisputed legend, live, here on Revolution next week!


The crowd again goes mental.


Regal: Thank you, good people. You have been most hospitable and, for this, I thank you greatly. I must now take my leave, though, as I have further business to which I must attend.


A "Thank you Regal!" chant starts to emerge from certain areas of the crowd as the leader of the future Team England heads to the back.


Gertner: Well, that was...

Hudson: ...bizarre?

Gertner: Pretty much.

Hudson: Well, to bring us back to a degree of normality, we will witness the Full Blooded Italians face the newly recognised number one contenders to the World Tag Team Championship: Cactus Jack and Tommy Dreamer, "The Hardcore Innovators". And it's up next!



The Hardcore Innovators come to the ring armed with Singapore canes.

They lay waste to their opponents in what is very-much a one-sided affaor.

They pick up the pinfall after both Jack and Dreamer deliver a Double DDT to Tony Mamaluke.

Match Rating: C


Paul Heyman is walking backstage and, much like on Monday, is accosted by an irate Hart.



Owen grabs Heyman by his jacket and slams him against a wall.


Heyman: Jesus... not again!


Owen: Paul, I heard that Bret had the opportunity to clarify his position in regard to the World Heavyweight Title an I would appreciate a similar chance to make myself clear.


Heyman: Well, seeing as I don't seem to be going anywhere...




Heyman flinches.


Owen: Paul E, I understand that you are both a reasonable businessman and an incredibly talented booker. However, if you even think of giving Bret a shot at the strap before I get one...


Owen hesitates.


Owen: Let's just say this: I've been waiting ever since November to get my hands on Raven, Paul E. That's six months. SIX F**KING MONTHS, PAUL!


Heyman: Okay, okay... I understand. I won't pass you over, Owen. You have my word.


Owen nods in acceptance, releases his grip and walks off, leaving Heyman looking shaken.


Heyman: I guess it must be that time of the month or something.


A distant shout can be heard.


Owen: I heard that!


Heyman chooses to make himself scarce.


Hudson: Now, ladies and gentlemen, there will be a rematch from Saturday night's Blood, Sweat & Beers, a rematch that Steve Corino requested. He will face the Man Beast again; this time, in a first blood match.



Is Rhino dominant? Just a tad.

Is Corino suicidal? There is a strong argument to suggest so.

After a relatively short series of moves, Rhino wraps Corino's arms up in the ropes so that he cannot move.

The Man Beast then grabs a chair from ringside and repeatedly drives it into Corino's forehead.

The eventual flow of blood is inevitable.

Match Rating: A* (Seriously, any hardcore related match and Rhino just explodes!)


Rhino grabs a microphone from ringside.


Rhino: This is a warning to everyone in the back; a warning that will only be offered this once. I was SCREWED out of the World Title and it's merely a matter of time before I forcibly remove that belt from around Raven's waist. Until that day, should anyone be stupid enough to stand in my way, they will learn exactly why there are eight dictionary definitions for the word "pain". Hell, I may inspire a few more.


I am Rhino, the next ECW World Heavyweight Champion and you... will... FEAR THE GORE!


Backstage, Steven Regal knocks on the locker room door marked "New Franchise".



Douglas opens the door as Burchill is seen applying tape to his hands.


Regal: Aah, preparing for a match are we?


Douglas: We are indeed. Due to what happened on Saturday, Burchill's got Vito in the main event.


Regal: Oh, well best of luck with that... to both of you.


Douglas: Thanks. We apprecia...


Burchill finally looks up from what he's doing.


Burchill: Can I help you?


Regal: You can, as a matter of fact. Indeed, my sole reason for being here is to request your assistance.


Burchill: Yeah, I did figure. Now, are you gonna spill 'cos it's only about an hour 'til my match?


Regal smiles.


Regal: Well, forgive me, good sir, for I do not mean to trouble you. In fact...


Burchill: interrupting Get on with it!


Regal: Well, how would you like to be on our fine country's team, in service of her glorious majesty? That is to say, would you like...


Burchill: ...to be on the England team for the World Cup.


Regal: Indeed.


Burchill quietly converses with his mentor.


Burchill: Who do you have so far?


Regal: Two splendid talents from ECW's development...


Burchill: Names!


Regal: Oh, err... Nigel McGuinness and Doug Williams. Plus, there is always...


Douglas: Always what?


Regal: Forgive me, sir. I have said too much.


Burchill raises his eyebrows


Burchill: Hang on... this mystery signing; your close friend... he's on the team, isn't he?


Regal: Sorry, I cannot say, sir.


Burchill smiles.


Burchill: Fine, I'm in.


Regal: Truly, sir? That is fabulous news!


Burchill: Truly... as long as your man-management skills are better than your ability to express yourself.


Regal: Oh, I apologise for any...


Burchill: Stop bloody apologising!


Regal: Yes, of course.


Regal smiles broadly and offers his hand.

Burchill shakes it.

The shake continues...

...and still...

and STILL.


Burchill: Do you think I could have my hand back?


Regal: Yes, of course. My apologies.


Burchill looks annoyed.


Regal: Oh, sorry... Oh... err...


Regal leaves before becoming further tongue-tied.




RVD and Paul London start as the legal men.

In a reversal of Monday's situation, RVD does not once tag in Michaels despite the frequent tagging of their opponents.

However, he still gets the pin on Brian Kendrick after a Five Star Frog Splash at 11:57.

Match Rating: C+


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Hudson: Y'know, Joel, conjecture on the internet suggests that those videos foretell the mystery signing. What do you reckon?

Gertner: Personally, I tend to agree with what Taz said on Saturday. I mean, that one even featured Raven's name.

Hudson: Well, I guess we'll know, one way or another, by this time next week.




The match is an even, fast-paced affair.

However, AJ is able to get the pin after making illegal use of the ropes for his second defence running.

Match rating: C+


Shawn Michaels angrily his approaches his partner backstage.



Michaels: What the hell was that?


RVD: Well, you seemed to have a point to prove on Saturday, Shawn. I thought I'd prove mine tonight.


Michaels: Oh, and what point is that?


RVD: That you are not better than me, Shawn. Never have been; never will be!


Traci: He never said he was better than you, babe.


Michaels: Yeah, I shouldn't have to.


RVD raises his fist to Michaels as Traci backs away.


Michaels: What are you gonna do, tough guy? I'm a two time ECW World Champion; that's something you'll never come close to.


RVD: Don't test me, Shawn.


Michaels: Why? What's a talentless hak like you actually gonna do? The only reason you're still in a job is because I've been carrying you


RVD: Carrying me? Carrying me? You're f**king kidding me, more like. How many times had Raven kicked your ass before Paul E put us in a team? You were washed up, Shawn. I saved you!


Suddenly, Michaels slaps RVD.

RVD flinches back in pain and shakes his head.

Again, he raises his fist.


Traci: No, Robbie, don't! Don't!


RVD seemingly lets it go and Traci walks him away, leaving Michaels alone visibly seething.



Burchill, once again, flat-out dominates like a man posessed.

He pins Vito after a C-4 in the thirteenth minute.

Match Rating: A


As soon as the match is over, The Nest come sprinting out.



Abyss and Goliath immediately take out Shane Douglas with a Double Chokeslam.

Meanwhile, Punk enters the ring and engages Burchill.

A fist fight ensues, in which Burchill gets the upperhand.

However, as soon as Monsters Inc and raven join the fray, the numbers are just too much.

Burchill is beaten and battered repeatedly from all sides.

Raven then stands him up and sets him up for the Raven Effect.


Steven Regal emerges from the crowd, accompanied by two men holding steel chairs.



Gertner: Who the hell are they?

Hudson: Must be Williams and McGuinnes!


The Englishmen storm the ring and even the numbers.

Abyss is felled by several stiff chair shots; same goes for Goliath.

Meanwhile, Regal lands a haymaker on Punk.

As this happens, Shane Douglas comes to and enters the ring.

He approaches Raven from behind and pushes the champion towards Burchill.


No... Vito, who has regained consciousness, clubs Burchill in the back of the head and drags Raven from the ring.

The Nest make a speedy retreat.


Hudson: Look at them run like cowards!


As the show goes off-air, Burchill points down the aisle-way at Raven and mouths "A living f**king hell!"


Show Rating: B+




WWF results and TV ratings will now feature after every ECW broadcast




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DAMMIT! I told you he'd have a twist.


I thought, YES has to be Taker after Regal said they were friends...but it can't be Calloway now if he's on Team England.


Son of a .


That's it, I am never going to try and guess his mystery opponent, signings or teams again.......well at least until the next one.


All hail NEVERMORE and his ability to put up the next few shows today :-D Oh go on, I need disclosure.

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