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Saturday, week 1, June

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Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW Blood, Sweat and Beers. I'm Joey Styles alongside former World Heavyweight Champion, Taz.

Taz: Joey, my man, there is still a whole hell load of speculation about who the mystery signing should be.

Joey: There is indeed, Taz. Steven Regal made quite the debut earlier this week, revealing that he is a close personal friend of the mystery man in question. He also stated that this worker will be representing Team England next month.

Taz: Woah, Joey, woah... he never said that; it was merely deduced that he meant that.

Joey: That's very true. In any case, the main suspicion of internet based ECW fans is that the worker in question is a certain 17 year Federation veteran.

Taz: What? You mean Taker.

Joey: We're not supposed to say his name, copyright and all.

Taz: I didn't; I said his nickname.

Joey: Haha, fair enough. So, do your inside sources tell you anything?

Taz: Sorry, even I'm in the dark on this one.



The match is a very even contest and a great way to kick off the show.

The Hardcore Innovators pick up their second successive win after a Double DDT.

Match Rating: B


Don Callis makes his way to teh ring.



Taz: What the hell is Callis doing here, Joey? He's supposed to be on Revolution. This is our turf!

Joey: And even more intriguing is the fact that he is supposed to be on a leave of absence from his post.


Callis: I am out here to announce the reason for my absence from Revolution.


Taz: Hey, do it on your own show!

Joey: Just a tad too territorial there, Taz.

Taz: Hey, as far as I'm concerned, Joey, we're the a-team of TV announcing; I'm just making sure I don't lose my spot.


Callis: Many of you will be aware of my Canadian heritage, and in view of that very fact, I was greatly honoured when Paul E asked me to be the coach of Team Canada!


Joey: That explains it.

Taz: Aah, he still doesn't belong here!

Joey: You are gonna have to work with him at pay-per-views, you know.

Taz: That's different. It's a team effort.


Callis: So, now, it is without further ado and with great pride, that I introduce you to the six men who will join me in representing our great country.


The six men approach the ring.



Christian and Jericho carry Canadian flags.

The response is, inevitably, rather mixed.


Callis: Lance Storm, Chris Benoit, Christian, Chris Jericho, Teddy Hart and Bobby Roode!


Taz: Hmm... that's not abd little squad he's got going on!

Joey: Did he not even consider Owen and Bret?

Taz: First off, Joey, they've got their title stuff going on. So, they may be unavailable. Plus, you've got to think what will work. Owen and Bret haven't exactly been seeing eye-to-eye lately.

Joey: True.

Taz: That means they may not be able to work together too well. Plus, it's a nice mix of youthful dynamism and veteran psychology!

Joey: Yeah, good point.


Callis: What you see before you is the most brilliant combination of youth and experience, power and finesse, heart and logic, technical prowess and raw physical talent that will ever be assembled. We will take the world cup by storm!



Rhino tosses the young Kazarian around like a rag doll.

The blue chipper is thrown from pillar to post and put away with a Gore in only the sixth minute.

Match Rating: B


Francine is backstage with AJ Styles.



Francine: AJ, what's it like to be the ECW World Television Champion?


Styles: Francine, I gotta tell you, it's pretty awesome! Of course, I always knew I was good enough. It was just a matter of time before one of the big two promotions came knocking on my door and, while it's a real shame that it wasn't the Federation, the bonus of signing with ECW is that it's just easier to accumulate some gold.


Francine: So, do you really think you are one of the best ECW has to offer?


Styles: No! I am THE best ECW has to offer.


Francine: And does being champion come with any advantages?


Styles: Oh, sure, there's the fame, the prestige, the money and... the chicks.


As he says this AJ plants a kiss on an unexpectant Francine.


Juventud Guerrera approaches from off screen.



Juvi rips AJ off Francine.


Juvi: Hey, what the hell do you think you're doing?


Styles: What f**king business is it of yours?


Juvi: Well, where I come from we don't standby and let jerk offs like you treat a woman like that!


Styles: That's a pretty brave thing to say yo the World TElevision Champion. Brave or just stupid.


Juvi: Oh yeah? Well, how about you meet me in the ring next week and we'll see just how good you are?


AJ laughs.


Styles: It would be my pleasure to kick your ass!


Juvi: I wouldn't count on it, homey. In fact, I might just kick some respect into you!


Taz: Oh, man, that match should be gold!

Joey: I couldn't agree more, Taz, and speaking of gold, we're gonna get a chance to see just how good these Doug Williams and Nigel McGuinness are. Ladies and gentlemen, the next match as ordered by the autocratic commissioner, Raven, pits the afore mentioned men against Vito and the International All Action Champion, CM Punk.



Both teams look pretty good and the Englishmen make a good debut.

However, Punk and Vito keep the match pretty much under wraps.

They win after Punk delivers the GTS to Williams at 11:17

Match Rating: C


Shawn Michaels enters the Whole F**kin' Show's locker room, where RVD and Traci are already sitting.



RVD gets up as if to leave.


Michaels: Dude, wait.


RVD stops and looks at Michaels.


Michaels: I'm sorry, man. I was way out of line!


RVD nods and walks out.

Michaels sighs.


Traci: Look, I'll talk to him. In the meantime, you better plan one hell of a good apology.


Michaels: Thanks, Trace.


Traci: Don't mention it.


Traci goes to leave.


Michaels: Oh... err... what about the Tag Title match tonight?


Traci: Look, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but, right now, I don't think Robbie could stand to be in the ring with you.


Michaels shakes his head.


Michaels: Fair enough, I guess.


Traci, again, makes to leave.


Michaels: And, Trace... tell him I really am sorry.


Traci nods and walks out.



Axl Rotten does not experience a particularly successful return to ECW.

Nate Hatred looks pretty good anyway but Mitchell's constant interference ensures the victory.

Hatred picks up the pin after a Bio Thunder Driver onto his signature Pentagram.

Match Rating: C-


After the match, Mitchell takes a microphone on behalf of client.



Mitchell: Once again, we are left with emphatic proof that Nate Hatred is the most dominant, extreme athlete in the history of Extreme Championship Wrestling!


A "Sabu" chant rings around the arena.


Mitchell: I wouldn't bother if I were you. You see, I found out that Sabu will be leading a group at the world cup. So, i doubt he'll be making an appearance tonight as he's probably putting together a team.


Rhino appears at the entrance-way.



Rhino: Sabu's the least of your worries, Mitchell! The most dominant and extreme athlete in ECW is not Nate Hatred... it's me! So, if you're so convinced of your abilities, Nate, let's see if you can be the first man to beat me in over a month. By the way, it's over four months if you exclude the farce of a title match at Living Dangerously!


Both Hatred and Mitchell look slightly worried.


Mitchell: Look, Rhino, we have nothing but respect for you as a wrestler...


Rhino: Shut up, Mitchell! If your little "extremist" doesn't meet me in the ring next week, I'll found out where he is in the arena and make him wish he had. Nate Hatred, you will FEAR THE GORE!


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Joey: Well, I guess those videos are commissioned by Raven. Shame really...

Taz: Told ya.




Michaels does a pretty good job of defending titles by his lonesome.

However, Crouching Lyger Hidden Dragon are no pushovers.

After about seven minutes, Michaels is in real trouble.


RVD comes running out.



He takes out Lyger straight away with an Enziguiri.

He then hits several forearms on Ultinmo Dragon.

Hre whips him to the ropes.

Monkey Flip!

He climbs the turnbuckle.

Five Star Frog Splash!


Match Rating: C+


After the match, Michaels staggers to his feet and goes to shake RVD's hand.

RVD just turns away and heads to the back, leaving Michaels looking bemused.


Paul Heyman makes his way to the ring.



Heyman: Once again, I am out here to make an announcement. However, this one is not in relation to the world cup but Wrestlepalooza and will be very succinct.


Joey: I wonder what this will be.


Heyman: The last two weeks, I have been confronted by Bret and then Owen Hart, both demanding a title shot and, in fairness, they both deserve one. I previously said that the winner of their match at Hardcore Heaven would receive a title shot at Hardcore Heaven, so, Owen is clearly deserving. However, Bret is correct in saying that I never made the match for HIS title shot, which he earned a month prior to their match. So, as far as I can see, I'm left with no option. At Wrestlepalooza, Owen Hart will receive a shot at the World Champion, Raven.


Joey: Well, that's hardly the fair solution I was expecting.


Heyman: ...and so will Bret Hart, in a Triangle Match.


The crowd erupts.


Taz: Haha, I'll be that is!



The match, the second to be ordered by Raven, is a fairly even contest.

However, Burchill makes his stamp as the dominant competitor.


In the tenth minute, the rest of the Nest make their inevitable appearnce.



Shane Douglas enters the ring and a 3-on-5 brawl ensues.

John Finnegan calls for a no contest.

Match Rating: A



Williams and McGuinness come running out.



As the show goes off air, the now 5-on-5 brawl continues and spills to the outside and around ringside.


Joey: This situation with Raven's Nest is becoming ridiculous. It's dividing the whole locker room!


Show Rating: B+

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Confirmed for Monday Night's Revolution


Rhino vs. Nate Hatred


Nate Hatred and his manager, James "Sinister Minister" Mitchell, have been on a mission to prove that Hatred is the "most extreme athlete in ECW history." On Blood, Sweat and Beers they made the mistake of adding "dominant" to his list of qualities. Now, the Man Beast will look to silence them one and for all.



Non-Title Match

Juventud Guerrera vs. AJ Styles


Juvi Guerrera clearly took exception to the World Television Champion's words and antics on Blood, Sweat and Beers. So, the phrase "put up or shut up" springs to mind as these two meet in the ring for the very first time. Juvi's tag partner, Rey Mysterio Jr, could not get a victory against Styles last week, thanks to the champion's underhanded tactics. Will the youth warrior be able to pin AJ's shoulders to the mat for the first time since Hardcore Heaven?



The "Mystery Signing" Debuts


Will he compete on Team England?

Will it be 'Taker?

Find out only on ECW Revolution!

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Great few shows buddy, and it's really great to have you back on here posting like the good old says. Hopefully that means things are less frantic now, and you're able to properly enjoy this brilliant time in your life.


As for the surprise, I don't think it's 'Taker. I can't see how in 2007 he could properly fit in for ECW. I reckon it'll be something to do with your alternate universe, someone who joined the WWF in the 90's or something on your game.


That or Davey Boy Smith. Or maybe even Triple H back in his blue blood gimmick? Gotta hand it to you though, the fact that he's in Team England throws everything well and truly up in the air.


Ooooh... maybe this Team England thing is a bluff and the mystery man is in fact not part of Team England.


It's a testement to your writing ability that there are so many avenues open when it comes to your mysteries and resolutions. Kudos.

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Monday, week 2, June

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Rev.flv"></embed>




Hudson: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Scott Hudson...

Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

Hudson: Last week, we discovered the reason for Don Callis' absence. He has been awarded the position of coach of the the Canadian squad ahead of the World Cup.

Getner: Yeah, and on that subject, Hudson, we've been told that we can reveal two more teams that will be competing in the competition: India and Japan.

Hudson: Well, one of those is understandable. India, though, might face some fairly stiff competition, though. However, that's not all. Tonight we discover who ECW's mystery signing is.

Gertner: Hudson, I'm so excited I could mess my pants.

Hudson: Nice, Joel... very nice.

Gertner: What?



The Hardcore Innovators once again bring Singapore canes to the ring with them and use them to good effect.

The match is an even contest but, eventually, the number one contenders win with a Double DDT at 11:09

Match Rating: B


Backstage, Paul Heyman enters the Nest's locker room.




Raven: Paul E... what a pleasant surprise.


Heyman: Yeah, whatever. I have something important to discuss with you.


Raven: What like this farce of a Triangle Match you've booked me in.


Heyman: No. It's about these damn videos that you're responsible for.


Raven: What videos?


Heyman: Don't give me that!


Raven: No, serioulsy; what videos?


Heyman: These dark videos that keep referencing champions and Ravens in varying capacities. It's obvious who has commissioned.


Raven: Well, not so much, maybe, 'cos it it wasn't me.


Heyman: Look, I don't know what sort of power you think you have as commissioner but, if you don't stop those videos from wasting air time, there will be hell to pay.


Raven: I won't even tell you how laughable that is Paul E because, the fact is, those videos have nothing to do with me. I thought it was you promoting AJ Styles or, perhaps, the new signing.


Heyman: They certainly weren't organised by me. So, I'll leave it like this: if they continue, I'll hold you responsible.


Heyman exits as Raven laughs.


Punk: Boss, I don't mean to be the bearer of bad news but a lot of fans think that a certain WWF veteran will be debuting tonight. Do you get the feeling that those videos mean that he wants a shot at your title?


Raven thinks.


Raven: Punk, you genious!


Punk: What? So, you think this new signing is coming for you?


Raven: Oh, god no. You couldn't be further off the mark!


Raven laughs again as the camera cuts back to ringside.


Steve Corino and Kensuke Sasaki are in the ring.



Corino: Me and Sasaki are out here because we are both f**king sick of being treated like rookie jobbers. This man, Kensuke Sasaki, has held countless titles in Japan and, in his first week of joining ECW, he captured the World Television Title. As for me, I'm a former World Heavyweight Champion, damn it! So, if any two men want to make a name for themselves, go ahead; but we will finally prove that we are not just here to do the job!



Corino and Sasaki do not exactly dominate but they prove their point.

They win, following a Northern Lights Bomb from Sasaki in the tenth minute.

Match Rating: C-


Raven makes his way to the ring.



The jeers are deafening.


Raven: Must we go through this charade every time? I have the mic; you don't. You paid for a ticket and the longer you keep up the noise the more money you are wasting.


The crowd does beging to quieten.


Raven: I'm out here because I've just figured it all out!


Hudson: Figured all what out?


Raven: It gives me great pleasure to announce with absolute certainty that there is no mystery signing!


Gertner: What?


Raven: You see, this is clearly just another of Burchill and Douglas' stunts. Burchill wants to make my life hell and, after the appearances masked man, they were planning something even more cunning. Problem is, you cannot fool the master of mind games!


Hudson: What is he talking about?


Raven: Paul E telling me about the videos is what made it obvious. Burchill clearly knew Regal was debuting and agreed, ahead of time, to join the England squad in return for a little favour. So, either he or Douglas organised a fake press leak about a "mystery signing" and got Steve Regal to say he knew the worker in question. Hence, why every clue has been so f**king vague! Finally, they commissioned those videos to trick me into thinking some enigmatic behemoth was baying for my blood but, alas, the puzzle has been solved.


The crowd boos.


Gertner: Do you think he's right?

Hudson: I hate to say it Joel but at no point has Paul E ever mentioned a mystery signing. All the news has come from internet speculation and the word of Steven Regal.


Raven: In fact, I am so convinced, that I'm making a tag team match for the main event. Me and Punk will take on Paul Burchill and the mystery signing... unless of course one fails to show up. If that should happen, it will, of course, be a handicap match.


The champion laughs.


Raven: And just to make sure Team England don't cause any disturbances, they can have a match of their own against Vito and my Monsters!


With that, Raven heads backstage to another chorus of jeers.


Hudson: Wow, I think Raven may actually have called Burchill's bluff.

Gertner: But, if that's true, I've got no exvuse to mess my pants.

Hudson: God, Joel, your sense of priorities...



Even in spite of who he faces this week, Rhino maintains his dominant streak.

Hatred hits a few power moves early on but, before long, the Masn Beast takes total control.

In the eighth minute, he hits a Rhino Driver.

He backs off and waits for Hatred to stand.


Al Snow comes running out, waving his head around for all to see... not the one on his shoulders.



Snow enters the ring and Rhino charges at him.

However, snow drills Rhino's head with... well... head.


Gertner: Oh, man, Al Snow just planted his head right on Rhino's kisser!

Hudson: What the hell is Snow...

Hudson hesitates.

Hudson: Joel, for crying out loud!


Al then picks up Rhino and delivers the Snow Plow.

Hatred crawls over and makes the cover.


Match Rating: B+


After the match, Al Snow grabs both a chair and a microphone from ringside.


Snow: Three months ago, I suffered what was thought to be a broken neck at the hands of Rhino! I suffered serious physical and mental distress but, worst of all, my Head was seperated from me.


Gertner: He's a little old for that isn't he? Besides, I didn't know he was Jewish.

Hudson: Joel, please shut up before we have to face a lawsuit.


Snow: Luckily, it was located and as soon as one of the nurses in the hospital gave me Head, I felt much better.


Hudson: Not a word, fatboy!


Snow: I had actually suffered a torn mastoid muscle and, after, three months of recuperation and rehab, I'm back. Now, roll the film.


The big screen plays a video of how Snow was injured.


To the fans' dissapointment, Al Snow is heavily rattled by the Man Beast.

Rhino goes on to dominate, winning with a Gore at 7:21

Match Rating: A


After the match, Rhino picks up a mic.


Rhino: And here we f**king go again, I'm placed in some midcard novelty match because no one can be f**ked to think up a storyline for me. Well, guess what? I don't need one! I can make an impact without relying on a controversial angle, a manger peddling cheap heat or a stable to back me up and Al Snow is gonna discover that first hand!


Rhino exits the ring and sets up a table beside the apron.

He re-enters and drags Al Snow out through the rope.

Finally, he proceeds to deliver a Rhino Driver off the apron and through the table.


Callis: Jesus, I think Rhino just broke Al Snow's neck.

Gertner: So much for a triumphant return. Rhino wasn't joking last week on Blood, Sweat and Beers; he really is looking to injur people.


Hudson: That was, indeed, three months ago on this very show.


Snow: Well, Rhino, I have got a storyline for you, a storyline where I break YOUR f**king neck!


Al Snow folds the chair around Rhino's neck and climbs up the turnbuckle.


Gertner: Oh, god.

Hudson: I say the squeamish should look away now!


However, Rhino revives, pulls the chair off his neck and gets to his feet.

As Snow flies through the air, Rhino meets him with a punch to the gut.

A wild brawl ensues.


Security rush to seperate the men as Heyman appears at the entrance-way.



Heyman: Al, if you want to settle this, that's fair enough but I will not have you two maniacs try and cripple each other! So, you can face each other at Wrestlepalooza!


Both men scream profanities at each other as they are dragged away in seperate directions.



The match is pretty even but, obviously, the sheer size of the monsters and their tag team experience shows through.

The Nest wins following a Double Chokeslam on McGuinness at 14:52

Match Rating: C+


Just like last week, Michaels enters the Whole F**kin' Show's locker room.



Michaels: Rob, please here me out this time, dude.


RVD looks at Traci who nods.


RVD: Fine.


Michaels: Buddy, I'm sorry. I acted like a complete idiot last week and I want to know what I can do to make it up to you.


RVD: Do you know what sucked most about it, Shawn? We've already been through this garbage and I thought we'd come through the other end.


Michaels: I now but...


RVD: And when you say the kinda sh*t you did last week it makes me wonder if I'm wasting my time.


Michaels: What do you mean?


RVD: Shawn, before I teamed with you I was in the World Title picture. Now, you know what it's like to be World Champ; I don't.


Michaels looks confused.


RVD: I was cool with that; I was willing to put being world champ on the back burners because I was having a blast but, now, I'm not.


Michaels: I get that and I'm really, really sorry, dude. Please, I'm on my knees here.


RVD frowns at him.


Michaels: Fine.


Michaels actually gets down on his knees.


Michaels: Please, man. I'm sorry.


RVD rolls his eyes.


RVD: Apology accepted.


Michaels springs to his feet and offers his hand.

RVD just walks out of the room, though, leaving Michaels looking perplexed.


Traci: I wouldn't worry. I'd say that's a pretty good sign, all in all.


Michaels smiles as Traci leaves too.


Non-Title Match


Juventud is accompanied to the ring by Francine.

The match is an extremely even aerial-based contest.

The bout is lightning quick and the execution mostly spot on.

In the thirteenth minute, Guerrera boots AJ in the gut and delivers the Juvi Driver.

He then climbs the turnbuckle and, with Francine cheering him on, hits the 450 Splash.


Match Rating: B+


Hudson: Wow, Juvi gets the win over AJ Styles.

Gertner: That would have to put him in-line for a title match, right?

Hudson: You'd sure think so!


After the match, Juvi picks up a mic.


Juvi: I hope that teaches you some respect, "AJ Styles", 'cos you're not as good as you think you are. You may be one of the best in the indies. Hell, you might even have been the best in the Federation but this is ECW, where we all take pride in our ring skills and the best athletes in the world bust their asses on a nightly basis to prove it!


An "ECW" chant begins.


Juvi: Hell yeah! Oh, and one more thing, AJ. I'm gonna be telling Paul E that I want a shot at that TV strap at Wrestlepalooza and, seeing as I've proven myself as worthy competition, I don't think he'll have a problem booking it!


Juvi and Francine head to the back as the fans show their appreciation.


The New Franchise and his manager come to the ring.



There is no sign of a "mystery signing" as Raven and Punk join them in the ring.


Hudson: Well, unfortunately, ladies and gentlemen, it looks like this will, indeed, be a handicap match.

Gertner: Damn it!



Despite, the numbers disadvantage, Burchill still looks pretty dominant in the opening minutes.

However, he is in there with two of ECW's absolute best and, eventually, it takes it's toll.

Frequent tags from Raven and Punk cause him real problems.


Hudson: Burchill doesn't look in a good way, Joel.


Punk hits the GTS on Burchill who falls flat to the canvas.

The International All Action Champion then tags in his mentor.

Raven arrogantly plays to the crowd, picks up Burchill and hooks him up for the Raven effect.

Suddenly, a distinctly English voice is heard from the PA speakers.


Voice: No mystery signing? I wouldn't be so sure!


The owner of the voice is revealed.



Gertner: My god, it's Davey Boy Smith!

Hudson: The Bulldog! The Bulldog is here!


The Bulldog sprints to the ring and immediately clotheslines Raven.

CM Punk re-enters and charges but is lifted into a Military Press and unceremoniously dumped on his chest.

From here on, the match is far more even.

In the sixteenth minute, the lights suddenly cut out.


A video flashes onto the big screen.

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/promo6t.flv">


As the video finishes, the lights flash back on.

A clerly distracted Raven is rolled up by Burchill.


Match Rating: A


Hudson: Burchill did it. He pinned Raven.

Gertner: Yeah, and The Bulldog gets his first victory in ECW!

Hudson: But one question remains. If those videos aren't to do with the signing, what the hell do they mean?


Show Rating: A







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I appologize, but i have never been a big fan of ECW.


I just read your latest post and was blown away. I actually found myself caring about the story. I bow before a master of the craft. you will have stolen several hours from me before my next post, as i am committed to going back and starting from post one.


Thank you in advance for the good times. :cool:

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Damn! No wonder I couldn't figure it out. I never considered the fact that if Owen is alive in your reality, so would others. Namely those who fit into the long term servants and British category.


Good work!


As for the videos, my only guess is an on screen character for yourself

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Sorry for calling the Bulldog just before the show though! :p


Yeah, there's always been what I have dubbed a "psychic reader". At first, before you joined I think, it was Stallion who guessed a couple of my big ideas prior to their completion.


Since, he's been busy with other things, you're definitely the chap who's taken over. I seem to remember your calling Bret ahead of time as well.


None of you, saw the Burchill/Douglas turn coming, thou. MWAH HA HA.


Anyway, moving swiftly along...


As for the rest of you reprobates (I kid; I kid ;)), I've really enjoyed getting back into this diary and a lot of that is due to your constant involvement. So, thanks for the predictions/feedback/everything else; it's all really appreciated.


Quote The Raven


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What the hell are they doing? They've gone from pushing Austin to the moon (which is fair enough - his stats are awesome!) to jobbing him out to Chris Masters! Meanwhile the Light Heavyweight title is being flipped back and forth between Matt Hardy and Aguila. Weird...

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What the hell are they doing? They've gone from pushing Austin to the moon (which is fair enough - his stats are awesome!) to jobbing him out to Chris Masters! Meanwhile the Light Heavyweight title is being flipped back and forth between Matt Hardy and Aguila. Weird...


Im gonna go with tAustin lost because he stunnered the ref, Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon, Steph McMahon, the family of 4 in the front row and finally Chris Masters. In other words Masters by DQ.

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Holy sh*t Dude!


ok only about 24 hours or so from first post to last post.


I love infinitywpi's stuff, it is the other end of the spectrum from yours, breif write up. succinct post that moved quickly through the game time. I've been a fan of his for years, since the game was Total extreme warfare and hosted by .400 studios. (I mourn the passing into oblivion of his opus welcome to the real world)


recently he deleted his data file by accident. i searched the boards and found nothing that truly captured my imagination. So i started my own diary, it has been fun, but it is not the same as experiencing the game through someone else's vision.


after you volunteered to help adeezy i thought i should trip over here and see who else was not bashing the young man. I am glad i did. The stuff in your diary is not only unique it is addictive. I love the way you foreshadow almost every event. when you read it all at once you can almost, (only almsot) see it coming, and then when it happens you like D*mn i should have seen it.


Things that Rock:

-ooc glad to hear you maintain a personal life. congrats on the engaement and at this point i am assuming wedding.


- Raven as the man i love to hate


- Sabu winning MOP the fact that i don't think anyone got the prediction right on that one was a major swerve.


- Shawn and RVD are hilarious. they fight like brothers, but always seem to have each others back in the end. I like that a woman has come between them yet not driven them apart.


- Burchill stepping away from the nest into absolute bad *ss role.


Things I Miss:

- the brand split, i am probably alone in this. but i really did like the separate brands with the joint PPV.


-The new age enterprise, will Pag and stef, who both still technically have their, power ever show up to put raven in his place? i was hoping he would use team UK at the world cup to do so but....




Things i Just Don't Like:

- THe fact that Steph's picture is missing from the first 50 or so pages.



Thank you again for all the good time. I'm off to get a decent meal and work on my own diary. and i am trying to help adeezy edit one of his diary's so any help you can throw his way will always be appreciated.

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Cheers dude; I always love to know that someone has read the whole thing because, in a few instances, stories have been evolving for literally months.


I really appreciate not only your sentiments but also your thorough analysis of many sections of the diary - nice to know what stuff is working better or worse than other stuff.


- THe fact that Steph's picture is missing from the first 50 or so pages.


Oooh, that shouldn't be...


I think I must have accidentaly deleted her original picture. I shall go fix that - thanks for the heads up ;).


- the brand split, i am probably alone in this. but i really did like the seperate brands with the joint PPV.


Interesting you mention this as I have considered bringing it back because it allows the opportunity to showcase many more workers. However, I like to keep my marquee stories (Raven/Burchill;Whole F**kin Show love-hate thing) fresh and constantly running on every show. As such, I think thr trmptation to leave the roster as-is too strong.


Despite that, at the next opportunity, I'm gonna try and bring back F' The Mainstream in a 1/2 hour format purely for development matches (squashes - to give the guys I plan to push ring time and exposure; and matches between rookies/enhancement talents to develop their skills).


Quote The Raven


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Small question; Steph is the chicks from Neighbours right?


Haha, yes.


In the original game file in TEW 2004, a randomly created Australian las entered the gameworld with good mic and charisma skills and great looks. Her name, I'm fairly certain, was Sophie(?) Mcintosh.


Of course, when it came to wanting to start the diary, I wanted a real picture as opposed to a render (as she originally had in-game). So, what with her being:


  1. Fit.
  2. Australian.
  3. Called ...Mcintosh


The coincidences seemed too strong not go with. As a result, Steph appears in the diary.


Quote The Raven


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  • 2 weeks later...

Saturday, week 2, June

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Bloodsweatbeers.flv"></embed>




Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW Blood, Sweat and Beers. I'm Joey Styles alongside former World Heavyweight Champion, Taz.

Taz: Thanks for the intro, Joey.

Joey: Not a problem, particularly on a night when I'm in such a good mood.

Taz: Haha, could this be because Raven made such a dick of himself on Monday night?

Joey: It could indeed. Ladies and gentlemen, what my partner refers to was Raven's ill-drawn conclusion that the man responsible for the cryptic videos we have all seen was Paul Burchill.

Taz: I dunno, Joey. He may have got it damn wrong about there not being a mystery signing but I still get the feeling Burchill is involved with these videos.

Joey: Really?

Taz: Yeah. I mean, think about it. Now that he's outta the title hunt, Burchill's looking for a way to get in Raven's head and I reckon he might have found just the ticket with these little video packages.

Joey: Maybe. Either way, I am hyped as hell to see the Bulldog in action tonight!

Taz: Oh, no doubt, Joey. Davey Boy Smith teams up with The New Franchise himself tonight to take on Monsters Inc.

Joey: That's right, Taz, in a match agreed upon by both Raven and Paul Heyman.

Taz: I can't wait!



The Hardcore Innovators, again, bring there canes to the ring and, again, use them to wreak havoc.

They win with a Double DDT on Mark Briscoe at 11:07

Match Rating: B-


Chris Hero comes to the ring



The reaction is preictably negative.


Hero: Y'know, since arriving in ECW, I feel like I've met a lot of negative energy!


Taz: Ya think?

Joey: Yeah, I wonder why when your first major exposure is disrespecting a legend like Jerry Lynn...


Hero: I don't really understand why because, after all, I am here on behalf of all you people.


Joey: Err... this ought to be good.


Hero: You see, they call me Chris Hero for a reason. I am a real-life modern day super hero! No, I don't have a frilly cape and I don't wear my underwear over my wrestling tights but I am all the same. The fact is, I am the saviour of ECW!


Taz: The saviour of ECW? What do we need saving from?


Hero: Extreme Championship Wrestling was once famous for superior wrestling action but it seems obvious that, the bigger this company gets, the more woeful the caliber of in-ring competition becomes.


The fans jeer.


Hero: Hey, boo all you want but let's all face facts here. Truth be told, ECW sold out!


The jeers become deafening.


Joey: What the...?


Hero: That's right... you heard me. ECW sold out! In this company's never-ending attempt to compete with the superior quality of the Federation, it has lost sight of what it means to be "extreme" and what it means to put on a worthy product. Solid matches have given way to goofy angles and true wrestling skill is now secondary in the booking team's eyes to musclebound freakishness. I mean, hell, they've even signed a roid-fuelled junky like Davey Boy Smith.


Taz: Oh... that's below the belt!


The jeers become even louder as rubbish is thrown at Hero.


Hero: Hey, calm down, though, 'cos this isn't just a bitching session. As I said, I am ECW's saviour and I am making it my mission to return Extreme Championship Wrestling to its former glory and I'm gonna start by lighting up this show with my incredible technical wrestling proficiency!


Hero's opponent, Michael Shane, comes out.



The match is a solid technical affair as both rookies put on a good show.

Hero maintains control throughout, winning with a Hero's Welcome at 12:43

Match Rating: C


RVD and Traci step into the Whole F**kin' Show locker room, wherein Michale is reading a magazine.



RVD whispers to Traci.


RVD: Hey, maybe we can come back later.


Traci: Oh, don't bw such an ass. You two need to sort sh*t out!


Traci steps back out of the locker room, pulls a key out of her top and locks the door from the outside.

Muffled shouts can be heard.


RVD: Trace... what the hell?


Michaels: Traci!?


RVD: Let us out!


Michaels: Open the f**king door!


Traci laughs.


Traci: Nice to hear you guys on the same page for once. I'll be back in about half an hour.



Jerry Lynn seems slightly off his game.

Nevertheless, the match is more than respectable.

Owen Hart wins with a Sharpshooter in the thirteenth minute.

Match Rating: C+


After the match, Owen picks up a mic.


Owen: I have to say it was a stroke of genious by Paul E to stick me, Bret and Raven in a triangle match at Wrestlepalooza!


The fans cheer.


Owen: But, even though three men will step in that ring, only one will leave as champion and it's not gonna be anyone but me.


Owen smiles.


Owen: Bret, we know you won't be a problem. I had your number at Hardcore Heaven and I will again in two weeks. As for you Raven, I've been waiting for nearly eight months to get my hands on you. You know that I'm the one man in this company capable of taking that belt from around your waste and, finally, the moment we have all been waiting for will arrive at Wrestlepalooza... the moment where the Jack of Harts becomes the ECW World Heavyweight champion!



Juventud Guerrera is, once again, accompanied by Francine.

The match is an even contest; Juvi has a good skirmish with AJ and Rhino and Al Snow see a decent amount of ringtime together.

In the fourteenth minute, Rhino gets the pin on Guerrera following a gore.

Match Rating: B


After the match, AJ takes the advantage to lay the boots into a prone Juvi.

Meanwhile, a brawl starts between Al Snow and the Man Beast that travels all the way up the aisle-way to the back.


Backstage, Traci returns to the Whole F**kin' Show's locker room.



She unlocks the door and enters.

Clothes are strewn all over the room, two steel chairs lie mangled in the centre and both RVD and HBK are collapsed unconscience in a heap.


Traci: Jesus...


She rushes to check on them.

Suddenly, both tag champs spring to their feet.


RVD & Michaels: PSYCHE!


Traci nearly jumps out of her skin as the champs slap hands.


Traci: Hang on, does this mean...


RVD: I guess it does.


Michaels: You bet.


RVD and Michaels, both chanting "Whole F**kin' Show" pick up Traci and a group hug ensues.



Again, Corino and Sasaki seem determine to prove a point.

The match is an evenly contested and high quality technical spectacle.

Corino gets the pin on Lyger following the Old School Expulsion at 15:22

Match Rating: B+


Raven is Backstage with his nest.



Raven: Are you boys ready to kick some ass?


Abyss and Goliath both nod.


Raven: It's Burchill who's behind all these cryptics; I f**king know it is and, tonight, I want you to teach him a lesson. The same goes for Davey Boy for sticking his nose in.


Punk: Don't worry, boss. I'm sure Abyss and Goliath will make them both regret crossing the Nest!



The match is an event contest.

However, before long, Burchill, as has become customary, starts to assert his dominance.


The rest of the nest make their inevitable appearance.



Vito and Punk immediately take out Shane Douglas.

Meanwhile, Raven slides into the ring and knocks out Smith with his World title.

The monsters then whip Burchill to the ropes and hit a thunderous Double Clothesline.

Raven hooks up the New Franchise for a Raven Effect!

No... it's countered into a Northern Lights Suplex.

Upon rising, Burchill catches Abyss off guard with a thoat thrust that sernds the monster rolling to the outside.

Goliath goes to grab Burchill but the New Franchise ducks underneath.

As the giant turns around he is met with a stiff Superkick.

Vito charges into the ring but is thrown over the top rope like a rag doll.

Punk also charges into the ring but is Back Body Dropped all the way over the ropes on top of Vito who is on the arena floor below.

Burchill climbs the turnbuckle and hits a perfect moonsault onto the still-floored Goliath.


Match Rating: A


After the match, The nest regather and close in on Burchill.

However, The Bulldog gets to his feet to aid his partner.


Taz: This could get ugly!


Raven: Hey, Davey Boy, step aside. This is between us and Burchill. Believe me, you don't want to get anymore involved than you already are!


Smith doesn't hede the warning instead going nose-to-nose with the World Heavyweight Champion.


Raven: Don't be an idiot! Step down!


Burchill pulls Smith away and gestures for him to leave.


Taz: What the hell?

Joey: I guess Burchill doesn't want to implicate the Bulldog.


Smith checks that Burchill is sure.

He is and Smith heads to the back.


Raven: Burchill, we're not gonna kick the sh*t out of you... yet.


Burchill still puts his guard up.


Raven: First... I want you to admit that you're behind all these pathetic little videos.


Raven hands the mic to Burchill.


Burchill: You know, Raven, it was great watching you squirm last week.


Abyss goes to attack but Raven holds him back.


Burchill: Hell, I'm sure it will be great watching you squirm for the next few weeks but do you know what the best bit about these videos that have you so rattled is?


Raven looks pissed.


Burchill: I don't have a damn thing to do with them!


The New Franchise laughs, throws the mic back at Raven and he and his mentor, Shane Douglas, head to the back.


Raven: Hey, don't turn your f**king back on me! You haven't...


Suddenly, the lights cut out.


The show goes off air as the following video plays on the big screen.

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/promo4t.flv">


Show Rating: B

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  • 2 weeks later...





Hey, I'm Scott Bigelow (AKA Bam Bam Bigelow) and this is the Bam Bam Exam. That's right; it's back by popular demand (or, at least, one mention).


So, what's been happening in the industry since my last article? Well, just about everything. That's right, I have been pretty damn slack on picking this sh*t up again but there is a good reason. You see, ECW's recently acquired new developmental territory, APW, booked and figureheaded by Mr Bill Alfonso, needed a colour commentator. The Beast From The East was approached about the position and was more than happy to oblige. Oh, and let me just say that there is some pretty nice looking talent working their ways towards full-on ECW contracts.


And that brings me on to the World Cup. Why? Because, as I understand, the main motive behind this booking idea is to give rookies (guys like Londrick, Mcguiness and Williams) some decent air-time and to give an opportunity to the developmental workers to prove that they are ready for the main roster. On a side note, I think you'll love some of the guys they've got coming up! I am proud to say that I can confirm the teams that will be competing in the competition. They are as follows:







Puerto Rico

"The East" (whatever that might mean)






That's a pretty eclectic mix right there and it'll be interesting to see how things pan out. For me, it's all about the booking here. I'm sure the six-man tag action will be sweet but can the bookers really make this sort of tournament idea interesting? 'Cos I say, if this is just gonna be a pro-American patriotism brigade, what's the point? Don't get me wrong, I hope the States win but a bit of invention would be nice.


And, speaking of invention, Paul E and Pag are apparently back to their old ways. It's said that, after Baptism Of Fire, they were experimenting with a booking-on-the-fly type attitude. Didn't seem too shabby, I have to say, but now it seems as though the mad genius and his creative companion are back to old-school grand, master plans.


You see, word in the back is that everything creative-wise is building towards November To Remember in five months time. I reckon that'll be some kinda supercard that culminates a lot of the big stories that are either planned or currently running. Now, I have no evidence to base this on but my money is on the fact that we'll see a Raven-Burchill rematch for the title and Shawn Michaels vs. RVD come November. As I say, no evidence, but they seem to be building towards something big in both cases. If either of those takes place, I'll be first in line to buy that PPV... or a ticket to watch in person!


It's just about time for me to sign off but, before you think I'm skimping on details, I should tell you that I'll be back soon to recap and give my opinions on some of what's happened over the last few months and right some segments on the federation.


I'm Scott Bigelow and that was the Bam Bam Exam. Hey, that sounds great after such a long absence.


Thanks for reading...

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