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I was really hoping that I would find a way around posting this but alas.


The whole Benoit thing has hit me harder than I thought it would. In relation to this diary, I had some great plans for him. When I heard he had died, I wanted to press forward with them all the more; now, however, I am worried that doing so may cause offense to some and, possibly, undermine the fact that I am trying to (in a small way) commemorate other wrestlers that I respecetd who have died.


Having said that, I was a huge fan of Benoit and I have no idea what was going through his heart or his head last weekend. Therefore, I am choosing to remember him in a fashion that I think he is still worthy of. He will keep his place on this ECW roster.


If people are offended by this, I make no apology. It's the only way I can approach the situation.


Quote The Raven



Hey Bud,

I feel your pain. As he has not yet debuted in my diary, I do not have to grapple with the decision. I have to agonize over it until he comes in. Maybe by then I will have a better feel for which way to go.


I think most of us have been dealt a huge blow this week. Not only do we have to deal with his and his families deaths. We also must stomach the fact that they came about in such a tragic way at the hands of someone most of us held in high esteem. I think the way that we each will choose to deal with this will depend on us as individuals. I for one will not be offended by his continuing in your diary. Or if you choose, the exclusion from it. That is entirely up to you. As I have said before, this is your story to tell.


Have a good day Nevy!

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Yeah me too. I have been playing a WWE game for awhile. I'm adding real life events into my game as time goes along like Long & Kristal's engagment or Sherri's death. Benoit is/was my current champion. I have already added Nancy to the deceased tab. I am sitting on ground zero when it comes to the pay per view. Benoit has been feuding with Umaga after Umaga was drafted to Smackdown. I will add Benoit to the deceased section on Monday, but I'm sitting in limbo over the current storyline and pay per view match. I have always been a Benoit fan and I don't really know what to think about the whole thing. I will proceed with the pay per view and have Umaga lose the scheduled match to a wrestler who is about debut. I still plan a tribute show on the following Raw even though WWE removed theirs.
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I agree 100& with your thoughts of Benoit, I have always been a fan of Benoit. I'm a Dugeon fan you know the hart brothers, Y2J etc;... I will miss Benoit the preformer sports entertainer and try not to think about his last horrific actions.. I would be honord to do A Pic for you ECW worldwide diary with Chris Benoit as we remember him proudly holding the ECW world heavyweight championship---



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Mate I completely understand how you are finding it difficult to not only cope with the Benoit situation in real life, but how to deal with it TEW style. Part of me wants to restart the 1998 scenario and do what I always intended to do with him, another part says I just can't do that. I guess it's all part of the grief/shock cycle we are all going through undoubtedly as our industry begins to unravel into a charade again, but moreso when we think about ... Daniel. I just can't get that poor young man out of my mind.


Mate, I just want to add that as you are aware I voted for your diary in the Real World DOTM. It has been an absolute honor and privilege to sit back and admire your great storytelling - you have a unique ability to balance the demands of bringing in new stories, but without cutting good stories short. That is a real skill. I also want to pay tribute to you, it's never been said a lot but when I first came on these boards I read four diaries that inspired me to 'ave a go ya mug'. Firstly, the Stallion's work, and I was rapt when I first started up he was constructively critiquing me it meant a shyteload. Secondly, the isalmite's DOTT diatribe, it was so well placed for the time period it was set in. Thirdly, giantgonzalez' WWF Wrestlecrap, some great humor, and let's face it, the events of the pass week show sometimes we need humor to distress us from the pressures we all face... and finally, your own diary. This has been going on forever mate, and it's been classy since day dot. So thanks for serving as the inspiration, you are the legend of these boards mate, you are the legend of whom we are all just mere apprentices to trying to learn every booking technique we can.


Now, get back to booking ... mate!

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That was a very generous post. Thank you ;).


I apologise for a lack of updatesl; the Benoit incident somewhat put me off. Plus, leaving school and reviewing some personal "issues" that needed sorting meant my mind was elsewhere.


However, the next show should be up tommorrow and I promise I'll be back with a new enthusiasm for the build up to Cyberslam.


Quote The Raven


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Cyberslam goes interactive...


This year is the first time that an ECW Cyberslam will be shown on pay-per-view as opposed to via a webstream. This may strike people as strange (if not paradoxical) in view of the event's name. However, it has become apparent why the title has been retained: fans will be able to vote through ECW.com in order to state what matches they would like to see at the pay-per-view.


Between now and the night itself, announcements will be made on this page, informing fans of their options. So far, the following is up for debate:



??? vs. Raven ©


We know that Raven will face the winner of Paul E's Number One Contender's Tournament. We know that Paul Burchill will be the special guest referee. However, we do not know the match stipulations and that's where you come in. Will it be:


  1. A Cage Match, preventing interference from The Nest.
  2. A Barbed Wire Deathmatch, one of the most hardcore environments in ECW history?



Rob Van Dam vs. Chris Jericho©


One half of the World Tag Team Champions takes on the World Television Champion with the latter title on the line. Both men's partners, in Shawn Michaels and Christian, have a vested interest in this match due to their respective loyalties. Paul Heyman feels it would be folly to ignore this. Therefore, should it be:


  1. A match where everyone other than the competitors involved is banned from ringside, removing the possibilty of interference.
  2. A Lumberjack match, in which both men's partners will be involved along with six other lumberjacks, levelling the odds?


The options that gain the most votes will be present on the official card.

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More choices for Cyberslam confirmed!


As previously stated , vetween now and the Cyberslam, announcements will be made on this page, informing fans of their options. So far, the following is up for debate:



??? vs. Raven ©


We know that Raven will face the winner of Paul E's Number One Contender's Tournament. We know that Paul Burchill will be the special guest referee. However, we do not know the match stipulations and that's where you come in. Will it be:


  1. A Cage Match, preventing interference from The Nest.
  2. A Barbed Wire Deathmatch, one of the most hardcore environments in ECW history?



Rob Van Dam vs. Chris Jericho©


One half of the World Tag Team Champions takes on the World Television Champion with the latter title on the line. Both men's partners, in Shawn Michaels and Christian, have a vested interest in this match due to their respective loyalties. Paul Heyman feels it would be folly to ignore this. Therefore, should it be:


  1. A match where everyone other than the competitors involved is banned from ringside, removing the possibilty of interference.
  2. A Lumberjack match, in which both men's partners will be involved along with six other lumberjacks, levelling the odds?


Jerry Lynn vs. Kurt Angle


Jerry Lynn has challenged Kurt Angle to a submission match in order to prove what he already believes: that he is the superior wrestler. However, here in ECW, we don't do things by halves and, as such, do not believe that the match stipulations go far enough. Thus, we give you, the fans, the choice between:


  1. A 30minute Ultimate Submission match
  2. An "I Quit" match.


The options that gain the most votes will be present on the official card.

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Monday, week 3, April

<embed src='http://www.bolt.com/video/flv_player_branded.swf?contentId=3158843&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='365' height='340' name='video_play_500' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' /><br/>




Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Don Callis...

Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner. What's on the card tonight, Don?

Callis: Well, I can tell you that Rob Van Dam will be in action against The Great Sasuke in order to warm up for his TV Title match at Cyberslam. Plus, we will see the first semi-final in Paul E's Number One Contender's tournament as "The Human Highlight Reel" Sabu faces the dominant Man Beast, Rhino.

Gertner: Oh, man, I can't wait for that!



The match is even but the veteran Japanese high flyers maintain a degree of control.

They win at 9:17 when Lyger hits a 450 Splash on Kendrick.

Match Rating: C+


Backstage, Cactus Jack is sitting on the floor with his back against a wall.



He is weeping as though he were at a funeral.

A few words can just be made out from his cries.


Cactus: "Where did it go wrong?"


Tommy Dreamer walks into shot, seemingly gearing himself up for his match.



He sees Cactus Jack.


Dreamer: Jesus, Cactus, are you okay?


He bends down and puts his arm around the hardcore legend.


Cactus: I'm sorry, Tommy.


Dreamer: Man, what for?


Cactus: If I ever got in your way or if I ever hurt you.


Dreamer: Hurt me? Jesus, man, last time we stepped in the ring, you nearly took my head off but that's no reason to be crying your eyes out!


Cactus: It's just that ever since the beginning of my run of bad luck... Y'know since the whole Rocky and Austin thing...


Dreamer stops him before he can continue.


Dreamer: Hey, Foley, pull yourself together, man!


He slaps Cactus Jack in the face.


Dreamer: D'ya hear me? Sort it out!


Cactus flinches away.


Dreamer: I've gotta go for my match with Benoit but I'll be back. Now, for f**ks sake, remember that you are a hardcore icon! This is not the way to carry yourself!


Gertner: Man, what was that about?

Callis: I have no idea.



Both men put up a decent fight.

However, Benoit is able to prevent Dreamer from turning the match into a hardcore affair.

He forces his opponent to tap out to the Crossface at 13:07.

Match Rating: B+


After the match, Benoit refuses to break the hold.

Jim Molineaux tries to break the situation up but Benoit's grip is too strong.


Cactus Jack comes running out.



Callis: Is that a 2x4 in his hand?

Gertner: Yeah, and it's wrapped in barbed wire.


Benoit releases his hold and stands up to greet the madman.

Cactus walks straight past Benoit and picks up Dreamer.

With a stern look on his face, he mouths something to Tommy and swings the 2x4 back.


Callis: Look out, Tommy!


Suddenly, he turns and cracks Benoit in the skull.


Gertner: Damn... Benoit is cut open!


Catus rolls out to ringside and takes a can of petrol and a rag from under the ring.

He douses the rag, wraps it around his weapon and sets it ablaze.

However, Benoit is able to escape the ring before any danger presents itself.

As he makes his way to the back, though, Benoit has to duck to avoid the flaming 2x4 hich Cactus throws halfway across the arena at him.


Gertner: Man, Cactus has snapped!


To conclude his strange antics, Cactus takes Tommy Dreamer by the arm, raises it up and then embraces him before heading to the back.


Gertner: Is it just me or is he nuts?

Callis: Oh, no, he's nuts!



Once again, The Iron Saints come to the ring in ECW shirts.

This time, however, they get a slightly more accepting reaction, if only because of their opponents.

In the thirteenth minute, They set up the TV Champ for a Spike Powerbomb.

However, Christian hits a lowblow on Salvatore, forcing him to drop Jericho.

He then kicks Brandon in the gut and hits the Unprettier.


Match Rating: C+


Los Increibles approach Paul Heyman backstage.



Mysterio: Paul E, we want one more match against los Guerreros.


Juvi: Yeah, they've won one; we've won one. We want to prove that we are the better team.


Heyman looks thoughtful.


Mysterio: Come on, Paul E.


Heyman: I'll tell you what. I've been so impressed with your matches recently that I'll go you one better.


Juvi: Oh yeah?


Heyman: Yeah... I'm signing one last rematch between you and Los Guerreros and the winners will get a shot at The Whole F**kin' Show's Tag Team Titles at Cyberslam!


Rey: Sweet, we won't let you down, Paul E.



The two men put on a great match as Traci does some equally good work at ringside.

In the twelfth minute, RVD whips Sasuke into the corner, runs after him and hits a Monkey Flip.

Incredibly, however, Sasuke flips right the way over, back onto his feet.

He runs to the other corner and springs straight up the turnbuckle.

Moonsault Press!

No... RVD catches him upside down, hooks him up and hits the Piledriver.

1...2...Sasuke just gets the shoulder up.

RVD drags his opponent into the corner and Traci throws him a chair.

He backs off, takes a run up and hits a thunderous Skateboard Dropkick.

Instead of making the cover, he places the chair on top of Sasuke's limp body and ascends the turnbuckle.

Five Star Frog Splash!


Callis: Oh, RVD drives the chair right into Sasuke's chest.


After catching his breath, he makes the cover.


Match Rating: A


After the match, The sWo run out.



They take out RVD from behind and a 3-on-1 assault ensues.


Shawn Michaels runs out to make the save.



A brawl starts between the sWo and the Whole F**kin' Show.


The Dudleys come sprinting to the ring with Stevie and Nova close behind them.




The two rival teams join the frey as a pandamoneum well and truly begins.


Callis: This is crazy!


Finally, The Candian Connection become involved.



After storming the ring, they make a beeline for the Tag Team champions

Eventually, the brawl between the five teams has to be separated by officials.


Raven comes to the ring with his nest.



Raven: I am out here to fulfill two important purposes. Firstly...


He turns to face his followers.


Raven: I want to know why you pathetic bastards have been so incapable over the course of the last few weeks. You, although a group of utter misfits, are supposed to be willing to exact your cold revenge on the society that has branded you outcasts.


He steps up to Vito.


Raven: What the f**k is wrong with you?


He slaps him.


Raven: You're supposed to have my back but, week after week, you fail.


As Vito recovers from the shock, Raven pushes him to the floor.


Raven: Get up you sorry little bastard! Don't make yourself seem anymore useless than you already do!


He then turns to Goliath.


Raven: ...and you! You are supposed to be a monster, a giant that takes no sh*t, a dominant behemoth but, in fact, you are nothing more than a little bitch!


Gertner: Oh, man!

Callis: Why take this. I don't get it!


Raven signals for him to bend down to his level. When he does, the champion delivers a demeaning backhand slap.


Raven: I am expecting all of you to step up your game because, as long as I have this belt around my waist, I am a marked man!


A "F**k you Raven!" chant begins.


Raven: Now that has been said, I have one other channel of business. So, Owen Hart get your ass out here.


Owen Hart comes to the ring.



Raven: This week, I am taking no excuses from you or anybody and I will not be stalled! Owen, you may have come here as a new, hot prospect in ECW but those days are over. As of this moment, my friend, consider yourself unemployed!


Callis: Did he just fire Owen Hart? He doesn't have the authority! There isn't any proof that it was Owen who attacked him last week!

Gertner: Unfortunately, I think he does have the authority. Plus, the masked man did use the Sharpshooter last week.


Hart: Okay, Raven, it doesn't look like there's much I can do. However, before I leave, I want to make you a promise. I've been dying to get my hands on you since November and, some day, I will step in the ring with you and leave you a broken, humiliated cripple! It doesn't matter if it's in a week's time or in seven years; it doesn't matter if it's in ECW or any other promotion. I will be the one to end your miserable career!


Owen slams the mic down on the canvas in anger and storms to the back. Raven merely smiles.


Raven: Now that's taken care of, I fancy some entertainment. Yoshihiro Tajiri, get out here so my boy, CM Punk, can kick your ass!



With constant interference from the Nest, Punk destroys Tajiri.

He wins with a Pepsi Plunge at 8:15

Match Rating: B+


After the match, Monsters Inc restrain Tajiri as Raven enters the ring.

The champion proceeds to use a helpless Tajiri as a punching bag.

However, the lights suddenly go out.


When they turn back on, the masked man is standing in the middle of the ring with a chair in hand.



He throws the chair straight at the head of Abyss, who promptly falls to the mat.

He boots Burchill in the gut and throws him to the outside.

As Vito tries to restrain him, he springboards off the middle rope and hits a Dropkick.

As Goliath approaches, he picks the chair back up and delivers the same treatment that he gave to Abyss.

Punk and Raven attack the masked man together and, finally, the numbers game proves too much.

Raven sets him up for a Raven Effect.

However, it is reversed with a lowblow.

The assailant then turns and throws a fireball into the face of CM Punk.


Callis: Oh my...

Gertner: Where did that come from?


As Punk stumbles blindly from the ring, the masked man picks up the chair again and takes out the World Champion with a thunderous shot.

He then sets up the chair...

Triple Jump Moonsault!


Gertner: The fireball... the Moonsault... it has to be Sabu!

Callis: No way, Sabu wouldn't have been able to lock in a Sharpshooter, would he? He is no submission master!

Gertner: Who's to say it's one guy, Don?

Callis: Excuse me?

Gertner: Think about it. It could be that Rhino, Owen and Sabu have been working together so that, regardless of who wins the tournament, they will have an advantage against Raven.

Callis: I find that very difficult to believe. After their war during the Baptism Of Fire match, I can't see Rhino and Owen Hart co-operating. Plus, after burning a picture of him a few weeks ago, I don't think Sabu would be willing to work with Hart either. After all, it was Owen who eliminated him in that same match. There's no way!

Gertner: Maybe...


As the masked man stares at the carnage he points his finger to the sky.


Gertner: Oh, it has to be Sabu.

Callis: Hey, wait a minute!

Gertner: What?

Callis: Isn't Sabu in the main event?

Gertner: Yeah... so?

Callis: So, if it's Sabu, how is he gonna be able to come down for his match without drawing suspicion?


As the masked man stays pointing, the lights flick off and on.

Suddenly, he is nowhere to be seen...


Semi-Final in the Number One Contendership Tournament


Sabu makes his entrance to the ring as normal, making the masked man's identity even more of as mystery.

The Semi-Final is a high quality, hardcore-based brawl.

In the fourteenth minute, Sabu sets up Rhino for a Triple Jump Moonsault.

However, as he runs towards the chair, Rhino springs up.



Match Rating: B+


Callis: Well, that came out of nowhere!

Gertner: Yeah, but it looks like Rhino will be in the final next week.

Callis: But who will he face? Now Raven's fired Owen, Kensuke Sasaki doesn't have an opponent in the other semi-final...


Show Rating: B+

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Raven calls out the masked man!




After the most recent appearance of the mysterious masked man on last night's Revolution, speculation is running rife amongst ECW employees and fans alike. Firstly, his use of Rhino's finishers led people to believe that the mask was hiding the Man Beast. Then, his employment of the Sharpshooter led people to believe it was Owen Hart. Now, after he has been seen to utilise a steel chair in a manner that is somewhat of a trademark of Sabu and deliver the Triple Jump Moonsault to the World Champion, the Human Highlight Reel is a prime suspect. Then again, Joel Gertner publicly put forward the view that it could be a conspiracy of all three men to finally end the dominant reign of Raven.


Whichever is the case, the situation is certain to escalate this week on Blood, Sweat and Beers as the Champ himself has stated that he will call out the masked man. Whether it will be in a fair confrontation or involve intereference from the Nest is unknown. However, after the dominance displayed so far by the mystery assailant, it may well be fair to say that this is one of the most courageous moves Raven has ever made! Has the master of mind games finally bitten off more than he can chew?


Don't miss this week's Blood, Sweat and Beers!

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Saturday, week 3, April

<embed src='http://www.bolt.com/video/flv_player_branded.swf?contentId=3158919&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='365' height='340' name='video_play_500' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' /><br/>




Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW Blood, Sweat and Beers. I'm Joey Styles alongside former World Heavyweight Champion, Taz.

Taz: Oh, joey, man, I am so psyced! We're less than a week away from Cyberslam.

Joey: I know Taz. The card is already looking great and, tonight, we'll find out who's gonna challenge for the Whole F**kin' Show's Tag Titles.

Taz: Sweet, let's get to it.


Paul Heyman is in the ring.



Heyman: I am out here to make an announcement regarding the Number One Contendership to the World Tag Team Titles. You all know that, after their match tonight, either Los Increibles or Los Guerreos will challenge for the straps at Cyberslam next week. However, what you don't know is who will challenge for them at Hardcore Heaven next month.


Various chants for several teams are heard faintly from the crowd.


Heyman: Next Friday night, there will be a Three Way Dance for the Number One Contendership to the Tag Titles. The competitors will be up to you. You will have the opportunity to vote for who you want to see on ECW.com!


With that said, Heyman heads to the back amidst chants of "Paul E".



Once again, The Iron Saints come out in ECW shirts and, once again, the crowd's appreciation seems to have increased - possibly due to the identity of their opponents.

The two teams of Italian-Americans show no mercy.

However, The Iron Saints come out on top after a Spike Powerbomb on Tony Mamaluke at 9:17.

Match Rating: C


After the match, the camera follows The Iron Saints to the back as they celebrate their victory.


They bump into Vito backstage.



Brandon: Oh, hey, bro.


Vito: Hey, boys, nice match!


Salvatore: Oh, nice match? Nice match, huh?


Brandon and Sal laugh.


Brandon: You sure you got time to be talking to us?


Vito: You what?


Salvatore: What we mean to say is are you not too busy masturbating Raven's ego?


Vito: Hey, he has my back.


Salvatore: Oh, yeah... We saw how he bitchslapped you on Monday!


Vito looks pissed but composes himself.


Vito: Hey, I may be working for Raven but we're still brothers, right?


Brandon: Wrong, bastardo! We have no brother!


Salvatore: The day that you chose to work for that piece of sh*t is the day that...


The rest of the Nest walk around the corner.



Raven: Hey, Burchill, are my ears burning?


Burchill: I think so, boss.


Raven: Piece of sh*t, huh? Hey, Vito, are you gonna let them call me that?


Vito looks hesitant to take sides.

CM Punk clips him around the back of the head.


Vito: No, boss.


Brandon and Sal snicker at Vito's sycophancy.


Raven: Something funny? I'll tell you what, let's see how you're smiling when you face Monsters Inc on Revolution next week.


Suddenly, The Iron Saints looks less contented and decide to leave before they get themselves in further hot water.

The Nest walk off in the opposite direction but Vito tries to stay behind and stop his brothers to apologise.


Raven: Come on, Vito!


The masked man appears from a dark corner.



As both groups' backs are turned, the masked man creeps up behind Vito, puts a bag over his head and drags him back into the darkness.


Taz: Woah, I wouldn't want to be Vito right now!

Joey: Me either...

Taz: Anyway, what have we got next Joey?

Joey: Well, according to my rapsheet, RVD is gonna have another singles warm-up match in preparation for his TV Title match at Cyberslam.



The match is not as spectacular as one may have hoped; the two men do not seem to click.

Luckily, though, Traci's work at ringside contributed to the atmosphere.

RVD wastes no time in putting Tajiri away with a Five Star Frog Splash at 12:02

Match Rating: C+


After the match, Shawn Michaels comes to the ring and The Whole F**kin' Show celebrate as a unit.


Backstage, Tommy Dreamer walks around a corner and bumps straight into The Sandman.



Dreamer: Hey, ass hole, watch where you're going.


The Sandman laughs.


Sandman: Hey, Tommy, you may have won Beulah back. You may have even got me beat up by the Man Beast at Baptism Of Fire but this is far from over.


This time Dreamer laughs.


Dreamer: You don't know when to quit do ya, Jim. I've proven myself to be better than you physically. I've proven myself to be better than you mentally and I've proven...


Before he can continue, Sandman takes a swig of his beer and spits it in Dreamer's face.


As if from nowhere, Cactus Jack sprints into shot.



Cactus: Okay, let's break it up, yeah?


He separates the two men, holding Tommy back.


Cactus: Calm it, Tommy.


However, The Sandman takes his beer can and smacks Cactus Jack in the back of the head with it.

A brawl between the two men ensues and it is now Tommy's turn to try and break things up.

Eventually, he is assisted by backstage officials.

As he is dragged away, cactus screams down the corridor.


Cactus: Hey, Sandman, let's see how tough you really are. Come on, tough guy, you and me in the ring next week!


The Sandman merely nods as he is dragged off in the opposite direction.


The Canadian Connection enter the locker room of Raven's Nest.




Raven: What the hell do you want?


The Nest surround the wouldbe intruders.


Jericho: Err... we wanted a word with you as... er... loyal employees.


Raven smirks.


Raven: Okay, I'm listening.


Chritsian: Well, Heyman has organised this Three Way Dance.


Raven: Yes, I'm fully aware of that.


Jericho: Well, we think we've earned a place in that match.


Christian: Plus, we want to get our hands on the Whole F**kin' Show!


Raven: Don't you already have RVD in a title match, Jericho.


Jericho: Yeah but, currently, we have everything to lose and nothing to gain. We want to level the playing field.


Burchill steps forward and whispers something to Raven.


Raven: Good thinking, Burchill... I'll tell you what, boys. I'm gonna give you a once in a lifetime opportunity... you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.


Christian: Deal... Who do you want taken out?


Raven laughs.


Raven: Well, actually, now that you mention it...


Joey: Something tells me Raven's back to his maniacal ways.

Taz: Yeah, that's for sure.



The match is an even contest as both pairs team up well.

By the thirteenth minute, Angle and Lynn are fighting on the outside.


Monsters Inc run in.



They nearly drive Lance Storm through the canvas with a Double Chokeslam.

Punk makes the cover.


Match Rating: C+


Joey: Damn it! Thanks to the Nest, CM Punk gets a pinfall victory over Lance Storm ahead of their International All Action Title match at Cyberslam.

Taz: Safety in numbers, Joey. Oh, and speaking of which...


Taz's comment notes the fact that Raven and Burchill have joined their associates in the ring.



Raven: Unfortunately, what was supposed to be one order of business has become two. So, quite simply, Vito, if I find out that you are frateninsing with those dropout brothers of yours, there will be hell to pay!


A faint "Iron Saints" chant emerges from certain sections of the crowd.


Raven: Now, onto my primary purpose for being out here. It's time to face things head on! Masked man, whoever the f**k you are, it's time for you to live up to your monniker and be a man. So, here I am... no tricks; no nothing. I've told my Nest not to involve themselves, so, come out here for an objective confrontation.


Joey: Yeah... right.


Sure enough, the masked man emerges from the backstage area.



However, unlike before, he is unarmed and seems more hesitant.

Nevertheless, he slowly makes his way to the ring.


Suddenly, The Candian Connection jump him from behind.



Joey: Oh, look out!

Taz: Well, I guess we now know what that earlier conversation was about.


The Connection take down the masked man with clubbing blows before Christian nails him with an Unprettier on the concrete floor.

Jericho follows up with a Walls Of Jericho as the Nest approach as a unit.

Monsters Inc drag the lifeless body back to the ring and the group proceed to pick him apart.

Double Chokeslam by the monsters!

C-4 by Burchill!

Finally, Punk picks up the masked man and throws him to Raven.

Raven Effect!


Joey: Oh, this is carnage!


Raven bends down and grabs the mask.


Taz: Well, I think we're gonna find out who it is.


The World Champion rips off the mask...


It's Vito.



Taz: Haha, I think the master of mindgames just got played!


Raven kicks the bottom rope in frustration, realising that he has been duped.

Suddenly, a clearly altered voice is heard over the PA system.


Voice: Hahahaha, did you honestly think it would be that easy?


Raven is clearly livid.


Voice: Don't worry, champ. You'll find out who I am soon enough but only at a time that suits me. In the meantime, just remember that the apple, no matter how sour, never falls far from the tree.


The voice laughs again and the feed cuts out.


Number One Contender's Match for the World Tag Team Championship


The match is another even contest.

However, Los Increibles get the last laugh, winning when Mysterio hit a Tornado DDT on Chavo at 12:17

Match Rating: B-


Paul Heyman is backstage.



Heyman: Owen Hart has not been at the arena tonight; he's still in his hotel room in Manhattan. For me, that's proof enough that he cannot be the masked man as the mystery attacker has already made two appearance tonight. Therefore, I am resigning tonight's main event. If Owen Hart can make it to the arena in time tonight, he will face Kensuke Sasaki in the Semi-Final of the Number One Contendership Tournament!


The camera cuts to Kensuke Sasaki in the locker room.



Upon hearing the announcement, he immediatley starts warming up.


Masato Tanaka enters and takes a drink of water from his bag.



When he turns around and sees Sasaki, the two men staredown.


Suddenly, Steve Corino bursts in with a chair.



He takes out both of his nemeses with the weapon and leaves looking very pleased with himself.


Taz: Well, that could handicap Sasaki in the main event.

Joey: To be fair, though, we don't even know if Owen will get here in time!




Jericho, clearly boosted by the news that he and Christian will be in the Three Way Dance, performs very well.

He wins with a Lionsault at 10:52

Match Rating: A


The camera cuts to the parking lot where Owen Hart is getting out of his car.



He is in such a hurry that he doesn't bother to park it.

He throws his keys to a nearby attendant.


Hart: Hey, man, do me a favour...


Attendant: No problem.


Owen rushes, with his bag over his shoulder, into the backstage area, as Kensuke Sasaki's music can be heard over the loudspeakers, and heads towards the locker room.

He is about to go in and get changed when a security guard comes up to him.


Guard: I don't think you have time. Word is that there's only about thirty seconds 'til the main event.


Hart: Damn it!


Owen simply drops his bag in the corridor and sprints to the ring.

He reaches ringside just as his music hits and as Kensuke Sasaki is already waiting in the ring.


Taz: He's here!

Joey: We've got a match!



Despite competing in street clothes, Owen is surprisingly dominant.

He controls the match and wins with a Sharpshooter at 14:07

Match Rating: A*


Joey: It's Owen and Rhino in the final next week on Revolution!

Taz: That'll be one helluva match!


Show Rating: B+

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Haha, granted, I'm a bit drunk while posting this but the guessing on the ID of the masked man is great from my perspective :D.


I'll try and get the last TV card up tommorow and then give you guys a good chance to vote on all the match entrants/stipulations.


Stay tuned...


PS. Thanks for the feedback, as always, boys ;).


Quote The Raven


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Monday, week 4, April

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Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Don Callis...

Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

Callis: Ladies and gentlemen, we are just four days away from the totally interactive pay-per-view spectacle that is Cyberslam!

Gertner: Don, I can't wait 'til this Friday. If recent ECW pay-per-views are anything to go by, Cyberslam should be amazing... So, then, what have we got on the card tonight?

Callis: Well, Paul Heyman is responsible for the booking of three matches tonight. Of course, there is the main event: the Number One Contendership Tournament Final between Rhino and Owen Hart.

Gertner: ...Which should be awesome!

Callis: Also, in view of last Saturday's backstage hostilities, Paul E has declared that a three way hardcore battle between Kensuke Sasaki, Masato Tanaka and Steve Corino will take place.

Gertner: Oh, man, that could be brutal!

Callis: Finally, a makeshift tag team match has been signed as the TV Champion, Chris Jericho, and the All Action Champion, CM Punk, team up to face their opponents at Cyberslam, Rob Van Dam and Lance Storm.

Gertner: Sweet... and, if I'm not mistaken, there is also Monsters Inc against The Iron Saints to look forward to as well as Cactus Jack versus The Sandman.

Callis: Spot on, Joel. The former was signed by the tyrannical ECW Commisioner, Raven, and the latter is a mutually accepted challenge.

Gertner: Right, then, let's get to it!



The experience of Los Guerreros proves too much for London & Kendrick.

The Mexicans win at 9:17 when Eddie hits a Frog Splash on Paul London.

Match Rating: C+


Bret Hart approaches Paul Heyman backstage.



Hart: Hey, Paul E, I need a word.


Heyman: Shoot.


Hart: Oh I intend to...


As Heyman contemplates the double entendre, he realises Hart is deadly serious.


Hart: When I took on The Canadian Connection a few weeks ago in what was, effectively, a handicap match, I knew that the odds weren't in my favour. However, I was willing to be a fighting champion and give the ECW fans something that they wanted to see. What do I get in return? No rematch; no push up the card; no nothing!


Heyman: I'm sorry, Bret. What do you want me to do?


Hart: I want a rematch for my TV Title this Friday night!


Heyman: I can't do that, Bret. RVD is already scheduled to face Jericho.


Suddenly, Hart grabs Heyman by the lappels on his leather jacket. and slams him against a wall.


Hart: Paul, I came to ECW because I was promised a fair crack of the whip. I came here so that I didn't have to continue to put up with the politics in the Federation. The problem is that I'm not finding this place to be too different.


Heyman: I understand why you feel under-appreciated and I'm sorry, Bret. I really am. I'll tell you what I can do...


Hart: I'm listening.


Bret continues to hold Heyman against the wall.


Heyman: Well, regardless of whether it's a cage match or not, I want to make sure that the Nest are not able to interfere in the title match on Friday.


Hart: So?


Heyman: So, I'm gonna give a choice to the fans as to who your opponent will be at Cyberslam. They'll be able to pick from anyone in the Nest who doesn't already have a match.


Hart: And how does this help me?


Heyman: Well, if you win said match, I'll give you a shot at the World Title.


Hart tightens his grip.


Hart: WHEN?


Heyman: Soon... Real soon.


Hart finally lets go.


Hart: Okay. I don't want to be unreasonable, Paul...


Heyman: I know but could I possibly ask a small favour?


Hart motions for him to continue.


Heyman: Next time, could you maybe just prod me or something.


Bret smiles and the two men shake hands.



The match is an evenly contested, hardcore brawl.

By the twelfth minute, the action has spilled out of the ring indefinitely.

As the competitors brawl their way up the aisle and to the back, Jim Molineaux realises he has lost control and calls for a no contest.

Despite the ruling, the fist fighting does not stop.

Match Rating: B+


Raven and Burchill are sitting in the locker room backstage.



Raven: Burchill, there aren't many times when I feel the need to reveal such a weakness or insecurity but I have to ask you a question.


Burchill: Feel free, boss.


Raven: I am aware that you have a title shot at Hardcore Heaven and I need to know...


Burchill: Boss, I know what you're going to ask. As far as Hardcore Heaven is concerned, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. As for this Friday, I'll be more than happy to count 1...2...3 and help you cement your position as the dominant force in ECW.


Raven takes Burchill's face in his hands.


Raven: Burchill, you are a good servant and you have been ever since we first joined forces a year ago. However, should you feel the need to "fly the nest", I will seal your fate with a simple snap of my fingers. If you betray me, Burchill, I will have your neck!


With that said, Raven exits the room, leaving his protege looking stunned.



The power of Monsters Inc may have been challenge enough to begin with.

Combined with interference from the Nest, The Iron Saints are destroyed.

Brandon falls victim to a pinfall after a Double Chokeslam at 8:24

Match rating: B+


After the match, the rest of the Nest enter the ring.



Raven orders the monsters to hold Brandon and Salvatore still.

Then, Burchill hits the C-4 on Sal.


Raven: Vito, its time for you to prove your loyalty. At this time, when there are so many nemeses after my blood, your fealty is paramount!


Goliath throws Brandon to Vito.

Vito hooks him up on his shoulders for a Vito Driver.


Raven: Do it!


Vito hesitates.


Raven: Do it now, Vito, lest you want to be the one on the wrong end of an ass kicking!


Vito hesitates again.

Abyss approaches him menacingly.


Gertner: Oh, Vito Driver on Sal!

Callis: Vito clearly pressured into assaulting his own brother... this is despicable.



The match is an even hardcore brawl from the start.

However, in the tenth minute, Cactus Jack begins to take the advantage.


Chris Benoit runs in.



Callis: What the hell is he doing here?


Benoit clubs Cactus in the back, leaving him wide open for a White Russina Legsweep.


Match Rating: A


After the match, benoit applies the Crossface to Cactus as Sandman lays the boots in.


Gertner: Well, I guess that's payback for Cactus Jack's attack on Benoit last week.

Callis: That was completely different! He was saving Tommy Dreamer.


Tommy Dreamer comes running out with a Singapore cane in hand.



Gertner: Talk of the devil...


Dreamer sprints to the ring and takes out his old nemesis, Sandman, with a stiff caneshot.

Benoit stands to meet the challenge but is floored in similar fashion.

Dreamer sends both men fleeing to the back.

After the fight is one, he helps up Cactus Jack and accompanies him to the back.


Callis: Well, it's good to see Tommy return the favour.



The match is an even contest with both teams pairing up competently as Traci does some good work at ringside.

In the fourteenth minute, CM Punk lowblows RVD.

Lance Storm sees this happen and engages Punk in a brawl that spills to the outside.

Meanwhile, Jericho realises RVD is still prone and goes for a Lionsault.


Shawn Michaels sprints to the ring in record time.



As Jericho springs onto the middle rope, Michaels jumps onto the apron.

Sweet Chin Music!

Jericho crashes backwards to the mat.

RVD rolls over to make the cover.


Match Rating: C+


After the match, Michaels plus all the match's competitors start to brawl.


The Nest runs to the ring to aid CM Punk.



Raven's followers dominate the competition and clear the ring.


Owen Hart emerges from the back.



The potential Number One Contender sprints to the ring.

He leaps onto the apron, springs off the top rope and takes out Monsters Inc.


Rhino comes to ringside through the crowd.



He enters the ring and dominates.

He punts Punk in the mid-section and throws him through the ropes.

Burchill falls victim to a Gore.

Meanwhile, Owen hits a Piledriver on Vito.

Rhino then whips Raven to the ropes and Gores him to the outside as Owen drives the two monsters over the opposite ropes with a Double Clothesline.

Both Hart and Owen play to the crowd and take a few steps backwards.

They bump into each other and turn sharply.


Callis: Oh, here we go!

Gertner: This main event is gonna rule!


Referee John Finnegan enters the ring and teh match is underway.


Final of the Number One Contendership Tournament


The match is a very even contest that really engages the crowd.

In the eighth minute, the Nest innevitably becomes involved.


The masked man comes running out with a steel chair..



The mystery vigilante takes out Raven's followers in a similar way to the previous few shows.

He then steps into the ring and swings the chair.

However, his target, raven, ducks.

Owen Hart is floored!

As Raven rolls to the outside and the masked man laments his mistake, the lights cut out.

When they come back on, Rhino is poised.


Callis: Look out, Owen!


As Hart turns around...



Match rating: B (they didn't click - arse :mad:)


Gertner: Rhino will face Raven on Friday night at Cyberslam!

Callis: Yeah but how aggrieved must Owen feel?


Show Rating: B+

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