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Monday, week 3, June

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Rev.flv"></embed>




Hudson: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Scott Hudson...

Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

Hudson: We are just eleven days away Wrestlepalooza and we already know that we will see Rhino and Al Snow brawl it out in a match where Snow hopes to get his revenge on Rhino for putting him on the injured list for three months.

Gertner: Yeah, and The Whole F**kin' Show will defend their World Tag Team Titles against the Hardcore Innovators who have been looking hot as hell recently. Not in that way... obviously.

Hudson gives Gertner a sideways look.

Hudson: And, perhaps best of all, Raven has to defend his World Championship in a Triangle Match against both Bret and Owen Hart. However, putting all of that to one side, we've got a great show for you here tonight.

Gertner: So, let's get to it!



Balls and Axl receive a warm welcome after their long absence.

As expected, they entertain the crowd greatly with their unique, hardcore style.

However, Axl tastes a Double DDT at 10:18 and Dreamer covers for the fall.

Match Rating: B


Chris Hero comes to the ring, mic in hand.



Hero: That's right, it is I, Chris Hero, the saviour of Extreme Championship Wrestling. True to my word, I am out here to deliver an improved product to you the paying, if somewhat unintelligent, customers, one quality wrestling matxh at a time. So, let's get some chump out here so I can dazzle you all with my masterful command of technical wrestling.


Japanese music hits the soundsystem and Hayabusa emerges from behind the curtain.



Gertner: Haha, well, Hayabusa ain't no chump!



The match is lightning-quick in execution from start to finish.

In the twelfth minute, Hayabusa hits a stunning moonsault onto a prone Hero.

However, the self-procalimed "saviour of ECW" uses the momentum to roll through and put his feet on the middle rope.


Match Rating: B-


Haybusa springs to his feet as soon as the bell rings but Hero escapes before he can get what's coming to him.


Backstage, Raven sits on the floor in the corner of his locker room.



His arms are wrapped around his bent legs as a child would do when crying.


Raven: We are all a product of the same hypocrisy, learning at a young age of both the apparent virtues and depravities of human society. However, along with these so-called morals comes no indication of what is fact and what is fiction. How can a child possibly comprehend that, more often than not in our squalid and futile existence, the gentlemen does not save his fair maiden; the brave warrior dies in the pursuit of honour and rectitude; the knight is, in fact, slayed by the dragon? What about me? What about Raven? I am among the few who has broken the shackles of childhood's façade and recognises that the hero does not always succeed. Just as well, for I also recognise that I am not the hero. If Paul Burchill is the knight that crusades on behalf of the ignorant masses, I am the great dragon and I shall never be slain!


So it is written; so it shall come to pass.


Quote The Raven




Doug Williams shows the technical brilliance he has become known on the indy scene for.

However, brilliance is a word, the relevance of which is tempered when used in conjunction with the name of Bret Hart.

The Hitman puts away the Brit-man (I'm so sorry :o) with a Sharpshooter at 9:23

Match rating: B-


After the match, Bret takes a mic from ringside.


Bret: Before I came to ECW, I was already one of the best known wrestlers on the planet. Not only that, I was still, after fifteen years, in The Federation's World Title picture. I didn't come here to restart my career or for a last hurrah; I'm still on the top of my game and I proved that in becoming a two-time ECW World Television Champion within a matter of months of joining the promotion! That's not where the fairytale ends, though. I've achieved everything there is to achieve in The Federation and I intend on doing the same in ECW. Before I retire I want the ECW Triple Crown to my name as well as The Federation's and the next step on that path is claiming the World Title at Wrestlepalooza!


Owen Hart appears at the entrance-way.



Owen: Keep dreaming, bro; keep dreaming! You forget that you'll have to go through me to get that title, the man that beat your ass at Hardcore Heaven!


Bret: That was a fluke!


Owen: Like I said, keep dreaming!


Bret: Need I remind you of Summerslam?


Owen: Haha, we're in ECW now, bro, it's a whole different ballgame and, unlike you who just wants to add another trophy to your cabinet, I actually care about that title and this promotion!


An "ECW" chant begins.


Owen: And, when I win the Championship, I will wear it around my waist with pride. What's more, I'll be damned if I'll let an egocentric jerk-off like you disrespect the legacy of such great names as Shane Douglas, Bam Bam Bigelow and Terry Funk, a prize that I've been working my ass off for nine months solid to get a shot at! Bret Hart may be great but he'll never be the centre of the wrestling universe like he so dearly wishes and Wrestlepalooza 2007 will forever go down in the history books as the night that it was proven!


Bret darts out of the ring and sprints up the aisle-way.

The two brothers start to brawl.

However, what seems like legions of security workers seperate them before the violence progresses.


Gertner: Oh, man, I guess we'll have to wait until Wrestlepalooza!


<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="



Hudson: Wow, that video even referenced Raven's earlier promo. These are getting more and more personal.

Gertner: Yeah, I bet he's squirming!



Corino and Sasaki once again put up on an impressive display.

Steve Corino gets the win after an Old School Expulsion at 8:19

Match Rating: C+


Raven approaches Paul Heyman in a corridoor backstage.



Raven: Paul E...


Heyman: Oh, what the f**k do you want?


Raven: I have a proposition.


Heyman: Not interested.


Heyman turns to walk away but Raven grabs him by the arm.


Raven: You might want to hear me out, here.


Paul E nods.


Raven: Well, I'm willing to let you book the entire card for Wrestlepalooza without a single bit of interference from me.


Heyman: On what conditions?


Raven: Well, these videos that someone has had commissioned are baying for my blood and Punk is convinced that some new, mystery signing is coming for my title. However, The Bulldog was the new signing and I'm convinced that it's the Judas Paul Burchill that is respons...


Heyman: ...Yeah, fine. I don't need the lowdown on your problems; just what you want in return.


Raven smiles.


Raven: I want Paul Burchill in a handicap match against the entire Nest on Saturday night.


Heyman: What?


Raven: I also want you to make sure that there is not a single ECW employee in the building other than myself, the Nest, Paul Burchill and the referee. I want everybody out!


Heyman: Why the hell would...


Raven: Because, if Burchill's in the ring and there is no on else in the back, there is no way that he can play another video or convince anyone else to do so. So, I figure, if a video plays, he's off the hook; if a video doesn't play, he's a deadman.


Heyman: I won't do it. You just want an excuse to cripple him without any interference.


Suddenly, Paul Burchill and Shane Douglas walk past.



Burchill: Personally, Paul E, I'd let him have his way. Not only can I take the entire Nest, I'm dying to see his face when he realises it isn't me!


Heyman: Are you sure?


Douglas: As long as I'm at ringside.


Raven: But that means you could...


Douglas: I wouldn't worry, you sorry son of a bitch, I won't be going anywhere!


Raven: Oh really? Well, just for that disrespect, Burchill can face Goliath tonight.


The camera cuts back to ringside.




Juvi is, once again, accompanied by Francine.

The match is an even contest from start to finish, fought at an even faster pace than Hayabusa and Chris Hero's bout.

In the fourteenth minute, Styles hits a lowblow allowing him to hit the Styles Clash.


Match Rating: B


Hudson: Oh, come on!


Paul Heyman appears at the entrance-way.



Heyman: I don't know if you know this, AJ, but, here in ECW, we appreciate a fair and fighting champion. Although, with Raven holding the World Title, I can see how you'd be confused. Bottom line is, I don't like the way you've been ducking out of trouble recently one little bit. So, just like Juvi called for last week there will be a rematch at Wrestlepalooza. Juventud Guerrera versus AJ Styles for the World Television Championship!


AJ looks stunned as the crowd goes nuts.


Heyman: Oh, and whilst I'm out here, I might as well let you all know that the plan that you heard Raven explaining backstage, upon the advisment of Paul Burchill, will go ahead.


Hudson: Wow.

Gertner: Do you think Burchill really can take the whole Nest?

Hudson: I guess we'll find out on Saturday!



Burchill maintains control in the early going.

However, despite help from Shane Douglas, the Nest's sheer numbers does even things up.


In the eleventh minute, Owen Hart runs out.



He immediatley charges at Raven and a brawl ensues which the Nest endeavours to seperate.


Soon after, Bret Hart sprints to the ring.



He lands a haymaker on his brother but doesn't stop there, brawling with most of The Nest.

As Raven and Owen return to their feet and Burchill and Douglas become re-involved all hell breaks loose.

Jim Molineaux calls for a no contest.

Match Rating: A


Hudson: This is pandamoneum!

Gertner: I can't wait to see the Title match at Wrestlepalooza!

Hudson: Me either... or to find out if Paul Burchill really is responsible for those videos.


The Show goes off air as the chaos continues.


Show Rating: B





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1. Jack Giedroyc is running the videos.


Highly unorthodox... even for me :D.


2. No RVD or HBK on that last show? For shame.


I know; I'm sorry. I love them too; I'm just trying to give Hero some TV time. My main eventers are all getting on a bit (Raven, Owen, Bret - hell, and Michaels), so, I really need to be building for the future.


Nevvy keep up the amazing run.


I'll do my best, buddy. Great to have you back reading, although seeing your posts without your plague avatar is still confusing me :p.


Quote the Raven


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Highly unorthodox... even for me :D.




I know; I'm sorry. I love them too; I'm just trying to give Hero some TV time. My main eventers are all getting on a bit (Raven, Owen, Bret - hell, and Michaels), so, I really need to be building for the future.




I'll do my best, buddy. Great to have you back reading, although seeing your posts without your plague avatar is still confusing me :p.


Quote the Raven



Just call me A* Astil. ;) and I never left reading, just didnt post as much.

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Saturday, week 3, June

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Bloodsweatbeers.flv"></embed>




Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW Blood, Sweat and Beers. I'm Joey Styles alongside former World Heavyweight Champion, Taz.

Taz: Thanks for the intro as always, Joey.

Joey: Tonight, ladies and gentlemen, in a curious turn of events, we will see Paul Burchill take on the entirity of Raven's Nest as the entire arena is vacated of ECW employees.

Taz: Hey, Joey, does that include us?

Joey: I guess it does but I reckon it's worth it just to know that it'll be Paul E calling the shots for Wrestlepalooza.



The Hardcore Innovators again control their match with use of their trusty canes.

They win after a Double DDt on Paul London at 11:04

Match Rating: B-


Chris Hero comes to the ring.



Hero: Yes, that's right, it is I, Chris Hero, the saviour of Extreme Championship Wrestling. I am, once again, here to vastly improve the product to which you are all subjected, one quality wrestling match at a time. Tonight, it appears Hayabusa has challenged me to a rematch, although I do not know why in view of how emphatically I beat him on Monday night.


Joey: Err... yeah... right.


Hero: In spite of that, I still say "bring it on!"



The match is very even.

Hero, for once, has nothing to be arrogant about as Hayabusa takes him to the limit.

However, as Hayabusa attempts a springboard in the tenth minute, Hero catches him with a lowblow in mid-air.

He follows up with a Hero's welcome.


Match Rating: C+


After the match, Hero picks up the microphone again.


Hero: Two of the obligations of a true saviour are to teach and inform. I think it's about time that I taught Hayabusa a lesson!


Hero lays the boots into a floored Hayabusa and the post-match beatdown starts.


Joey: Oh, come on. Someone stop this!


Chris Daniels comes running out



The Fallen Angel sprints to the ring and knocks Hero down.

He picks him up and delivers the Last Rites (which is a nearly identical move to the Hero's Welcome - "Roll of the Dice").

Then, he takes the microphone.


Daniels: Personally, I think it's about time that shut Chris Hero up!


The crowd pops.


Daniels: I think it's about time that the so-called "teacher" heeded the words of the preacher. Hero, you talk all this sh*t about improving the ECW product "one quality wrestling match at a time" when, in fact, it seems like your bouts are merely an excuse for shady match finishes. You want to know real quality? Meet me in the ring at Wrestlepalooza and you'll know what technical proficiency really is! That isn't a threat or a promise but the gospel according to the F...


Before he can finish, Kurt Angle's music hits and the Olympian appears at the entrance-way on his crutches.



Angle: This is too perfect... new-school versus old-school; The Saviour versus The Fallen Angel; The Hero's Welcome versus The Last Rites.


Daniels: Hey Kurt, no one interrupts the Fall...


Angle: ...That's where you're wrong. You see, this opportunity is too good to pass up. I need to find one last wrestler to compete in Team USA for the World Cup and you two look like you're gonna have a match at Wrestlepalooza.


Hero groggily returns to his feet.


Angle: So, I say that whoever wins your match on Friday night gets a spot on the World Cup Team!


Joey: What a great call.

Taz: Nice.


Hero and Daniels turn to each other and commence the trash talking.


Angle: See you on Friday, gentlemen.



This is the fairly formulaic six-man-tag where feuds are overlapped.

The workers get the ocassional shot at their respective enemies but the suspense is delibratley built for the pay-per-view.

In the fourteenth minute, Rhino goes for a Gore on Al Snow.

Snow moves, however, and the Gore connects with AJ Styles.

Snow makes the cover for the fall.

Match Rating: B


The Sinister Minister and his client enter the ring.



Hatred carries his trademark iron pentagram wrapped in barbed wire.


Minister: Marvel at the demonic spectacle that is Nate Hatred, the most extreme athlete in the history of Extreme Championship Wrestling!


The crowd jeers.


Minister: If you don't believe me, let the facts speak for themselves. Since joining ECW, Nate Hatred has a record of seven wins and no losses. This is the man who, in his first month in the company, has gained pinfall victories over not only Masato Tanaka but also the supposed "Man Beast", Rhino. Who else can boast such achievements? Who can truly calim to be as extreme as this man?


Balls Mahoney sprints to the ring, chair in hand.




Upon his entering the ring, Mahoney lands a series of punches.

A left...








And another...




One more...




He winds up with his right...




Hatred snaps forward with a thunderous Decapitator Lariat.


Match Rating: D+


Taz: Jesus! I think Mahoney's out!

Joey: I think you're right, Taz!

Taz: What a lariat!


The Whole F**kin' Show are walking backstage when they bump into the Hardcore Innovators.




After a brief staredown, RVD breaks the silence.


RVD: You know what, Tommy? After dealing with the Canadian Connection, I'm looking forward to facing some deserving challengers.


Dreamer: Fairplay, man, I'm looking forward to our match too.


Cactus Jack: Just don't expect us to go easy on you.


Michaels and RVD laugh and offer their hands.

Dreamer shakes hands with RVD and Cactus Jack does so with Shawn Michaels.

Both exchanges turn into full-on hugs with back-patting.


Michaels: See you Friday.


As both teams walk away, the camera focuses in on RVD an Michaels' faces.

Both are giggling childishly.

The camera pulls away to show The Hardcore Innovators walking away with written signs on their back.

Tommy's note says "Kick me!", while Cactus' says "Super Kick me!"

Dreamer and Cactus' faces are then shown; they too are laughing.

Both RVD and Michaels' backs sport "Cane me!" signs.



Corino dominate another of their matches.

Corino pins Mark Briscoe after an Old School Expulsion at 8:19.

Match Rating: C+


Raven's Nest are backstage.



Raven: Okay, boys, we're up.


Punk: Are you sure you're gonna see what you want, though, boss?


Raven: What?


Punk: I mean how sure are you that Burchill's responsible for these videos?


Raven: Positive. Oh, and Vito, you're the starting legal man.


Vito: Why me?


CM Punk clips Vito round the ear.


Backstage we see every single ECW employee being ushered out of the building by security personnel.


Joey: I'm afraid this is our cue, ladies and gentlemen. The rest of the show will be broadcast without the comments of myself or Taz.


Joey and Taz are shown to make their way to the back as the camera cuts to the parking lot outside where all staff, including Paul Heyman and many wrestlers are assembling.


The Hardcore Innovators make their way to the East of the parking lot where the bWo are standing.




As they pass, Big Stevie Cool speaks.


Stevie: Hey, Cactus.


Cactus Jack turns around to be greeted by a Stevie Kick.

The camera cuts back to arena doors.


The Whole F**kin' Show are exiting the building and walk past The Sandman.




As they do so, Sandman ceases drinking his beer and canes RVD around the back of the head.


RVD: Dude, what the f**k?


The Tag Champs hurry their way out of shot as they are pursued by a crazed, cain-swinging Sandman.


As the camera cuts back to ringside, the only remaining ECW employees, Raven's Nest, Paul Burchill and Shane Douglas, are in the ring with referee, John Finnegan.



True to recent form, Burchill starts off by dominating the young Vito.

However, before long it appears that even the great Paul Burchill has bitten off more than he can chew: the numbers are too many.

The Nest quickly neutralises the threat of Shane Douglas and a heinous assault is carried out on The New Franchise.

Finisher after finsher is delivered.

Giant Chokeslam.

Black Hole Slam.

Vito Driver.


Raven Effect.


Match Rating: A*


After the match, The Nest continues the assault as Raven picks up a microphone.


Raven: I knew it! I f**king knew it; no video! Burchill you're a dead man!


As if on cue, the lights dim. Chanting begins on the PA system and verse is written upon the big screen.

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/promo7t.flv">


Raven: No... it can't...


Raven drops his microphone and falls to his knees.

As the chanting becomes louder he covers his ears.

He screams "SHUT UP!"

The members of the Nest go to console him but he appears unconsolable.

Finally, as the chanting ceases and the music kicks in, pyro bursts out of the turnbuckles and along the ring apron.

The show goes off air as Raven is seen huddling up in a ball with his World Heavyweight Title.


Show Rating: A

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Hmm.... surprised he will be debuting in a tag match on TV rather than interrupting on PPV or having a singles match or something. Or will he? Is this another swerve?


Have to hand it to you though, these videos are sweet. I can't wait to find out who's behind it, it's an absolutely genius storyline.


Loved the Dreamer/Cactus/RVD/Michaels skits too. Priceless.

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Monday, week 4, June

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Rev.flv"></embed>




Hudson: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Scott Hudson...

Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

Hudson: Joel, this is the last port of call before Wrestlepalooza 2007.

Gertner: I know, Scotty, and I can't wait but even that is not the big news of the evening!

Hudson: Very good point, Joel. Ladies and gentlemen, it appears that over the weekend the homepage of ecw.com washijacked by whoever is responsible for the video vignettes we have all seen recently.

Gertner: And whoever it is says he'll be here tonight to face Raven's Nest in a tag match with Paul Burchill! I might just spaff my pants...

Hudson: Jesus, Joel, live TV...

Gertner: What?!



The match is an even all-out brawl and a great way to kick the show off.

In the eleventh minute, The Bulldog hits a trademark Hanging Vertical Suplex for the fall.

Match Rating: B+


Paul Heyman comes to teh ring.



Heyman: Nice performance, Davey, but I want you to stay right there. You see, I think it's time to introduce the fans to the teams that will be competing in the World Cup.


Scores of workers make their way to the ring, one from each group carrying their nation's flag.


Team USA



Team Coach: Kurt Angle

Squad Members: Jerry Lynn, Paul London, Brian Kendrick, Jay Briscoe, Mark Briscoe


Team Canada



Team Coach: Don Callis

Squad Members: Lance Storm, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Christian, Teddy Hart, Bobby Roode


Team Japan


Team Captain: Jushin Lyger

Squad Members: Jushin Lyger, Ultimo Dragon, Hayabusa, Kensuke Sasaki, Masato Tanaka, Yoshihiro Tajiri


Team Mexico


Team Captain: Eddie Guerrero

Squad Members: Eddie Guerrero, Chavo Guerrero Jr, Rey Mysterio Jr, Psicosis, Ricky Marvin


Team England


Team Captain: Steven Regal

Squad Members: Steven Regal, Davey Boy Smith, Doug Williams, Nigel McGuinness, Paul Burchill


Team Scotland


Team Captain: White Tiger

Squad Members: White Tiger, Drew Galloway, Drew McDonald, Eric Canyon


Team Ireland


Team Captain: Fit Finaly

Squad Members: Fit Finlay, Sheamus O'Shaunnessy, Red Vinny, Blake Norton


Team Samoa



Team Coach: Sika

Squad Members: Ekmo, Anoai, Afa, Jo


Team Puerto Rico


Team Captains: Carly and Eddie Colon

Squad Members: Carly Colon, Eddie Colon, Jeff Jeffrey, Chicano, Apolo


Team Italy


Team Captain: Little Guido

Squad Members: Little Guido, Tony Mamaluke, Sal E Graziano


Team India


Team Captain: Sabu

Squad Members: Sabu, The Headhunters, Sonjay Dutt


Paul E goes round, introducing each member of the teams and a final rundown of the rules is given:


- The tournament will be contested in the month of July, beginning the night after Wrestlepalooza. It will run until Summer Assylum, where both the semi-finals and the final will be hosted.


-A pool stage will occurr prior to the tournament quarter finals. There will be four pools consiting of three teams that will face each other twice in six-man-tag matches. Each match in this stage will be two out of three falls. As such, a win will be worth four points in the tables, a draw will be worth two, while no points will be awarded for a loss. Moreover, one bonus point per match will be available for teams who are able to win via two straight falls.


-From each of these pools, two teams will qualify while one will be eliminated. The eight qualifying teams will proceed to the quarter-finals. From this stage, all matches are knockout and will be contested under elimination rules.


- One substitution will be permitted per match. However, the substituted worker must not be the legal man.


Heyman: Oh, and one last thing... the opening match on Friday will be a Twelve-Man World Cup Battle Royal; one entrant from each squad. So, team captains, choose wisely!


As Heyman finishes, the Sasuke World Order storm the ring.



They carry an assortment of weapons including steel chairs and sWo banners wrapped round wooden poles.

After a few World Cup participants have fallen foul of the psychotic face-painted weirdos, the rest choose to vacate the ring.


Sasuke: We are sWo! We are twelfth team!


The Great Sasuke hands the micrphone to Chessman.


Chessman: Y si no eres traga con ese Big Sasuke Cool tiene tres palabras para ti!


Gertner: Yeah, what he said.


The mic is handed back to Sasuke.




Hudson: Y'know, Joel, talented though those guys are, I do get the feeling they have entirely missed the point in the whole World Order angle.

Gertner: Try telling The Great Sasuke that.



The match is a decent mix of technical mat wrestling and aerial acrobatics.

Juvi Guerrera pins Chris Hero after 450 Splash at 11:17

Match Rating: C


Owen Hart and Al Snow are backstage for a shoot promo.



Owen: It looks like Al Snow and I have got Bret and Rhino tonight. Well, no sweat. You see the fact is, bro, that I'm gonna make short work of you in our tag match tonight just like I will do on Friday Night at Wrestlepalooza.


Snow: And speaking of Wrestlepalooza, Rhino, we have got bad news for you!


Owen: Have we?


Snow: Not you, jerk off.


Hart looks confused and mouths "we?" to himself.


Snow: See, Paul E may have booked a one-on-one match but you'll actually be in a handicap, Rhino, against me... and Head!


Owen Hart flashes Al Snow a quizical look.


Snow: What?


Owen: Oh, nothing...


Snow: Do you want to hold it?


Snow offers the mannequin head to Owen.


Owen: Err... no not really.


Snow: Here, take it.


Snow places it in Owen's hands.


Owen: No, look, I don't want you to give me head.


Owen realises what he has said, gives the head back to Snow and walks off.


Snow: What? I always give head to people. It's my way of making friends. Owen... Owen, wait up!


Snow rushes after his partner.



The bWo put in a good performance but the Hardcore Innovators continue their roll.

Cactus Jack gets revenge on Stevie for last week's Super Kick with a Double Arm DDT and a resultant fall.

Match Rating: B-


Paul Burchil and Shane Douglas are walking backstage.



Burchill's ribs are heavily strapped-up. He has a large band-aid across his forehead and bruises all over his body.

As he walks he ocassionally staggers and Douglas supports him.


Douglas: Paul, that was a hell of a beating you took last week. Are sdure your ready to...


Burchill: I'm sure.


Burchill knocks on paul Heyman's office door and enters.



Heyman: Oh, Burchill, hi.


Burchill: Paul E, I want...


Heyman: Look, I know why you're here and, judging by your shape I just can't let you...


Burchill: Book it, Paul E. I want in on this tag match against Raven!


Heyman: But...


Burchill: Just book it!


Burchill walks out and slams the door.


Douglas: Look, I'm sorry about that.


Heyman: It's okay. He's got balls that one.


Douglas: Yeah, trouble is his balls are bigger than his brain sometimes...



Hatred has beaten both Balls & Axl in singles Competition.

He now beats them in a handicap match.

He pins Axl after only four minutes following a Decapitator Lariat.

Match Rating: C


Backstage, Traci stands in fron of RVD who, in turn, stands in front of Shawn Michaels.



Traci: Whole...


Traci steps aside to the right.


RVD: ...F**kin'...


RVD steps aside to the left.


Michaels: ...Show!


The three now stand in a line.


RVD: World...


Michaels: ...Tag Team...


Traci: Champions.


RVD: Tommy Dreamer...


Michaels: ...Cactus Jack...


Traci steps to the front.


Traci: You have to deal with a two-time ECW World Champion...


Michaels hits his flexing pose.


Traci: ...and the man who held the World Television Title for nearly two years!


RVD points his thumbs.


Traci: We've got nothing but respect for you boys but, still, you ain't got a hope in hell!



This is another even tag team match.

In the twelfth minute, as Rhino and Owen brawl on the outside, Bret makes Al Snow tap to the Sharpshooter.

Owen looks in through the ropes as the bell rings and Bret mouths "you're going down, little bro!"

Match Rating: C+


Paul Burchill makes his way to the ring, still taped up, accompanied by Shane Douglas.



Burchill: Raven, I'm standing out here bruised and battered thanks to you and your cronies. In spite of that, I'm still willing to step in the ring and fight. So, either you follow suit or I'm gonna go back there and drag your ass out!


Raven's Nest, sure enough make their way to the ring.



As if things aren't bad enough for Burchill, the match starts as a handicap match.

Due to his injuries, this time, The New Franchise is not dominant at all. He is, in fact, slowly picked apart.

After ten minutes, he seems in no fit state to fight. However, he keeps on getting up every time he is knocked down.

Raven picks up a microphone.


Raven: It looks like no one is coming, Burchill! I guess you're all on your lones...


Raven is interrupted by chanting over the PA system and flashing images on the big screen.

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/promo9t.flv">


Gertner: He's here! He's here!

Hudson: But who is it?


Raven falls to his knees and shuffles his way back into the corner.

The look of sheer terror in his face is clear to see.

Burchill, again, staggers his way to his feet and along with the entire Nest and Shane Douglas stares intently at the entrance-way.


Hudson: Who is it?!


Suddenly, CM Punk knocks out Burchill from behind with his International All Action belt.

He does the same to Shane Douglas as the look of terror on Raven's face turns into an evil smirk.


Gertner: What is goin on?


Raven: As I said, Burchill, no one is coming! You want to know who put those videos together? It was me!


Hudson: What the hell?!


Raven: It was me who commissioned the videos and it was me who hijacked the ECW website and do you want to know why? Beacuse you're too f**king predictable! You see, it was about time I paid you back for the masked man saga and, thanks to my little ventures, I've now led you twice, like a moth to a flame, into the clutches of my Nest. On Saturday, we beat you into a bloody pulp and tonight we're gonna finish the job... and your career!


Raven lets out a demonic laugh as the fans jeer and throw rubbish into the ring.

Meanwhile, Vito and Punk set up a stack of tables at ringside.

Abyss folds a chair around Burchill's neck and then lifts him onto Goliath's shoulders.


Hudson: My god... he's goin to be Powerbombed through all those tables...

Gertner: With the chair wrapped around his neck!


The boos heard around the arena are deafening as Goliath lifts Burchill high over his head.


Suddenly, The Iron Saints emerge from the crowd, steel chairs in hand.



They run into the ring and immediately hit simultaneous chairshots to either side of Raven's head.


Hudson: It's Brandon and Sal! They must be outta hospital!


Goliath drops Burchill and both Monsters charge at the Saints.

However, the young Italians drop to their knees and drive the steel into the knees of the monsters who collapse in a heap.

CM Punk rolls back into the ring and Sal blasts him in the forehead.

Vito now approaches his brothers trying to talk them around.

Brandon looks at the fans who let out a loud cheer.

He then let's out a primal scream and nearly beheads his estranged brother with the force of his chair shot.


Hudson: Wow... the videos were a ploy by Raven all along.

Gertner: Yeah, but his plan was ultimately foiled by The Iron Saints.


Paul Heyman appears at the entrance-way.



Heyman: I thought there was something suspect about tonight, Burchill. However, I'm gonna give you a fair crack on Friday night against Monsters Inc. The Nest will be banned from ringside, so, show me you can take them both.


Heyman turns to The Iron Saints.


Heyman: And as for you two, it's great to have you back, boys. So, as a little present for your return, I'm giving you Punk and Vito in a tag match at Wrestlepalooza!


Sal and Brandon smile at one another.


Heyman: Just do me one favour... kick those f**kers heads in!


Show Rating: A

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^Final Monday Night Revolution of the month above^





<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Wrestlepalooza.flv">



12-Man World Cup Battle Royal

Jerry Lynn, Chris Benoit, Psicosis, Yoshihiro Tajiri,

Davey Boy Smith, Sheamus O'Shaunnessy, Drew Galloway, Sabu, Joe, Chicano, Little Guido, Big Sasuke Cool






Handicap Match

"The New Franchise" Paul Burchill vs. Monsters Inc.






For a Spot on Team USA

Christopher Daniels vs. Chris Hero






Raven's Nest vs. The Iron Saints






World Television Championship Match

AJ Styles© vs. Juventud Guerrera






World Tag Team Championship Match

The Whole F**kin' Show© vs. The Hardcore Innovators






Handicap(ped?) Match

Rhino vs. Al Snow & Head






Triangle Match for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship

Raven© vs. Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart





All predictions welcomed.

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12-Man World Cup Battle Royal

Jerry Lynn, Chris Benoit, Psicosis, Yoshihiro Tajiri,

Davey Boy Smith, Sheamus O'Shaunnessy, Drew Galloway, Sabu, Joe, Chicano, Little Guido, Big Sasuke Cool



Handicap Match

"The New Franchise" Paul Burchill vs. Monsters Inc.



For a Spot on Team USA

Christopher Daniels vs. Chris Hero



Raven's Nest vs. The Iron Saints



World Television Championship Match

AJ Styles© vs. Juventud Guerrera



World Tag Team Championship Match

The Whole F**kin' Show© vs. The Hardcore Innovators



Handicap(ped?) Match

Rhino vs. Al Snow & Head



Triangle Match for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship

Raven© vs. Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart

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Jerry Lynn, Chris Benoit, Psicosis, Yoshihiro Tajiri,

Davey Boy Smith, Sheamus O'Shaunnessy, Drew Galloway, Sabu, Joe, Chicano, Little Guido, Big Sasuke Cool





Handicap Match

"The New Franchise" Paul Burchill vs. Monsters Inc.





For a Spot on Team USA

Christopher Daniels vs. Chris Hero





Raven's Nest vs. The Iron Saints






World Television Championship Match

AJ Styles vs. Juventud Guerrera






World Tag Team Championship Match

The Whole F**kin' Show vs. The Hardcore Innovators






Handicap Match

Rhino vs. Al Snow & Head






Triangle Match for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship

Raven vs. Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart

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12-Man World Cup Battle Royal

Jerry Lynn, Chris Benoit, Psicosis, Yoshihiro Tajiri,

Davey Boy Smith, Sheamus O'Shaunnessy, Drew Galloway, Sabu, Joe, Chicano, Little Guido, Big Sasuke Cool



Handicap Match

"The New Franchise" Paul Burchill vs. Monsters Inc.



For a Spot on Team USA

Christopher Daniels vs. Chris Hero



Raven's Nest vs. The Iron Saints



World Television Championship Match

AJ Styles© vs. Juventud Guerrera



World Tag Team Championship Match

The Whole F**kin' Show© vs. The Hardcore Innovators



Handicap(ped?) Match

Rhino vs. Al Snow & Head



Triangle Match for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship

Raven© vs. Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart - Your love for Raven knows no bounds ;)

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12-Man World Cup Battle Royal

Jerry Lynn, Chris Benoit, Psicosis, Yoshihiro Tajiri,

Davey Boy Smith, Sheamus O'Shaunnessy, Drew Galloway, Sabu, Joe, Chicano, Little Guido, Big Sasuke Cool



Handicap Match

"The New Franchise" Paul Burchill vs. Monsters Inc.



For a Spot on Team USA

Christopher Daniels vs. Chris Hero



Raven's Nest vs. The Iron Saints



World Television Championship Match

AJ Styles© vs. Juventud Guerrera



World Tag Team Championship Match

The Whole F**kin' Show© vs. The Hardcore Innovators



Handicap(ped?) Match

Rhino vs. Al Snow & Head



Triangle Match for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship

Raven© vs. Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart

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12-Man World Cup Battle Royal

Jerry Lynn, Chris Benoit, Psicosis, Yoshihiro Tajiri,

Davey Boy Smith, Sheamus O'Shaunnessy, Drew Galloway, Sabu, Joe, Chicano, Little Guido, Big Sasuke Cool



Handicap Match

"The New Franchise" Paul Burchill vs. Monsters Inc.



For a Spot on Team USA

Christopher Daniels vs. Chris Hero



Raven's Nest vs. The Iron Saints



World Television Championship Match

AJ Styles© vs. Juventud Guerrera



World Tag Team Championship Match

The Whole F**kin' Show© vs. The Hardcore Innovators



Handicap(ped?) Match

Rhino vs. Al Snow & Head



Triangle Match for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship

Raven© vs. Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart

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12-Man World Cup Battle Royal

Jerry Lynn, Chris Benoit, Psicosis, Yoshihiro Tajiri,

Davey Boy Smith, Sheamus O'Shaunnessy, Drew Galloway, Sabu, Joe, Chicano, Little Guido, Big Sasuke Cool


Handicap Match

"The New Franchise" Paul Burchill vs. Monsters Inc.


For a Spot on Team USA

Christopher Daniels vs. Chris Hero


Raven's Nest vs. The Iron Saints


World Television Championship Match

AJ Styles© vs. Juventud Guerrera


World Tag Team Championship Match

The Whole F**kin' Show© vs. The Hardcore Innovators


Handicap(ped?) Match

Rhino vs. Al Snow & Head


Triangle Match for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship

Raven© vs. Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart

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